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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  December 4, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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not easy to play a religious role because it could affect your acting later on. you are touching the lives of so many people. >> my life has only gotten better playing jesus. >> ainsley: god does that. get him in your life. >> steve: check out the prayer 25 challenge on the halo app. >> ainsley: we're sitting with jesus. >> lawrence: 21 days until christmas. let's open up today's gift. it is the mini refrigerator from learning resources. this will teach kids ages three and up new counting, sorting and fine motor skills to play. it comes with 30 colorful mini foods. go to learning resources on breakfast with friends tomorrow in clayton, north carolina. see you all tomorrow. >> bill: good morning, everybody. here we go. we'll see the legal fight over
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opioids in america play out at the highest court one hour from now the court takes up the purdue pharma bankruptcy deal. the agreement that could shield the family from further lawsuits down the road. the families of opioid victims not happy about it. d.o.j. is challenging. see what the supremes say. keep an eye on this. an american warship came under attack and how the pentagon is responsible to that. it will take us a long way whether or not iran the gets a message. it's monday. hope you get ready for the holidays. we are, right? >> dana: i'm dana perino. and this is "america's newsroom." good to be with you today. we want to tell you about the attack that happened yesterday off the coast of yemen. enter>> bill: the assault lasted for hours and the u.s.s. carney shot down three drones in
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self-defense. >> dana: it's seen as the biggest escalation against u.s. troops in the region. >> bill: general jack keane has analysis. trey yengst reports from southern israel on the war with hamas. first alexandria hoff is following the u.s. response to iranian aggression and reports from washington. alexandria, good morning. >> good morning. this aggression was not confined to the red sea. u.s. officials tell fox news iranian proxy fires in northern iraq yesterday were seen preparing an attack on u.s. and coalition forces and it was foiled by a drone, the u.s. killed five proxy fighters. the u.s.s. carney patrolling the red sea is alerted on attacks to commercial vessels and they detect other missiles fired from yemen one headed toward carney itself. they shot down three drones.
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additional impact was the same language by u.s. central command. houthi rebels are behind the attacks. we believe they are fully enabled by iran. there have been at least 75 attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east iran proxies since mid last month. the pentagon does not count attacks on u.s. warships at sea in that number. this weekend at the reagan national defense forum lloyd austin pledged the u.s. will not sit idle. >> we will not tolerate attacks on american personnel. so these attacks must stop. until they do, we will do what we need to do to protect our troops. and to impose costs on those who attack them. >> spokesperson feels iran has already been given too much leeway, listen. >> the second thing is your adversary has to understand, you
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have the will to inflict harm, inflict pain. right now iran does not think that this administration has the will to do so. >> the u.s. previously carried out response strikes on ammunition storages facilities in iraq and syria used by iran-backed militia groups. >> bill: more to come. >> dana: israel is ordering mass evacuations in southern gaza as forces widen ground and air operations in their hunt for hamas in that region. trey yengst is live in southern israel with more. hi, trey. >> good morning. day 59 of the war between israel and hamas. israelis are ramping up their strikes in the northern and southern part of the gaza strip. i want to show you the smoke rising from the gaza skyline. this is a neighborhood in northern gaza where nearly 60 days into the war, they are still finding hamas fighters that are engaging israeli forces. we have watched at blackhawk
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helicopters evacuate wounded soldiers. a number of rockets and mortars fired toward this position. overnight israeli forces hit 200 different targets inside gaza bringing the total number since the war began to more than 10,000. heavy air campaign spiking the death toll in the strip. authorities in the health ministry say more than 700 people were killed in a 24-hour period over the weekend. israelis are going after hamas leadership, killing the commander of a battalion over the weekend striking the commander with a second battalion. he is partially responsible for planning the october 7th massacre. they are going now to the second largest city. regional threats continue to expand. u.s.s. carney shot down three
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drones yesterday in the area and the role american forces are playing in the region. in october the same guided missile destroyer shot down missiles and drones headed toward israel. not just the southern front in the region that remains active. a lot of focus on the northern front where hezbollah continues to attack israeli positions along the border. dana. >> dana: so it continues. thank you, trey yengst. >> bill: general jack keane. nice to see you on monday. good to get your analysis. listen to something from the agan defense forum over the weekend. we were in california. part of the last panel of the program. leon panetta, bill clinton, barack obama. he is a democrat. here is his answer on the response to iran. >> we have to go in and hit those that are responsible for doing it. so i would be much more aggressive about going after those that attack our u.s. forces. >> do you think to date that our response has been too soft? >> i think it's been a little
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bit too selective. we hit some ammo dumps. we hit some other targets. i want to go after those who are firing missiles at our troops. make sure they understand that when they fire a missile, they are going to die. >> bill: soft or selective or take your pick. >> i know secretary panetta well and on his policy board while he was secretary of defense. we have to relook at the strategy dealing with iran and the middle east. our policy of attempting to play indicate them and appease them with hostage payments, sanction relief money, reducing the trump sanctions and just recently since october 7th we let the embargo for ballistic missile development curbing iran's behavior in that expire. this is the appeasement strategy. it has failed. the reality is we're not deterring iran. look at europe.
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we didn't deter putin in europe. president xi is up to his aggression against the united states. middle assets upped aggression against taiwan and upped his aggression against the allies and partners and fishing rights. there is a pattern here. these are our three major adversaries, china, russia, iran. they are all increasing their aggression. they believe they're vulnerable and our leadership is weak and lost the ability to deter with iran and what is taking place in the region. they are increasing their level of aggression with the proxies, inran, syria, hezbollah gradually increasing. not an all-out missile attack fortunately and now with the houthis. we have to respond. centcom made a statement saying the attacks are enabled by iran. i think they are flagging the
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administration a little bit here. we need to respond and makake se iran understands that we're not going to put up with this kind of increased escalation to try to disrupt commercial traffic through the persian gulf which is the objective here. the other objective is to push us out of the region. we have to hit iran where it matters. it won't escalate into war with iran. they know they loose the regime over that. let's apply common sense here. >> dana: what happened over the weekend. explain what's going on with the houthis attacking the ships including commercial ships. is it just testing what we'll do in response? >> well, what they want to do is flag to the region that they can disrupt the flow of cargo ships and also interfere with oil ships in the region, as they've done in the past and they can do that at will and the united
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states will defend itself certainly but it is not going to stop them from doing it. so they are showing american weakness in the region and their ability to leverage their interest in that region. their objective stated time and again dominate and control the middle east and control the persian gulf flow of oil. this is all part of their strategic objective. we have to see it as that. >> bill: sooner rather than later, but it's gone on for some time. we'll show you the map later. more than 75 hits so far on our forces? it can't continue. general jack keane, thanks for starting us off on a monday morning. >> dana: have a great week. democratic congresswoman skjei pal under fire for her response to a question about the rape of israeli women at the hands of hamas. >> i have condemned what hamas has done and condemned all of the actions. absolutely, the rape, the -- of
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course, but i think we have to remember that israel is a democracy, that is why they're a strong ally of ours. >> i'm asking you about hamas. >> i already answered your question. i said it is horrific and i think rape is horrific. sexual assault is horrific. i think it happens in war situations. terrorist organizations like hamas obviously are using these as tools. however, i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> it's horrible but you don't see israeli soldiers raping palestinian women. >> i don't want this to be the hierarchy of oppression. >> what you may not have heard in there, because it wasn't all in there. she said with respect i was just asking about the women and you turned it back to israel. i'm asking you about hamas. good for her for pushing back.
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>> dana: even in her second response she can't say the rape is terrible. the planning from the israeli have found, hamas had designs on making sure that the women were raped. this was a plan and i don't know if you heard over the weekend some of the reports about a witness that saw terrible gang rape of an israeli woman who was begging to be killed and in the end they did shoot her dead. >> bill: don't lose sight of those videos. they recorded them for a reason and want the world to see it and use it. the further you get from october 7th, the further you get away from again the actions that were committed on that day. anyway, hats off to dana bash trying to get something out of that interview there. there is this from new york. [chanting] >> bill: the pro-palestinian protestors wreaking havoc on a holiday mall in manhattan. in pennsylvania a mob targeting
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a jewish restaurant. how the governor in that state is responding. >> dana: as the migrant crisis spirals out of control in chicago the mayor taking aim at right wing extremists. >> bill: john kerry getting off the plane and add it again. what he said about coal that has a lot of heads spinning this morning. >> the fastest, simplest. easiest, quickest, cheapest way to be able to make the gains we need to make to reduce the threat to the planet. america. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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>> bill: 18 past. protests across chicago. this after the new mayor, brandon johnson on his handling of the migrant crisis. he as a democrat blames republicans for stoking
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tensions. even life long democrats are turning against him. an interesting relationship for this. garrett tenney has more in the windy city. what happened? >> good morning to you. johnson has faced blowback about his handling of the crisis. when asked he blames republican and right wing extremists. some of the leading voices and found most of those protesting are democrats and folks like linda johnson who say the mayor isn't taking responsibility for his role in this crisis. >> not only did i vote for him i was out there petitioning for him and getting people to the polls and my sons to the polls. i don't know who he is trying to please because you are not pleasing your constituents at all. >> the mayor is facing protests over a large pop-up shelter for migrants even though the site
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has heavy metals. another long time democrat voted for johnson and was out protesting the city spending $40 million a month on migrants instead of improving the long neglected black neighborhoods. she said the mayor and other democrats need to stop blaming others for the results of their own policies. >> no one in this city's democratic party stood up and stood with us. so when you look at that, i have to stop and say you know what? if the democratic party can't stand up for us, i'm going to need to do something different. >> like others we spoke to they're outraged the mayor and allies on the city council are trying to block a referendum giving voters a say on sanctuary city status and put limits on how much the city spends on the migrant crisis. bill. >> nice to see you, garrett. an interesting relationship. it's just getting going. 20 past the hour.
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nice to see you. >> we don't need that necessarily to tell us we ought to be transitioning out of coal. there shouldn't be any more coal-fired power plants per misted anywhere in the world. that's how you can do something to help. and the reality is that we're not doing it. >> dana: john kerry at the u.n. climate change conference in dubai driving a stake through the heart of the coal industry putting thousands of jobs at the line as the biden administration pushes its green agenda. let's bring in brian brenberg and david asman. john kerry didn't say that with president xi two weeks ago. >> a lot he is not saying about china in particular. you wonder what, john kerry is saying no more coal plants while we're not only buying all the ingredients for electric vehicles from china, but we're subsidizing them as well. we're buying and subsidizing
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batteries that are built in china's coal-powered plants, 58% of all their energy comes from coal. they build more coal-fired plants than the rest of the world combined and we are subsidizing those coal-fired plants in order to buy the e.v. ingredients from china. >> bill: every 14 days they open up a new one. they have a ribbon cutting every two weeks. >> we know china is building and permitting coal plants. you look at european countries that suffered under shortages of natural gas. they are consuming more coal now than at any time in the last three years. why? they need reliable energy, too. john kerry is talking about a goal that even his allies in the e.u. can't buy into because it's disconnected from reality. >> the e.u. has designated natural gas as a green energy. the biden administration is
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saying we have to get rid of natural gas as well. it is not just coal. because of natural gas, we have lowered our pollution levels dramatically over the past 20 years. now they want to get rid of natural gas even e.u. called is green energy. total confusion. >> bill: there was a picture going around from munich where they had a blizzard and jets were going to fly to the summit and they were frozen to the tarmac. the host the sultan, at the cop 28 conference of the parties. >> i hate the name. >> bill: he comes out and says there is no science out there that says the phase-out of fossil fuel will achieve what you want, a reduction of global temperature by 1.5 degrees. he is hosting the thing.
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>> he also runs the oil company there. so he has a couple different reasons for not wanting to phase out fossil fuels. what he is actually saying is realistic. look, whatever the future is going to be, fossil fuels are part of it. they will have to be. so why don't we think about cleaner fossil fuels? instead of going to coal, twice as dirty as natural gas, why don't we get on board with things like natural gas, maybe nuclear energy. that's why germany and europe are in a bind. they said no to all these things. now they are having to go back and say yes to coal. >> and we could have provided liquid natural gas to the europeans before russia invaded ukraine, before all their natural gas supplies were threatened because of russia turning off the spigots. we had the power and the determination and we had already begun building the ports for liquid natural gas that would lower european pollution levels.
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instead we buy dirty oil from venezuela and others. >> dana: what it means for job in the coal and other industries and what this kind of mentality what the future is. >> yes. to be very clear, an unrealistic fanciful call like john kerry's to move away from fossil fuels is destructive to the most stable blue collar jobs in america. if you want to make america strong, if you want to help american workers, you would say use our competitive natural advantage. by the way, that's what china is doing and why they are burning coal. it is a natural advantage of theirs. we could outcompete them if we used our natural advantage and advantaged our blue collar workers in the process. >> bill: i don't know the answer to this. maybe you do. nuclear energy has such a bad name, right?
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which governor in america would have the guts to go ahead and build more nuclear power plants in their state? they get a lot of attention. they've been doing this in france for a long time, david. >> you may have a democrat, something like the democrat governor of new jersey might do something like that to be on the fringe side and providing some helpful suggestion about how to burn clean energy that isn't necessarily something that won't provide the power like solar and wind power doesn't provide enough energy that we need. nuclear power would do that. i would like at new jersey as one potential. >> dana: he is the one that wants to do all the wind power. i think pennsylvania. if you want to pick a governor. >> remember how his backbone got weak when it came to school choice. when he was attacked by the left he bent on that issue.
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>> bill: thank you. green energy is coming and it will be here when the consumer wants it. we'll look back on our techniques now and laugh at them that we are building turbines in the atlantic ocean to give us green energy. we'll be able to harness something really effective. >> let's not laugh at the way we did it by making ourselves poor. let economics work. >> and save the whales, stop the windmills. >> bill: on the docket in the supreme court a plan that would protect those from future lawsuits talking the filies who lost loved ones from the crisis. florida governor ron desantis visiting all 99 counties in iowa. will it move the needle for him in that campaign? >> you pit all 99 counties as of today in the state. how do you feel? >> it feels good. a lot of work but i think it's important. you are showing people that you
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entrust you heart to entsto. >> bill: there is an investigation underway in the city of paris over terrorism after a knife and hammer attack killing at least one person, injuring two others. happened near the eiffel tower, one of the more popular tourist sight. there is an arrest. he pledged allegiance to the islamic state. >> dana: right now at the supreme court the justices are hearing a challenge to the purdue pharma bankruptcy agreement. the $6 billion deal shields the family from future litigation. they will decide this. my next guest opposed that ruling after burying their son, brian. thank you so much for joining us and sorry for what you've gone through. with your permission you could play the 911 call that you made
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when you found your son. so let's do that here. >> 911. >> i need an ambulance. my kid is not breathing. >> what is the address? >> yes, hurry. >> is he blue? >> he is white. >> how old is he? >> oh, god, he is dead. >> dana: it's unimaginable for me what you went through and thank you to explain to us what your position is on this settlement that you think that the family should be -- there should be an ability to sue them civilly. if this doesn't get changed in the supreme court it won't be allowed. >> it won't be. my feeling is that richard sackler and his family have murdered my son and they have no right to get immunity from being sued. nobody else does, you know? you and i wouldn't get that
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right. why should the sacklers. i think the judge overstepped his bounds here permitting that. so our last hope is the supreme court. >> dana: judge nelson, you understand the law very well. explain your position so our viewers can understand how unprecedented this is. >> thank you for having us. i don't understand bankruptcy law very well as very few people do. this type of third party release is unprecedented under these type of circumstances where you've got a billionaire family who is protected under bankruptcy laws when they personally did not file for bankruptcy. when their company filed bankruptcy the individual family members took $11 billion and
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left and hid the money into off shore accounts. so people with $11 billion are not protected generally by bankruptcy laws. if this bankruptcy settlement is approved, they are forever shielded, them and their $11 billion are protected forever from any type of civil claims. and it's just an abuse of the bankruptcy process. >> dana: yes, sir. you said you can't put a price tag on a loved one. most families are looking at between $3800 and $48 pun payable over 18 years. >> 3500 for burying my only child. it's incomprehensible they would even bring that up when they put billions upon billions into off shore accounts. but even a million dollars is not going to bring my son back.
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it is not going to bring my -- my mom and i have to go to his grave on christmas morning. that won't fix that. what richard sackler needs is to be hit where it hurts, his money. we should be able to sue him. he should be prosecuted and in jail. they knew these drugs were so powerful people would get hooked. besides the bankruptcy and his money i personally think he should be in jail. yes, i think this really is our last hope, dana. it is a very big day. >> dana: judge nelson, tell us a little more about brian. >> as you can see from one of the pictures he was quite a golfer. he was a very good golfer. he was really a good kid. a straight a student. he graduated from a military academy. you would never know by looking
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at him that he abused drugs. he got hooked on oxycontin after a car accident and he hid it very well from us. in fact, we didn't really know the extent of it until after he have passed away and we found the oxycontin pills hidden in his bedroom. he was a good boy and he got hooked on the wrong medication at the wrong time. richard sackler called him the scum of the earth because he got hooked on their poison and it is just not right that if the supreme court doesn't restore faith in the judicial system or justice system that i've been a part of for over 40 years, i will be very disappointed and i know brian would, too. for brian's sake and the sake of
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those of us who oppose this settlement, we just ask the supreme court our last hope do the right thing. my heart does go out for the families who support this settlement. they are hurting just as much as we are. they want the settlement. they want to put this in the past. but it's not about the money. you hear about billions of dollars being poured into opioid relief and treatment but what you don't hear about is it's payable over 18 years and if you do the math, that doesn't amount to anything. we've been fighting this for two decades now. >> dana: an important detail. >> we just ask the supreme court to do the right thing. >> dana: christie and judge nelson, hold tight to each other as you go through the holiday season and thank you for sharing your story with us today so everyone can understand your
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point of view. we appreciate you. >> thank you. >> thank you. [chanting] >> bill: they are screaming for genocide. israeli born restaurant owner accused of genocide by pro-palestinian over the war in gaza. the response from the pennsylvania governor is coming up in a moment on that. the owners of bodega stores in new york city are carrying concealed weapons to protect themselves and property as an epidemic of crime overtakes their own businesses. some lenders charge hundreds upfront for your appraisal and other fees. not at newday. a veteran shouldn't have to come up with money to get money. i'm sholeh, and i lost 75 pounds with golo. i went from a size 20 to a size 6. before golo, nothing seemed to work. i was exercising for over an hour every day.
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>> dana: pro-palestinian protestors mob a restaurant in philly over the weekend accusing the israeli born owner of genocide. the pennsylvania governor calling it an act of anti-semitism. bryan llenas following the story. >> it is awful. this israeli american, advocate for israel and jewish food and culture. he has israeli style restaurants in philadelphia. at one of his shops last night hundreds of pro-palestinians protestors chanted outside of his restaurant targeting it because it's jewish-owned. [chanting] >> we charge you with genocide. >> the protestors graffiti
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mul multiple -- no arrests last night. protestors targeted another of the man's restaurants two weeks ago. pennsylvania's governor shapiro who is jewish posted on x, tonight in philly we saw an act of anti-semitism. a restaurant was targeted and mobbed because its owner is jewish and israeli. this is reminiscent of a dark time in history. he said he spoke with the chef and his wife and that he looks forward to quote breaking bread with them again soon. people are criticizing the governor on x for not doing more. others on social media are encouraging people to buy food at goldees online or in person. he raised more than $1 hundred thousand and gave that to a jewish nonprofit in israel in the after math of the attacks. >> dana: i would love to go to visit his restaurant. thank you so much. >> bill: we'll get him on the air.
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good for him. john kirby, watch. >> number is 8 to 9. there is at least one other american woman unaccounted for. we don't know much about her condition, where she is. i would say the same thing unfortunately about the other americans being held hostage. hamas is the reason that the pause ended because they refused to put on the list additional women and children that we know that they are holding and they are refusing to let go. >> bill: that from "fox news sunday." the fighting resumed over the weekend. netanyahu said the war will continue until israel achieve all its aims. a senior advisor to the israeli leader is with me now. thank you for coming back here to our program. 8 or 9 americans, where are they now in gaza? >> so in some dungeon that hamas is controlling and one has to fear them because as you know, with the help of the united states of america, israel
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managed to achieve a pause where some of our hostages were released. all together a sizeable number, over 100 were released, 80 of them israeli nationals. that's a good thing. we still have about 130 being held including the americans. and we have to be able -- we have been interviewing the people who came out and they went through a living hell. i heard a moment from the children's hospital a director of the children's hospital where some of the children who have been going to were released and the sort of things they had to go through. no child should ever have to go through the way hamas treated them.. and really they -- >> bill: are you confident that these americans are still alive? >> i can't be confident that anyone is alive unfortunately. we're dealing with a brutal terrorist group that has no qualms whatsoever about butchering people. we saw that on october 7th when they entered israel and
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massacred our people and raped, burned people alive, terrible, terrible crimes against humanity. and we see that with the way they treat their own people. the palestinian people of gaza. how they use them as cannon fodder and human shield for their terror war machine. why else do you build bunkers under hospitals and why else do you store missiles in schools and why else do you build your underground tunnels under urban neighborhoods? the idea is to have the civilian population as a human shield for your war machine. no other explanation. so these are brutal people. anyone who is held by them, we have to fear for them. >> bill: your negotiators were pulled out of qatar over the weekend. i'm assuming there is a line of communication with hamas leadership. can you confirm that? >> i can confirm the following. that we believe very strongly that hamas will change their
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behavior and become human tarrance. they won't change that. they will only release more hostages if they feel compelled to do so. by applying military pressure and beefing up the strikes of the israeli defense forces against the military high temperature, eliminating their commanders, when they start to feel the pain, maybe then we'll have another opportunity to get our people out. >> bill: last question. will there be a ground invasion in southern gaza? >> yes. we have no alternative. ultimately hamas has key infrastructure there in the south. they have their major central commanders there in the south. what we have done is, of course, told the civilian population where we expect there to be heavy fighting and asked them to relocate. we don't want to see civilians caught in the crossfire. hamas has to know that we're coming after them. we will reach them and they will pay a price for their butchering
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of israeli civilians and we'll get rid of them. they will no longer run the gaza strip when this is over and good for israel for obvious reasons but also good for the people of gaza who deserve a better government. hamas has been ruling there for 16 years and what have they brought the people of gaza? pain, suffering, blood shed, poverty. it is not a particularly impressive success level. >> bill: now war. thank you for your time today. we'll speak again very soon. thank you, sir. >> thanks for having me. >> dana: police in los angeles say they got their man. the suspect in a string of deadly shootings of homeless people. turns out he was in custody on a different charge. controversy surrounding college football after undefeated florida state is left out of the playoffs. why the committee picked alabama over fsu? ♪
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>> dana reads sports. >> dana: you know we had to mention taylor swift. not a good luck charm for travis kelce and the kansas city chiefs. watch here. >> you need an alabama miracle here. mahomes buy the time, circle around, look, slip it up to the end zone. kelsey down there. in complete. >> dana: the chiefs lose for the first time with the pop superstar in attendance. kansas city fans crying foul after officials didn't call pass interference against the packers twice late in the game including on the hail mary at the end of the game. again, i ask isn't -- pass interference is the point, i think. >> bill: that's really good, actually. >> dana: thank you, right? isn't that the point? >> bill: the problem when the
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ball is in the air you can't get in the way of the receiver. >> dana: do you think she'll write a song about the loss? >> bill: i don't think so. i tell you what, we get up so early in the morning i wanted to see that game last night. it was a good one. a really good one. >> dana: i bet it was great. >> bill: dana sports and hemmer celebrity news. jelly. the lapd now saying the man accused of shooting and killing homeless people at random is also linked to another death. they thought they had a serial killer out there. william la jeunesse. >> in jail a police call a homeless serial killer. 33-year-old jeer gerald powell. how police caught him. he followed a man home from an ev charging station, robbed and killed him in the l.a. suburb. witness and surveillance cameras provided a partial plate number
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and vehicle description. three days later, powell drove through beverly hills where over the objections of the aclu and liberal critics a license plate reader photographed his car. arrested moments later. police found a handgun linking powell to the earlier murder of three homeless men. >> how does a man go out and ruthlessly shoot and kill a homeless individual who is sleeping on a couch in south los angeles? how does the following day he go out and brutally shoot and kill i watched the video yesterday, it was chilling. >> beverly hills uses 50 license plate readers, 2400 cameras and drone to monitor the city, all of which they attribute to powell's arrest. >> bill: what a story. nice to see you, william. thanks. >> dana: a $6 billion deal to


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