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tv   Hannity  FOX News  November 30, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm PST

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francisco. and you see how almost the whole thing is coveredhe , because that is what has happened. and one of the previous prs this country'shuman ever had, human is now a facfet of life, except when a communist dictator comes to town, thedictatn they cleaner the streets. they lined the streets with chinese flags. they didn't pueetst american fls there. they cleaned everything up. so they're willing to do it for a communis an every tt dictator, but they're not willing to do it for their own. >> i want to get in with the limiteo d time we have left. i want to get there are two very important issues. we have not han: i wan to twd as terror attacks on octoberseen the seventh, we have seen what is nothing short of a disturbingt is n outbreak of virulent hatred, anti semitism around the world, in the halls of our congress, cl on american streets, on college campuses. last month outside in sydneyse i opera house in australia, we've seen i we havet all over europe. but in australia, anti-israeli protesters literally in this day and age chanting gas, the jews f the jews in american
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cities. we have protesters calling for global war and demanding that israel be wiped offem the maandingp or, in the words of congresswoman, to leave from the river to the sea . israel, meanwhile, is vowing to eradicate the terrorist group hamas. but according to a report in the "new york times" this week, u.s. officials have warned israel that they need more to fight more surgically in gaza. governor newsocallm, 30 secondsr you. we have to cut back on time. i had how can win the waragai against this terrorist groupns using surgical strikes and direction from joe biden? >> i visited israel. i met with families of hostages. i saw videos of children being killed in front of their i parents, parents being killed in front of their children. ed ii saw a beheading with a gan this is not complicated to me. it's a fight between good andfi beevil. rorist hamas is a terrorist organization and they need to be eliminated, nond they netd
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the people of israel and jews around the world, but for the palestiniansworld, themselv. but when it comes to the issue of anti-semitism, you just mentione d a lot of thingsg on that have been occurring on ron desantis watch. calli he said nothing, calling him marching. i'm sayingngti-semitic what? he countenanced anti-semitism and now he's finally talking a big game ever since october, because the sake of the masses and for the sakeoctober of fairness, despite the gentleman, he said nothing. >> governor, nothing on these issues. look at the record, nothing at this point than a second holocaust. they want to destroy israel and wipe everythinovernor t tod wig old off the map. israel has every right to defend itself to the hilt. biden should not be kneecapping them in any washouldy, shape ord and by the way, biden stranded a lot of american citizens ove . there, were trying to get home. so i did an executive order in florida and we sent planes over to israel right in the aftermath of october 7th. and we afterma over 700 america, mostly floridians, but not700 all because biden wouldn't do it. finally, biden started dumping people in greece it., and then b
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they were sending a bill to the americans just to get to greece. iler you come to this country illegally, they will pay to fly you all overle the place. you a they'll put you up in hotel at no expense. but yet our owlln citizens t fleeing a war zone, they're going to send you a bill. joe bidendn failed those people. >> and we stepped up. >>d let me ask you, i want to turn to an anti-semitic. don't have a lot of your streets for you. i want to turn to the issue of china. chn in about this ofte lecture, property theft, unfair trade practices that china hasot been hostile to our fighter ints in international airspace ,hostile to our navy in international waterways. we know all about the china spyt balloon that happened eight days right across the unitedeigh states over miliy installations. the communist chinese, they have national mtions.s buyf thousands of acres of branch land, farmland and land near military installations. their hostility towards taiwan ,they are governor desantis, our numbers one geopoliticale foe. i don't see that the biden administration has beenu n
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tough with them. what would you do differently? well, first, in florida, wentle banned china from buying land in our state because you're right, you don't want them buying farmlandn or land your military bases. so we acted. we also got the confucius institutesweo instit out of ourr universities. china should not be involved yo our universitiesities ts all. what you need to do is you needr to have hard power in the indo-pacificd effort to deter china's ambitions. you need to take the economyina we need to decouple from china. ma're dependent on them for so many things. ei and then finally, we need to get serious about their influence in this country. they shouldn'tin this fae able to buy farmland anywhere. i can tell you this, i would not go to chinwhere.a and grove. in front of guy like gavin newsom did. he says? >> china is a partner on climate change. chinchina a is adding two new cl plants every year. china's laughing at us with what they're doing. so, yes, they're the number one threat we face and we need to take it seriously. and jo take ite biden is not do that. it's just this is his reminder. prob, i think it's a question some people probably ask. and i know nikki haley's campaigng. is asking, whenasking
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are you going to drop out and at least give nikki haley a shotng and a to take down dond trump in this nomination? she laid you outy , put a walkig away you you're a walking, you know , what about china? issue of china. this is a guy that was looking for directina?s foreign trade m china was doing trade that it's all up in authority been that' s long. can you talk about some of the real facts or even a liberal fact checkers donald did t that himself today called you read runheatrickis for a ren because of your complete hypocrisy. >> all right. we're almost out ql of timei talking a big game. i confronted xi on the issue the of not run. >> i confronted them on human rights. you didn't. i absolutely did. with the foreign minister and the vice president and other leader, s in china. you talk a big game. meanwhile,- one time a tweet. final question, governor desantis, we owe you about 90 seconds, but you get the last word as partht govr of the coin flip. what are you giving me, 5 seconds? what or what do i get now? i'll dno >>o okay. i'll be a little more generous than that. look, it's been a very passionate debate tonight. actually. it's been fun to be a part of.
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i think the american people will decide governing philosophiespeople could not bee different. but let me ask you this kind of a fun question. love you both clearly love your states. you visited eachyo other state governor desantis, you takea 90 as much time as you want. you have an extra 90 seconds. secondswhat is your favorite tg about the state of california? e ofand i give him 5 minutes for this. >> oh, right. that's a good question . all right. well, stay long. when? 5 minutes. governor, i got orders as tai t as a navy lieutenant to go to naval amphibious base i ronado. i had not spent any real timeim in california my life. florida native . te. and i'm very proud of the state. but i got down there and that beens one of the most beautiful places i've ever been. and then all up and down, just tremendous coastline. i do believe california has more natural advantages than any state in the country, which is why when you have so manyt is people leaving on that, you know, that's hard to do. like hpeople don't want to leavs because it really is such a beautiful areah .
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and i'm proud of the militaryat installations that are there. i'm prouionsatd of what the whao the navy's been able to do in conjunction with the state. it was really important duty. it really helped forgey impo men individual and as an american. and so i'll always have very, very fond memories of that nice strand down there in souther nn: wha california. >> i love that you like it. now, what do you i don't know what you likt ou love about cal? coastal trains, by the way, what do you love about floridans ? >> what i love about your question is the comedy in the question meaning, you know governohe t to be what, we all want to be loved. we need to be love. we all want to be protected, respected and connected. i think there is a unity framee. here. as you said it. well, i mean, ron, i have no doubt ron desantis loves this country. i love this country. it's not about red versus blue. it's redit i, white and blue. the united states of america. and i think we're all better ofink well bettef and we're alla and so i appreciate this conversation. i appreciatete thi. you, ron, being amily family man. you go mant three incredible ki. appreciate your wife, mili sacrifice, and i
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appreciate your military service. but i also appreciate we do a fundamentaervicel differences. about the fate and future of this country. and that's why i'm going to be working so harwhy i'm toed to gd joe biden and kamala harris reelectes get red in 2024. resis you couldn't resist. you had to go right back to 2024. all right. here's alaska guy. woul. ght, herd you do this again?n? >> well, you know, i hope we could do ii t anothehope wr deb. i got all i know joe biden could show up to a debate. >> you have to have another 20 minutes. and i've got a lot of questions. mii'm happy you want to stay. let's just do an extended hour.r we wannor t i'm happney to do t. this has been fun. i think it's been fun. and i think it's been more entertaining. i'm sorry to the guests ented. ve invite i got to take a break, though. in the meantime, we've got w to pay some bills. y it's not a cheap set we built for y'all. i hope you like ite it. courtesy of your favorite channel, fox news. and you do admit you watch ofte youn. t we'll take a break. they've agreed to stay. well, that's i guess the debate on the fly will continue on the other side. continueand later, have live
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post-debate coverage. we are in alpharetta coverag, g, the great red state blue state debate as we continue e. >> the time is now. okay, here we go. we're giving you fox nation's once a year sale just in time for the holidays get our lowest price of the year to start streaming our biggest shows. i'm rob lowe and this is liberty or death. boston tea party with the biggest stars. it's perfect. it's just perfect. and your favorite fox personalities. start screaming fox nation today for just 1999, a year, our lowest price of the year for a limited time. >> only sign up today. hello. >> i am former arkansas governor mike huckabee. what a times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing and turning all night. you can't get the sleep you need. stay healthy. i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep relaxium sleep is a product
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that was a very low energy debate. f >> that's my first observation. iri and mine was the opposite.te i know you're being facetious. what an edifying, constructive, smart hour with fact based question. sean, one of the best events i've seen in a very long time, so welry lonl done on your part. >> look in press says, when p i was press secretary, ari knows this. you ask yourself, do you have a facts probleourself,u have ame a messaging problem? and tonight, what you saw waton a facts problem for gavin newsom. you put up the numbers. they were undeniablene wer. you source them. and what the public saw was the sharpest, best messenger in the democrat party. >> i'd maintain. that's gavin newsom, unable to message the rotting pile of facts before him, both in the state of california and nationally. foe ofr joe biden, desantis hadn some really strong moments, particularly when he said look, i talked to a guy who said, i love the employment down here, i love the wages down here. fllove the state of florid thea how safe it is.e
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oh, by the way, that was your father in law, gavin th, also pulling outwsom, al the map of the in san francisco, another strong and powerful moment. so i think the clear winner, nts ron desantis, in a nearly impossible task for gavin newsom. let's get your take. arfoi fleischer? well, i think watching this,rom you just realized democrats are from mars and republicans are from venusmars, and they sps different languages. peronda, language was one of economics. gasoline, six, $7 a gallon. the lockdowns in california, ita was very practical, very focused on people's daily livels ,the rising cost of living. if you listen to gavin newsom,iu his whole message was identity politics, which is the language of the democrats. poliis thei don't like the way s about migrants. we have to fight for women. . says everything he says is about a group, an ethnic group, a chunk of americans. it's not about america. and that'sans.abou the language
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the democrats respond to. so you you really have dif two different approaches for what america needs. i will say this gavin newsom is much more articulate, fast on his feet and sharper than joe biden. and if i'm a democrat looking pi at the presidential race, even if i dismiss ron desantis,de, ea i have to still worry about joe biden. and that's a difference in beefn just biden's age, sean, as you pointed that out. the final thing i'll sayce about desantis, i don't think that he closed the gap with donal, at d trump tonight. it was a nice night for himr hi and he did well and he hadan the facts on his side. but when you look at therp purpose of him being there, which is tose ofo win a presidel race, i just don't think he closed the gai p actually waa separate from that. i could just tell you inding u the discussion leading up to this that this was really thstate versus statep at this and although clearly, i think gavin at times wanted to talk more presidential politics. >> harold, how junior. your take? o firs so first off, congrats, sean. i thought you did a great jot b and you framed this thing
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the right way, a state versus a state. and both of these candidatesan e who are governors were very passionate, patriotic. they defended their records. i think carlcords.y and and.lete mr.. fleischer right. i think what ari said at the end therr e ene is probably the most useful and maybe the utility level as high as who did best ford best their parties that night. >> f i think one of the things and carly said at the outset, there's no doubtca that gavin newsom will be the most important, the most forceful and articulate advocate on behalf of democrat choice in this 2024 election. thd governor desantis, i think, displayed one of the things that republicans are going to havinareto have e to deal wi? how do you talk about the economy? how do you talk about issues in the face of i think whether we like it or not or agree orpof not, one of the most powerfulul issues in thiss in election in 4 is going to be this issue of reproductive rights for women. it's not going to overtake everything, but it evll certainlys not go be one of the most important issues.
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and i think wherere wee we are x months from today with regard to gas prices and inflatiosn will probably determine more about the outcome of thproi presidential race than anything else. but as it relates to the state a, santislorida, californit rel abou, i got to tell you, t i was more impressed with ron desantis and i thought i would be i thought that governor newsomk it's, who i think is oni of the most effective presenters in politics, he wasoh that tonight. but i thought that governor desantis laid out very effectivelt ntis laiy his record in florida. was it able to do what he h wanted to do on the presidential stage? probably not. but tonight i think he probabl y fared better than i thought. a lot of people thought he might have fared againsfaretm a guy in our party, gavin newsom, who i thought did well, tonight, but i thoughts governor desantis did a pretty good job tonight as well, too, defending his state and his record. >> what did you think, carly,k, about the answer? when i quoted lb caylee, j in terms of gavin, there's a lot of suspicion, a lot of people around the country. polls are bearing this out now more than ever
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, that peopleen are seeing joe biden as as weak and in cognitive decline. that was not somethingan that gavin newsom wanted to admit. but when you bring up the issu whene of whether or not if his party came to him, whethers pa he's bw very clear in all three interviews that i've had with thesthat im tonight in a de obviously moderating, but that he thinks that it would be the vice president, vice president harris preside and, n. up next, if you say ithave that often, i you have to take t somebody at their word, don't you? >> well, as a political figure, there are certain things you have to say. this is why every single personn probably in all time who has run for president says, oh, no, you know, it's not my time. i'm not thinking of that right now. i'm focusing on my state, my city, etcf that right . and then severalral of them go on to run for president. there are certain things. you must say. gavin newsom tonight must have said over and overnewsom t, it'a biden and then given that head
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nod to kamala harris. but what i loo kamala k at arewd what were the words of gavin newsom leading into the midter m elections? days before the midterm elections, he talked about his fundamenta talks abl grievances with their with his party. they're unable to message it with someoneble to, by his word, that seemed to be clearly posturing in the eventem to a r wave either running himself and taking on jounkinge biden or being the second alternative waiting in the wings. thent the wave didn't happen. it crashed and burned. and all of a sudden, gavin newsomurned an kiss the ring an, yes, it's you, joe biden. you had a very g good midtermoo election. wings bu i think he's waiting in the wings. he can't get on the ballot because we've missedn severald ballot deadlines. but i think he's waiting in the event that something goes wron becauseg at the democratic party, at the democratic national convention, where they actuall pary nameingh the nominee, he's waiting there. >> that's the only reason that you der that is ouo a debate like what we saw tonight, going toe to toe with someone who is running fo r to be the gopinee nominee. >> exit quick rate. that's it.,
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ari, we'll start with you. how woulwe wild you gradee gove governor desantis tonight and what grade would you give gavin newsomrn ton tonight? tong >> i'd give desantis a b-plus in the way he handled the facts. i would give him a b-minus because he hardly ever look, gavid the facts.y ever ln newsog and if you're going to be strong, you need to look you . pponent in the eye, he did it occasionally. you need to do it always. i would give nixongive new d jut in terms of his mangling of the fact his makingating things up in terms of being glib. yeah. i'll give him an being a.n i don't think i've ever seen a guy stand in the on deck circle putting pin ever see tars bat, studying the pitcher and swinging the bat, all the while denyin the batg that he'sg to step up to the plate. that's what gavin newsom was tonighavint. jr. harold ford jr. grades are given both b pluses.t >> i thought they dihem d what y had to do tonight to tryo to to advance where they were. i do think that ifr you're governor haley, if you're thinking about the presidential race tonighink aboa governor haley probably is feeling fine tonight. and i thiningk in the
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presidential race, former president trump is probably feelin former g a much, much better. and if you're president biden, you better sign governor newsom up to be your chief surrogate in this presidential race. >> haley, you get the last word, bridge. desantis gets in. runawayhe clear winner. however, gavin newsom, given the bad pile of facts, get to see he's a sharp messenger. watch out. that guy's coming. he's a uy is co star in the party. >> all right. t thanks to all three. i appreciate it. thanks for being with us. when we comeiated. back, democratic pollster mark penn and congressman chip roy, they react to tonight's debate. >> thank you for being with
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and desantis campaign surrogate chip with formers, senior adviser to the clintons, the harris poll chairman penng h is with us. guys, great to have you both. chip, start with you. thoughts on tonighav t? >> hey, sean, great to be on.ret a mean, i thino k what you saw tonight was a clear distinction between freedonm and failure. what you saw to governor wi,have swas a clear message clear vision for what we've seen occur in florida versusee what we've seen occur in california, florida with freedom. you're seeincalifo. g on success. you're seeing people flock there and out of californieda, t you're seeing the kind of policies that gavin newsom was all too proud to associatewm with joe biden, extending those california policies to america, where now people see and cars, piling up on car dealership lots, inflatiocan is driving af people away from being able to afford their homes, their cars, their abilits,y. to put meals on the table. so you saw a clear distinction. but importantly, what you sawu a is you saw governor desantis desay he won2 votewhw by a million and a half votes in florida.
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s inwhy he won 62% of hispanic voters, why he won 50% of single female voters, why he flipped miamingle, whyr th people are flocking to florida. and that clear visioe ann when you have an adult conversation, this is what america needs to seeersation. and you know what? it was nice to see someone like governor desantis, who gregovewp in the eighties, instead of being in his eighties, someone who can leade who ca tha country with energy and vision and served for eight years. and i think you alsond saw while president trump doesn't have any interestump does debating hd to head, governor ron desantis . >> let's take get your take. mark penn. >> fir >> well, first, sean, congratulations on the best debate of 2023 for sure. >> look, i thought it was,people you know, except for moments of people calling each other a liar and bullyr an. i thought it was incredibly substantive debate. i thought ron desantis.ntis look, if you're in the desantis campaign, putting the campaign talking points, i just heard a side. i think you're pretty happy
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tonight. your candidate did really well. he held up extremely did reahe e he was articulate. he was a fighter. i thought he did particularly wellas ay to, bu on the economy immigration and crime. the weaknessimd, social issues.t here's where i thought newsom was really passionat paagree with him or not. he was passionate. he s. iples.his ground he articulated his principles. he rrod desantn desantis was stk with a six-week abortion bill. he really didn't want to talt wk a lot about. they both had good nights. desantis had bestinitely the best night of his campaign . wow. that's a that's a high compliment coming fromthat is n. if you were to grade. let's go t to you, mark, with might as well stay with you. grade both of the debaters, both governors. >> what would you give them tonight? i look, i'd give desantis an a-minus. he was articulate, as i said,e a fighter. he didn't have a great standout he nnt, but heeat stan really ws overall did what he needed to do tonight. night.i'd probably give newsom
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a b-plus. he had a good. i don't think he was strong w on the on his state. after all, r the numbers weren't really that good on his state. y thatn hihe was, i said, passie about his principles and values. and that counts a loaluet in the democratic party and in the governorship. >> we've gotntry about 15 secons for you, chip. >> got 15 seconds to look.grea governor desantis did a great job. obviously, i'd give him ani giv a think. he made a clear and compelling case for why freedomworks, why it's in florida, why the american people should be attracted to that kind of a visionit. om, i and i think, look, governor newsom, i can't give him a hall pass forca a being slick at selling a bad state of california because it's bad because of hiiforni s leadership. >> so he gets an out because california is a failing state. gets all right.>> sean: thank you both. mark, appreciate it. and chip, thank you. all right.g. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. thank