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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  November 16, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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sa >> that was great. everyone support them. they support our soldiers. he serves our country. go to your website craig, buy or download songs from "enlisted." >> when you were singing with him and you were getting really excited. >> i tried to get up there. >> steve: you'll sing the national anthem tonight here. make a suggestion, buddy movies, fight crime and do stuff. that's the synergy i'm getting. >> i felt assured i would get shot by him at some point. >> lawrence: don't forge watch the patriot awards streaming live tonight at 8:00 p.m. pete hegseth hosting.
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[shouting] >> bill: there was a lot where this came from. last night. chaos in d.c. pro-palestinian protestors on the streets fighting with capitol hill police outside a dnc headquarters. this went on for a while. quite a contrast from the march the day before. good morning, everybody. bill hemmer live in new york. friend and colleague rejoins us today. good morning. >> martha: i'm martha maccallum. dana is off today. this is "america's newsroom." >> bill: she got the invite to go to nashville. we're back home. >> martha: we have a little nashville promo this morning. you see the video of what happened last night and it was pretty disturbing. at least six officers were injured in that melee. one protestor was arrested. the crowd falling for a cease-fire in the israel/hamas war and using the violence
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eventually last night to try to make their case. >> bill: they were in the faces of police officers shoving them. trying to grab hold of barricades. police trying to keep the peace. there were injuries and arrests. confrontation forcing the evacuation of democratic lawmakers having a meeting in the basement of that building. griff jenkins has the fallout live outside dnc headquarters in washington, d.c. good morning, griff. >> good morning. it's calm today. nothing left here except for trash and police barricades. we can push in on the doors of the dnc here a few blocks behind the longworth house office building. it started, 150 pro-palestinian protestors gathered in front of these doors blockadeing. you can see police barricades still up today. we have only seen a few staffers coming and going. it was, as you mentioned, quite the contrast to what we saw on
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tuesday. take a look here at your screen. we can show you on tuesday in the pro-israel march i was with nearly 300,000 there and then on the other side of your screen the mayhem that spilled out into the streets. you had literally protestors demanding a cease-fire. the pro-palestinian protestors demanding a cease-fire while punching and cursing capitol police officer forcing the u.s. capitol to lock down. sherman posted this. was just evacuated from the dcn after anti-israel protestors grew violent and pepper sprayed police officers and attempting to break into the building. over in the capitol, locked down, congresswoman luna said she was locked in her office with her husband and newborn baby fearing what she called uncontrolled protestors. in the end, six officers injured, one arrested for assaulting an officer, yet
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protest organizers out here last night claimed it was peaceful. listen here. >> the folks in that building tonight. the folks in democratic leadership hasn't been listening to the 80% of us to stop the genocide of palestinians. and instead of being met with leaders engaging with us, instead of being met again our protests, we were met by police. >> the protest organizers saying 90 of their protestors were injured in last night's mayhem. we've seen a little bit of the capitol police officers making rounds. no presence permanently here. we aren't aware of any further protest actions. last night's came out of nowhere. we're monitoring the social media of groups involved like the democrat socialists of america and jewish voice for peace action group. >> bill: thank you, back to you when we get more news on what went down. all right, now martha i want to
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take you to boston, massachusetts. this is near the campus of boston university. there is a bridge there and this from a moment ago. there are what appears to be a couple dozen at least from a group called if not now. that's a jewish group demanding a cease-fire and some of the signs you can see, martha say jews say cease-fire now. others that read let gaza live and free the hostages. >> martha: a multi-million dollar tech mogul is allegedly bankrolling the groups behind several anti-israel protests. he and his wife, an activist, jody evans. are reportedly the primary funders of a left wing organization called the people's forum. the groups behind several protests that caused major disruptions in new york and washington. cb cotton has more on that. if you wonder who is printing
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the posters and organizing this cb has the details live in new york city. good morning. >> hi, martha, good morning. a new report says the money trail behind at least four massive pro-palestinian rallies here in new york city and d.c. leads back to this couple. the free press reporting tech entrepreneur neville singham and his wife gave $20 million to the people's form. they have pro-palestinian signs plastered everywhere the group claiming to advocate for marginalized communities. they organized this november 4th protest in washington, d.c. and this rally thousands flooding times square on october 8th. the free press reporting the deep pocketed couple have long been tied to social justice or marxist movements. a "new york times" investigation linking the tech entrepreneur to
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at least four nonprofits peddling chinese propaganda. he denies any ties to the chinese communist party but reportedly lives in shanghai. this june his wife had nothing but praise for china and its political system on this video. >> the idea that ccp controls everything is so crazy. what a crazy notion we've been sold. >> now, we've repeatedly reached out to the people's forum about their ties to this couple but have not heard back. the people's forum is co-organizing another rally to be held this friday called shut it down for palestinian. >> martha: thank you very much. cb cotton reporting from new york. >> president biden: the united states will continue to compete vigorously with the prc but we'll manage that competition responsibly so it doesn't veer
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into conflict or accidental conflict. >> bill: northern california, president biden talking to reporters for 20 minutes after his high-stakes one-on-one meeting with the chinese president xi yesterday afternoon. the two leaders meeting face-to-face, first time in about a year. that summit in northern california. mike gallagher republican outs of wisconsin, chairman of the house china committee. thank you. they spoke for 3 1/2 hours or so and while this was happening, the chinese foreign ministry put out a statement about taiwan and then at the end of the press conference last night, this is what president biden was asked about president xi still being what he considered a dictator. >> [inaudible] . >> president biden: look, he is. he is a dictator in the sense he is the guy who runs the country that is -- based on a government
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different than ours. >> bill: before that there were nice words. how did you read it based on the output from california? >> i have to say that president biden is correct, xi jinping is a dictator. when john kerry who was in these meetings was asked whether xi was a dictator he refused to answer and instead said xi is a major decider. i expect the president's handlers will try to clean that up. as for the meeting itself it is important to understand that getting this meeting has been the focus of u.s. foreign policy for the past year. the stakes were very high and thus far all we have are promises of future talks and potentially new pandas coming back to the d.c. zoo. i'm afraid that's very disappointing because we have taken our foot off the gas when it comes to things like sanctioning chinese officials or human rights abuses, pushing back against pressure against
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taiwan. transparency around the spy balloon orr edge -- origins of covid. the military to military communication channel is good. that won't be enough for taiwan. >> the align answers growing in the world. it is important the united states strengthen its ties australia, japan and other countries in the region. china does not want to see that. that's the meat of where this reconstruction of the geopolitical world is right now. do you think they talked about that at all? >> i don't know if that was a subject of the conversation. a lot of the most important things that happened at apec had nothing to do with biden and xi's conversation but were
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precisely conversations among the allies, some who you just referenced. a tri lateral meeting between japan, us and south korea. a quad meeting reportedly very constructive. to your broader point, though, we need to push back against ccp aggression in concert with our regional allies. the goal of the ccp to server our treaty alliances in the region and push us out of the pacific back to hawaii as step one in a multi-step effort to achieve global domination and undermine american leadership. all the more reason we need to reinforce existing alliances and create new ones and bring partners more into the camp of the free world. >> bill: what the statement said. while the summit is happening taiwan, the question of taiwan is the most important and most sensitive issue in china/u.s. relations. end quote. move to the tiktok story. we've talked about this all
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morning. go for it. >> martha: so this disturbing trend on tiktok, congressman gallagher, of mostly young people, the ones i saw, sharing bin laden's letter to america that he wrote the year after 9/11 to sort of describe all the reasons for what he did and try to justify the attacks on 9/11. and these people responding to this letter, which has now been taken down, saying things like he was right. this is mind blowing. my mind is now open. they're so deeply disturbing to me as i watched them this morning and i would imagine as people start to get a look at this they'll be very disturbed as well. let's watch some of this. >> girl, what, they found the letter. >> what letter? >> the letter. >> what letter? >> bin laden. >> i just read a letter to
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america and i will never look at life the same. >> this is a really good example of narrative control. >> martha: congressman gallagher they say terrorism was sold to the american people as if these terrorists just woke up and said one morning we hate america, let's go kill as many people as we can and they conclude, one of them. it was just our government failing -- 9/11 was just our government failing other countries. what would you say about this, sir? >> well, these people are, of course, massive idiots. i just came from watching the footage that the israeli embassy compiled about the october 7th attack. it is horrific. you are seeing jihadists, hamas in this case but al qaeda was the same kind of organization, kill babies, behead innocent
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civilians with garden hoes. these images are very disturbing and show the true face of evil. so for someone on tiktok to somehow suggest this is america's fault or that bin laden, who killed thousands of innocent americans, was right is absolutely disgusting and further evidence that we need to ban tiktok or force a sale before a chinese-controlled app before the chinese communist party check mates the free world by controlling the dominant media platform in america that can spread this dangerous disgusting nonsense. it is time for a ban or forced sale before it is too late. >> bill: the letter is 21 years old and people felt like it just came out today. mike gallagher, thank you for your time. i know your feelings on tiktok. we'll see eventually if you get your way. thank you, sir. maybe the best example of what tiktok has done in this most recent middle east conflict is it's 4-1 stand with palestine
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versus stand with israel. 8-1. the balance is not quite there. for history you have to do the work and you have to put in the time. >> martha: that's the problem. these young people -- most of them i would guess had no 9/11 history class. this is their first understanding most likely of what happened on that day. i don't even want my friends who lost family members that day to be exposed to these young people and what they are saying because it would be so deeply upsetting to them. when you hear people saying he was right. this is america's fault. i mean, this is the question of freedom, do these young people want to wear head-to-toe burqa's every day? do they want the islamist version to take over america? that's what else bin laden writes about in the letter. that's what he says specifically. he says he wants the united
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states to renounce the culture of hypocrisy and become an islamic nation. so i hope they dig a little deeper. i think these videos will be very problematic for some of these young people as they go through life. i would just warn them to make sure that you know what you are talking about before you put your face on tiktok and start talking about bin laden as some kind of hero. it is absolutely disgusting. >> bill: the guardian has taken it down and issued an explanation as well. back to boston. a group called if not now. if you were with us about three weeks ago, it was a friday night at grand central station in mid town manhattan. there were 1,000 people who shut down the terminal on a friday night. canceled all the trains because they had gathered in their black shirts calling for a cease-fire in gaza. that was long before the idf even got to gaza city, right? if not now is a movement of american jews organizing to end
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u.s. support for israel's what they call apartheid system and demanding a cease-fire and greater equality. we'll look at that throughout the day moments ago near boston university. downtown beantown. [gunfire] >> bill: this is now from inside gaza city. some of it inside that hospital as the israeli military strikes the heart of hamas reducing the house of its leader to rubble. we'll live on an update where the war stands now. >> this issue will destroy new york city. we are getting 10,000 migrants a month. >> dana: that was back on september 7th. dire warning from eric adams that has started to show some truth. the big apple trimming essential services now to pay for the migrants surging across the border. the painful budget cuts
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happening in this city and others straight ahead. >> bill: less than 12 months a new election. new polling numbers from the fox news channel has this approval number going lower. president biden sinking further in some key voting groups starting to emerge in a way that many did not expect coming up. >> president biden: i'm embarrassed, i think cbs. i'm sorry, "washington post." i think that's right. >> mr. president -- >> president biden: there you are, sorry, couldn't see you in the light.
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[gunfire] >> bill: this is the idf moving deeper into gaza, naval commandos taking controlling of a main port from hamas. that operation happening hours after a raid on the largest hospital in gaza city. israeli forces say they found weapons and a laptop and pictures of hostages inside there. they may move further south very soon if they're not there already. alex hogan on the northern border with lebanon now. alex, hello to you. >> hey, bill, sirens sounding off in the north. idf says it is currently
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striking hezbollah sites in lebanon where we can hear automatic fire. this was video from earlier today whether the idf struck what it says was a hezbollah cell on the other side of the border coming a day after hezbollah fired 20 missiles and rockets toward israel. to the conflict with hamas in the souths. new footage of israeli paratroopers on the ground in gaza. israel says it has taken control of the gaza port where hamas ran a training center and launched its forces by sea especially on october 7th. today the israeli military units are back in the al-shifa hospital and idf destroyed the home of hamas leader. the launch post and well as operational and command center. soldiers are on the ground searching with dogs looking fortune else going block by block in some of these buildings trying to find these hamas cells and right now according to the u.n., two out of three palestinians are currently out of their home because of the fighting. while most of them have fled
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south. now some palestinians in the south have received word to move further east signaling the fighting could spread to the south as soon as well. there is international growing concern, france today putting pressure on israel to protect palestinian civilians. arguing it is not up to israel to determine who runs gaza. bill, today we just got new footage of soldiers in some of those homes going door by door and found a little girl's room with a bed with storage. they opened up the bed. inside finding it lined with rocket launchers. >> bill: maybe more to come from that. we'll wait on it when it happens. near nightfall in northern israel. alex hogan reporting live. >> martha: back here in new york today the mayor, eric adams will reveal what he is calling extremely painful budget cuts because of a crippling migrant crisis. gerri willis is live in brooklyn where some migrants are refusing to stay in a newly-opened
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shelter. hi, gerri. >> that's right. we are at floyd been it field. this is 1 of 210 emergency shelters that the city has put together here and the mayor warning that big budget cuts are coming. no department will be spared. public safety, schools, you name it. 15% budget cuts seen over the next six months alone. we have seen at this emergency shelter already today seen migrants leaving. they don't like this place. let me tell you about the cuts. already what we're seeing is new york city taxpayers have paid $1.45 billion this year, 2023, to take care of migrants. paying for food, medical care, paying for shelter. you name it. now the mayor says over the next three years they will be paying $12 billion to do the same. big concerns about that. the mayor now saying in a statement we continue to call
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for meaningful help and a decompression strategy from state and federal partners. it is not fair to asylum seekers and not fair to long-term new yorkers. meanwhile the push to get migrants to work with a system where they have them fill out paperwork, special forms. that's not working, either. only about 3200 people out of the 140,000 migrants have actually done that. and as you say, the other thing that's not working this morning, people are leaving. migrants are leaving this location. they say it is too remote. back to you. >> bill: wow. >> martha: very interesting. gerri, thank you very much. we heard about venezuelan migrants heading back home because they aren't really getting what they thought they would get. >> bill: in chicago. $12 billion is nothing to sneeze at. a lot of money and it will only go higher. a new documentary. check this out. >> how much medication it takes to control her pain. >> but they didn't listen. >> bill: the teenager at the
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center of that documentary called take care of maya has won a huge monetary reward. this after a hospital was found liable in her mother's death. her surviving daughter will join us live this morning to tell us about it. rock johnson fueling more speculation about a presidential run. wait until you hear what he had to say when he was in his corner on the hill just yesterday. >> i got a visit from the parties asking me if i was going to run and if i could run. >> wow. >> it's a big deal and came out of the blue. . running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. i was always so itchy especially when i was hot. now my skin doesn't itch as much. now we're staying ahead of her eczema. there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within.
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>> bill: now the latest fox polling tells an interesting story. president biden's approval rating sinking to a new low at 40%. lower than that in some of the other polls but what kind of trouble does that spell one year out? good question for mike emanuel. he has it in d.c. >> troubling numbers for president biden. he loses in head-to-head match-ups between three top gop contenders, former president trump 50%, biden 46%. governor ron desantis 50% to biden 45%. ambassador nikki haley, the biggest lead, 52% to biden 41%. the president suffering from record high disapproval of his job performance among key groups. men, 63% disapproval.
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voters under 45, 62%. hispanic voters 60%, college degree 57%, black voters 41% disapproval. another concern for the president and his campaign team, west virginia senator joe manchin who says he is thinking about running for president. >> absolutely every american should consider if they are in a position to help save the country, i think we're on the wrong course. i would do everything possible. there is a lot of good people out there i hope i can motivate and a lot of capable and competent people but they've given up. i said don't give up. this is the best country in the world. we have so much to be thankful for. >> look at the republican nominee preference. trump 62% support. desantis ticked up to 14%. haley slightly up to 11%. ramaswamy holding study at 7%, chris christie at 3%. other is down to 1%. while the november presidential
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election appears to be a nail biter the two primary contests at this stage look like blow-outs. >> january 15th in des moines. circle it. talk to you soon, mike. >> mr. johnson, are you running for president? >> martha: movie star dwayne rock johnson days after he said he was approached about running for president by the democrat party. this comes as new polls show president biden's disapproval rating at an all-time high. let's bring in our panel. senior writer noah rockman and co-host of the five harold ford junior. great to have you both with us this morning. these polls. very troublesome to the president. >> joe biden's brand is in the
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toilet. the economy is in the tank. the international security environment is detoreiateing. joe biden's bad browned doesn't extend to the democratic party largely. election results, mid-term elections, democrats are outpouring joe biden's particular. we'll see a negative campaign from this president like we've never seen. the likes of which i don't think america has ever witnessed. the effort will be to establish a choice election. not a referendum on joe biden incumbency and remind voters who the republican party is and particularly if their nominee is donald trump about what his administration en trailed. in personality terms and americans really didn't like january 6th. opinions to the contrary notwithstanding. americans will be reminded of that every hour on the hour.
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>> bill: put out number four. fox news polling from yesterday shows this. donald trump gains over biden since october of 2020. harold, up, 21 in independents. 13 hispanics and four points for men. donald trump has spent a lot of time in courtrooms since then. >> thanks for having me. noah is right. i think the campaign is shaping up to be not what i have done, what i'm going to do but here is how bad the other guy and party is if you allow them to be elected. the last few days we saw elections in kentucky and virginia and ohio, referendums, abortion remains and women's healthcare in the name of abortion is one of the top issues and compelling issues. the president should be concerned by these numbers. this will be an election where we know the candidates. sometimes you can say you may not know the candidates.
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america knows donald trump and america knows joe biden. for the president to be running where he is running with black and hispanic voters and independent voters at this point is troubling. i'm rooting for the president the next few days in pursuit of a new relationship with china. i hope he gets down to the border and figure out some ways to help cities across the nation safer. >> martha: trump will talk about the condition of the condition the way he sees it. it's all against trump, you know. that's exactly what biden just presented an alternative to trump in 2020. now he has had four years as president. when you see the deterioration in hispanic and black voters for
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the democratic party. it has been said those kind of numbers you can't win as a democrat with those kinds of -- with that kind of deterioration in those two areas. >> that's a direction fatal for a national democratic presidential campaign. whether donald trump can exert the kind of discipline he needs to project and to popularize a message around the positive aspects around his term in office or whether voters don't care and compartmentalize the bombast and historical displace. the vermin comment, right? ugly language. do voters care and compartment lies and say it's what you get with the guy and worth it for xyz outcomes. >> republicans -- not only just about trump. you think in the last several weeks the republicans booted out speaker mccarthy and took them several times to elect a new
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speaker. they can't approve pentagon officials because you have one senator from alabama blocking everything. they say biden may not be the best but i don't want the chaos. when you run against someone i think it's fair to say this is what you'll get if you bring this person into office or bring him back into office. i don't -- for me the two of these candidates -- joe biden is a friend of mine but they bring out the absolute worst in their supporters. when you think about uniting the country. it's why joe manchin his effort to try to unite middle of the road voters is something that a lot of voters might find appealing as we go through this process. >> bill: tougher said than done. >> we have to filing you shall ways to get together and cooperate to work through things and solve things. that's what the country wants more. if it's the two of them. whichever one is able to say i'll do it better over the next four years is the candidate that has the advantage come next year.
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>> martha: what about the rock? >> i like the guy and god bless him. i hope this is not a real thing. this country doesn't need anymore celebrities in the presidency who think it's a platform with themselves. we needless temperature. go bengals. >> i need that. 20 before the hour, roll it. >> using the phrase from the river to the sea used by terrorists to call for the genocide of the jewish people. do you regret using it? >> that question went on and on and no answers from rashida tlaib. a vicious anti-israel slogan. we heard that just last night from protestors. not even thanksgiving. thieves are making off with christmas packages in some of the deep blue cities. will you stop this or not coming up.
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>> bill: we have never before seen footage now of the actor alec baldwin on the movie set of rust. watch this now that we can see on camera. >> let me show you something. hold on. that's your original mark. i'm getting up. then when he drops his arm that means he is close and i'll start to really get up. can we go? let's try it. roll it. >> bill: this video was obtained by nbc. you heard him say the name helene yeah. it's a prop gun filmed only days before the shooting that killed her in october of 2021. a grand jury will meet today on possible new charges against baldwin, which might include involuntary manslaughter. prosecutors dropped the initial charges against him in april before deciding to refile them last month. if baldwin is indicted, he will have to surrender for arrest,
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possibly as soon as next week if it goes through. faces up to 18 months in prison if convicted. this is about where this scene ends after that shot is fired. okay. >> dana: stunning to see the video and hear him say her name. more on that later. the threat of government shutdown off the table for at least now. the senate voted 87-11 late last night to pass the bill keeping the federal government funded through the holidays and putting off republican attempts to rein in spending until next year. aishah hosni on capitol hill. >> that last part you just mentioned is really what's the problem here. a lot of conservatives really fed up. they've been in control of the house for 11 months now and no real spending cuts signed into law. this bill really just keeps the status quo going. keeps spending to all departments, including the
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d.o.j., at fiscal year 23 levels. a lot of folks call that nancy pelosi levels. there are no pay fors or cuts. why democrats are gloating. >> the republican-led house needed democratic votes to avoid the shutdown. i was pleased to see that the speaker was willing to work with democrats and resisted the siren song of the hard right in the house. >> this speaker, mike johnson, is notching this as a big win. he says it prevents the end of year christmas tree spent as they call it because this bill expires after the new year, martha. it looks like a honeymoon pared might be over for johnson. some conservatives are big mad. >> i didn't come here to have the speaker of the house assume the position and in 17 days pass a continuing resolution. i want my republican colleagues to give me one thing, one that i can go campaign on and say we
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did. one. >> so maybe they'll cool off during the thanksgiving break. it will be setting up for a tough spending battle come january, martha. >> martha:. thank you very much. >> bill: new video. from the israeli defense force, idf. rockets under a little girl's bed, we're told. anti-tank missiles inside of a baby stroller. the anti-tank missiles they used in the war can be -- they're better than hamas has ever had before. you can also see it shows again how hamas uses civilians as cover for terror. that it us from gaza on the idf. on that topic. this question in seattle. reading, writing and cease-fire. seattle teachers union joining calls for an end to hostilities in gaza. for that jason rantz lives in seattle. radio host there.
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this is what the resolution calls for. call for one, guys. basic rights to be restored with humanitarian aid allowed into gaza. all israeli hostages released. that's important. cease-fire in gaza to stop the violence and negotiations for peace can proceed. what is this group all about, jason? >> well, they're about using a lot of hamas talking points because in addition to that, what they did was inflate idf actions with hamas. they say israel is committing genocide and apartheid, settler colonialism and ethnic cleansing. using all the far-left talking points to go after israel. words they don't apparently even understand. there is no apartheid going on in israel. this is something that has been one of those talking points you are seeing at the pro-hamas and pro-palestinian rallies all across the country. and i hope people are paying attention because if you are wondering why college students
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right now are siding with terrorists and celebrating what hamas did, it all starts in the classroom. this is taught to them. it starts very early on when you get into that oppressor versus oppressed mindset. understand, these are kids who are going to be the next politicians, which means there are implications to how we'll get along with israel in the future. >> bill: the release of hostages really can't be a debate over that. i want you to meet a guy named randy kessler works with stand with us. a group out of los angeles, i think, big group, big organization. they are always standing up for israel. here is what he says. he says i think makes jewish children feel ashamed and scared of judaism. if the resolution draws moral equivalents between the offensive actions of hamas and murdering 1200 people and the response of the israeli defense forces to prevent such terror from ever occurring again.
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on that point, jason, they told all civilians to leave northern gaza and many did and many stayed. and when you go through this hospital from 24 hours ago, we're not getting a lot of evidence from the idf as to how many hamas fighters they found either in that area or underneath in tunnels. it leads you to believe that the hamas fighters, they hightailed it out of there, jason. in all likelihood they're in southern gaza now, which i would anticipate the war is headed next. >> yeah, absolutely. that's what they do. they go from scene to scene to scene. they escape israeli forces as best as they can for the obvious reasons but because of the sophistication of the tunnels it makes it a lot more difficult for israeli forces to actually capture them. of course, when you put this information out there because they didn't catch a whole bunch of folks in the tunnels, you have patrols on x and facebook telling us it is all fake.
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this is all being created on a movie set. some of the conspiracy theories out there are just flatly disturbing and it is creating a sense of tension not just obviously overseas but here in the united states and here in seattle. i talk to jewish parents concerned sending their kids to school with a star of david necklace around their neck. i can tell you as an american jew, i feel uncomfortable walking around lately because of how much we're hearing from one particular side and unfortunately not enough from the side that is pro-israel. that's starting to change in large part because of stand with us. >> bill: the seattle education organization has a statement. we share the community's concern about student safety and well-being and foster a safe environment for students and educators.
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let's hope it stays that way. jason, thanks. nice to see you today from seattle. good luck to you out there. we'll speak again. >> martha: thousands of earthquakes have been rocking iceland and cracking the roads wide open with a volcano set to erupt, according to scientists and everybody watching, it could be any moment. live coverage from there coming up. plus vice president harris getting high praise in a new spread in "people" magazine. but voters are giving her a failing grade. all that and more in a brand-new hour. if you struggle. and struggle. and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at
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we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. all you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. and that's what bank of america was for me. >> martha: smoke rising out of cracked roads in iceland as scientists warn a simmering volcano could erupt at any moment.
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more than 3,000 residents of a small fishing town have had to flee their homes. bryan llenas live from iceland with the latest. >> good morning. iceland is about the size of kentucky with 400,000 people. so when there is a volcanic eruption, usually once every five years, it doesn't affect many people or towns. but this is different. for the first time in 50 years this town could be at the epicenter of this thing and destroyed. we aren't expecting large clouds of ash and smoke like 2010. that's because the volcano that happened then was off the coast of iceland that caused major disruptions in north america and europe with 100,000 flights canceled. we spoke to a scientist earlier today who explained this time it should be different. >> it's not a mount st. helen's.
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this is much more comparable to the thin flowing lava that is oozing out on hawaiian islands and it is more comparable to rio. >> they expect it to happen on land. there are about a 10-mile long fissure. that will determine how severe this eruption will be. already thousands of earthquakes have damaged buildings and caused craters in this town. at this point it's a wait and see approach. we could get a two-hour warning before said eruption could happen. >> martha: it will be interesting. we hope everybody is okay there and hope it is as the scientist says. in the meantime a beautiful live shot, bryan llenas, a great look at a beautiful place on earth. thank you very much. good to see you, bryan


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