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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 16, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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>> dana: hello, everyone! i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters, and tyrus. it's 4:00 in nashville and this is "the five." we are so excited.. >> we are so excited. we are a glad to be back in music city. how is everybody out there today? [cheers and applause] >> we have a great show coming up surprise coming in a few minutes. we are here for the fifth annual patriots award.
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nashville is a great city. lots of fun. >> we needed it. >> take a look. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hi everybody. we are here the learn a little line dancing. >> nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. >> are you ready? >> why don't we get you cowboy hats over here. like red? >> so we are going start with a grapevine. cross behind with your left. step out with your right we are going to bring our feet together and add a clap.
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we are going to take that right heel into the floor on one, back in on two. left heel dig on 3, back on 4. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> getting ready to turn. >> thank you. >> thank you everybody. high fives. yes. >> we have a surprise for you upstairs. so why don't we head upstairs? >> any line dancing upstairs? >> oh, what it is. >> how do you do? >> i was watching. after that wonderful display of
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rhythm and elegance you guys got to be hungry. >> this is an appetizer. >> this looks like hot chicken. >> yes. >> i'm going to go in on the spice. >> 1-2-3 go. >> big bite. >> pretty hot. you know. >> hot hot. it's hot. sneaks up on you. >> kicked me in the mouth. >> can i have some water? >> i've had enough of these johnny cakes. can i get a hat? >> how about boots like this? >> big time boots. hook you all up. >> let's go. >> this is big time boots. we are big time people. >> i think the most important
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thing we can do is get skins. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it's like cinderella. if it fits, it fits. >> i understand he's a dork. he needs and makeover. >> i want ostrich. >> you're an ostrich guy. >> all hat no saddle. tyrus do i like all right? >> you are cowboy right. >> am i nashville right? >> you are nashville right my friend. >> and drinks later. we got to go do the pies. 1-2-3, yee-hah! >> thanks to big time boots,
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which next year is going to be an entertainment experience. what has been your favorite. tyrus were you embarrassed? >> listen. i'm a parent. when i see little people doing their best it's part of the game. >> tyrus. >> proud of you jesse. >> as a white man. >> and you proved that. >> without any rhythm, i thought i exceeds edman expectations. >> that's crazy because that's the whiteses dance known to man. >> i can pull it off. >> everyone was proud of you. >> thank you. >> judge got the award for the best rhythm. >> not everyone was proudz of of you. >> thank you jesse. we wouldn't be here without the men. >> what did you think of the can day? >> i loved the day. the hot chicken and dancing was
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great. >> your kryptonite is hot chicken. >> my foster parents were italian. what was the little johnny's? johnny cakes were phenomenal. >> they went down easy. >> you eating a ton of them was amazing it. >> wasn't too hot. >> johnny was according to just right. >> the other thing is we had a beautiful weather day but the people are amazing. >> and you know what we need to do this more observe. don't you think? [applause] >> and it's also wonderful to be here to be a part of the patriot awards where you have extra ordinary americans who are being recognized. it's the fifth annual one. i hope everybody will watch on fox nation. >> one thing i had to call dana out for. i just want the audience's opinion on this. we checked into the flight together sitting close together and i offered to put dana's
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luggage on the top storage and she wouldn't let me. now if a man asks a woman would you like me to put the luggage up for you, what the are you supposed to say? >> yes and however if your friend and colleague who you need has had a long time ago back surgery and done well with it would you do it? >> he needed double back surgery lifts it up and says oh my back, stays home to relax. >> kudos to dana. >> yes did i get my bag down. >> you might be wondering why we have in extra chair and we've got a big surprise especially those who walked "the five."
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country music star dirk bentley is here. come on out. >> how are you doing? nice to see you. >> dirk bentley. we're going to have you right here in the front row. odd chance to meet everybody. >> i did. >> hi. >> everybody here knows you. >> i love the video. >> as i said guilty feet have no rhythm. >> you have rhythm and you came to nashville years ago and it changed a lot and you have had a lot of opportunity. >> it's been for 30 years. this is where nashville's path future and present lives inside the grand ole opry. i used to go to the wild horse saloon with fake i.d. so i know
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the honky tonks down there. >> i became aware of you with a song what was i thinking. what's the story behind that song? you might want to tell tuesday lyrics. >> yeah, it was a wild night that night. i can't talk about it in the room here judge, but just part of the nashville song writing process getting together sharing stories about your past thing you've done with embellishment. >> the guys trying to date and her heart like a ten pound hammer. >> typical saturday night, nashville, tennessee. >> what were you think something. >> what are you thinking about today? you had a big announcement today. >> yeah, dana has been on my
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shows. >> i'm not a stalker yet. >> we come back have a few drinks. i'm on the stage singing every night but i host a party before the show my friends come out dana one of my favorite friends and i always have these drinks backstage drink company made in tennessee my buddy josh ellis wifco, that is a what the show about bringing people together to have conversations to be connect and i have friends all over the country i get to see before i walk on stage and nothing brings people together more than a cocktail alcoholic or not. as a pilot i fly my bands sometimes to and from shows and those are the nights i can't drink so i'm able to use this with a fake cocktail. i'm not sure what we have in these glasses.
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>> how about margarita. >> let's go back to wild horse saloon. >> you use this. you can add soda water or can you add your favorite spirit. >> it's made in tennessee, natural ingredients, takes a while to make it but it's older i get it everywhere. everywhere i go i have to have it. we used to crush liems an hour and jalapeno oh somewhere. this just makes it all so easy.
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everyone gets a chance to be a bartender. we have nine different kinds. this is the agave margarita. we got it in target and sprouts and walmart. >> before we go if there are people watching who have not been to nashville but thinking about making trip what are three things to do? >> great question. i have a bar and i recommend that but before you go to my bar go to the old school stuff robert's western world. that place you can listen to country music buy boots on the wall. get you the grilled cheese baloney sandwich pdr beer, next place leyla's honky tonk.
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>> and thanks for joining us. >> cheers. >> thank you. >> thank you guys. >> these are really good. >> there it is. much more to come. live from nashville including another big surprise but before we get to that a chaotic scene in washington, d.c. anti-israeli mob clashing with police officers outside of the dnc. dnc?
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[cheers and applause] >> welcome back to "the five," pro-hamas protestors anarchy outside dnc. at least six officers injured after 150 israel hating agitators stormed the dnc headquarters and blocked the doors protestors calling themselves peaceful, the chaos causing democrats house offices to be locked down. so far only one arrest and the insanity continued today. one protestor confronting the democrat who called their antics pro-terrorist. >> sir what's the strategy to do that? >> i've got to get your
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organization to call for hamas to disarm. >> the anti-israel leftists blocked bridges during rush hour. what happened there? >> i've got to tell you and you've got six cops injured. 150 people acting illegally one person arrested. they brought out the national guard tuesday for the israeli peace march where there was no violence at all no one arrested but to me this is wednesday in biden's america. the sad part of this is they're calling for deescalation calling for a decrease in the violence. we want a cease-fire and they're doing it violently so it makes no sense. it's just contradictory to be
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everything that they're supposed to be doing because that's what the squad believes? >> your party is running wild, what do you have to say? >> it's not my party. i'm sure it's for democrats. members of the squad defended it. the one who were peacefully protesting that's their prerogative but i don't know what they thought they would accomplish at the dnc and i think the juxtaposition of the 290,000 people at the march for israel completely went through who went through the [indistinct] and was quite stark. i wanted to say that i found all the speeches very powerful but in powerful? hearing from the families who
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spoke about the innocent palestinian lives. a cease-fire is a win for hamas. that's not happening. >> do you understand this act tyrus that only one person was arrested after that favor? >> unfortunately i do understand it. probably that person was out by the afternoon. the difference between the two groups is belief and passion because if i care about something, and i want peace i'm going to push it. i'm going to be the biggest monstrous peaceful man. but sthes marches are not about the palestinians. they want the police to engage. they want the violence. you can never have a mostly peaceful protest if we are all up here peacefully protesting and dana decides to throw something.
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we also look at her, this is why you don't get to drink. it's the same protest designed to get police officers to attack them so they get the video clip. now we are talking about it as it happened. you get the right network behind it they'll talk about brutality as they fought for the palestinian children the evil police department of america attacking them. it's the same individuals and if you stop them and say what are you here for, they'll say you're a racist, i'm here to stop you. they have no idea what they're talking about. that's the difference between the two. >> dana. >> i think all us protestors would last about 18 minutes under islamist rule. all of them would have been
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arrested and more for that behavior. other thing is something very strong going on at the washington posting they had almost 300,000 people arrive on the national mall, the largest march for israel in history of the united states and it doesn't even meet the a section of the washington post? that's where you bury that news. then you have an attack on dnc. it's the heart of washington and doesn't make the front page of the paper. something very strange going on but we are paying attention. >> especially dana who never misses anything and coming up from music city uh-oh, even joe biden doesn't think he should be running for president. should be. ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> judge jeanine: we are live in nashville with an amazing >> we are live in nashville with an amazing audience. let's hear it is -- it for them. american voters are scream from the rooftops again will give us anybody but joe biden. more than half of voters want to see the other candidates in the 2024 presidential race. even the big guy himself seems to want someone else to run. >> i want to talk about governor newsom. i want to thank him. he's been one hell of a governor. >> while gavin newsom measures
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the drapes at the white house he could face some fierce competition from this hollywood megastar. duane the rock johnson was on camilla amid buzz about a position presidential bid and how democrats truly feel about joe biden. >> i have friends who support trump. i have friends to support biden. >> do you really have friends who support biden? >> thank you. that's a good check. >> for the democratic party. >> i have friends who are loyal to the party. >> the progressive. >> right. >> all right, tyrus i'll start with you. >> you wonder why. >> all right. so the rock he's an athlete great shape businessman now he wants to be president. what do we know about him? >> first of all that's not what he did.
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he went to the white house to work on trying to get recruitment up in the military. let's stay focused on what he came to do. anybody who drives by the white house with window down are you ready for president because they don't want biden anymore. he came there to get our recruitment up with the exception of the marines is down. no one wants to be a police officer anymore. nobody wants to join the military. can't blame them. they have always supported the truth. ww has been a great vehicle. that's what he was there to talk about how do we get recruitment up. everyone came up with a plan. get biden out. >> okay. so this is an official announcement speaking on behalf of rock. he's not running for president. >> i don't know what he's doing. i have enough time juggling this
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juggernaut. maybe i'll run for president. >> you never know. jesse the next one to you. i want you to take a listen to this gavin newsom. >> [indistinct]. >> look. he's a dictator in the sense he's a guy who runs a country that is [indistinct]. >> that's blinken. when president calls xi jinping and dictator and even the secretary of state blinken is like, what? >> i think everybody winces when joe biden talks. xi is not a dictator. he's joe biden's personal banker. sorry jesse. >> thanks a lot. >> but what the rock said is
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interesting because there is no biden voter. i've never seen abideen bumper sticker biden t-shirt or hat. >> have you spoken to your mother? >> my mother isn't and biden voter. she's an anti-trump voter. that's what the democrats were last time. now everybody wants him to leave because he was supposed to be elected and pass the torch. the guy playing the basketball hot shot and the kids are like old guy you said it was our turn and he says going wade and that's why people are frustrated and they want newsom and they're throwing up this trial balloon because kamala's popped and you must be upset if you're kamala and hear joe biden endorse gavin newsom but everybody lovers gavin he's a tall white plan and the democrats if he wins will hold their nose and vote for a tall white man because to democrats we stink.
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>> dana i'm going to you. gavin newsom last year was at the white house with flipped back air jacket over shoulder, what are his plans? >> when he went there joe biden was out of the country. i think that gavin newsom that has been a very good surrogate for joe biden f. you're going to have a surrogate you could do worse than everything gavin newsom do it and people are going to say aren't you just trying to undermine him but i don't think gavin newsom has shown he's trying to do that. there are other ways like dean phillips the congressman from minnesota trying to undermine joe biden. gavin newsom might decide to run for president but doesn't have the support by the party faithful. it's almost as if gavin newsom is trying to make himself a thing and the democratic party is not quite there yet but maybe they can get there. >> but do we know what the democrat party is think something nobody is saying
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anything. they're like we are all supporting joanne nobody is saying it. >> that is saying something. that's the normal alg thing to do. >> even 69 percent of the democrats don't want him to run. >> looking back at silver who was disking joe biden wrote in 2011 about obama being toast when mitt romney was up 5 points around this time and then obama went on and successful second termed won that election. i think he was buying polite to gavin newsom. they made a huge effort. i know they cleaned up. and also xi jinping couldn't have been that mad, he gave tuesday pandas. we are getting more pandas. >> if you have a meeting with the dictator of china and we got a pandas, i've had enough. >> i'm very outnumbered 4
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against 1 but this is like 200 against one. >> there's a democrat over there. get up. >>? one was nice to me in the hallway. >> on top of that if biden you can't call it his administration but someone on his behalf said it was extremely wrong for joe biden xi jinping's group said it was wrong for joe biden to said to call him a dictator as soon as he left town. i mean joe isn't doing so well. anyway coming up from nashville some big news or legendary icons dolly parton and snoop dogg. ♪ ♪ bass pro shops and cabela's stands tall in our unwavering commitment to honoring our heroes. we extend our gratitude... beyond words... by proudly offering a legendary salute discount to those who protect our freedoms. our dedication to those who selflessly serve us
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runs deep within our dna. it's not just a discount... it's a commitment to making a difference. because every day is a chance for us to say thank you. bass pro shops and cabela's... your adventure starts here.
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[applause] >> what it is, welcome back. it's time for the fastest, first
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up. you can be in nashville a not talk about the queen of country music, dolly parton, getting married, nope, whether artificial intelligence could replicate her unique singing style and said, quote, i hope nobody can ever replicate me or what i do. a.i. is a scary thing. dana since this is your second teamed and you're a music icon listening, do you agree with her? >> who could ever disagree with dolly? she's definitely america's sweetheart and right i think when it comes to creative people and creators because they world upended with streaming. people in this room were part of that. now you have things hike illustrators being replaced and how are they going to be protect their product but the other thing dolly did was talked about
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the impressiveness and uniqueness of individuals and how important that is and no robot can replace that. >> tell me. you're on two number one shows, jesse watters is international hi known. they create a.i. watters. is that okay? >> i know my greatest weekness. narcissism. i think i would be able to beat myself. there will never be another jesse watters or tyrus or anybody because every human has emotion and some day you wake i angry and other days you're invisions raith and that volatilitity loufs tu create have those highs and lows in a way a computer will never be able to do tyrus.
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>> do you agree? if we created a left wing a.i. jesse watters could he be the real jesse watters? >> logically? >> logically, i think. >> would he have blonde hair? >> no, he's perfect as he is. >> oh, that's sweet. >> the thing that i love about dolly parton and the way she talks is she always feels hike she's looking after who is coming next. it's not about her. she never wants to be out there taking credit for things. she just silently goes around doing good with her library and
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i love that about how she was discussing this issue clearly not preserving herself saying whoever is coming up next is going to be up against this machine. >> judge from a legal aspect could jesse sue a.i. jesse? >> yes, because if i can identify who is creating the a.i. and that's where i think is the genesis of the a.i. you can because they're using your likeness and many states civil rights law in new york which protects your likeness and using it to make money and not giving payment for it. but here's the thing. dolly parton is right that she doesn't like this because she is as everyone has already said an
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icon and she got to where she was. she worked very hard. nobody gave her a helping hand. so her emotions her reactions her instincts are different from what a.i. might think and i understand why she would be insulted one would try to do a.i. >> always imitated never duplicated. >> that's it. >> coming up, we have another huge surprise from nashville. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering)
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(loose gravel clanking) - after military service, you bring a lot back to civilian life. leadership skills. technical ability. and a drive to serve in new ways. syracuse university's d'aniello institute for veterans and military families has empowered more than 200,000 veterans to serve their communities and their careers. from professional certifications, to job training, to help navigating programs and services, we give veterans access to support from anywhere in the world. dear moms and dads, what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas.
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mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to nashville. just hours from now the one and only guy will be ditching his jeans for a tuxedo for the awards show. >> thanks for having me. >> well, pete. tell us about what to expect. >> well, it is a celebration of america. and if you are stuck and feel down about the country which a
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lot of people are tonight will remind you what's so special. that's why we work so hard to identify the stories of patriots, many which you've never heard. people who never sought the spotlight did all the right things for community family and country tonight the spotlight is going to find them and this is what hollywood should do is highlight real heroes. >> i know there's a nomination process and way can you nominate people but what's it like when the person is called and they find out they're getting one of these awards? >> it's a really neat experience because you work really hard to identify those stories. we get nominations and you have categories like back to blue and award for courage, most valuable patriot, salute to service, so many people could fit into those and it's tears, shock for
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people, a lot of it may be doesn't settle in. for me my favorite moment is when the recipient gets the award and walk on stage and the emotion overtakes everyone and they start crying and tyrus goes up to the stage and gives the hanky. >> and all those in the audience i had your back. >> there was army strength ran a colonel that ran around table that keeps stories of world war ii alive and was overcome by emotion because he did it quiet for 25 years with no recognition reminding people of the service of those vets and then on stage going i didn't know anybody cared that much. >> he said thanks tyrus. tried to hand it back. >> so pete, you moved out of the northeast and you took your
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family down here to tennessee. what is that experience like now for you and your family? >> the best life choice i've ever made. [cheers and applause] >> i'll talk about this a little bit tonight. we live in a time when the world is swirling around you it's time to go to basics god and family and what am i doing to provide for the next generation. what school are we in? what values are we fin fusing into them. you can find that all over this great country even in blue states but it's wonderful to go to a state where those values are reinforced for freedom great weather lots of open space second amendment actually exists, middle tennessee has become our home but we moved to
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a little classical christian school which is the kind of education i wish more americans had. >> and the low taxes nothing to do with it. >> and you were in the military. you were seeing a side of life that so many of us haven't. you've given so much to this country and yet you continue to do so. where does this core belief come from? >> well, it comes from standing shoulder to shoulder with guys in the field. from different backgrounds, different families, different economic status but you got to share admission. so when i stand on that stage the guys i'm thinking about are the geese i -- guys i served with. i want them to feel like tonight is honoring them. i saw it. i walked with them. we lost guys there. we are still losing guys at home, vets so by honoring them
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and spotlighting them we hope it salutes them one more time. [applause] >> thank you all. >> thank you for joining us. we can't wait to join you. you'll see us on stage and one more thing is up next. t. ♪ ♪ with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪) let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a second... amateurs. ohhh! sorry, everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game... you never have to compromise on gameday.
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here. >> monday the five is leading up park square. join your fox favorites as they kick off this holiday season in style. don't miss our special all-american christmas tree lighting monday sponsored by verizon. >> the network businesses rely on a major escalation here in the northern part of israel. >> hezbollah is ramping up their attacks. the u.s. military continues to face daily challenges from iranian proxies. >> we hear that loud, outgoing artillery into gaza for live updates and continuing coverage. >> stay with fox news. time now for one more thing to think for for time. major winner rory mcilroy had a tough hold today, sliced his drive. >> all of a sudden, the ball goes lands on a ladies lap that plays it. liz, he came over and he hit his six iron right off of her. i'm just kidding. no, he didn't. a bogeying the hole, but it was
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a fun watch. now tonight another fun watch jesse watters prime time at 8:00 we got dana perino, riley gaines and carly shimkus . >> check us out. all right, judge. okay, so check out this adorable our duty k-9 nova from the essex police department in vermont. every day after a long day at work, she helps run the house by shoveling snow after a bad storm. local police joked that that maybe the dog that was in the wrong department and should be transferred to public works instead is really moving that shovel ready. >> q i also i've got a horse and it's in scotland. his name is twinkle and it's going viral for his side. >> he's got some silly antics, if you like to dance, and everyone who meets him says he's unlike any horse they've ever met. and you can follow him. >> he looks at me. twinkle indeed. >> all right, time. it's what you got. well, first of all, cheers. cheers. cheers. yes. i love this. almost love. my new book with nuff said by
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tigress comes out november 21st. those of you bought my first book. thank you, boris. this one again. that would be phenomenal. appreciate it. very excited about it. first book i talked about me. this book we talk about everybody else. >> so we you really even got forward. >> oh, by the way, the forward is done by dana perino. >> oh, hey, i thought a pretty good wife. yeah. and it was a phenomenal one. and billy corgan. so, you know, so it was pretty and of course, then tomorrow night, i'm telling my fox nation special, tyrus here and now it's stand up comedy show so we are busy. >> jessica i have a longer read than this, but teacher greg libert and arizona came out of retirement to teach a sixth grade. then he got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. so his students made him 1000 paper crayons. oh, that's so they could. get one. >> wish that he could get better. well, nashville, it's been amazino g what it ] >> and that's a great night. i mean, like


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