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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  November 17, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST

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just keep going. >> thank you. time for a final thought, jimi . every wednesday in december, or at least the first three, i'll beat the fat black pussycat in new york running my hour if you want to see me. it's one of the comedy cellar rooms every wednesday at 7:00. where that? it's on macdougal street and west third. excellent. walking. well, it depends on where you are. greg, that is so true. and if you have legs. >> yeah. oh, i know. oh, yeah. >> i wanted to make you think. i wanted to make you think. >> all right, we're out of time. thanks to jim norton, heather zimmer, raga andrews, bruce katz,a ingrah
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>> laura: hello, i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" live from the grand ole opry house in washington, d.c. for the fifth annual patriot awards. we have a great crowd and a lot of folks on set. will greenwood, sean duffy, jesse watters and more. but first -- [screaming] >> anti-israel protesters are choosing violence as best method to get their point across. six u.s. capitol officers were hurt during clashes in d.c. last night. there are reports of officers being pepper sprayed and punched. out of the massive crowd, only
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one person was arrested, i guess none of the cameras were working. police were violently attacked and just one arrest. compare that to how they went after the january 6 protesters. >> the fbi will lead no stone unturned. we have opened 160 case files, just the tip of the i'm going berg. significance of this investigation is not lost on us, this is a 24/7 full-bar extensive operation into what happened that day. >> laura: whole of government approach, as they call it. we said at the time, the biden doj was sending a message with that nation-wide dragnet, solitary confinement, pretrial detention. to you people, donald trumpers or conservatives, don't even think about questioning the
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government ever again, certainly not in large numbers. last night's ram pain by the violent leftists, like the george floyd riots, they don't fit the narrative so they downplay it all. >> police and protesters accusing each other of violence. police and the progressive jewish organization that organized this protest and organized many in recent weeks, pointing the finger at the other side saying the other party is to blame for escalating the scene. >> laura: joining me is shawn davis and will cain. will, start with you whachl is going on with the hat? >> we're in nashville, patriot awards. >> laura: cowboy hat. >> disappointed and impressed that you know that. >> laura: you look great. leave it on. you saw what happened last night, we're just learning dribs
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and drabs about who was there and who was involved. it seems like both sides escalated this. >> i think comparison you make and everybody cringes when you bring up january 6. look at the fur fur, compare to the pro-israel protest. whole host of rotundas and capitols have been filled and moved to just short of violence and in many cases to violence. you see how interested our government is pursuing justice and those who have an agenda they do not appreciate. >> laura: shawn, former national guardsman from new jersey, staking out his now, mayor said
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he is no threat to the community. they turned this thing into the spectacle with roadblocks and swat teams and gave up. you see that in resources extended, fbi, state police, local police, i guess facial recognition does not work. you had hakeem jeffries in the building and other democrat officials. shocking and aggressive lack of interest on behalf of those who care about the issues. >> it is. it is easy to say they're hypocrites, it is more complicated than that. it is hierarchy. all the talk about loving democracy, hating insurrection. it was a total lie. they oppose what takes away power. their allies are protesting and rallying, they are fine with it, when their enemies do it.
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>> laura: we are pro-police on the "the ingraham angle" and across fox. they were pretending to be pro-law enforcement to advance their political narrative after january 6, watch. they tried to erase heroism of the police officers. >> they love rioters and thugs and people beating them up. republicans hate cops. >> are you on the side of law and order or on the side of the capitol police officers and metropolitan police officers beating by the maga crew? >> laura: will, seems to be cognitive dissidence here about the way they are approaching helping law enforcement. you saw the line of capitol hill police. whether on january 6 or -- your heart goes out to the police officers. they have returned to par. way they are approaching law enforcement today is way they
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approached law enforcement throughout the blm riots and any justice case. this served their political purpose. >> laura: there are still like 1000 people they are trying to find in the united states, 1000 people. >> the level of shock among democrats in seeing this land at their door step. this has been half a century in making. palestinian cause been tied to the far left formerly through the soviet union since the 1950s and been breathing this marxist ideology and now it lands at their door step. i don't think they get to be surprised, maybe shock, but this is what they bred for half a century. >> laura: capitol police says some were pepper sprayed and punched and remember, going back to the story in new jersey, that
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individual was accused of using pepper spray against a police officer, the narrative got jumbled there. one individual accused was actually sentenced to a 14-year prison term. i mean, 14 years? what is going to happen here? looks like a whole lot of nothing. >> it is shocking. they did one arrest last night, one arrest. you had cops hurt. >> laura: was there a big press conference about how they were going to find every last person? i missed that. >> they arrested one person, that was it, no manhunt, no government approach to track down the perpetrators, they tried to pretend it did not happen. >> laura: how bad is this going to get with the pro-hamas influence? >> it will get horrific for
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democrats, you have seen that in polling for joe biden. it divides the democratic party. as a country, it gets bad, it is another step, not the final step on evolution in this your honor ko. we pit everyone against each other by identity through the lens of oppressor and oppressed. >> laura: great to see you in person on set. the hat looks great, put it back on. lawmakers trapped inside and evacuated from the capitol. joining me congresswoman anna paulina luna, you were there at the capitol when it was locked down. you were have your newborn, what happened? >> yes, ma'am, i was coming back from an event on the senate side and we were told by officers that there was some protesting so to get back into the capitol. we did. i was going to pick up my stuff and we got into my office and it
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went on lockdown. we were not able to lef. i had young staffers with me. it was not peaceful and the irony, these people were protesting for peace in palestine, yet you see what they are doing attacking people and frankly rightfully so capitol police did defend us temperature is crazy this is today's day and age and supposed to be acceptable. >> laura: congresswoman, i was hearing from some protesters in their mouthpieces saying they did not mean to breach the door. they were not going to go into the building. who believes that? they were pushing up, what were they trying to do then? >> no one believes that. i reposted, i was on twitter and democrat socialists of america, dsa, we have lawmakers part of this oerrganization in congress. they accepted responsibility for this and stated it was law
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enforcement attacking them. you can see from the footage is a lie whachl we have in this country is a massive problem with marxists. these organizations using this movement to bully elected officials into doing what they want and using violence to do so, what color revolution is. >> laura: i don't want anyone to forget what alexandria ocasio-cortez be did, made a show how horrified she was on january 6. >> the misogyny and racism deeply rooted and animated that attack on the capitol. there is a lot of sexualizing of that violence and i didn't think that i was just going to be killed, i thought other things were going to happen to me, as well. >> you thought you were going to be raped?
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>> yeah, yeah. >> laura: anyone heard from her today? her party's headquarter was under siege last night, under siege. there hasn't been any issuing statement from anyone tied to democrat socialists of america. what i find disturbing about this whole thing, laura, most members of congress, some of which sleep in their offices and you have this happening down the street. democrat member of congress said he was in fear for his safety and you see organizations attacking their own party, the fracturing among those embracing antisemitism is unfortunately alive and well. >> laura: what if it was some right wing group in the same way with the same body language and same force pushing up against police at the dnc, what do you think aoc would have done then? >> it would be more than aoc,
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you would have seen the doj label these people as domestic terrorists and go after them. being a member of how oversight, i've gone to the d.c. prison and seen what these people are facing charge wise and only one person was arrested after multiple police were assaulted and the whole capitol had to go on lockdown because of the behavior and you see an organization that is blatantly marxist saying they were bussing people from new york and their comrades were there engaging in violence. i urge the speaker of the house to open up an investigation for organizations that are trying to undermine the united states, and our constitutional republic. >> laura: yeah, we know they can track transactions pretty easily on atm machines when they want to, they will never track those people. congresswoman, i am glad you are okay. why are american ceos giving a
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standing o to a dictator? my angle. tennessee congressman mark green and bill haggerty will react. can't wait to have them on set with me in just moments.
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>> the focus >> laura: dining with dictators, that is the focus of tonight's angle. they lined up, one by one, they shelled out $40,000 each to meet with the auto accurate who rules with an iron fist. look closely at these people whose enthusiastic presence speaks volumes. the ceo of boeing, the esg guru of blackrock, honeywell ceo, broadcom, and the apple ceo, tim c cooke. dinner guests leapt to their feet when the communist leader was introduced. >> please rise to meet our guest
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of honor, the president of the people's republic of china, xi jinping. [applause] >> laura: wonder what he was wearing? the entire affair of a huge and much-needed boost for china and xi. they are facing economic problems back home. state television in china showcased the dinner. you can see tim cook and other big wigs there. they were all smiles during the remarks from their dear leader. >> this year after the world emerged from the covid-19 pan pandemic, i have respectively met in beijing with dr. harry kissinger, mr. bill gates,
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senator chuck schumer and his senate colleagues and governor gavin newsom. >> laura: now the billionaires eating their appetizers and so forth, they probably felt like it was the oscars. xi jinping was the celebrity thanking the academy. his audience back home got the real message, china is the winner here. xi was playing 3d chess and these men were china's captured pawns. many who arrived in san francisco in private jets make pointless climate change speeches. >> i tell you from our heart, we believe in treating everyone with dignity and respect and that is how we show up as a company. we believe in being a part of the community and trying to
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advocate for change. >> laura: does that really -- that really get bought by anyone? trying to advocate for change, is that what tim cook said? how do the uighurses advocate for change, tim and how much dignity and respect do the persecuted christians get in china, tim? of course, the great irony, blackrock's larry fink, among the worst boot lickers, behind the idea of shaming companies under environmental, social and governance esg standards that have plagued corporate america. innen 22 the appetizer and main course, did fink press xi about climate change in china or the esg scores in the state-owned companies there? since world war ii, this dinner with the dictator and all that is going to follow is one of the
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low points of american capitalism. communist regime that has been belligerent to the united states and values and oppressive to his own people emerging stronger and more influential. what do we get? we got an unenforceable and vague pledge about fentanyl chemicals and drum roll please, we got some more pandas. promise some pandas, what a bargain. we don't own them, we lease them. joining us now is tennessee congressman mark green and chairman of the house homeland security committee big haggerty, member of senate foreign relations committee. congressman, what were your thoughts when you saw the crowd, i don't know how many trillions were represented in the room, a couple, at least. >> i'm sure they are taking
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notes from xi, that is what esg really is. if our bank and feds push this digital currency thing, they want to mirror what china is doing, control us with their money, that is what xi jinping is all about, how he's controlling the people of china, most surveilled country in the world. they were probably taking notes and asking how do it. >> laura: at the same point during the trump presidency, i think the dow was up 42%, now up 16.7% under joe biden. business was better off when trump was president, even for big corporations, yet they are throwing all this money to re-elect joe biden, is that strange? what is going on? >> it is strange, they don't put their best interest at heart. they listen to the marketing folks down the hall that run down their hair on fire.
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>> laura: you think it is anti-american almost or post-american in their viewpoint? >> it is certainly not good for america. they have their own perspective. as somebody who owned shares, i serve on new york stock exchange company boards, they need to think about shareholders. >> laura: they are pandering to xi, one of the most repressive dictators on the face of the planet who has existed in modern time. to jump up and give them a standing ovation, this was appalling. would you stand for him? >> i wonder if they got the same criticism if they had come to dinner with donald trump. >> laura: they wouldn't want to go to dinner with donald trump or any of you. they are more comfortable spending time with xi than with any gaggle of conservatives. well situated, well positioned conservatives.
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>> that is where they are sending capital and it is building aircraft carriers, they are making profit by sending their money to china and building airstrike for china. >> laura: senator, this was the end of the press conference yesterday. >> after today would you still refer to president xi as a dictator, a term you used earlier? >> president biden: he is, he is a dictator, guy who runs a country that is communist country based on the form of government totally different from ours. >> laura: i saw one report where antony blinken had to change his depends. now back to the dictator language. i think biden when he is you hava script, you don't know, although it is accurate. >> they were all cringing when he said that, off script again. it is --
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>> laura: congressman, a concern going into the 2024 election is that republicans, despite the economic advantage they have, and in poll after poll including new polls just out, trump is killing biden, even among young people, numbers 18 to 29 year olds think the economy was better under trump than now. but with that, republicans on the state level getting enough people registered to vote? do we have a get out and vote operation that will turn votes outcome election time? >> i think we do. i know on the nrcc, we're spending significant amount of money doing just that and budget, it is a lot of money to get new people registered and into the system, especially on the senate side. >> this is ground game, we will not get beaten the way we were on the ground. >> laura: great to see you in nashville.
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tiktokers are celebrating bin laden and media getting up in rememberas when trump says he will do what biden is doing. lee greenwood and sean duffy next. [applause] ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow.
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>> simply put, he wants reveng >> we wants revenge. second term would be like final days, trying to push the boundary and stretch the rule of law. dangerous to weaponize prosecutorial power and weaponizing entire justice department. it is scary, needs to be called out. >> laura: cnn and msnbc have been fearmongering about trump's
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plan for the doj, if elected, ignoring what is being done to him by the biden doj. not just the federal government being weaponized, between smoking leticia james and fani willis, who had a campaign dinner, d.c. is roughly 600 miles from the fulton county district. joining me is sean duffy. sean, for them to try to play the victim here and that big bad donald trump is going to come after us. look in the mirror. >> sean: they have gone after george papadopoulos, navarro, gone after everybody and you need mutual -- if you go after republicans, we don't go back to
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the days before we went after politicians, we are going to go after you if you violate the law. we will go through your lives with a fine-tooth comb and prosecute you, you have to be held to the same standard republicans are held to. that is only way we can get peace between the parties. if republicans have one set of rules and democrats another set of rules, we're going to lose. >> laura: appeals court judge in new york temporarily lifted the gag order on president trump and his attorneys after trump and the legal team asked for emergency relief this week. your reaction? >> sean: political prosecutor by political judge and political pros prosecutor. this was temporary, we don't
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know what is going to happen in the future. we will take that victory. >> laura: the worst was when the judge looked at president trump, he is on the stand and the judge said, i've heard enough from you. what? he's actually taking the stand in his own defense. that's enough from you. >> sean: 10 years in a courtroom and never seen a judge behave that way. the disdain the judge and leticia james has. >> laura: smirking leticia james from now and until the end of time. this is the reaction learning the gag order has been lifted. >> state court gag order is so limited. here is how i'm abridging your free speech, do not threaten the law clerk, that seems like it know shouldn't have to be said. that is only part that is surprising. >> laura: well, the one threat
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they are not concerned about is threat to free speech and they are exaggerating this nonsense. >> sean: donald trump is threatening nobody and it is important to talk to the american people. that motivates and energizes americans to go this is not the system we want to live and if donald trump can't talk about it, how do you address it? to shut him down is outrageous and good the court will go, that is too much, donald trump's free speech matters in america. he is an american and we should support it and endorse it and protect it. >> laura: this is why they like president xi, you don't get to speak, you don't get to speak, they were applauding him. you look spiffy in your patriot awards outfit. good to see you. seeing antisemitism forces raging across america, not just on college campuses, but in the streets and it is all amplified
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on social media chiefly on tiktok. now we're supposed to believe this is just a freaky coincidence that tiktokers discovered bin laden's letter to america that he published a year after 9/11. >> tiktok will save this generation, the amount of things we've learned that people in other generations don't understand or get it. they have been programmed to think a certain way. tiktok is undoing all of that. it is crazy to watch in realtime. go read a letter to america. >> written 22 years ago, the letter says jews have no right to exist and blames america for 9/11 because it supports israel. >> laura: letter to america has 13.7 million views, just as of this afternoon. the company releasing a statement saying that hate speech has no place on their
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platform and took down the offending video. this is not about one app, it is about societal rot that is infecting teens and affecting their way of thinking. joining me now country music legend lee greenwood who knows what it like to be patriotic. nice to see you twice in a week. >> thank you, thanks for bringing the angle. i'm dressed for the patriot awards. >> laura: everyone looks hand some and beautiful. what do we do to turn this around with young people amplifying bin laden's hateful remarks? >> family, god and country. if you believe in that and i have something special for you, god bless the usa bible and constitution, declaration of independence and the bill of rights. i've signed it for you and want you to have it.
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if we believe in america like we have never believed in her, she stands for freedom for the world. stalk about patriot, love, devotion and a sense of attraction for your country. there are people that sacrifice and it is about sacrifice for our country now. >> laura: freedom, i think dwight eisenhower said it doesn't happen by chance, it is a choice, you want to live in freedom. how do you live in freedom? step up and defend freedom. >> ittic tas young kids, make sure our children understand what the sacrifice is for the freedom we enjoy. >> laura: lee, all the greats have performed, you have performed on the the opry house. how many times? >> i came in 1979, at least three or four times a year since then. >> laura: 1979?
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i don't believe that, lee. you feel presence of music greatness at the opry house. when you think about talent and how it evolved over time, different sounds and so forth. who was your favorite of favorite? country music genre? >> johnny cash. the man in black. >> laura: he only performed one time in 1954 at the opry. >> i worked with him several times. talk about my schedule, i said the other day and fox reported it might be my last year to tour. that is nonsense. we're touring like crazy and be ready for donald trump when he wins in '25. >> laura: proud to be an american last week or week before last. i was balling when you were performing. i get emotional when i hear that song, reminds me of reagan and
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reminds me in the '80s. i was a young speech writer in the house. great to see you, thank you so much. which celebrity is making waves in the 2024 presidential election? raymond arroyo has it all in seen and unseen live from the grand ole opry house, where fox nation is holding its fifth annual patriot awards tonight. more after this. [applause] future for our kids, we need to find more sustainable ways of doing things. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating plastic products that are more recyclable. durable. and dependable. our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come. for a better tomorrow, we're focused on making plastics better today.
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[applause] [applause] >> laura: it's time for seen an" unseen, we reveal the story behind the w headlines. turn to fox news contributor, e raymond we've been talking about biden, the rock appeared on joe rogan's podcast and made a startling admission. >> itrp. have friends who suppod trump and friends who support biden. >> do you really have friends i who support biden?an >> i havk e friends -- thank yo good check, that is important. >> they support the democratic f party.riport >> i have friends loyal to the party. >> laura: i guess nobodyra: li
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what>> biden is cooking. >> raymond: the rock, remember,q in 2020 he said, i believe that kamala harris and joe biden aree the best choice to lead the country. he endorsed joe biden, so the idea you now have a major cr celebrity like the rock, crumbling, no pun intended, over joe biden support tells you where the country and hollywood and elites who once supported en joe biden. >> laura: maybe the audience, maybe he thinks the audience is filled with pajama boys in flipa flops wondering when the next pot legalization is going to come around. >> raymond: the left is desperate.rg dwayneue the rock johnson is be nominee for u.s. president in 2024. they are o pushing this. he said both parties are courting him.
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why? i don't understand. this is seeking empty celebrity heni had a couple nice movies, t that is not enough and it showso the problem we're having in the country today. there is a news story that live deliveries soon to be coming tor your doorstep all over the country, the by are being stole at a rate we have never seen i before. >> laura: jacking the fed ex truck.his. >> raymond: seattle, followed by memphis, san diego and birmingham, alabama.. here is the challenge, 119 millioean packages stolen nationwide. look at this, look at this video of the wild. this is s wild criminality. look, they run up, these people run up and he's stealing a wholh plant. he hascar. the whole garden try to get in the car.
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this is happening all over the a country. >> laura: that is pretty tame. >> raymond: i thought there was audio, too. people are attacked and vandalized. >> laura: what is the connectiot to the rock? >> raymond: the rock said he doesn'het know anybody who like biden. this is another symptom of the biden regime playing out when three out of every four persons have items stolen from their front door step, go retail. >> laura: "new york times" today reminded us, i think 67% of the country, maybe 62% are living >> paycheck to paycheck, the real n enemy of the biden reelection campaigne , what is happening t the work people and how they can get by with everyday purchases, harder and harder. >> raymond: new rules for
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travel. >> laura: loveau these. >> raymond: i will take the contrary position tonight. this is amazing story. gospel singer, bobby storm, nearly thrown off a plane for singing onboard. listen what happened here. >> up for two grammys, i sing for the lord and my song is out on all platforms, i have not done this in a while. >> are you going to be quiet? >> they are enjoying it, while we are sitting there -- >> i'm not e enjoying it. >> am i going to go to jail? >> are you willing and able to be quiet right now? what do you guys think? >> i'm asking you, ma'am. >> no one else has had an issue. [singing] thank you for each day of my life. >> laura: >> raymond: grammy nominated artist. i like this, let the woman singe on my mayorion bright tour, i'ms
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going to sing on every plane i get on. they told me to do it.k i'm shglad, i think she should sing and we all should sing, we need joy[app in our lives, righ? >> laura: true. raymond, greatgest to see you. did bidet n suggest he might no be the best nominee for his own party? jesse watters is here and we're going to get his thoughts next. [applause] ] ♪
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come on, guys! do you hear that? i don't hear anything anymore. find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> i want to talk about governor newsom and thank him, he's been one hell of a governor, man. [cheering] >> he could have the job i'm looking for. >> laura: advice, joe, if you are running for president, don't suggest other people might be better at the job. joining me jesse watters, here
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from fox news. jesse, i think this is first time we've been on set together, correct? >> it's beautiful, make it last. >> laura: so good to see you. what do you think of the adulation from biden to newsom and xi to newsom and newsom to xi? quite a triangle. >> it's a love triangle and xi is winning, as she always does. if i was kamala, i'd be livid, because joe biden just endorsed gavin newsom. he is probably crying somewhere. >> laura: she or xi? who is crying now? >> gavin newsom fell in love with xi when he went to china, he saw the toboggans, he ran over people playing basketball, best time of his life. when xi came to san francisco,
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he thought it was xi and newsom, but then biden comes in and gives xi everything he wants. was there is a deal joe biden got? curbing fentanyl, yes, we trust china every time they promise something. i don't know what, if xi is playing the two off each other. whatever he is doing is working and we're losing. >> laura: jesse, our colleague was supposed to be with us, sean, we have never appeared together. he was busy, he wanted to be here to hang with you. we went looking for him, this is what happens when you don't join us. >> okay. >> where are my footballs? i got to have footballs. let not your heart be troubled. you're a great american. where are my footballs? i love you, sean, you are so
2:00 am
awesome. you are not here. where is the greatness? where is the greatness? you have to tease people. >> is this like when they do a state of the union and one member of the cabinet is not there. >> laura: they go to an undiz closed location. how do you like 8:00? >> i like 8:00. my dinner situation has changed and i haven't gotten over it, i have to eat dinner with my assistant johnny instead of my wife and children, so that is probably the worst part, everything else is gun. >> laura: they tell me to get off the stage fast, someone is hosting a show after this one. >> that would be me. >> laura: have a great show, great to see you, jesse. >> love you. [applause] ♪ ♪ it is meant to be, it will


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