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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  November 17, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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you ask aflcio a question. you thank participants, you depart. the alleged leader of the free world is being instructed like a child and not even a smart up with and joe biden isn't like a fine wine. he's not going to get better with age. this is the cottage cheese presidency. it doesn't age well and obviously this president. trump gave 35 press conferences in his final year office in. joe biden has barely given any. >> sean: unfortunate that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us, please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled this friday night. greg gutfeld is up next to put a smile on your face. have a great weekend and we'll see you next week. ♪
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>> greg: yes! yes. it feels so good. it feels so good. you're like the audience version of a brazilian wax. [laughter] >> greg: it's friday so you know what that means. let's welcome tonight's guest. he's a one-man show but not by choice, comedian joe mackey. side job is reading off the pharmaceutical side effects in commercials. crime podcast, emily -- [applause] >> greg: he's from jersey so most of the talking tonight will be done by his hands, actor-comedian vince august. [applause] >> greg: she's like a
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thanksgiving turkey, about 20 pounds and extremely dry. "new york times" best-selling author and fox news contributor, kat. >> greg: all right. before we get to some new stories let's do this. >> greg's leftovers. >> greg: make an analogy. it's leftovers write read the jokes we didn't use this week and as always it's my first time reading these. so if they suck we'll season joe mackey with salt and pepper and feed him to a grizzly bear. why not? >> greg: all right. this week in d.c., thieves try to break into the car of joe biden's granddaughter prompting an enaged biden to say where do they keep finding these granddaughters? [laughter] >> greg: tim scott has dropped out of the 2024 presidential race to help raise awareness that he was in the 2024
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presidential race. megan rapino says her career ending injury is proof that god doesn't exist. it's true, got does not watch women's soccer. who does? , i mean, even satan won't watch that. new york mayor erica adams showed off two drone-like helicopters he hailed as the future of travel in the big apple. and to anticipate this, they have already filled the aircrafts with stale urine. [laughter] >> greg: not the fresh urine. stale urine. more expensive. in preparation for president biden's summit with president xi, san francisco erected a wall for security enhancements, which makes it the first erection joe has seen in decades. [laughter] >> greg: so obvious. you people.
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it was a flat erection, kat. on sunday, a camera crew from the czech republic was filming in san francisco when they were robbed at gunpoint. so the world will never get to enjoy that documentary on how safe it is to make documentaries in san francisco. taliban soldiers were filmed patrolling the streets of kabul on roller blades. they were then forced to execute each other because roller blading is gay. [laughter] >> greg: i don't make the rules. images went viral of firefighters hoisting a massive horse out of a california canal. after the rescue they safely returned the horse to the rest of its family. never fails. could have been a cow. doesn't matter. a massachusetts student's message in a bottle was found in
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france 26 years later and even more shocking, is what was written on it. [laughter] >> greg: a 15-year-old broke his own stacking record. jinga stacking record. which has inspired the new hallmark film, why i will die a virgin. martha stewart says she's canceled her thanksgiving dinner. guests looking at the turkey could be redundant after her "sports illustrated" cover. i know. [boos] >> greg: joe biden says homeless people are the hardest hit by climate change. there is one thing hobos complain about it's warm weather in november. an iowa man's collection of 69,255 pencils have earned him
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to be in the "guinness book of world records." now that his record is set he looks forward to shoving them all of his ass. that doesn't even make sense. i don't even get that but somehow it stayed in. much like the pencils. a new study found that the average adult spends just four hours a month with their friends. and that numbers drops to zero if you don't have any. >> bret: just keep the camera on him. all right. david, i can't pronounce his name. david depape, the man who beat nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer, was found guilty of attempted kidnapping and assault. federal prosecutors said he went there initially to break nancy's kneecaps but changed his mind when he realized something would be blocking his target.
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i don't get it. i don't get it. >> greg: anyway, earlier this week, alec baldwin made a brief cameo appearance on snl. viewers noted baldwin was clearly happy that he got another shot. >> greg: just the news. barbie's boyfriend ken was passed over for induction into the toy hall of fame. he would have protested but as we all know ken doesn't have any balls. the 10 freeway in downtown l.a. was recently shut down after a fire broke out near a homeless encampment. visibility was so bad because of the smoke there was a two-hour wait to get carjacked. the kardashians are getting ready for thanksgiving. in fact, they are putting on a play for neighbors where they pretend kim's ass is plymouth
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rock. and finally, jimmy kimmel will host the 2024 oscars. i know. no surprise there. choosing yet another black host. [applause] >> greg: to the news. will trump kill us all if we elect him next fall? the economist published an article this week saying donald trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024. if you're wondering why they call it the economist it's because it has a nicer ring than full of weekly [ bleep ] that brings the total number of articles this week claiming trump will kill us to 819. the rag argued that a trump's victory would spell doom for the planet with trumpes straying everything from american democracy to global climate to international affairs.
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they left out that he'll surely be responsible for breaking up taylor swift and travis kelsey. so never mind hamas or iran or north korea. trump is now worse than the media's previous villain, climate change. that's saying something but why. "mr. trump would be unbound in his pursuit of retribution, economic protectionism and these theatrical deals. spilling board rooms with despair. translation, be scared. be very scared and if all of that weren't enough the el light are also trying the proven meth of calling him hitler. trump echoed the nazi dictator when he used the word vermin to refer to his political enemies during a campaign rally last week but that's an elegant way of calling them rats. the media seizes on vermin, is
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trump becomes hitler before our eyes we see on tik tok that osama bin laden is getting a makeover. influencers have been gloryfying him in viral videos praising his so-called letter to america which garnered sympathy from the stupid people who think 9/11 is nothing more than mo by's birthday. never forget. never forget moby's birthday, come on, guys. thank you, jean. that laugh. it's like somebody is tickling sydney brady. >> greg: so as predicted, the sigh on begins creating a terrifying and divisive climate that will make 2016 and 2020 look like a rest hole birthday party. we have two wars raging both which didn't exist under trump, and as these wars rage the media
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industrial complex says trump is the thing that's going to kill you. not war. why is that? you could only conclude from this hysterical derangement that trump is not a threat to the globe. he's a threat to globalists. he's the odd man out. he's you and me and if they can't arrest him they will surely destroy him. and you, too. if you get in their way. pl [applause] >> greg: joe, when they were talking about all the bad things trump would do they didn't mention war. which is the number one bad thing. right? do you think this is a si-op, i hate using that because it puts you into the conspiracy realm. >> greg, a little bit of truth comes through. i made a list of how the gulf between reality and what the media is saying is growing even
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bigger. mostly peaceful protests. the economy is good. most secure election. the vaccine works. biden is like that because he stutters. january 6 was worse than 9/11. nikki haley won the debate. a little bit of truth comes through because they did mention the people that are most upset are in board rooms and parliament. so the people that are making money off of not representing this. >> greg: that's a great point. since when does the media feel bad because those people are scared? >> i can't go back to the board room now. >> greg: that's my second yacht. we're getting out of here. to the first yacht. emily, this is so interesting, because it seems that they are so intent on crushing trump that
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it's going to create a rebound effect. it's going to make me vote six times for him. instead of the five times in 2020. >> i mean, i hope so. i'm a little bit of a disheartened mood after the offyear election that is we just had, where i was sort of embracing what i thought or expecting a lot of people who had finally had enough, i thought. so i don't understand when enough is enough because i thought we passed that line literally two years ago. the amount of shaping the narrative that the left tries to do, that this administration tries to do, with his words, our president calls grown african-american men boy. all the time. right? his wife calls hispanic americans tacos, and that's -- >> i'm sorry, breakfast tacos. >> thank you, and yet they are able to laugh it off? they are able to, no, no, they didn't mean it, and then this former president says anything and it's manipulated to be the
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worst possible scenario, but the worst possible scenario is what we're in right now. obama administration 2.0, and because of their spinelessness, their rhetoric only appease. of iran and its allies we're less safe, we're in true danger, and our u.s. forces are getting attacked all the time with no deterrence because, of course, there is no deterrence. there is nothing that will ever back up any type of threat out of joe bide president's mouth. the reason we had peace and security dump trump -- 60 days into the biden administration who invades ukraine. it is insane to me they try to make him out to be anything less than peace through strength. that's all he'll ever be. >> the reason why racist dr. jill, call them breakfast tacos, is because they are always waking you up when you are
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blowing the leaves. [laughter] >> greg: see, i know, it's just disgusting. where does she get off? certainly not -- with joe. welcome to the show. it seems like they are going so far, that no one can take them seriously and they can't see it themselves. what do you think about this? >> well, if trump is, in fact, most dangerous threat to the world, thornburg has to find a new job. oh, my god, it's a threat to our democracy. it not a democracy. it's a capitalist republic. we know that. we know how the money flows but the way they twist the words, and, look, the thing that i love most about trump is you never know what he's going to say next so when he uses words like var minute, look, when the queen died the first thing i did was run to truth social, i've got to find out what this guy is going
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to say about the queen. top three favorite queens without a doubt, top three. dairy queen, number one, i like my queens to be american. everything that he says just ignites people, and it's like, you know, and then you have the other guy, what great about biden is i have never seen someone would gets bored at their own sentence halfway through. >> greg: right. >> like he starts, look, man, you've got to fix this thing -- oh, forget about it. [applause] >> greg: kat, i think it's been eye opening for a lot of people that, like, this isn't about ideology. it's about power. because trump, trump really doesn't have an ideology. he just has power. and they are scared of that, because, like he has liberal
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beliefs, he has conservative beliefs, he's a populist. what do you make of this? >> kat: are people still thinking this? he's been doing this for a long time, where trump is the most dangerous. are these the same people who also belief it when the host of the behalf lor says it's going to be the most dramatic series finale ever. how many times do you that? but at least, the bachelor, i still tune in. at least i know, i'm like, no, it probably won't be everything that they are saying it is and especially when biden, he really did run, i think, as the guy who was nice and who could be by partisan and work with other people. and obviously, the presidency didn't work out that way, but to see him doing it truly in the same couple of sentences, where he's like donald trump thinks he can win by dividing us, and he's hitler. you're doing the same thing, i
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think it's actually very harmful that we demonize people just because we might disagree with them on an issue, i think it's a horrible thing and i think it's getting worse but you can't make that point when you're also doing it yourself. >> greg: exactly. the other reality show, staple, that i love, is usually when somebody gets eliminated from the show. you haven't seen the last of me. yes, we have. every reality show, we never see you again. >> you're off the show. >> greg: all right. up next, sad news indeed, snoop gave up weed. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management.
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>> listen to your aunt ellen. this is a pretty big story, in my opinion. ♪ [applause] >> greg: aunt ellen in her
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monthly newsletter sent this to me, plus a couple of recipes on egg salad. has the world gone insane when snoop gives up maryjane? true legendary rapper snoop dogg said he's initially done smoking weed and marijuana stocks are dropping like joe biden's balls. >> bret: writing on instagram, after must have conversation with my family i've decided to give up smoke. please respect my privacy at this time. sure. but why did you tell everyone, then? of course, the 52-year-old rapper is known, shall we say, as a emergency enthusiast. you can get a contact high just looking at this picture. he spent decades advocating for its use and legalization. they even launched a canny bass brand less than a year ago which is why some people are a little more suspicious about his retirement but assuming it's
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real this is a big deal. snoop quitting weed is like cnn giving up lying. nobody has field tested weed more than this guy and snoop has concluded, weed just isn't worth it. we can only speculate as to why but even i have to admit it hasn't been all wine. it's hard to ignore the precipitation that the spike in mental illness is somehow connected to pot. tj contains a psycho-active ingredient and its grown more potent as it's been made more widely available. now some products currently for sale are more than 90% thc. but, i'm not a single variable thinker. there could be other reasons that are making our cities scarier than a waffle house at 2:00 a.m. i don't know. i'm not a doctor. but then does your doctor have his own tv show? dig that, dr. drew.
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[laughter] >> greg: emily, do you believe that snoop really quit, and let's just assume, yes? >> i'm so gullible so i believe everyone all the time no matter. what i sort of loved this because i love when anyone takes a sharp turn from what everyone assumes that they do. at the end of the day we're all humans and we all change you're mind so i love that he's before you put me in this box for the rest of my life i've changed my mind. what i want to know is, we learned how biden spent like $6 million. was it financial? was he spending millions on weed or something. that's what i would like to know. i also would like to know what he's going to indulge in and take up his time next, sort of a spokesman for because to your point he was a big influencer in that way and he was a shareholder in the cannabis company. >> greg: i think he's moved on to heroin. vince what do you think, does
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this hurt or help his image? >> first, i think he was stoned when he said it, so i don't even know if i can believe him. he probably forgot what he said five minutes later. no, i think part of the snoop brand is the fact that he's stoned all the time. like the videos that we're seeing him doing, animal c commenting, i don't want -- it's like, i liked you better when you were an alcoholic. i don't like an aa version of you. i want him to stay on it. in fact, i think we should send him a care package filled with weed and see how he does. let's see how he does. >> greg: you're a true friend. >> you know. >> greg: it's kind of like tiger woods not retiring but just quitting golf. golf is bad for me. >> what if he talks even faster than i do? what if the nonstone snoop is
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hilariously opposite? >> greg: i don't think that's a good thing, emily. you should take that to heart. all right, kat, i'm going to give you a serious question. i've been thinking about in for a long time. i'm pro legalization of everything but this mental illness stuff, alex, one of the first people that's pointed out this link, do you think there is anything to that to mental illness and the potency of pot? >> kat: i think, look, i'm not a doctor, right, so i don't know, but i don't think that should impact my views on legalization at all whatsoever. i think that if you make the choice that that's what you want to do then that's your choice and you can do that but it's good to have the information available about how potent it is and how crazy it is in terms of how much thc is in it and everybody can kind of decide for themselves what they want to do. i do think it's going to be interesting to, to your point, emily, to meet him.
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like, what is he going to be like? what if he acts exactly the same? what if he doesn't talk? what if he's just like the same guy. and also, he said smoke, so does that mean edibles are allowed? does that mean he's doing that vape life now? i mean, i know, i know, look, i know he said respect my privacy and we're all doing great job of that right now. but people are going to have questions so he's going to have to say something else. >> it she is could be that everyone is smoking weed so it's not cool anymore so it's like i'm going to move on to the new cool thing. >> greg: just like my aunt when 14uz smoking. you even said earlier, greg, your aunt is smoking. >> beautiful lady. >> greg: and she's available. have you ever quit anything? >> yes. >> greg: besides comedy. >> i quit the high school
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basketball team. >> greg: you quit the high school basketball team. >> the coach said don't come back any [laughter] [applause] >> i never started smoking pot, because like, imagine how much snacking i would do under that drug. it's all natural. but i will say congratulations to calvin if he was able to quit because quitting something you're addicted to is har. i read recently that matthew perry went to rehab 15 times and spent millions on it and people say quitting drugs is hard because they are addictive but maybe part of it is rehab really sucks. maybe we should examine why it doesn't work at all. >> greg: you know, in all seriousness, i don't believe in the rehab industry at all. i think, it's a thing for people wanting to quit but not deciding to quit so they come out and feel good when they get out and
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they go right back into it. >> it like, you know how they will get you to quit drugs. we'll put you in a room with a whole bunch of other people that really like drugs. [laughter] >> greg: and one of them is bound to be holding, what are the odds? all right. up next, our ongoing series answering your queries. bile for. las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help power operations for one of the world's largest racing events. mlb partners with t-mobile to advance how the game is played. and t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide... to get their members back on the road. now's the time to see what america's largest and fastest 5g network can do for your business. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing?
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there once was a tree lovingly made to look real. (♪) so real, something magical happened... (♪) it helped create very real memories. (♪) balsam hill. ♪ >> greg: you're watching mailing it in. welcome to mailing it in. look at all those boxes. none of them stolen. if you were bullied in school and if you were is there one nemesis you would like to thank today for the harassment that led to your success? >>. >> kat: i was bullied a lot in
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school and now i'm bullied professionally. >> greg: i could have all of you thrown out. >> kat: he's doing it to you guys now. taught me how to do it for a living. >> greg: thank god hr doesn't watch. this 4 go in my file. were you bullied? >> yes, there was a group of women who wore black all the time. they were called nuns. they did a pretty good job on me with pointers and yard sticks, and, they left an impact. >> greg: did you ever hit your hand when you were trying to occursi writes in occursive. >> they would hit with us knots. what is this school? >> greg: i learned to really enjoy it. [laughter] grow agree and now i'm in a
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club. [laughter] >> greg: joe, it must have been a rough childhood. [laughter] >> greg: is there somebody you can thank. >> i can dish it out, too, greg. >> greg: were you the bully? >> one time a bully beat me up because i tried to take license. money but it was my mom who taught me about bullying. she said they only bully you because they are jealous of how smart you are and how good your family is. when they bullied me i said i'm sorry your family sucks and you're an idiot. >> greg: emily, growing up, were you ever a victim of mean girls? >> no. but i do remember. >> greg: do you wonder why? >> i'm like, no, but, when i was little, i remember there were these boys that would tease me and tease my sisters, too, and,
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it was like the 1980s, they tease you if they like you, whatever, but they may us miserable. i remember we prayed every day, please let them move and one day they actually d. it was two brothers and the older brother teased my sister and the younger one teased me, and you know like when you're six or seven, every day, it was hideous. >> greg: i didn't have that problem. we have a surprise for you emily. you know who is here tonight? bring him out. i'm kidding. i'm kidding. they both passed away in a fiery traffic accident. [laughter] >> greg: who do you think is the greatest entertainer in your lifetime? to save some time, you don't say me. joe? >> oh, boy, that's a tough question. greatest entertainer in my lifetime. that's got to be, oh, man.
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i can't -- >> greg: does it rhyme with smot? >> i can't say. bill cosby got canceled. how about jerry seinfeld. always made me laugh, inspired me to get into this business, i would probably be a pro boxer if it weren't for him. >> greg: emily? >> prince and george michael. >> greg: prince, who mary? >> there is only one prince. >> greg: that's true. rip. vince? >> i've got to go with michael jackson. great, yes. >> objectively it is michael jackson. >> he changed everything including the way you look at kids. [boos] >> greg: wait. >> he actually did not change that for me. >> i believe it was too soon for
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that. >> greg: kat, would you like to go along with michael jackson. >> kat: you said performer, not a guy being a dude. >> greg: i would choose -- i would go with don rickles. >> good one. old school. >> greg: don rickles changed the world. now he wouldn't probably get a gig anywhere. because, well, he's dead. well, everybody we said is dead. that's a beat. all right. coming up, you won't get the blues with our local news. she's my sister and, we depend on each other a lot. she's the rock of the family. she's the person who holds everything together. ♪ it's a battle, you know i'm going to be there. keytruda and chemotherapy meant treating my cancer with two different types of medicine. in a clinical trial, keytruda and chemotherapy
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>> coast-to-coast with stories that matter most. you're watching local news, with kelly crystal kelly. and now here's kelly.
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[applause] >> hi, i'm kelly crystal kelly and this is local news where each guest shares a story from their hometown. emily, i'll go to you first. >> all right, guys, so i have sad news to report, which is that it's official. the oakland a's are now moving to las vegas. here's the thing. >> oh, someone is clapping. >> i feel coming from the bay area, being from the bear area, i recognize that it's healthy for the franchise, but it's so devastating for that community that we've now seen the warriors depart and the raiders and now the a's. >> greg: why are they leaving oakland? >> kat: the city council is like, they are like, oh, they are like they want to get rich but the whole point is they are leaving california for nevada because nevada is business friendly because they don't
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suck, and so the onus is back on city council for failing to have an area, a position, a platform, where these teams can thrive. the warriors just went across the bay, all the money in san francisco and sylvan valley but the other teams, i'm still going to be an a's fans. i'm sorry for your loss. >> you go ahead since you seem so eager to jump in here. >> greg: thanks, kellyanne. >> it's kelly crystal kelly actually. >> greg: whatever. i love a good hex, and i like hex signs, they are the signs you put in front of barns, in dutch country. it's the word on demons. the minor league team, lehigh valley, just got a new hex sign. they are the ironpigs, right? so on the hex sign you've got a pig, you've got a circle square, you've got a strawberry, these all represent the neighborhoods
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in the lehigh valley and the moravian star. i even have my own for my apartment. do wove that? >> i actually grew up being scared that i was going to be hexed. >> greg: really? >> so far, so good. >> how would you know, right? >> greg: exactly. >> first, i'm glad van jensen is finally dead but i want to talk about a story. it was reported that prisoners are dying in pennsylvania jails. they are undercounting them and they have obfuscating the reasons why. for instance, one got hypothermia twice because his jail cell was so cold. i have never been to prison but i'm told i would be very popular
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there. [laughter] >> i just want to make sure that even people that are at the lowest in society are cared for even though it's not something that a lot of people talk about. >> greg: nice. >> kat: that was very sad. where are you from? >> jersey. >> kat: okay. what's going on in jersey? >> we have a guy from wayne, new jersey, who broke into a meat packing place and stole pallets of meat and somebody has been casing the place because someone has been going in stealing food and he got caught. awaiting police were outside. this is one of those stories where you look and say, here's someone who is actually stealing to put food on the table. okay? so when aoc says, they are just trying to put food on the table. i don't go meat shopping at best buy. here is where someone is going to where the meat is and bringing the food home. when you look at what he did, is it any worse than what rocky did
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where he impound what you're about to eat unknowingly and he has food that has fist marks all over it. i feel sympathetic. >> greg: this is a pro-criminal -- >> kat: i'm supposed to be hosting. dear lord. all right. i guess it's done now. [laughter] up next, do you support fake reports? my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away
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>> a story in five words. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: nfl reporter made stuff up. >> i haven't been fired for saying it come up and i will say it again come i would make of the report sometimes because the coach wouldn't come out at halftime it was too late, so i was like okay come i'm just going to make this up. no coach is going to get mad if i say hey come on we need to stop hurting ourselves and we need you to be better on third down, stop overturning the ball come into a better job of getting off the field. they are not going to correct me on that if you make up the report. >> greg: that was former nfl reporter teresa thompson come as she has sense backtracked on it
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saying -- where is this piece of paper -- i want to be fair. i never attributed anything as to a player or coach, but anyway, does this show that games don't really need sideline reporters? [laughter] >> yeah come i'm watching it come i kind of see what is happening come out let's not make her out to be the jussie smollett of sideline reporting. you know, these are things that are going to happen even during the course of a game. >> okay, welcome a cat coming you know commi, it kind of remie of when fox has a reporter doing a business hit on location and it's outside of our building and you can see it, you can see all the little stores, wire the
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outside, we don't need that to mecca have to be honest, it all just kind of sounds like nonsense to me anyway and it comes out like blah blah blah, yard-line blah blah blah. [laughter] >> you know come a lot of times you can just say nothing. she's not attributing this coach said and then said something racist you know? , this coach said we should do better in their half. >> i hope they never put sports on the bravo network. you will be going crazy. >> why would they do that? he would never do that, it would ruin us. [laughter] >> greg: some say you can't trust her c, but i think you can trust her even more because she pulled back the curtain and showed you how news is manufactured. >> to quick points, when she
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made up the reports come i'm disappointed they were more fun. the coach was livid that the football isn't around it's like okay, but the other thing to learn here, when you want to justify unethical behavior, you know come you try to make the other person the bad guy. but you know, she didn't do that. like jerry sandusky, i mean, do you want to talk about that guy? or this other guy, and hitler, he coached the nazis. >> greg: they were definitely points come i won't say they were good. they were definitely points. emily, what do you think about any harm being done? >> just don't come after the cheerleaders and say that we are obsolete.
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>> she was a cheerleader. >> first oakland and then vegas. >> i think also in a way, it illustrates how little you need the coaches comments because they do say the same thing a lot of times come alike got to come out strong and get that defense going. >> you know, she just proved that she could be the white house press secretary. political analysis. and if i were doing it i would say you know, yup come in the quarterback is dead. set on coming back. [laughter] [laughter] >> greg: don't go away, we will be right back like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪
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