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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  November 17, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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awesome. you are not here. where is the greatness? where is the greatness? you have to tease people. >> is this like when they do a state of the union and one member of the cabinet is not there. >> laura: they go to an undiz closed location. how do you like 8:00? >> i like 8:00. my dinner situation has changed and i haven't gotten over it, i have to eat dinner with my assistant johnny instead of my wife and children, so that is probably the worst part, everything else is gun. >> laura: they tell me to get off the stage fast, someone is hosting a show after this one. >> that would be me. >> laura: have a great show, great to see you, jesse. >> love you. [applause] ♪ ♪ it is meant to be, it will be.
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it will be. baby, just let it be. if it's meant to be, it will be, it will be. ♪ >> carley: good morning from nashville, tennessee. i'm carley shimkus, live outside the grand ole opry house after last night's patriot awards. >> todd: you are seeing the scene from last night. i am todd piro live from new york city. always incredible to watch, what was it like being there this year? >> carley: yeah, todd, this event is awesome. it is definitely the most special event i've ever been a part of. you mix thousands of fox viewers and patriots with honoring real-life unsung heroes and you get the patriot awards temperature is so special and uplifting, so positive. it is exactly what this country needs and we've been doing it for five years. this is the fifth one we've
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done. you knew it would be super special. check out some highlights here. >> welcome to the fifth annual fox nation patriot awards. the patriot awards inspiring patriotism and activism in others. we are here not to dwell on tragedy, but to honor men and women who turn toward danger to safeguard others. please welcome the recipients of tunnel to towers stephen siller patriot award. >> going for others, respecting each other and respecting your country and putting your god first. >> welcome this year's back the blue recipient, authors james patterson. we need to back our men and women in blue. i'm proud to be up here standing in for all these officers and to be honoring our police tonight, go blue. >> inner parents have lost confidence in what our kids are learning in the classroom, until
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one organization became a beacon of hope. >> please welcome most valuable patriots, mom of liberty. >> our children are being taught to hate each other in school. there is no future for america with that type of hate. so we are going to fight like hell with a smile on our faces because our children are watching us. >> we have the right given to us by god to direct their upbringing, moral and religious upbringing. coming up on 80 years since the anniversary of d-day, the greatest generation saved us all. salute to service recipient. >> usa, usa! >> thank you all very much. you're putting me to tears and i don't like to cry. i represent all of the world war ii veterans that are still
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alive. [cheering] >> and for the other veterans out of the other wars, let me assure you, i represent you, too, iraq and all the rest of them. >> this california boy made it his mission for last seven years to place flags and flowers on veterans graves across this country. >> this year's young patriot, preston sharp. >> this award is not for me, not from honoring veterans and placing flowers on veteran grave sites, my mission is to bring awareness to veterans. >> carley: wow, i love we ended on preston sharp, the future of our country is in good hands with young men like him. he's been putting flowers and flags on varieties grave stones
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since he was 10 years old. special kid, i got to meet him and his mom. great job in his speech, he is only 17 years old tlchl is always a moment in the patriot awards that you remember, one moment that signifies the whole event. for me, it for me, it was andy. he fought on d-day, his speech was inspirational. he talked about the state of the country. he said 80 years ago he said he never thought he would see the country look like it does. he said the country gets through challenges. i was talking to him backstage, he said, they gave me 90 seconds to speak. he said his motto for etch
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spoos, they should be like a woman's dress. i wrote the quote down. he said long enough to cover the subject but short enough to keep people interested. loved him. i sat alongside janice dean, who presented an award, i'm sure a great experience for her and janice will tell us about that experience and what it was like to be part of the patriot awards. >> janice: it was an honor, obviously to be at the grand ole opry house. you had to pinch yourself because we were here. i will admit, i was nervous, i was on stage with measures of the five for the first ever fox weather award. they looked at all sorts of damage from tornados that had reeked havoc across the country and in september ef-4 rolled
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through small town of mississippi and tracey harden is the owner of chuck's dairy bar and she thought within a moment to get her employees into a cooler, a storage facility. they only had minutes, they got in there and her husband was about to close the door and the tornado hit and completely levelled the restaurant. her quick thinking to get her employees into that storage facility that saved their lives. that town suffered devastating loss, close to two dozen people died and hundreds of injuries. we honored tracey last night and that was such a moment because it was hard -- she was so emotional, but her words were so pure and that is what was really special to me. >> carley: yeah, that's right.
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she said she wasn't accepting the award for herself, but accepting it for her town. humble of her to say that. she thanked god and said god gave her strength. that was a line throughout the patriot awards, faith and love of country and one of the other great parts is meeting viewers. that really is my -- it means more to me, i'm sure to you, than it does to them. because of their positivity and i think we have pictures. we did red carpet and a cocktail hour event. we got all gusied up. that is us on the big bicycle. me, janice, lawrence, brian, steve, ainsley, rachel, we all rode together. bachelorette party experience. you will see that package during "fox and friends." it is wonderful to meet everybody. if you were there last night and
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you're awake now, we love you even more because we love the early birds that don't sleep a lot. it was such a special event. the other moment that i love on the red carpet, we clean up pretty well, janice >> janice: i think so, too. >> carley: stephen siller award. big time. given to nashville police who rushed into t covinent school. all five honored, three were there and they were presented with an award. that was incredible moment. it is unfortunate so many tragedies take place in a single year and sometimes you forget about horrific things that happen. this is great remental healther of heroes that are there to put their lives on the line and save others. six people died, but they rushed
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in without a question or fear or worry to prevent an even larger tragedy. wonderful way to end this beautiful ceremony. >> todd: these people are patriots, we are celebrating them when society oftentimes celebrates the wrong thing. jd, there is weather, we need to hear what the weather is, it is friday and going into the weekend. >> janice: absolutely. i've shown the map of the u.s. right now, which is active, especially across florida. that area of low pressure will visit here in the northeast over the weekend. i'm concerned with travel for the east coast and of course we have gotten over a foot of rain in south florida and the space coast to florida and we have a west coast storm moving in and that is going to be our travel delay storm getting into thanksgiving. couple of areas of low pressure going to travel across the map over the next couple of days
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into next week and i'm concerned about travel trouble for the plain states, this could develop into a coastal low for thanksgiving., will update the details and i'll be here throughout "fox and friends." what an honor to be here. fox news is the only channel that honors patriots and quiet heroes and i echo what carley said, meeting all of the fans yesterday, they are part of our family and they invite us into their homes everyday. we are grateful for you. >> carley: they are a part of our family. thanks for the weather report, look forward to spending the morning with you throughout "fox and friends," as well. >> janice: coffee is on me. >> carley: absolutely. amen to coffee. all right, news happening across the country, of course. happening with president biden after he met with xi jinping in san francisco. we learned that pathogens
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labeled hiv and eboli were found inside a secret illegal chinese biolab in california, wait until you hear about this. >> todd: why does it happen? how does it happen? sign stealing investigation into michigan coach jim harbaugh. we will tell you what it means for the sport of football.
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>> president biden: tonight is about breaking bread together and we know one another a little better after tonight. please join me in raising your glass to our people -- to the pacific and to the possibilities of all we can do together. welcome. i emphasize to president xi the united states does not seek conflict. as my generation would say back in the day, this is not all
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kumbaya. >> todd: last night president was toasting to leaders, including chinese president xi jinping, who he just referred to as a dictator and antony blinken wincing at that comment when he said it and playing clean-up for the president. >> are you worried president's reference to president xi as dictator -- >> we have very different systems and the president speaks candidly and speaks for us. >> todd: congressman, thanks for being here and taking these soundbites as a whole, is this the extent of biden and blinken talking tough when it comes to our number one adversary? >> good morning, thank you for having me on this morning. as member of the select committee of china, tasked with looking at threats posed by
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communist chinese. this is certainly something we're aware of and concerned with. i do have to say, though, that anything that we can do to lower tension between our two countries is probably a good thing. but we can't take our eye off the fact that china poses significant threats to our economy and safety in this country and we have to be aware of. >> todd: agreed, nobody wants the temperature to be that high. but aside from china saying it would be unstoppable when it came to taiwan and xi jinping coming to san francisco to get u.s. businesses, what came out of thisum isit? >> that's a good question. i'm not sure a lot of substantive steps forward became more clear because of this summit. like i said, we have to continue to be eyes wide open when it comes to china. certainly they are second
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largest economic power on the globe. we have to be able to deal with them. we also have to recognize there are many threats and that is why i'm very thankful that speaker mccarthy put together the select committee so we can learn about those things that maybe we're not as aware of that we should be as a nation so that we know how to respond. >> todd: house select subcommittee that you're a part of said it found pathogens labeled hiv and oebola in a lab. here is a hearing you took part in this week, watch. >> how many of these labs exist throughout the country? we don't know that, there could be more californias around the country. >> every elected official in this country should be concerned whether an elicit lab could be hiding in their community. >> it's been almost a year since
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the discovery of the illegal lab and we're working to remove the medical devices on site. >> todd: are there more of these in a city or town near you? there are a lot of other questions, why do the chinese have a lab like this on u.s. soil to begin with? what possible reason for having p pathogens in society in the first place and why did they choose not to investigate? so many questions, congressman. >> yes, we have way more questions than answers at this point. it is very concerning. my thanks go out to observant code enforcement officer harper that paid attention to something out of the ordinary and discovered this. it pointed out many gaps in our ability to make sure these things don't exist in our country and what kind of procedure should be taken? how does this happen where a known criminal from another
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country comes into the united states illegally and opens a lab and buys biological pathogens that could pose a threat to public safety. more questions than answers at this point. i'm glad our committee is being able to look at this and investigate this and know what kind of action to take to prevent these things from happening throughout the country. >> todd: the chinese fly a spy balloon over mainland and have police stations in new york city and now running labs, none of thissic mas sense. have a great weekend. carley, over to you. >> carley: overnight idf troops raiding several terror sites as soldiers claim they found multiple weapons use by jihadist. trey yingst live on the ground and at home hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters shut down the san francisco bay bridge during rush hour. >> police officer with the
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california patrol. >> free, free palestine! >> carley: more on that and the protest planned on college campuses today. stay with us. and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... (♪) a perfect king's hawaiian slider. tastes good too! king's hawaiian slider sunday... the only way to sunday!
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>> carley: israeli soldiers say they found multiple rockets and uav's used by islamic jihadists last night. the explosive warheads weigh over 500 pounds. >> todd: idf showing a tunnel uncovered in their biggest hospital. trey yingst has more. trey. >> trey: todd, carley, good morning. israeli forces continue to work deeper into gaza city overnight, releasing video of what they say is a hamas tunnel on the
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al-shifa hospital complex. israelis promised they would uncover a hamas headquarters. we have not seen evidence to support those claims. they did release photos of what they say is a hamas tunnel and weapons inside the surgery department of the hospital. hamas denied they use the hospital as their headquarters and they note there are patients there in need of medical support. as this is taking place, we found out horrific news about two hostages, their bodies were discovered near the complex. a woman from the small kibosh of be'eri was taken and there was hope she was still alive. she is mother of five children and someone who was receiving
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cancer treatment when she was kidnapped and taken into gaza and body of corporal marciano, a 19-year-old. hamas had released a hostage video her in it and at the end of the video, her body. her funeral is being held in central israel. this comes as israelis say they are starting to prepare for operation in southern part of the gaza strip. they dropped leaflets in khan yunis and uncovered rockets from jihad. some are quite large, not sure if the rockets are in use, some could be props used within gaza. israelis blowing up the facility they say was a training facility for hamas and islamic jihad as they continue to operate inside
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the gaza strip. todd and carley. >> carley: trey yingst, thank you. a college professor arrest and charged in the death of a 69-year-old jewish man killed in a clash between protesters in california. investigators claim he knocked down paul kessler and caused his head to hit the concrete. kessler was at the rally to support israel and died hours later from a brain hemorrhage, police have not ruled out the death being a hate crime. he is charged with involuntary manslaughter and removed from his school's website. >> todd: college campus rallies today, social media plastered with nease fliers happening in new york, ohio, michigan and north carolina. did you see this? on the west coast, hundreds of
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anti-israel protesters shutting down the san francisco bay bridge causing traffic delays during rush hour. [chanting] >> no justice. no peace. >> free, free palestine! >> free, free palestine! >> free, free palestine! free, free palestine! >> todd: police say protesters stopped their cars on the road and threw their car keys into the bay before chaining themselves together and stopping drivers for almost four hours. 80 protesters have been cited. what a mess. imagine having an emergency, calling 911 and waiting 25 minutes for an ambulance? it is a scary reality in rural america. we are talking to two first responders on the front line of the emt shortage. >> carley: donald trump is
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facing 40 charges in his case, but what about joe biden? we will tell you what cnn just reported, coming up next. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before treatment, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar and may worsen ibd. tepezza may cause severe hearing problems which may be permanent. (bridget) now, i'm ready to be seen again. (vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist
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that is worse in nebraska, people are waiting longer than an hour because responding teams are likely coming from south dakota or even 60 miles away in another time zone. rose chapel is an emergency technician in nebraska and andy works at national association of state ems and both join us on this important topic. rose, something a lot of people take for granted is difficult for your community. what happens when somebody calls 911 and need an ambulance, how long do they have to wait and what is the process like? >> right now when the call goes into 911, it goes to dispatch in valentine, nebraska and they dispatch bennett county, which is in south dakota, 18 miles
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north and valentine, which is 60 miles east of us depending which service can respond, they have to wait for that one. you're looking, if bennett county is available, at least 45 minutes with response time. if not available immediately, it would be over an hour. >> carley: my goodness. rose, what if somebody has a heart attack and needs medical service right away, this could be a death sentence for them. >> yeah, unfortunately, we cover a pretty large area, there are places where it takes us an hour to get to, depending where it is at. it is devastating for a lot of people to have to wait that long and there has been deaths.
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we don't have the personnel any longer. >> carley: and rose, you're the last emergency medical technician in your town. how large is your town and how busy are you? >> down to 86 people, biggest reason for the shortage, the population is dropping and our busiest time when we were running, which we have not run for quite a few years now, because of the shortage, would be like maybe one a month depending on tourism and that stuff. >> carley: yeah. when you are needed, you are needed. andy, they call this an ambulance desert and lack of medical services is affecting people across the country. how widespread is this and how can we fix this?
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>> good morning, thank you for having me. sadly, rose's story and that of merrimon, nebraska, it is not just nebraska. it is, i suggest to you, that every state which has a significant rural portion of territory is experiencing much the same thing. i don't think any state gets to say we've got this figured out. there are places all over the united states, where response could be in excess of 25 minutes trying to get care there. it's a big problem. it is rooted in long-term problems and it is super complex and we need to start having serious conversations about this now or hear the story repeated over and over again. >> carley: absolutely, and andy, do you have a quick message for rose, being the last eamerica s
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worker in her town? >> hang in there, rose, i understand it and other folks are trying to help get the story about merrimonand other places out. thank you for doing what you do. >> carley: absolutely, yes, rose and andy, thank you, it is an important topic not getting enough attention. we're happy to shed light on it. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> carley: todd, over to you. >> todd: david depape found guilty for attacking paul pelosi in his home last year. federal assault and kidnapping after fracturing his skull days before last year's midterm. david depape admitting he broke into the home intending to hold nancy pelosi hostage and break her knee caps if she ever lied to him. hearing is december 13th. will he or won't he run for
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president? that is what americans want to know about joe manchin, who is gaining steam in the latest fox news polls. outkick will talk about potential third-party challenger entering the race, don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough,
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home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. >> todd: baltimore ravens beating cincinnati bengals and doing it in style. watch. >> lamar in the pocket. it is caught in a lot of traffic by nelson agholor. >> todd: ravens won, both teams suffer injury losses, mark andrews, who is really good, likely out for the year after hurting his ankle on this play. that is bad. quarterback lamar jackson suffering ankle injury, but he did return to the game despite limping. this could be the big story, bengals quarterback joe burrow
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showing discomfort in his throwing wrist. he left the game and did not return, coaches believe it is sprained and he could be out for a couple weeks. not good for bengal nation. new toll shows donald trump ahead of biden for president. joe manchin getting 5% support and he hasn't even said he's running, but did say this last night. >> i would never be a spoiler for anybody and i don't agree with the analysis they came up with. if people get off their high horse and look at how we continue to be the united states and quit trying to be divided state and be americans and don't worry about democrat or republican. >> todd: you heard joe manchin say, i will not be a spoiler, when donald trump is up by five and joe manchin getting 5%, numbers seem to indicate joe manchin could be a spoiler.
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>> carley: yeah, i know, that latest fox news poll is very telling. joe biden has 35% of support with joe manchin in the mix. donald trump has 40%. usually polling without joe manchin and even r.f.k. has 13% and jill stein has 4. all three affect this polling in one way or another. with independent candidate or potential candidates in the mix, joe biden beating donald trump by 5% and without them, they are usually neck and neck. that goes to the theory with candidates in the race, if joe manchin does jump in, he would pull from joe biden and that makes sense. there has been a d behind his name for his entire political career. he's worked across the aisle in many cases and his message, he wants to bring this country
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together. a lot of people would say, if his goal is to bring the country together and him entering the race could benefit donald trump over joe biden, i think democrats could say that could tear the country apart even more. republicans might be pleased, i don't know if his ultimate goal would be what would happen. >> todd: he is under fire from democrats. there is notion in the political world that r.f.k. jr. will draw votes from donald trump, they both represent an anti-government approach. in the real world that you and i live in, do you know one republican who says, you know, i'm not voting for donald trump in 2024, but joe manchin will get my vote, but r.f.k. jr. will get my vote? i don't know one of them. i live in a pretty, pretty blue state and number of people said, i cannot vote for joe manchin, i
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will vote for r.f.k. jr. or joe manchin or something else, that is the main issue if you are the democrats. >> carley: yeah, so interesting and the fact this is upon haing right now is also quite unique for joe manchin to possibly wait this long. there are deadlines that have passed in early swing states. if he does decide to jump in, his name won't even be on the ballots. it is curious what he's playing. he is open with the fact he is considering this. on this listening tour yesterday and right now and he will travel the country and hear what americans have to say. i do think there is a desire in this country to become more united, i remember i was out on the street talking to people in new york city about something negative hillary clinton said about trump supporters when she said they are membering of a cult. people in new york were card-carrying democrats. i don't believe this and i'm
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sick of this negative rhetoric. i think joe manchin is pulling at something when he says he wants to meet in the middle and bring people toward the middle. i don't know how it will play in presidential election in the capacity he's trying to do it right now. >> todd: when pressed about whether he will run, he said everybody should run for president. big announcement, i'm throwing hat in the ring never. young people nationwide are praising osama bin laden, yeah, that osama bin laden, after reading his letter to america. insanity. joe concha is here next on that. >> carley: first lawrence jones is live from nashville with what is coming up on "fox and friends." hi, lawrence. >> lawrence: i tell you, it was a night to remember, with so much negativity happening in the country, this was a moment to
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celebrate patriotism, our soldiers and good folk of america coming together to say, we love the country. big show ahead, dennis quaid will join us and sean hannity and moms for liberty. we will continue to honor them today. studio audience two days in a row. you ready for the show today? going to be a good time. i think carley will join us from the set you are at on stage, we'll have a good time. todd, we miss you here. we got a big show coming up. >> todd: next year, my friend. >> lawrence: hopefully. >> todd: i'm designated survivor this year, if something and you lost the shot, i'm ready to go like at state of the union. >> carley: most critical role, todd. >> lawrence: it is, you have security detail, too, and they bring you food and all that stuff and you're in a secret
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bunker. >> todd: diva in a bunker. lawrence, you have a lot of great stuff, we're looking forward to that. more "fox and friends" on the other side of this break.
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♪ >> carley: cnn is reporting that the special counsel investigating president biden's handling of classified documents will not bring any charges against the president. >> todd: meantime former president donald trump faces 40 felony counts into the investigation of the classified documents found at mar-a-lago. fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger joe concha joins us now. joe, before you say there's a double standard, here is cnn's jake tapper and ellie honing down playing that double standard. watch. >> i can already anticipate what we are going to hear. this is a double standard. that donald trump was charged and there's a federal case and indictments about his mishandling of classified documents. and joe biden is in the going to
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be charged? obviously the cases are different. >> there are differences between these cases based on the indictment that we have seen at trump at mar-a-lago and based on what we have seen from the public reporting. >> todd: joe, what's your reaction to that saying they put out the public reporting which in and itself nothing to see with regard to joe but oh my god donald trump. >> remember, jake at that pointer is a serious journalist. is he not a biased activist or anything like that. oh, that's right. he is this news is as surprising as the sunrising in the east and birds flying south for the winter. of course, president biden is not expected to be charged. despite keeping classified documents and a completely unsecure area next to his corvette in a garage in delaware in multiple other locations. it's rules for these and not for thee. and this is why so many americans see our justice system as weaponized depending on who is the party in power. that's one of the reasons why president trump is beating mr. biden now in poll after poll
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after poll because maybe people see this attempted prosecution of trump. it's almost having a bammer rang effect right now and almost making him a martyr at this point. it's just -- i'm not a lawyer but it's just basic common sense. hillary clinton, joe biden, mishandle classified information, donald trump mishandles it as well but only one is being attempted to be prosecuted right now. it's pretty easy to connect the dots here, carley, at this point. >> carley: yeah. well, james kolmer, joe, is really interested in these classified documents because he wants to know if the documents found in the garage has anything to do with the countriesed biden family doing business with now that there won't likely be any charges coming down this saga isn't over. >> no, it is not. elections do have consequences and the g.o.p. did take back the
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house not by the big margins we thought they would with that elections nevertheless james comer controls the gavel right now. whatever jake tapper, cnn, or anybody on the left says that joe biden didn't do what donald trump did, james comer will pursue this with vigor and passion that will bring this forward and we will see what happens here. >> todd: young people on tiktok are now praising usama bin laden after his "letter to america"goes viral israel-hamas war. some of the things we see promoting videos on tiktok. promoting the letters. after reading it i'm just disgusted with america even more, america is the bully. tiktok is going to save this generation. and this letter makes some great points. to be clear, this is the letter that basically explains why he killed so many innocent americans on that fateful day in our country. did you ever think the brainwashing of our kids, joe, would go so far as to praise
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usama bin laden? >> todd, this is so beyond disturbing. we now have those who are millennials in large numbers supporting usama bin laden, the man responsible for almost 3,000 deaths while also participating in anti-israel protests after the worst attack on jews that was carried out on october 7th, that left 1400 people in israel brutally slaughtered or kidnapped or raped or otherwise. and 33 americans dead. and the fact that more americans now are getting their news from tiktok than many other legit mass sources. spy app. joe biden so openly embraced san francisco. that tells you serious crisis on our hands especially with young adults in our countries, guys. >> ainsley: having just been at the patriot awards and seeings the thousands of people who love
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this country i firmly believe there are more people who would be horrified by this tiktok trend than support it is still very concerning the fact that this even happened is mind blowing to so many. so, tomorrow is saturday. so, it is college football. and there is a big development with jim harbaugh. he accepted the three game suspension in the big ten conference is going to drop their sign stealing investigation. just 20 seconds to you. joe. what are your thoughts on this as a big football fan yourself. >> oh, yes. michigan goes into college park, maryland to play my terps tomorrow and they are in big trouble put their coach more importantly they have to play ohio state the following week. can they survive without quarterback on the sidelines so to speak. this is a major development and mitch began may lead the big 10 at this point. we will see. >> todd: appreciate it. "fox & friends" begins right now. have great weekend, everybody. ♪ ♪


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