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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  December 2, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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at i hope you'll get from studying genesis in this course is a deeper appreciation of the biblical insights with regards to the human person psychology, our predilection towards rivalry, but also reconciliation sign up for the genesis story free of charge, at today. there once was a tree lovingly made to look real. (♪) so real, something magical happened... (♪) it helped create very real memories. (♪) balsam hill.
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>> israel pulled out of these talks to get another truce possibly going in qatar, what happened? >> the talks were at an impasse because hamas had not fulfilled its own commitments. there was an agreed list that hamas signed off on and suddenly they couldn't deliver or they wouldn't deliver and we don't want to just talk for the sake of talking. our goal was to get the people out. the truth is had hamas continued to release hostages, we'd be in a pause still. we've only returned to combat because hamas refused to follow through on a list that itself had agreed to. neil: we'll never know all the details, but that sums up for the israeli positions for those coming out of qatar, and a pause in the war similar to what we had for seven straight days before that was broken off
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the day before yesterday. what we do know they're still working even behind the scenes at getting a pause going. that looks unlikely in the near future. greg palkot following the fallout from that in israel, greg. >> hi, neil. yeah, night has fallen, but there's no letup in fighting with the temporary cease-fire between israel in gaza over. and is hour since she last spoke we've seen and heard israeli artillery, israeli tanks and naval ships off the coast blasting gaza and we've been hearing a lot of ground fire coming from the gaza strip. israeli military spokesperson backing up what we've been witnessing, saying, i'm quoting here, israeli forces are encountering hamas fighters in northern gaza and they claimed to have found piles of hamas rockets stacked underneath u.n. relief boxes in one building they encountered.
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we can't confirm that, but we've seen barrages of rockets fired from gaza most knocked down by israeli defenses. the israel rile air force they've been busy up and down the gaza strip, and believed along with the people crowded in there, the hamas leadership has found a new hideout. all of this contributing to the humanitarian crisis in gaza and they say some relief trucks have made it in today. if that's the case, it's still not enough for the beleaguered residents of gaza caught in the cross-fire. as for the hostages, we've learned that six israelis thought to have been captive have actually been killed. 105 were freed in the past week and 136 remain. overall four israeli americans have been freed and eight remain in the gaza strip nearby us here right now. by the way, neil, some of those freed will be speaking at a big rally in tel aviv tonight. they've also asked to speak with israeli prime minister
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netanyahu. this country, the people in this region, pulled in so many horrible ways right now. back to you. neil: and it doesn't end, my friend. greg palkot be safe, your crew as well and greg does yeoman's work in so many areas. and trying to keep up with sometimes vacillating positions, in this case, on this war, and how to respond to what is israel doing. lucas, what are you learning? >> neil, right now it does not appear the white house and the israeli government are on the same page right now. white house officials said they don't want to see the israeli government and military carry out air strikes in southern gaza to the extent that we saw in the north. the white house, of course, was hoping to see this pause in hostilities extended to get more hostages released, however, as your last guest in the last hour from the israeli government says the government does not want to see a cease-fire. here is what he said.
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the cease-fire that people are calling for might have good intentions, but it's misguided. it's a bandaid solution. it gives you a temporary timeout for hamas to regroup and rearm and then they will attack us again and we'll be back to square one. we don't agree to that. >> now, earlier this week, president biden speaking in nantucket says this is what he wants to see in the war against hamas. >> all the players of the region, even the neighbors who aren't -- have been directly involved now, are looking for a way to end this so the hostages are all released and hamas is comp completely-- how can i say it, no longer in control of any portion of gaza. >> when he traveled to israel last month, president biden issued the following warning. >> i caution this while you feel that rage, don't be
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consumed by it. after 9/11 we were enraged in the united states. while we sought justice and got justice we also made mistakes. >> now, earlier this week, john kirby speaking here at the white house says the u.s. government does not support a bombing campaign in southern israel that does not in his words adequately account for the protection of innocent civilians, neil. neil: thank you for that. lucas at the white house. a lot of people say the seven-day pause in activity might have gone on an eighth, ninth, tenth gone on had a certain event didn't happen in jerusalem. a hamas attack in jerusalem. very good to have you, mayor. do you think when you look back at that pause ending, that the attack in your city might have been a big reason?
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>> well, the truth is, neil, that there have been breaking the cease-fire from the very first minute that it started. it started last friday and between 7:00 and 7:15 supposed to be the first 15 minutes of the cease-fire, we had a barrage of rockets. in the middle of the week, we had attacks in gaza to soldiers that were near the border. and then we had that horrific attack on innocent people waiting for a bus that was claimed by hamas. so they always keep trying to push the limits. it's the same with the hostages, they're going to free every day, every day. we're living with our-- with our hearts in our throats to see who is going to be on that list. if it's going to be what they promised. are they changing it? are they twisting it? are they taking off two people, adding on two people, what about six people, eight people, what about the families, this is psychological warfare and enough is enough. neil: we're learning there are
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136 hostages still being held in gaza and then we come to learn that that includes six who have since been killed and their bodies are still in gaza. so, the numbers and the updates change by the day. so, i don't want to be morbid about it, mayor, but who do we know only that many are dead. that hamas is stringing us along? >> we don't. and the worse thing is, we can't get proof of life and even worse that the red cross are really not being activated, they're not going. they claim they're not letting them in. the red cross used to talk to boko haram in africa and you're telling me they're working with gaza and this is something they cannot do? there's something sinister going on where even the global administrations are part of it. there could be that half of the hostages are dead. we don't know anything and we're in the hands of the
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genocidal terrorists and god knows who are alive, who are dead and we also hear that they took bodies with them over the border in order to play the psychological warfare games. neil: do you ever feel the pressure of the global community? i was raising this with a number of your colleagues in israel all the way up to the chief advisor to benjamin netanyahu about how the world plays your response to the hamas attacks, that you overdo it, and then all but ignores the attack that you experienced in jerusalem where you know, more israelis were killed, that the focus is on atrocities by israel and not atrocities by hamas. >> first of all, there's no atrocities of israel, we're in a war that we didn't start. and nobody talks about three israeli hospitals were hit in the last month, but everybody
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is upset with al-shifa hospital which, in fact, turned out to be a terror base. and there's a double standard, things never reported. people talk about hitting terror targets in gaza. nobody talks about our innocents being the victims of a barrage of rockets, people have died and houses have been hit. and the double standard is hard to bear and thankfully we have friends who know right from wrong and good from evil. neil: do you feel even as a deputy mayor, that the pressure, even from the united states, and we're told that our secretary anthony blinken was sort of saying, i don't want to misparaphrase it, be slow, be careful, have a measured response, and apparently wasn't received well, i wasn't there, by some of your colleagues. that withstanding, how do you respond to pressure like that? >> first of all, america and
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president biden has been amazing, the president came within the first few days, and they sent two fleets to the gulf, all of these are deterrents for a wider regional conflict and we're appreciative of the american, not just the government, really, all sides of the political spectrum, as well as the people of the united states of america. and at the same time, they also have a role to play here and they're kind of acting as mediators. at the same time many people are asking the possible of us. they're saying destroy hamas, but don't kill innocent people and when hamas are hiding because they're cowards, they're hiding behind innocent people, that's almost impossible. i was asked on a radio interview the other day on bbc. why don't you get rid of hamas which everybody understands are genocidal terrorists, but don't harm any people and i said well, if anybody can give us the formula how to do that, then that person should get the nobel peace prize. neil: you know, i'd like to get your thoughts, quickly, if i
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can, mayor, on qatar and the talks out of which the israeli delegation left, for whatever reason that hamas wasn't doing enough, they were going nowhere, but when you think about qatar houses a lot of hamas big wigs and israel courts said they're going to track them down all over the world including presumably qatar. do you have mixed dealings about qatar's so-called help in negotiating a truce and all of that that comes with it? >> qatar wants to be both the fire starter and the fire extinguisher. that's the double game they're playing. they want to be relevant. they want to be friendly with the united states. they want to be friendly with iran. they're sending money to the gaza strip. they are housing them and now they want to be seen as the mediator and gain relevance as this international, you know, government that can bring results.
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qatar are very dangerous because they're playing a double game. they started the fire and then want the world to recognize they're putting out the fire that they started. mayor, take your time, be safe, be well. >> thank you so much. neil: in the meantime back to the united states and all things politics and the evangelical vote getting a lot more attention in a state than they ever had, iowa. what's at stake and who is at stake after this.
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>> you know, donald trump wasn't very happy when he heard that you were backing ron desantis and i'm sure he wasn't too pleased when he heard the koch group is going behind nikki haley. how does that sort out in iowa. >> i think what you're seeing is ron desantis, he has great structure for the iowa caucus
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and the historic endorsement by the governor. neil: donald trump is winning in the polls and that can change and historically has changed. what do you make of those polls? you just mentioned that ron desantis has to win. he's down by a lot. >> yeah, he is down by a lot and those polls are just polls right now. what i say is the former president being under 50% and well under 50% the last poll i saw was 42% that's not a great day for him. there's a lot of blue sky for a guy like ron desantis where he can gain momentum here. neil: all right. still earlier, six weeks to go for the iowa caucuses, as things stand now, it's donald trump in a run away. of course, that can change, history proves it does. and alexis.
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>> a busy weekend for former president donald trump and ron desantis and two are at the same time here. in the hawk eye state they're trying to win as much support as they can as we get closer to the iowa caucuses. take a look at the screen. this is much pretty apparent from the des moines register. and some pick trump for first choice, desantis and nikki haley tied at second in the poll and desantis is confident he has what it takes to win in iowa and he'll be beside governor kim reynolds and even bob vanderplat, for desantis in iowa and he talked about plans for the white house. >> we've got to win. i would then, because i can serve two terms, i would be reelected in 2028, and then serve all the way until january 20th of 2033.
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so, as that date approaches, january 20th, 2033, what will i be able to tell you we've actually accomplished for this country? i think we'll be able to say a number of important things. >> super pac money has really flooded this race. never back down backing desantis, pouring cash in the advertising and ongoing tour of all iowa counties here, earlier this week, nikki haley received that big endorsement from the koch political network, super pac for americans for prosperity. because they feel she can beat donald trump. and vivek ramaswamy. he's working hard to host lots of town halls and expected to host maybe 200 over the next several weeks trying to gain more support on the ground. back out here live in iowa, six weeks until the iowa caucus. expect to see a lot more
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candidates like former president trump, nikki haley and ron desantis. neil: no rest for the weary. and alexis mcadams in iowa. not only infighting in the republican party, but a little bit of a dustup, maybe a major dustup with the guy who is challenging joe biden has run into a buzz saw in the sunshine state. he's here to explain what it is. dean phillips is next. i bought the team! kevin...? i bought the team! i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too... starting with the sound system! curry from deep. that's caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don't think so! steph, one more thing... the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i'll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what's yours.
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking)
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>> my, oh, my. did florida just give presidential candidate dean phillips the finger? it certainly looks that way. the democratic party making sure his name does not appear on the presidential ballot even
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though he is running for president. don't know quite the particulars behind it and we did get a statement from the florida democratic party. but first, congressman dean phillips. good to have you. what happened? >> well, neil, they didn't give the finger to me, they gave the finger to americans. it's an affront to democracy. everybody in our country right now knows there's something terribly, terribly wrong and i believe it's time for principled republicans, principled democrats to look into this, to participate, demand change and do something about this because we should heed the call of george washington in his farewell address when he warned our great country about the risk of factions, i'm seeing up front and clear, with the disenfranchisement, and the suppression of debate-- >> you're not on the fact. this comes back to the fact that you're not on the florida ballot. did they tell you why? >> no. we know--
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neil, we know how it works. sadly i'm discovered how it works and make it transparent to everybody watching. we're entrusting, allowing a handful of people across the country to make decisions for all of us, when democracy is supposed to be about the people. we can't do this anymore, i don't care if you're a democrat, a republican, an independent, it's nonsensical. we have a two party system that's all we have right now and if we're going to maintain this country and our principle and our freedoms and liberties we have to expose the truth and what florida did, the democratic executive committee in florida, like i said it's an affront to democracy not just an affront to me and democrats, to everybody. we can't allow it and it's got to change and i will be calling attention to it and using every lever available to fix it. not for me, but for the country. neil: now, they're saying you're making a big deal out of nothing and we tried to put a representative on, but the democratic party has given us a statement. i want to share it with you.
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we're dismayed with dean phillips inappropriate comments, comparing florida to iranian from long established procedures. what do you think of that. >> the sad truth, i think that statement speaks the truth. long established procedures allowing the disenfranchisement in florida, there will be know he primary in florida, and all of them to president biden. neil: did they say you were late to the race or they would have been happy to put you on, because i'm wondering if it could happen in other states. >> it is happening in other states. line items in my budget are personal security and ballot access. can you imagine what that says about american democracy. the complications, barriers to entry to participate in democracy are so high, not just
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for me, but for everybody and i want to make this less about me, but more about the system that's so corrupt, so backhanded, and such an affront to the very principles of what we stand for, it's appalling. by the way, it is true, this is the kind of stuff that happens in tehran. it should not happen in tallahassee. is it embarrassing for them? darn right, but that's not the important part. the important part we've got to do something about it by exposing the truth and believe me, i'll do that and more. neil: isn't that why robert f. kennedy, jr. left the democratic party? would you entertain that? >> no, in fact, i want to do the opposite. i want to recapture both parties. my affection for united states house, principles remain strong and i'm calling for better angels on the right and left, the exhausted majority, if you will, of the united states of america to actually invest in our respective parties, do not allow them to be taken over by tyrants, by those who wish to
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subvert the will of the people. we have a lot of work to do on both sides of the aisle and that's the truth. and i'm calling on everybody to work together. i will not become an independent, i will work to retain the very best and brightest core principles of our freedoms and liberties and most importantly to recapture democracy that our nation was founded on. i'm a proud democrat. i'm not going anywhere. i'm going to fight for people and the establishment that's disrupting democracy again for democrats and republicans. neil: do you say that joe biden is a tyrant, he himself personally? >> no, i think that joe biden is a good man, i respect him. is it time for a new generation? absolutely. is 70% of the country saying they want to turn the page from donald trump and joe biden. neil: i understand, but he's not weighing in on this in florida or other states. what do you read into that? >> i will read the same into
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both sides. i've seen way too often, people who say one thing privately in washington refuse to say the same thing publicly. all i'm doing is saying the quiet part out loud and i know the exhausted majority in america on the right, on the left, feels exactly the same way. and that's my voice right now. we need change. we need it on both sides. neither of these men are what the country wants right now, it's time for a new generation of leadership. by the way, neil, affordability in our country 60% of americans are living paycheck to paycheck, 40% cannot afford a $400 emergency repair. this is-- i'm in manchester, new hampshire right now, homelessness is not just in los angeles and san francisco, chicago, new york, it's everywhere, i just came from a veterans park i saw veterans sleeping in the park. it's nauseating it's the united states. we've got to do better.
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every one of us. i lost my dad in vietnam and lost his life for this country, and many two and a half centuries, time to repair america, starts with decency, and we have to make the choice and encourage those watching give na a thought which way do you want this country to go, the path of the past or new path to the future, i'm excited. resolute. neil: i'm sorry, congressman, if it doesn't work out, you've got a tough battle taking on in your own party the president of the united states. if he ends up being the nominee, would you support him? >> well, i tell you first and foremost, if the democratic party allows democrats to vote, i think i will be the nominee. if we use a system designed to undermine, designed to coronate instead of allow competition, then you're right, it's an uphill battle. there's a massive and growing
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disconnect between washington and the rest of the country. neil: i'm sorry for being rude, congressman, but if it ends up being joe biden is the nominee through whatever means he becomes the nominee, would you support him? >> yes, yes, the answer is yes because i served in the congress when donald trump was president. let me tell everybody watching right now he is dangerous, he's unhinged, he's on a revenge tour that will undermine everybody in this country and the entire world and yes, whoever the nominee is best positioned to defeat him i would support, i would encourage everybody watching to do that this time. it's existential. i can talk about that some other time, but whoever the nominee would be, i will ask the president to support me because i will be the best positioned to defeat donald trump and restore the great soul of the country that the promise has promised to do and unfortunately has not happened yet. neil: very good having you on, congressman.
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dean phillips the democrat challenging joe biden for the democratic presidential nomination. all right, we have a lot more big issue that will also be dominating the race, what to do with this migrant surge at the border. still another train that gets through the border and a lot of migrants. we don't know what happens to them when they arrive because no one is keeping track. can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. lowe's knows you need to save money this holiday so... you can get more of what you want. with our lowest price guarante. this holiday if you find a better price we'll match it. get more for your home and your family. you got this. we got you. hi, my name is damion clark. and if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be
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(ch (cheers) >> all right. those are migrants celebrating on a train coming into the united states from mexico and all points south. arriving here. we generally don't know what happens to them once they do, but we're seeing more of these trains, it was a month or so back we saw one headed into san diego pretty much the same dri drill. >> neil, churches are stepping up where the city has failed
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for months now, to get migrants off the street as chicago's winter moves in. these are some of the thousand plus migrants who are still sleeping in tents outside in the freezing cold while others are on the floors of police stations across the city. 17 churches have a new initiative for housing, social services for migrants not with tax dollars, but with private donations. the city is spending tens of millions on migrants has led to outrage and protests including br brighton park, and there was a pop-up shelter despite strong local opposition. >> when you think about the things we allow to slide and this is a thing we can't allow this to happen. >> there's no transparency from the mayor and not the alderman ramirez, it's very inhumane to do this. >> this mayor is acting like a dictator, he has to go, he must go. >> mayor johnson is trying to
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downplay this in the area, and blaming republicans and anti-right wing extremists. >> we're not going to break away from our value seem because the right wing extremism is in this city. >> with limited capacity at churches, that means the city will be scrambling to find housing for hundreds of migrants who will be left out in the cold until then, neil. >> garrett, thank you for that. garrett tenney. neil: now go to brandon, it sticks in my craw here. the trains that get into the united states and a lot of opening it up and sharing, and does anyone track them. in other words, that particular train does anyone count off how many get off, where they go, where they are right now?
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>> because they unload in mexico, no, there's no government officials in mexico counting how many people. we do have intelligence officers that are trying to do the best this they can to keep track of how many people, but there's no way to know specifically how many people are coming to our borders, they're going to disembark that train in mexico and the cartels will disperse them across our entire southwest border and they'll cross where they want them to cross. this is dictated by organized crime and it's very good at generating the profit, to get the people where they need to go in order to cross and make it into the united states. >> and some of them get there and get a train to do it. san diego comes to mind. and i guess what confuses me with this whole process is, the view we get is that it's getting better that the numbers are getting more stable, but i look at the numbers, it appears just the opposite.
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>> neil, that's as far from the truth as anything. these numbers are astronomical. we're apprehending more than seven times what we should be at any given day. yesterday is the first day in my 26-year time of being with the national border patrol council i didn't see one got-away recorded by the border patrol because we don't have the resources in the field to detect these people. we're constantly stuck in processing, we're doing administrative rather than enforcement. yesterday we didn't record one got-away which should be concerning for everybody. when you look at the numbers, we are way above anywhere where we should be. but the problem is that this administration, because they continue to ignore it, they're setting a new norm. our norm should be 1,000 apprehensions a day. we're at 7,000 apprehensions and that's what the new norm has now become and that should be scary to everybody because we just don't have any border patrol agents in the field,
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patrolling the border, doing what we should be to protect the american citizens and that's what allows the drugs to come in as well. that's why we have so many deaths in the united states in drug overdoses. neil: what did you think of the chicago mayor saying this hullabaloo over h migrants and what they're doing in cities, is a case of classic case of right wing extremism, and i think he's all but saying that you, my friend are a right wing extremist. >> it makes me sick to hear this rhetoric. if mayor johnson truly cared about people he would enforce the rule of law. he would go to this administration and he has a large voice in the democratic party. he would tell this administration what they need to do is they need to start enforcing the laws on the border, stop allowing people to come to the united states and get released into the united states and that's a decision by this administration. if they wanted to they can hold people in custody and they can reimplement policies and
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programs that don't allow people to be released into the united states. that's the magnet that draws people. that's why cartels are so effective. they can go throughout the world, advertise their services all they have to do is violate our laws and still going to be released into the united states and that's what mayor johnson refuses to recognize. if he would do that, this problem would go away, but we just don't have anybody from the democrat party that are in these cities or in the white house that wants to do what's right by the american people and by the way, save migrants' lives as well. neil: i don't see the mexicans doing much to alleviate this for us. the mexican president when he was with joe biden last month more or less saying thank you for not building a wall. we'll work with the united states on this. we celebrate all the mexicans who have come to the united states. didn't discern whether they got here legally or not. so, does mexico just talk a good game and just let us figure this out or doesn't care whether we figure it out?
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>> the mexican government has no incentive to stop what's going on. when you look alt the amount of money that is going into that country from all of these people, they have to spend money as they're making their journal journey through mexico and the cartels making off the trafficking of the individuals. that is going right back into the mexican economy. when you look alt the billions of dollars that these cartels are generating, that money is going back into the mexican economy. the government of mexico has no incentive to stop this. the only reason that president trump was successful in getting the mexican government to be true border security partners is because he threatened tariffs that were greater than the amount of money that the cartels were able to generate and bring into the economy, but as long as those cartels are generating that money and as long as we do not take action against the mexican government for not stopping any of the crime that's taking place, the cartels are going to continue
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to roll, and that money going into the mexican economy and the mexican government will allow it to happen. neil: it's amazing. we keep running around the same issue. brandon judd, the national border patrol council president. how is this novel way of taking on crime in philadelphia, tell people to take off their masks. did you know you can get 40% off a single pair of glasses
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at america's best? these savings won't last forever, unlike your eternal elation. ok, settle down. y'know, for someone who doesn't wear glasses, you sure are excited. for a limited time, get 40% off a single pair of glasses at america's best. shop online or book an exam at you're at eleven. i'm going to need you to tone it down to at least a four. ♪ upbeat music ♪
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>> all right, in the city of brotherly love, a novel way to deal with crime and not necessarily hiring more police, but calling for fewer face coverings, masks, simply wouldn't be allowed. cb cotton on that. >> hi, neil. those backing the ski mask ban say for years criminals used the motto no face, no face, knowing if they hid their identity with a mask like this, tougher to be caught, but now
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the philadelphia city council hoping to change that mentality with a new bill prohibiting ski masks on public transportation and inside school buildings, daycares, rec centers and parks. those caught wearing a mask face a $250 fine. up to $2,000 if a mask is worn while a crime is committed. council members say they've seen an uptick in people wearing the masks while wearing the crimes and opponents of the ban argue it will be selectively enforced leading to mistrust between the police and the community. >> i can't in good conscience vote for something that i feel would further criminalize and marginalize young black men in our city. >> the bill's sponsor council member anthony phillips hope it will ban crimes, including several shootings by people who wear a ski masks.
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>> they can't figure out who it is, and they're wearing ski masks and they can't do anything about it. >> we've allowed basic principles of safety to go unrest. >> and the bill have those for religion and lawful activities such as protests, and the bill is set to head for the mayor's desk next week when it can be signed into law. neil. neil: thank you for that and for those of a certain age, hard to believe number 20 years ago the movie "elf" came to theaters and 20 years ago and they're whooping it up. >> tomorrow morning, 10 a.m., santa's coming to town. santa! oh, my god! santa here? i know him, i know him! introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan.
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>> hi, buddy. hope you find your dad. >> thanks mr. narwol. >> papa says that narc is different. sorry! >> do you believe it's 20 years since that movie made, "elf", and people panned it, it's going nowhere. now it's here with the 20th anniversary and you can pay for a special screening. tells you about the test of time and the co-host, you can't joke about that, why everything is funny, nothing is sacred and we're all in it together. funny, funny woman and funny book at that. great to have you. cat, i began and ended with the
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popularity of the movie and what people pay to experience it again. what do you think. >> i just actually watched the movie again last week, maybe week and a half ago. it's a great movie and obviously, that's an expensive outing, but it is kind of a special outing, i guess on the empire state building. when you go there you're paying for the view and you're mostly going to be watching the movie so i'm not sure it's the choice i would make, but finding myself more into christmas this year than i ever have been. when i hosted fox news saturday ni night, i got a cut down a christmas three for the show and the chore when you have to take it down and caught myself enjoying it and softened my heart a little bit. i'm totally feeling christmas this year. neil: they said that day, 10 times that day. >> yeah. neil: and ricky, you can afford the $150 charges to see the special showing and rest, but you know, i'm remembering, when
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this movie first came out they weren't so sure. now it's become iconic. i don't know if the same applied to "miracle on 34th street" or it's a wonderful life when they came out, but now it's on the pantheon of those movies? >> this is actually my only mainstay of my christmas movie circuit, i watch it every year and probably only christmas movie of my lifetime that ascended to this level. so much so on h.b.o. max i was already seeing november 1st it was trending. which is two months out from christmas itself and they had to add a fourth day at the empire state building there was so much demand to pay $135 per head to see the movie there in person. so i think that this really has proven the test of time and consumers, including myself love it. i'm excited to see it this year, i have not watched it again quite yet save it to closer to. neil: i thoroughly enjoy the movie and one of my favorite parts and bob newhart, as the
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dad. he said it's one of his favorite roles. and when elf jumps into the cafe or the restaurant, world's best cup of coffee, congratulations. there are so many bits like that that were heartwarm being, but we don't see a lot of movies like that today. what's going on. kat? >> yeah, i pretty much watched this one home alone one and home alone two and i love jingle all the way, i don't know why. i think just arnold schwarzenegger come and sinbad combination. and watching with their family. i love getting to see my family over christmas and all of those kinds of things and the classics are classics for a reason. neil: what has happened to you? >> i know, know, it's embarrassing. neil: a whole new warm and wonderful. there we go. ricky, after the holidays here and of course, it's a busy time. you can look at it right on sixth avenue this early hour, it's packed, a lot of people want to celebrate and have a
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good time. >> yeah, and it's lovely and heartwarming to see the christmas spirit is alive and well. at least for the empire state building with four screenings of elf. this is one of the last movies that is kind of a memory of a time before hollywood became political and unapologetic wholesome lovely message to bring people together and why it brings so many of us so much cheer. neil: i agree with you. ladies, thank you both. hope you have a merry merry christmas and a great time and we live in a divisive world and something like this can bring us together. >> thank you. neil: a look outside the sixth avenue studio here and the crowds are building. sometimes a better view the other way, guys, trust me when i say the sidewalks are packed. hope you have a wonderful weekend. fox news continues. when better money habits® content first started coming out,
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