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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  December 2, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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isn't it time we got back to the business of business? learn the risk to your company or family at >> introducing three rare white buying clubs, boy and a girl are the first white lions born in venezuela, no lien around for the zookeepers. a rotating team of vets and other caregivers feeds and monitors the cubs 24/7. there are fewer than 200 white lions left in the entire world. thank you for watching this evening. i am jon scott we will see you again tomorrow for another "fox report".
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>> hello i am molly line with david webb, kennedy and charlie hurt, welcome to "the big weekend show", the big story tonight vp kamala harris triggering climate hysteria on the global stage sounded and for president by the but decided not to go with the last minute but brought this omnibus message. >> the clock is no longer just taking, it is banging. an ironic twist? some of the elites on their way to the climate, got delayed by a snowstorm that got 17 inches of snow in munich, travelers are stuck there until tomorrow, lucas tomlinson doing just fine he is live tonight, to you. >> vice president here is traveling to the oil-rich middle east for the climate summit, this is more of what she shed, you displayed the first line about banging. >> the clock is no longer just taking it is banging.
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and we must make up for lost time. we cannot afford to be incremental. we must lead with courage and conviction. and we must treat the climate crisis as the existential threat that it truly is. it is there i say our duty and obligation, not a choice. >> while in dubai, the vice president issued a warning to israel and parallel to a similar warning the defense secretary issue today. harris said no forcible displacement, no reoccupation, no seizure or blockade. john kerry bidens climates are making an appearance that the climate summit and said the u.s. is committed the idea of phasing out coal plants joining 50 others nations and background today, the united states fossil fuels account for 60% of all
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energy, 18% comes from nuclear power, the remaining 21% from renewables. john kerry issued the following statement saying we will be working to celebrate coal phaseout across the world, the first step is to stop making the problem worse, stop building new unabated coal power plants and here is another sound for notables who attended the conference and around the world. >> it worries me greatly that we remain so dreadfully far off track. >> i believe that we really can prevent a climate disaster and achieve admission. first we need for the sake of justice to help people adjust to the planet that is already warm. we can, you can. crash and burn. we have the technologies to avoid the worst of the climate if we act now. >> today over 2.3 billion people across the world and a third of
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the world still cook on an open flame, context for you right there. >> thank you, well done, we appreciate it. straight to you. >> first of all to the last comment about an open flame, does anyone remember the vice president's tweet thanksgiving with a gas stove, i want to throw that in there. a few years ago where she was in dubai they invested $4 billion and a brand-new coal plant, state-of-the-art, what did they put in, recapture, basically using coal to provide efficient energy to fuel all of the electric vehicles that they can afford to buy with the billions of dollars that they have in the bank, maybe not all of them, this is part of the agenda and john kerry standing there and lecturing on unabated coal which is a bs term cooked up using abated versus unabated tying into coal as if it's the great danger to the world so harris,
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kerry, all of this is part of a lecture of this religion that were all supposed to believe in and as far as her pronunciation of the word banging, what was the emphasis on the g, another false thing, let's point out the lies, the israel issue, the fact under international law israel's accorded themselves with international law based on international law and going after hamas which while there being very careful about civilian casualties, international law went into defense against an enemy that is attacking you, firing rockets that you does not prohibit you from firing if there are civilians in the area, israel has gone beyond international law, stop lecturing. >> you brought us to a great point, here's something else that, the hearers had to say at the summit. >> we must treat the climate
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crisis as a exponential threat threat that it truly is. our nations gathered 28 years ago in berlin germany at cop one, at that time many doubted the threat posed by the climate crisis. , 20 years later there is no doubt. >> exponential threat, what are the terms that is applied to a lot of things apparently speech i think in excess essential threat to our union's incompetence. and people incapable of using their brains to appropriately govern and i will put the vice president in the basket of deplorable leaders who have put our country on a collision course in disaster many tracks. anyone referred to as our weather climate czar or borders are more like a vice president
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borders irena you should run in the other direction that is an emperor who has been giving so much unilateral power on one issue and the fact that the hacks that the building were nuclear power plants across the globe which is the only thing which you give us cheap and abundant energy, they're not talking about that they should silence themselves, zip it. molly: one of the other great challenges is the electric vehicles in our own country and efforts that have been continuing efforts for the government to subsidize on the local level and go away not so well and some of the states, here is a particular montage of how some of the dealerships are dealing with the mandates that the government is working to push on the border. >> we have over one year of inventory that consumers are not buying into.
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the administration has to step back and tap the brakes, they need to grow through attrition as high grades and any other vehicle and not just force it down the consumers throughout. >> so the mandate bank of america public more time and let us make cars that are overtime more affordable. molly: one of the big challenges the mandates have been put in place, the dealerships pushing back it's not going so well, the infrastructure all across the country which is one of the big challenges as well. >> these people are frauds they don't know anything about the environment and they don't know anything about the market place. i think it is interesting, their holy grail is to have gas prices so expensive that nobody can afford them. every penny that your gas goes up, people starve to death and then you have the united nations that could not capable from starving but they wanted to cover the entire world economy. there is a great book how things work and i can't remember the
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guys name i cannot pronounce if i did remember it, it is a wonderful book that goes into the background of how all of these things work. if you have an electric vehicle in the united states due to how much coal your burning, 20% of your fuel is coal fuel. if you're in china, 90% coal fuel your writing around smug in your electric vehicle thinking you are saving the planet you are rolling more coal than my actual diesel truck, these people as you point out the incompetent that's why they have to be czarina's because they feel the politics because nobody's buying what they're selling. and they're dangerous is not about the environment it's about power and control and money and they wanted to get all and have it to themselves. >> the interest of the coal and electric vehicle in my home county and tucker county of west virginia, the coal miners pushed
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it through the coal mine to plug it in it was just last year of plug-in. >> they probably plug it into a gas generator. >> all good points, the real point is the good hearts of the coal miners. but were also talking about manchin in west virginia, senator manchin had this to say. molly: the inflation reduction act clearly states the consumer vehicles are ineligible for tax credits if the applicable critical minerals in the battery come from china or other foreign adversaries after 2024 but this administration is yet again trying to find the workarounds and delays that leave the door wide open for china to benefit off the backs of american taxpayers. >> yes, senator manchin is probably going to be president manchin because he launched like governor newsom a successful shadow campaign for the
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presidency. he is right the regulations of unintended consequences and oddly enough maybe it's not coincidental if you read the e-mails on hunter biden's laptop that somebody of the environmental regulations directly benefit china it's the weirdest coincidence. i do agree with him. >> do you miss him already? >> i feel like you might be right we might be seeing more of joe manchin soon we should see. >> a quick point on this, even the industry does not agree with itself, the chairman of toyota with a d not a t said six weeks ago that they did not read the market correctly he did this at the japan car show so they're getting it wrong and arguing among themselves with the eb in the conversion and the hypocrisy coal-fired rechargeable devices whether cars or phones still need to be powered. >> there is a big mix going on that is a reality.
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molly: the gloves come off of desantis and trump they trade blues in the dwelling valley in iowa ahead of the caucuses they report from the hawkeye state is minutes away. ♪ card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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♪ ♪. kennedy: they wouldn't understand. "the big weekend show" the biggest big we can show of your life. we have two weeks until the iowa caucuses in the gloves are off, former president donald trump and for the governor ron desantis hold dueling valleys, my friend alexis mcadams is brilliant and in the buckeye state tonight. >> we had a chance to catch up with for the governor ron desantis and talk to him one on one he is confident he will win in the hawkeye state, he simply put in the work, shaking hands and making those connections on the ground. watch. >> going back to iowa you spent so much time on the ground and made those connections why is donald trump still ahead in the
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polls. >> i think the horizon of iowa caucus voters are not making decision six months in advance or even three months in advance now that were past thanksgiving i think the caucuses were front and center going into the caucus more than half of iowa caucus goers say they did not consider the caucuses starting even the people had been campaigning, we laid the groundwork where we got support in every county. >> as desantis was on stage with iowa governor kim reynolds and bob bob vander platz, from d.c.o iowa if he is elected this as trump was rally in another county slamming president joe biden saying he will terminate every open border policy and restore law and order to america. listen. >> i came here first, very important because you're going to make sure that everybody gets treated beautifully and so different that a regular election the caucuses a big deal
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but is so different than the regular election. >> according to the recent poll by the des moines register 34% of caucus goers say they picked trump as their first choice for president, desantis and former ambassador to the un nikki haley tied for second sitting at 16% with six weeks to go you can expect to see a lot more of the politicians on the ground, a lot more rallies for former president donald trump and a lot more activity on the ground for florida governor ron desantis. kennedy: thank you very much, great reporting. she has been and vetted it is going to be an amazing weird election season. let's take a look at the two candidates trading jabs. >> i read where she's going to support ron desantis who is like 50 points in the nation 50 points down but i believe in loyalty. when somebody does that that is
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a lack of loyalty. you know where she is now, last. she went for most popular governor in the country to the least popular and he's right out of the bottom to. >> i think if he's a candidate, i think the macaque should be able to keep them from winning but let's say somehow he got in, a lot of the stuff he would be doing would be his personal situation, that's not what it's about it's gotta be about you. kennedy: i like him but if it was so sad if it was 5 inches taller the winds would be sprouting out of his shoulder blades. let's talk about this defective florida governor is feeling confident after his debate with gavin newsom and does not reset his campaign? >> yes i think that he did well during the obviously it was a boost for him. by the way i do think you're right. the problem isn't that he short, the problem is trying to compensate for how short he is and he walks around in his
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stilted boots. kennedy: is not the size of the wand it is the magic. charlie: exactly. what were we talking about. kennedy: ron desantis in his confidence. charlie: he has done everything that he can. he thinks he's going to win and iowa. if he does not win in iowa he is finished but i think is finished already he failed to catch on he is a brilliant record and so much to love about him. kennedy: it feels like nikki haley is surging, doesn't it. charlie: there is some window after iowa and new hampshire for somebody to coalesce the antitrust thing but i don't think it's going to work. one thing that is interesting as desantis is obviously trying to make iowa, trump came up with a marvelous hilarious at featuring entirely kim reynolds and basically reads like an endorsement of donald trump. all of the wonderful things that she said about him over the years and how much she loves him
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and the farmers and i would love him, promises made promises kept. but of course she endorsed ron desantis. an advantage trump move he's able to take advantage of it. kennedy: let's take a look at the real clear politics, and iowa the aggregate you see the former president 47% ron desantis at 17, nikki haley still surging up 141 poll has her in desantis at 16 and tim scott no longer in the race, he still has six, vivek ramaswamy at five, chris christie at four in the one guy at three. is there room for a shift in the next two weeks? molly: the big thing about iowa and new hampshire is the search allegedly that the candidates get when they come out and head onto the other states. i don't know if you get the surge and common second which seems to be the feeling of the
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selection cycle on the republican side is a battle for second place, i don't know if you come in second in iowa if you still get a little bit of a swoosh to get you into the hampshire or does the spider out from there. it's located to some more conservative like rick santorum got his first win in iowa. mike huckabee. cruz, that candidate doesn't necessarily do as well in new hampshire anyway. i don't know the battle for second place, it sounds exciting. kennedy: what is exciting the washington post continue to violate godwin's law which if you invoke hitler or nazis you automatically lose an argument, yet they had this to say about the former president. they say the trump ministries will befall the people that don't need explicit structure from trump anymore then hitler's volunteers needed instruction in such circumstances people work toward the fear, the anticipate his desires and seek favor through acts that they think will make him happy, their own
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influence and power in the process. has this hit larry and fear mongering work so far? david: no. by the way swoosh to spire i really like that. the fact is even if you out of the people who dropped out or not feeling the points go anywhere else it doesn't come close to trump no matter where you are on the spectrum the tracking of the polls over time the better who does it or angle to any which way trump is leading, while polls don't vote and support for republicans to remember that trump president enormous lead in right now no one seems close to be a second-place finisher. i don't see how they come out of this and that is it. kennedy: coming up no talking or texting, the incredible result of a man on cell phone and one schools. wait for it. s especially
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david: we are back at fox news over suspected serial killer in los angeles targeting the homeless is now in custody christina coleman has the breaking details from los angeles. >> lapd the sheriff's office and the mayor held a press conference announcing the arrest of 33-year-old jared powell, they believe he murdered the three homeless men and also killed a fourth person. >> tragically the same individuals also believed to be responsible for the murder that occurred during a home robbery and san dimas making the suspect responsible we believe based on our investigation for the murder of four individuals over the course of four days the sheriff said the suspect vehicle was identified by beverly hills police by a traffic stop wednesday night one of the 50 license plate readers detected the suspect vehicle, it also
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connected the vehicle to the one used at the following home robbery. >> there's controversy about the usage of the system. let me tell a community something. if we did not enter that plate into the system, this individual that we believe is responsible for at least four murders may have been out there in re-offended. >> the sheriff said a handgun was found in the vehicle and the weapon is the one to be believed in the murder of the three homeless people in the l.a. area, they were killed in separate attacks while they were sleeping or about to go to sleep between sunday and wednesday. the man who was killed in the home robbery has been identified by authorities as a 42-year-old husband and father of two. >> the person that allegedly killed one person every day for four days, just think about that for a moment the day of his fourth killing he was arrested the swift action of law
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enforcement not only saved lives this week. >> no word automotive of the murder of the three homeless men, their deaths are still under investigation. back to you. david: thank you christina coleman in our los angeles bureau. one school in minnesota doing something probably every. out there wishes their kids school would do. ban cell phones. and that impacts and sets a new standard here's the principle on "fox & friends" we can earlier today. >> it is midnight and day from what we have dealt with the last couple of years, they are talking to each other face-to-face at lunch, you are not seeing them on social media in the hallways with a break, they're not taking them out during class. they look happier. >> to remarkably different stories obviously weighing in on the l.a. that is a tragedy and people are underserved but i
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think we have to be aware of what's going on out there in this country. but now let's talk about the phones. parents, molly start with the. >> thankfully my kids are not old enough to have their own cell phones yet. it seems like common sense to not have cell phones available in the schools and i think if there is a lot of great ideas around that. i think of the young girl in you ball the he was 10-year-old making repeated emergency calls to authorities and relaying information during the school shooting. to me there is a safety angle where kids particularly that can handle this but not allowed to take them out, maybe, i am not the expert. we will go girl boy girl saving you the best the last kitty charlie, here's the point there are school shootings that do happen they are horrible event but more incidents of bullying on a daily basis, more incidents
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of instagram and other social media not doing what they're supposed to be doing, isn't the incident in the number a greater threat having the cell phones on the child what do you think. charlie: the purpose of school is to learn something. you read the stories about maple grove middle school in the result, it is actually not surprising, exactly what do you think would happen if you took phones away from kids or future phones away from your own kids happen. phones are the enemy of concentration and focus. and if you take them away and teach them interesting things that engage them than the in-depth learning things. it should be fairly obvious that this is the right way to go. david: steve jobs doesn't let his kids have phones all the time he limited. kennedy: he doesn't because even happen with our lord in jesus. god rest his soul. i have two kids one high school
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freshman and one freshman in college. they put them in yonder cases which lock up for the day but then i don't what happens between the parents and administrators and the kids but eventually they completely give up and all the kids lie around in their own filth on phones ordering pizzas but i had both of my daughters i had lockdowns in schools and that is the scariest text you can get from the school that there is an active shooter, somewhat with a weapon to the school or the weapon directly outside that is happened to both of their schools, we are in new york city and i'm with molly on this one i would make sure i get a hold of my kid and it's funny if you ask teachers you know who's texting kids most during the school day, their moms. we are more of the problems of the kids. but there has to be some emergency channel. molly: obviously the kids do better when they're not the digital adderall.
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david: i like that one, correction on the tents he didn't. still ahead two new trends, divorced couples living together, that is one and gen z and millennial's taking jobs from teenagers, the reasons why, they are very similar. that is next. >> and we normalize babysitting as adults when i tell people i babysit there like that so cute. , i am a businesswoman, i am an entrepreneur. ♪
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baby wants my baby get. >> i wanted 12. >> why would you want 12 lemons. >> because i'm making a 12 lemons centerpiece. >> nobody's making them their show lemons. >> they are show lemons shown in the center of the table i'm glad you find that amusing but i cannot do that with three lemons. >> why can't use a drinking glass. >> just like in the movie the breakup, divorced couples are living together because they can't afford to separate. another alarming trend because the bidenomics, gen z and millennial's are stealing jobs from teenagers. >> and we normalize babysitting as adults when i tell people i babysit there like that so cute, i am a businesswoman i'm an entrepreneur. they're already asleep, i sit here doing my work getting paid for babysitting and paid to work. why do you tell people you babysit, it's going to seemed like you need the money.
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i do, new york city is expe expensive. >> we are doomed. this is from the wall street journal. divorced and separated couples are facing the worst nightmare sharing a house with a person that they want to get away from behind the uneasy arrangement is the housing market, renting is not always an option either. you cannot escape this under the great reign of joe biden. >> this is bidenomics you're forced to live with the person so when nypd knocks on the door for a domestic dispute because there arguing over lemons. molly: those are expensive right now. this is reality under bidenomics, this is reality under the academy in new york city is expensive as, what she agendas he or millennial, as the
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80 and the limegreen told us. if you don't like living together, here's an idea give up something and find a way to live apart, it's not going to end well, the stats are not in your favor. charlie: molly obviously you got young people or not that young anymore adults that are willing to babysit. molly: i would be delighted to have the young businesswoman come babysit. and i don't like the idea that there stealing the job from gen z or millennial's. i think that's totally fair and she's right we need the money and we need responsible babysitters. i will happily take the 26, 36, 46 grandmother that would be delighted to spend time with my children responsible individual of any age old enough to babysit is welcome to come over, not stealing a job is a great idea i support her and her limegreen sweatshirt. david: that used to be the way people had babysitters like that, they would be older
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grandmas. molly: i would love an older grandma, perfect nannies, that is wonderful. david: you have to admit that probably some of this that young people are not hustling for j jobs. kennedy: i think molly is right, let the market decide if you have 70 that's going to show up and if you have a lovely grandmother who might help out with the dishes. you have parents forget up $25 an hour cash or venmo in big cities like new york because that's a going rate and that there is a contest to find people who will show up and be responsible and unfortunately there are horse stories about babysitters that go sideways. that's why a lot of parents in-depth going with apps like sensible sitters who people have been vetted because sometimes word-of-mouth is not enough you know when is entitled to a job especially when you're caring for someone's kids you have to work for. charlie: but you were the world greatest babysitter. kennedy: i was a delight.
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charlie: you beams other people's children or just siblings. kennedy: i was the youngest, i figured out in eighth grade that making five or $10 an hour was a pretty sweet way to keep myself getting giant snickers bars so i hit it and quit it. i started gambling ring. molly: they can make real money now, 20 or 30 bucks an hour. kennedy: way more than what we were making. david: what is it making today. molly: i got paid them for quite when i was 14 i was a forecaster i saw it coming. david: the silver lining to the biden economy is hustlers have to hustle. charlie: next, music legend share doesn't just sing if i can turn back time. i don't know any of these people. she really means it. ♪
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♪ ♪. molly: welcome back to "the big weekend show" two weeks ago far left actress susan sarandon went
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out on rant against israel at a propeller sitting in valley, tonight she is apologizing. cb cotton explains why. >> at a lengthy apology shoes susan sarandon says her phrasing was a terrible mistake the oscar-winning actress writing on instagram as we know from centuries of oppression and genocide in europe the shooting and pennsylvania jews have been familiar with discrimination and religious pilots that continues to this day. i deeply regret diminishing this reality and hurting people with this comment. here is part of what she said during a pro-palestinian rally sparking outrage. >> there are a lot of people that are afraid of being jewish at this time and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a muslim in this country so often subjective to violence. susan sarandon was dropped uta
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after those remarks she's not the only one who faced backlash for sharing personal views on the israel hamas war as rallies continue across the country, this problem under pro-palestinian rally happen here in new york city today gathering outside of natural history and they take the social media to speak against the museum's colonial exhibit inc. patriots, at one point chanting calling for a palestinian uprising against israel, one demonstrator telling us, these rallies are a show of free speech. >> we are the united states we are a free country so we should have people to express what they think the messages stop the genocide permanently right now.
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>> pro-palestinian or vowing to continue holding the protest as long as the fighting continues in gaza. kennedy: well done. thank you for that report, i got caught up in the very protest on my way to work and those people do not smell good, please in the name that's although holy, let's go from one star to another music legend share wishing she could turn back time admitting she has fears about getting older. >> you're not friends? >> no my mother did not mind but i do i hate it. kennedy: amen sister. at least she's been honest. 77 years old she looks fantastic she is so much incredible talent in one person she truly is an icon into speaking the truth. molly: when i saw this i thought about the amazing video if i
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could turn back time and how much i loved it 1989 and the sealers went crazy i talked to my husband a couple of days ago when i brought the sigma into the universe and he said i made him uncomfortable because cher was as old as his mom and i'm older than cher was then but i love it. >> i think she is amazing moon shock, snap out of it. >> asked, on. charlie: i do understand what is the alternative, getting old is being dead i don't know why she's completed about this. look how lucid she is compared to the president xi's three years younger than the president. maybe she should run for office. >> she should be happy that she's getting old obviously she still got it she can walk upstairs to an airplane. kennedy: we could tell her that that's not patronizing at all,
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that's very understanding. charlie: you don't think cher would like to i think she would love it. >> you should be so happy, david your 91. >> , dad, that's a bad option yet money, first world problems you still have a career like susan sarandon, kind of work with it. >> she's just being honest with the very best she can and her mom lived to be in her 90s, she passed away a year ago and she said her mom always embraced the aging and i think cher is being tongue-in-cheek. >> she has true indian heritage, she has some pluses, work with them and by the way i loved her back in the day, great performances and concerts.
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sonny and cher. >> addictions off of nominal actress and singer and i celebrate you, stick around the big weekend is coming up next, stay with us. ♪ the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business.
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human way to healthcare. >> welcome back to big weekend show it is now time for the beg weekend flops our picks for the biggest fails for the week i'll
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go first. for the small fortune of 2500 dollars, you can be the proud owner of a pair of boots that mimic a human leg. that's right what might be a sign of the fall of our civilization lewis vitten is -- louis vuitton. [laughter] is releasing these boots in the hopes that you won't just put on a real pair of high heels. but look, i mean, this is these are -- i'm not a fashion like expert -- but this is like the end of it for me for a lot of reasons for one they look hideous i defer to you be if you get a ire pa of these boots and they're the leg is the wrong tent you're going to get canceled am right? >> actually they're racist. >> what you mean -- >> they're different tints would you buy a pair of these?
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>> pony up butter cuplet go to lv see what you got. hi -- i'm me -- actress felicity huffman defending actions four years after pleaded guilty for paying to help get her daughter into college. >> so it was sort of like my daughter's future -- which means i had to break the law i know hindsight is 20/20 but felt like i would be a bad mother if i didn't do it. so -- i did it. >> so i broke the law -- otherwise my child would fail and wake up sleeping under a bridge somewhere. that's kind of an insult to all of the parents and all of the kids who did everything legally and maybe i don't know went to a state school and still succeeded not all kids have to go to college. >> virginia tech anyway maybe in an effort to curb crime passing
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bill from people wearing ski masks in public. yes because at first government said you have to wear a mask and now government says you don't and can't wear a mask in philly that's under proposal that the city council has in place right now. but the aclu marking with this there's no evidence to suggest ski mask cause or encourage violent crime i don't know how many murders will be obeying this new potential rule -- yet to become a rule but we shall see perhaps may deter looters that are caught on video running in. we'll see. >> while you're robbing the bank -- no mask -- it is additional charge. >> turn back no mask. yes it is additional charge -- >> you get a fee. $250 for regular citizen if you're caught during the crime 2000. crazy. >> but you have to still you have to prosecute the underlying crime or it doesn't work. skts to get the two grand. i'm wearing a mask no i'm not -- i'm not --
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i live in florida it is free. massachusetts commission dedicated to preventing hate crimes -- now accusing israel of genocide and likened israeli soldiers fighting hamas terrorists to nazis is anyone else tired of this? anybody -- in the room -- >> over it. don't wear a mask you're pro-hamas protest not allowed in america you can be. it is free you can be free you can be islamist communist but can't be free in an islamist or communist country ask hamas there we go. that's it does it for us see you back here tomorrow 7 p.m. lovely cast of characters we'll get our accents right, and see you at p.m. eastern for the big weekend show "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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