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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 4, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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normally between 1,000 and 5,000. under $500. real diamond. amazing selection from walmart. i love this bird house. elle, tell them about the bird house. >> bird house where you can put the bird seat. camera record video or pictures and the app. that comes with this over 6,000 species of birds it will identify. everything for pets, cats, dogs. >> ainsley: my grandmother loved to watch her humming birds outside her window. >> all at walmart. >> this is the bow wow bunny. we love. this our dogs particularly love. this this is the number one safety device. made in the u.s.a. it holds the bone it. locks it in. but, most importantly the dogs can't get to that one inch of the bone. >> lawrence: that's what they choke. >> that's what they choke on. not only a safe toy but actually love it without the bone in there. our dogs love to eat this thing. >> great for the pet lovers on your list. this is the wow wow buddy. >> so from the number one name
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for outdoor fire pits. >> this is the indoor fire pit, made out of concrete. uses gel cells as fuel. no smoke, no fumes. fire in your living room. >> it crackles. sounds like you are having a real fire but all indoors. it's heat protected on the bottom it's safe so it doesn't get hot on the bottom. >> these work great to work outside. hearing protection with a gel ear phobes and give you bluetooth so you can talk on your phone. >> lawrence: also use these a at the gun range. >> all of this at walmart. >> these are separately. you can get it on skip links to all these other >> lawrence: that's your website. >> yeah. don't forget the website. thanks, guys. >> ainsley: the second hour of "fox & friends" starts now.
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five killing five iranian proxy fighters in a drone strike in northern iraq. this is at least the fifth time the united states has carried out retaliatory strikes in iraq and syria over the past month. meanwhile in the red sea, the uss carney shooting down three drones, coming from iranian backed houthi rebels yesterday. and overnight. the idf took out at least 200 hamas targets as the advance deeper into gaza the idf is urging the remaining in southern gaza to evacuate as far south as possible now declaring the city of can eunice an active combat zone. that is new. trey yingst will be joining us with the latest details of what is happening on the ground over in israel sending images and
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stories of what has happened to the children and women in israel dana bash host at cnn she was what do you think of the sexual violence against the israeli women? i have contempt all of a sudden of the action. that is not what humanitarian law says. >> with respect, i was asking about the women and you turned it back to israel. i'm asking you about hamas, in fact. >> i already answered your question, dana. i said it's horrific rape is horrific. sexual assault is horrific. i think it happens in war situations. terrorist organizations like
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hamas obviously are using these as tools; however, i think we have to be bringing in outrages against palestinians. three quarters of whom are women and children. >> it's horrible but you don't see israeli soldiers raping palestinian women. >> dana, i don't want this to be the hierarchy of oppression. >> lawrence: a lot of kudos to dana bash. there are some people at her network that haven't been as forceful. other people haven't been as forceful she is the chair of the progressive caucus. the question is and i want people to really think about this. for months now for years we have heard about women's rights. we have heard about equal justice. we have heard about treating people by the content we have seen marches in the street.
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there is an entire campaign of hate toward jewish people and the same outrage, the same condemnation question we must ask ourself why is that. one thing that is different that they are jewish. i think it was great of dana bash to press the congresswoman stay focused here. i keep telling people i'm so sick of this both sides thing, steve. because there is not both sides comparison to say hamas did this war crimes of hamas. that should be that should be the focus of all people here. the u.s. house of representatives of the one of the new things the new speaker did announced a resolution condemning hamas. she did not vote for it. she voted present she voted president instead. what happened on october 7th. you know it, redefines evil.
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and we know people were murdered and we know women are raped amp they were murdered which is so disgusting. here's the thing the raping of israeli women hostages continues to this day. and so it was a great question that danna put to her and what does she do? does both sidessism okay. of course it's terrible and i denounced it. she hasn't denounced that vocally. instead. rather than denouncing hamas she is talking about the palestinian people. you have got to denounce hamas, period. because that is the source of evil. and this is what israel is working to do to wipe hamas off the face of the earth. >> it's a terrorist organization. and what they did to those women and those children it is -- you are right. >> steve: still doing it. >> ainsley: evil. still doing it. you are right. >> ainsley: we have to be clear also, ainsley, we still have people -- i saw the footage. still denying that it even happened. still have people saying that the hostages really don't exist.
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you have one of the hamas terrorist saying that they were just visitors. i mean, that's the type of propaganda that we're dealing with when we speak forcefully against it this is why. you sat through allful that and watched and explained what you saw the next morning when you went -- you went to the u.n. to so go see that video. trey yingst is over there and saw it for himself. he went into the houses and showed us all the blood on the floor trailing out of the super room after they had annihilated a family over there the images are real. even hamas is putting these images on social media. they are not denying it. we don't anyone to die. israel dropping pamphlets saying
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move to the south. if you live in this neighborhood we're coming in soon. we're warning you, move. did hamas did doo that to israel? no they were at a convert. eating breakfast with their families. they were at the dinner table and these strangers come in and solicited throats and put babies in the oven and raped the women. that's what danna bash is saying to her you need to condemn the violence. the hamas is fighting at a different level. >> lawrence: it is very civil simple. if you. civilians and women and children to stop dying in the gaza strip then stop using them as shields. fight like men, you brought this on yourself on october the 7th. israel is the middle of a hunt to hunt you down. stop using women as children and sheeltdz. >> the only reason israel is doing this. they don't want it to happen again. they are trying to eradicate this terrorist organization who said we are coming in a second time a third time a fourth time. >> steve: lawrence, it's hard to stop using women and shields when you put your headquarters under a hospital. and today trey yingst has the
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news that apparently there were 200 strikes against hamas targets overnight. what do they do? >> they went in -- the israelis went into a school where they find their tunnels. one of the tunnels, full of weapons, the other tunnel booby-trapped. so that when the israelis open the door, everything blows up. >> lawrence: unbelievable. we continue to pray for our friends in israel. back here at home we are officially six weeks away from the all important iowa caucus. >> ainsley: the two republican frontrunners are trading shots on the twain trail while democrats go all in on president biden down in florida. >> steve: peter doocy has spent many months in iowa covering the caucuses during his long and storied career and he joins us from the white house right now. hey, peter. >> something i learned during all those trips to iowa. six weeks is really not a long time in this process. and a lot of these republican candidates began this cycle very, very deferential to donald trump. they went on the first debate stage and talking about how they thought he was being unjustly
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prosecuted and then talked about themselves. that is changing a little bit now. ron desantis said this weekend that trump is running to advance his own interest, not the american people's. and now we'll wait to see if that will help understands mount a 47 point come back against trump. is he down big in the real clear politics average of polls. trump is clocking in at 61.2 desantis 13.9. haley 10.2. on the democratic side. the party is having kind of just a primary in name only at this point it doesn't seem like it's going to matter that much as state parties elsewhere like florida printing ballot without every candidates' names on them. dean phillips democrat in florida said americans would expect the absence of democracy in tehran not tallahassee. of the disenfranchisement of voters runs counter to everything for which our
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democratic party and country stand. president biden doesn't campaign much at all. except for some closed door fundraisers and yet, at this point, he sees the primary process as a punch line, making this crack last night about the entertainer, billy crystal. >> promise me he is not going to primary me. [laughter] he could win. >> pete: and there is nothing on president biden's schedule today. later on tonight he will host a congressional ball here at the white house. that is closed press. back to you. >> peter to the point about how you spent essentially a couple of years in iowa covering politics here. what is the name of the place that has the really good morning chop that barack obama had it and said i have got to get the his pay. >> peter: hotel black hawk in davenport. closer to the caucuses we can go through a whole list of the food. >> lawrence: a good place. >> ainsley: did you ever go to the iowa state fair?
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>> peter: oh, yeah. i watched them inject the pork chop with butter and put it on the grill and hand it to me. >> ainsley: that's the cleanest state fair i have ever been. to say. >> peter: we love iowa. >> steve: i was born there. >> ainsley: that's right. another reason to love iowa. >> steve: indeed. >> ainsley: coming up, a fox news alert. military divers recover remains and debris from osprey crash off the coast in japan. latest on recovery effort. >> lawrence: climate caesar john kerry promises to shut down all coal plants in america. stuart varney joins us with his two cents and if it will cost americans more. that's next. >> steve: two cents is now 3 cents. ♪ you can tell everybody ♪ yeah, you can tell everybody ♪ go ahead and tell everybody ♪ i'm the man, i'm the man, i'm the man. ♪ yes, i am, yes, i am, yes, i
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>> steve: welcome back to "fox & friends." this morning, america's coal workers are outraged as biden administration climate envoy john kerry calls on the world to shut down all coal-powered plants, period.
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>> you want to go across the world in private jets and telephone to the world we're going to take care of you and get rid of good paying jobs for hardworking people like west virginians honestly another opportunity for them to spit in the face of the people who live in this country. >> steve: okay, that's not john kerry. that's somebody impacted by it. here to react is host of varney and company and host of american built stuart varney. it shouldn't shock us that john kerry wants to pull the plug on coal. >> it shouldn't shock us a grave area. 20% of america's electricity supply today comes from coal. kerry wants to abon done coal completely. you can't build any new power plants and you will shut down the coal fired power plants that we have already got probably by 2035. although they haven't actually given out the date. you face a short-term crunch
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where they will get rid of all these coal fired plants. where does the electricity come from if it's not from coal? where are we going to get it from? the president says we can get it from solar and wind. they actually said that just a couple of weeks ago. >> steve: he says it all the time. >> dream on, mr. president. cream on. have you seen all the wind projects canceled all up and down the eastern seaboard. massachusetts, rhode island, new jersey, delaware, maryland. they are not going to get the electricity they will need from those wind farms. and when it documents natural gas, if you want to supplement that for coal, we're in short supply can't frac for natural gas in new york and other states. can't pipeline the stuff to where it's needed. you are going to have an energy crunch because they are committed to these i think crazy, unrealistic green goals. >> steve: the united states needs to be more like europe. i think you are familiar with europe? >> stuart: take that back, doocy. >> steve: let's light up nuclear power plants that's what europe does. >> i'm with you on this one nuke
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lahr is the cleanest form of energy and 100 supply just like that and much safer these days public opinion won't let you build one in your backyard. remember three mile island and china syndrome got change those things if you keep going down this paws, you have got energy shortages, wildly inflated prices and blackouts are coming. that's going to happen. >> here's the thing somebody needs to talk to john kerry from the administration. the number one thing they want you to do is buy electric cars. electric cars run on electricity that is produced bcoal 20% at this moment. we are not buying them. that's another flaw in biden's green energy program. we are not buying the electric vehicles that we're putting out. they are piling up on dealer's
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lots dealerships from all 50 states wrote a letter to the president saying you have got to put the brakes on this thing. it's not working. down the road you with see that the car companies, ford, general motors, stellantis, they are going to need subsidies and another bailout because of the electric vehicle program. >> steve: i was reading in the "wall street journal" over the week a great article about someone took in one of his electric vehicles to be repaired he thought it was going to be a couple thousand dollars it was $15,000 in repair costs. the electrical vehicles cost much more to fix. >> another problem. the biden's green energy policy is really falling to pieces this cop 28 over there in the middle east that, is bitterly divided about whether or not and when to absolutely phase out all our fossil fuels. divided. >> we need china at the table. they are not there. >> they don't do anything until 2030. >> you don't have to do anything until 9:00 this morning. check out stuart over on fox
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business. thank you very much, sir. >> stuart: thank you, steve. check out american built tonight at 9:00 p.m. >> right. >> steve: you are working day and night. >> nonstop. >> steve: stuart, thank you. meanwhile switching gears. the fox news alert, facing iranian based fighters northern iraq after houthi rebels aligned with iran, attacked an american ship in the red sea. trey yingst is live with the latest. trey? coming up. fresh inci from ronny jackson, plus hundreds of migrants seen writing in another train north heading right for our southern border. the latest fallout over joe biden's border crisis coming up on this monday "fox & friends."
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>> steve: 7:27 now in new york city. back with a fox news alert. the united states has launched a drone strike in northern iraq overnight killing five iranian proxy fighters in retaliation for the now 75 attacks on u.s. forces over the region in the past few months. >> lawrence: meanwhile overnight the idf taking out at least 200 hamas targets in gaza. they are also urging the remaining civilians in gaza to evacuate as far as south as possible, ainsley. >> ainsley: trey yingst is live in southern israel with the latest for us. trey? >> trey: yeah, hey, guys, good morning. a lot of activity on the southern front today. we have seen black hawk helicopters likely evacuating casualties to hospitals in central israel. can you see hear some of that artillery in the distance. taking place against the northern part of the gaza strip right now. it's day 59 of the war between israel and hamas. we do know overnight the
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israelis ramping up airstrikes against the gaza strip. more than 200 of them overnight. that brings the total number to around 10,000 since the war began on october 7th. the heavy air and ground campaign spiking the death toll inside gaza. authorities at the hamas crold health ministry say more than 700 people were killed in a 24-hour period over the weekend. the israelis still going after hamas leadership. killing the commander of hamas' battalion in an airstrike on sunday. they also killed the commander of hamas' battalion. he was responsible for the deaths of seven soldiers during the 2014 war. and he did participate in the planning of the october 7th massacre. israel is expanding their operation to the southern part of gaza. now targeting positions on the ground near the city of khan yunis. the developments here do come as regional threats come continue to expand. yesterday three commercial vessels in the red sea were attacked by houthi.
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shot down three drones in area. highlighting the role that american forces are fighting in the region. the shot down a savvas of missiles and drones head toward israel warning people to get to shelters. entire region remains on fire as officials concerned this could very quickly unravel. guys, back to you. >> >> steve: trey, thank you very much. i mope is he down in texas somewhere. good morning to you admiral. >> good morning. how are you guys doing? >> steve: we're doing okay. we'ring our heads. we are now up to 75 times these houthi rebels who once upon a time during the trump administration used to be terrorists. they hit us. and what do we do? we blow them up rather than
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addressing the root cause. explain what the root cause is, ronni. >> the root cause is iran and inability to respond to this kind of stuff. it's weakness coming from the white house. it's been going on since the very early days of the biden administration. as you mentioned, steve, the houthis were removed from the designated terrorist list. president trump had put them on the terror list and as soon as den got. in he removed them from that list. and started giving them money and aid and now we are dealing with this and until we get aggressive with this. and until we strike in a really meaningful way, this is not going to stop. i mean, you know, us going after a few terrorists here and there. in iraq and syria, after -- that's not going to do it. we need to go after the source. and are regards to the red sea and the gulf of aden becoming increasingly dangerous place to operate for northwesterly shipping will we need to go after the ruthys. we need to strike where these
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missiles are coming from. they are shooting missiles at ships. missiles and attack drones. this is crazy we should be send tomahawk missiles and instead doing nothing. perceived weak. it's going to get worse until we get strong and do something about what is happens. leon panetta was very critical in his statement over the weekend at the ronald reagan library. i guess my question who you is, what is different when it comes to this administration and the way it responds to acts of aggression vs. the 3 presidents that you serve? >> the president presidents i served would have been very decisive in what the response was. they would have sent if you do
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this you will die. that's what we need to do. we need to kill some of these people and take out sites people launching this stuff. not just responding in the local area. not killing these proxy terrorists. iran doesn't care about proxy terrorists. if four or five of them die in a u.s. airstrike. they don't care. that's not going to deter them at all. we need to strike -- we need to cut the head off the snake, essentially. that's what i have seen done in the past. i have seen decisive action taken and a message sent that if you continue to do this, the response will be overwhelming. it will be more than what -- than what they are doing. so if they do something to us, we should do something that is above and beyond what's been done to us. and send that message to them that there will be a price to pay. it will be painful. you will not be able to continue to operate in the way you have been operating. the biden administration refuses to do it. they are being driven by the progressive base right now. that, you know, that drags them in the wrong direction every
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time something like this happens. and they need to stop listening to them. they need to start doing what is in america's best interest and what's in our national security interest. and they need to put a stop to this. because it's going -- it's going to escalate into something really bad in the near future here. i mean, they are shooting missiles at ships. you know, something bad is going to happen in the near future. >> ainsley: you are not only a congressman. you were retired u.s. navy rear admiral. and you also are a physician. we wanted to talk to you about this next topic because there are five g.o.p. senators marco rubio, j.d. vance, rick scott, tommy tuberville and mike braun penned a letter to joe biden asking him to ban travel from china to prevent this mystery respiratory illness coming here to the united states part of the letter chinese communist party has a long history of lying about public health crises, a ban on travel now could save our country from death, lockdowns, and further outbreaks later. in your opinion how serious is
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this illness? will joe biden listen to them? we don't what the i will snz is. we don't know if it's a tim bacteria. >backsomething that manipulateda lab like covid was. what we do know is we cannot trust the chinese. we cannot trust any information we get from the chinese or the world health organization. sadly we can't trust a lot of the information we are getting from our own cdc and government. that's what covid taught us. it's very unfortunate that covid has toss us to be very mistrustful of this information. until we know what going on, not a bad idea to do what the senators are suggesting to shut the travel from china down right now until we figure out what is going on over there because, we don't know if this is going to be the next big pandemic or not. it doesn't look like it's going to be. but, you know what? covid didn't look that way to start with either. we were lied to about that. we need to know what is
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happening. and we need to be aggressive in our prevention in the incident ram. >> steve: we don't know what we don't know. rony, doctor, admiral, congressman, he has the longest business card. sir, thank you very much for serving us. >> ainsley: he served our country. >> thank you. >> steve: all right. coming up on this monday, four people broke into a house so the homeowner wound up shooting at them to protect his family. and guess what? that homeowner right there the guy in handcuffs a live report on that from l.a. coming up. >> lawrence: crazy.
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>> listen to this the los angeles police department handcuffing a homeowner after the homeowner shot and killed one of four suspects who allegedly tried breaking into his house who managed to escape still on the run. >> ainsley: in california, right? griff jenkins joins us with the details. most of our parents, our dads would have done the same thing to protect their family good morning to you guys. >> griff: police are investigating this home invasion and it all first started after the lapd received a call about a
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hot prowl. that means a burglary when the homeowner is present. four suspects allegedly attempted to break into a home in the holmgren nada hills neighborhood. the homeowner opening fire on the men atlanta saying a suspect pointed a weapon at the victim and while the suspects were inside the residence. and the victim produce add one of the suspects struck by gunfire and pronounced deceased inside the residence during a trail of blood during the investigation. video from the scene show as you pointed out, steve, allegedly the victim who fired those shots was placed in handcuffs taken in for questioning. he has not been charged with a crime. one of the victim's neighbors saying, this quote. we have been having burglaries
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every day in this neighborhood. so i'm not surprised at all. it's been a real problem. residents here are fed up. police asking anybody who has information related to this incident to contact the atlanta but frightening stuff. and ainsleley, you're right. if someone breaks into your home and you have a gun, well, you have to defend yourself, send it back to you guys. >> steve: it's the castle doctrine. >> lawrence: that's what we do in texas. >> steve: thanks, griff. >> ainsley: thank you, griff. hand it over to carley for headlines. >> carley: i certainly do. starting with a fox news alert. the u.s. air force divers have recovered remains of two of the crew members from the osprey airplane that crashed off the coast last week. discovered the bodies of five crew members early this morning and working to identify the newly recovered remains. the first of eight crew members to be found last week. god bless him. all of them.
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today marks 250 days since evan gershkovich was detained in russia on espionage charges. russian authorities extending detention weeks ago. his parents say they still have a seat open for him at the dinner table this holiday season. they wrote a "wall street journal" op-ed saying his resilience and unwavering strength never cease to amaze us. holds his head high held up with pride. we keep our faith in president biden's promise to our family to bring our son and brother back to us. florida lawmakers fans calling out the ncaa for snubbing florida state. the election committee failed after choosing one loss alabama over fsu. florida governor and 2024 presidential candidate ron desantis slamming the group on x writing, quote: what we learned today is that you can go undefeated and win your conference championship game but the college football playoff committee will ignore these
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results. quite the controversy, guys. over to you. >> steve: it just doesn't seem fair. what do you have to do to get into that? >> carley: beat alabama. >> ainsley: alabama lost one but they play 12 games. fsu played 10. completely undefeated. what does the teach the players you can be undefeated one of the best teams. >> carley: injuries involved in that decision as well. quite the controversy. receive steve people who do the pick would he go don't know. 13. former players coaches sports writers they come up with the list. i know there is a loft outrage with florida state fans. buff there is a bit of good news. and that is this year there are just four teams in this. next year they are changing everything so there are 12 teams. then whoever is in contention will be there. >> lawrence: what's fair is what is fair. alabama i'm not targeting you. i have a diner there on thursday. >> ainsley: we love alabama, too. >> lawrence: take it very.
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how are you undefeated. >> they beat georgia. who would have ever thought that was going to happen. hats off to them. i went to fsu my freshman and sophomore year. football is a religion down there. think about the coach. the coaching this team. they are doing so well. undefeated and this coach might have had -- if they win the national championship ents, don't the coaches make more money. so much rides on this and is affected. steve the coach mike norvel said it's a sad day for football. florida fans sorry. >> ainsley: check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> janice: good morning. take look at it. we have snow across the upstate new york region as well as new england. the colder colder temperatures along with this front pushing across the central u.s. that's bringing a little bit of snow and rain. but the big bulls eye is across portions of maine where we could actually see the potential for some blizzard conditions. so widespread rain across the northeast, periods of know north of that and then things will
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taper off tomorrow. that's the goods news. here is some of the snow still to come on top of what we have seen over the last, i would say, couple of days through the weekend. look at this, days since the last one inch of daily snow. over 600 in philadelphia and new york. so that's a couple of seasons where we haven't seen at least an inch of snow here across the i-95 corridor. i know we are going to try to change that right, l.j.? got some snow angels. >> lawrence: janice, i don't know what you do and what influence you have on this. >> janice: i'm trying. >> lawrence: talk to the man upstairs and tell him we need it here. thanks j.d. won't condemn the attack against innocent israelis. focusing on another war against climate change. urging the world to cut back on beef to help fight it one of the largest meat export government cutting back on livestock to
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copen haven joins us now why are they focusing on this and is it really going to be effective? >> >> well, they are focusing on everything, lawrence, they are essentially saying you have got to be poor, you have got to be colder, travel less, do all kinds of things and cut down on your emissions from your food. global warming is a real problem. you are never going to convince most people by telling them they have to do with less. it was a to be a worse less. simply telling us to do everything and in a way these are all bad things very hard to convince people and core way of doing policy on climate change make sure it stays clean.
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basic things. getting rid of all the crash and stop littering and making sure that basic things in our neighborhood and then slowly escalate? much bigger environmental problems. outdoor and indoor. the outdoor in poor indoor in rich. these are things we could regulate and help much more much lower cost. we need to keep asking the question how much is this going to do good and how much is it going to cost us? remember, we are talking about climate policies, cost each year throughout this century about $27 trillion most people not going to do it. better and smarter. rules only apply new found rules to some people. upper class and the people making the rules.
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they don't have to really live by them. it's not a great example. >> that's true. i'm actually regular tarren but i'm not going to preach that everybody else should go vegetarian. we also need to recognize that this is only going to be a very small part. of course, people also tell you shouldn't drive. you shouldn't fly. but everybody is flying to the climate summit in dubai. i understand it would be really annoying to cycle or walk there but it doesn't reflect the fact that right now we're rich because we have access to lots of fossil fuels. we need to find smarter ways through innovation not just tell everyone they have to do without. >> lawrence: yeah, brother. i respect those that want to be vegetarian or vegan, but i still need my meat. as a matter of fact, when we finish this segment, i'm going to get me a bacon, egg, and cheese. i appreciate your balance on it, are brother. >> thank you. >> lawrence: thank you, ainsley. i will finish that fox news alert. a former u.s. ambassador is arrested in florida accused of
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secretly serving as an agent for cuba. what we learned overnight. plus, a "new york times" op-ed claims children should be able to transition genders saying there is no way to live a life without regret. a mom whose daughter was socially transitioned by her school reacts straight ahead. that's next. ♪ ♪ if you struggle. ♪ and struggle. ♪ and struggle with cpap. you should check out inspire. ♪ no mask. no hose. just sleep. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at as a way to say thank you this holiday season, bass pro shops and cabela's club members save even more while supporting conservation during club member mondays. for the first time ever,
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>> lawrence: live today on fox 1:15 eastern, update on the israel and hamas war. supreme court will are hear a case today. and a former u.s. ambassador accused of serving as a cuban agent, that is all today. to ainsley. >> ainsley: "new york times" op ed says children need freedom to make mistakes, there is no way to live a life without regret. what are we saying really when we say a child will regret this decision to transition and how is it different from the decision i made to quit competitive swimming.
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a california mom whose daughter was socially transitioned to a boy and defendant's exhibit notify her and we have mark tra trammel. tell us the story what happened to your child, you sued california school district andun with. tell us what happend and your reaction to this article. >> i personally experienced a lot of secrecy. i experienced a troubled childs. our schools have thought they could possibly parent better and decided to make adult choices with my child. there was a lot of hush-hush and behind the parent's back. it is emotionally harming our child. i feel my child was one survivor out of this horrible mess happening. >> ainsley: what is your
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reaction of this article comparing it to quitting the swim team. to be super honest that is stupidity at its finest. you cannot compare a swim team to our children. these mistakes are causing children to take their lives, it is our job to love, guides and direct them from making mistakes. we want our children to have freedom, they have enough freedom as children. a mistake is action misguided, not adequate information, they should not be making adult choices and comparing it to quitting a swim team versus sexually transitioning or cutting off body parts. that is a horrible type of example she could have used this
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type of freedom she is expressing in her article, it is harming our children, not making them feel like regretful. this is harming our children. >> ainsley: mark, what do you think? >> i think it is a cold and callous perspective to take. our laws to tekt kids because kids lack capacity understand nature and consequences of decisions they are confronted with. center for liberty, we represented jiszicca and her daughter. jessica is a hero. she filed this lawsuit and won. we also represent through young children who have gone through surgical decisions and are experiencing regret today. many as parents should be doing everything to protect other kids
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from experiences that irreversible trauma those young women are facing today. >> ainsley: why are they trying to normalize this and make sure it is not a big deal? >> i'm not sure why they have such a huge gr on our children. they are mistakes our children are making, they are supposed to be able to innocently making mistakes, but these are life choices. they are causing children, like my own. my daughter almost committed suicide thanks to freedom of her decision. they encouraged the mistake she should try to make. >> ainsley: she was only 11, right? >> our kids have enough freedom, it is absurd, ignorance and child abuse to not guide them away from making that pooror


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