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tv   America Reports  FOX News  December 1, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST

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governor newsom's father, who was a judge at the time, and impact on jurisprudence and the country will be forever affected. >> kennedy, she could not get a job when she graduated law school because of her gender, goes on to be the first supreme court justice, a female. >> the head wind she faced professionally and personally and she persevered. the death also highlights we have a lot more work to do in terms of dementia and alzheimer's research and hopefully in her memory that will blossom. >> right after the diagnosis nothing has diminished my gratitude for the countless blessings of my life. >> she was a woman, and also the right person for the job. may god rest her soul. >> thanks to everyone. here is "america reports".
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[bombing] >> it was obvious that we'll be back in war. hamas is not for peace. they do not want to co-exist. they want to be, for us to be eliminated. sorry, it's not gonna happen, ever. >> john: black smoke and explosions filling the skies over gaza as israel resumes the war against hamas. john roberts in washington. so begins a friday afternoon. >> sandra: good to be with you. sandra smith in new york. after a week-long truce which saw more than 100 hostages released, talks to extend that ceasefire collapsed after israel said hamas launched more rockets toward southern israel and failed to release all of the women and children that were part of the agreement.
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>> john: idf appearing to move the offensive to the southern part of the gaza strip, they claim many of the terrorist group senior leaders are alive and hiding in tunnels. strategy is facing opposition from the biden administration. >> sandra: we have complete coverage for you now. former national security councilmember michael allen standing by on what can be done to rescue the remaining american hostages. but first, let's get right to greg palkot, live on the ground in sderot, israel. greg, you and your team have seen the explosions all day. what's the latest from there? >> sandra, john, we are just hearing it right now. more blasts. we can confirm firsthand that the war between israel and hamas is very much on the gaza strip, only about a mile away from where we are and throughout this day and night we witness israeli airstrikes and as we are hearing now, israeli artillery hits. we have been seeing hamas
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rockets come from the gaza strip over our location. luckily knocked down by israeli defenses and hearing a lot of gunfire on the ground, possible signs of clashes between the two sides. hardest hit as you noted, the southern part of gaza. all told, israel today said it hit 200 hamas targets and the military as the terror leadership in its sights. triggering the new fighting after the hostages were freed, they say they did not have an adequate list of captives to be released. israel said they reneged on the deal. and some rockets reached as far as tel aviv. and most of those knocked down by the iron dome defenses. some made it through nearby to where we were. amid more destruction in gaza, israel has said it warned residents to seek shelter. it pledged the u.s. it would do that, but the hamas linked gaza authorities claim about 100 people were killed today and humanitarian aid definitely was
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cut off. also cut off that encouraging flow of hostages, eight were released last night, maybe the last for a while. there was a heart warming scene, 21-year-old mia schem as what they endured, grows. a mile away, there remains 140 hostages, including americans, and as was confirmed today, their fate very much up in the air. we learned that four israelis believed to be captive, ages from 26 to 86, are now dead. it's a life and death crisis. back to you. >> john: greg palkot, thank you. john. michael allen, israel resumes military operations and begins to probe toward the south, what of the hostages?
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>> i think the hostages have largely moved south, remember, a condition that hamas had on the prisoner releases was that israel had to stop flying drones around the area, so to the degree that they had any bead at all on maybe where the hostages were going, i think they lost some of it. it's not to say that maybe u.s. planes or israeli planes were not able to peer into the gaza strip from the mediterranean, but i don't think the coverage was as great as it was seven days ago. >> john: it's believed hamas senior leadership, sinwar, have moved to khan younis, the idf was warning people to get out of there because they are going after the headquarters. if the leadership moves south, would it follow they moved some hostages, as well? >> i think so, too. largely in tunnels underneath khan younis. i think that's about the hamas'
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leaders' headquarters, and they could escape to egypt, something israel is looking at, but a way to get in from egypt to gaza and that's from tunnels over the border, too. a space to watch. >> john: it's no surprise hamas to be able to rear up even after difficult times. big question is, how long does the biden administration stand foursquare with israel. yesterday in tel aviv the sent of state antony blinken seemed to say what israel wanted to hear on that front. listen here. >> as we have said from the outset, israel has the right to do everything it can to ensure that the slaughter hamas carried out on october 7th can never be repeated. hamas cannot remain in control of gaza. >> john: but listen to this leaked exchange between blinken and israel's war cabinet leaked to israel's channel 12 and carried in the times of israel.
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defense minister gallant is quoted as saying the entire israeli society is united behind the goal of dismantling hamas even if it takes months. antony blinken, i don't think you have the credit for that. what, michael, in the world does that mean? >> i think that the administration is trying to do what it's done elsewhere in the world, which is second guess the fighters on the front lines. what israel needs is political cover for the israelis so they have the time and the political space that they need to finish the job. if we have a better idea how to get rid of hamas we should tell them so. a way for israel to do it with fewer civilian casualties, by all means do it. but we shouldn't be hectoring and lecturing the israelis all the time. >> john: a stunning report in the "new york times," israeli intelligence was in possession of the hamas blueprint for
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october 7th. what they wrote 40 page document, assault designed to overwhole fortify, and storm bases including a division headquarters. hamas followed the blueprint with shocking precision. apparently it didn't have a specific date but the idf knew about this. kinds of akin if we had a plan that 19 terrorists were going to take over aircraft and fly them into the pentagon, try to hit the capitol building and not world trade center, oh, there's no way that could happen because aparentally israel thought it was aspirational, no way to pull it off and dismissed it. >> intelligence failure like pearl harbor, they said there's no way they could pull this off and so they were prisoners of their own theory. every fact they saw like the 40
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page document dismissed it. it's called confirmation bias and they dismissed it away. >> john: wow, we'll see where this goes in the days and weeks ahead. michael, thanks. >> sandra: the house has officially expelled new york congressman george santos, making him the sixth lawmaker ever to be kicked out of the chamber. his removal shrinking the republican majority and setting up a special election for the new york seat. chad pergram has been covering all of it live from capitol hill for us. chad, hi. >> sandra, good afternoon. as we say, it's all about the math. the seat likely won't be filled until a special election in the late winter. it's a battleground district that flipped last cycle. >> i can tell you being a member that is close to the borders of that district, you know, over the period of time, i cannot
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tell you how many of those constituents have reached out to my office to do and ask for constituency work and support in that regards. >> some republicans opposed expulsion because santos had not been convicted in court. they worried about the precedent it might set, but some of those arguments fell on deaf ears, especially among republicans from new york who represent swing districts. >> it's a bad precedent he stole money from his donors and used it for all sorts of things. look, he will have his day in court as relates to criminal charges and whether he will be going to criminal jail. in the institution, we have seen enough. i think the ethics committee did its job. >> he was seen talking on capitol hill this morning with the chaplain. he said he would be at peace with the house expelling him. >> look, i don't know. i've accepted the fate. look, i believe that if it's god's will to keep me here i
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will stay and his will for me to leave i will leave. >> johnson and scalise voted against, 311-114, house needed 242 yay -- yea for two-thirds. >> john: quite a morning, it sets an interesting precedent, he is obviously had the bad ethics report but not found guilty of criminal activity, it's possible he could be in the future. and this really lays this out there, and you wonder if it was a lawmaker on the other side, the democrats were in control of congress, would the vote have turned out the same way. >> sandra: first time in 20 years it has happened. >> john: real concern around the world, huge outbreak of
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respiratory illness, started in china. cases are surging in two states. what states are being hit the hardest and what's behind the outbreak. >> sandra: right wing parties and candidates rising up around the world. so, what is causing this to happen? the former prime minister of the united kingdom will join us on that and why she hopes a republican will be back in the white house come 2024. >> this is a global phenomenon, brash american style of politics. actually, they are embracing it and i think you will see it spread even further. and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott
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it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. >> john: an illinois appeals
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court has upheld actor jesse smollett's conviction applying for police, claiming that he was ambushed and beaten up on the streets of chicago in a racist homophobic attack by a group of trump supporters, you remember that. it means smollett could be sent back to jail to complete the 150 day sentence. he was initially convicted in 2022, 6 days in jail before being released while he appealed his conviction. just -- it's not holding up in court, as they say, sandra. >> sandra: no, not at all. it's amazing that we are still covering that story, still today. >> john: isn't it though? crazy. >> sandra: we are following these cases of pneumonia in children, specifically. they are flooding hospitals in china at the moment and now massachusetts and ohio are seeing a similar surge. one county outside of cincinnati has seen 142 cases of this
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so-called white lung syndrome. this has been going on since august. dr. marc siegel joins us. we are calling you up, we want to know how important it is that this is happening, if there is any expectation this is going to spread, tell us about it. what do we need to know? >> well, sandra, first of all, it's not exactly the same thing, i think, going on in china and across europe that we are seeing here. they are related but let me tell you, in china looks like it's a bug mycoplasma, atypical bacteria, growing resistance to antibiotics there, so it gets us sicker than it used to and in northern china where there was a lot of lockdowns up until the end of 2022, which were then relieved, the immune system just waking up to these viruses and bacteria again. looks like mycoplasma has spread and gotten kids very sick.
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looks like what we are seeing in netherlands and denmark as well, which also had lockdowns in 2022. here in the united states we saw in ohio, 142 cases of the white lung syndrome you are talking about, and seeing some of it in western massachusetts. but it looks to me and to cdc that it might be more related to rsv, that virus we talk about all the time in very young children, which again got rolled back. we did not see a lot of it during the pandemic because of all the lockdowns and shut downs and closures. we are seeing more of it last year and even more of it this year. but one thing is for sure, we cannot necessarily trust all the public health information coming out of china and so that gets us nervous right from the get-go. because we have been lied to before and who has made statements that have not borne out about covid when it first started. mandy cohen said to me today, the head of cdc, as of today, cdc is not seeing increase of
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the evidence related to levels of mycoplasma, but looking closely to see if what they are seeing in china comes here. >> sandra: here she is in her own words, their assessment of what's going on so far. >> we do not believe this is a new or novel pathogen, we believe it's all existing, meaning covid, flu, rsv, even though those are going up and covid is still the respiratory virus that is putting the most number of folks in the hospital, and taking their lives. >> sandra: but still, people are hearing about this, dr. siegel, i don't want it, you know, y is happening in ohio. they had so many cases, enough there for the ohio department of health to define this as an actual outbreak. the cdc, while they are saying nothing is out of the ordinary, this is a whole lot of people that are getting sick.
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johns hopkins university says caution against extrapolating one ohio county to the country with 330 million people. a picture of what the white lung syndrome looks like in x-ray, it's not good, dr. siegel. so, knowing this is out there, knowing it's in places like ohio and massachusetts and could end up other places, can we do anything to prevent ourselves from getting it? >> yes, yes, we actually can. and you just described that extremely accurately. i would add to that that the cdc says it's early in the flu season, so it's not the flu that's predominanting here, it's covid and rsv. get your flu shot if you have not gotten it there, and rsv shots, elderly, they could be spreading it. the covid shot and the issue of
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ventilation. recent studies have shown that all of the excess focus on masks, by the way, and mandates ignored the fact that stuff flies through the area. we are talking about a respiratory virus. is the window open, do you have filter, how close together are you with someone who is sick. the old, if you are coughing and sneezing, stay away from people, sandra. wash your hands, all of that is stuff you have to pay attention to and we haven't been. >> sandra: what was happening in the one ohio county, the average age of the patients that are having to seek hospital visits is eight years old, some as young as three years old. growing theories that children's immunity, as dr. siegel, we have had many conversations about, is indeed weakened by all the lockdowns, as so many of these kids were growing up with. if the kids are eight years old on average, you have to think that they were toddlers or just a little bit older as they were
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going through the covid pandemic and they were kept inside or masked when they went to go to school. do you believe that to be a case, that they are suffering more because of a weakened immune system? >> completely agree with that. i like how you stated that. i call it immune pause, the immune system is not used to seeing this virus or a virus. kids usually see thousands of viruses in a day or a week. if you lock 'em down, they are not seeing any. so now you have 'em back circulating, they are seeing them at once. immune system is delayed, it pauses before it reacts. by that time you could be pretty sick and you saw those lungs. so you got to see a pediatrician quick and be aware. we are going through a phase of immune reawakening, essentially, lockdowns, tremendous damage, sandra. >> sandra: thank you for joining us, great information, dr. siegel. thank you. good to see you. >> john: all right, kinetic military operations resuming in gaza, let's go straight to the idf briefing and rear admiral
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daniel hagari. listen in. >> the idf is doing excellent work but the defense is not hermetic, follow directions and saves lives. prepared on all fronts, rear and the front to continue fighting. questions. from channel 13. what can you tell us about the bibas family who have not yet returned. and please address the attack in yemen that we have heard from foreign sources. the bibas family, we are following -- we are following this from the beginning of the fight. unfortunately, there was a film, a very difficult about the bibas family. on one hand showing the signs of life. on the other hand manipulative hamas is doing it in a cruel
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manner. today and every day demanded, we have been demanding the return of the wives and children and has been decided together with qatar and egypt was also committed to this. hamas decided, has chosen to break the agreement. we want them back home to israel. and they chose not to do that. it was supposed to bring back women and children and has not done so as agreed upon. we are going to update the family. any piece of information we have, everything hamas is saying so far is not -- is not verified so we are not going to address ourselves to it. regarding yemen that you mentioned, the houthis in yemen are really occupying not just israel, but occupying the u.s. and arab countries as well in this area. regarding attacks, such or other types of attacks, i can't
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address what's relating to idf and only idf and not address myself to something idf has not done. and therefore, the other players here and it's good to -- it's better to look -- everybody is looking at the interests with -- that they have in addition to other countries. and there are threats that are not just threatening israel. thank you, have a good evening, and have a good sabbath. >> john: all right, as shabbat falls in israel, rear admiral daniel hagari with a brief briefing, seems to take a few questions and walks off saying they don't have information about the bibas family, kfir bibas, his mother and brother. hamas says they were killed but israel does not have information to corroborate that, and you can imagine, sandra, the remaining members of the bibas family are heart sick about the potential
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fate that they may have befallen in gaza. >> sandra: very firm message ultimately coming from the idf just there, they are derped -- determined to continue fighting. >> john: more than 130 hostages in harm's way, including 28-year-old sasha, kidnapped from his parents' home in kibbutz nir oz. his close friend is concerned that resuming the war could mean sasha may never come home. stay with us.
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>> john: the week long ceasefire between israel and hamas collapsing as talks broke down with more than 130 hostages still being held by several terrorist groups in gaza, not just hamas. o one is sasha, an amazon engineer what's family was abducted from kibbutz nir oz on october 7th. thankfully his mother,
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grandmother and girlfriend were all released this week but he still remains in the hands of hamas and was forced to mark his 28th birthday in captivity. sasha's close friend joins us. i know how difficult this time is. i'm wondering, first of all what your thoughts are, given the fact that military operations have resumed in gaza as the ceasefire breaks down. >> unfortunately it's been already 56 days, we are worried about sasha and the hostages. they are being held by terrorist organization, the hamas. and the red cross not even visit once, so i think last day not making a big difference about his situation, if we are taking into consideration he's being held by hamas. and we are worried, but -- we
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are worried 56 days already. >> john: yeah, and another day, i mean, it certainly doesn't get easier, i'm sure it gets more difficult. the situation with this family was just so tragic. they were all at kibbutz nir oz, sasha was there visiting his family. his father vitale was killed by the terrorists. his mother and the rest of his family were taken hostage. so that day his entire family was either killed or kidnapped. it's just -- it's difficult for anyone outside of israel to wrap their head around that. how do you? >> well, this is a tragic story about the family, an entire family, three generations just disappeared on october 7th. as you said, the father vitale was murdered and the grandmother, mother, sasha, the son and his girlfriend were
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kidnapped. this is the reason why we are the friends of sasha from college, just gather together and stood for them to raise the voice about the family because they are the only -- all the family members were being kidnapped or murdered and there is no other family member to fight for them in israel. this is a family who immigrated 25 years ago from russia. they came to the kibbutz and quickly got involved with the small community and work community. sasha is one-of-a-kind. he is brilliant and kind and he's really something special. and we will keep fighting until we come back. we are very happy about his mother and grandmother, about his girlfriend sophia, but we
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won't stop fighting until he'll be home. >> john: i was going to ask you about that. good news for the family that his mother, grandmother, and his girlfriend were all released. his mother and grandmother on wednesday, his girlfriend yesterday, obviously it's a reason for celebration in the family but you know, you can't get your hopes up too much when you know that he is still being held and that every deal for the hostages has so far centered around women and children but the men and boys remain in captivity. >> yes. of course we support the release of the womens and kids first and as soon as possible. but i think israel is doing her best efforts to get release all the hostages. you need to remember -- everyone needs to remember that the male, young and elderly, are kidnapped from their homes. out of their homes, out of their
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beds. their brothers and sons and husbands of other family members and this is our responsibility to reunite them with their families. all of the families have been hurt by october 7th. their lives won't be the same from now on. in kibbutz nir oz, 1 of 4 people has been kidnapped or murdered. this is 25% of the kibbutz population. you can't even imagine the numbers that i'm saying now. >> john: i know. >> so males are extremely important as well as the womens as well as the kids. every one of them has a story. >> john: i mean, it, you know, 56 days after october 7th we still hear stories of the horror of that day and you know, even with the passage of time it only gets more engrained in your
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brain exactly what happened. neta, thank you for being with us. appreciate it. our prayers of course are with you and with sasha's family as well. we thank you for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you very much. >> john: sandra. >> sandra: all right, john. following live pictures, out of washington, d.c., happening right now, a protest outside of the israeli embassy there in washington. as this conflict resumes in the gaza strip, following the week-long ceasefire, this is the united states largest muslim civil rights group. they are holding a planned emergency protest in front of the israeli embassy right now. i would put the number just at the site on the screen at dozens standing in front of the embassy there, waving palestinian flags. this is a rally held by the council on american islamic relations, we are told. the american muslim task force for palestine.
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so, we are told this is ongoing for a couple of hours. these are live pictures out of washington right now. we'll keep following that for you. meanwhile, justice sandra day o'connor, the first woman to serve on the supreme court has died. 93 years old, she led a remarkable life. david, what is the court doing to remember justice o'connor? >> quite a life, sandra, and john. right now you can see the flag behind me at the supreme court at half-staff to honor her legacy. she served on the court for decades. she actually first walked down the steps behind me in her black robe with members of her family and the chief justice at the time back in 1981. appointed by then president ronald reagan in 1981, she first took the helm in september of 1981, taking the place of potter stewart. served more than 24 years. watched critical decisions
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unfold before her. she was active during oral arguments and made her presence known in the courtroom during some key decisions. she was born in el paso, texas, graduated from stanford, eventually moved to arizona where she served on the court of appeals. she made several public appearances post her supreme court retirement, but eventually was diagnosed with dementia. the chief justice, john roberts said a daughter of the american southwest, sandra day o'connor, blazed an historic trail as the first female justice. made it with determination, engaging candor. we mourn the loss of a beloved colleague, defender of the rule of law and eloquent advocate for civics education and true public servant and patriot. survived by three sons, six grandchildren and her brother. her husband died in 2009. and when reagan introduced her, he said she was a woman for all
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seasons. right now, funeral arrangements still being worked out. we assume there will be something here at the court at some point in the near future. and something you don't see today, sandra day o'connor confirmed by the senate 99-0. rest in peace, back to you. >> sandra: ok, david spunt reporting live outside the supreme court in washington. thank you. john. >> john: he's right, you don't see that anymore. brand-new consumer report with a not so glowing review of electric vehicles, and giving americans a good reason to steer clear of them. will the biden administration unplug the e.v. push? plus this. >> i didn't come up with the name, i really didn't. but i think it's a plan that i'm happy to call bidenomics. >> sandra: all right, we have seen the president time and time again doubling down on his push for bidenomics. he centered his campaign around
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>> bidenomics is another way of saying restore the american dream. bidenomics is about bringing supply chains back home. that's bidenomics, investing in america. bidenomics is bidenomics. bidenomics. bidenomics. bidenomics. it's no accident. it's bidenomics. >> sandra: almost every day for a while where the president was name dropping bidenomics, almost every economic speech he used that word, but notably he has not said that word for at least
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a month now. so is bidenomics in for a rebrand? robert wolf, a former economic adviser and steve moore, thank you to you both for being here. this was tallied up by nbc, the word bidenomics is nowhere to be found in the recent speeches and tallied it up. he has been using that word 101 times to be exact, goes back to june, ok. and it has been noticeably absent in the month of november, 0 times. so, is he realizing that is a message voters are not buying? >> i don't think so. i think nbc may have to come back and look at the facts because on tuesday in colorado, if you go to the video tape, on either side of president biden was bidenomics was the poster on either side of the podium. >> they are tallying whether or not the president is saying the
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word. >> i know, i'm saying they should go back. it was the posters used, he's using bidenomics front and center, and by the way, i think steve is going to agree with me. at 5.2% gdp and the first time in a long time, 13.1 million barrels a day of oil, steve is going to say that is amazing because you know, we know trump never did that. >> sandra: let steve say what he wants to say. to be fair here, the article does cite. it cites the white house youtube page, the speech you are referencing wednesday, as remarks on bidenomics. >> thank you. >> sandra: the point is he's not saying it from the podium. so the question, steve, is he realizing that this is a message that is not working with voters? we have seen him continue to slip in the polls when it comes to his handling of the economy. >> yeah, well, hi robert,
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sandra. great to be with you guys. i think bidenomics has become a tainted term because when americans hear the term bidenomics, you know what they think? inflation, higher prices, more debt. the kind of problems with the economy that are inflicting people every day. now, look, i agree with robert, the economy is better, you are right, than a year ago, no question about it. and look, i hope it continues to improve. i think a lot of americans are very nervous, sandra, whether that's going to happen when you've got record amounts of consumer debt, you have a 33.5 trillion national debt, mortgage rates what, 7.6%, they were less than 3% when trump left office. i think the problem for biden and bidenomics is that people say gee, trumponomics worked better. >> sandra: contrast the poll ses to maganomics, we have heard
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that, and the republican agenda, the real cost of inflation what voters are living through and feeling. the real cost of inflation, it's estimated, over $11,000 per year. we had the discussion with charles payne yesterday and i feel sorry to have left out, that's after tax income spent. that's that much more. so in places like new york, double that. l>> yeah. no, inflation has been difficult, i'm glad it has come down a lot and wages are doing better than inflation every month in 2023. but to think that, you know, to use a bush term that we are in a mission accomplished environment, we are not. i think there's a lot more work to do. i'm glad that they have reduced prescription drugs, i'm glad they are doing infrastructure, glad they are doing a lot of good things. but we have a ways to go, just like the fed said today. they are still thinking of hiking. so inflation is still here. >> sandra: that's brutal to
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think about. steve, we are already seeing housing affordability hitting rock bottom, it's bad. >> yeah, mortgage payments have doubled. they used to be about $1,800, now they are about 3500. look, i think when you have polls showing 75% of americans think the economy is in trouble, i would pay a lot of close attention to that, americans are not feeling the love. >> sandra: steve, robert, appreciate you joining us today. thank you. >> you have the freedom to defecate in public in california. you have the freedom to pitch a tent on sunset boulevard. >> love the rant on freedom. he's criminalizing teachers, criminalizing doctors, librarians. >> john: trading jabs at a debate here on fox. who came out on top and was it a potential preview of 2028. >> sandra: out of this world claim about the cia secret
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>> john: new report -- suggests that the government is holding back information on ufos from the public. those famous tones.
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griff jenkins joins me with details. i can't think of anybody better to report on ufos. >> "close encounters of the third kind," when i was terrified i was going to be abducted. the truth is out there like mulleder and scully told us and may be closer to learning what the government knows, by lawmakers demanding transparency. multiple whistleblowers say a secret cia office has been collecting and retrieving crashed ufo things for decades, including nine vehicles, lawmakers smell a cover-up. >> cia has reports on it yet the pentagon tells us it doesn't exist. we are spending a heck of a lot of money to tell people something, to investigate something that doesn't exist. >> i am hesitant to make that leap. i can tell you it is -- it is of nothing that i'm aware of having existing in our arsenal of
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assets. >> you heard there, john, gaetz not willing to say he has proof of ufos but has seen some of what a retired commander saw in 2004. >> i saw a white tick tack object and moving over the water like a ping pong ball. no rotors, no rotor wash or sign of visible control surfaces like wings. >> lawmakers acknowledge what people are seeing may be unidentified aerial phenomenon that belongs to adversaries. if they press for answers, we may get them. >> john: a flying tic-tac, i don't know who has that other than you know who. i'm a believer. sandra, are you? >> sandra: absolutely. thank you. israel's war with hamas is back underway after the week-long truce collapsed. ambassador mark regev, senior
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