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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 4, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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sunday mornings but i'm sure the great commandments are love god and love your neighbor as yourself and love ago child doesn't mean letting that child do whatever he or she wants to do. just seems like they're making it really, really hard for good people with religious beliefs that want to get involved and do something that's admirable with being a foster parent. thank you and your wife and family and thank you for writing the letter and shedding light on it on a sunday night for us. >> thanks for covering this important story and for having me on. trey: yes, sir, mr. attorney general. take care. and thank you for spending part of beyond a reasonable doubt sunday -- part of junior sunday with us. hope you have a great week ahead. find us online at gowdy america or on the trey gowdy podcast and good night fro >> carley: the u.s. launching a
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drone strike killing five iranian proxy fighters in northern iraq and stopping what would have been another attack on american troops in the middle east. you're watching "fox and friends," i'm carley shimkus. >> griff: and i'm griff jenkins in for todd piro. severe escalation for proxies in yemen who launched hours long assault in the red sea, drawing the u.s.s. carney into the line of fire. trey yingst is live with the latest on the ground there and more on washington's response to iran's provocations. good morning, trey. >> trey: good morning. a lot of developments over the past 24 hours. israeli forces are ramping up airstrikes, they targeted 200 different sites, bringing total number of strikes against gaza
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to 10,000. the heavy air campaign issic spooing, tdeath toll say 700 people were killed over the weekend. israel targeting hamas leadership, this weekend hitting a battalion and the commander responsible for carrying out raids into israeli territory back on october 7. the israelis have confirmed they will go after all leadership in northern part gaza as they have started to expand to the south. it does come as israelis and americans prepare for the possibility of broader con"news in a flash." you have shia militia active over the weekend and of course the houthi-iran backed rebels in yemen.
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officials confirming five proxy fighters were killed during a u.s. drone strike yesterday. americans say they went after the cell outside of the iraqi city looking to prepare an attack against a u.s. base there. another example of targeting u.s. forces, there have been more than 75 attacks on u.s. forces since the middle of october. we are watching the northern front between israel and lebanon. lebanese militant group hezbollah launches attacks into u.s. territory. >> carley: thank you, trey. bring in former national security council spokesman john elliot. good morning. what do you make of the airstrikes the u.s. carried out northern iraq. this does seem different than previous strikes, this was not
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planned and fighters prepared an attack and took them out. do you think this is the appropriate next step? >> carley, it is very hard to tell right now because we are just getting initial reportses. what it does do is put a marker down to the iranian proxy and masters in iran we're going to be killing your people if you attack us. leon panetta, over the weekend says the response by the biden administration has been too selective. he is understating the fact and everybody sees attacks they have given up to now are hitting empty warehouses and that is not appropriate. for this response, the bottom line is that what the houthis or
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the other iranian proxies operating in iraq and others, even hezbollah, soon as they fire anything against u.s. targets, they will be killed and respond and be overwhelming response so they will not think about attacks u.s. forces here. >> griff: in a statement released by central command on the u.s.s. carney, specific language says this, these attacks represent direct threat to maritime security and jeopardize the lives of crews around the world. we have every reason to believe the attacks, while launched by houthi in yemen are fully enabled by iran.
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putting iran's direct connection there, which we all know, is not something i have seen before temperature may have been, but definitely not the usual case they put iran on notice in writing. is that significant toto you? >> once again, you are right, it is stating the obvious, like strikes carley was talking about. it is drawing a marker to say, these are directed by iran. every single thing the houthis do is directed by iran and this is something if they put in writing here, that is great, but what has to happen is direct message to iranians, of we know what you are up to, we know that you are responsible for every single missile or rocket attack directed at us and that we are going to hold you responsible
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and so to put in writing is great, let's see it backed up by direct contract and message sent to iran, not just in the last line of a press release. >> carley: also a situation that seems alarming, former u.s. ambassador to bolivia, manual rocia was arrested in florida, being accused of secretly serving as an agent of cuba. how concerned are you about this and what do we know about this so far? >> carley, the wire report as of a couple hours ago, do not provide details, they say we'll get details this morning, so we'll find out. if fbi and doj are going after anyone else in florida not named donald trump, that is news. if it is a fara violation, this
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is something that hunter biden is under investigation for so this is something they took a long time, five years to look into with hunter biden and they -- let's have same for the retired diplomat and former vice president. >> griff: good idea, indeed. thank you for starting off monday morning with us. meanwhile, biden handling of the israel-hamas war has muslim swing state voters launching a campaign to abandon him in 2024. taking a closer look this will have on his reelection bid. >> carley: griff jenkins, did you see this? >> we need a miracle here, mahomes flip to the end zone and kelce with contact. incomplete and no flag. packers win. >> carley: packers beat the
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chiefs, but not without controversy, we'll show you the play that has everyone talking this morning coming up. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals.
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anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. (dogs barking) - hey, we're here to get you. (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home
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- and this is our room. first time i connected with kim, she told me that her husband had passed. and that he took care of all of the internet connected devices in the home. i told her, “i'm here to take care of you.” connecting with kim... made me reconnect with my mom. it's very important to keep loved ones close. we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you.
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. happy monday. take a look at the weather maps.
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not too bad. we have colder air sinking southward across the southwest toward the plain states. we have a lot of weather targeting the northwest, you are not out of the woods for a couple days. potential for snow for interior sections of the northeast and new england. you will get lake effect snow and lingers snow for parts of northern new england, especially maine. next quick mover across the ohio valley, winter weather alert for maine, you will get snow, it will be difficult to travel. this is through this afternoon. look at this, new york city, incredible 658 consecutive days without snow over an inch. that is obviously the longest streak on record since 1998.
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same with philadelphia, same deal here. snow deficit and i think we want a little snow. here is radar across the northwest, coastal rain and heavy snow, we have moisture moving in from the pacific, we'll watch flood advisories throughout the day, today through wednesday., for details. >> carley: thank you. >> itun sos like israel and hamas have given up on it. >> for now, either side is willing to come back to the table and it is important to understand how this fell apart. hamas was unwilling and refused to come up with additional list of women come children on put them on the list so israel could evaluate that and get them exchanged. >> griff: white house says there is no timeline for release of more hostages from gaza, leaving
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families in the dark. including the bibas family, kfir, ariel and the mother were said to be killed in an airstrike. the father is also being held hostage. a cousin of the family joins us. good morning, i see awe picture of kfir there. first start with, do you have new information of any officials giving insight of their whereabouts or if they are alive? >> we don't have any additional information about their well being. we know time is running out and it makes no sense they are not being released and they must come home, they are in danger to die. >> griff: elon, you are speaking now on international live television.
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what would you like to say to israel's government, to hamas's captives that are holding this family and also to the white house here in washington? >> i would like to first say of course, thank you for having me here and i want to address president biden and every one of you at home, not just here, please help us save the family and bring them home. president biden, you have shown ability to influence what is going on and put pressure where it comes. we need president biden and the entire u.s. government to help us here and put international pressure on hamas to stop them from doing this inhumane evil and torture us everyday and bring this little child and his brother and both his parents home.
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we can't go on like this, it will soon be 60 days, the one thing important more than anything is that the return of the hostages home and of course children and mothers, even mur urgently. >> griff: eylon, do you feel prime minister netanyahu is doing enough to bring the hostages home? >> i don't know if he's doing enough or not, but whether he does or not, i still wish to ask him and demand and remind that israeli citizens are the most important for the israeli government, of course. and of course you can't keep going with the babies and children to come back home. it has been too long already.
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so please we demand and beg that everyday the first thing you do is look to kfir and everyone else in the eye and think how can i get them as fast as i can back home. this is the most important thing and should be the top priority. >> griff: top priority, indeed, eylon keshet, please give us information if you get more information on their whereaboutings. thank you. >> thank you. >> griff: president biden is fundraising blitz ending with the hollywood elite. >> carley: his own party is the tone-deaf message as average americans struggle to make ends meet. we are talking to david webb about that next, don't go anywhere. ♪
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>> griff: president biden is back in campaign mode this week, hitting boston and d.c. before heading to hollywood's most elite with ticket prices nearing 1 million dollars. >> carley: brooke singman, tell us about this fancy soiree. >> brooke: tomorrow he is shipping up to boston for a concert fundraising with j james taylor. ticket prices range from $100 to $7500. wednesday he would hold campaign in d.c.
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friday there is a star-studded fundraising hosted by stephen -- $930,000 each. hosting the recipientses of kennedy center honorees and he made this gaffe watch. >> prime-time enemy, enemy. that is me. [laughter] >> prime-time emmy. >> brooke: it looks like he will need all the love as democrats are working to distance themselves from the biden economy as holidays approach. koofrd according to axios, they are sticking with people over politics instead of bidenomics. the holidays seem to be
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amplifying the issue with ghosts of christmas past catching up with the white house. since 2020, christmas trees up 20% and christmas dinner is up 16%. total amount spent on holiday sales is up 24% this year, expensive christmas season. >> carley: thank you. bring in fox news contributor david webb to talk about this. interesting democrats are doing away with the bidenomics tomorrow, they say it is not working. the same week the president is going to this crazy expensive fundraising with stephen spielberg. is that a messaging conflict? >> david: is the problem bidenomics or ego? biden this and that, that is joe biden. people are living with economics on a daily basis that are bad
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for them. no matter what, you just went over prices for christmas. egg-flation is real, costs are up. joe biden can't sell policies to regular folks, so he goes, most americans, but he goes to hollywood to people who don't care about egg-flation, who can afford losses, do not worry and don't care about people out in america or they wouldn't support those policies. >> carley: egg-flation may be bad, but when there is wine-flation, count me out. >> david: if you can afford to pay $930,000. >> carley: if his campaign accepts almost million per
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person, maybe he can do the basement campaign if he's just getting money from the rich guys. >> david: he will run from the base meanwhile the democratic party runs -- groups will come home to vote for biden, this is important campaign. it is about the each single voter that may decide, if you don't like biden, i will vote d up and down the ballot, that's a problem. >> carley: democrats are counting on time. impacting the economy in positive way and getting prices down. time only makes the president older, an issue he cannot run away from. >> david: can he run? can't get down air force one steps. >> carley: we've seen him on a bike, though. >> david: he fell off the bike.
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>> carley: arizona, florida, nevada, pennsylvania, they have campaign called abandon biden, they said they will not vote for president biden in this election cycle even though they voted for him in the past. this is deerborn, michigan over the weekend, listen. >> i am here to tell you, mr. biden, on behalf of the muslim communities, we will not vote for you in the primary or general election for not calling for ceasefire. >> emfas are being wiped out with our own tax dollars. >> we will swing the vote and won't stand with you this upcoming election. >> carley: how serious is this for president biden and do you think their stance could change his stance on the war in israel? >> david: probably not.
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those muslim leaders, will they be in fundraisers in hollywood with the rich jews giving to democrats? also -- >> carley: there is real divide. >> david: muslims are about 1.2% of population and growing. look at voting totals, they are going to go to jewish. biden can't change what they need to do, biden can't change bibi's mind. the bluster doesn't carry over. you mentioned memory, they will forget by next year, voters will forget and come home and vote for democrats, that is what we should be concerned about, to jews across america, whether pro-israel, anti-biden, it is a simple question, you are being
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attacked around the world, who do you trust from a policy perspective? >> carley: thinking of vote strategy when it comes to war and lives and right and wrong and moral, but that is the reality of american politics. >> david: harsh reality. >> carley: it is. over to you, let's talk football. >> griff: let's talk football. what a sunday it w was. start with the san francisco 49ers, eagles in philly for highly-anticipated rematch of last year's nfc game. niners got their revenge. purdy tossing four touchdowns, helping left san francisco to the 42-19 victory and he's out of there. down to tampa. the bucks hosting the panthers. mike evans putting on a show, including this 75-yard touchdown catch. wow. bucks win 21-18.
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mike evans becomes only the second player ever with 1000 receiving yards in each of the first 10 seasons. to the crescent city with the new orleans saints hosting the lions. lions with a double reverse, look at that, to take the game 33-28. detroit is 9-3 for the first time since 1962. finally, to wisconsin, taylor swift was in attendance for chiefs and packers game. green bay looked fear will, not caring about the reputation of the defending champs. several calls from officiating crew put the game into question for packers before stepping up with timely defense to seal the upset. watch. >> need an alabama miracle here.
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mahomes going to buy the time, circle and flip to the end zone. kelce down there and contact, incomplete. no flag and packers win. >> griff: green bay takes it improving to 6-6 on the year. chiefs tried to shake it off, they couldn't take the packer pressure. we are just six weeks from the iowa caucus and republican candidates are working overtime to chip away at donald trump's lead. >> carley: we are talking to iowa voters coming up next. ( ♪ ) the serrano name has always been something we're proud of. it's why we show it off on our low riders and why we wear our name on our chains. we come from people we can be proud of. from socal to our family in texas, to back home in jalisco. seeing all the places i come from, i know. if it's a serrano, it's something to be proud of. i take it all with me and i always will.
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>> griff: with six weeks until the iowa caucus, polls show trump with a commanding lead. former south carolina governor nikki haley is toe to toe with florida governor ron desantis at 16%. jasmine jordan and chris purdue is a iowa farmer, they join us now. jasmine, you saw the des moines register poll 27-point lead by trump. but you have desantis and haley tied. where do you see the iowa caucus going? is there any chance desantis or haley can win? >> i support president trump and
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he maintains a strong lead, i think he will win the caucus. i just recently attended the cedar rapids rally and the room was packed. i think he will do the 3we69 job reigniting the american spirit in this country. >> griff: chris, do you agree? you have desantis here, he was with governor reynolds of your state, the leader of family life, desantis appealing to issues that matter to iowans. >> well, as an iowa farmer, there are issues that concern farmers with trade and markets. we're concerned about the price of grain and soy beans, president trump has a record with that. he established the trade agreement between canada and mexico and did trade with china
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and promoting soy beans there. he has a record with farmers, so i think that helps him out. >> griff: jasmine, you said you are all in for former president trump who under the trump administration, the border was secure, certainly not the situation we have now, most unprecedented border in history. have you seen recent videos and i've spent time in eagle pass, it happens all day long. there are migrants getting off train after train, shot by a jordan artist. he says these migrants are facilitated by mexican immigration officials, given gms coordinates and charged to go order in amazon efficiency stream across into the u.s.
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because they know the border is wide open. do you think that matters to iowa voters? >> yes, i believe that is very important issue in all states, especially iowa. migrants are getting treated better than american citizens. they are receiving housing while our own veterans are not getting the same treatment. our jobs are being taken away, fentanyl and other drugs are coming across the border, making this country dangerous to live in. >> griff: does the border matter to iowa voters? >> it does. common sense would say to secure the border and it doesn't make sense what the current administration is doing there. think of the cost to our nation and state. >> griff: six weeks away and we look forward to seeing what happens in the hawkeye state.
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have a great monday. and lindsey graham has a warning and it has to do with donald trump. >> carley: and climate czar kerry is here to cancel the coal industry, cheryl casone is here with that next. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need.
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>> griff: john kerry making a bold suggestion at the un climate summit in dubai yesterday, calling for a ban on u.s.-powered coal power plantses. good morning, cheryl. >> cheryl: the climate conference wraps up. john kerry turning heads with this statement. >> there should not be coal-powered power plants anywhere in the world. i do not understand how adults who are in position of responsibility can avoid responsibility for taking away things killing people on daily basis. >> cheryl: kerry addressing a group of leaders, china is the
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world's largest consumer of coal. he is saying for now is unrealistic, coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the u.s., it is a central part of our lives. and comments suggest this conference was a sham, saying there is no scenario out there that says phase-out of fossil fuel will achieve the 1.5 climate goal. the bbc says he was there to discuss the oil business, not climate. the comments so how entrenched he is in fossil fuel fantasy.
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spokesman responded saying this story is another attempt to undermine the president's agenda which is backed by tangible achievements by cop and his team. he did not attend. >> carley: kamala harris did and pledged 3 billion to green initiatives and then hopped on the jet. >> cheryl: as they all did, best part of this. >> carley: thank you, back at home new york city bodega and grocery stores are arming themselves withun goes to protect themselves from violent criminals stealing from them. they have helped 230 store owners apply for gun licenses
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over the last year. founder of the bodega small business administration joins us now. 10% were armed pre-covid, it is clear owners do not feel safe wh whachl. what is your message this morning? >> we are not safe and don't have protection we need. we understand the police department are short now, they cannot assist us when we have so much problem. we need to protect and need support for nypd. but since we are not getting that, we will arm ourselves and protect our store and ourselves, we don't have other option. >> carley: if you get a gun to protect yourself at work, it is clear the city is failing to protect citizens, who do you blame here?
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>> right now we are blame the elected officials, they are not working together with the nypd. they should come together, managers and nypd work together, we the business owner communities, to resolve this problem and bring back safety that we lost. >> carley: without question, and the city would be nowhere without grocery store and bodega owners, you are our lifeline. i read about one owner in queens who said a thief cut a hole in the roof of the business and stole $3000 from the store and destroyed his building. >> there are a lot of problems, even myself like three weeks ago, i had to call 911 myself, they call me the store was
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having problem. theyul call the police and passing over half an hour and nobody respond. i call and said we need to p prevent this in the store, we need the respond of the nypd quick to the store and we've been having a lot of robbing in the store. and having a lot of problem. the supermarket and bodegas are losing money and we don't have support we need and we pay for that, we pay taxes to have protection of the report to offer the protection to the community and store owners and we are facing that kind of problem and be trying to meet with the commissioner of nypd to work together to see how we can -- use to prevent this
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happening and increasing. >> carley: prevent this kind of crime be. thank you for joining us this morning with this important message and your story. hand it over to steve doocy who will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." hi, steve. >> steve: hello, how are you? we are ready to go, 11 minutes and 22 seconds, escalation in middle east, u.s. striking iranian-based proxy fighters in iraq after houthi rebels attacked a u.s. ship in the red sea. we'll not let them do that. live report from the ground and former ambassador to bolivia arrested in florida arrested serving as an agent for cuba's government whachl? we'll tell what you we know so
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far. meatless messaging, united nations calling on americans to put down that burger in an effort to tackle global climate change. beef ranchers have words missing from the teleprompters. millennial parents claim the boomer generation have abandoned them over child care. parents are too busy traveling and playing pickle ball. really? really? we'll talk about that scomb so much more. "fox and friends" kicks off nine minutes and 15 seconds from now. griff and carley back in a couple, you are watching "fox and friends first."
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after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything.
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(dogs barking) - hey, we're here to get you. (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room. ♪ ♪ >> you say donald trump, if he is reelected, it will be the end of the republic. what do you mean. >> he has told us what he will
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do. people who say well, if he is elected, it's not that dangerous because we have all of these checks and balances. one of the things we see happening today is a sort of a sleep-walking into dictatorship in the united states. >> liz cheney warning against a second term for donald trump. and senator lindsey graham is replying, well, with a warning of his own. >> i think a continuation of the biden presidency would be a disaster for peace and prosperity at home and abroad. liz's hatred of trump is real. i understand why people don't like what he does and says at times, but, in terms of actions and results, he was far better president than biden. if we have four more years of this, liz cheney then we won't recognize america and the world will be truly on fire. >> fox news chint contributor and columnist for the messenger jojoe concha joins us now. good morning to you. two very different messages
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coming from the republican party. weigh in on n this divide for u. >> well, i think senator graham is 100 percent correct, carley. liz cheney who is ousted from congress last year by a decisive margin is just looking to sell books at this point and to be sure other media outlets as we have seen will give her ample air time to do so. she is a 2023 version of michael avenatti. let's look at the world under the trump administration using facts. the u.s. was not engulfed in two proxy wars in the middle east and ukraine. china's posture was far different as it pertains to taiwan. the taliban wasn't in charge of afghanistan. under trump, the isis caliphate was disseminated. we didn't have an open border with terrorists coming into this country. overall the world didn't see like it was on fire, where our warships are being used as target practice by houthi rebels. liz cheney would have some credibility if she wanted to be critical of the current administration. but her sole focus, obviously is on the previous president because that's what gets her the most media love and sells her
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the most books, griff. >> griff: joe, i want to turn to the culture wars, because this column is really interesting, it was the end of last week, it appeared in the "new york times," the columnist is arguing that children should be able to change their genders as they please. let us show you here. the columnist writes the panic over transgender children is driven by the fear that they will regret transitioning. but freedom to make mistakes is core to being human. what? >> making a mistake, as a kid is maybe lighting the carpet on fire or overturned at senior party your sophomore year. those are mistakes you makes a a teen. this is one heck of a mistake to make. changing your entire gender. parents should absolutely be made aware before such decision is being made. because maybe you don't get a do-over in these situation. but, of course, the "new york
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times" endorses this. but i wonder if the editors who approved this particular column would be okay if their 10-year-old decided they wanted to be a different sex. i have a feeling that wouldn't be the case, carly. >> carley: this is from the write-up of this recall a. the you a their likened the decision to take pursuant blockers undergo sex change operation to decision to quit the middle school swim team pointing out each of these are similarly big decisions that change the course of one's life? she is talking about surgery here that changes a person physically and some ways cannot be reversed. so, this is a, i guess, a small faction of the american public but aloud, vocal minority and in some cases they are swaying public opinion here. >> it's true, carley because social media plays a big role here. we weren't talking about this even 10, 15 years ago. you have to wonder how much of
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this is social media driven where maybe some kids think that this is a cool thing to do or something they are conforming to in some way because they learned about it on a tiktok or youtube or something like that. so, it's just disturbing as somebody who has with a 10 and 8-year-old. this is something that i may have to encounter at some point. we're trying to make sure that we don't. but it's crazy. g >> griff: i wouldn't let an 8 or 10-year-old get a tattoo, laws against under 18 to get one to a major decision like that. joe concha, thank you for getting up early and kicking things off on this monday for us. >> carley: thank you so much. >> have great monday. >> carley: griff, great spends an hour with you as well. very much appreciate it. >> griff: it was great spending with you and learning one of my nfl bets. how about that. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert this morning on


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