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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 1, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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holiday season heights and lights annual santa rappeling event. >> he is there with brian. >> adam: brian, it's gorgeous up here. >> another perfect day in stamford. >> adam: every time i have done it and i have done it a few times and i sit on this ledge and think what are we cooking? we are 300 feet up 22 stories. have you done this as kind of a "fox & friends" tradition. i have done it, some other folks have done it. can you kind of rank us? who is really good at this? who is good on the wall. >> rick reichmuth he did it with us a number of years he is very good. i still think you are better than him. >> adam: yeah, rick. take it, rick. >> he is the only guy that we invited to actually do the show with us on sunday the big show. >> adam: what about will cain where is he. >> he was good but he wasn't a reichmuth or a klotz. >> adam: explain what it is we are going to be doing. i'm going to be out here with
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you on sunday we got to go real quick. >> this is the warm-up for the sunday event which goes off at about 10 minutes after 5:00 in downtown stamford. there will be a few thousand people below us. we got all santa and all his cast of characters going down the building with us. it's an amazing event. great for the kids. a ton of fun. >> adam: we are getting wrapped. you and i will be on the wall we will talk more here coming up in the next hour. we are going to do. this we're doing this and i will be part of the show. let me put this on. back to you guys. >> ainsley: you are so brave. >> brian: good job, adam. hope you survive. talk to you soon. [laughter] >> ainsley: the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> brian: we didn't know right now. we thought there might be a little animation. i was going ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> lawrence: let's get you some food. you know where we are at? we are in georgia? how about those dawgs? what's happening. what's happening? thank you, thank you. what's happening, georgia? [cheers and applause] reason we are in georgia because georgia has become somewhat of a swing state. ron desantis and gavin newsom had a big debate. i don't know how ron desantis could stomach gavin newsom and all the lies he told on the stage last night. it was lie after lie. and sean hannity did something that hasn't been done at any debate. he put the chart up of all the
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numbers of what happens in florida and what happens in what happens in california. ainsley and brian, he still denied it. >> ainsley: yeah, they were comparing cdc numbers and he is that's not true and newsom was saying that and ron desantis is like cdc? democrats love the cdc. these are the numbers. these are the facts. they gave us these numbers. still disputing that ron desantis in congress voted for amnesty did not do that said it was john boehner's bill. john boehner was out of congress in 2015. goat in into congress in 2018. the bill extended extended three years. that wasn't investigating for amnesty. that shows house deep he had to get in order to find a vulnerability when it comes to immigration. man are democrats vulnerable when it comes to the border. for those people who missed it, here is a little of the sparring and the cop picks from schools to crime to covid they didn't agree. watch. >> it's also important to respect parental rights to know
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what curriculum is being used in the classroom and everything should be age-appropriate. i actually have something that i brought that some parents have objected to. so this is a book that's in some of the schools in california, florida, this is not consistent with our standards called gender queer. some of it is blacked out. you would not be able to put this on air. this is pornography. this is a ginned up, made up issue to divide this country. you talk about dividing this country. part of the culture war. >> the weaponization of grievance. we are focusing on math, science. we are focusing on reimagining our schools. >> sean: going to get to education next. >> criminalizing teachers and front -- >> check out the wrong book. >> you had more kids locked out of school for a longer period of time in california than anywhere else in the country. it was the working class kids. middle income kids. his kids were in private school they were in class. >> we have one of the best records under covid during covid and, again, you didn't answer to the fact you had. >> morgan: learning loss, ron desantis had more learning loss during cody, fourth grade
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reading, fourth grade math, 8th grade reading and math. we outperformed you. >> ainsley: that's not true. we talked about the numbers yesterday, right, lawrence? we held up -- we went on that big board over there and showed efficiency in math yesterday and the numbers were better in florida this the is time where parents were figuring out what was being taught to their kids. there was a point in the debate and we played that in the flashback there where he is questioning -- ron desantis brings one of the books and he says do you support this? pornography being taught to our kids and all newsom does is accuse desantis of being a hateful person. never addressing should kids be having that material in their classroom. so it was really a debate of facts vs. emotions. and i just wonder if the independent voters are going to buy the slick guy or are they going to buy the facts that
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happened in florida. >> i don't think desantis is vulnerable on covid. is he not vulnerable when it comes to taxes, zero tax in the state. people come there because they want additional opportunities. is he not vulnerable on illegal immigration. they thought it was gavin newsom's thought process that bring out mash thapsz vineyard and sending those illegal immigrants to martha's vineyard was bad. i'm saying underline that say it again. because it was great. it was a an awareness that the illegal immigration problem is coming to a doorstep near you. it is not a border state issue anymore. i thought he did the country a service where i would think the people on the left would say so bad. beautiful area of the country. they quickly scooped them up and put them on a military base. >> ainsley: i thought there were several sing zingers from each side. when you are watching this with a group of people and you hear everyone gasp you know that was effective. and i think that gavin newsom, he went down to -- did you all hear him give this laundry list
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of all the things he had done in california when it comes to clean energy, when it comes to this or that. and then desantis' response was classic. he said well, i met this guy the other day and he said he moved from california down to florida we were talking about why he did that and then he pauses and he says by the way i'm gavin newsom's father-in-law. he said your own father-in-law moved to my state. then gavin newsom, he said because trump is doing so well in the polls, he said we have profound differences. that's something we have in common. but neither one of us will be a presidential nominee. >> lawrence: yeah, it's so interesting, ainsley. and we got to think about it. there's a record for ron desantis not just it's a conservative state. lower taxes. but, remember, he was able to flip some traditionally blue counties in florida and bring them over to the republican side
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the question is can gavin newsom do the same thing. there were some moments where can you see the contention there also what i appreciate about sean hannity i'm not saying this because he is my mentor. he allowed them to duke it out. sometimes the moderators want to be present and they want to dominate the stage would want to see them debate the ideas. he let them go at it and let them present their vision for america he let the whole thing go long. he had the power. welcome, everybody. >> it's 10:38. supposed to be finished at 10:30. let them continue to talk. >> i know. >> here's the exchange at the end where they tried to be nice to each other navy lt. to go to coronado, i had not spent any real time in california in my life. florida native. i'm very proud of the state. i got down there and that strand is one of the most beautiful places i have ever been.
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it really helped forge me as an individual and as an american. and so i always have very, very fond memories of that nice strand down there in southern california. >> i have no doubt ron desantis loves this country. i love this country. it's not about red vs. blue it's red, white, and blue the united states of america. i appreciate you, ron, being a family man. you got three incredible kids. i appreciate your wife of. yoursacrifice and appreciate yor military service. i do appreciate we have fundamental differences about the fate and future of this country. >> brian: it's good to hash it out. >> ainsley: i thought it was a nice way to end it. it was positive. >> brian: lawrence, final thought before we promo your big interview? >> >> lawrence: it's our big interview. you know, we are one big happy family. i would say this still got a primary going on don't know in
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joe biden is going to be the nominee. maybe if it's not this election, we could very well be looking at the nominee's for both parties at one point in time. it could be this elections. or whether or not either one of them become president this term. it we could be looking at sean hannity may have mod ter rated a debate between the next president of the united states. ron desantis is going to be joining us later on this hour and we can't wait. >> brian: right. because you have all those court cases, too. we have not had one caucus or primary yet and people are acting like it's over. it's really not. still too early. if you ask president trump, he says they are going to look great in 28. >> ainsley: i loved watching that last night ari fleischer afterwards he said democrats from mars and republicans are from venus. sums it up. very different. different on all the issues. both of them could be president one day. they both of them are qualified for different reasons. but it just shows you how divided our country is.
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>> >> it really does. 10 minutes after the top of the hour. >> ainsley: a fox news alert. cease-fire is officially over with rocket fire in gaza and disturbing new information as israeli officials are confirming that hamas branded and drugged their child hostages. general jack keane on the war ahead, next. brian? >> brian: but, first, you saw lawrence there in georgia and he is talking to voters. l.j., what are they telling you now? >> lawrence: let's talk about it, sir. who do you think won the debate last night? >> ron desantis. >> lawrence: why? >> ron desantis talked about the issues and all gavin newsom did was put people in categories for everyone to further divide us. >> ma'am, you are a trump supporter. who do you think won the debate last night? >> i didn't watch the debates. i didn't even watch the debate don't need to watch the debate. we already know who is going to be the president. we already got our nominee. >> lawrence: you already got your nominee? >> no need to watch? >> don't need to watch it.
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>> lawrence: you are a ron desantis supporter. who do you think won last night? >> i think ron desantis crushed gavin newsom. >> lawrence: thank you so much. we got more "fox & friends." ron desantis will join us live in alpharetta, georgia. more information coming up. ♪ ♪ my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger.
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o. >> back with a fox news alert. radio a live look right now. smoke over gaza as fighting resumes this morning. israeli officials saying hamas violated the terms of their cease-fire this as the idf reveals child hostages taken by the terror group were drugged and branded like cattle. fox news senior strategic analyst and retired four star general jack keane on the breaking developments. general, first off. does it surprise you, children, number one taken and, number two, treated like that? >> we know from the outset that hamas completely changed its tactics on october the 7th. focus on killing civilians vs. the idf and then taking wholesale hostages to include women, children, and also barbaric treatment of them as it's now unfolding. it's not surprising but it's certainly profoundly disappointing. these people are monsters and i
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believed national leadership in israel has got it right. we have got to eliminate the effectiveness of this organization as a military terrorist organization and certainly as a government in gaza. and the john is job is over in . >> brian: they told a lot of the civilians to go to the south. they are opening up an evacuation zone to rafah theying going in con eunice. i apologize if i didn't say that correctly. the satellites in the sky are the drones flying. they saw possibly where a lot of these hostages came out from and maybe poised to do a rescue operation for the rest. is that just me hoping or is that plausible? >> i think it's very challenging, certainly hamas is very much aware of the potential of something like that. one, even if we have some sense of where we are, can we get in there and get them out without
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harm to them? certainly hamas at the point of confrontation, they know someone is coming for them. they would likely kill them. that's normal for hostage-takers. so, yeah, this is a challenging operation. i think the most likely one is the one -- is the path we have been on. it's in hamas' interest to use the hostages as leverage to delay israel's operational campaign and, two, to protect the regime leaders at the end of this thing. that is why they are going to hold on to a certain tranche of them, to guarantee that these leaders are going to live on. whether that actually happens or not remains to be seen. >> brian: general, the word is from our administration to the israelis, don't do in the south what you did in the north. go into the building, don't blow it up from the sky. be more precise with your attacks to avoid civilian casualties.
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how -- if you are israel, how do you take that advice? >> well, first of all, israel is always going to listen to the united states because the united states is their indispensable ally. they would have a very difficult time going it alone without the support of the united states. and they fully know that my concern is what is the united states saying? i think supporting israel in the campaign, the president started out that correctly. getting into the details of how they execute their campaign, that, i think, belongs to israel and their leaders. and the kind of counsel we should give them they already know, conduct military operations and protect as many civilians you possibly can in the execution of that operation and let israel execute the details of that plan. we don't need to get into micromanaging them as i think we likely really are. when we are making public statements and telling the american people the advice we are giving to the israelis.
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>> brian: that's crazy. >> i don't think we should have those public disclosures. let the israelis run the campaign. they certainly are very much aware of the civilian -- the potential for civilian casualties in the south. >> brian: i hear you. general jack keane always educational thank you so much. appreciate. >> it you guys have great weekend. thank you. >> brian: the war portion is back. coming up on one nation this weekend. actor eric stonestreet. pete hegseth who i met in person. clay travis and tyrus with his brand new book is going to be here. coming up on the teddy and booker t. tour. dallas george w. bush. fairhope, alabama on saturday. see you all in person. signing teddy and booker t. special on fox nation right now. up next, lawrence has a special guest at eggs up grill in georgia. it is the -- okay. there you see it. there goes your tease, lawrence. >> lawrence: yeah, brian.
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[laughter] yesterday was the big red state vs. blue state debate. and the governor is here at alpharetta. that's coming up on "fox & friends." >> hello. are you guys good? ♪ say you will ♪ say that you love me. ♪ she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people
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>> ainsley: great debate going national. growing concerns over president biden's age. governor desantis accusing newsom of running a shadow campaign as you heard for president. >> senator fetterman said the same thing, also a democrat. 2024 republican presidential candidate governor ron desantis joins the great lawrence jones now in georgia. take it away, lawrence. >> yeah, great and lawrence jones has never been together. joining the program. [cheers and applause] so we introd this segment with playing the sound of you saying that newsom is running a shadow campaign. do you believe he's going to be the nominee for the democratic party? >> not after last night i don't believe he will be. we showed, we exposed him. we exposed the failed liberal policies. he didn't really have an answer. he would just obfuscate. he would shift and lie. that is not going to play well --
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>> lawrence: how hard was that dealing with sean hannity putting up the facts and graphics and show what is happening in florida. showing what is happening in california? and he just totally dismisses the facts on the board. >> it didn't ring true to the viewer. when he is up there saying things know is false like california's taxes are lower than florida. everyone knows that's false. when he says biden is 100 percent mentally fit at the top of his game. everybody knows that's a lie. when you tell obvious untruths people know. what's his answer to the map i showed of san francisco where they plot all the places where they have the poop. it's like wait a minute, that is what has happened to one of the formerly great cities in the country under his watch. they did clean it up to for the communist dictator it. could happen. they decide to do. this i think that -- i think the democrats want to move biden out. i think they realize that he has got liabilities. i think newsom was waiting in the wings but i also think that what we were able to show last night is, fact is conservative policies work. we have had success. he has taken a state that has
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been probably the most naturally beautiful state in the country and people are fleeing in record numbers. they even ran out of u-hauls at one point because people are leaving california in such big numbers. we will see what ends up happening. >> lawrence: do you worry there is a segment of the population we have family members that we know we present them the facts at the dinner table and they still take the emotional route. do you think some people bought the emotion or because of the facts of the matter that they will go with your side of the argument? >> the people that aren't kind of in one camp or the other. we have become more polarized and tribal. most people look at it fairly wait a minute, you know, you shouldn't be letting criminals back out. it's not right to allow people to just steal from the stores. i told the story about people from california will tell me oh my gosh i went into your store, i could just buy the toothpaste off the shelf because in places like san francisco they got to put every item under lock and key because people will just go in and steal stuff. so i think when people see a
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society just kind of collapse because of liberal policies, everyone outside that liberal bubble i think understands that, you know what? there is a better way. florida has shown there is a better way. that ultimately is a debate for the country. newsom and biden are basically two peas in the pod. newsom is probably five more years aggressive in leftism than where biden is. a second term for any of these people you would see the calicaliforniacation of the unid states and that would be a disaster. >> lawrence: contentious issues abortion. he tried to hit you on the heartbeat bill. then he was told by sean hannity, look, will you denounce late term abortion? this is what governor newsom had to say. let's watch. >> do you support any restrictions at all on abortion, especially in month 7, 8, and 9, past viability? >> i'm going to answer that question but let's talk about the issue of abortion. let's talk about the issue sean hahn are you going to answer it. >> i'm going to answer that question i will repeat that i think this is important and it bears repeating. ron desantis has signed the most
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extreme anti-abortion bills in america. >> sean: should it be illegal? >> it should be up to the mother and doctor and her conscience. >> sean: the answer is no restrictions. >> i have already answered it. >> lawrence: so he wouldn't answer the question about any restrictions. >> he doesn't support any. i think california, they fund with tax dollars abortion all the way up to the moment of birth. that's the law in california. and that's what he does support. he doesn't want to verbalize that because i think mothers americans look at it and say wait a minute, you just go in and a week before a baby is born and just snuff it out? people know that that's wrong and that position is very unpopular. but he has taken taken extreme position. and the thing is using taxpayer money to do that i think is doublely problematic for people. tax dollars going to late term abortion. >> lawrence: governor, you got iowa coming up. elephant in the room is donald trump wasn't there. you got to beat him to be the nominee. what are you going to do
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differently? because the polling is the polling. you said look, you don't put much stock into the polling because no one has casted a vote. what are you going to do to sure up support in the republican party. i go to these diners all over the country. i see desantis people. they love you. they love what have you done as governor. they still are maga, maga, maga, donald trump being their guy. how are you going to win a lot of these people within this diner. >> i think last night showed i'm the only guy running that has a record of winning and winning big for conservatives. yes, winning elections big. we need to win. we haven't won a lot of elections. but then delivering on all these promises. i delivered on 100 percent of my promises if i tell you i'm going to build the wall stop the invasion take that to the bank i'm going to do it. tell you we are going to go in there and drain the swamp i'm going to do it. it isn't just lip service. can i serve two terms we need a two term president and get the job done. i think that's what we want. >> lawrence: your message is donald trump didn't deliver.
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>> look. he had four years, obviously. we don't have a border wall. we don't have a drained swamp. hillary he let her off the hook. and then we had a massive explosion of the debt. that's just a reality. i don't know how we would be better as a lame duck president even if he could get elected. i have an ability to go in there, win a strong victory, serve two terms and deliver on all these things. and so, yeah, we need someone who is going to fight. donald trump would fight for people. a lot of the establishment republicans won't even do that they cut and run. you have to win these big fights these what i have proven to do. lead with a vision that's going to bring people together. in florida i took a state that was closely divided and we turned and turned it into a 60-40 state. we need to bring more people into the fold for republicans. the woke left is a disaster. most people want another alternative. i think i have shown an ability to bring more people into the fold than he has. >> lawrence: ron desantis from the great state of florida. governor, thank you so much. [cheers and applause] ainsley, ainsley and brian, i will send it over to you.
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>> ainsley: excellent job. thank you so much, lawrence. coming up, we have more from last night's big debate as gavin newsom went after desantis on the border. listen. >> lying to migrants promising jobs and housing, sending them to an island, martha's vineyard and then sending them to a parking lot in sacramento, california. ains does fellow democrat congressman henry cuellar agree with that? we will ask him next. adam klotz is having a ho ho ho lot of fun. he is repelling down a 22 story building with special guest. oh my gosh, i can't look. ♪ santa tell me ♪ is he really can ♪ ♪ next year ♪ i've been down this road before ♪
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♪ >> brian: fox news alert. the cease-fire and war between israel and hamas is over. right now as you see smoke rising over gaza as the idf resumes strikes on terror targets. gradually get more and more south. israeli forces declaring con eunice a war zone overnight and urging civilians to move south toward rafah.
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greg palkot joins us "fox news live" southern israel. greg? >> hey, brian, yeah. we are about a mile away from the gaza strip here in southern israel. and war between israel and hamas is back on. two hamas rockets fired from a few miles back from us in gaza strip over our heads just a few hundred yards above us. iron dome defenses knocking both of them down luckily. the israeli jet strikes as well as israeli artillery and we have been hearing a lot and this is pretty important, brian. small arms fire. automatic rivals going off. that is a sign sat israeli soldier. hundreds maybe thousands inside the gaza strip right now. and they are once again clashing with hamas. the strongest strikes as you noted is in the southern part of gaza. that is believed to be hamas strong hold, maybe where the
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hamas leadership is. how did we get here. after 100 hostages were freed. new list of hostages to be released today. he also said hamas shot rockets a few hours ago into israel and that meant all bets were off. israel announcing resumption strikes. there was said to be warnings but also a lot of casualties. we heard from the office of the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu. he said in part upon resumption of fighting we emphasize the government of israel is commit a cheefing the goals of the war, releasing the hostages, eliminating hamas and ensuring that gaza never again constitutes a threat to the residents of israel we saw last for a while but it could be. last for a while of the eight hostages that were released.
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including a 21-year-old emea shembari. we will see what happens. ainsley? >> ainsley: thank you so much, greg. turning now to our other top story this morning. governor newsom and ron desantis getting debated. didn't hold back on rival's record on immigration. >> your immigration policy can best be described as a governor from the state of florida going into another state, the state of texas, lying to migrants, promising them jobs and housing, sending them to an island, martha's vineyard. that kind of gamesmanship, using human beings as pawns, i think, is disqualifying. >> ainsley: texas democrat congressman henry cuellar joins us now with reaction. good morning to you, congressman. >> good morning to you all. >> ainsley: a lot of conservatives hear that and they like the fact that ron desantis sent so many people or so many of those migrants to martha's vineyard. what is your reaction?
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what's your message? you are in a different situation. you are a democrat but you represent the border of texas where you are seeing so many migrants come across. what is your message to your party? >> first of all we can talk about border security and at the same time talk about, you know, the rights for people to ask for asylum. keep in mind, most of the people that are asking for asylum don't qualify and we need to do a better job at screening them at the border, to make sure we know who is coming in for economic reasons and who is coming in for real asylum claims. and we just got to do a better job because, look, if we get about 7,000, 8,000 migrants a day and we can only process 500, what is happening to the other 7500. we have to do a better job at the border. >> ainsley: how do we do a better job? hire more people to do this? >> you know, in the past, i have added a lot of money for
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immigration junction. those are usually heard for our five years in the future. what we need to do is focus on asylum officers so they can screen them at the border and if somebody doesn't qualify, then we need to immediately deport them deport them show repercussions you can't come to the border and go into the interior. you have to do everything at the border. it can be done. it can be done. but you have to have the will to do that at the border. >> ainsley: congressman, let's talk about crime. in d.c. on wednesday. there was an fbi agent or fbi employee getting out of a vehicle owned by the fbi. i'm not sure if it was marked. two individuals, he says, come up to the car with guns and they hold them at gunpoint and they steal the fbi car. you were actually hijacked at gunpoint back in october. d.c.'s mayor, the police chief, heading to capitol hill next week to talk about this, what is your reaction? >> certainly. this year we have had over
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900 -- what i understand over 900 carjackings from january to about yesterday. over 900 carjackings. that's just an incredible number. bottom line is what you have got to have is you got to have the resources. you got to support the police. you got to have the right laws to have repercussions. that is if somebody breaks the law, then you make sure you enforce that law. otherwise, it's going to continue going. i mean, how can you have at the nation's capital over 900 carjackings in 11 months. that's just something that has to change, i hear georgetown is experiencing a lot of this. it's so brazen. right? if they are going to do this to a congressman. and then they are going to do to fbi employee, that just shows you they don't care. they are not scared anymore. >> they probably feel that one not going to get caught. number two, the consequence after they get caught won't be that tough for them.
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so, therefore, we got resources. make sure that police and detectives have enough funding, but then again, you got to prosecute and i know a lot of them are juveniles but there has got to be something to address this issue with a lot of them are just juveniles. >> ainsley: did they catch the person that did it to you? >> not yet. they are still looking. they got some leads but nothing yet. >> ainsley: all right, congressman. thank you so much for coming on with us. have great weekend. >> you too, have a great weekend. >> ainsley: hand it over to carley for headlines. >> crime to d.c. to philadelphia we go. that's where they are trying out a new plan to fight crime by banning ski masks in public places. this applies to schools, day cares, rec centers and on public transportation. anyone who violates the new ban will face a $250 crime -- fine, rather. lawmakers hope this new law will help law enforcement identify suspects after crimes are committed. the bidens getting into the
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holiday spirit at the national christmas tree lighting ceremony last night. this white house tradition has been going on for more than 100 years. some were worried that the event wouldn't happen after strong winds knocked down the 40-foot norway spruce on tuesday. they propped it back up and it is lit. ainsley, over to you. >> that's good news. thank you so much, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. ains aches check back in with adam klotz who is about to start the repel down the 22 story building in connecticut. adam, are you nervous? >> yeah. it's -- we're still getting set up. i'm about to go over this wall any second. we are kind of in the process of setting that up. and the truth is, you're catching meal and i'm not exactly stoked about this right now. sometimes i'm like really excited and it's a great time and right now, if i'm being honest i'm not really excited. this is going to be cool, brian here is getting set up and he is going to go over the wall and then i'm going to go over the wall. if you see we actually have mrs. claus already down there.
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mrs. claus, can i get a what's up? >> ainsley: i can't even look. >> adam: mrs. claus is down there. i'm going to be joining her in the next just a couple of seconds, right? brian, can you tell us a little bit of about what this is all about? >> so we have been doing this event now for about 25 years. we bring santa and the cast of his characters down the wall. >> you are good to go right? you are going over. >> sunday afternoon. 5:00 p.m. >> adam: you can go on i'm suppress stressing out. >> downtown is it stamford. thank stamford downtown the organization that sponsored us for the last 25 years. recs and properties the owner of the building and carlucci fabrication and welding who rushed to get a set of new anchors for our ropes for us this year well done, guys, well done. >> adam: you go first? >> go. >> adam: what do i need to do? >> leg over. >> adam: and just drop over. drop over. don't have your hands under the rope. >> no hands under the rope, got
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it. that's freakin' nice. oh my god. okay, we're good? >> you are good. >> adam: i can feed it a little and lean back. why do we do, this brian? >> brian: i don't know, i think it's kind of fun. >> adam: why are we doing it? it's like a question for you but it's a question for, i don't know, me and god, too. why are we doing this? oh, it's beautiful, that's why we are doing it. >> brian: yeah, it is. >> adam: on sunday, i'm going to be -- we do this at 5:00 p.m.? >> yes. >> i'm going to be dressed as an elf, and i'm going to be with mrs. claus who is back behind us. it's like really hard right now. keep the feet up. just lift that rope. it's heavy. >> hello. >> hello. >> ainsley: mrs. claus is having a grand old time. >> can i point something out. you are the only one with a rope around your legs should you step
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around your rope. >> doesn't matter at all. >> ainsley: mrs. claus is slamming her body against the wall. >> brian: i know. she misses santa. [laughter] >> >> ainsley: hardest part first step going over the wall. >> ainsley: do you feel pretty good? i'm really appreciating the backseat driving telling me how to go down this wall. >> ainsley: it's easy to watch in warm studio. >> brian: one reported story is that mrs. claus is out of control. >> ainsley: she is. >> ainsley: i hope she is okay. did you see her slam. carley and i were watching her slam against the wall. >> brian: seems angry. >> adam: big pushes off. right? oh my gosh what are we doing? >> brian: going to be a cliffhanger. we got to go. batman and robin made it look so
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easy in the 70s going down the wall. and these guys make it look so tough. >> ainsley: would you do that? >> brian: for charity, sure. absolutely. what about a rope. just suction cups. >> ainsley: remember that for next year. >> ainsley: mrs. claus had too much eggnog. >> brian: if you don't tease soon. >> ainsley: coming up congressman george santos won't go down without a fight. >> the bullies takes place. this is bullying. it's all theater for the cameras for the microphones, theater for the american people. >> ainsley: one of the best pressers we have seen right? a long time. is he going to have a chance to defend himself live on "fox & friends" exclusive interview next hour. chinese president pete hegseth. came in a day early. he wanted to react. do you promise to react? all right. good. >> i'm going to react to adam klotz. >> that was good. ♪
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after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> ainsley: florida governor ron desantis and california governor gavin newsom facing off in the
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great state debate and nothing was off the table. >> this app they plot the human feces found on the streets of san francisco and you see how the whole thing is covered because that is what has happened in one of the previous greatest cities this country has ever had. human feces is a fact of well, except when a communist dictator comes to town. >> brian: pete hegseth wants to talk about it. what was accomplished last night? >> it is hard to accomplish any anything. i love what sean hannity did at the start, too. you know where i stand, you know what i believe. i'm conservative, but i'm going to do everything i can to layout the facts and let them debate.
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can you imagine if this was other mainstream media? he played it straight up and he presented facts, like the one on your screen. gavin newsom said, that is not true, that is the other way around. there is no poop on my streets, there is more poop in jacksonville. that is what he did with a smile on his face, ignoring reality. it comes down to arming yourself with real information, which sean does every night. >> brian: it was up to ron desantis last night. >> pete: he did that, he is up against an a-level spinster. >> ainsley: he said even your father-in-law moved in the exodus to florida. >> pete: i'm sure he didn't deny that. he ignored reality in every case, gavin newsom did. >> ainsley: if you are not informed and don't know the
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facts, you might listen to him and believe what he is saying is true. >> pete: that is what he would look like as dangerous nominee, as well. >> ainsley: spewing cdc numbers. >> pete: sean is like, these are from the cdc, right here, not true. >> brian: does anybody think he handled the covid virus well? does anyone look at florida and think they were out of control? he took the slings and arrows to allow restaurants to hope and kids go back to school. i'm sure no one will change their views. >> pete: lived reality, like bidenomics trying to spin us the economy is great and we turn around and look at reality, reality of our lives. people see through it. something like that can holdup for newsom in a 90-minute debate, over time, his track


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