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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  November 29, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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medium level where a smaller dog like a chihuahua that lives 20 years, we can prolong life for giant breed dogs that we love. >> lawrence: i'm sure this will fly off the shelves. there are risk, side effects that could impact the dog in a negative way. >> good question. we don't know all of this, we have to have our judicious peer-reviewed studies. loyal has not released that information because of proprietary issues. they are reporting maybe gi upset. there is an injectable drug that you go to a vet and have it
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administered every three to six months. >> lawrence: so we're tracking this to see how it goes and sign up then. for sure. >> lawrence: thank you for joining me. see you later, buddy. third hour of "fox and friends" starts now. >> a search is underway after u.s. military aircraft crashed off the coast of japan. >> ainsley: japanese fishermen found one of the crew members. >> engine looked like it was on fire. >> between israel and hamas. >> steve: sixth set will be released. >> it's been 54 days, 54 days. >> ainsley: dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas heading to texas today. >> lawmaker maker wants is
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accelerant to the border calamity. >> getting smeared as a fan wearing black face. >> brian: ub believable they take shots of a kid this age. >> this political cartoon shows bidenomics dragging down the u.s. economy. >> symbolism, president falling down just like that massive christmas tree. >> steve: all right, we begin final hour of "fox and friends" for wednesday with a fox news alert. right now a search is underway after a military aircraft, u.s. military crashed off the coast of japan overnight our time. >> brian: japanese coast guard says six were on board and one was killed. >> ainsley: griff jenkins has the latest for us. >> griff: interesting, after 8:00 a.m. and u.s. officials have yet to confirm the crash.
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japanese officials have been speaking out saying this chopper disappeared after 2 p.m. local time and a u.s. military tilt rotor osprey crashed into the ocean. japan coast guard conducting search and rescue operation. it was believed to be carrying six people, crashing south of japan, two miles from yakushima upon island. japan coast guards one has been confirmed dead. this is after a string of deadly osprey crashes. months ago three were killed in training in australia and there was a crash in california and four u.s. marines killed during
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a nato exercise in nor way. fox news confirmed since 2012, six fatal crashes killing 19 and there have been issues with the osprey's carrying the press while accompanying the president. the press reported hearing a loud bang and saw smoke and forced to land and board another aircraft and made the journey safely. we are awaiting u.s. military officials to community and learn what lead or caused this osprey crash because of mechanical errors that occurred recently. past year there was a temporary grounding of ospreys. hope to learn more. >> steve: had a spotty safety record for a long time, is it
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design ever the aircraft? >> griff: we don't know what happened in this incident, a lot of people talked about this thing called the hard clutch issue, which causes the aircraft to lose thrust capability and seen multiple deadly incidents, six since 2012. japanese officials had temporarily grounded their osprey flight. we it will be interesting to learn what happened here, tragically, the headline, japanese officials confirming one aboard the u.s. osprey has been confirmed dead. >> ainsley: they can land on aircraft carrier quickly, they shoot up vertically and can go fast like a plane.
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>> griff: right, that tilt rotor motor makes it versatile. when they retired ch-46, that had a fixed wing, quickly replaced those with these saying they can do anything and operate in a very narrow, confined space and of course on ships, as well. mechanical error continues to be a story that plagues this fleet. >> lawrence: got to get this under control, they deserve better. another fox news alert, smoke rising in gaza, we are in what could be final day of temporary ceasefire between israel and hamas. >> ainsley: a sixth set of hostages expected to be release today, joining 60 plus freed so far. >> steve: white house hope americans will be included in this batch after none were released yesterday. >> brian: greg palkot, hi, greg.
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>> greg: we are in tel aviv at various hospitals in the area. the released hostages being treated after horrible treatment at the hands of hamas in gaza strip. 12 freed overnight, telling horror stories. for weeks, little food, little light, unsanitary condition. one young man told of beatings and being forced to watch torture videos. it is believed another 160 remain held by hamas and other groups, among them 10-month-old kfir and other family members. a relative told you folks israeli governments they won't be released today. >> we try to remain hopeful. we continue with our battle and efforts as a family, as a united
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family to try and get some answers. >> griff: strong stuff, palestinian prisoners are being released, worked on right now, israel and hamas go-between extension of the ceasefire and hostage exchange set to end overnight. humanitarian aid being brought to the battered gaza strip with most fighting, it is chance to reach people there amidst the death and destruction. baby kfir and his family might not be released easily. they are being held by another militant group in gaza. that just shows how complicated the situation is. diplomats are fighting for more time before full-scale fighting could resume in gaza. back to you. >> lawrence: thanks. >> steve: 3:07 in the afternoon, not much time until we see who is on the list and who is
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released. >> lawrence: if you have been following the diversity eequity and inclusion and talking to folks. unless you're a jewish student and we're seeing it at ivy league. harvard is facing federal civil rights investigation for antisemitism while this israel and hamas war -- >> ainsley: for not doing anything about it. >> lawrence: nothing about it. >> steve: one demonstration in october, parentally this is based on the fact first-year israeli student reportedly shoved and accosted by pro-palestinian protesters at a harvard. the israeli student had his phone ripped from his hands and assaulted physically and verbally and that is part of the
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earlier complaint. now federal government is getting involved. >> ainsley: office for civil rights says they are not accusing harvard, they are just investigating because of complaints. >> brian: "wall street journal"s harvard is no worse than the other universities. they are supposed to be example of how civilized community behaves. they are incoherent in responses. if you are from ivy league, you don't want to put on your resume, people sitting across from you will say are you part of the lunatics, democratic administration who stood up against october 7? >> lawrence: the same institutions were telling us how to behave, who to hire, what standards should be there, what to do, check your privilege. they gave us a guideline, how to
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treat religious minorities and minorities in general. it looks like they don't see the jewish people as minorities, despite hate crimes being targeted -- >> brian: donors do. donors saying i'm going to close my checkbook now. >> steve: there will be federal civil rights investigation, harvard, upenn will testify before congress. republican congresswoman victoria fox chairs that committee and vowing to hold university leaders accountable for antisemitism. we don't know what is going to happen with federal investigation, it will be out in the public next week. >> ainsley: freedom of speech is different from violence, this young man accusing harvard of not doing anything. >> brian: caught on video, by the way. >> ainsley: yeah. >> brian: i'm somewhat of an expert on this, people in washington working for the
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federal government, listen to me now. if you buy a christmas tree, get yourself a stand. >> steve: new topic you are the expert on? >> brian: new topic. sorry about that. i should have taken a bigger breath. i'll go, well, we -- >> steve: we were talking about a federal investigation. wait, what happened? >> brian: i need a swoosh button. >> lawrence: a transition. >> brian: if you have a christmas tree, get yourself a stand. >> ainsley: did your christmas tree fall over? >> brian: i'll get to it. make sure it is equal and stand your tree up and walk out of the room and it won't fall down. no one listened to me yesterday and down goes the frazier fir. >> steve: i don't know if you read all the details, it blew
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over. here is the thing, they did not put it in a stand. they planted it. >> ainsley: that is the problem. >> steve: just south of the white house, what they have done since the '70s, they plant christmas trees there. this tree replaced another one. they planted it securely and holding it down with guide wire and 45 mile per hour wind came over and blew that down. >> brian: thanks, janice dean. >> ainsley: house judiciary says national christmas tree falls down, like joe biden's presidency. >> lawrence: we are following over, gas prices, inflation. >> bryan: bidenomics is working. >> lawrence: freaking racists marching in the middle of the
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street. >> brian: they will try to do that at rockefeller plaza tonight, pro-palestinian and hamas people. to have a crane to pick up a tree doesn't mean i don't want them to stand it up. when you plant a tree, get your foot and push down at the roots with your foot. like you do mums in the fall. >> ainsley: look how big this tree is. >> steve: 40 feet. >> brian: if you know what they are doing, they can. >> steve: national park rangers stamped it on the ground. what happened yesterday in the nation's capitol, if a tree falls in washington, does anybody hear it? >> ainsley: glad it didn't fall on somebody. tomorrow is big day, we've been waiting for months now. sean hannity was interviewing, gavin newsom, he said, would you debate ron desantis?
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yeah. and he asked desantis and desantis said, i'll debate him. been in the works for a while >> they secured a date tomorrow night. >> brian: what are the stakes? mark penns big upside and big downside, watch. >> i think this is a high risk event for everybody involved. i think ron desantis expected to be much higher in the presidential race against donald trump, this is now risky and he might have everything to lose. if he pulls off a great debate and defends his record, he will come up in the presidential race. newsom doesn't have much to lose here, he's not expected to get fox voters to vote for him. if he can slay ron desantis, that will put him in great position in the presidential
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bullpen. >> brian: i agree, except on newsom, if he can't defend the green things he says, i think gavin newsom could jeopardize his future because his job as governor, terrible. job in san francisco, terrible. he looks the part and talented speaker and if desantis does his homework, stronger hand. >> lawrence: i have a source that could potentially be moderating this event and that source told me he'll be fair and he wants both of them to defend their record. this is going to be about how well california is and how well florida has governed themselves. he will lean on the candidate to make that case for them. >> ainsley: if they want to fight back and forth and explain their record and question each other's record, then they can. it is hard, especially if you are conservative to look at
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gavin newsom, he looks like a presidential candidate. >> brian: track record is terrible. >> ainsley: like you say, flip over the baseball card, it is hard to defend that. but look at our country, 50% of our country 50/50. >> lawrence: some people like him. >> steve: polling for california versus polling for florida, and ron desantis and gavin newsom have the same poll numbers in each respective state. >> ainsley: everybody leaving california. >> brian: he was doing terrible, they recalled him, he fought it off. he knocked over chinese children and that should disqualify him in china. here is the problem. this is sean's challenge here. if gavin newsoms things and it is not right and governor
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desantis says things not right, what is the role, what are you talking about, your homeless situation is not xyz. if you're a candidate and ron desantis is really bright, you have to know the california stats and the florida stats and be your own fact checker of your opponent. whose job is that? >> ainsley: if gavin newsom says something incorrect, is it desantis job or press ever everaward? >> steve: is sean hannity the moderator or fact checker? >> lawrence: i think he will let them duke it out. >> steve: i think he's got to be the moderator. >> ainsley: if anyone knows the facts, it is sean. >> lawrence: be careful with newsom, he is wrong, smooth, but wrong with it and a lot of people buy into the personality instead of the policy. >> steve: i think this will be one of the top five tv things of this year. >> lawrence: i'll be there.
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i'll go and we never do this. i'm going to do a diner there tomorrow and friday. swing state, never do dual. we like to spread the love and don't like doing back-to-back -- >> brian: have i signed off on this? what is going on? two days in a row? >> lawrence: i know. >> brian: what the hell? what budget do you think we have? >> ainsley: someone will get fired. >> brian: reprimanded, it is near the holidays. >> steve: 90 minutes tomorrow night. we have news and carley joins us and today a somber day in georgia. >> carley: it is, former first lady rosalynn carter will be laid to rest today federaling a private service in georgia yesterday in atlanta. attended by president biden,
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jill biden, kamala harris and all former first ladies that are still living. the carters were married for 77 years. america's crime crisis is hitting a las vegas business owner. smash and grab robbers hitting a lego store three times in a year. most recently in sunday, thieves running off with legonsets worth $500 each. the owner says, we are in this for the long run and we will not let small-time criminals stop us or shut us down. and it is time to start baking. get the ovens ready, in honor of the movie "elf" there is a cookie decorated competition to find best elf-inspired dish.
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>> candy, candy canes and syrup. >> carley: winner will get $2500 cash prize, competition runs through december 11. that is exciting, guys. >> brian: do you think they thought that movie would be a christmas classic. >> steve: when the movie was made, will farrell was biggest comedian in the world. >> ainsley: love him, wish kristin will have another movie. >> thank you so much. >> ainsley: you didn't say thank you. >> appreciate it lawrence. >> ainsley: trying to -- >> steve: diplomatic.
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i'm switzerland. >> ainsley: fox news alert, final day of the ceasefire allegedly, hopefully it will continue with 12 hostages expected to be released, families with loved ones not on the list desperate for answers. >> why if this deal was made and they said women and children will be released first, the youngest hostage is not being released? >> ainsley: bring that baby home. former congresswoman tulsi gabbard will join us next. >> brian: outrage after a kansas city chiefs fan is criticized for wearing black face. the mom is speaking out to the person speaking out against her son. ♪ ♪
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and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> ainsley: right now a search is underway.
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as officials say they found the wrecked v-22 osprey and what appears to be a life boat. lieutenant colonel tulsi gabbard joins us. what do you know about the osprey? >> my heart goes out to the family of those involved. this incident just points to another in the long history of training-related incidents theosprey has had. just this year and last year alone, we've seen over 10 servicemembers killed during
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training exercises, it is incumbent on military leaders not to say gosh, accidents happen in training. they do happen, but every life needs to be valued. take a hard look at this specific aircraft and high number of accidents that have occurred. >> ainsley: beneficial in different scenario, but if it means men and women are going to be killed, it is dangerous. you don't want your child on an osprey after hearing these stories. let's switch and talk about israel and gaza. idf is saying hamas handed over hostages to other terror groups whachl do we know about the groups operating in gaza and west bank and how does we negotiate with them? can hamas talk to them and say let's release that baby? >> of course they can. hamas is in a position of
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leverage because of their barbaric activity and holding hostage elderly and a 10-month-old baby and everyone in between. for them to claim they don't know where people are, they don't have leverage to free hostages, i don't buy it. the american people need to see these people for who they are. they are not freedom fighters or militants, these are islamist terrorists willing to do whatever is necessary to accomplish their goal. their goal is not freedom and peace for the palestinian people, their goal is to eliminate israil and call the world to this islamic jihad not just for jewish people, but people everywhere. >> ainsley: we had a woman on yesterday, she is pleading for
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her family to come back. she said if they are releasing children and women, why haven't they released my -- she is aunt of the mom, so her great -- i don't know, she is great aunt of this little baby. she was interviewed today and she brought up that point. listen to this. >> family to try and get some answers on why my family is still there. why it is taking so long, why if this deal was made and they said women and children will be released first, the youngest hostage is not being released. >> ainsley: what is your reaction to that? >> it is heartbreaking, i can't imagine what she and the other families are going through. i want to point to this issue being something larger than
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another conflict between israel and the people in gaza. this points to, look at how many people are covering for or justifying the actions of this islamist terrorist group and hamas and how easy people are being influenced under guise of being pro-palestinian. this islamist ideology is most dangerous threat in near term and the long-term because as long as they exist, they have to be defeated militarily and ideologically, as long as they exist, freedom-loving people will not see peace, security and freedom that the palestinian people deserve, that people of israel deserve, the american people deserve and it needs to be taken seriously by leaders everywhere. >> ainsley: thank you for coming on. coming up, migrant mass release, memo shows cbp agents from
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northern coastal borders are asked to help virtually process migrants as the surge is overwhelming border towns. congressman byron donalds is coming up. with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor
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>> brian: hostage families meeting with house foreign affairs committee. a lot of people are understanding why israel is reacting the way they are reacting on the gaza strip. bidenomics, the president thinks is a good idea, he will talk in colorado. does he get most american people don't want to hear about it.
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he should be politically savvy enough to hear about it. secretary mayorkas will go to uvalde and pretend it is okay. 3.2 million illegals have crossed, an all-time record and the year is not over yet. steve. >> steve: thank you. speaking of the bore, agents are being asked to help their colleagues at the southern border. according to a cbp memo obtained by the daily caller, agents are being taken out of the field to sit at computers to process mass migrant releases because there are so many. florida congressman byron donalds is a co-sponsor to a bill and he joins us from the d.c. area. good morning. >> good morning. >> steve: one of the things mayorkas is going to see when he's at the del rio sector, one
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of his agents will say, boss, did you realize that 21 convicted sex offenders have been arrested in the last two months? 21. >> this is outrageous. this is why so many members of the house of representatives wanted mayorkas removed. we have a bigger problem, joe biden. be clear. joe biden on day one made border policy the way it is, it is destructive of the country, destructive of every city, blue city, red city, it doesn't matter. now we have major issues at the southern and northern border. co-sponsored this bill with nicole malliotakis is the least we can do in the house. it is insane members of congress have to sponsor legislation to
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stop the white house from housing migrants on public land, considering all disaster that happened throughout southern border and our country, it is complete joke and wrong this is happening to the american people. >> steve: exactly, you are co-sponsoring the legislation in the house to ban the migrants from being housed on follow proper. talking about joe biden and responsibility, you know who agrees with you? in part, the "washington post" editorial board. they printed democrats might flinch, but the republican idea it should be tougher for asylum seekers to enter the united states makes some sense. they are right. this administration made it too easy. you want to come in? what is your excuse? we'll buy it. it took them long enough to figure out what makes sense, shout out to "washington post" for for once getting something
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correct. the number one job of the federal government is to secure the border. if they cannot because you have radicals at the white house and in the united states senate, there will have to be serious consequences. we have to fund -- serious questions about why give an agent money. i'm not for that, a lot of colleagues are not for that. joe biden needs to do his job, secure the border and talk about ukraine and other issues after that. >> steve: of course joe biden and his people say the border is secure, you have heard that argument. congressman, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> steve: still ahead on wednesday, electric vehicles hitting a roadblock, car dealers say they aren't selling them. biden administration major flat
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coming up. plus young kansas city chiefs plan wrongly accused of wearing black face, his mom calling out the journalist who called out her son. clay travis on the controversy at arrowhead stadium straight ahead. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain.
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>> steve: back with a fox news alert. moments ago u.s. officials confirming that u.s. military aircraft did indeed crash off the coast of japan overnight. coast guard reporting six people onboard, japanese say one person was reportedly killed. group of fishermen found three crew members, their condition unknown. we have a photo of debris believed to be from the aircraft. there are reports one of the engines appeared to be on fire as the plane went down. this is a developing story, we'll have more here on fox.
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>> brian: this story from the weekend, young kansas city chiefs fan wrongly accused of wearing black face after attending the game. his mom is firing back posting on facebook, just stop already, he is a native american. clay travis joins us now. clay, dip into your sports and news background, any justification for this story? >> clay: no. i don't think so. the mom says the kid is five years old. i think the question we have to ask to begin with is should what a five-year-old wears be a national story worthy of condemnation on a sports website or any other website? i think the answer is no. this has continued to develop,
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as more and more has come out about this story, the fact that the kid is according to the mother the grandson and son of native americans and was honoring both of those grandfather and his father according to her, by wearing the headdress to his favorite team's football game and also painting his face as many people do and have done for generations to support his favorite team, i think this kid and his parents should sue deadspin's website for defamation, the writer, as well. it is clear they ran with something that wasn't remotely true. remember, gawker was bankrupted, owner of deadspin website based on what was printed about hulk
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hogan. in this context, this is a lawsuit this kid and his family could win and he could bankrupt deadspin. i don't know if they have any money. >> brian: what about the editor that has this job, i am for quirky and having attitude, you don't want to take on a child. should we find out more about it. they are vulnerable and everyone goes to outkick, go to clay travis and listen to his show everyday around the country. thanks, clay. >> clay: appreciate it. >> brian: 3900 car dealerships signing a petition sent to president biden over ev mandates, as car lots fill up with ev's. edward lawrence has the details. >> those dealerships are asking president biden to back off ev
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mandates and fox business obtained the letter and it says with each passing day it becomes more parent that attempted electric vehicle mandate is unrealistic. already electric vehicles are stacking up on lots, our best indicator of consumer demand. tap the breaks on -- >> along with that, there is -- they put this mandate in place and no plan to build infrastructure out. >> reduced investment and scaled back projects. usually 90-day supply, ev's are sitting 12 to 16 months and some dealerships have refused new shipments of ev's.
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the white houses more americans are buying ev's everyday as president inflation reduction act makes ev's more affordable and helps americans save money. the president told top aids to speedup the forced transition to electric. >> brian: unbelievable. clueless, no infrastructure, no need for it, you don't have any place to put the batteries, it is crazy. more "fox and friends" in just a moment, first check in with dana perino. >> dana: i like when you get mad, your voice goes up an octave and you can tell you are frustrated. >> brian: i'll be at your bookstore tonight. >> dana: 10 more hostages expected to be released today. the pentagon will respond and endorsement for nikki haley with lots of money and organization
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six weeks before the first votes in iowa and new hampshire. car dealers ask president biden to tap the brakes on ev's, meet our favorite car dealer and retail workers went on strike for safety from shoplifters. if the national christmas tree falls in a forest, tyrus and tarlovbr debate. that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace.
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>> here the close out our show today all the way from fox news affiliate the flag in north dakota, yes, scott hen-in and 40 friends visiting for the annual what's on your mind listener's tour. [applause] >> you are inside today, scott. how many years? >> a dozen. we just started with steve doocy. he said come on in. >> they got a great radio station carrying the brian kilmeade show and teddy roosevelt museum. >> that's being built in north dakota.
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he spent time in north dakota. he credits his time in north dakota for how he ended up being president. he had the heel up, as you know. >> he lost his mom and daughter the same day. >> tonight you are going to the gutfeld show. >> top of the rock. hamilton, doing the rockettes, of course. "fox & friends." >> brian: nobody will get arrested because we don't have bail money. that's right. no bail. >> the all american christmas tree is still standing. the one at the white house tipped over. yeah. something there. >> brian: quit announcement. pleasant beach new jersey tonight. the bush library saturday, texas and alabama on sunday. hope te everybody. >> ainsley: brian >> thank you. >> bill: they invited everybody but us, dana. what's up with that? >> dana: maybe next


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