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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 3, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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new iranian backed attacks against our navy and cargo ships in the red sea. the pentagon says these reports of new rocket and drone attacks occurred on u.s. warship and several commercial vessels there today. details are still coming in the repreport say there are increasd aggression against our forces in the region from the rebels that are based and directed entire run. welcome to "fox news live" i'm eric shawn. what's i am arthel neville put the fence officials have not confirmed the attack on the destroyer uss noris nature aware where it came from this would appear to be a significant escalation of hostilities in the region. given the fact rebels have launched a series of missiles and drone attacks on the red sea recently including a cargo vessel linked to israeli companies. lucas tomlinson's life at the white house with reaction to
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this breaking news. what are we hearing? >> we just received a statement from the pentagon about the reports of that attack on the u.s. warship in the red sea. going to read it for you the pentagon says quote we are aware of reports regarding attacks on uss kearny and commercial vessels in the red sea will provide information as it becomes available later. the eye iranian backed levels claim credit for the attack produced notable last night at the reagan national defense form in california it up panel hosted by our own built former obama cia defector leon said this administration needs to do more to protect u.s. troops who are increasingly under attack. >> i would be much more aggressive about going after those who attack our u.s. horses. questioning to date our response responses been too soft? >> i think it has been a little too selective. we hit some ammo dumps we hit
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some other targets. i want to go after those who are firing missiles in our troops. and make sure they understand that when they fire a missile they are going to die. correct artlast night that u.s.s firing these missiles and where they are being fired from. likely talking about ir satellites in space the detective missile launches. before the attacks yesterday senior members of the bite administration had been issuing the following public warnings to israel. >> the center of gravity is a civilian population. if you drive them into the arms of the enemy you replace a technical victor of the strategic strategic defeat. >> no forcible displacement. no reoccupation. no it seems her blockade no
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reduction in territory. >> jon kirby explain it more of what appeared to be coordinated messaging across the world on "fox news sunday." >> this is a consistent message that have been taking charge israeli counterparts. literally from beginning of the conflict. >> we are trying to find out more about this apparent attack on that uss carney today in the red sea it's notable for the past few weeks been shooting down a lot of drones and cruise missiles fired from yemen and the direction of other u.s. warships in the red sea and of course to israel as well. sleep at a all right lucas i kw you'll keep us posted lucas tomlinson. eric: to the presidential race eating out. we are just 43 days away from the first and the nation nominating contest. the closely watched iowa caucuses.
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republican candidates are spending this weekend and i mad it can payment mode including front runner former president donald trump. florida governor desantis is a battling with nikki haley for second place also their vivek ramaswamy. he has been stumping in des moines and holding town halls throughout the state. alexis nick adams is in des moines light with the very latest round up of what's happening this weekend and later today. >> hey eric, there's been a busy weekend right here in des moines. we are just weeks away from the iowa caucuses here. both candidates including former president donald trump of florida governor desantis were on the ground working on their ground game and tried to gain support. they both had speeches in different counties but they had very different messages. tdesantis looking forward to it he says after he's hit on 99 counties but tromp slamming president biden and at talking about when he's going to back in the white house. watch this. >> joe biden is the destroyer of
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american democracy. [cheering] it is him and his people who are the records of the american dream. the american dream is dead with them in office. it is sad if it. >> going back to iowa easement so much time on the ground. you talk to seven people and made connections why is donald trump still had in the polls? >> i think the horizon of iowa caucus voters they are not making decisions in six months in advance. even three months in advance. now that we are past thanksgiving the caucuses somethings is more front and center. going into the caucus more than half of iowa potential caucus goers say did not even considered the caucus being started yet even though they have been campaigning. what we did is laid the groundwork we got support in every county. >> that groundwork is going to have to continue here on the area here in iowa. forty governor desantis at the 99 counties just yesterday. that's a step he believes will set him apart in the caucuses. tromp focusing on heading back
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to the white house promising he's going to in the caucuses and crush his competition they are paid back out there live in des moines will tell you although ron desantis is behind in those poles include the latest poll by the "des moines register" here in the state, he is sitting behind it trump as a nikki haley continues to catch up but he has received pretty big endorsements like evangelical church leader bob who i talked to last night but he is back to people that end up winning the iowa caucuses three times in a row but he said desantis is his guy, not trump watch. >> did you hear from tromp at all after that he endorsed desantis? >> only through media. but again trump and i have been friends for a dozen years. i know how he plays. is not happy about my endorsement. but what i wouldn't say trump knows better than any bait that my endorsement never has been and never will be for sale. he knows that. >> donald trump did not get that endorsement he is still sitting wellhead in the polls was confident on stage. we'll see how this all plays out
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six week until the iowa caucus. it's going to be a lot more groundwork here will make sure to hit your famous steakhouse you we went there the other night. eric: there is a steakhouse in downtown des moines 801 as the political center of the world for two months. the candidates are there, the journalists are there it is quite a place. alexis, good to see a thank you. we'll have much more on the race. bryant york will join us and tells what he is watching for the hawkeye state and who he thanks will when they caucus coming up 43 days from now. stay tuned fox news contributor in a moment. arthel. arthel: it meanwhile pro- palestinian demonstrators swarming an upscale mall in midtown manhattan to demand an immediate and permanent cease-fire in gaza. anti- israel rallies keep spreading across the u.s. in some cases leading to violence between protesters, the public and police cb cotton is live in new york city with more.
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cb, these protesters have targeted a few places in the city right now, tell us more. that is right protesters have targeted an upscale shopping mall here in manhattan at least twice now the crowd out numbing the security guards outside who try their best to keep the marchers out, watch. >> once the protesters were inside some of them spread out to march and chant on all three levels of the moment you see someone on their screen waving the palestinian flag on the second fl floor's a crowd below chance again while you are shopping bombs are dropping the scene halting some shoppers in their tracks who pull out their cell phones to record it. now before this the pro- palestinian protesters were standing outside the american museum of national history that
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has been another target for demonstrators in recent weeks. organizers encouraging the crowd to go inside with the palestinian flags and banners to protest. within our lifetime climbing the museum has corporate patrons which are facilitating the ongoing genocide in gaza. here's one rally go or showing who he blames in the ongoing conflict. >> i'm here because i'm outraged the way israel is behaving sitting a new standard of horror inand the way people can treat each other. hoping to help bring an end to it. >> protesters made their way to times square tried to protest inside of a mcdonald's. video on social media appearing to show security there kept the crowd out using pepper spray. arthel: cb cotton, thank you.
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eric: israel tells the citizens and residents in southern gaza to leave. this while hamas wants him to stay and kills them. that evacuation is ramping up after attacks are contingent on the week long cease-fire that ended on friday. meantime we are told several rockets fired from gaza. was intercepted by israel's iron dome system. negotiations to try three more hostages held by her mosque and other terrorist groups in gaza have for now collapse. trey yingst live in southern israel with the very latest on israel's war i get that heinous terrorist group. >> say eric, good afternoon but after the cease-fire collapsed 58 days into the war now between israel and hamas the rocket fire from gaza does continue here along the border. some communities taking a direct impact today. take a look.
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you can see the sight of one direct impact in the southern town, pieces of the rocket still hot. this a barrage of fire from the northern part of the gaza strip 58 days into the complex. the shrapnel marks on this car show the damage that can be done by these rockets fired by hamas and islamic jihad. israeli forces said they struck new targets over that hitting tamil shafts and weapons storage facilities. we also know they continue to go after hamas leadership including yesterday when they targeted the commander of hamas battalion room to respond before attack in 2014 the cold seven israeli soldiers inside gaza. also one of the masterminds behind the october 7 massacre by the policy to help the ministry said the death toll in gaza is rising since he renewed fighting started after him of the 100 hostages were released during the one-week cease-fire but hamas this weekend saying there will be no further exchange of hostages for prisoners until the war in gaza is over.
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again that renewed rocket fire taking place since friday morning. yesterday paired explosions in tel aviv the second largest city is the regional sources are telling us today all talks for now have collapsed but negotiations could continue pretty when you take a listen to yoav gallant who you had this ty about the situation. >> during the past two days we operate in areas we did not operate in the last month. this will increase. this operation will reach every point that needs to be reached. we are calling for a total elimination of hamas organization. and nothing less. >> is really forces are now operating close to gaza's second largest city. but again the civilian ductal in gaza is arising some horrific images of civilian casualties. before the war on israel and f hamas surrenders and gives up, trey thank you.
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arthel: it more now on the israel hamas war will bring in lieutenant colonel peter lerner and idf spokesperson. you have heard in the last 24 hours the bite administration is still saying israel has the right to defend itself but the idf must adhere to international humanitarian law and minimize the killing of innocent palestinian people is that possible? >> thanks arthel for yes indeed. since hamas decided to break down the operational pause we had going on to release hostages we have reengaged hamas. we are taking them out as trait rightly pointed out that is what we intend to do. our war effort has two core goals to dismantle hamas as a governing authority and make sure they never have the power of government again to conduct such lethal terrorist attacks against us in second to bring
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back all the hostages. indeed we are very attentive to the u.s. administration and our military american colleagues to conduct and convey we are conducting ourselves we continue to conduct ourselves in accordance with the laws of armed conflict we are operating in a very precise manner on the way that alleviates or distinguishes between the civilian population the noncombatants and hamas terrorists. we have to keep in mind hamas has taken full advantage of the civilian arena. they planted all of their efforts from schools, mosques, hospitals we have seen extensively where they are operating from. indeed this is a significant challenge for any professional military we are operating under the understanding civilians need to be the impact on civilians these be mitigated. smith argument to the hostages. does idf have a specific
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strategic plan, a search and rescue plan to remove us whether to plus hostages that remain in gaza? >> 137 hostages remain in hamas' clutches. seventeen women and children. they are a top priority a national priority indeed prints utilizing all of its operational and intelligence capabilities. bring them home safely. i cannot elaborate too much because of the sensitivity of the issue. i will set we will go to every step in order to bring them home safely. utilize all the tools at hand and the full spectrum of operational and intelligence capabilities. the reality of the operational reality is a very complex one. we are taken that into consideration. >> how is the renewed fighting hampering your attempts to bring the hostages home? >> we are very focused in the
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areas specifically and most extensively in the northern areas of the gaza strip currently. we are conducting precision strikes and they specific and tc locations in the south as well. i would say the operational reality and the influence of first is influencing our operational plan of action. a good grasp of what we need to be doing. killing their commanders, their leaders are battalion commanders in the terrace on the ground. until we achieve our goals of dismantling and destroying hamas and making sure t the hostages e not harmed. >> do you think time is running out to destroy hamas? >> from our perspective we have to keep in mind hamas has had 16 years to prepare for this war.
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they have built the infrastructure extensively which i have pointed out. beneath the schools, beneath mosques in and beneath hospitals for this is a ruthless and merciless in mercenary that's been planning for this day extensively. from our perspective from the military perspective i would not been given a time limits. we are determined to achieve our goals. we are determined to make that change we are determined to change the paradigm that existed before the seventh of october. hamas in their action basically determine their own destiny. we can never accept this organization for the terrorist organization can govern the gaza strip as a staging ground for brutal ruthless attacks against us against the israeli people won't allow the idf is charged by the government to deliver security. that is pre precisely but we ind to do. no matter how long it takes. arthel: are you hopeful for another truce?
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>> the truce is something conducted by the political i would not delve into that from my perspective. of course we will adhere to any instructions we get from the government in order to alleviate and bring back more hostages. we held our fire for a week in order to facilitate and bring home over 100 hostages. this is, i was sick cackling to risk we took in order to bring home the innocence. and i would say it goes hand-in-hand with the operational goals of the war. arthel: is there an insight for this war i know you said you'd fight until the end but is there an end in sight for the wart might that include an idf attack on iran? >> we are very focused on hamas at the moment. there are lots of things happening around in the region
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including hezbollah conducting attacks against us almost every day. we have heard about the attacks from yemen toward israel. but we are very focused on hamas. this is our primary goal at this time. we are in defensive posture and the other arenas protecting our borders and preempting strikes against the enemy whether it is hezbollah or intercepting the rockets that surfaced cruise missiles. and at various different munitions. they are firing at us. but we are defensive in essence. while we focus on our main goal this time hamas. >> finally do you feel confident you can get the remaining hostages out of gaza? >> national priority we are utilizing all of the tools in our hand.
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operational and intelligence we approve it in the past that we can do that. we need to utilize those efforts to bring them home. and i would say, as we say in the military hope is not a method. arthel: lieutenant colonel peter lerner a lot on your plate. nothing new for you sir, thank you very much for sharing the information that you could. thank you sir. >> thank you very much. space bar back to the top story at newnew iranian backed attacks against our navy and the cargo ships in the red sea for this is been going on for weeks now. those are radiant back cooties are firing attack drones against warships that took a cargo ship captive and brought back to yemen as part of the target us coming in at this hour from the administration lucas tomlinson with more on that what is the
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latest? >> were getting fresh reporting for own pentagon producer who said the u.s. carded that the guided missile destroyer in the red sea has shot down at least two drones fired from yemen by the back trouble some managed to hit commercial ships in the red sea make it very clear it's a multi prong attack against commercial shipping. this is a statement from u.s. defense official saying houthis missiles struck ships in the red sea it's been lending a assistance in shutdown two drones heading in its direction. it appears that this attack was multi prong and multi drone launched. this meant a lot in the red sea but off the coast of yemen as well in action was taken this is a very serious attack against commercial shipping and that u.s. warship. >> this is been going on now for several weeks. the iranian backed tried eight
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firing at commercial vessels and our warships as you said bring something the biden administration although they have been launching attacks and retaliation has not been doing enough what is the sense the administration could or should get to tehran to back off? >> also trent ate shut down a 32 million-dollar american reaper drone a few weeks ago. so far to date is been no u.s. airstrikes. that uss eisenhower's strike group hor or its hornets on boan very easily launch f-15s f-16s some have carried out attacks in iraq and syria against the iranian backed forces. to date there has been five attacks against iranian proxy forces despite u.s. forces coming under attack over 75 times now it is notable the pentagon does not count these attacks against u.s. warships of
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the number of 70 by the just count the attacks on the 2500 u.s. troops in iraq, 900 troops in neighboring syria. the situation we are watching very closely. before lucas looked at the map straight 75 attacks against our forces they retaliated five times against the houthis and they keep on attacking us? >> against the houthis just ironic backed groups, has blood, and iraq and syria this and zero attacks against houthis rebels despite repeated attacks against commercial shipping. eric: why is administration letting this happen? they are trying to attack our destroyers and naval forces ockham is sitting back and not doing anything? >> i will find out spray the pentagon has many of options and escalation letter presented to the national security council behind me for not clear why the biden ministrations not out any attacks to dates but keep
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escalating you talk about doing math earlier 75 attacks four of the u.s. airstrikes were preplanned. was it ac a c-130 gunship which happened to be loitering over iraq was only meant for planned airstrikes against the iranian forces over the last month at the one for every 20 times the uu.s.has been attacked. >> we will see if there is a reaction about the continuing attacks against us. luke is the white house thank you will keep you updated folks throughout the hour. arthel: police say at least four people in a family were murdered in a stabbing rampage in queens new york city and york city this morning the two children the stabbing the suspect have died. police received a call about an assault in the home about 5:00 a.m. this morning. a young woman called reporter because it was stabbing family
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members. police rushed to the scene and appapproached the suspect. >> i observed a mail walking out they engaged basically a casual conversation hey did you hear anything? did you hear it's going on the mail kind of nodded and drew a knife off his person and immediately attacked both. >> are two officers stabbed were taken to the hospital and are expected to be okay. officers say the suspect set a living room couch on fire he was shot dead by police. no word yet what sparked the disturbing family rampage. >> the presidential race the iowa caucus 43 days away. governor desantis made good on his promise to visit each of iowa's 99 counties. as president trump held rallies urging turnout touting his lead among the pack recent polls show the former president has 844.7%
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of the voters support in the hawkeye state 43% basically. take a look at those numbers is nthat going to change fox news contributor washington examiner please firing york joins us now. do you see a reshuffling or is this basically a preordained a a wind for the former president? >> we have never seen a situation like this in both in the national polls in the polls in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina. donald trump leads are unprecedented. i would say when you look at the polls in the real clear politics average polls in iowa, new hampshire, in south carolina the most recent polls or two -- three weeks old. voters are becoming more engaged as a voting time actually nears. some numbers may be changing. the fact is trump has a 30-point lead in iowa about a 27-point lead in new hampshire about a 30-point lead in south carolina.
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no one has had such a lead at this time in a contested race. no one's ever come back from one either. eric: if you could put up the pole again for a second to do the math you have 16% for both nikki haley and ron desantis. that is 32% 36 with vivek ramaswamy. 40% if you take christie out basically if the anti- trump boat coalesces around a one candidate either ron desantis or nikki haley, with that then give the former president a run for his money? >> theoretically it certainly could. that is been the big hope of republicans are trying to move on from donald trump. the problem i have seen so far remembered nobody has voted we do not know exactly how it works. the problem is on pollsters ask supporters of ron desantis, if the sanders word in the raising of her who would you vote for? a significant portion of them 40% more say they would vote for donald trump.
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at the idea of one candidate is out of the race all of his support this loan to canada might not actually happen. say mr. for chris christie has made his entire campaign on imposing donald trump not true for ron desantis. eric: do you see the caucus system which is different than voting. you don't look to the inviting with you on the privacy of a booth you're in a room on people walk from one side to the other if they want to change their vote too. do you see that potentially favoring one or more of the candidates? >> probably not. what were called a hidden trump boat or people who wanted to secretly support some sort of canada. people and i were pretty open about this. you are right about the caucuses or spear exercise in democracy when you have a caucus and will be representative of the
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candidates are given two or three minutes to make their best to picture for their candidate. they hand out little pieces of paper and they write down their choice and put it i in the baskd they'll start counting them. it's a very, very democratic with a small deed situation. but i think most people in iowa are pretty open about which candidate they're going to support. eric: retail politics and living room. you know having coveted as well as i. fascinating exercise in american democracy when you are in that room but cannot wait for generally 15, byron always good to see if they give for joining us. >> thank you eric. eric: will have more news straightahead on "fox news live" in just a moment when we come back. stay with us.
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their navy ships in the sea. the pentagon said the destroyer the uss carney shot down at least two houthis track attack joan drones targeting our ships also attacked the british say one of theirs also hit. the houthis are backed by ironic they have for the past few weeks continued their brazen oblates in the tax against our assets. consider pete ricketts joins us represents nebraska serves on the senate foreign relations committee. senator, good to see what are your thoughts on the fact the houthis keep doing this without seemingly any meaningful retaliation against our forces? >> is exactly why houthis continue and the other a raining back to proxies continue to attack our forces. we are not showing a strong response. appeasement first strategy get that a strong strategy by
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rhenium best they add to that we have very little response back. that is what we have to change. with the iranians have to know we will come after the proxies maybe we need to start coming after them. the bite administration had a sanctions waiver for $10 million what kind of message does that send that if we are saying there's backed proxies are attacking us we are giving them money. eric: weight senator is at 10 billion on top of the other 6 billion that was the iranian oil being released to them? >> a yes. that's the whole thing. this biden administration has an appeasement strategy towards iran and giving sanctions away to give them access to money that the trump administration cut off of them. we are literally paying iran and ironic turning around and funding needs a rating backed proxies. they are behind hamas, behind
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hezbollah. this is completely obvious what we need to do which is to crack down and ironic. the appeasement first strategy is the opposite of what we need to be doing. eric: what you think the administration could do what message could they send to tehran to stop this? >> the first thing we do is start cracking down on the sanctions and making sure we are enforcing them and not allow iran to have access to any of these dollars for the trump administration did that. that had a big impact on iran's ability to fund these terrorist groups. and then, what we need to do my you attack us once we attacked you. and ultimately when you start look at our options if of these start going directly after iran. this is something we are talking about iran the only thing they understand his strength. only project weakness like we are we only encourage them to
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continue to attack us and that demonstrates 75 attacks and the houthis attacks. eric: it is unbelievable hamas keeps frank rockets into israel multiple targets in central israel as well as tel aviv. what are your thoughts on the fact israel and prime minister benjamin netanyahu says we will press forward. we will continue until that terrorist group is totally destroyed? >> that is exactly what they need to do. hamas is a terrorist group it needs to be destroyed. everyone of us terrorist need to be killed or captured. this is what israel has to do to protect itself and the united states seems to be supporting israel. not only is it the right thing to do to support israel after this a barbaric attack octo october 7. i had a chance to watch some of the videos hamas sent their terrorists into shoot civilians. we saw the aftermath with the
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bodies of dead babies burned. we sought military members of israel being decapitated. they are barbaric savages. this organization needs to be destroyed and israel needs to be given the space to do it and not given a timeline this is part of the appeasement strategy of the biden administration. secretary of state blinken as a piece in the anti- israel people who oppose this war and appeasing the terrorists. this is terrible. read it support our allies until they finish the job. not only is it important for israel but it help support the united states. eric: what you say to the protesters on the streets they call them pro- palestinian demonstrations. others, critics say they are pro- hamas demonstrations. i have heard the protesters myself say kill more jews. they want to wipe out israel completely. they call for freeing gaza. they want to free the occupation but they don't save free of the occupation from hamas that is
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who is occupying gaza. what do you say to them when you see this on our streets? >> one ac people supporting hamas i am just embarrassed. you're supporting people who are inhumane. you can imagine people would do this to each other. that is what terrorists did when they came into israel there was a cease-fire on october 6 hamas a broker they start a war. this is what happens when you start a war wipe out hamas this is very similar to what we had to do in world war ii with the nazis. we had to go into germany and take the nazis out and establish a government we could work with that's what israel has to do here in gaza. hamas is got to be destroyed. nobody put a time limit on us and world war ii to take out the nazis we need to support israel to take out hamas and then we'll
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have an establishment of a government to work for the benefit of gazans unlike hamas who uses them as human shields. >> you think that enough people understand this could and right now i've hamas gives up let me redo it some of the leaders said just a few weeks ago on a television interview. a ready for the senator, quote on october 7, october 10, october 100, 0000 everything we do is justified. we must remove it that country to the arab and islamic nation and it must be finished we are not ashamed to say this with full force. we must teach israel a lesson we will do this again and again. hamas wants to kill every jewish person and israel. going to wipe out israel completely and the world says to benjamin netanyahu no, no, no you've got to stop? >> that's crazy whose side is blinken on? by the way i read that quote and
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this is exactly why i am embarrassed for the people supporting hamas this is what hamas stands for. you are supporting a terrorist organization wants to kill jews. we listen to some of the phone calls we heard the terrorists call their parents and brag about how many jews they had killed. it is absolutely horrible it's exactly why israel needs to be given the opportunity to destroy hamas. there cannot be an alternative to having hamas there because hamas is already stated they will continue to threaten israel but they went to kill jews that want to destroy the state of israel. you cannot allow that type of organization to exist in next door to you if you are israel is one of her strongest allies in the middle east and a stable democracy, is as important for needs to support israel. in their effort to destroy hamas until the job is done.
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>> is a clear and present danger for western values and to the united states and to our ally israel. senator pete of nebraska the foreign relations committee center good to see you think of joining us. >> great, thank you. arthel: a major outbreak of a respiratory illness among children in china. the question, could it be coming here? we are not sure. we will find out cases are surging into u.s. states what you need to know and details on that coming up next. ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy.
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arthel: health authorities are monitoring uptake and ammonia among children in an ohio county. but they are stressing and has no connection of outbreak of a respiratory infections across china a in europe. this infection is being dubbed
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white lung syndrome. so far in just one county there has been reported a 145 cases of kids age three -- 14. let's bring in fox news contributor and white you medical center dr. marc siegel. what is going on in ohio? >> first of all great to be with you. what's going on in ohio is probably not connected to what's going on in china. what's going on in ohio is there is an uptick in cases and hospitalizations among kids of some kind of a respiratory infection. white lung syndrome may not be correct are the best way to describe it. that implies a severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome by that some of the cases but not all of the cases. why is this happening? first wha of all we are in the t of rsd. we are at the heart at that the cdc told me it is speaking. flu is a beginning in the south we are seeing a lot of flu but
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otherwise we are not seeing a lot of flu. covid is still about 15000 hospitalizations a month. there is another thing on our screen called a m micro plasma h is atypical bacteria. we do not usually see that much of it causing hospitalizations. but here's where china comes in. in northern china were sitting resistant strains of that bug. you can treated with antibiotics and children with zithromax but they have over treated it with zithromax in china and that has led to a lot of hospitalizations. mandate: head of cdc told me on friday that we are not seeing that here in the united states. we are not seeing micro plasma that is very good news since one of the reasons i don't think the two outbreaks are connected. arthel: that is interesting because a group of five setters rubio, vance, tuberville and babraun have written to presidet biden demanding to implement a travel ban on china due to an
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alarming spike of an unknown respiratory illness inside the communist nations" in part during the covid-19 pandemic, that ccp of truth and a lack of transparency robbed the united states of vital knowledge about the disease and its origin. a ban on travel now could save our country from death, lockdowns, mandates and further outbreaks later. so it dr. mark, what is china got to do with this? >> i actually agreed the sentiments of that other point about covid-19. i agree with that but there is no evidence right now that what we are dealing with is that novel pathogen or bioengineered pathogen anything out of a lab, or anything brand-new. i don't think travel ban is the right answer. i would say and again i'm not disagreeing with the sentiment there there is a lot out of china's public health. i want to know why we never get
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boots on the ground. we did not get them at the beginning of covid we are not getting them now we can be reassured it's probably not new but how about the cdc gets to go over there and looks at the hospitals themselves? that would be in the spirit of global cooperation we did not get that were not getting it now. arthel: i have been quick at 22nd tier. what you say to people who think all this talk about rsv is the new overhyped medical news? did you hear me? >> i did not hear the end of the question could you repeat i'm sorry. i hear you now. >> really quickly i'm out of time now. we'll have to have another conversation about rsv that was my question a lot of it is in the news and commercials i think right now dr. marc siegel got a go thank you. we will be right back.
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking)
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) eric: a suspected serial killer nabbed in los angeles. that suspect walked up to homeless men sleeping on the street and shot them to death. christina coleman has more on this. christina. >> hi, eric that's right. la county sheriff'nouns that had 33-year-old la resident jared powell was arrested in the serial murder case.
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investigators believe he shot and killed three homeless men and also murdered a fourth person. >> tragically that same individual is also believed responsible for the murder that occurred during a follow home robbery in san demus making this suspect responsible, we believe, based on our investigation, for the murder of four individuals over the course of four days. >> powell was arrested wednesday night after his vehicle, a 2024 bmw was identified by beverly hills police during a traffic stop. detectives were then able to connect powell's vehicle as the one used in the deadly follow home robbery. also the sheriff said forensic testing positively identified the handgun in the car as the murder weapon used in the killing of the three homeless people in the la area. they were also able to release more information on the man killed in the follow home robbery. he has been identified as a 42-year-old husband and father
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of two young children. eric: good thing the suspect is off the streets, christina, thank you. arthel: we're back at 4:00 p.m. eastern and keep it here for more news from washington. eric, we have a beautiful shot of navajo lake in new mexico to share with everybody. what a glorious day. beautiful shot, enjoy it. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪) i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained.
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