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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  December 1, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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guys. i will be steve doocy now until the end of time. >> brian: this is great. >> ainsley: they do good christmas cards. >> calendars, note cards. we made them for you guys obviously. you can get whatever it is. >> brian: it was nice of santa, i love this font. now the weekend people will get a chance to do that? >> every day until christmas you guys will open up a box and reveal a gift. i won't tell you what's inside all of them. >> brian: is one of them cash or a car? >> you never know. >> he showed me one day. >> sweet treats in there. >> brian: you aren't supposed to peek. >> ainsley: get your christmas cards. >> brian: stay within yourself. >> bill: good morning. we start with a fox news alert
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now looking at the skyline over gaza. the sun will set in an hour. the truce is over. the fighting has resumed between israel and hamas. we'll watch that story throughout the morning and we'll try to learn more as we go forward on the fate of the hostages who are still there. so stand by for more on that. meanwhile from last night, did you see this? >> yes it's a danger to the country. he has no business running for president. gavin newsom agrees with that. that's why he is running his shadow campaign. he should not be running, he is not up to the job. and it is dangerous for this country. >> i tell you why i'm here. i'm here to tell the truth about the biden/harris record and compare and contrast ron desantis's record and the public party's record as a point of contrast that's as different as daylight and darkness. you want to bring us back to a pre-1960s world. america in reverse. >> bill: it was blue state and
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red state. it was punch, counter punch last night. really something to watch. florida governor ron desantis, california governor gavin newsom toe-to-toe exchanging blows. you saw it on fox. who came out on top is good debate today. good morning, i'm bill hemmer live at the ronald reagan presidential library in simm i, california. air force one is the centerpiece of the library. here when you were here for the debates. the defense forum that gets underway today and through the weekend brings together some of the greatest minds in america about the military, what ronald reagan thought for america and thought -- how he could govern best for the world and so we'll dive into that. been coming here for seven years now and the issues are hot all across the globe. so with that as a place setter i
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say good morning, partner, how are you doing? >> dana: i'm dana perino, this is "america's newsroom." one of the great things about the reagan defense forum is that in that setting, you can really focus the mind and focus the issues and last year ukraine, that was hot, of course. now you have this in the middle east as well. no doubt you guys will have a really robust discussion and you can find all sorts of coverage on fox throughout the weekend. let's get over to the debate, though. for years they taunted each other over social media. they finally came face-to-face. the debate was expected to be contentious and it lived up to expectations with the two men duking it out over everything from taxes and rising crime and not to mention a little heavy dose of personal attacks. >> bill: i think they were getting in their shots. governor desantis talked just last hour with lawrence jones down in georgia saying governor newsom will not be a presidential candidate after his performance last night. his take on that.
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>> not after last night i don't think he will be. i think he showed -- we exposed him and the failed liberal policies and he didn't really have an answer. he would just shift and lie. >> dana: steve harrigan live in atlanta with the biggest takeaways. good morning. >> good morning. you talk about this as a fight and governor desantis himself described this as a boxing match between the two for 90 minutes on television about basic american issues like freedom. >> california does have freedoms that some people don't -- other states don't. you have the freedom to defecate in public in california. the freedom to pitch a tent on sunset blood and create a homeless encampment and have an open air drug market and use drugs. you have freedom as an illegal benefit to get taxpayer benefits. not the founding fathers
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envisioned but the results speak for themselves. >> it got personal at times. newsom called desantis a bully and liar and never be the nominee because he is trailing president trump by so much. >> you are trolling folks and trying to find migrants to play political games to out trump, trump. how is that going for you, ron? you are down 41 points in your own home state. >> as expected governor newsom attacked florida's abortion law and as expected governor desantis attacked the high taxes in california. he said governor newsom's own father-in-law moved out of the state and moved to florida. both of these governors may have gotten something of what they are looking for. desantis a bump in poll numbers. for newsom positioning himself as a future presidential candidate. dana, back to you. >> dana: thank you, steve, appreciate it.
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i was on several different text threads last night. each one had a different conclusion. one thought desantis wiped the floor and one thought sean hannity was the winner. an amazing thing to have the debate people wanted to have what it is like to live in a blue state and a red state with these two governors who like to go at it anyway. >> bill: it was clever not to have an audience and the focus on them. sawn did a very good job of allowing them a little rope to go after each other and sort of like the water rolls in on the ocean and let it run out again. he grabbed control again. ultimately the winner was fox. we showed how you can take leading republican and a leading democrat and really have a discussion on the issues for an hour and a half. frankly it could have gone three hours last night. >> dana: it was great that gavin newsom said yes, right? great all around. more to come. we'll have some analysis on this throughout the hour.
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>> bill: we'll have to think of the next big idea coming up. meanwhile, want to get to the middle east. breaking news overnight. folks just waking up today. the cease-fire is over between israel and hamas. idf resumed bombing of targets blaming hamas saying they broke the cease-fire before it was set to expire. nate foye live on the ground at his post in northern israel with the latest on the headlines. they're back at it. hello. >> they certainly are, bill. good morning to you. temporary cease-fire broke down in the early morning hours today after israel says hamas refused to release the 20 final female hostages that it still has in gaza. this is what we saw shortly after that. take a look. you mentioned it, bill. israeli jets hit multiple
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targets in gaza including -- israel has hit 200 terrorist targets in gaza today. hamas says israel violated it first and israel said -- >> they have decided to hold onto the hostages they abducted in violation of humanitarian law. hamas will now take the mother of all thumpings. >> so you see the damage here. the idf dropped leaflets into the southern gaza strip instructing civilians to move to evacuation zones. many didn't and the damage is severe. the end of this temporary cease-fire means horrible conditions will get worse for the palestinians in gaza. badly needed aid will have an even harder time getting in. qatar's ministry of foreign affairs say negotiations will continue to resume a pause in
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firing. the end of the cease-fire agreement means israeli hostages won't be coming home today. hamas released eight israelis in an exchange yesterday. over 130 hostages remain in gaza. now that cease-fire agreement, bill, never technically applied to the hezbollah terrorists that are on the northern front in lebanon but the past few days have been relatively quiet. so now that the fighting has resumed in the south, the few people who remain in the evacuated villages up north wait to see if fighting will come here. >> bill: a bit later we'll talk to the parents of an israeli american who hasn't been seen or heard from since october 7th. back to you for morehead lines from the middle east. >> dana: robert o'brien, former national security advisor to president trump. ask you a couple of things. first of all, would you agree one of the reasons hamas came to the table to start releasing hostages is because of the
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military pressure that israel put on hamas in the gaza strip especially as they closed in on that hospital? >> you're right. i had experience dealing with hamas. we were trying to get an israeli hostages, the remains, an idf soldier taken by hamas dragged through the tunnels and taken into gaza. they held his remains for years to keep his parents from being able to bury him in israel. without military pressure there will be no action on hamas's side. with the military pressure you saw almost 100 hostages were released. so i think hamas realized they were losing leverage. more hostages came out they had the leverage they had to stop the war on hamas and the extermination of the terrorists was waning. they put a pause to it. >> dana: the cease-fire has
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expired. secretary of state antony blinken was in tel aviv yesterday meeting with the israeli defense minister reportedly told the defense minister the stated goal to dismantle hamas told him i don't think you have the credit for that. the national review said israel, you are on your own, credit, dwell on that word. if the israeli government apparently acquired metaphorical capital following the slaughter of more than 1300 inoh center in the most gruesome fashion imag imaginable. if israel fights the war with the speed the white house wants it would be a quick campaign but not a clean one. what do you think about the idea of israel not having credit in order to get hamas eliminated? >> this is another one where it's an unfortunate statement by antony blinken. suppose he wishes he could take it back. the idea is americans will only
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back israel for a certain amount of time and that's been the case with democrat add min trigss in the past. we don't let them take care of the job and finish it. israel will finish the job here. hamas has to be destroyed. not just for israel but for america. hamas is holding american hostages. we're talking about israel not having credit? this is ronald reagan, bill hemmer is there at the library and i'll be there tomorrow night being interviewed and looking forward to it. ronald reagan talked about terrorists. you can run but can't hide. they took americans hostage and we put the handcuffs on israel. it sends the wrong message to the terrorists and wrong message to our allies. how do the taiwanese and ukrainians feel that israel only has a few days to -- of quote credit to defend themselves when
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they are defending themselves against russian china. bad message to allies and adversaries and secretary blinken wishes he had a do over on that one. >> dana: based on your experience and assessment of what you think is going on with the rest of the hostages. >> well look, thoughts and prayers go out to them and the families. they are being held under terrible conditions starting to come out with the interviews of hostages released. cages, tunnels, being harassed by hamas and sinwar, the leader of hamas is talking to hostages in hebrew that he learned in an israeli jail where he was held on a life prison term but exchanged for an israeli hostage. a tough situation for them. more pressures the israelis put on them the more pressure on hamas to release the hostages and hopefully our friends in qatar and other places will intervene and help get these guys out. a really rough situation for them. >> dana: robert, thank you for
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being with us this morning. >> so many f.b.i. people at twitter that they had their own internal group and their own little contribute sheet to describe the difference between the terms that they use at the f.b.i. versus twitter. >> bill: this is something else. the battle over government censorship online unfolding on the hill. who do you believe? explosive testimony on a subject that will be front and center during this coming election year. so how much is free speech in jeopardy? we'll look at that. fast tracking work permits for migrants. is that the best answer in many of these democratic-led cities? what is the fate of republican george santos. can he survive a possible vote of expulsion that may happen a bit later this morning? >> do you think you will get expelled today? >> i don't know. i have accepted the fate. look, i believe that if it's
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to serve their communities and their careers. from professional certifications, to job training, to help navigating programs and services, we give veterans access to support from anywhere in the world. >> dana: congressional lawmakers on both sides fight over border security and israel aid, some want to make it easier for migrants to get jobs. people who illegally crossed the border and claim asylum can't get a work permit in the u.s. until six months after their claim. now some big city mayors say the strain of the migrant influx could be eased if they started working sooner. senior national correspondent william la jeunesse looks into it for it and is live in los angeles. >> that's one part of the debate as you implied on capitol hill on what the administration is doing to deter or encourage illegal immigration. so in october it released or
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paroled some 64% of almost 200,000 migrants at the border which is why some republicans want to attach border security to a must-pass bill for aid to ukraine and israel, one, to stop migrants from gaming the asylum laws lying about being persecuted just to work here. and two, ending so-called humanitarian parole, also known as catch and release. >> the statute says that many of these populations are supposed to be in immigration detention. but this administration is not detaining really hardly any illegal aliens. they are releasing them. >> the conservative heritage foundation opposes that deal. disappointing negotiators like thom tillis. >> we have heritage action, they are recommending against something that's not written on paper. we have outside interest groups against stuff that hasn't even been written down.
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the democrats are dealing with the same thing. >> democrat bill allowing illegal immigrants to work just after crossing the border, not the current six months where trump's one year. republicans argue it incentivizes more migration. democrats say it will get immigrants out of shelters and off taxpayers' back. >> unfair to migrants and asylum seekers and unfair to new york city taxpayers. we should let them work. they want to work. >> border agents call it a mistake and say the solution isn't throwing another $13 billion at the border but rather getting that asylum reform law passed so they can kick people out at the border who don't actually qualify. back to you. >> dana: thank you. >> have you been doing this your whole life embellishing and making things up? >> what i have not said certain things and done things differently. absolutely. adult and mature enough to acknowledge that. >> bill: that was last hour.
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defiant george santos refusing to resign before a planned third expulsion vote later this hour. we're watching that news now. moments ago the brand-new house republican speaker mike johnson says he will vote against expulsion. now remember what the house rules are. 2/3, 290 votes out of 435 members needed for expulsion. how many can the new speaker bring with him? we don't know. meanwhile house democrats are set to talk with reporters before this vote. we're watching that. could happen any moment now and we'll bring it to you when it gets underway. meanwhile, from the hill yesterday, listen to this. >> we've seen misinformation spread on all sides so i think that what you are hearing from us is a general call that everybody needs to just calm down and remember that this country's greatness is founded on that protection of speech that we all might consider to be hateful. >> bill: you be the judge on all
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this now. what do you think? what's happening? twitter files co-author michael shellenberger telling the house committee that the government's close ties with social media companies could be a violation of american's free speech rights making numerous accusations of the government's role in censorship online including using military contractors to employ disinformation tactics against american citizens. if he is right, this runs deep. michael shellenberger is with me. you are in washington, d.c. after the hearing yesterday. you said two things that were really interesting. the first thing you said it was worse than you originally thought. how so, michael? >> nice to be with you, bill. it is worse in the sense the censorship was just one part of what we saw happening both by u.k. and u.s. so-called former military contractors but currently employed including someone working for the navy in
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2020 when they created something called the cyber threat intelligence league supposedly of volunteers. many people were working for the department of homeland security, f.b.i., working with social media companies to censor americans but what we discovered was basically a handbook they created to use psychological operations and disinformation tactics against the american people. these are tactics that have been developed abroad by the u.s. military and u.s. allies. to see them turned against the american people really in reaction to the trump election in 2016, there was the sense in which trump was elected because of social media and these individuals potentially with support directly from the government were engaged in using these tactics in order to change the conversation online and engage in mass censorship what we saw with the twitter files and the case that's headed to the supreme court court from
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mississippi. >> bill: you guys got into it yesterday. i really think the touch stone piece of this entire story really was the hunter biden laptop on october of 2020. you brought that up, here is the exchange for our viewers to watch now. >> are you suggesting the "new york post" participated in a conspiracy to construct the contents of the hunter biden laptop? zblo no. the problem is hard drives can be manipulated by rudy giuliani and russia. it happens. there is actual evidence of it. >> there is no evidence. you are engaging in a conspiracy theory. >> bill: he basically suggested rudy giuliani did it for moscow. you can comment on that. the other thing you said yesterday that a lot of people don't understand. i really like you to explain it right now. you said so many f.b.i. people were working at twitter. is that a fact? >> yeah, it is. the former general counsel, former deputy director of f.b.i.
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were both at twitter at the time that twitter overrode its own staff recommendations to allow the "new york post" story about the hunter laptop to exist on its platform. they overrode the staff evaluation that it had not violated the terms of service. censored it very famously. what's important about that instance is that it created the perception including among myself and most friends and family, that there was something illegitimate about it. that maybe the russians had done something to it. we know the hunter biden laptop was real and actually hunter biden's own attorney said it was real. so the democrats were saying we're engaged in a conspiracy theory. they were engaging in a conspiracy theory that somehow it had been manipulated by the russians. there is 0 evidence of that contrary to what congressman goldman said. this is very important. basically what we saw was an effort by existing f.b.i. agents and former f.b.i. officials to
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spread disinformation about the hunter biden laptop and suggest to the american people say outright to the american people that it was a russian hack and leak operation. president biden repeated that in the debates and i think many of us were fooled by that and that's what is so scary is that it was coming from directly from u.s. intelligence officials and so-called former intelligence officials. >> bill: two things on that. we may see hunter biden in a public hearing sometime in 2024. the other thing we need to bring you back on is how we as americans are to interpret social media in our lives during another election year. important stuff. michael, thanks for coming back. michael shellenberger in washington, d.c. thank you. >> dana: right now we're waiting for the vote on senator -- representative santos's possible expulsion. they're speaking about it now. >> being denigrated every single
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day that george santos is here. today we're going to have a vote. it will be our third vote on expulsion. there is amp el evidence from his own admissions. >> dana: this will go on for a while. the vote expected in the next hour. the speaker, mike johnson, just announced he will vote against expulsion. more to come on this. >> they can try to put lipstick on the pig. the fact of the matter is he has failed the people of california. >> florida is not a state of freedom. >> bill: well, small bit of trivia here. both those men played college baseball, right and they were throwing heaters last night. gavin newsom from the left and ron desantis from the right. 90 minutes, fiery debate on fox arguing the essential issues in america. the governor of iowa was watching. she has endorsed desantis for president and next with the
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takeaways from last evening. also, the families of israeli hostages agonizing as they await word and proof of life from their loved ones. we'll speak with the parents of one idf soldier who hasn't been heard from since the morning of october 7th. >> we won't stop working until we get every hostage back home with their families and loved ones. [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions
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>> bill: 6:30 here in california. 9:30 in new york and 4:30 in the afternoon in southern israel as we take a live look into gaza. the cease-fire is over. the war is back on. idf forces resuming military operations earlier today blaming hamas for violating the terms of the deal. we saw more than 100 hostages returned to israel. earlier in the week we were told at least 130 were still inside of gaza.
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the fate of them, of the 130 is not known. however, moments ago israeli officials confirming the deaths of three hostages in hamas captivity. they are the following: these are all elderly, senior citizens taken on the 7th of october. this is a man who was 85 years old. grandfather of five. this is a 54-year-old woman and mother of six. also this is a dedicated husband and father, his wife and two daughters were also kidnapped but were released earlier in the week. so that news from the israelis. no details on their deaths were given at this time. but moments from now we'll speak to the parents of an israeli american serving in the israeli military and he was also taken on october 7th.
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there has been to date based on what we understand, no verification of his proof of life. and the israelis believe he was taken into gaza and we'll speak with them momentarily and see how they are holding up during a tough, tough time. 36 past the hour now. >> of course, he has imposed restrictions on his own people while exempting himself from those restrictions and going to the french laundry while his people were suffering. >> ron desantis for the tens of thousands of lives that died unnecessarily because he played to the fringe of his party. >> dana: california governor gavin newsom and ron desantis traded jabs over their responses to the pandemic. here is kim reynolds, governor from iowa. before we talk specifically about the barbs they traded. i want to ask you about what you think about the ideological
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debate in this country about red state versus blue state governance. where do you think that debate stands right now? are red states pulling ahead? >> thanks, dana, for the opportunity to be with you this morning. i appreciate it very much. absolutely. look at the record of red states that are led by republican governors across this country and you will see a stark contrast to what we see happening in democratic-led states. i thought ron made the case last night. it can play out in every state led by republicans, whether it's how we handled covid, the budget, economy, how we have handled crime. response to an open border. ron had an $18 billion surplus. gavin newsom had a $32 billion deficit. we are sitting on a surplus. we're cutting taxes, they are raising taxes. we have sent law enforcement to help secure the border. they are hypocrites when they claim to be a sanctuary city
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until they are impacted by it. >> dana: this is call for number one. newsom and desantis had a longer discussion about immigration and the border, watch here. >> i support the 14 billion package the president put forward that includes 2300 border agents and customs officials. also includes $850 million in new technology for border security. you hear nothing from ron desantis. >> he is saying that joe biden is willing to solve this problem? he is lying to you about all the other facts and figures. he is throwing stuff out to see what sticks against the wall. a slick, slippery politician whose state is failing. >> dana: on the immigration front, do you feel like again that the red state governors -- now you have several blue state mayors saying that there has to be change. newsom didn't want to go there. he was trying to defend biden throughout the night. but he didn't seem to give himself a lot of room personally for what he might want to do in
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the future with that answer. >> no, because he continued to lie that the biden administration has been putting forth for the last three years. go down and ask the people of texas, arizona and law enforcement and the national guard that have been ground 0 in texas for the last 2 1/2 years. the farmers, the ranchers that have seen their property -- the human tragedies we've seen, humanitarian disgrace that's happening at the border, the drugs flowing across the open border and into our cities and killing our young people and for biden and governor newsom to say that the border is secure and none of that is happening, people aren't idiots. we see it every single day. for him to double down and support this president is unconscionable. the -- you are seeing blue state mayors that are now dealing with on a much smaller scale than what texas has been dealing with for the last 2 1/2 years, seeing the consequences of illegal migrants flooding into their cities and the impact that has
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on their constituents. so i think he doubled down. ron -- the thing about governor desantis is he followed through with 100% of the promises he made to floridians. when he says he will build a wall and make mexico pay for it and when he says he will bring the army down and identified the cartel as terrorists that they are, he will do it. he has a record, he follows through and -- >> dana: do you think desantis's performance last night will do anything to help put a dent in the commanding lead that president trump has in both the iowa and new hampshire early contests? >> absolutely. the momentum is great. i see it on the ground and seeing it in iowa. what we saw last night showed he is a fighter, a winner that conservative policies work. look what he did in florida and why he won by 20%. why 62% of hispanics voted for him and why he won in areas that
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republicans hadn't typically won in that's what we need. we need somebody that can win and has the skill and resolve to reverse the madness that we've seen from this administration and most importantly, we need somebody that on day one will start to return america to the greatness that it is and that can serve eight years. i don't want americans to lose sight of that. if president trump wins he will be a lame duck on day one. governor desantis will do what he did in florida. followed through with what he said he would do. >> dana: everyone will be in iowa in the next 40 days. >> bill: all right. dana. crime continues to surge in cities like philadelphia. now the city of brotherlyly love is cracking down on those bundling up. we continue live from the reagan national library simi valley,
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california. find a prettier sunrise than this today, dana. we have one right now. 6:42 local time. come on back as our coverage continues right after this. ♪ my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger.
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>> bill: back to the breaking news. the war is back on now. if you've been following us for the last hour or so the u.s. pressing for a new cease-fire deal but not at the moment. israeli defense forces are back operating in gaza. truce is done. the family of the one of the american hostages is returning for their son. a 19-year-old, active duty idf soldier and u.s./israeli
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citizen. serving on a tank unit near gaza on october 7th and hasn't been heard from since. his father is ruby back and forth to washington, d.c. trying to bring his own son home. ruby, thank you for your time today. we are trying to get the message out here today. a couple of things i want to know. >> thanks for having me. >> bill: you bet. >> you say get the hostages and then get hamas at all costs. for the fate of your 19-year-old teenage son, when was the last time you heard from him? >> it was that black saturday morning that we heard from his last. since then, nothing. no sign of life and we have made constantly the international red cross and we have been asking them. part of the agreement that has been signed is hamas is supposed
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to provide them access to the remaining hostages. hostages that have gun wounds, that have amputated limbs and broken bones, that require immediate medical attention. we're happy for those united with their family. but those who have been left behind are dying each day without that medical attention. and i ask where is the international red cross? >> bill: based on international law, who is allowed to meet with the hostages? >> so according to the international law, the international red cross has a permanent mandate to visit hostages. if i could, bill, quote you the mission statement of the international red cross. to protect the lives and dignity of victims in armed conflict and
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violence and provide them with assistance. when you look at the budget of the international red cross, 25% of it comes from u.s. taxpayers. i am a u.s. taxpayer. why is it that the international red cross has not visited my son, a u.s. citizen, as well as the other hostages that require immediate medical attention? >> bill: the question is fair, sir. i'm wondering what the israeli government can provide you on that or hamas just operates in its own silo and they are controlling all of this for the hostages today? >> the international red cross are the ones that need to be the conscience of the international community. they are the ones seeing the hostages the minute they're released. and they are coming back filthy, insect bites, with starvation,
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and they are not telling the world how the hostages are being treated. it sounds very much, bill, unfortunately, like the holocaust where, again, the international community and the red cross did not share with the world what has happened and only in the after math was the world aware of the horrific things that happened in the holocaust. where is the international red cross? why are they keeping quiet? why are they not stating the status of the victims and why are they not stating that they are not allowed access by hamas to visit the hostages that are left behind that require immediate medical attention? why not tell the world exactly what's happening? >> bill: we're coming up on two months of your son's captivity.
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you are in washington to put pressure on u.s. officials to get answers. i don't know if it's been much consolation for you in washington, d.c. maybe ask you this question. do you believe that this u.s. government is doing as best as it possibly can for your family and for the israeli military that's trying to eliminate hamas today? >> so we've been having constant conversations with the biden administration from the highest levels, from the president and vice president. we met yesterday jake sullivan. again that provided us as much insight as he can about the negotiations and met senators that are from both sides of the aisle. we believe it is important to keep this a bipartisan issue as much as possible and we've been getting support. yesterday we met senator cruz, we met senator lindsey graham and they also wished to provide their support to solve this issue as soon as possible. but the bottom line, bill, okay,
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is that there are eight u.s. hostages being held in captivity for 56 days. i'm a business guy and i look at the bottom line. unfortunately, that is the bottom line as we speak after 56 days. we had thanksgiving last week, time of family being together, we had an empty chair at the table. christmas is coming up. we don't want to have an empty chair again. the u.s. government needs to do whatever it can, negotiate whatever it can to get the hostages back out especially the u.s. hostages. >> bill: i can't imagine what you are going through. listen, stay strong, stay brave. thank you for sharing your story today. and i know the only consolation for you in the end is when your 19-year-old son comes home and walks through that door again. we pray for that. >> thank you. the u.s. government needs to do whatever it can to leverage the international red cross to go out and do its job.
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visit the hostages and provide medical attention. they pay 25% of the budget. they should make that happen. >> bill: understood. we'll see if you get that and we'll stay on it. we'll stay in contact from washington. >> thank you, bill. >> bill: thank you. >> dana: democratic denial is turning to panic. does the party have a backup plan as president biden struggles in the polls. we continue from the reagan library in simi valley where bill is today. ♪ balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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a date i remember well as then john roberts, the current chief justice, replaced rehnquist. initially was to replace her. her resignation came on june 30th, 2005. she had three children and six grandchildren. she passed away in arizona. she was, as chief justice roberts said, a daughter of the american southwest. an incredible woman and sad news as we just learned that sandra day o'connor has died. shannon bream, our supreme court expert probably knew her very well. shannon, thank you for jumping on the phone with us as th


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