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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 1, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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meghan markle but i like the character. anyway going off on a tangent. civil war going on within the democratic party which is the socialist vs. the not quite so socialistist, socialist being the squad not quite pelosi. pelosi is winning because of what is going on with israel and hamas and this war and anti-semitism that we are seeing from some members of the squad. so the question is who ultimately gains power within this party? it's probably the more moderate side instead of the squad because they turned off so many people we got to go. >> todd: we need adults in the democratic party to keep the children in check. >> carley: nancy pelosi may not be house speaker anymore but she is still a member of congress. things are going to be awkward in the lunchroom. >> todd: christmas party. >> carley: we got to go, joe. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> lawrence: that's what we're doing this morning. look they have a cool sign for us. [cheers] >> lawrence: what's up, guys? what's up? [cheers and applause] what's up? it's alpharetta, georgia, baby. you know if you are going to show up to georgia, you better bring the entire team. [laughter] [cheers and applause] is it was an incredible debate last night about liberty and freedom vs. human decay on the streets between gavin newsom and the governor from the free safety florida ron desantis. and it was right here in alpharetta, georgia. we decided we were going to have
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breakfast with our friends this morning. [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: to see what they thought about it. i can't wait to talk to them all. a lot of interesting opinion already before the show even started, guys. i will send it back to you all in new york. >> brian: don't go anywhere, lawrence. we need to speak to you. >> brian: first off how much power do you have? he decides fly and i'm staying. pick a diner. brought an extra outfit with you, so this must have been preplanned and then you have a packed house. >> ainsley: lawrence was at a diner yesterday in yesterday and now is he alpharetta where the great debate took place last night. hour and half hour of analysis. great to watch. i loved what a ari fleischer sad dems are from mars and republicans are from venus. >> brian: republicans using debating republicans no democratic debate. saw some dramatics. the question was i think that when one didn't want to answer the question, they would just
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change the subject and when the other one did want to answer the question we were just dying for an answer. for example, if you are gavin newsom, how could you possibly defend your border? if you were gavin newsom, how could you possibly defend your policy in san francisco and the homeless situation in california. and one thing he would just go out to do to make governor ron desantis look mean. and narrow-minded. >> ainsley: what lawrence was talking about the defecation. ron desantis held up a map of feces in california because he says that they plot it. lawrence, should we show some highlights? >> lawrence: yeah, let's show some of it. >> brian: hit play. >> so i was talking to a fella who had made the move from california to florida. he was telling me that florida is much better governed, safer, better budget. lower taxes and all this stuff. really happy with the quality of life and then he paused and he said oh, by the way, i'm gavin newsom's father-in-law. so we do count gavin's in-law's
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as some of the people who have fled california. >> i can handle it. i'm used to bully. you're nothing but a bully. >> you're a bully. >> i understand intimidating and humiliating people. >> california does have freedoms that some people -- that other states don't. you have the degree dom to defecate in public in california. you have the freedom to pitch a tent on sun set boulevard. you have a freedom to create homeless encampment under a freeway and even light it on fire. >> there is one thing in closing that we have in common is neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024. >> we have to get real here. we have to understand that biden is not -- he has no business running for president. gavin newsom agrees with that he won't say that. that's why he is running his shadow campaign. >> i will take joe biden at 100 vs. desantis any day of the week at any age. >> lawrence: it's interesting. because i mean sean did a terrific job last night and one thing that he did different than some of the other debates is he
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had these charts through the entire program of what was happening in florida. and what was happening in california. and ron desantis really painted this picture of, look, these are the facts here. this is what i have been able to do as governor. but newsom, everything that desantis did, he tried to attack him as a bad human, which was interesting because at the end of the day, i'm not sure average day people care about the personal attacks. but it looks like newsom wanted to just say you are a bad guy. he can't be elected. and i thought that was interesting, ainsley. >> ainsley: do you know what? i was watching with some friends that are visiting for the christmas holiday here in, no. one is from florida. and when desantis said disney was open during covid. you had disney closed for a year, newsom, in your state. your kids were in private schools, you were owned by the unions. you're the first governor to lose population. you ran out of u-haul's.
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you went to french laundry. and gavin said well you closed beaches. said that's not tree true. we were at the beach down in florida during covid i was grateful disney was open because i was able to take my kids. >> brian: we were live on the air showing shots of people going to the beach in florida. i asked the 45th president what he thought about the debate going in. he said i hope they have a great evening and wish them well for 2028. >> that's what he said? >> so he watched last night. he came out and he said i guess ron desantis was drinking water. ron desanctimonious is asking like a thirsty third rate fans want to be model than a presidential candidate. i think he looked like a presidential candidate. they look young and engaged. one thing ari fleischer brought up easily correctable. the governor of california of florida shouldhave looked thf california in the eye.
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very rarely. let these guys finish. jot down and pick up where he left off. you said more people over the last two years have left florida for california than the previous five or whatever it is. is that yes or no? is that true or not? the stats say something totally different. >> ainsley: we have talked a lot over the last years about the borders. and desantis said there's fentanyl, open borders, americans are continuing to suffer. there will be a terrorist attack, he said. and it will be traced back to the open borders. and then he said gavin, you are lying. you are slick. you are a slippery politician and looked at the american people and said he is lying to you. >> brian: one thing i thought was important to bring up and i witch ron desantis didn't talk over him. gavin newsom is all for high school kids being able to come to california for sex change operations or whatever type of medications used to go about that process without telling
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your parents. he said have a heart. great. you are actually backing up that view? let me decide then. instead of denying that it's happening like you say these books are not in schools. so, ron desantis says here's these books, they are totally inappropriate. they are in grade schools. he says they are not. what are we doing as audience? we're wondering what's true about that? but, in that case, he admitted it. >> ainsley: that was an issue. and the other issue that is attractive to democrats is abortion. and gavin said desantis is the most extreme on abortion. he said six weeks some women don't even know they are pregnant at that time. he said even trump said your policies were extreme. he said i trust the mother and the doctor to make the decision. but then sean pushed back and said should you be able to have an abortion at seven or eight months and gavin said it would have to be an extreme situation, extreme exception. >> brian: he wouldn't just say i agree on 15 weeks or 12 weeks. he kept avoiding the subject and saying six weeks is not the right way to go.
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>> ainsley: what was your overall feeling, brian about this? >> brian: overall feeling two talented people with very different views. it would be a very different america if one of them got elected and the other one didn't. it number two is i just feel like gavin newsom is an actor. he stairs in the mirror and finds out what does confident look like. what does smile looking like. a knowing smile look like? i don't feel authenticity there a lot of people disagree with me. that's just how i feel. >> ainsley: either you are a democrat or a republican. which one do you side with. they both had strong moments last night. they are clearly very presidential. maybe one day we will one of them or both of them could be our president. the reason we are not bringing in lawrence we are having trouble with audio. >> brian: not like we stopped talking to him because we lost interest. >> ainsley: because we only care about our own opinions. whether a were your highlights last night? what was your overall feeling? >> lawrence: i want to pick up where brian left off. you know, we're talking about
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the republicans and the democrats and divide he didn't feel like newsom was authentic. think about the independent voters though. the country is evenly divided. we are all going after probably that 5 to 8% of voters there. and that's what scares me about newsom. he did this thing at the end that i thought was so crafty. after he beat ron desantis up about saying how bad human he is, he is ignoring all good policies in florida. he goes, do you know what, ron, we disagree about the, you know, the route to take of the country, but i think you are a great family man, beautiful wife, beautiful kids. thank you for your service. and it's those moments that gravitate independent voters. it was very obama-esque and i think we better be prepared for him. he may not be the nominee this time. but he's going to be on the ballot eventually. i worry about his craftiness.
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>> brian: i do know he can complete a sentence so that's unlike the current president. >> lawrence: there's that. >> ainsley: at the end sean said say something nice about each other's state and ron went on and on about california and service there when newsom had to say something he didn't say anything positive about florida he just complimented his wife. >> brian: okay. that's one way to do it. if you don't mind, lawrence, i would like to talk to you for the next two hours and 50 minutes. ainsley: i would like to talk, too. >> brian: who is coming up for you lawrence? governor desantis sitting lye with you with audience that will be great. >> ainsley: 7:30 keep it here on the fox news channel. looking live at the israel-gaza border where smoke is filling the air as that cease-fire officially has ended and disturbing new information today as israeli officials are confirming hamas branded and drugged their child hostages. a live report coming up. >> brian: first all sorts of bad news for president biden. house republican could say take
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a step forward in impeachment efforts today. plus the president's green agenda. it's a major road block in all 50 states or 5 7 a. cording to barack obama. and biden's open border policies get grilled on the hill. congressman br brian mast was at that hearing yesterday. he's next. ♪ it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger.
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>> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. fighting is picking up between the israeli military and hamas after the idf says hamas violated the terms of their cease-fire agreement as rockets land in southern israel. this as we are learning some more gruesome details about the condition the hostages are forced to live in. >> hamas drugged our children and branded them like cattle with burns from motorcycle exhaust pipes in order to identify them in case they tried to escape. hamas treated our people worse than animals and we will put hamas down. >> carley: right now thick black smoke rising over gaza and hamas strikes terror targets. keep it here in 15 minutes greg palkot join us with live update. g.o.p. candidate chris christie may not qualify for the fourth
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g.o.p. debate next week in alabama. politico reports the former new jersey governor won't make the cut unless he hits the maximum of 6% in polls by monday. and the long shot democratic presidential candidate dean phillips, he is outraged as florida democrats plan to cancel the state's primary elections. the congressman is now acruising florida officials of rigging the race. elon musk announcing that tesla is finally delivering the cyber truck to consumers and the pricing is 50% higher than initial estimates. before beginning bullet proof shooting it dozens of times. see it right there. in a way the rounds just denting the truck's door. but the truck wasn't just built to be tough. it also goes fast, beating a porch 911 on the quarter mile drag strip but in true elon musk fashion winning isn't enough the
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cyber truck was also toeing a porch 9/11 during the race. those are your headlines, ainsley. >> step it up a notch. >> interesting car update as well sending it over to you. >> thank you, carley. >> we have a live look at capitol hill where later this morning house republicans are going to meet behind closed doors to set up a vote for a formal impeachment inquiry into president biden. it also has to do with his family business dealings, specifically his troubled son, hunter. let's bring in florida congressman and retired army ranger brian mast. good morning to you, congressman. >> good morning, always good to see you. >> ainsley: always good see you, too. i know you will be in that closed door hearing or meeting. tell us what you expect. >> look, you will have judiciary chairman jim jordan. you will have oversight chairman jamie kohl comer and ways and means chairman jason smith laying out the facts about what the biden administration has done, what hunter biden did, what joe biden did. and the answers that we don't have yet. they are going to lay out all of the damning information and they are going to say these are the things that they were unwilling
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to answer or unwilling to provide we need these things in order to move forward with an investigation. this is why there needs to be a very direct impeachment inquiry specifically. so they are going to lay out the case for it and then ask for that vote for it. >> ainsley: that meeting is at 9:00 this morning. >> that will be a 9:00 a.m. meeting. >> ainsley: okay. also, i wanted to ask you about the borders. last night ron desantis talked about the dangers of having open borders. it's a crisis that was caused by joe biden listen to what he said. >> joe biden is sitting on his hands. he refuses to take care of the border. he refuses to hold the drug cartels accountable. this is the vision of biden, harris, newsom, open borders, americans suffer and americans continue to i do because of fentanyl risks there will be unfortunately a terrorist attack at some point that we will be able to trace back to our southern border. >> ainsley: congressman, that's our biggest fear. i know the house foreign affairs
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had a hearing on the border crisis and the american solution to this international problem. what did you all discuss? what are the solutions? >> you know, the reality is you have a situation where american politicians on the left don't want to be accountable to american citizens they want to be accountable to everywhere but american citizens. don't believe what you are seeing. don't believe the numbers that we're counting. don't believe the people you see crossing. just believe what we're telling you. and if you don't want to believe what we're telling you. then you must be inhumane. you must not have a heart. don't worry about the fact that there are laws will asylum and that somebody needs to be leaving a credible threat of death in their country. if somebody is unhappy with their country. if somebody had somebody mean back in their country. if somebody was intimidated and didn't have enough money, then you have to let them. in it doesn't matter what it costs the american people. the solution is the opposite of that it's be accountable to the american people, understand that
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we're paying for their lodging. we are paying for their food. we are paying for their transportation. we are paying for their healthcare and the american people can't afford it any longer. change that, fix it. that's the dinners between the two sides and what you will get out of different administrations. >> ainsley: desantis made a good point last night. he said we are paying for all these illegals and sending bill to american israelis over there in israel who are trying to get home. >> you look at that situation, and, you know, let's talk specifically about the fact that there were hostages released. thank god those hostages were released. every time we get a hostage out of there, it makes for a better situation to deal with hostage rescue because you don't have other hostages in other places that you have to worry about being killed when you are coming to rescue these ones. but that tactical pause it benefits hamas and enemies where they get to regroup and reassess and it's just not an easy situation to deal with thank god we have people coming home. >> ainsley: thank you for coming
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on and wakes up this early. >> i wish you all the best. >> ainsley: you too. a manhunt underway after another pennsylvania inmate escapes from prison. we have a live report next. plus, democrats still don't want to believe that hunter's laptop is real and not joking, watch this. >> are you suggesting the "new york post" participated in a conspiracy to construct the contents of the hunter biden laptop? >> no, sir. the problem is that hard drives can be manipulated by rudy giuliani or russia. >> ainsley: clips from that hearing are coming up. first lawrence is in georgia where governor newsom and desantis, they dualed it out last night on hannity. l.j.? >> hey, ainsley. we got a big conversation coming up about the battle of the governors, the winner and the loser. that's coming up on "fox & friends." don't go anywhere. live from alpharetta, georgia. ♪
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"my bucket is getting pretty empty." and maybe you feel the same way when you look at the wars in the world, the demonstrations, the political chaos. you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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honey, i think i heard something. ok.
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>> ainsley: prisoner escaped from custody while on work detail. >> brian: again? two months be after two inmates including convicted killer escaped back in may. alexandria hoff is live in washington with the search. alex, what is happening? >> listen to this, you know hagin is the guy we are talking about right now. he was serving a sentence for theft and burglary charges he has less than five months before his schedule the release. that was not soon enough, apparently, authorities say the 34-year-old escaped prisoner climbing fence while working in an orchard by the riverside correctional facility in northeast philadelphia. the prison perimeter and surrounding areas are being closely watched by law enforcement right now. at this point he doesn't have any dangerous history with the police. that's why he qualified to work outside and have a little more
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freedom. at this point i don't know. we're -- we want to get him back in custody as quick as we can. >> surveillance camera outside the prison caught this photo of hagin the day of the escape. according to local reports the inmate was being supervised by one correctional officer at the time. according to 6 abc he asked to use the bathroom some time before noon on tuesday and never returned. riverside prison is about an hour away from the chester county prison where convicted murderer danelo california escaped in august. he was captured after two week manhunt we all remember. this search is going to be different. he doesn't have that same violent history. but this does bring up similar prison security concerns and i mean, you know, people get desperate, guys. >> yeah. you don't have enough prison workers. they are under staffed. and it's all hell breaking loose in pennsylvania. >> imagine if you live in that area and we interviewed so many of those residents that lived around there.
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when we bought our house we didn't think we were so close to a prison. that's not something you really search for. but this guy was hanging outs the original guy was hanging out in their houses. >> this is a highly populated area. this is industrial area where this riverside prison is. it's right on the delaware river. so i mean in some ways it can help authorities because it's not as rural but there are plenty of places to hide in terms of homes right around this prison. >> brian: alex, it may sound rude we will have to push you out to the side and make slawrns' shot bigger. >> lawrence: let's do that. >> brian: didn't even say goodbye i feel so bad now. >> ainsley: bye, andrea a thank you. >> ainsley: lawrence, let's talk about electric vehicles. >> lawrence: we are talking about this because of this 3,000 pay -- not page letter but 3,000 auto dealership owners that sent a letter out talking about what is happening with these evs. so the biden administration has
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this agenda they want people to get these cars. the problem, brian and ainsley, people aren't buying them. causing a huge problem for the people selling the vehicles. >> got to buy them. budget letter to the federal government back off on the ev mandates, we don't want them on the lot. we can't move them. please don't shove them down our throats anymore. can i just add we don't have the infrastructure for long drives? it's almost impossible to figure out at this point. so, here's paul lawyer shell vp of auto sales over in maryland. one of the people who signed a letter saying no one is buying your evs when you think of everyday american we are in the baltimore-d.c. market we have a lot of military here did you ever to think that answer move the military or a nurse or a school teach is all of a sudden going to be able to alord a 60,
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$70,000. in some cases 80 how many evs did you sell this week about? >> uh, i know it's single digits and we have 30 stores and they are not jumping off the stores. our day's supply is almost triple what it is for a normal car. it's scary time for us. carrying a lot of these in stock. i got almost $1 million in inventory. again, it's not an easy sale. lawrence. >> ainsley: joe biden listen to americans people's whose lives are affected by this car dealers cannot sell evs. under the new legislation, the majority of new veebletion will be electric in a decade. and these individuals that sign the letters they say it's unrealistic based on current command. evs stacking up on our lots. and the problem is they say they're lacking the charging infrastructure, the energy grid
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instability and lack of reliable mineral supplies that are vital for the ev batteries. they are saying, mr. president, it is time to tap the breaks on this, lawrence. >> well, ainsley, you make a good point. you give the president a simple task. listen to the people that have to sell these vehicles. the problem is the president is married to the ideology of only 20% of his party. radicals, progressive caucus, aoc, the green new deal people are not thinking about the consequences of them. those are the only people that the president is looking to. this is not politically he wants the progressive to say not that mod accurate he wants generational change. unfortunately, ainsley, i don't think is he gonna listen to the people that are selling these cars. >> brian: this came up last night in the great blue
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state-red state debate. listen to this sparring once again it shows the hypocrisy running away from climate change things have gotten worse, hurricanes, wildfires, droughts and floods. $179 billion of weather related disasters he has no response except talking points. he actually implemented a mandate to buy electric vehicles. so pretty soon in california, you're not going to be able to buy a normal car. only electric vehicles and they celebrated that as like a great thing. a couple days later there was a notice from the state government telling all ev owners do not plug in your ev because they don't have enough grid capacity. so he is walking his people into a big time disaster. what biden wants to do is take the california model. he wants to impose that nationally. >> brian: make gas impossible a ford. it's the highest in the country. almost double where it is in places like new york and
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florida. >> ainsley: lawrence and brian, we are just not ready for this. do you know why i like having a car that takes regular gasoline? because i know if i -- if my gas tank starts to get low and i'm driving and i'm a female and i'm by myself. i can stop at a gas station and fill up. i don't know where these charging stations are. i live in new york city there are no charging stations, not many of them if they're in the city. and i have seen like one and ththereare cars parked in front. i don't know where the charging stations are. maybe there is an app. you can find them. remember we did that story a few months ago about the man who bought an ev. he was going on vacation coming from canada down into america. and he had to stop for charging stations. he couldn't find any. they had to wait like six hours at some charging station for the car to charge back up. and he ended up renting a car at the end of it and leaving his car there. >> brian: remember connecticut had to reverse their mandate. going to have only electric cars.
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they changed that new jersey going to try to jam that down new jersey's throat. in california, ideally will do that they ideally, too, lawrence, want to get reparations out there. they did their study. they owe a lot of money and just ignore it. maybe never going to come to fruition. >> lawrence: they are just not thinking, brian. i know people that are thinking and that is in georgia. so i'm going to ask the folks of georgia. so biden has his green new deal policy, who agrees with the ev, all the electric cars in here? who thinks it's a bad idea? who thinks. [boos] >> lawrence: i think where we got where the people of georgia is feeling. let's ask them about what happened last night. how did ron desantis do against gavin newsom? he was a little sly. >> sure ron desantis read the facts. he absolutely won the debate last night. but i can tell you five letters who is going to win the elections.
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t-r-u-m-p. trump. [applause] >> lawrence: you still got some trump voters here as well. ma'am, what do you think about the performance last night? >> >> brian: we just had a little freezing with the shot. trying different things when we go to the diners, we freeze certain moments because we don't want to forget them. >> ainsley: t-r-u-m-p. freeze. >> brian: why are you choosing to freeze, lawrence? >> lawrence: you know, that's the thing about being in the field. if you want to go with the people. you got to bring the technical difficulty with you. [laughter] >> ainsley: live tv for you, baby. >> lawrence: yes, ma'am. yes, ma'am. ron desantis, how do you think he did last night vs. gavin newsom? >> i think he did absolutely amazing. i'm sure that he brought thunder, newsom is basically a piece of cardboard when it comes to anything. >> lawrence: that's the sentiment here.
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got a lot of desantis folks that are here. they feel like that he is the guy to take on newsom. but then you got some trump folks here saying you know we like desantis but trump is still going to be the nominee. we will be talking to folks all morning. i will send it back to you in new york. >> ainsley: thank you, lawrence. thank all of them for waking up early. they watched last night so they didn't get much sleep. huge crowd. >> brian: is he making a lot of news. pulse of the people. doing it in an untuckit shirt. how important is that? it's the perfect length. >> ainsley: focusing more on what he says. pay attention to the shirt carley said she likes it too. >> carley: favorite shirt he owns. something about the texture i like. can people hear me? oh, wow, the mic is on? >> ainsley: tell them about this fox news alert? you are looking live, something more important definitely than the shirt. you are looking live at israel and gaza at the border. where smoke is filling the air as the cease-fire officially ends and disturbing new information. today as israeli officials are
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confirming, listen to this, that hamas branded and drugged their child hostages. we have a live report, next. >> brian: the way they do it is just horrific. authors of the twitter files testify on capitol hill marking one year since releasing the shocking report. >> the scope, power, and law-breaking of the censorship industrial complex are even worse than we had realized. >> brian: yeah, will cain on the fallout over free speech, next. ♪ the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers
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>> brian: we're back with a fox news alert. the cease-fire in the war between israel and hamas is over. and right now they are blasting it again. there's thick black smoke as you searing on the screen coming over gaza as the idf resumes strikes on terror target and gradually goes down south. this as the idf reveals child hostages taken by the terror group. some were drugged and branded like cattle. greg palkot is on the ground right now in southern israel with the latest. greg? >> greg: hey, brian, yeah, after a week-long cease-fire went on, it's now over. and we have the evidence to prove it. we're here in the southern part of israel just about a mile from the gaza strip. i'm going to step aside. let my cameraman ben show you what we are seeing. if you can make it out beyond
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the trees and electric lines you can see heavy smoke. that's in gaza. last few hours we witnessed israeli airstrikes. artillery hits, drones, a lot of small automatic arms fire. it's a reminder that there are many israeli troops now inside gaza and they are clashing with hamas. the strongest strikes we have heard in the southern part of gaza. that is thought to be a hamas strong hold, how did we get here? both side are blaming each other. after 100 hostages were freed israel says hamas did not provide a adequate list of possible release captives. hamas shot off rockets at neighboring israeli villages that was that you hear a blast in the background right now. israel announcing it was row resuming strikes in a variety of locations still a bunch of reported casualties adding to the humanitarian disaster. israeli prime minister
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netanyahu's office released a statement it said in part upon the resumption of fighting we emphasize the government of israel is committed to achieving the goals of the war, releasing the hostages, eliminating hamas and ensuring gaza never again constitutes a threat to the residents of israel. again last night we did see the last of what for now is the released hostages including 21-year-old me a shembari. she walls reunited with her i have us family week after week after week in captivity. they are getting worse and worse. remember, folks, and brian, as we stand here, watching fighting just a couple miles behind us there are still something like 140 hostages inside gaza right now. israel feels that re-starting this war is the best way to get them back and achieve its other war aims. we will see. back to you. >> brian: he said all i need all the women back by a certain date
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and time and they didn't do it so it started in the morning. greg, thanks so much. we appreciate it. starting to get more details. i imagine, carley, you need some of the intelligence from these hostages. you got to do it in a respectful way. the way they can say about what they experienced, the closer you can get to a rescue operation. thanks, greg palkot. go over to carley. >> carley: brian, you are absolutely right about that. we do have more news here at home starting with america's crime crisis. the fbi is searching for two suspects accused of carjacking a special agent at gunpoint near capitol hill. police say the men rushed the agents as he was getting out of his car on wednesday. carjackers though didn't make it far. the chevy malibu was found just 20 minutes later less than a mile from where it was stolen. the fbi now offering $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest texas representative henry cuellar
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going to join us to discuss d.c.'s crime crisis. no better person to discuss it than him. black lives matter rhode island receiving backlash for endorsing donald trump as a presidential candidate. >> they don't really understand because they don't educate themselves on donald trump as a person and his history. and it's obvious that the democratic party is not for us. their policies actually strike at the heart of the black family and the nuclear family fisher went on to say that president biden is weak and he consistently goes back on his word to voters. and down to dallas for some thursday night football action with the seattle seahawks visiting the cowboys the seahawks leading for much of the game until the cowboys pulled away in the final five minutes. >> looks toward land, shoulder shake, throws, it's going to be caught by ferguson. touchdown. >> carley: that was dax prescott
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league leading touchdown pass this year take down the seahawks 41-35. as for sunday, we have a full slate of games for you including a rematch of last year's nfc championship game between the eagles and 49ers. coverage begins sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. you don't want to miss it, brian, over to you. >> brian: you would know because you do the sports every single day, carley. >> carley: religiously and very diligently. >> brian: do you? >> carley: yeah. >> brian: you do? i would like to backup the asse. will cain is a cowboys fan and wants them to win every week and always dots. so often disappointed not last night. what does the win seem to feel like. dax seems to be getting better? >> will: so often. i believe i have won #. i personally have won nine out of 12 games this season, brian. i'm dispelling lies and myths throughout the season the cowboys can't be the winning team, well beings dax
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capabilities win without the defense dominating. daca just put that one on his shoulders. 9 and 3. america's team dallas cowboys. >> brian: they are in contention. like to see what they do in the playoffs that is indeed the problem. the team the only reason why they stopped scoring giants just ran out of time. every time they got the ball they scored. for 8 quarters it. hurts me to say that. [laughter] >> brian: so much going on yesterday the great blue state red state debate your assessment of the newsom desantis standoff? >> so i thought that debate was fascinating. we all want to take up our pompoms and think it turned turned out the way we hope or expect or the way we see it. i do my best to try to step outside of what i want or think
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and ask myself what does the greater public think? ron desantis won than debate because he had reality on his side. gavin newsom was spinning complete fabrications, lies, i mean right there more people moving from request. he says california has lower taxes than texas. he says california all-time low i believe he said 50 year low in the crime rate. the rebuttal to these complete fabrications is reality. that's what ron desantis had on his side. here is what i am giving you, brian, about what i want, what i believe and what i am afraid of. gavin newsom isn't an effective lier. he is smug and he is slick and he is hair sprayed. but he is an effective lier. it rolls easily off the tongue. and i'm afraid as he makes these falsehoods and declarives and
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backs them up with random stat that the casual voter. not the person that already has their mind made up. but the casual voter will hear all that polish and go oh, there's something to this guy, this governor from california. >> brian: here is that tax debate. watch. >> california has no piers. >> california dominates. 21 state population combined. fifth largest economy in the world. we dominate number one manufacturing state. california has lower taxes -- lower than 32 states for working families in the middle class. significantly lower taxes. >> sean: you support that. >> we are near 50 year lows down 50% violent crimes from the state of california from the 1990s. >> brian: that's law are talking about, right? we all know there is no state tax even in florida. he claims that the taxes are inorder dentally taxing on the rich in california, not the working man. really? high gas prices that are heavily
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taxed don't effect the working man? >> will: so i would say two things. do you know what is interesting to his point about the size of the california economy? that to gavin newsom is like the pacific ocean. that is essentially a natural resource that you were granted, gavin newsom. you were given the mountains, you were given the ocean. you were given this massively large economy. what did you do with it? you are like a child born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. what did you do with it? you pushed a record number of californians out of california they took all of what you just said i'm good. i'm out. i'm moving to texas. it's complete -- it it is sociopathic levels of lying. >> brian: so under reported twitter files when elon musk allowed people like bari weiss, shellenberger and matt taibbi to do. >> year later after blindsided that democrats are in total denial about this. they were more prepared this time for some of disbelievers.
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so they came out and talked about what was exposed. the fact that the fbi, the white house, and homeland security was working with social media companies to make sure certain things were not trending like anything positive about trump or anything negative about the vaccine. here is a little of some of the challenging moments that democrats had who are clearly overmatched against taibbi, shellenberger, when they spoke about what they discovered. watch. >> you have no idea. you know hard drives can be manipulated. >> are you suggesting the "new york post" participated in a conspiracy to construct the contents of the hunter biden laptop? >> no, sir. the problem is that hard drives could be manipulated by rudy giuliani or russia. >> what's the evidence that that happens? >> well, there is actual evidence of it. but the point is it's not. >> you so you are engaging in a conspiracy. >> went on to say 65% was not manipulated, # 5% was. it's not that big of a deal. it was a terrible argument for goldman to look so terrible in.
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>> good for shellenberger with that last line. you are engaged in a conspiracy. that is a conspiracy theory to continue to maintain by the way the fbi has admitted it was hunter biden wants laptop. to at this point to maintain that today without any evidence, he was asked about the evidence and he just said oh yeah there is evidence. he doesn't offer its that the definition of a conspiracy. if you censor 35%, you are good. your speech is still free. personally disqualifying for any president or candidate to have this antagonistic view of the first amendment. at the same time on there is a report about the biden administration going after youtube on borderline content because the demand of their vaccine wasn't meeting supply take down this content, youtube, we are really pressuring you. of course what did youtube do? they took it down. that was what was happening at twitter, that's what taibbi and shellenberger are illustrating
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that's what was happening at youtube. in the end what you need to know is this they silenced information to manipulate your mind. that's disqualifying, that violates the first amendment of the united states constitution. >> brian: keep in mind that's has everything to do with elon musk being attacked every vulnerable moment. one of the few people to put up with it one as disorganized can be at times the one social media platform that so far is playing it straight. will cain, thanks so much. you are totally warmed up and ready for your eight hours over the weekend. >> will: all right, man. thank you. >> brian: don't pull anything. i will go downstairs to ainsley who is poised to do something special. >> ainsley: thank you, brian. i'm just going to tell what you is coming up on the fox news channel today. this is what you'll see. first, at 9:30 this morning, the secretary of state anthony blinken is set to deliver remarks in dubai. plus, today, the house g.o.p. members at 9:00 this morning are going to discuss holding a vote formalizing an impeachment inquiry into joe biden. and then today at 10:30 this morning, new york congressman george santos is facing his
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third expulsion vote. and with more on that vote and what we can expect today we go to our tv's todd piro with the latest. >> todd: ainsley, thank you. we are just hours away from that closed door vote. yesterday outside the capital this was something. george santos addressed the allegations and the push to remove him saying he'll be okay regardless of the outcome. watch. >> so be it, take the vote. i'm at peace. i have accepted that whether i get expelled or i don't, i have accepted that i cannot control that fate, mr. speaker. i have done the best i can to serve in this body and to deliver the best i can. >> todd: that vote expected to happen at 10:30 a.m. eastern. now if at least two thirds of the house votes to expel santos. he would be immediately removed from his seat in new york's third congressional district. he has already survived the first two efforts to expel him. will the third time be the charm? support your kickout, santos out
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of congress has grown since the house ethics committee's report found that he used campaign funds to enjoy spa days and luxury stores. santos also accused of lying about where he went to school and his employment history. santos denies wrongdoing and has pleaded not guilty in criminal case involving all. this yesterday santos himself introduced an expulsion resolution against his colleague and fellow new york congressman jamaal bowman. you will recall in october bowman did that pulled that fire alarm on capitol hill while a house vote taking place. in about two hours we are going to hear from the congressman directly right here on "fox & friends" about 8:20 a.m. eastern. so about 90 minutes from now. brian and ainsley looking forward to that. >> brian: hope you have cable in your office, todd, hope can you watch. it's going to be great. up on the house top is adam klotz. [laughter] >> you got to sing it. >> brian: really? >> ainsley: yeah. >> brian: adam klotz is in
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stanford connecticut kicking off holiday season heights and lights annual santa rappeling event. >> he is there with brian. >> adam: brian, it's gorgeous up here. >> another perfect day in stamford. >> adam: every time i have done it and i have done it a few times and i sit on this ledge and think what are we cooking? we are 300 feet up 22 stories. have you done this as kind of a "fox & friends" tradition. i have done it, some other folks have done it. can you kind of rank us? who is really good at this? who is good on the wall. >> rick reichmuth he did it with us a number of years he is very good. i still think you are better than him. >> adam: yeah, rick. take it, rick. >> he is the only guy that we invited to actually do the show with us on sunday the big show. >> adam: what about will cain where is he. >> he was good but he wasn't a reichmuth or a klotz. >> adam: explain what it is we are going to be doing. i'm going to b


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