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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  November 15, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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hosted by pete hegseth live on fox nation this thursday, tomorrow, november 16th from nashville, tennessee, 8:00 p.m. eastern and. >> bill: they do such an amazing job. >> dana: i have the best surprise guest coming on "the five" tomorrow and it's a dream come true. out of nashville. >> bill: country singer? >> dana: country singer who lives in nashville. want to take a guess? he doesn't know any country music singers. >> bill: i have done very well. >> dana: not garth brooks. >> bill: eric church? >> dana: no. let me tell you, it is big and want to watch it. >> osborn brothers. >> dana: i said one guest. not two. let us know if you can guess who my guest will be. "the faulkner focus" is next. here she is. >> harris: right now the israeli military is facing bloody street
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fights with hamas terrorists. israel released new video of soldiers taking control of an outpost in gaza. here it is. [explosions and gunfire] >> harris: the idf is going room to room now inside gaza's largest hospital. they say they are finding weapons and military gear there and they are searching for any information on the some 240 hostages. hamas terrorists took those people during the october 7th attack on israel. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." israel says this is a targeted operation to protect the patients inside that huge hospital, yet go after hamas leadership. and a flip here by the biden administration. remember for days now they've been criticizing israel over the hospital operation. and then now a change.
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the pentagon has confirmed what the israelis showed the world yesterday. the terrorists are, in fact, operating inside hospitals. national security spokesman john kirby here. >> i can confirm that we have information that hamas and the palestinian islamic jihad use some hospitals in the gaza strip, including al-shifa, and tunnels underneath them, to conceal and support their military operations and to hold hostages. they have stored weapons there and they are prepared to respond to an israeli operation against that facility. >> harris: people shaken after they watched video of the october 7th atrocities. terrorists had cameras slaughtering men, women, children, one in front of each one of them and killing the last one. it's torture.
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senators are planning a wider viewing tomorrow in their chamber. >> these horrific images of atrocities are etched into my memory forever. >> you could have heard a pin donald trump except for the sighs and cries in the rooms. >> horrific seasons that i can't get into detail because they are so disgusting. they are a terror organization, a cult. >> harris: the devil is what they are incar gnat. michigan democrat haley stevens posted i'm gutted. this is barbarism. an attack on all humanity. california republican darrell issa said watching the footage made me sick to my stomach. heartbreaking and dramatic newly-released video from october 7th shows the bravery of a young off-duty soldier defending civilians inside a
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rocket shelter as the terrorists tossed in grenades. the soldier lobbing them right back before they would explode one after another and another. seven times he did that before he himself was killed by the eighth grenade. his actions saved lives, especially those seven people inside. but even further than that, because while that was going on, obviously some were maybe able to get away. alex hogan is in northern israel where the idf has launched counter attacks on the border with lebanon. first of all, that point of bravery by that young man just an angel on earth. >> there have been so many stories of people who tried to shield others on october 7th and lost their own life as a result of that. so many stories of bravery. thousands of people are recovering from those injuries
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but there is also a completely separate conflict playing out here in israel right now. that is on the border of israel and lebanon where we are in the north. sirens just went off. hearing reports of a potential foreign drone in the air. there is also the sound of machine guns and artillery fire on the border between israel and lebanon. it was earlier today when hezbollah fired a range of attacks on the hillside behind us. most of these little villages are evacuated but this is what it looks like when you hear the sound of an incoming attack. [sirens] >> right now we're able to watch what's happening, the explosions taking place.
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this is the smoke just outside of the shelter. we can hear the loud booms of artillery overhead. major conflict here. we're hearing more sound of artillery now. this is in the south in gaza where the idf is inside the al-shifa hospital releasing these images. so far soldiers have uncovered ammunition and other military infrastructure. days of stand-off outside of this hospital before today to prevent more civilian casualties. israel's defense said that it has taken control of the north and also uncovered hamas training center with tunnels, even a classroom and dozens of weapons. but as far as the concerns for civilians who are caught in all of this, israel has now green lighted the shipment to gaza for humanitarian reasons of fuel. this is the first fuel truck to
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drive through the rafah crossing and this footage here. israel had previously not allowed fuel shipments saying hamas would use the fuel to fight back. criticism from local officials saying it hamas is yangs it as a weapon. it's on the al-shifa hospital. more details about the dozens of premature babies in the hospital. they reportedly have been moved to a certain part of the hospital that does have electricity. harris. >> harris: thank you for the update. the hospital controversy is exposing a double standard when it comes to reporting on israel. you see how detailed alex and mike tobin and trey yengst have been on what they can get in the field and bringing forth transparency and truth. in a war zone. the "wall street journal" editorial board points this out and here is what it writes. in 2016, u.s. released a
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statement, coalition strikes mosul hospital. the islamic state explained was using the hospital as a base of operations. accordingly the u.s.-led coalition conducted precision strikes. this story or rather the scandal wasn't that the u.s. struck the terrorists where they hid, no, the way it got report evidence was that terrorists had used the hospital for cover in the first place, didn't come out. what did in gaza, hamas terrorists used the same war crime tactics. only now observers are rushing to apologize for it. in "focus", retired u.s. army general jack keane, fox news senior strategic analyst and thank you for being with me, general. battlefields are difficult enough without be misrerouted and misrepresented what is going on on the ground. all of it puts a lot of pressure on israel. they have to know that the p.r.
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is part of the problem. >> certainly they do. they know full well that hamas attack on october 7th was intended to get a violent response back from the israelis and get widespread international condemnation and also an isolation of israel geo politically. certainly the condemnation has happened. the isolation to some degree, but not to a large degree. so yes, this has always been an information war from the outset. hamas has known how to exploit it for the last 16 years and doing so. what they didn't count on, though, harris, is that the israelis have made up their mind this is it. we are going to dismantle hamas once and for all. hamas knew that israel would come into gaza and conduct attacks. but they didn't count on the fact that they have a singular aim and that is to destroy the
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effectiveness of this organization and based on everything i see so far, they do not intend to stop until they have accomplished that objective. the reason is if they fall short of it, hamas will rise again and down the road we'll see this again. how do we know that? they've already told us. one of the leaders was on network last weekend saying just that. there would be a second, a third, a fourth and fifth attack. so yes, this is a complicated operation and certainly what is happening around al-shifa hospital with five buildings in that very large complex having tunnels underneath it and having to bring in specially-trained troops to deal with the reality of a tunnel complex, terrorists and possibly innocent civilians also. that is a very demanding operation. but the israelis are up for this. they train special units to be able to deal with something as complex as that. >> harris: and i'm so glad you pointed it out.
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it really is a special unit that can handle ambushes, booby-traps, protecting civilians, all the like all at once in anaire that wasn't built for them but for the enemy. the pentagon released video showing retaliatory u.s. air strikes in eastern syria that happened on sunday. it was the third time the u.s. hit back against iran's proxies, the bought, paid for, trained killers that they have fighting for them against us. they've hit our troops 53 times in that region. well, it doesn't seem like the deterrents and now it popped up to 56. it doesn't seem like the deterrents of the three times we hit them is close to working. 56 u.s. service members have been hurt as well. one american contractor killed. and given that aggression, a lot of backlash over the biden administration just renewing sanctions. they just renewed a sanctions waiver with all of this going on
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and they know iran is behind this with its proxies. the move could allow iran to access up to $10 billion from iraq, the state department playing defense as you might imagine. let's watch. >> they get their hands on 0 additional dollars as a result of these waivers. again none of these funds are sent to iran held in thirty party accounts outside i ran and used for the benefits of the iranian people. >> harris: it's not back from the dead. look at this. isis is posting videos online. it's calling for attacks using suicide bombing vests on jewish people in the u.s. and in europe. also at israeli embassies worldwide and u.s. bases in the persian gulf. a short time ago the f.b.i. had christopher wray spoke directly to this during a house hearing underway right now on threats to the homeland. >> we've seen a rogue gallery of
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foreign terrorist organizations call for attacks against americans and our allies. isis urged its followers to target jewish communities in the united states and europe. given those calls for action, our most immediate concern is that individuals or small groups will draw twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks here at home. >> harris: general, you know the first time somebody hears the word isis again in this way the question is we thought we had taken them out completely. talk to me about that and how much you think this -- what it means that they're in the game now. >> well, you covered a lot there. a couple of points. number one, this attack that hamas did and the worldwide coverage that it has received has really energized radical islamic movements worldwide. certainly our intelligence services have got to be watching this like a hawk particularly given the open border that we
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have in the united states. and also potential attacks at our u.s. bases and embassies around the world. the antenna clearly has to be up for something like this. in terms of the money going to the iranians, i mean, i'm stunned that after all this time that they would -- the administration would do something like this. $10 billion? any amount of money going to iran we just have to accept the fact regardless of what safeguards we think we have, regardless of what our well intentions are here, the reality is the money is going to be used how this iranians see fit. and their number one priority is to fund their proxies in the middle east. and it's not only irresponsible to do something like this, harris, it is reckless to do it. and that's the shame of it in terms of making a decision like that. can you imagine at this
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particular time when the iranian proxies are on the march in the middle east in full view of everybody that we'll help get them flush with additional money? it makes no sense. >> harris: it's almost as though the white house would prefer we go to war. they'll keep firing on us and proven we won't do much if they do and now they have extra cash. i wish they would defend that or have a fireside chat and explain it. general, thank you very much. always good to have you in "focus." president biden is facing a huge test on the world stage. in a few hours he will meet face-to-face with president xi of china. critics are not optimistic. >> i worry a little bit what concessions he might grant or the way he frames the summit meeting. we want to improve our relationship. we don't have a relationship with china. china is your number one adversary in the world. >> harris: plus pray for the family of kylee. on american being wrongful
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le detined in china for seven years. this family is begging the family for help. they have held harrison lee's father for seven years. young harris will be in focus next. working with newday, my va home loan benefit allowed me to keep my money in my pocket. and my service was my down payment. i talked with newday on a thursday, put a contract on this house on saturday. 30 days later, we were moving in. i would tell
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>> harris: less than two hours away president biden will hold a high-stakes meeting with chinese president xi. that's the schedule for today. it is their first face-to-face meeting in more than a year. tensions between the united states and china, as you know, are sky high. there is that infamous chinese spy balloon that floated over the entire continent of the united states and stopping over military installations, you know, china's harassment of
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american aircraft. the u.s. diplomatic boycott of the beijing olympics and more. the president has laid out his goals for today. >> president biden: get back on a normal course of corresponding, being able to pick up the phone and talk to one another in a crisis. we aren't trying to decouple from china. what we're trying to do is change the relationship for the better. >> harris: the two leaders reportedly will be talking about deals for china to crack down on fentanyl and artificial intelligence and nuclear weapons and drones. critics say they doubt much will come from any of it. an editorial argues president xi will never track down on fentanyl and only sees the meeting as a way to burnish his image. he faces a credibility crisis at home. seeks to send a message to his caged people that their supreme leader is respected and even revered on the global stage.
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their economy is not doing well. he is not very popular right now. jacque heinrich in san francisco, which has been all cleaned up, made shiny like a new penny for the visit. >> that's right, harris. remember on this fentanyl deal former president trump signed a similar deal with china but china never enforced it. the biden administration is making sure it happens by lifting sanctions only if china does its part. >> the proof will be in the pudding. if they make these arrests and shut down these companies, then we'll be lifting a few sanctions, yes. >> does it include the china forensic police institute? >> we'll have more on that tomorrow. >> biden's nfc coordinator chain is beginning to take steps against the companies. the u.s. is watching and denied it would be off the table if
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biden criticizes xi or the chinese communist party. more announcements on restoring military to military communications and a.i. don't expect too much tough talk from biden. administration thinks the u.s. is better protected if china wants to cooperate with us. they see china's economic vulnerability as a pressure point. they have depreciating currency. businesses souring on investment and xi is here to tell executives that china is open for business. senate republicans say it is a bad move saying there is no such thing as healthy economic competition with china. that should be obvious as decades of china's intellectual property theft. massive subsydation of industries and the united states should not throw any sort of economic lifeline to xi. but the administration sees the reset as a good thing thinking the strength of the u.s. economy
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and partnerships in the indo-pacific has china on its heels. they point to china guarding basic information on its economy as national security information as evidence of china's weakness. they're cleaning up the city as a sign of respect to get this relationship stabilized, harris. >> harris: i wonder where they put the homeless people? maybe it will benefit them. we don't know. in el paso, texas, when the president went to the border it folded back in the minute he was gone. great reporting. thank you. the families of americans wrongfully detained by china are desperate for president biden to do something to bring their loved ones home. one person has been held for seven years. his family says he is a prisoner for politically-motivated reasons and what biden to advocate for him. his son, harrison, has written
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president biden several times urging him to push to secure his dad's release. he is in "focus" now. harrison, thank you for being with me. so sorry it is under these circumstances. maybe a conversation bringing light and attention can make a difference. first of all, you were just 19 years old when your dad was detained. can you tell me why he was in china? >> yes, my dad was in china because it was actually the one-year anniversary of his mother's passing and he was there to attend a memorial. he was not allowed to get off the plane. as soon as he landed at the airport, agents from the ministry of state security took him away and nobody has, you know, has been able to see him outside of the prison ever since. >> harris: how did your family find out that he was in the
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custody of the chinese government? >> yeah, so it took more than 24 hours of calls at the u.s. embassy before finally they received a letter from the chinese authorities with one sentence simply saying that he was being held on suspicion of espionage. now at this time go ahead. i was just going to say that at that time there was -- we had no idea where he was being held. we still don't know the location. he was put under this practice called residential surveillance at a designated location. basically it's an excuse to hold you up at some unknown place and interrogate you without legal representation for months on end every day and every night. >> harris: harrison, do you know anything about his physical condition, his health and also you say you don't know the location. do you know anything about that
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location in terms of what his living conditions would be? >> yeah, now since my father has been sentenced, he is now at a known location, a prison in shanghai. the conditions there certainly vary. they are not great. he is in an overcrowded cell with anywhere from 7 to 11 others. there is no climate control in there. and especially during the covid lockdowns, he was there in that cell for months straight 24/7, and yeah, i mean, you know, it is not a great place to be, you know. he suffered a stroke three years ago in prison. and we just, you know, we don't know really what else we can do to get the attention of our
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government because it is a failure that this has gone on for more than seven years now. >> dana: harrison lee. 26 years old in grad school. your whole life ahead of you. i pray will you be reunited with your father so he can see the wonderful young man that you are becoming and i pray for your family and if president biden could bring it up today and other americans being held. that kind of spotlight at a time when president xi is sensitive about his popularity at home. maybe that could help. god bless you, harrison. >> yes, thank you. that's exactly what we need. president biden today to bring this up with president xi and i think he has no excuse not to. show he cares about bringing americans home. thank you. >> harris: thank you. the drumbeat of anti-israel protesting is raging on college campuses. and now it is reaching a new level. a university that finally took a
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stand against anti-semitism is facing massive pushback from its own faculty. plus washington gone wild? senator bernie sanders had to step in with his voice to try to break up what could become a brawl in the middle of a hearing. watch this. >> stop it. no, sit down. sit down. you are a united states senator, sit down. hold it. hold it, please. >> harris: you will see more of that and the crazy times really don't end there. former congressman jason chaffetz on all of it in "focus" next.
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if you struggle with cpap, you should check out inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at >> harris: a wild day on capitol hill had both chambers looking suspect yesterday. insults flying during one hearing. another a brawl nearly broke up.
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claims things got physical in the halls of congress. >> being look like a smurf going around with all this stuff. you have already been proofed a liar. >> i would love to do it now. >> you stand your butt up right now. >> stop it. >> i with as in pain he hit me so hard. >> come on, now. >> i'm not going to swing at the low pitches. he knows what he did. >> harris: i'm here to defend the 12-year-olds. >> the capitol dome's nickname is the punch bowl. chairman comer is likening moskowitz to the small humanoids that live in mushroom homes was the softest punch thrown yesterday. former speaker mccarthy accused of elbowing burchett in the kidneys. he voted to remove him as speaker.
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listen here, harris, to the audio of the alleged incident. >> why did you elbow me in the back, kevin? kevin, you got any guts? jerk. i sat there and reporter said it right there. what kind of chicken move is that? you are pathetic, man. >> no love lost there. bernie sanders struggled to keep oklahoma's mull-in coming to blows with a witness he accused of taunting him on social media. >> hold it. if we can't -- no, i have the mic, i'm sorry, hold it. you will have your time. >> can i respond? >> no, you can't. this is a hearing. god knows the american people have enough contempt for congress let's not -- >> i don't like thugs. >> i don't like you. >> maybe you run your mouth in new jersey. i'm not from new jersey. this is a thug that's a mob boss
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and you are supposed to be intimidating because he is the boss of the teamsters. i'm not looking for a fight. >> what brought on the congressional drawling no one really knows. someone suggested it is the late nights and long hours starting to get to them. who knows? maybe time to bring the duals back. >> harris: when you call somebody a smurf? i'm not sure that's bringing it hard. maybe they can all just get along. griff, thank you. jason chaffetz now, former utah congressman and fox news contributor. one of the funnier part of all the defensiveness is they are working too hard. have they talked to parents of people with kids going to school hungry in this country? the price of food is so high? so much more they could be punching at ate this point. >> if i knew congress would be this much fun i should have stayed.
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look, nobody is going to accuse congress of working too hard. they just announced they will go on recess. they just announced literally that they'll go on recess in the house for two more weeks. so when you go back to your district you do things, maybe there is a little bit of cooling off. there is a deep seeded frustration in congress. they haven't been able to do their jobs. i used to joke somewhat seriously that it is exhausting doing nothing in congress. they do put in long hours, they do a lot of things but then they punt and now we'll address the budget i guess in january. i think i probably would have voted an supported speaker johnson in that move but congress is frustrated on a lot of fronts. >> harris: you know what they do when kids act out. they put them in recess. you need a break. maybe that's what's happening. breaking developments now in the hunter biden legal scandal. this is going on. he is facing that criminal case
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on tax and gun charges. everybody remembers that sweetheart plea deal that fell apart over the summer after the judge could not make any sense of it. now the president's son is moving to subpoena former president trump, former a.g. bill barr, and two others. the president's attorney filed a motion with the judge to call those people as witnesses. he says the goal is to find out if hunter biden's prosecution was a result of political pressure. jason. >> i don't think you would have to subpoena donald trump to want to come testify in the hunter biden case. i don't see any evidence that president trump was pushing politically to get these prosecutions done because they weren't. this is happening years after donald trump left. i can tell you when i was in congress working with donald trump trying to actually get the
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department of justice to cough up documents from the attorney general, he was arms length. wouldn't make the call. did nothing with the department of justice. to my great frustration. they can go ahead and try to build that case and bring the president in there. my guess is the president will be first in line to say yeah? let's talk about this. i will tell you what was going on and what should have been going on but what didn't happen. >> harris: all right. let's get to this. we've seen widespread anti-israel protests across the america and the free press are reporting that some of them were largely funded by a very wealthy american couple. tech entrepreneur neville roy singman and his wife, jody evans. for years he has been the main flow of cash of the people's form. the people's forum has co-organized at least four of those huge protests we've seen since october 7th. the couple gave more than $20
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million to the people's forum from 2017 to 2022. he is also reportedly a china sympathizer with close ties to four propaganda news site. this summer senator rubio asked for the d.o.j. to investigate whether singman and his web of nonprofits complied with the foreign agents registration act or fara as it's known. jason. >> she was evidently behind code pink. there was a time in the country we disagree on things and have different ways of getting there but we believe in america. from what i've read, my personal opinion and what i've seen of these people they don't like america and don't want a successful america. they want to tear down america. when you see a lot of these protests and things supposedly
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spontaneous, they rarely are. i'm not saying three tied to the antifa riots and everything going on with blm but those things are well funded from outside. millions of dollars are flowing to make those things happen from people who don't like the united states of america and want to see her fail. >> harris: you know what's interesting what you said? you don't have to tie all of it to antifa and blm and the other things. the thing is it's a constellation that's happening around. it's chaos, an opportunity for somebody with billions of dollars to step in and perhaps push an agenda that is anti-american. it all doesn't have to work together but it can all be happening at the same time. jason, thank you. well, so much for that censure. squad member rashida tlaib still is spewing anti-israel rhetoric. she has been supporting hamas terrorists for years. polls show americans are not
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>> harris: white house a feeling
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pressure to sell that unpopular bidenomics. polls show americans are not buying any of it. families are bracing for the most expensive thanksgiving meal since the bureau of labor statistics has kept track. prices for turkey, bread, potatoes, desert up across the board. 31%. for the average bakery good. the progressive change campaign committee co-founder told "politico" democrats can't just hammer people over the head with insistence the economy is great. we have to acknowledge pain and pivot. there are ways that we can optimize that pivot to hit trump for mismanaging the economy. hum. i don't think that will work, either. poll after poll showing voters are saying they are not focusing on much other than the economy. the white house keeps trying. >> i think that this is a sign
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that bidenomics is doing what we would hope that it would do and that people are starting to feel it in their pocket books, too. >> whether it's healthcare, bringing down gas prices, more than 14 million jobs created. that's bidenomics. that is what bidenomics has been able to do. >> president biden: folks, bidenomics, this is no accident. >> harris: power panel now. former deputy chief of staff at the department of hud under trump and richard fowler fox news contributor. great to have you. richard, what is the disconnect here? clearly people are not feeling what bidenomics and the messaging is trying to sell. why don't they pivot? >> i think i will be making my own sweet potato pie. not buy one. the truth. i think we've seen this over and over again. people don't truly understand what bidenomics actually is, but when they see some of the impacts of it, not the polling,
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but actual votes which are the real polls. >> harris: give me an example. the white house can't do it. one example. >> i can give you the kentucky governor's race and what governor beshear building new highways, battery plants happening there. that is bidenomics. that is bidenomics. >> harris: who pays for the turkey? >> are people feeling the impacts? no. are the -- are the bills he has passed having effect? they are. >> harris: are they having effects and feeling it. ? not working. >> i would imagine they have an effect people would be able to feel it. i would imagine this they were having effects the statistics with thanksgiving goods increasing by several percentage points compared to years past would be indicative of people being able to feel it, right? i would also want to talk about the fact the treasury department
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had a very difficult time, harris, just a week ago, selling new treasury notes. we are spending money through the roof in this country and americans are tired of it. republicans really did let me down, harris, by passing another c.r. the american people don't want continuous c.r.s. pay for the bills of the past but cut spending moving forward and neither party seems to be interested in doing that. >> harris: an urgent message, senator schumer says he is talking with senator mcconnell to see if we can come to an agreement to expedite the c.r. yeah, okay. we'll move on. just what he said. fox news has learned far left congresswoman rashida tlaib, remember she was censured for her anti-semitic comments. she has been part of a secret facebook group in which members have glamorized hamas terrorists for years. six years ago she joined that controversial online group
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palestinian american congress. hidden from non-members and doesn't appear on the platform's search engine.quotes from the p. richard, your reaction. >> i think the quotes are very disturbing and we can agree hamas is indeed a terrorist organization and with that being said, you can't be responsible for everything that happens in a private facebook group you are a part of. it doesn't mean i said it. membership and saying it are two different things. the fact she was censured by the congress speaks to the fact that members of her own house find it problematic. when we think about this as a year away from the election it will come up to the voters. if the voters of her district feels they want to elect her or not. >> if i belonged the a group
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that spread hatred, bigotry may not be my beliefs but i would be willing to bet most of the viewers watching your show would probably say i would no longer belong to that group. i wouldn't belong to that text exchange that richard just pointed an example. this stuff is appalling to me. it is not becoming of a member of congress and in my opinion, democrat should find someone else to replace her. we see high numbers of anti-semitism across the country right now. israeli people in this country, jewish people in the country who are afraid to go to work, afraid their kids going to college campuses. we need to do something about this. having a member of congress part of a group that is clearly anti-semitic is very problematic. >> harris: i refuse that believe
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that after six years you wouldn't know what they were saying. it doesn't mean when you said it but it doesn't mean you don't know what's being said after that many years. only voters can take somebody away. they could take her off any committees if they haven't already considered it. >> that's up to the speaker of the house. when we have these type of conversations important to point out when we talk about anti-semitism and the impacts of islamaphobia and the f.b.i. director on capitol hill. >> harris: this is not commoner -- >> i agree but there are both sides. >> harris: 60% of threats against people in this country are against jewish americans. there is no equivalent to that even brown skin even at this moment in history. i will let you go. "outnumbered" after the break.
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