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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 4, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> kayleigh: hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany, with my co-host emily compagno and harris faulkner and rebecca heinrichs and kevin o'leary. there has been deafening silence fro progressives and many who claim to champion women. more evidence comes out showing hamas has used sexual violence vile /* against women. pramila jayapal was questioned about it and she found a way to spin them, demanding balanced criticism of the war.
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now her shocking response has left her facing fierce backlash from both sides of the aisle. here is what she said. >> i've seen a lot of progressive women quick to defend women's rights and speak out against using rape as a weapon of war. but down right silent on what we saw on october 7 and what might be happening inside gaza right now to the hostages. why is that? >> i don't know that is true, i've condemned what hamas has done. >> specifically against women? >> absolutely, the rape, of course. frankly morally, i think we cannot say one war crime deserves another, that is not what humanitarian law says. >> with respect, i was just asking about the women and you turned it back to israel. i'm asking about hamas in fact -- >> i answered your question, dana. i tuesday is horrific and i think rape is horrific, sexual
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assault is horrific. i think it happens in war situations and terrorist organizations use this as tools. we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrage against palestinian, 15,000 palestinians have been killed in israeli airstrikes, three quarters of women and children. >> it is horrible, but you don't see israeli soldiers raping. >> i don't want this to be hierarchy of oppression. >> kayleigh: give me a break, be crystal clear, there is one side that has raped women, that is hamas. one side that raped children, that is hamas, one side taken owing, that is hamas. the list goes on and on. if you don't believe me, it appears some do not, check this
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out from "new york post," eyewitness account. difficult to hear, if you have a child, remove them. we must hear it, people are are denying this. i saw a beautiful woman and eight or 10 of the -- just kill me. when they finished, they were laughing and the last one shot her in the head. >> harris: yep. what we are knowing from the 47 to 50 minutes of tape some journalists have chosen to see are cries for help. do you know what it takes to break a woman's pelvis? i mean, the uterus where we carry babies, those bones protect, it is unbelievable the harm that you can do with that type of brutal rape. i want to go back to something pramila jayapal said, i'm
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paraphrasing. this is a war crime, by the way. even according to united natitions, which has lost their throat and not spoken up. it is a war crime, thank you to former secretary of state condoleeza rice, thank you to her. it didn't get them to talk, they are silent. what pramila jayapal is saying, what is happening to palestinian people is more important than a war atrocity could ever happen to a woman or child. she is playing the game of atrocities hierarchy and i want to know why, why she's doing it. it doesn't help the palestinian people. i want to know why people in her party are not loud as they could be. yes, wasserman schultz, a few voices going on. you shouldn't be able to see the cement of capitol hill, every
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step should have a member on it. this cannot stand, they are war crimes and we have agreed as civilization it is war crime. it wasn't just women, you think they left it there? they raped children, too. because she said it is a tool of war. what does that even mean? it is torture. >> kayleigh: it is a war crime. i wush people could be clear on that. one woman clear is cheryl sandburg, speaking at united nations moments ago. >> there are exactly no circumstances that justify rape. none. [applause] >> that's why the silence on the war crimes is dangerous. it threatens to undo decades of progress, to undo an entire movement. the world has to decide who to
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believe. do we believe the hamas spokesperson who said rape is forbidden and it couldn't have happened on october 7? or do we believe the women whose bodies tell us how they spent the last minutes of their lives? who are we going to believe? >> kayleigh: emily, why can't all feminists be this clear? >> emily: she stands at the un, reminder un women decided to condemn atrocities eight weeks after october 7, not after november 25th, their international day for the elimination of violence against woman with nonironic hashtag, no excuse. there is no excuse for un women's silence, the globe's silence and pramila jayapal
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equivocation. the slap in the face to all of those who cite some type of moral equivalency and hierarchy you spoke about. she called it a slap in the face when justice kavanaugh was confirmed and said she was moved to tears by the brave testimony by dr. christine blasey-ford. what about the video and footage that makes us gnawnauseated and unable to speak. she chooses to say i will do everything in my power to ensure full oversight and accountability will never be deterred in the fight for justice, she said. she said confirmation is slap in the face and to survivors of sexual assault, i send courage and strength. where is that conviction now? it is appalling. >> kayleigh: it is.
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rebecca, there is footage, some journalists have seen it, 60,000 clips, 1000 eyewitnesses thchl is hamas footage. eight weeks later, i pull up, un women, eight weeks into this, decide to condemn this and not even a standalone tweet, it was a tweet condemning all violence. we condemn brutal attack by hamas on israel on october 7, we are alarmed by numerous accounts. eight weeks. >> rebecca: eight weeks, united nations has been terrible on this. congresswoman began response by saying she wasn't sure, i don't know about. there is video, she knows. of course she knows, but what she's doing here, slight of hand, providing moral cover for what they did because the progressive left has been saying, we saw this during the
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riots. if there is a group that is weaker or persecuted, they can use violence to fight the oppressor and that is what i perceive being implied, it is a weapon of war, an illegal crime against humanity. this is a feature of what hamas used against the israelis. >> kayleigh: kevin, take a walk down memory lane, here is what pramila jayapal said in july. roll the tape. >> we have been fighting to make it clear that israel is racist state, that the palelestinian people deserve self-determination and autonomy. >> kayleigh: she says israel is not a racist state, she represents, ilhan omar about benjamin and tlaib said nothe condemning killing of babies, there is a lot of antisemitism on this wing of the party.
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>> kevin: this conflict is unook, if you think about war over the last 30, 40, 50 years, never been a conflict where every single event is captured on a camera pretty well 100%. there is not 60's,000 clips, there is 60 million clips, they circulate by the second they occur. for the first time ever, it is affecting policy, i've never heard an aid package being put through congress ever considered to havf thens on how it would be used in conflict. that is happening today. if we give $14 billion to israel, we don't like the way they are prosecuting war from images we are seeing because our constituents are uncomfortable now. well, war is hell is this is one of the most hellish wars ever, it is seen everyday everywhere.
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i just got back from ge neva, the news in europe is these images everyday all day and bbc runs both sides of the story with horrific video that is swaying the population of these countries back and forth every single day based on the imagery they just saw the last 50 minutes. here in america, it is a new place, never seen debate and affecting ukraine, if we grant military aid and weapons and weapons systems and bombs, we want a say in how and when they are used. have you heard that before? >> harris: did they put that on putin? >> kevin: i have never seen it and who actually would write that law? how do we tell the leadership of any country giving weapons to how to use them based on the video coming out of the country at the frontline? this is unprecedented, it is new
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policy and shows you that images of children on either side, this is horrific video, and rape, which is a war crime, any of this is changing policy, that is what we should be tack you can about. >> kayleigh: one side engages in mass rape of women, hamas, do not forget it. two issues plaguing president biden, his age and economy. people from his hometown are speaking out about living paycheck to paycheck.
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>> harris: talk about stubborn, the president's age is a problem that won't go away. he is 81, had a birthday last month.
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poll after poll, voters express him being too old for the job. he said to watch him and apparently they are. despite concerns, democrats have no plan b. even liberal actor robert diniro cracked a joke at the annual kennedy center honors. >> you are only 75, that means you are about six years away from being the perfect age to be elected president. [cheering] >> harris: well, that was just hours after president biden appeared lost and confused at the white house reception. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. please remain in your seats as the president and first lady and honorees depart. ♪ ♪
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>> harris: emily, we have said, it is not about age, i don't want to pick on people who grow older, that is not the president's only worry heading into 2024. his much touted economic agenda is not resonating with people another, ask people in scranton, pennsylvania. >> my opinion, he -- i don't think he actually grew up here technically, he uses that as like that he cares about us. >> tougher for people, how could he be seen through their eyes. >> not the worst president, we've had, to be honest with you. this economy sucks. everything is going off except
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paychecks, i just think the economy sucks, since biden got in. >> boom. i hope president biden has one moment of clarity to listen to what the people of scranton, pennsylvania and majority of americans are feeling. kevin, you are the expert on economics and financing, will flannagan wrote something that was clear, despite having steady jobs and steady paychecks, he and his wife are living hand to mouth and they move up the ladder and get higher paying jobs, inflation, interest rates and student debt keep them from making financial progress. we talk about the stress in america. eight out of 10 americans right now are super stressed from finances and of those, 67% of them say that paying for essentials is the stressor, not luxury items, the fact paying
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for metro card and groceries is difficult right now and how hard for this president to grasp what every american is going through right now, why is it impossible for him instead of telling jobs, jobs, look what americans are facing, prices, prices are destroying americans, nothing to do with jobs. paychecks mean less and are worth less as things drive up prices all around us and he continues to live in a bubble. >> harris: that is the point, i hear people say inflation has come down, prices are cheaper, are they delusional? >> kevin: prices have not come down, it is incorrect to say that, great if you are a politician, facts are 60% of americans work for small business, everything they touch is up 20 to 22%. they want on truck and they own a farm, that is no longer a 5%
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loan, it is an 8% lone. this election will be interesting, you can say anything you like, except when you go to the narrative occurring all over america, they know things are not better than pre-pandemic, it is worse and that will become part of this great, we're less than a year away from this election. you are so close you have brought up a great issue, it will be the kitchen table. >> harris: my confusion has to do with why they don't have another plan. i don't mean like another candidate, that is a conversation for later, but another idea for the economy. look, clinton style, we feel your pain, we have another plan and by summer or next year, things will be better. >> almost like a cognitive dissidence, a class difference. his cabinet talk about how the
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economy goes great, not for the average working american. i'm from the rural midwest, when i talk to my sisters and folks, groceries are expensive. people carpool because of price of gas. you hear biden talk about price of gas going down, it is still high. the reason for this, lots of things are not this admi admini administration's fault, but a lot is. global disruption happening across the world affects global commodities. >> harris: he's had a piece in some of that. you can't blame him for everything, but when you look at the situation about to break off for the first time since trump is in office with ukraine and russia invading, communicating to russia as long as it is minor incursion, words matter.
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this was just months off the debacle exiting afghanistan. his foreign policy not to blame for everything going on in the world, but it's contributed. >> kayleigh: no doubt about it and little disagreement biden has two huge vulnerabilities going into 2024. his age and the economy. okay. when you look, three-fourths of voters say he is too old and 32% say economy is doing well. what is strategy of the white house and biden? dismissiveness. we're watching, just shout bidenomics. they are leaving bidenomics in the dust, roll out maga-nomics, it will be in a white house policy memo today whochl is advising democrats? donald trump's economy is more popular than joe biden's economy, strategy is to remine voters of maga-nomics.
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good luck, guys, if you keep this up, wow. >> harris: not a drop of water in the desert, they are so thirsty. >> harris: can you imagine christmas coming and you are still paying for thanksgiving? if we hear it, why don't they? >> rebecca: their budgets are pinched, going into the holiday and want to get things for their kids, they don't feel safe because of crime and it is related and has to do with this administration's policies. >> harris: educatorors in p portland, organization, have to consider a student's race and gender, more on the brand new policy, next.
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>> emily: it looks like portland public school district, more than 49,000 students attend the school and thanks to new agreement with the district and teachers union, discipline will center on racial equity and social justice. school staff will be required to consider a disruptive student's race, gender identity and sexual orientation before punishing them. the policy reads, designee shall review disparity apparent by race, gender, lgbtq+, education or other categories with individual leaders annually and plan building level responses aimed at reduces disparities. as mom of five, what do you say to the new policy? >> rebecca: completely backward and there is implied racism in
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it. you do not tell a child because of his or her race color, they will get a lesser punishment, that is driving them to skip school or something temperature takes away dignity of the child and choice, nothing driving them to behave and their circumstances. i think it really is actually a racist policy. >> emily: interesting take. kevin, the biden administration says discipline are inherent within those racist, deployed civil rights approach to december that they say baked into which is racism already. >> kevin: you know, on this one, i have an opinion. i spent half my career in the educ educational business in school buildings in our country and i learned this union structure is broken from this perspective. we're talking about punishing
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students when really parents who pay taxes to support this and pay teachers have never been answered this question, why not leward good teachers that advance in terms of metrics with reading and math scores and punish ones that are no good at it, we form a uni-81 for teachers that protect bad teachers from getting fired. it is a cancer in our education system. when i see the narrative and see people worrying and spending money litigating it, i say to myself, no, that is not what we should be doing. we should be saying to the union, we understand union structure, we want to change the metrics. if you can't teach a child, we have to be able to fire you and get you out of the system because you are no good at your job. we have to reward you like every other aspect of america, reward
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success, diminish failure, not in the education system. it is 100% broken and appalling. >> emily: only thing about kevin's point, it is common sense and makes sense. teacher policy is rooted in virtue signalling. imagine every student, i'm going to protest this because i identify as xyz, lack of specificity and ticking of a box so they can get votes is creating an absolute whirlwind of litigation rather than teaching my student how to read, how about that. >> harris: my biggest problem, it is incentivizes bad behavior and normalizing abuse in the
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classroom by minors and intense chaos and distraction. what is recourse for families whose children are not learning because they are allowing some because of whatever category they fall in, diversity or otherwise to get special treatment in terms of wear yourself out with that, we'll not punish you as hard. what if you were black, gay, whatever your lane was and they punished you harder because of the lane you drive in? there would be people all over the place protesting and streets full. who will protest on behalf of people whose kids are not going to learn because they legal hellians get away with everything because they check the right box. they are kids, it doesn't matter what they look like. >> rebecca: if you tell a child you will not punish them because this child is a particular color
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of his skin, it really i think makes that child feel like he doesn't have control over it, it doesn't give him tools to say, i cannot skip school. >> kayleigh: this is another liberal policy that might work in faculty lounge, nowhere else. this began during the pandemic when they decided to keep kids out of school. increased fights happened, restorative justice, all about reassociating the child with the community instead of punishing and now punishing based on race and sexual agenda. >> emily: there is reason why neighboring counties are surging in population and business growth as everyone flees ridiculous policies, including crime, which has gotten so bad
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that bodega owners are buying guns to protect themselves against violent thieves. that story is next. y payments can be expensive. with an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes
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i can't! i'm just telling everyone! ...hey! use your vision benefits before they expire. visionworks. see the difference. >> emily: hundreds of bodega owners in new york city are arming themselves with guns in response to the city's surge in violent crime. we have seen bodega owners come under attack time and time again and often do not have a weapon to defend themselves. their union helped 230 owners apply for gun licenses and 25% of members in new york city are packing heat. that figure stood at 10% before the pandemic.
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it seems bodega owners are without options. >> kevin: yes, bigger problem that should be the narrative. new york and san francisco, they are basically war zones because of bad policy. i'm a big supporter of police, their hands are tied, we should be giving way bigger budgets. people on the street said, i know there are cops on the beat, i will not rob this bodega, because i will be pursued by a policemen. where do you go for cash? bodega at 1:30, give me everything or i will kill you thachl is what these pictures are that are going on. we need more law enforcement to solve this problem, not more guns, i'd rather have this never happen because people fear law enforcement. >> emily: rebecca, what does this mean to you? >> rebecca: it is decline in
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trust in our institutions. owners can't believe there are enough officers. and to kevin's point, too, the criminals feel safe and the law-abiding business owners, they are the ones who don't feel safe, it is backward. >> emily: kaylgh, we watched as do bag owner albawas stabbed by a woman and he was charged with second degree murder when defending himself, initially charged against the stabber's boyfriend and rotted because he couldn't make the bail. we watches as the bodega owners in stockton beat thieves with with a mop handle and they were
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told it was too violent. there is a common theme here where owners are treated differently, they are without esupport. it is backwards. >> kayleigh: right, jose alba goes to rigers, but thankfully he is lettous out and taking legal action. bodega owners are getting weapons only made possible by supreme court. remember the bruin case, they said you have to show proper cause if you want a weapon, proper cause did not mean living and working in an area noted for criminal activities. second amendment changed that. >> harris: sad we need it. >> emily: it is all recidivist.
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>> harris: sad they need it, like kevin said, our society is different. our society has for some reason just allowed things to devolve before our very eyes. when things started going wrong, and oh, summer of love and let them destroy everything. many areas were black neighborhoods where jobs never come back again. we watch this devolve, you didn't think it would stay there, it moved to chicago. it will go everywhere now, being allowed to fester, we need more cops and need conscious to come back. >> kevin: start with more cops. >> harris: that means we part with our dollars. >> kevin: allocation of revenue, someone decided not to give the
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police the dollars. i argue we need strong law enforcement base. >> harris: have to put pressure on city officials to pay officers. we can't all be ron desantis. remember that. 5000 if you go to florida during the pandemic. even it hurts business, let's get more police, try that first. >> harris: would you be in favor of a private venture to get police to come here? >> kevin: we have to get law enforcement infrastructure more capital now. we've starved them. >> emily: we have. and call it for what the crimes are, not crimes of poverty, they are violent crimes and should be prosecuted. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need.
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>> coming up white house briefing with white house secretary karine jean-pierre and white house spokesman john kirby. the leader of israeli women's march is here to respond and join us shortly. critics calling out president's
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response. adam bowler will join us to break down the threat and what should be done right now, join john and me live as "america reports" top of the hour. >> harris: millennial parents now say they feel abandoned by their baby boomer parents because they are not around. baby boomers have lives. i'm a gen-xer, on the cusp, report claims boomers have traded in child raising village for traveling. i like it. take grandkids with you. millennial moms say they have no one to support them. if mom and dad ran out of town, we were at grandmas. grandma wasn't going anywhere and we knew that. we have to make sure we are
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asking months in advance, her parent's travel plans to have be factored in. rebecca? >> rebecca: i will take the side of millennials. i am thankful for my parents and my parents have decided their grandchildren are so important to them. boomers can have vacations, they will not get that lifetime satisfaction from another drink, taking a selfie and going golfing, their grandchildren and get back to extended family. >> harris: shouldn't they have their golden years? >> they will get more saefk with their children and grandchildren. they can take vacation now and again, take their daughter or grandchild with them. >> kevin: it is a cultural thing, too.
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on the lebanese side, the matriarch ran the show. that is not the same in the irish community. if you are in your 70s now, you are likely to be healthier than you were 30 years ago, what am i sitting around for, i can get out of the house, i'm going to rome or venice. mostly who travel are people in their 70s and 80s. >> harris: did they have their grandkids with them? >> kevin: they did not, it is more fun without the grandkids. >> kayleigh: i'm a millennial, i could not do what i do without my mother and mother-in-law, my mother travels with me and sets up cribs in hotel room.
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i get the call to be press secretary, my mom brings her to d.c., now my mother-in-law comes more than i could ever ask. >> harris: glad that is what you said. >> kayleigh: no, i love my mother-in-law, you want someone you can trust with your kids and cost of child care 3% higher than inflation. it is tough out there and we're thankful for parents. >> emily: it takes a village, is what i've heard, honor to be part of the village. >> harris: i am grateful before i lost my parents may made their imprint on danika and bella and i see them in my girls. they love to travel, they did not take their grandkids. >> kevin: family values are not dead. >> harris: no, they are not, more "outnumbered" in a moment.
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♪♪ >> kayleigh: last but not least, adorable boy is standing up for people who wear glasses for emojis. calling on england for the nerd emoji. teddy wears them well and finds the emoji insulting because of big teeth. he says its making it horrible for people wearing glasses. with the help of his teacher, teddy has a petition online to change it to a genius emoji,
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thin lenses and frames and a regular smiley face. >> kevin: that is not going anywhere, he made it more famous and i have the emoji on my watch. >> harris: you do? are you a nerd or genius? >> kevin: that was featured yesterday and i like it. listen, emojis get famous for a reason. people feel emotional tie to them and you cannot ever take one away from people. maybe add another one, with you can't take one away. >> kayleigh: you and i have joked, the pregnant man emoji,. >> harris: i know you wanted to. i guess i want to make the word nerd cool. however he sees himself in those glasses, however that little boy is -- i want him to know he's enough. can we have an emoji that tells you on your day that you are
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enough? in my world, you would be wearing -- i get where he's coming from, i get it. >> emily: and reframing and not taking away, and it's not what people call you, but what you answer to. answer to genius and i never thought of that little face as a nerd, myself, i wear glasses, it's adorable and waiting for the red barn emoji, too. red barn. >> emoji that needs braces, that's all. he's got some teeth problems. >> harris: from the mom of five kids. >> kayleigh: more genius, less pregnant man, apple. here is "america reports". [bombing


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