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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  December 4, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> bill: the 13th team will be ticked off. alabama has one loss. >> they started 3-0. ended up 4-8. >> dana: okay. >> bill: we're right here. >> dana: there we are. that's our camera shot. >> bill: the best segment of the day, i believe. before we go we have another thing in the news. the world has been serious. >> dana: the oxford university press announced its 2023 word of the year. sometimes i hate it. the word is riz. we haven't seen it yet. a guess on what it means. >> bill: i saw it over the weekend. >> dana: do you have it? defined as style, charm or attractiveness. you actually have it in spades, all right. everyone have a great day, harris is next. >> bill: here is harris. >> harris: fox news alert.
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it will be president biden or bust, top democrats say they don't have the plan b to replace the president at the top of the ticket at this point. voters for months now have been giving him terrible marks on top issues and expressing grave concerns over his age, fitness for office, foreign policy, economy, you name it. the list is ugly for him. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." those top democrats sounding totally dismissive of the idea of abb, anybody but biden. >> we aren't going to have plan b. it's plan a, joe biden. this is palace intrigue. >> you don't think there is a risk to putting your eggs in one basket. >> he is our president and we have a nominee. nobody has a plan b. he is the president. i expect him to be the nominee and win.
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>> the oldest president ever. >> did ronald reagan have a plan b? i don't think that's how elections happen. >> harris: that is at the lack of a plan b could be driving the party to kill any competition to the president is kind of the point, too. florida's democrat primary is over before a single vote has been cast. the state party submitted only joe biden's name for nomination. and that would snub congressman dean phillips and other 2024 contenders. phillips with a blistering response. americans would expect the absence of democracy in tehran, not tallahassee. ouch. axios now reporting house democrats are struggling with messaging on the economy. yeah, bidenomics don't work for the american people. some are ditching the bidenomics name, which failed to get any traction with voters in surveys, of course. president biden himself not
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using the term in speeches for more than a month now. hillary vaughn has more from capitol hill. hillary. bidenomics is gone? >> it is. because the bidenomics catch phrase was not catching on. instead it was ticking people off who felt it was tone deaf to the economic reality they're facing and a president not polling great in some polls, even trailing his competition according to democratic sources telling axios. since then nbc reports the term is scrubbed from the president's speeches. not just bidenomics scrubbed, so is one of his primary opponents off the ballot. dean phillips was iced out of the florida primary ballot. he said it's offensive to democracy and democratic voters. >> 100 some people simply decided there will be no primary in florida. they will allocate all the delegates to a single person, president biden and
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disenfranchise millions of floridians. they gave the finger to americans. an affront to democracy. everybody in our country now knows there is something terribly wrong. >> many voters feel taking a victory lap over the economy is terribly wrong. palpable distaste for the state of the economy even in president biden's hometown. >> tougher for people, you know? so how could he be seeing it through our eyes if, you know, it has gotten tougher for everybody. >> this economy sucks. everything is going up except paychecks. >> i'm a registered democrat but i'm not happy. >> registered democrat who is not happy is not what president biden's campaign wants to hear just two months out from the south carolina democratic primary, harris. >> harris: terribly, terribly wrong says dean phillips. it is a little late for that, though. he should have been fighting harder earlier maybe. thank you. power panel now, doug collins,
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former republican congressman of georgia and patrick murphy, former democratic congressman of pennsylvania giving that veteran salute. we appreciate that. a couple of just housekeeping points right now. doug burgum who was among those republicans who were running for presidential candidate has just suspended his campaign and we don't have much more detail right now. i'll pick up more as the minutes come. i did want to let everybody know doug burgum has suspended his campaign. just a quick thought on that from you, doug collins. is this a sign that the field will winnow now to 1 or 2 against trump? >> oh yeah, it is going to and you expect it to at a certain point as the odds are just -- the polls are showing that donald trump is in the lead. he is staying in the lead not going down anywhere. the movement that is spoke of by pundits saying desantis and haley are moving are marginal.
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you'll think these fall away. after iowa and new hampshire it will fall down even further. >> harris: there were plans a, b, c, d, e, f on the republican side but not on the left. why is that? why is it still, patrick, anybody but biden when they can't even use the name bidenomics not because they don't work. that would be a good reason. because his name is in it and they poll so poorly. would they call it neutralomics? >> let's make the country great again is the new slogan. >> that will work. then you could call it trump on mix. >> i was in congress where we had affordable healthcare. a lot of folks called in obamacare. it wasn't -- >> harris: he did embrace it. later on he did. >> later on. the majority of the economy is
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in the private sector. i never liked the title. you don't want -- the great thing about our country, number one military and economy in the world. we have to work it every single day and keep it that way and listen, things like inflation that you mentioned it was at 9%, down to 3%. we have to get it down to at least 2%. do more work to do to move the ball and make the economy great again. >> harris: did you say got to work it? are you running? >> no. >> harris: i don't believe you. >> doug collins and i both served in iraq. lieutenants on "the faulkner focus" and happy to be part of the power hour. >> harris: it sounded for a minute, doug, he might be plan b. >> who knows? it doesn't surprise. the democrat party is well set. this is pretty true for most incumbent presidents. they have possibly a plan b, they don't have to exercise it yet. the setup among democratic
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primaries and caucuses is limited on who will get in and where the delegates go. their biggest problem is and patrick hinted, they have to find something that resonates with the american people. right now it's not happening. i appreciate patrick saying this. he said the private economy is where people really care about. this seemed to focus on the government emphasis of economy and why it missed the boat a lot. >> harris: what i'm curious about in terms of the people, the people that they have would plan b be kamala harris? if not, then who? that sort of thing? it would behoove anyone to have something going on with that, i would think, patrick. just a quick thought and we'll move forward. >> that's what i think you are seeing in the even on the republican side. the plan b for that is nikki haley. >> harris: we want to talk about your side. they have b, c, d, e, f,
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whatever. >> i hear a lot of rumors about mark cuban. >> harris: your guy may not get there. >> i hear a lot of rumors about mark cuban and on next hour with kevin o'leary, maybe you should ask him on "outnumbered" in an hour. i'm thinking that could be someone. >> harris: owning the dallas mavericks to running the country. it sounds like a fair question. >> he is from pittsburgh. you asked for a name. >> harris: you are reaching. crunch time fast approaching for republican presidential candidates just what we were talking about. the first in nation iowa caucuses 42 days away. there it is circled on our big wall calendar. former president trump holds a commanding lead in that state. ron desantis and nikki haley trail far behind in second and third place respectively. the florida governor wrapped up a tour of all of iowa's 99 counties.
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he told me he said he would do that. he is insisting he will win in iowa. his campaign has faced recent struggles including the departure of some high-level staffers. >> if you don't come in at least second, would you then drop out of the race? how critical is iowa? >> we are going to win the caucus. we are doing everything we need to do it. >> bottom line is iowa do or die for you, governor? >> we are going to win iowa. i think it will help propel us to the nomination. i think we'll have a lot of work we'll have to do. >> harris: wednesday the fourth and final republican primary debate could be a big night for all of these candidates, particularly for nikki haley, perhaps. the former south carolina governor, ambassador to the united nations under trump has leapfrogged desantis for second place in several states. she has gotten a boost from her
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performance in the previous primary debates, too. doug, your thoughts. >> i think again as i said when we first opened this. donald trump is 20 to 30 points ahead. not showing any move of changing. i believe the others are in it believing something would happen to donald trump. they have no path to get past him now and they think something will happen to him. it is do or die for these candidates. they can't go through iowa and new hampshire and see the money continue to come in and the desire come in from there. donald trump is still in the position he has been in and that's where these candidates are going to be. >> harris: and patrick, he mentioned money there. >> it's going to be donald trump, donald trump, donald trump in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina and reality of it is this debate will be for who is number two. i think nikki haley is the strongest candidate and the best
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of the bunch and be a strong ticket mate for president trump. >> harris: she beats biden by more than ten points. i don't know that -- >> she should be the republican nominee. >> i think again nobody has paid much attention to the debates anyway, a process going on among voters who may not like donald trump trying to see who can last longer. the debates have not been that much of a mover for most people. most people don't watch them. donald trump is not there. >> harris: we'll end it. thank you, gentlemen. the united states is retaliating against the latest iran-backed attack in the middle east. critics say wait, pause for a second. there have been 75 of these attacks against our military men and women, 75. critics are saying whatever the white house is doing, it's not enough. not even close. >> i am sorely disappointed in
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the president and his lack of response when our troops are bebetargeted. so i think we need to be much more aggressive in pushing back. >> harris: so we know that iran backs proxies, people to do their fighting for them. they train them and give them loads of money. those proxies have been attacking our men and women against 75 times since october 17th. maybe time for a real show of force now. critics noticing a change in tone from the administration toward israel as it is fighting hamas terrorists. the u.s. appearing to tell israel now to fight its own war. idf spokesman lieutenant colonel peter learner is in "focus" next. is all about presents and shopping and cookies and trees. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth
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>> harris: new u.s. military action against iran's aggression in the middle east. it comes not form of retailiation from us. we hit northern iraq with warfare killing iran-backed terrorists and they were suspected of preparing a drone or rocket attack on u.s. or coalition forces. since mid october, october 17th, '10 days after october 7th, the massacre of hamas on israel, ten days later iran started hitting us through its proxies. iran's trained and paid for killers have targeted our u.s. troops in that region at least 75 times in a matter of weeks. yesterday off the coast of yemen the u.s.s. carney shot down at least two drones. central command isn't sure the carney was the target. they were fired by houthi rebels. less than a week ago they fired
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missiles at the u.s.s. mason. the navy is helping defend commercial vessels from houthi drones and missile attacks. they have reason to believe the attacks are fully enabled by iran. "new york post" called it a red alert. retired general jack keane said this. >> the united states will defend itself certainly but it is not going to stop them from doing it. so they are showing american weakness in the region and their ability to leverage their nineties that region. after all. they are objective is dominate and control the middle east and control the persian gulf flow of oil. this is all part of their strategic objective. >> harris: alexandria hoff is in washington, d.c. for yours with more on this. >> good to be with you. of course as one could expect iran is pushing back on the most recent allegations that their
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proxies had anything to do with this saying they've been made in an effort to deviate public opinion of nations not that iranian proxy pr is always great among other nations. it is not just u.s. troops and equipment being targeted. when the u.s.s. carney was patrolling the red sea yesterday they responded to distress calls coming from commercial vessels connected to multiple nations had fallen under missile attack. u.s.s. carney had missiles toward yemen headed toward the carney itself. not clear if it was the target. they responded and shot down three uavs, drones, additional impact came from the direct language used by central command calling out iran. saying we have reason to believe that these attacks while lawned by yemen are enabled by iran. at the reagan national defense
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forum before the strikes secretary lloyd austin promised the u.s. won't sit idly by. >> we will not tolerate attacks on american personnel and so these attacks must stop. until they do, we will do what we need to do to protect our troops and to impose costs on those who attack them. >> as you mentioned there have been at least 75 attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east by iran proxies since mid last month. former obama c.i.a. director defense chief leon panetta said that the response should have been more aggressive. >> i think it's been a little too selective. we hit some ammo dumps, hit some other targets. i want to go after those who are firing missiles at our troops. and make sure they understand that when they fire a missile, they are going to die.
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>> bill: powerful statement there. the u.s. carried out strikes in iran and syria. >> harris: powerful, very clear. opinion pieces are criticizing president biden one reads about the non-terrorist houthis, a u.s. warship is forced to defend itself. another failure of biden administration deterrents. president biden must face reality. it's time to act versus iran. lieutenant colonel peter lerner for the israeli defense force is with me here. it is confusing when you look at what they are doing and yet our government isn't necessarily calling them terrorists. what is your take on us getting hit in the middle east? >> obviously it is not for me to judge the u.s. position and the u.s. administration's activities. what we are seeing throughout
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this region is that iran is a bad actor which is probably an understatement and they are definitely involved in everything bad that is happening in the last two months. iran has guided hezbollah to get attacks against israel from lebanon. houthis actions which are hostile towards israel and towards the u.s. presence in the region. so indeed there is a huge challenge. i would weigh on the second's words saying we won't tolerate attacks on our people and we will exert cost to those that try and hurt our people. >> harris: israel right now is entering a new phase in the war against hamas terrorists. let's watch and listen to this. [gunfire and explosions] >> harris: what we're watching is video of the idf expanding
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its ground and air operations into southern gaza now hitting 200 terror targets we're told overnight. before that, the military declared it an active combat zone appeared dropped leaflets telling people to evacuate. the biden administration is raising concerns about civilian casualties. kamala harris sounded like she was telling israel how to protect itself. >> hamas is a brutal terrorist organization and why we support israel's legitimate military objectives to eliminate the threat of hamas. as israel defends itself, it matters how. the united states is unequivocal, international humanitarian law must be respected. too many innocent palestinians have been killed. >> harris: what is your response to that? >> harris, we're very attentive to the administration, to our military to military
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counterparts as well. of course, we're learning from the lessons that the u.s. military has made in its battles in the region whether afghanistan or iraq or against isis. and indeed we are learning from those lessons and i would say developing on them. our operations are absolutely within the realm of the laws of conflict and they are distinguishing precisely because it is our professional and military and moral obligation to distinguish between the terrorists and non-combatants. that's our role, exactly how we're doing it. when we are calling people to evacuate from a specific location it is because there is a center of gravity that requires us to deal with them in specific locations. i won't go in for operational reasons specific locations but wherever hamas are hiding. we know we've seen and shared with you and fox covered this extensively.
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we've see exactly where hamas is putting its capability. in houses, hospitals, kinder gar tense and mosques, beneath the ground, above the ground, everywhere around the ground. it poses a strategic challenge for any professional military that abides by the laws of armed conflict. we will continue to do so. we will do it but we will protect ourselves. we can't be expected not to defend ourselves because hamas is hiding behind the people of gaza. >> harris: do you feel the united states is putting extra pressure on you now? when you hear vice president of the united states say that you've got to abide by certain things, are you being preached to? >> i think what is important we also missed and what we did hear also vice president harris also saying that hamas has to go and we are all in agreement that the end state of this war needs to be a better security reality for israelis and palestinians alike. as i said, we're attentive to what the administration is telling us.
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we know how to conduct our operations. we are improving our operations in order to limit civilian casualties precisely because we're attentive but we are determined to change the paradigm and make sure hamas never has the power to govern the gaza strip and never has the ability to wield that sword of death above our heads ever again. we know what they will do if they do have it. they will chop it off. >> harris: they told us there could be more coming. we've seen it. >> bill: they promised time and time again. >> harris: i want to get your take on some of the criticism that's come that there were things that were known about a potential attack before october 7th. can you tell me what is being discussed that you can share at high levels about that? >> obviously the idf is very concerned and we feel and we have quite clearly let down the people of southern israel and
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all of the people of israel that are on the front lines but not only there, because it touches every single one of us. i have friends that have fallen in the last two months. i have family members, i have cousins. there is everybody is touched by this huge tragedy. indeed, there are failures of intelligence failures of strategic essence and also failures on the tactical level. there will be a time to investigate and the idf and chief of idf chief of staff, lieutenant general personal responsibility for the failures. today we are focused in fighting the enemy. there will be a time for learning our lessons. there will be a time to investigate and there will be a time for accountability. now is not the time. now is the time to beat hamas to make sure that october 7th can never happen again. >> harris: lieutenant colonel lerner, i appreciate your time very much. thank you for being in "focus."
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>> thank you very much. >> harris: former speaker of the house newt gingrich not holding back on john kerry's latest push to go green. >> relying on wind and relying on solar means one, you will go broke, two, you will be very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer because the systems don't work enough to replace fossil fuels. kerry is basically representing the insanely extreme wing of the environmental movement. >> h harris: he is not wrong abt that. look at the grid problems we have every year the hotter it gets, particularly in california. don't plug in your electrical vehicles they told them last summer. the biden administration is coming for coal this christmas. and not the kind that santa is talking about.
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- was that necessary? - no. neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line. >> we should not measure progress on the climate crisis just by the degrees averted but
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by the lives saved. we don't need that necessarily to tell us we ought to be transitioning out of coal. there shouldn't be anymore coal-fired power plants permitted anywhere in the world. >> harris: you heard it. the biden administration is planning to kill america's coal industry. white house special climate envoy john kerry there who had jetted off to the united nations climate summit in dubai to weekend to unveil the plan. truth and wisdom from a coal miner. >> i don't understand how he can say some of the things that he does. you know, we have always looked at this administration as obama 2.0 and where we had the war on coal during the obama administration. and now we have the war on coal 2.0. they make promises about pushing electric vehicles. how are you going to power all these new charging stations and things that are going to be necessary for that much more strain on our grid, that's the
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coal industry. but then you turn around and you will go across the world in private jets or not very carbon friendly machines. >> harris: wow. beau knows. six other countries are on board with the kerry plan. but not china. the world's largest coal producer. reports china is producing roughly 13 million tons of coal per day. the united states 1 1/2 million. "fox & friends" weekend co-host will cain. when you hear that west virginia coal miner talking, you know there has to be a transition. no one is saying that word. >> no. well, no one says that word because you are dealing with a death cult that john kerry is the primary prophet and you have to go immediate and all in in pursuit of the objective, i guess to do away with fossil
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fuels starting with coal, which provides almost half of electricity in the united states of america, the cheapest, most reliable form of electricity as the coal miner eloquently put. how are you going to charge the electrical cars? what will be providing those cars their electricity? john kerry is not coming at you from an intellectual perspective. he is fought trying to transition or talk to you about cheap, reliable energy or put a focus on china, if you truly were worried we'll carbonize ourselves to death you would focus on where the carbon is coming from. john kerry isn't dealing with it from an emotional faith-based perspective. it is a death cult and we need to measure it by lives saved as though he could do that. and he wouldn't balance it against, by the way, lives lost. those living in poverty in africa who don't have access to cheap, reliable electricity.
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>> harris: i wrote down when you said. so emotion is his faith. i didn't know that existed, wow. critics in congress also calling out kerry's private jet use. you could do that all day long. senator joni ernst with this statement to fox. the biden administration exposes the hypocrisy of their own radical green fantasy. joe biden's climate czar is jetting off again emitting the greenhouse gases he warns against wasting taxpayer dollars and undermining u.s. strength on the world stage. articles are coming out. he says well, i purchased the off setting. not everybody is as rich as the man married to the ketchup heir. so can everybody just do that for your toaster? they are coming for our gas stoves, too. can we buy off sets or will they bleed us dry? >> here i appreciate john kerry. we all know if i sit here and tell you hey, the rules are for
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you but not them. you've seen newsom go to the french laundry during a covid lockdown. all of you watching you know they aren't talking about themselves when they talk about putting into place these rules. i appreciate john kerry. he is willing to admit it. i'm better than you. the reason i don't have to worry about my carbon i'm a prophet and doing the lord's work. he said this. i am doing the work to reduce carbon even though it's requiring me to emit untold numbers of carbon. i appreciate john kerry owning his elitism. >> harris: when you look at what this plan is coming out now and you heard the west virginia coal miner making sense, is it in your estimation obama part two? he said as much when he was in office. >> there is no -- yeah, there is no other conclusion to arrive
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at. yeah, this is another war on coal. it will be a continuation. this is part of the party platform. so whatever comes after biden, obama 3.0, this is who they are. this is attack on fossil fuels for everyone but themselves. >> harris: will cain, love talking with you. had fun with you at the patriot awards. glad to be your stage partner. i'll see you soon. thank you. overrun and undermanned, outnumbered. one border state lawmaker says the illegal immigrant crisis is so bad the national guard needs to step in immediately. brand-new numbers show just how dire it is. plus critics on the left and the right of politics going after the house progressive caucus share for her shocking comments on hamas terrorists raping women. >> you turned it back to israel. i'm asking you about hamas. >> i already answered your question. i said it is horrific.
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however, i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> harris: so far she is not walking away from any of what she said as more people are calling for women's groups to denounce sexual violence as an act of war. steve hilton in "focus" next. did you know you can get 40% off a single pair of glasses at america's best? these savings won't last forever, unlike your eternal elation. ok, settle down. shop online or book an exam at i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that?
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>> harris: congressional progressive caucus leader jayapal finally pressed on why she and other women on the far left have remained silent on the atrocities hamas terrorists have committed against women. her answer sparked outrage.
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listen carefully. >> i've seen a lot of progressive women generally speaking quick to defend women's rights and speak out against using rape as a weapon of war. but down right silent on what we saw on october 7th. >> i have condemned what hamas has done. i've condemned all of the actions. >> you turned it back to israel. i'm asking you about hamas. >> i already answered your question, dana. i said it is horrific. rape and sexual assault are horrific. it happens in war situations. terrorist organizations like hamas obviously are using these as tools. however, i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> it's horrible but you don't see israeli soldiers raping palestinian women. >> i don't want it to be the hierarchy of oppressions.
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15,000 people have been killed. >> harris: she just couldn't say it because it wasn't women who look like her. can you imagine where we would be in this country if we only waited until the people in the mirror were the ones we tried to free and make life better for? a balanced approach is what she said to rape and the targeted violence against women by a terrorist organization. radio host and friend of the "focus" jason rantz called that answer out. he said like hamas, jayapal showed indifference to jewish suffering. nancy pelosi's daughter christine posted i should not have to say this in 2023 but here we are rape is rape. and the five co-host jessica tarlov with this. >> this is another level. and to have the access to the reports that the congresswoman does, we're not talking about, you know, standard rape. i can't believe i'm saying that. we are talking about eight men on one woman and you can hear that woman's cries i'm going to
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die anyway, please kill me. children were shattered pelvises. these are not like something that you would even see in a movie. people wouldn't conceive of these kinds of crimes. >> harris: grossly hamas made movies with their gopros of this and how we've seen them. fox news contributor steve hilton. a couple of things. first of all, your initial reactions to jayapal and i just want to point out, when dana said but israelis soldiers are not raping women in gaza, it made no difference. she does not want to advocate for even the people that she says she cares about, the palestinians. >> absolutely stunning, harris. exactly as you said, you know. she couldn't even bring herself to say it. this was not a hard question for dana to invite her to
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unequivocally condemn this it.agery and what does that tell you? it tells you that today anti-semitism is part of the hard left. the hard left today which she is the leader. she is proudly a leader of the hard left. they call themselves progressives. we should say hard left. it is systemically anti-semitic. structurally anti-semitic and part of their ideology. that takes us to a broader point here which is why this was such a revealing moment. because for the hard left today their ideology trumps everything else. it is more important than anything else. it trumps humanity as we saw in this case. it trumps practicality. it is more important than anything. that's not related just to this hamas issue. you see the triumph of their hard left ideology on every issue. you see it in race, gender, climate. these people are ideologues. nothing can get in the way of
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that not even rape used in this horrific manner. >> harris: does she actually believe terrorists don't rape palestinians women? condoleezza rice went before the security council in the united states to put forth a resolution that rape is a war crime adopted in june of 2008. she could read about that. they are terrorists, they are hostage taking killers. they rape. that's what they do. and look, when the former leader who is in qatar now put out the call a few fridays ago about go do what you can do protest with anything that you can personally do, i would imagine anything would include what hamas had already done. so they might be doing that to their own women. she doesn't even acknowledge that. >> exactly. but she doesn't care, right? she doesn't care. what she cares about is not
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saying anything that would upset the activists that her real constituentssy. the hard left activists. that's the only thing that matters to her. not a question of whether she believes or doesn't believe. she has to stick to the hard left party line and that means you cannot have any situation where you condemn the atrocities committed by hamas and trent bring in the israelis and what they've done as well. that's the ideology in action. >> harris: will cain was on with me a few minutes ago and all of us agree, show me who you are so we know what you are about. do you think most of the democrat party wants to be represented by this woman? >> no, no. actually we have to be fair. you've seen a number of democrats both elected democrats and at the grassroots level who are really ashamed of this and sick of it and calling it out. to give you one example specifically i saw debbie waser man schultz who i have had many
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disagreements with but correctly and directly cited this interview with jayapal saying there is no place for her in the democratic party and very specific and tough that's good and what you need to see. i don't think this represent all democrats but it is the dominant ideology within the democratic party today and what we have to understand. the hard left ideology. i sit here in california, it comes from california where it all arises. the takeover of the democratic party by the hard left and this is just one example. >> harris: my mom used to teach me what you tolerate may be what people think you celebrate. >> yeah. >> harris: yeah. just moving forward for just a moment, this identifying rape as a war crime already done by the u.n. where is the u.n. on all of this? i've been asking this for weeks. >> oh, i mean, the u.n. is an absolute disgrace. the way that they've spoken about this. by the way even as all this is
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going on and the u.n. women's organization for goodness sake won't come out strongly against this and just like jayapal keeps criticizing israel. the u.n. is structurally ant semitic, too. we've seen it for years and totally being revealed in this crisis even as the ridiculous, pompous left wing failed politician is running around lecturing all of us about climate change. won't say anything about this. >> harris: let me cut in because the u.n. is being preached to right now. the former meta sheryl sandberg. go talk about the sex crimes against israeli women by hamas terrorists. so steve, it was going on simultaneous. we know it needs to happen. maybe they'll wake up over there at the u.n. good to see you. thank you. "outnumbered" is after the break.
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