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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  November 27, 2023 8:00am-9:01am PST

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[yelling] >> this is not good. this is not good. >> dana: what are they doing? >> it's a bear on the other side. >> dana: i couldn't see. >> bill: it's lake tahoe, california. they are in the kitchen banging on the window. he puts his paw on the door and tries to slide it open, so they say. got it? a group of roommates pound on the door. he lingers and then wanders back into the woods. >> dana: wow. >> bill: i didn't know that was the technique. they are making fun of him. watch it, watch it. >> dana: wow, are animals really great? great to be back with you here all week. we'll see you. >> bill: a little bwg. >> dana: i will see you on the five at five.
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"the faulkner focus" is up next. >> harris: fox news as confirmed israel and hamas has reached and agreement of who will be released today. a new list of hostages. 11 freed today. this is the final day of that temporary cease-fire under the original agreement. as you know, any cease-fire gives more time for hamas to regroup and rearm. i'm harris faulkner, you are in "the faulkner focus." so far terror groups have released 40 israeli hostages, 13 on both friday and saturday, 14 additionally yesterday. foreign nationals also freed as part of separate negligent achess. it is now in the final 24 hours of that original agreement. both israeli and hamas officials are suggesting they are open to extending the deal with conditions. president biden is pushing for a
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longer truce. >> president biden: this deal is delivering lifesaving results. critically needed aid is going in and hostages are coming out. this deal is structured so it can be extended to keep building on these results. that's my goal. the proof that this is working and worth pursuing further is in every smile and every grateful tear we see on the faces of those families who are finally getting back together again. the proof is little abigail. >> harris: little abigail, four years old, abigail edan, a dual citizen of the united states and israel being reunited with her aunt, uncle and grand parents. hamas murdered both of her parents on october 7th. she was the first american released in that original hostage agreement. another reunion, this video shows a 9-year-old running into
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his dad's arms after nearly 50 days apart. imagine that. we are also learning more about the conditions that the hostages were held in. some detained in total darkness, very little food and no medical care and many of them in need of that medical care. 84-year-old israeli hostage rushed to the hospital after her release yesterday. she remains in critical condition. in "focus" ambassador nathan sales, former state department coordinator for counter terrorism and alex hogan in jerusalem. >> we got the official confirmation the list of hostages has now been agreed upon and families notified. officials have not specifically laid it out. it sounds like the reason for this delay is because too many moms would have been separated from their kids. as we wait to see the latest on that we got this new footage as well of one of these reunions.
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one mother was able to hug her girls. the 14-year-old and 8-year-old who were taken hostage. heart felt reunions like this giving hope to people across israel all throughout the weekend. a hero's welcome home. this was the sentiment all weekend in nationwide celebrations for moments like this. sharon kissing her husband. this boy running into his father's arms. emily hugging her dad for the first time and laying with her sister and dogs. yoni holding all four girls reunited under one roof. >> that's just the youngest hostage released yesterday was abigail edan whose parents were killed in front of her. while she is safe right now, the oldest released yesterday, an
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84-year-old woman is in critical condition. >> my mother should be different. she had to get her medicine. right now she is struggling for her life. >> as we wait to have the official word that these hostages today have been passed to the red cross as we wait on that, the families have received word of who will be able to go to the hospital today to meet their loved ones. the family of the youngest hostage taken, a 10-month-old baby, now speaking out saying that their little boy was not on that list. >> harris: there are a lot of people who are not on the list. we're so grateful for those coming home. i want to clarify the sound bite with you. someone said too many moms would have been separated from their kids. do you know who said that? >> we're hearing a lot of conversations from sources about
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what took this delay. typically we see the release of the names the night before. so all of these families would have found out the night before and the reason that there has been such a delay in that from officials we hear back channels that it's likely why there was delay. there had to be reshuffling of some of these names. once they are officially passed to the red cross we'll be able to release all those names. >> harris: passed by hamas, correct? >> i'm sorry? >> harris: passed by hamas? >> from hamas and to the red cross through the rafah crossing earp northern gaza to get back to israel. >> harris: thank you for your great reporting as always. this is from the "wall street journal" editorial board. hamas holds everyone hostage. terrorists traffic in human beings to achieve their bloody aims and argues the civilized world is rejoicing at the release of hostages after seven weeks of hell.
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it should not -- that relief should not blind us to the way jihadists and using the hostages to play on western respect for human life. every day the truce lasts, the more time the jihadists have to regroup, slip out of gaza, rearm or plan for ambushes against israelis. the founding acting under secretary for civilian security, democracy and human rights at the state department. great to have you, ambassador. i was trying to get a beat on who would say too many moms would have been separated from their kids. now that would be interesting coming from a group of terrorists. this is the ultimate emotional manipulation, grateful to have those home but we have to wait day-by-day by day for the terrorists to tell us who is on the list. >> that's exactly right, harris.
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there is no happy endings here. we all rejoice at the release of these hostages from gaza. but this is not a hallmark christmas movie. every single one of the people who has come out has suffered unspeakable horror. their loved ones, family members have been killed by hamas or their family members or loved ones are still being held hostage by hamas. you mentioned little abigail 4-year-old american citizen. her parents were killed. the reason she survived. she was able to crawl out from under the dead body of her father and make it to the neighboring home of her best friend. so make no mistake, the sort of group that is capable of taking her hostage, the sort of group like hamas capable of holding onto a 10-month-old baby by the name of kafeer are showing you what they are. not a group of freedom fighters or a national liberation movement. this is a terrorist organization
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full stop. >> harris: kafeer, it has been 52 days. is a little bit he will be one. >> he has spent 10% of his life in a tunnel underneath gaza separated from his family. we heard just a couple moments ago his name appears to be omitted from the current list of people who will be coming out today. that is exactly the way hamas plays this dirty game by holding onto the most vulnerable and trying to raise hopes in the civilized world that maybe dawn will break and then crushing all expectations. >> harris: talk to me about how you negotiate, though, with -- you have a background in counter terrorism. so there is always the thought that you are dealing with one particular group, hamas, hostage taking serial killers as i call them. now the islamic jihadists have this group of unknown number of hostages as well. are they passing them and
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selling them? what's going on behind the scenes and how many groups is israel going to have to negotiate with? >> that's a great question, harris. we don't really know. the one thing we do know let's start with basics. when you negotiate with terrorist groups like hamas, like islamic jihad or others you have to do it from a position of strength. that appears to have been what israel did during the past five weeks. the reason hamas was prepared to release hostages, not enough and not fast enough. the reason they are prepared to release any at all was only because israel subjected them to unrelenting pressure taking thousands of their fighters and leaders off the battlefield. pressure on these groups. that's the only thing they understand. now behind the scenes who knows where some of these hostages are being held? that's why it is so important, as we go forward into the possible extension of this deal, for israel to be prepared to resume force if hamas goes back
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on its word. look, we know that the agreements that hamas signed is not worth the paper they're printed on. they're serial hostage takers and killers and serial liars. they have already gone back of some of their commitments to not separate mothers and children who will be released. they almost tanked the deal on saturday before it got back on track. we can't take them at their word. we have to watch very carefully during the next crucial days as israel considers whether or not to continue to extend this temporary pause. >> harris: look, we don't know what it's like behind the scenes when the israeli defense force is taking out some of their leadership. you can't really definitively tell did they pass them on. who is in charge of that group? this is not the same command and control that started 52 days ago when israel said this is it. this is war. we'll cover every second. ambassador, always great to get your perspective and expertise
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on this and god bless the people waiting and those coming home. thank you. right now the first of several memorial services is beginning in georgia to honor the life of legacy of first lady rosalynn carter, the motorcade is carrying her and that has just arrived at the rosalynn carter health and human sciences complex at georgia southwestern state university. that's her alma mater. there is a wreath laying ceremony there before the motorcade departs for the carter presidential center in atlanta where mrs. carter will be lying in repose for the public to pay their respects. her funeral is set for wednesday. wanted to dip in and show you a bit of this. rosalynn carter died peacefully at her home in plains, georgia. she was 96 years old. well, we are counting the days
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now and only 50, fewer than 50, i should say, to be exact to january 15th. do or die for one of the contenders trying to knock trump out of the top slot. a lot of recent polling showing it has gone bad for president biden. well, now it's worse for president biden. a democratic primary rival says it is delusional to think the president can beat donald trump. >> you can put a generic candidate against him and he will lose. he doesn't have the nothing cognitive built and his foreign policy is failing miserably and southern border is failing miserably. family budgets? car loans. get a newday 100 va cash out loan. own your car and have no more monthly car payments.
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>> harris: president biden's numbers have been terrible for weeks now. "politico" with the headline the polls keep getting worse for biden. marianne williamson is still out there for democrat vote herbs who want anybody but biden and his latest challenger, congressman dean phillips who posted this. as a member of house democratic leadership and supported and promoted the biden agenda and campaigned for him and voted for him and respect him. how can anyone read this, meaning that "politico" article, and conclude he is positioned to defeat trump? it's delusional. name calling. the hill now reports biden's allies want their party to rally around biden. one told critics to pipe down. another says it is imperative democrats ban together. focus on how to win and quit bed wetting. this weekend in nantucket during his holiday stay, the president
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was not happy about some of the questions from our very own lucas tomlinson. >> mr. president, are you too old to be running for re-election? >> why is donald trump beating you in the latest polls? >> harris: did he say that's stupid? yeah, he did. power panel cassie smutly and david car lucci. great to see you both. you were nodding it has to be a little embarrassing. i don't know how you feel about it. but you are trying to run a race here. >> that's right. i think it is stupid. look, the leading republican candidate is almost just as old so when you are focused on who is -- that he is too old, it's a losing strategy and one that will come back to bite republicans hard. the person that's not saying biden is too old is donald trump. so once the level is cleared on the republican primary and you
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have a contrast between these two gentlemen, that will bring it into focus and i think it will remind voters about the mishops that we saw under the trump presidency. >> harris: you don't have to wait that long for a contrast. they're different. they've been both in office. cassie. >> that was my thought exactly. i think voters are trying to say he is too old in the hopes it would have been enough for the democrats to kindly escort him off the ballot even though they have ignored the calls for months and months as we've talked about. the real issue, i think, as david is hinting at here, is that these poll numbers reflect that the policies aren't working, either. when you see a frail leader on the national and international stage combined with policies that at every turn are hurting the american people, both domestically and internationally, it is a perfect storm of a really bad election night for democrats. at this point they have no way of getting around it because it
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looks like he is the nominee, their chosen guy. >> harris: when you see people really double, triple down on bidenomics, and then you realize on the left oops, you've got a problem. it is a problem. >> it's not -- >> harris: biden and bidenomics messaging. a "washington post" live anchor said this. watch? >> bidenomics has been a negative -- become a negative word among democrats. it is not working. i was texting with democratic members of congress last night and they said it is not looking good for president biden politically out there. he would probably lose some swing states if the election were held today. >> harris: david, i come to you. hold tight for more facts. according to a recent "wall street journal" poll, 36% of people who took the survey say they think the american dream is still attainable. down from 68% from the same poll
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last year. 65% view the economy as not so good to poor compared to 35% who view it favorably. it's getting worse. during a time that i've heard you say it's early. it's getting later. >> it is. look, the polling is right to take the temperature of how people feel and bidenomics, the messaging might not be working. >> harris: doesn't that matter? >> it is what matters. a year out we see the economic data coming in showing that bide in's policies are looking >> harris: we're inside the time. >> for the general election we're a year out. primary democrats are rock solid behind him. you have people questioning there could be some perfect candidate that no one knows about out there. that's not happening. bidenomics is actually working. the policy -- the presentation is not. look at the economic data. unemployment rate the lowest it's ever been.
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individual gdp increase, inflation is coming down. >> harris: it doesn't matter how you say it. it is not working for people. we just had on record for the bureau of labor statistics just had a record the most expensive thanksgiving that their record keeping shows. so you can try and sell it. i'm just waiting for it to be true. we are under a year away, check your calendar. closer to december than november. >> it gives more time for people to recognize inflation is coming down. >> you can say that. i know it's a tough job for a democrat talking head these days. you say it. i just bought my thanksgiving dinner last week and everything from onions and potatoes was more expensive to say nothing of the turkey. we feel it every time we go to the grocery store and you continuing to try to tell us it is not our reality is only making us go the other way. the trick is where do those democrat defectors go? do they stay home or go for the
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republicans. about that comparison of what life can be like. >> harris: a good point. or will they sit home? a nightmare for democrats. then they wouldn't even be able to choose. the iowa caucus is only 49 days away, punch time for the republican hopefuls looking to gain ground on former president trump. chief strategist karl rove on both of george w. bush's successful runs. the hawkeye state is critical for ron desantis. >> iowa is do or die. putting a lot of effort there. the popular governor. he won the support of leader in the evangelical community, and yeah, he has to run -- if he comes in third in iowa it is very problematic for him. it doesn't get better in the next two set of contests. >> harris: i come back to you. >> no question we have a great slate of republican candidates in this primary. you have to assess your past
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history or optical victory. the natural selection of the debate threshold and upcoming caucuses and primaries will help the process play out. these guys have to figure out if they've got that pathway pretty quick. >> harris: david, we don't know, if it turns out to be biden after all, who do you think democrats would rather face in a general out of say the top three that are vying for iowa right now? >> that's a good question. donald trump is one that definitely motivates democrats. a lot of concern there. then i would say second would be desantis. haley is deaf niftily toting that line to be more moderate, showing more electability. i don't see her getting through the republican primary process. >> harris: great to have you both feisty as ever. tomorrow we'll air the next installment of my democracy 24. families in focus series. traveling all over. this time i went to greenville,
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south carolina and spent the day with presidential candidate nikki haley and her two children. you don't want to miss it. that's tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern right here on "the faulkner focus." this fox news alert. the israel/hamas hostage deal and truce is a headline now. the truce will be extended for two days. the foreign ministry spokesman of qatar says there is in place an extension for two days. we're tracking statements from israel and hamas on all of this now. israeli officials have said the only way the cease-fire could be extended would be the continuation of hostage releases. we will bring you more as we get it. the number of attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east is rising. big escalation as well.
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iran backed group fired ballistic missiles at a u.s. nafshal ships. critics are saying biden is being too soft on iran and not hard enough on hamas, the killers. who is on their side? that's not good for him. the deepening divide in his own party over his israel policy. congressman mike waltz of the great state of florida in "focus" next. shrimp celebration ♪ (vo) three lobster and shrimp entrees for a limited time. ♪ (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. (♪) entresto is the #1 heart failure brand
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behind the scenes insisted that israel's government take steps that are clearly not in israel's interests. providing fuel into gaza, not just water or food or medicine, beautiful which may as well be providing them with ammunition. >> harris: some on the far left of biden's own political party say he is too soft on israel. is overall approval among democrats now is 75% in one new poll. it drops to 60% on his handling of the war. mike waltz, member of the armed services, foreign affairs and intelligence committees and former green beret commander. appreciate his being with us and always for your service as well. so where does the far left want biden to be on a bunch of serial killers? they want him to hang out with them? >> harris, i think you have to appreciate the propaganda war
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and is psychological warfare that hamas is fairly successfully waging here. they are presenting themselves right now as some kind of humanitarian, as you have the hallmark moments as they hand the hostages back. they presented themselves as the victim. can i just point out one number that is driving me nuts? this casualty figure that the mainstream media has taken on as gospel. this 12,000 to 14,000 palestinian casualties compared to the 1500 israelis. why are we talking that number and running with it? we wouldn't believe that coming from isis, we certainly wound believe it coming from putin. yet the media is running that which makes it seem like a disproportionate response and you have years and years of victimhood and the palestinians as part of the oppressed. you are seeing all of that come to fruition right now. the left is giving biden hell.
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when you have leaks coming from the white house saying we're taking on a lot of political water i worry about biden getting weak-kneed in his support of israel. >> harris: i will pile on a little more. you talk about some in the media taking hamas's word for everything, or anything. but we know that there were just unthinkable, unspeakable sex crimes even with children on october 7th. where are the women at the united nations? where are these groups that say that they care about what happens to women and children in particular? all groups of people. maybe i missed something over thanksgiving but i don't think so. >> i have horribly seen this my entire career from the taliban to isis to al qaeda and hamas. they use rape as a weapon. it is grotesque. they absolutely do it.
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their abuse of women. >> harris: it is silent. >> that's right. where are they also on just the abuse of women, the abuse of minorities and the abuse of the lgbtq community under the thumb of the hamas dictatorship? it makes no sense. this divide on the left is running deep and it is running fast. and again, i worry about the steadfastness. but the longer-term issue. the biggest thing biden could do for israel is shift its policy on iran. no matter how successful israel is tactically against hamas, as long as iran is flush with cash, they are going to continue pumping in arms and supplies, fighters, training, and that's where we have to return to national pressure and dry up their coffers. >> harris: biden has given them
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billions more since october 7th. it's more than just policy, it is a complete mindset, a focus. a significant escalation. i want to get to this with you. it's military and the attacks on our u.s. men and women stationed in the region in the middle east. the u.s. stopped the seizure of an israel-linked ship off the coast of yemen. u.s. navy personnel aboard the u.s.s. mason responded to a distress call from an israeli-linked ship after it was t targeted by five armed men. they have been arrested. houthi forces, iran backed out of yemen then fired two ballistic missiles at u.s.s. mason after those arrests. we are now up to 73 attacks by iran proxies on american forces in iran and syria since october 17th. the ceo of the foundation for
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defense of democracies with this. >> president biden probably deserves and a for hamas policies but f for iran policy. behind the scenes is the supreme leader orcs traiting all of this. he provided money to hamas and hezbollah fighting israel on the northern border and houthi terrorists in yemen firing missiles at israel while we speak. >> harris: did you hear him? he said president biden deserves an a for the way he is dealing with hamas. >> well, he also let's go with the f on iran. that's the long game. he is absolutely right. here is what everybody has to understand, two things. every missile, the training for how to fire them, the supplies, everything whether it's hezbollah or the houthis comes from iran and it is being funded by global oil prices.
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it is as simple as that. again, part of the reversal we have to see here, harris, is the white house continues -- watch their language -- to talk about avoiding escalation. we want to de-escalate. the more they try to de-escalate the more they are allowing iran to escalate the situation. what do you do with a school yard bully? you can't keep giving him lunch money. at some point you have to punch him in the nose through cyber or some of iranian irgc official eaves in the region or in iran itself. until he raise costs on them they'll continue to do this. >> harris: take a look at the map that we keep showing with the 73 attacks and from hamas perspective, i mean, they must love this president based on what this man said. unbelievable. 73 attacks. if you attacked anything 73 times, if somebody attack your
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car 73 times, there would be cries in the street. goodness, get to that car. these are our people. >> yeah. well, look, fdd is great. i don't know i would give him an a. right now hamas terrorists are dictating the terms. they are deciding who gets released, when they get released. how long the cease-fire drags out and they'll drag it out because it benefits them. the longer this goes, the more they can rest, rearm, refit, reestablish their command and control and get ready for the next round of fighting. sadly, the longer this cease-fire goes, and look, i get it, we have to support those families and it is a difficult choice, but the longer it goes, the more israeli soldiers are going to suffer in the future sadly and unfortunately. >> harris: some of our own who are stationed around the region. all right. congressman waltz, thank you very much. a terrifying scene at a new york city high school. this is a teenage mob rampaging
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through the halls hunting for a teacher who dared to attend a pro-israel rally. pro-palestinian demonstrators as they call themselves wreaking havoc at nyc and defacing a historic city landmark. >> some of these pro-palestinian protestors were vandalizing and defacing some of the buildings and facades. when that goes unpunished i'm not surprised that lower down the food chain. >> harris: the cost of the damage tens of thousands of dollars so far. another massive group shut down a major new york city bridge for hours. critics are saying the mayor's outrage is not enough. jason chaffetz in "focus" next.
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>> harris: a bit more movement now as we alerted you a few moments ago, the israel/hamas hostage deal extension into a truce. the associated press is reporting it as well. the white house is confirming the deal for a two-day continuation of the pause in fighting. of course, we told you about qatar's foreign ministry spokesman who posted this. the state of qatar announces as part of the ongoing mediation and agreement has been reached -- an agreement has been reached to extend the humanitarian truce for an additional two days in
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the gaza strip. this is making its way around the world including our own country and we'll watch this with anticipation. we know that there are at least 11 more hostages that are due out today. we know that that list has been confirmed and we'll cover it every moment of it as those people gain their freedom. from hostage-taking serial killers. police in vermont say the shootings of three palestinian students over the thanksgiving weekend may be a hate crime. two of them were wearing traditional palestinian scarves when it happened. the suspect learning the charges against him at his arraignment a short time ago. this is playing out today. molly line is covering it. molly. >> harris, this burlington resident faced a judge this morning. a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf to three different charges. he is now being held without bail charged with tree counts of aggravated assault linked to the
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triple shooting of three young men of palestinian descent over the weekend as multiple law enforcement agencies trying to figure out if it was indeed a hate crime. the three victims all 20 years old college students were shot sat knight walking in burlington, vermont to celebrate the holiday with friends and families. two were wearing keffiyehs when the suspect fired four shots from a pistol. he did not speak and no additional information to suggest the suspect's motive. all three victims were struck. two are in serious condition. a third is critical. u.s. attorney general merrick garland is looking at how it might inspire terrorists and home grown extremists. increases in threats of jewish,
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muslim and arab communities. >> even as we speak the atf and f.b.i. are investigating the tragic shooting of three men of palestinian descent in vermont. >> the chief of police said in this charged moment no one can look at this incident and not suspect it may have been a hate-motivated crime. the f.b.i. is on the case. atf agents first encountered and captured eaton on sunday afternoon. a search warrant of his residence right there in front of that shooting scene uncovered evidence leading prosecutors to believe that he was the shooter. jason eaton will have a bail hearing in the coming days and a press conference coming up soon. >> harris: hundreds of anti-israel protestors in new york city yesterday shut down the manhattan bridge for hours. drivers sat in gridlock trying
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to head home from the thanksgiving holiday. the new york public library faces $75,000 in cleanup costs after protestors defaced the landmark building with blood red hand prints. things got rather scary at a high school in queens. hundreds of students were rampaging through the halls looking for a teacher after they found out that teacher had attended a pro-israel rally. imagine this mob coming for you for supporting others. a mob of people going after a teacher for supporting israel. that teacher was hiding for hours inside a locked office. we've reached out to the school for comment. we're waiting to hear back still. new york city mayor adams with this. vile show of anti-semitism at hillcrest high school was motivated by hatred plain and simple and not tolerated in our schools or anywhere else in our cities.
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we're better than this. an op-ed headline argues an anti-semitic riot in an nyc high school needs more than i'm just outraged. what does it need, jason? >> it means that mayor adams is falling far short of his duty. when he was elected he was from law enforcement. it was new york city saying we want somebody with law enforcement background. you have a mob coming to do untold harm to that teacher, where is the -- where are the cops and the police? obviously it's out on social media. you have hundreds of students who know about it and texting about it and doing it. how come law enforcement didn't come in and teach these kids a lesson to clear them out and say we don't tolerate this? violence on any side of the equation is not tolerated. there has to be consequence. you know, it is the most american thing you can do to petition your government. but the constitution says you
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have to do it peacefully. if you are going to deface property and intimidate others, if you will terrorize people based on their religion, that is not peacefully assembling and you have to teach them a lesson. right now it's mob rules in new york. that's what is happening, mob rules. >> harris: it is also not free speech. it is not protected free speech. we've gone down a road now where it would look like part of the left wants to rewrite what is constitutionally correct and what is not correct. and they are doing it with one group of people in mind. not the victims. the teacher is locked up like the students had been formerly at a liberal college, locked up. hunting people who were of jewish faith. she had just supported israel at a pro-israel rally. take a look at what is happening? the victims are locked away while the perpetrators run free. look, they can call themselves whatever they want to call
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themselves. but when you are hunting, well, it is what it is. >> well, it shouldn't be. and that's what i'm saying. mayor adams could say it is not acceptable. then do something about it. are you the one in power with tens of thousands of law enforcement officers. where were they? >> harris: does he have pressure from the far left like biden? we heard the words of rashida tlaib but what's the pressure on mayor adams, exactly? >> he lets this happen. it is under his watch. it is not as if this all of a sudden went down in 30 seconds. they have school resource officers. remember when new york city said we need to get rid of the school resource officers? law enforcement in each of the high schools and wanted to get rid of them? remember when that happened? nobody dialed 911? >> harris: that's an interesting point. i think we are so focused on
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what's in front of us on the screen we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. i feel for those administrators, some of them who aren't attending pro-hamas rallies. i do feel -- what are their choices? will they lock themselves in the room if they support the person who supports israel? how deep is this going? >> why should somebody with a jewish surname or jewish -- in the united states of america, the very basic foundation is the ability to practice your religion free of this type of terrorism. it's its own type of terrorism happening in new york city. >> harris: i want to know how it helps the palestinians. they say they're pro-palestinian how does breaking stuff and threatening people for their fate belief help the people in gaza? i just don't get it. jason, i will let you go and bring you back on a different day. thank you for being with me. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" after the break. .
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