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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  November 23, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> julie: fox news alert. anti-israel protests this morning here in new york city. some of them are gluing their hands to the sidewalk. this video just in from moments ago. the call to action posted across social media. their goal is to shut down the annual thanksgiving day parade. they were unsuccessful in doing so. it has been going on without a hitch and amazing. posts on instagram and tiktok told demonstrators to show up along the macy's parade route right now at 11:00 a.m. organizers are calling it thanks taking. they're saying it's for gaza and indigenous resistance everywhere. the protest does not stop the parade today. to breaking news in the middle east. shocking pictures released by the israeli military showing weapons sized from a hamas commanders' home. the weapons were hidden under his children's beds. idf uncovering more of terror
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group tunnels. newly released video showing one under al-shifa hospital. israel claims this proves the terror group is using the medical facility as a command center. just this morning qatar's foreign ministry confirmed the timing of the hostage deal between israel and hamas. hello, everyone. welcome to a brand-new hour of this special edition of fox news live. i'm julie banderas. happy thanksgiving to all of you enjoying this on a thursday. >> griff: happy thanksgiving. i'm griff jenkins. great to be with you any day. hamas originally announced the truce between the two parties will begin today. the deal then running into last-minute delays. families on edge to hear the news of their loved ones' returns. a top qatar official making this
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announcement. >> the beginning of the pause will be 7:00 a.m. friday, the 24th of november. and it will last as agreed for four days and the first batch of civilians to be released from gaza will be around 4:00 p.m. on the same day. they will be 13 in number. every day will include a number of civilians as agreed, to total 50 in four days. >> griff: the deal includes the release of the 50 women and children in exchange for 150 women and children held by israel. the hostages will be released in phases spanning the four-day pause. it starts at 7:00 a.m. local time tomorrow, midnight eastern. jeff paul is on the ground in southern israel with the latest. jeff. >> griff, a lot of cautious optimism in israel. we're learning this group of 13 could be the first group of hostages to come out of gaza.
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right now the israeli government is on the phone calling all the families of the hostages to let them know who exactly is on that list. at least at this time. originally we thought it would start today. that has been pushed back at least a day. at the time, qatar officials were quoted saying they are working to create the appropriate conditions. under the agreement, we're expecting hamas to release 50 hostages including women and children who would be freed over multiple days in groups from 10 to 13. in exchange, israel would then release 150 palestinian prisoners and agree to multiple pauses in the war. those pauses couldn't come at a more critical time for civilians trying to survive in gaza. they need food, clean water and medical supplies as the war continues. now many of those civilians are welcoming the news of this agreement. >> we have been waiting for it for over a week. we have been waiting for a
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cease-fire every day, cease-fire, cease-fire and nothing was happening. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke a little while ago saying he is hoping this first group of hostages gets across the line, gets back home to where they belong and also said he hopes this is just the first of many to bring them all back home. griff. >> griff: let's bring them home. jeff paul live in southern israel. jeff, thank you. despite the delay, the white house is touting president biden's involvement in the deal. in a new video national security council spokesman john kirby says it was all thanks to the president's personal leadership. biden arrived in massachusetts for his annual thanksgiving visit to nantucket the same day the deal was announced. lucas tomlinson is live on the island and spoke yesterday. >> happy thanksgiving. president biden touting that
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deal and his involvement in it along with the amir of qatar, the president of egypt and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. john kirby taping a video. saying the hostages will be released tomorrow morning. of course that includes up to three americans including a 3-year-old little girl. now, as you mentioned i had a chance to catch up with john kirby after this taped video was planned. he went a little off script. i asked him how sure of you will the deal go through. i stressed hamas is a terrorist organization known to break its word in the past. >> there are no touchdown dances here at the white house right now. we are grateful that this agreement got put into place. we worked hard to do so. we are grateful to prime minister netanyahu. we're grateful to the president of egypt.
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>> the white house saying president biden spoke to the amir of qatar. biden said told netanyahu to calm things along the border with lebanon. hezbollah has already fired 50 rockets into northern israel today. earlier president biden spoke to nbc at the macy's thanksgiving day parade and wants americans to give thanks. >> president biden: we have to come together, you know. we can have different political views but we have one view, the one view is we are the greatest nation in the world. >> we're also receiving word from the white house that president biden spoke to the troops this morning. a long list i'll go through some of it. he spoke to the 39th infantry brigade team in germany. marine corp op center at the pentagon. a newport news and fighter
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squadron. f-16 from shaw air force base shot down the chinese spy balloon with the week long odyssey across the country. what's notable. the president did not call the u.s.s. ford that was supposed to be home for thanksgiving and you also have the u.s.s. eisenhower off the coast from yemen. the polar bear plunge took place in nantucket. i thought you would be all over that. we'll go dark for you. >> griff: the lights went off. i didn't do it. happy thanksgiving. as we bring the lights back on, check in julie and i have learned it appears the president will have three pies. so we want a full accounting for the number of pies there at the dinner. thank you, lucas. >> the cooking of those pies, the baking of those pies last
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night might have caused the fire false alarm at the house. >> julie: joining me now is darren gobb, former blackhawk helicopter pilot and battalion commander. thank you for talking to us on thanksgiving. happy thanksgiving touchlt i want to get right to former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. john bolton's comments where he slams the hamas hostage and cease-fire agreement reached tuesday between israel and hamas calling it a very bad deal for israel. let's listen and then have you react. >> many aspects of this deal are wrong. here is what i think is the most problematic, the game that's being played here is hamas couldn't care less about a humanitarian pause. what they are interested in is
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getting a pause started and then extending it to become a truce, and then extending it further to become a cease-fire. that may not happen all at once but hamas benefits more than the israeli defense forces do. >> julie: of course they don't have a humanitarian bone in their bodies. they absolutely don't care and the release of 13 women and children is obviously an effort to get women and children out of the hands of hamas knowing the atrocities that they committed to women and children and the elderly and grandmothers and families in front of each other. first of all, talk about the numbers between 50 hostages being released compared to the 150 palestinian prisoners that will be swapped in exchange. obviously a bad deal for israel. the pressure, of course, was on by families who wanted their loved ones home safely. >> julie, that's the concern here, of course, the delay
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tactic as ambassador bolton mentioned. it is to string things out. hamas will take advantage of the gaps in time to do what terrorists do best, prepare more terrorist activity whether in israel or in gaza. they are going to use this to their advantage somehow. they could care less about the humanitarian aspect of it. it goes back to why you don't negotiate with terrorists. it assumes they will even keep their end of the bargain in the first place. right now i would be cautious with that at all. >> julie: it's why they spread it out over a four-day period. they start with 13 women and children starting tomorrow. the truce begins at midnight. 9:00 a.m. eastern time is when the hostages will be released and over the course of four days, you know, a couple dozen here and there until they reach the number 50. there are still 240, though, let's not forget hostages being held and that's not counting those that could have potentially been killed in capture. talk to me about how israel is going to make sure that hamas
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holds up their end of the bargain especially knowing the treatment of these hostages as we speak? >> well first i guess i would be skeptical about hamas's desire to hold up their end of the bargain. israel has limited capability to enforce that part. the only thing they can continue to do is continue military operations with the desire to find those hostages and to free them themselves. there is another part of this bargain that shoals you where hamas is coming from. they don't want senior leadership of hamas being targeted during the cease fires, either. especially after massiad has been told to target all senior hamas leadership regardless of what's going on. hamas is doing it out of self-interest, not humanitarian interest. best for israel to continue this operation the way they see best to meet their strategic objectives. >> julie: today's iran's foreign
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minister met with the leader of hezbollah and hamas and islamic jihad officials in lebanon. iran is the main state sponsor of the three terror groups. so their involvement is extremely troubling and extremely threatening to israel. it is their second meeting since october 7th, by the way. that's obviously only stoking fears of a wider war. something the defense department says they are aiming to avoid. listen. >> get pulled into a regional conflicts from attacks on the troop and what's going on in israel. we're hitting where it hurts and weapons facilities and they are no longer of use. we do want to see this conflict contained. of course, we will always choose to respond at a time and place of our choosing. >> julie: how do you contain this conflict with iran's dirty hands in the mix? >> that's difficult to say the least. this should have been contained before it even started by
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continuing with all the different kinds of economic sanctions on iran in the first place. so going back to it didn't need to start. but now that we are here one of the best ways to contain is send a message to iran and other countries said if you mess with our people, kill them or injure them you will pay a heavy price. that message needs to be bold and needs to be strong and needs to be fast. right now what we're doing bombing empty facilities or almost -- is almost fruitless. they'll let us do that all day long. they won't change anything they're doing. the fact that iran is in lebanon shows they are making the decisions on what i call mercenary armies. >> julie: lieutenant colonel, thank you very much. appreciate it. griff. >> griff: julie, the u.s. keeping an eye on the new tensions on the korean
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peninsula. what it means for security in the region and here at home. plus look who is gaining ground? nikki haley's rise in the polls getting some attention. she is even besting biden in a key swing state. will it be enough to top donald trump? our panel weighs in next. it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger.
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>> julie: korean officials say north korea fired a ballistic missile toward the sea yesterday. the launch likely failed. that provocation coming just hours after seoul said it would resume aerial surveillance in the response to the north's first spy satellite launch on tuesday. officials from the north say that launch was successful and vowed further launches to defend against its enemies dangerous military maneuvers. >> certainly no reason to celebrate in north and south korea. north korea launched a spy satellite on tuesday into orbit. last night they launched a
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ballistic missile. look at the video from tuesday at the spy satellite launch. the satellite reached orbit. it will take 3 to 4 days to see if it's working properly. if it is it will give north korea better intelligence to track and target its enemies. south korea blames russia for helping north korea with the launch. putin promised kim satellites when north korea sends ammunition for its invasion of ukraine. in the face of this south korea military wrapped up its third day of drills today. the south reacted to tuesday's launch by temporary suspending a 2018 military agreement with the north and stepping up its aerial surveillance of the shared border. that prompted the second ballistic missile launch last night. the north is beefing up its military presence promising stronger forces and new weapons
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at its border. the united states has previously accused north korea of using these spy satellite launches as a disguise for testing its ballistic missile technology and north korea claims that it has an icbm capable of reaching the united states. >> julie: thank you very much, nate foye reporting from london. >> griff: president biden facing a handful of problems this thank giving. five questions, one can he find an answer to the age question? he turned 81 on monday. two, will the economy be an asset or liability next year? three, how much political damage has he suffered over the itself rail/hamas war and can he make trump unelectable. fox polling shows voters are far from impressed by his job performance and deeply
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underwater including economy, inflation and israel/hamas war. tim hogan serves as communication director for senator globe char and former spokesman for hillary clinton joining us. let's dive right in. the questions posed by the hill very interesting. let me give you the first crack at which one you think is most significant and troubling for the president. >> i think the age issue is most significant, griff. happy thanksgiving to you as well. many americans look at the current president and they ask a very fundamental question. that is, is the president capable of continuing to do the job for another four years? he just recently turned 81. he will be 86 at the end of his second term if he is reelected. most americans, including a significant portion of democrats, are beginning to say no, they want someone else. i also think it's why a recent
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nbc poll several days ago showcased former president donald trump is ahead of joe biden with younger voters. granted it's within the margin of error. that's something that is substantial. no republican has been able to do that in modern times. >> griff: you talk about young voters. let me show you another poll. that is across various voting groups job approval. record low approval for men 37%. voters under 45, 37%. college graduates 43%. it's not good news for the president across these different groups. >> right now i would look at how people are voting and not the polls. democrats just had a great showing in the november elections. you look at how we were talking about obama's re-election in 2011. >> griff: tim, he wasn't on the ballot. >> but the democratic brand was on the ballot. i would make the case that joe
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biden is the leader of the democratic party and the democratic brand. i think there is one small thing to 0 in on thanksgiving. joe biden calls into the macy's day parade. thanks or firefighters and police. donald trump tweets an attack on the judges overseeing his case. the new york attorney general. the question for voters, do you want to go back to that where you wake up on thanksgiving and wonder what the president is tweeting and it will consume your day and meal? that i think will be the big question once this contest comes into focus. >> the real question for americans particularly younger americans will be can they afford to buy a home? can they afford to start a family and afford to buy goods? i was on in harris last week and buying thanksgiving items like turkey and basic things we buy every year for this holiday has increased 14, 15, 18%.
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that's the question for americans. are you better off today under the current president or were you better off before? the question for most people they were better off before. >> griff: tim, we played a tiktok video of all young people, generation z folks who had a message for the president. the economy is hurting them across the board. it appears the president is having trouble with some of these young voters. i really want to get to nikki haley. the question is, will trump be the frontrunner? the recent headlines suggest that nikki haley is rising in the field of would be trump's haley gains ground. "politico", nikki haley is consolidating the never trump vote. a recent poll shows haley is out performing president trump in a match-up against biden in the key swing state of michigan. she is beating him by 11 points, 47-36. same poll finds trump with a
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smaller lead only five points, 46-41. my own observation it seems that nikki haley did herself a favor in the very first fox debate when she separated herself from the rest of the pack on issues like abortion, support for ukraine, and things like that. let me go to you. to you believe nikki haley is rising and is she a formidable opponent to unseat trump as the frontrunner? >> i think she is rising. the jury is still out on whether or not she will be a formidable opponent to the former president. i will say this, griff. republicans and conservatives have to ask ourselves this question. the 2016 election was won on the margins. the 2020 election was lost on the margins. 2024 will again be on the margins. we have to ask within that margin of error do we want someone 2% or 3% or 5, 6, 7, 8%.
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nikki haley appears to have a greater advantage. >> griff: tim, to his point here, it is not clear that nikki haley is a formidable opponent to unseat trump just yet as the frontrunner. in your opinion is haley a bigger threat to biden than trump? >> she is having a moment. she is surging nationally. she is only at 10% still in third place in iowa. still losing to trump by 20 to 30 points in new hampshire. i think if you put the focus on nikki haley and what she is proposing policy wise. sign a six week national abortion ban. she wants to tie social security retirement payments to life expectancy is the same from the republican party. just tax cuts for the rich that won't help people. >> joe biden doesn't have the answer, either, tim. sorry, my friend. >> you said earlier that prices are going up. they are going down. a thanksgiving dinner 4.5% less
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than last year. prices are going down. >> griff: we can have the traditional thanksgiving political fight around the table. thank you both for joining us and have a happy and safe thanksgiving. julie. >> julie: the white house thanking itself this holiday season. boasting about the dip in gas prices. experts say the claims are misleading. [music playing] subject 1: cancer is a long journey. it's overwhelming, but you just have to put your mind to it and fight. subject 2: it doesn't feel good because you can't play outside with other children. subject 3: as a parent, it is your job to protect your family.
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and 20% off your custom dentures. plus, we have a denture money back guarantee so you can smile with confidence. aspen dental. book today. >> julie: critics roasting the biden administration for claiming they are lowering gas prices. really? the white house posted earlier this week gas prices are down $1.70 from their peak just in time for holiday travel. well the backlash came out quickly. o one user posting arsonist takes credit for putting out fire. gas isn't close to what it was when biden took office. almost nothing is more
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affordable, gas is significantly more expensive. according to aaa the national average for a gallon of gas is $3.26. now while that is down from a month ago, it is still significantly higher from when biden took office when it was $2.39. gene marx joins me now. okay, yeah, what goes up must come down. so that's like saying i hit rock bottom and i'm doing better. no other way to go. obviously it has to go back up. toward the end of president trump's term in november of 2020aaa showed the national average was 2.11. remember that? i guess bidenomics is flunking so badly they have to look for a silver lining. i guess they found one. a decrease in a month. >> it is really true. funny, too, even in your last
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segment we heard, the price of a thanksgiving meal is down 4.5% a year ago. you know, one of the things that the biden administration misses is just how much more expensive all things are since he took office. it is being ignored. i did some digging on this. up 18%, utilities up 37%. price of a house is up 33%. the cost of a love of bread is up 28% since president biden took office. i cover small businesses as well and my clients, julie, they are seeing double digit increases in the past 2 to 3 years in their core materials they need to run their businesses. chemicals and packaging and freight and plastics. so it's not just like oh, you know, prices might have evened out over the past year. we are looking at the past 2 or 3 years and individuals and small businesses are trying to get their arms around the
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significant price increases. it is a real headache for a lot of people. i don't think the biden administration sees that. >> julie: they love to tout wages up. really we aren't doing any better. the wage increases are still being -- >> they're not up. wages are not up 33%. you want to buy a loaf of bread that is 28% higher than it was since he took office. wages aren't up to that level, either. for the core stuff we need to live and enjoy our lives the cost of living has gone up significantly under the biden administration. i wish they would admit that and come up with the rationale against that. it is being ignored. >> julie: i wish they would listen to the american people and admit it and listen to the american people. fox news polls asked people what they thought of the condition of the economy, excellent or good
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only 20% of voters believe the economy is doing well. that's 20%. 78% saying only fair or poor. 78%. that is a huge swath of this country that the biden administration seems to be ignoring. >> i agree. it is a credibility issue. you can say we had a once in a 100 year global pandemic that interrupted supply chains and impacted prices. even though the fact a lot of increases have to do with biden's spending legislation. you could still come up with a narrative saying a lot of these price increases were due to circumstances out of our control. we made some mistakes. it is being ignored. they keep tweeting out about the number of jobs the biden administration has created since it took office. remember, they took office in the midst of -- the end of a pandemic and tens of millions of people were unemployed. every job added back was just
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jobs that came back from the pandemic. the president is taking credit as if he created those jobs. i have think the american people look at that stuff and say it makes no sense. >> julie: refilling an empty bucket. not something to pat yourself on the back about. black friday the start to the holiday shopping center. the purse strings may be a bit tighter this year to be expected. the national retail federation is only expecting a 3 to 4% spending increase over last year. that is down from 2022's 5.4% jump and much lower than the massive spike of more than 13% the year before. a senior industry analyst at bank rate that says this. if inflation is high and your grocery bill is up and your rent is up and everything else is up, that has people in a frugal mood this holiday season. we were just talking about that. everything is up. everything is more expensive.
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>> the holiday season sales i think will be not as spectacular as people are thinking about. certainly not what they were in the past. julie, i tell you, i am concerned about the consumer in the months to come. the consumer has been the one driving gdp growth in the last quarter. but i am seeing such warning signs about consumer growth. auto loan dell inquincey and credit card delinquencies are spiking. recent earnings releases are saying people are saying they're concerned about the consumer, cracks in consumer delinquencies and even target and home depot and macy's saying they're seeing softening demand. the holiday season will probably be okay, not as great as it was in the past, but i'm looking into 2024 and i'm getting very concerned about consumer
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spending. i think it will be a problem. >> julie: i'm glad you brought up auto loans defaulting. it is also mortgages. people who have interest-only loans that you can't get anymore. those interest-only loans are fully amortizing, a lot of people can't afford the major hikes. some advice for those going through that? call your bank and ask for a modification. they don't want you to default on your loan and foreclose. is that something people can do? the mortgage interest rates for those hitting amortized loans are a disaster. >> if you are an individual and a problem paying your mortgage you should be talking to your banker now because bankers will renegotiator help you refinance your loan to make it happen. the other thing i want to say, one of the bright spots of high interest rates and inflation, interest rates on savings are also as high as they've been in a long time. so if you do have any extra savings, please put it into a
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money market account or buy a certificate of deposit where you can get 4 or 5 1/2% return. that's a good way to take advantage of this inflationary world. hopefully put a few extra dollars in your pocket. >> julie: good point. thanks to see you. thank you very much and happy thanksgiving to you. >> you too, julie, take care.
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>> griff: police arresting a former official who served in president obama's national security council after videos show him berating a new york city food vendor on multiple occasions. watch. >> you are a terrorist. you support terrorism. >> listen, go. i not support something. >> you support terrorism. we killed 4,000 palestinian kids. it wasn't enough. it wasn't enough. >> griff: that man served as the acting director for the south
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asia direct yacht facing charges including hate crime, stalking and second degree aggravated harassment. jason rantz joins us to talk about it. the video is crazy. not once or twice, multiple times. what do you make of it? >> yeah i saw a few of the videos. i thought at first maybe the person was inebriated. couldn't understand what he was doing what he was doing. the language is vile, no doubt about it. what bothers me about incidents like this beyond the obvious is that there is a conversation going on right now about anti-semitism versus islamaphobia. we have seen a rise in ant semitism across the country and folks will usually try to conflate the two or compare the two and say they're about equal. they aren't equal but use this incident to make the claim. as vile as i thought a lot of the language was, clearly something was the trigger here.
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not that it would justify any of the language. i am curious why it is that he chose this individual vendor as many times as he did. it feels like there might be a little more to the story where we could say yes, this was an overreaction. clearly he should not have done what he did. maybe this is why he did it just to try to provide some context to it. >> griff: like what do you think is the background? at the end of the day. condemning all forms of hate and enforcing violations of all hate crimes is the goal law enforcement wants to get to. you would agree with that. you suggest there may be more at play here than just his islamaphobia on display there? >> yeah, it is not like he couldn't find any other vendor to pick on for a variety of different reasons. he chose this individual. what first came to mind was we've been seeing a lot of the flyers being torn down on israeli hostages. the first thing that came to mind. right now it's baseless.
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i wholly admit that. all we have is the videos showing one side of a vile conversation. to your point, we should all be condemning this. there is no justification for it. i am curious what was the trigger behind it. >> griff: we'll see if there are any arrests today in the pro-palestinian march. you are seeing demonstrators at the macy's day parade keeping an eye on that. let me get in one more topic with you, jason. this one took me back. california is how required to teach student how to recognize fake news. schools will incorporate media literacy into classes throughout every grade level. the bill was signed by governor newsom last month. now a new op-ed head lined the knewest democratic propaganda in schools reading another example of california democrats inserting their agenda into schools that are among the worst
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in the country in order to set narratives not to teach students whom these schools are already failing. you are out there on the west coast. what is going on? >> it's not just in california unfortunately that these kinds of things are happening. at the end of the day i think people have to be better consumers of news. but this is not the solution. you have the people who are radical educators who pushed all of the trump demonization, pushing russiagate, telling us things that were frankly not true, were true and things that were true not true. so i wouldn't necessarily trust these people to be the arbiters of what is or is not fact versus fiction or fact versus opinion versus just an objective truth. that is the problem i have with all of this. let's be clear. if it was a republican governor, governor sanders coming out there saying oh, no, we'll push this, everyone would be outraged and calling this propaganda and saying that there is an interest
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from the conservative government for pushing this upon kids. how about take all the politics out of the classroom and have general conversations being smarter consumers of news. leave it at that. the second you have people telling us what's misinformation and go to their background and they are partisans and far to the left it dismisses the whole point of it. >> griff: you raise a good point. not just in california, it is in delaware, illinois, new jersey. as goes california often goes the rest of the country. jason rantz, thank you for joining us, have a happy and safe thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving. thank you. >> julie: coming up folks in a nonprofit group are working hard to make sure thousands of homeless and hungry people get a thanksgiving meal today and we'll tell you how they are doing that good work next.
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>> griff: millions of americans come together today to celebrate the holiday. sadly not everyone can afford a full thanksgiving meal and why one nonprofit is helping to serve thanksgiving meals to thousands of homeless and hungry people in florida. dana marie mcnichol is in miami.
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happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving, griff. an absolutely beautiful morning to give thanks. hundreds of people are enjoying their thanksgiving feast. a d.j. behind us. preparation by the chefs started 2 or 3 weeks ago. i took a tour of the kitchen. 250 turkeys were cooked today. volunteers arrived at 5:00 a.m. to help serve 3,000 meals throughout the day. from pie to stuffing, no one will walk away hungry. chef brian first came to the caring house here four years ago with an alcohol addiction. today feels grateful to have a job serving those who need him. >> food is warmth to the heart and soul. what we try to do here is not just about feeding people but also gives us a chance to get to minister to them and let them know there is a better way of living. >> now the holiday kindness
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doesn't end with this delicious meals. organizers are handing out new clothes, hygiene products. people get health screenings from local doctors and receive a hair cut and shower. >> those are the least and forgotten in the community and not together with family right now, they have a place where they can sit down for a little while, have a thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings. >> all of them here together as a community to celebrate this holiday, griff. >> griff: thank you very much. have a happy thanksgiving. all right, julie. >> julie: in the theme of giving thanks i want to bring in my children. avery and harrison, seven, and this is addison age 13. this is what i'm thankful for. that's all i can say. being at fox is the greatest thing. i give thanks to my job and thanks to them being able to
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help me provide for my three kids. what was your favorite float today? >> the santa float. giuliani what was yourself. >> a big red balloon. >> julie: yourself, spongebob. >> i'm thankful my mom knows how to cook. >> julie: okay. mom knows how to cook this year, okay? it took me 12 months to figure it out but i actually did. >> griff: we have a poll. your beautiful kids for your favorite pie since we were talking. >> pumpkin. >> mine is apple pie. >> julie: okay. all right . apple pie. anything you are thankful for? something we are thankful for that we always give thanks for. >> the police officers. >> julie: nypd for keeping you guys safe.
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>> and troops. >> julie: highs and lows today. highs were? >> all the floats. the low, you can be honest. the protest? they did not like the protest. they did not stop the parade. thank god. happy thanksgiving. >> griff: happy thanksgiving, everybody. thanks for joining us. have a great one. at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their sides. that's why he's already keeping himself in-shape and razor sharp today with health tips and wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. because the younger you are, the more you need aarp.
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