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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  November 20, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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house. committed her life to service. she was a key ally, aide, adviseor to her husband when he left office and chose his new career post presidency helping people around the world. particularly focused on habitat for humanity. what she did to highlight mental health at a time where it was not particularly popular to talk about was admirable. god bless her and god receive her home. >> steve: she was 96 years old. rest in peace. thank you for joining us. well, we'll be back tomorrow same time, same channel. brian, you are busy in six minutes. >> yeah, in 14 seconds i will start the radio show. if i can remember to stay within myself. >> steve: you start at six minutes after the hour. >> ainsley: have the good day, you see you tomorrow. >> so long. >> bill: good morning, everybody. president biden turning 81
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today. the polls for him turning dire especially with a key demographic. we have the numbers to show to you. good morning. hope the weekend was enjoyable. i'm bill hemmer. how are you doing partner? >> dana: i always love this week. thanksgiving week is fun. like a whole week long thing like a birthday should be. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." we have the new fox polling showing the president's approval hitting a low among voters under 45. a mere 37%. >> bill: an nbc poll found former president trump surpassing joe biden for the first time nationwide in that poll. that's feeling panic for democrats saying the president can no longer laugh off concerns about his age. >> mr. president, you are the oldest president ever. >> president biden: pretty good shape, huh? someone said that biden, he is getting old, man, i tell you
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what. well, guess what? guess what? the only thing that comes with age is a little wisdom. i've been doing this a long time. i know i don't look that old, i know. [laughter] i'm a little under 103. >> bill: that has been the flavor on the trail and peter doocy has the flavor at the white house on the north lawn. let's start there, peter. good morning. >> happy birthday, mr. president. we got you some new polls. the first one has former president trump beating you by two points in a head-to-head theoretical match-up from nbc news. down by two to trump head-to-head -- pardon me down by four trump with young voters, 42 to 46 from nbc news. the trend is continuing to be away from biden. in the two weeks since he claimed his polls were actually good. >> how do you think it is you're trailing trump in the swing state polls? >> president biden: you don't
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read the polls. ten polls, eight of them i'm beating them. you guys only do two. cnn, "new york times." check it out. >> david axelrod who helped get biden elected vp tells maureen doud i think he has a 50/50 shot, no better than that, maybe worse. he thinks he can cheat nature here and it is risky. they have a real problem if they are counting on trump to win it fofor them. i remember hillary doing that, too. this president knows he want do anything about his age and he has tried and tried and tried time and time again to convince voters that he is a young 81. >> president biden: you know, it's a legitimate people to raise issues about my age. it is totally legitimate to do that. the only thing i can say is watch me. people have to just watch me. watch me.. >> people have been watching for nearly three years and these polls show that they do not --
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they are not convinced that his age is not a problem. according to the "washington post", ron klain recently met with democratic donors behind closed doors and told them there is no backup plan for biden. he is the nominee. >> bill: thanks, peter doocy from the north lawn starting the coverage there today. got something from over the weekend. >> dana: bill maher said he doesn't think it is happening for joe biden. watch here. >> do i think joe biden can do the job? absolutely. i don't think he can win the job. that's what i care about. he is going to lose because the people think he is too old. perception is reality, i'm sorry. >> dana: and -- fox news alert here. we have dramatic developments concerning the hostages in gaza. israel released surveillance with hamas taking them into the al-shifa hospital. we could be closer than ever to a potential hostage deal. that sounds hopeful.
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more information from alex hogan live in northern israel. hi, alex. >> a lot of exchanged fire on the northern border. hezbollah fired as many as 25 rockets this way and at least three attack drones today. footage from earlier this morning of one of those strikes landing on a military base right near where we are. we can see in that footage some fire breaking out. in injuries have been reported as of yet. we'll continue to follow that. we were able to see the iron dome make some interceptions although it won't stop all of them. here in the north, this is why. >> the weaponry is defensive weaponry. within that it has its own priorities, what it defends. usually it protects strategic sites before open fields or errors where the system identifies are not going to be a threat to civilians or assets. >> looking to gaza where the idf
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says it killed three hamas commanders today. forces remain at the al-shifa hospital. it found a tunnel 33 feet deep and are he leased security footage we won't show out of respect for the families. the idf says it is footage is from inside the hospital on october 7th of gunmen bringing in two hostages, one from thailand and one from nepal. a major development today about that hospital. dozens of premature babies stranded in the hospital have been safely moved to a hospital in egypt. still more than 250 patients remain inside that hospital unable to flee with major injuries. even those palestinian civilians who have managed to move south in gaza cannot leave through the rafah crossing. there are dire conditions and crowded evacuations zones and refugee camps with more cold wind and rains in recent days. as far as the hostage negotiations, officials in qatar say there has been some good
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progress. this has been weeks of negotiations to bring those hostages home. here in israel the country's war cabinet including the prime minister will meet with representatives of those families later today. >> dana: they're waiting to hear any news. thank you. >> bill: checking the region. the state of affairs right now for our forces stationed in syria and iraq. the 20th of november on the calendar. this was a month ago. seven attacks on the u.s. bases. this was just about two weeks ago up to 27 attacks through earn syria and now three days ago up to 61 attacks in the region. in response the united states military has hit back three times. that's it. just three. former defense secretary mark esper joins me. three hits in response, sir? what does iran think of that? >> well, good morning, bill. good to be with you both. look, it's really weak.
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we're not being forceful enough and why we haven't achieved deterrents. the numbers spell it out. attacked 61 times. dozens of americans are injured. yet we have only responded three times. i will tell you that my recollection is in december of 2019 when they attacked our air base and killed an american, we executed multiple strikes in iraq and syria. we killed over two dozen militia men and injured over 55 others. that was a real strike back. i think we need to see something like that from the administration or the attacks will continue. >> dana: do you think they're perhaps in their minds thinking that their approach is preventing a wider war, an escalation? >> absolutely, dana. i think they believe that to be the case. it's the same mindset with regard to ukraine that has delayed the delivery of key weapons systems. they believe they do more it will escalate. my argument is the opposite.
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if they don't do more it will escalate. iran pulling the strings with regard to all these proxies and militias believes we're not resolute enough and they'll continue to up the antti when it comes to attacks and strikes. >> bill: the department of defense spokesman said that last week. look at the region. the war is not spreading. maybe that's their overall strategy. and we have to take that as face value. the problem, though, senator kramer from north dakota. says i don't sense any deterrence. they keep shooting waiting for us to response. we don't. they keep shooting. eventually one of those drones or missiles or rockets is going to kill an american and then we'll be off to the races. end quote, sir. >> look, i think that's accurate. indeed the war may not be spreading now except it is spreading with attacks on americans. 61 incidents is ridiculous.
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we need to respond more forcefully and frequently. the metric is you will snow you have achieved deterrence when you see them stop. when we see no further attacks from the proxy groups in iraq, syria, houthis in yemen. they just seized an israeli cargo ship. the deter theens isn't working yet. i don't want to see an escalation either right now. israel needs to focus on hamas in gaza. we need to make sure no northern front opens up with hezbollah and eastern front with iran. there is time to take care of those issues but that doesn't mean we shouldn't respond forcefully in syria and iraq. >> dana: with so many weapons being provided is the production of that able to keep pace at this point? there was a concern earlier in the year, are we short of ammunition for ourselves? >> it's a great question, dana. i don't think we're short right now. the challenge is we need to
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mobilize our defense industrial base. the pentagon has that happening now with regard to 155 millimeter ammunition and other things. congress needs to give the pentagon funding to do so. the issue is not just with israel but with ukraine, and we have to be prepared for what might happen in the taiwan straits. we need to ramp up production of multiple systems and weapons if we are going to be prepared for the what the dangerous future is presenting us on a day-to-day basis. >> bill: more to come. mark esper. see what develops. three to date. add them up if and when they happen. millions of you will be on the move this week. you have a thanksgiving storm system that you may not want to thank. it is threatening to snarl travel for a lot of people. transportation secretary pete buttigieg will give an update in minutes on that coming up. plus there is this in california. [shouting and chanting] >> dana: pro-palestinian protestors derailing a
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democratic convention. we'll show you what happened there. >> bill: a homeowner fending off a robber now stripped of his gun permit? why did that happen and what will he do now? >> i didn't fire because my mission wasn't to kill anybody. my mission was to protect my family. i did a good job of it.
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>> bill: now we want you to meet a homeowner in los angeles. says he has been tripped of strip of his gun permit after using the weapon to protect his family from would be robbers. vince said the gun fight broke out outside his front door when two armed men jumped his fence and tried to force their way inside. his wife and 5-month-old daughter were home at the time. >> they both fired at me and when they hopped over the fence i was hearing gunshots as i was ducking down. i think they were firing out of fear because i was firing and suppressing fire to keep them away as they were fleeing. >> it took him months to get his conceal carry permit. saying the sheriffs office notified him it had been revoked days after the lapd began their investigation into the shooting. see where that goes. >> dana: the california democratic party forced to
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cancel several events at their done convention because of cease-fire. they were waving palestinian flags while chanting from the river to the sea. resistance is justified when people are occupied. police even had to shut down streets around the state capitol two blocks from the convention site for much of the day. >> bill: some of the more prestigious schools in the country facing backlash after banning pro-palestinian student groups from holding events on campus. that includes columbia university here in new york city. that is where we find alexis mcadams following the story by the day on that campus. what's happening now? good morning. >> good morning. columbia university is one of some of the prestigious universities finally taking action here. they banned one of those groups, two of them that they say are
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pro-hamas and are using hate speech on campus. but, bill, the saga far from over. more protests rage on. they say they have the right to protest to support palestine. we've seen protests on different campuses. student groups showing support for students for justice in palestinian. thats the group that was suspended from this campus at columbia after weeks of pro-palestinian rallies as groups displayed anti-semitic messages on campus buildings and jewish students filed dozens of safety complaints and lawsuits at these schools. so now more than 20 elected officials from new york, including congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, demanding that columbia university reverse the suspension of these groups saying it is not going to make these campuses safe. in part we support the university's stated desire to maintain an atmosphere that is safe and free of hate.
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however, suspending these student groups based on the pretext of safety does the opposite. students at columbia calling on this university president to reinstate the groups now. watch. >> aside from whatever side one takes in the genocide that's happening in gaza right now, it is a chilling thing to happen in america that a student group would be disbanded just for talking about a purpose. >> 200 pro palestinian protestors say they made it clear their demands to protest must be heard at the university of michigan. at column dee yeah university. american civil liberties union are trying to stop investigating and punishing pro-palestinian student groups citing first amendment rights. we expect to see hundreds of students out in columbia for a big protest. >> bill: we'll watch it. upper west side in manhattan.
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>> dana: a growing number of western millennial and gen z women are converting to islam. they is say the response is why they took the first step to join the faith. this is a hoover institution research fellow, wonderful person and joins us now. one of the things i learned in looking into this as i heard more about it this weekend is that the -- in islam it's believed that all people are born on a natural path to islam and therefore they revert to islam rather than concert to the religion. do these young women have any idea what they are getting themselves into? >> absolutely not. i actually tweeted when i heard of this turkey is converting to thanksgiving. it is exactly that. you are converting to throwing away your freedoms as a woman and islamic scripture and law
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and sharia law and islamic practice is crystal clear about the position of women. it is inferior to men. your testimony is half that of a man. your husband can beat you. you have no freedom. everything is about your guardian having authority over you, first your male father and then later on your male husband. if those aren't even available then your own male son has authority over you. so if that's what they want to revert to, good luck with that. >> dana: i know young people like to rebel and one of the things i read here was that there is no rebellion against the west than the ultimate rebellion to go ahead and say i reject everything. one young woman said i don't like the colonizing. i don't like the genocide. that's why i will start wearing the hijab, trying to on social media speak arabic and read the quran and getting encouragement.
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social media aspect of this seems like it is speeding it up. what do you think? >> i think two stories, the stuff going on on campuses and what's going on with young women on tiktok and other places is a manifestation of the moral dislocation of the west that we are going through. i think we failed these young people. campuses are politicized, they use the word hate this and safety that but the introduction of a political ideology that is anti-western, anti-american, all about tearing things down. now you have a generation, you know, the latter numbers, the ones who were born laters the millennials and gen zs are confused who they are and where they stand. a quote from one of the kids, young women who said she has decided to become a muslim. she refers to the -- the
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palestinians have this iron clad faith. that means she doesn't. or she doesn't feel like there is anything i iron clad in the west to hold onto. i think that's really what we're talking about. >> dana: the united nations has a sub group that is supposed to be for women and advocate for women. but despite all the evidence of the atrocities and rapes that happened against women in israel on that attack on october 7th by hamas, they've been silent. this is the united nations. wanted to give you a chance to comment on that. >> yeah. i think the united nations has failed in that. three corrupt as an institution and has been for many decades. they have been co-operated by the people who want to erase israel. what happened to young women on october 7th wasn't a secret. not something that you have to investigate. hamas paraded these women and
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rapes on these gopro cameras and there for everyone to see. it's not just the united nations, it is shocking that women are converting to islam after they've seen those images. the #metoo movement is completely silent on this. all other prominent western feminists are completely silent on this but every weekend and every week now we see hundreds of thousands of people, well educated, privileged, who call themselves progressives marching for what? marching for the supporters of hamas to erase the only democratic nation in the middle east. >> dana: one of the things that is happening and alexis mcadams said some of these universities are deciding okay, we'll disband some of these groups but new groups pop up just behind them and a fox news poll asked this.
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are you comfortable with limiting free speech of people rallying in support of hamas? 60% of americans strongly said no. and when it comes to those student groups, what would you do? >> well, i think it is two levels. it is what do you do immediately, which is for universities to maintain the level of authority that's in the coming days and weeks and have these university groups suspended and expelled and shut down. but then the sooner we get to the bottom of the problem, the better because we then have to reflect on what exactly our universities are for and are they doing their jobs? and universities quite clearly are not doing their jobs. these are institutions that are being used now to brainwash young people and these young people that they are brainwashing, these are the future leaders of our society. so we are at a crossroads now. we have to choose a path.
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>> dana: may we choose wisely. thank you and have a happy thanksgiving. >> thank you. happy thanksgiving to you, too. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: 27 past. live look at washington, d.c. transportation secretary pete buttigieg has begun his remarks on holiday travel. the system can take a lot, but when we get in trouble is when a weather system goes with it. so if we can go two for two we'll be all right. if we get the weather look out. holiday travel is colliding with the migrant crisis in boston. the democratic governor tries to encourage more arrivals in beantown. >> massachusetts right now in terms of a destination winter is coming. it will get cold and we simply can't promise you a bed. rprise. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday.
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>> dana: fox news alert here. holiday travelers aren't the
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only ones at boston's logan airport. 20 to 25 migrants are arriving on a daily basis and some camping out in the baggage claim area as the state grapples with a shelter crisis. how will this end? fox senior correspondent eric sean has much more. >> you know, airports are not the final destination for passengers. but at logan airport in boston. migrants land and sleep in the baggage area. officials say two dozen migrants arrive every day. as many as 70 have camped out overnight in the baggage claim area or in waiting hallways as the state shelter system in massachusetts has hit its limit. some migrants sleep with blankets over their heads or in cots meant for stranded travelers. before bunking in the terminal many camped out at hospital emergency rooms. the airport is simply just not a
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home. >> you have to emphasize logan is not an appropriate place to house people. >> many of those at logan originally from haiti arriving on flights from florida and texas. they are given taxi vouchers and then go downtown to the state agency that runs the shelter system but guess what? the state shelter system is full. the shelters are full. the migrant crisis whats so overwhelmed the state the legislature is refusing to allocate more money for the shelters. with the temperatures dropping and 1 million travelers expected at logan over the thafshgs giving holidays officials feel the crisis could get worse as more migrants keep arriving. governor was the state's attorney general six years ago back then the governor was proud that her state was a sanctuary state. now as governor she warns the crush of migrants arriving in massachusetts is completely, she says, unsustainable.
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dana. >> dana: she is right. thank you, eric shawn. >> people kind of believed in steve jobs over at apple. people believe in sam altman and i don't know what that means for the future of open ai if he is not there. >> bill: a major shake-up now in the world of ai, artificial intelligence. the man who created chatgpt was kicked out as ceo of the company he co-founded friday afternoon. susan lee fox business with more on what it all means. go ahead. >> the reason why we've all been talking about artificial intelligence, a.i. the past year is a shocking boardroom coup, sam altman fired by a video link on friday by the board. the open ai board saying he wasn't consistently candid in his communications with the board hindering its ability to
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exercise its responsibilities. there were numerous theories on why he was fired including conflicts of interest with altman's other private a.i. ventures. concerns he was pushing speed and profits of a.i. products without enough safety considerations. there were talks this weekend to bring altman back as ceo with him tweeting this photo of him with a guest badge on sunday at open a.i. headquarters. this morning microsoft side they've hired him. they said we're very excited to share the news of sam altman and greg brockman will be joining microsoft to lead a new advanced a.i. research team. microsoft put in $12 billion. the first-ever investor in open a.i.? elon musk and he tweeted it's very important for the public to know why the board felt so
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strongly about their actions if it was a matter of a.i. safety, that would affect all of earth. more intrigue in the past hour. 500 of the 700 open ai staff have threatened to quit, joined altman and microsoft and the coup leader regrets the actions that ousted altman. >> dana: microsoft, make them part of the company. >> that's what they're trying to do. microsoft might win. is a.i. safe in the hands of a large corporation like microsoft if we're worried about a.i. under altman? >> bill: was he honest with the board in terms of the development of the product and safety parameters. if he was they made a huge mistake. if there wasn't something else was going on that maybe we all need to find out. >> agreed. >> dana: interesting. thank you. >> bill: thank you, susan. nice to see you. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: it has been a minute. there was some mile high
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madness. the denver broncos made a fourth quarter comeback against the minnesota vikings. >> they do. vikings bring the heat again. it's up for grabs and caught for the touchdown by sutton. >> dana: you could not believe that happened. russell wilson throwing the go ahead touchdown pass. with a minute left in the game. broncos win 21-20. what's a go ahead pass. >> bill: jan, your mom, was jacked up in colorado. remember leave it all on the field and how that can encompass a lot of different things? the go ahead pass can only mean one thing. they took the lead late in the game. >> dana: that's what it means. >> bill: go ahead. you went ahead would be the past tense of i go ahead. if i go ahead i would have a lead on you. it might be temporary but it would be a lead at that moment. >> dana: i learn something new
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every day. the go ahead pass. >> bill: all week we won't leave anything on the field. you and me, kid. >> dana: i'll be here. >> bill: here we go abc sunday. >> we are willing to go for a pause, for a significant number of hostages if we have a deal. >> bill: this is really tender stuff. israel and hamas, can qatar free some of the people? in a moment concerns beaver biden's age looming large after reaching another benchmark as the oldest president in american history. >> we've never had a president who is 81. doesn't mean he can't do it. i like the guy but i'm just saying if joe biden was a balcony, i wouldn't step out on him for a smoke.
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>> dana: heartbreaking update from the idf. hostage recovery efforts unfold. listen here. >> hamas terrorists took noah into shifa hospital where she was murdered quickly. we did not reach noah in time. this is only make the idf more
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determined to do everything -- everything in our power to bring all our hostages home. >> dana: she was 19 years old and an idf corporal when she was kidnapped october 7th. according to an idf investigation she wasn't the only one sent to the hospital and a search for the others continues. >> bill: on that note now, israel and hamas are edging closer to a hostage agreement. that's what we're being told now. we've been told that for days. the u.s., qatar and egypt brokering talks that pause the fighting in exchange for the release of nearly 300 hostages. the founder of the hostages and missing families forum omar, sir, thank you for your time. i hope i did well with your name. i appreciate you being here today. you know, this has been on my mind all weekend, one of the things i find disturbing is that
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hamas has not given many images of proof of life. and as the idf moves through northern gaza and soon this war will develop on the southern part of gaza, what can you tell us about your level of confidence that negotiations could be successful? >> i think it's very hard to tell. i think that hamas is irrational there. so i think that any leverage or any pressure that israel or the u.s. can bring and do on hamas with mediators or diplomatic and military means they use everything they can. each day passes, the chance that we will see our loved ones back home alive safe and sound is decreasing. you see what's going on with noa that you just mentioned and such a sad story. unbelievable. >> bill: it is not just
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israelis. there are americans being held in gaza, too. the president was asked about it on sunday just give this a listen here. >> mr. president, when will more hostages get out? what will more hostages get out? [inaudible] >> bill: what he said was i'm not in a position to tell you that. i will make sure they are out and i'll tell you. that might be the best posture publicly right now. this is the proposal. hamas would release maybe 20 women and children, israel would release 20 women and children from an israeli jail. there would be a pause in fighting. hamas wants up to five days. i don't know if that will fly. what do you think would be -- it's really hard. what would be a sound agreement where both sides could even trust each other on those conditions? >> i think, of course, after what's going on there is no
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trust between the sides. but for me, you know, the side i represent, my family, the hostages' families, we want any deal that will keep our family safe and bring them home but also understand we also have families that are now in the forefront of the battle. my brother is there in the south. so we care deeply about our soldiers. we care about the citizens that live next to the borders. we want to believe that we can find a deal. i'm not an expert in those kind of deals. i don't know all the details that i believe the idf and our government knows, but i want to believe that we can reach a deal when we can bring them home and keep our other interests, you know, alive and in the forefront. >> bill: we'll stay in touch with you and many others. we won't let the issue go. i know you have had many family and friends. >> thank you, we need your support there. we need your support. the american people, we need the support of the american
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government. i want to thank you for having me. >> bill: i know you suffered greatly with all your families and friends in southern israel. hang tough and we'll hope for the best. thank you, sir, for your time. >> thank you so much. >> dana: tribute to rosalynn carter who died at age 96. standing by president carter's side for seven decades. he said she was the most important part of his life and the best decision he ever made. david spunt is live in plains, georgia. good morning. >> good morning. somber day in plains, georgia. mrs. carter died yesterday peacefully here at her home down the street from me. 96 years ago she was born here in plains, georgia. her husband and family by her side. he is the oldest living ex-president, 99 years old. he has been in hospice since february of this year. she just entered hospice a few days ago. she is the steel magnolia in washington was not only the
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first lady but active participant in cabinet meetings and trusted advisor to her husband who was in the white house from 1977 to 81. a lot of statements came in since her passing. this one is the most important. rosalyn was my equal partner in everything i ever accomplished. she gave me wise guidance and encouragement when i needed it. as long as she was in the world i always knew somebody loved and supported me. born in august 1927 her given name eleanor rosalyn smith. the only president to graduate from the u.s. naval academy in 1946 and married 77 years, dana and bill. her funeral service will be november 29th, one week from wednesday, with a public viewing that begins next week. back to you. >> dana: david spunt, thank you. >> bill: what a life and we wait the fate of jimmy carter as well on this day. the surge of migrants from the southern border, a huge drain on resources. cities across the country
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flooded with many of them by the week and new concerns about public health as shelters are overflowing with new arrivals. check in on that. iceland is on high alert. volcanic eruption might be getting closer. people are getting ready for the possibility of it getting worse. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were unsustainable, just too restrictive. with golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic.
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help
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provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. i have a tremendous love for israel and the jewish people. this is why i'm partnering with the fellowship. it gives me a way to authentically bless jewish people in need around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. this is what god wants
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from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. >> dana: very dangerous consequences now from the surge of migrants at the southern border. the number of encounters doubling over the last two fiscal years. these illegal immigrants need shelter and medical care and putting a strain on our own public health system here. growing concerns about fentanyl that is making its way into our country through the open borders. joining us now dr. marc siegel. fox news contributor. fentanyl is getting in different ways, partly because americans are being coerced and paid to do so. fentanyl seizures are up 89.4%
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over the last fiscal year. deaths for the 12-month period ending in april of 2023 if you add it up 2021 to 2023 is 74,000 people. dr. siegel as the migrants keep coming you are concerned about a range of things, not just the fentanyl but other public health problems. >> dana, i just put that perfectly because the open border isn't just a problem with fentanyl with migrants. it is also with americans and americans being coerced but only two milligrams of fentanyl is enough to kill somebody and laced into other pills and available to our teens and definitely related to the increase in overdose deaths. the president of mexico met with president biden and giving reassurances of fentanyl and the idea of migrants coming across the border. these are empty assurances. what i just wrote is that the problem is also a public health emergency. the fentanyl is one piece of this. but consider take new york city, for example where over 100,000
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migrants are and shelter system overflowing already. and half of the migrants turned down the tent city that was set up in brooklyn. half turned them down. you know what will happen in the winter? we'll see people that actually freeze on the street. homeless populations that freeze and are brought into the hospital that way. that's what used to happen before we had this shelter system. all kinds of infectious diseases. the head of vaccine at penn says measles keeps him up at night. we had 41 case of measles in the united states. 122 last year. the migrant population is not necessarily up to date with vaccines, of course. if they don't have the measles vaccine and people here aren't as vaccinated as though used to be we'll see surges of measles here. >> dana: what are you seeing for people who work in the medical field dealing with this? what are they telling you they're seeing? >> i just talked to our head
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epidemiologist at nyu about this last week and he has seen t.b. more resistant t.b. three times what we saw a couple of years ago because some of the migrants coming from latin america and central america are being treated for t.b. but don't get full courses. we see more resistant t.b. here and more sexually transmitted diseases for sure and people living in squalor have malnutrition and dehydration. the last point would be viral diseases, covid, we're seeing, a lot of covid in mexico right now. one thing that isn't contagious, dana, there is a lot of other diseases don't spread from person to person but if you are in the emergency room seeing somebody that's a migrant you need that those diseases on your list, too.


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