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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 4, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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ss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. as a way to say thank you this holiday season, bass pro shops and cabela's club members save even more while supporting conservation during club member mondays. for the first time ever, club members receive up to an additional 15% off our best deals of the year, in-store, online, and even on sale items. every monday through christmas. plus, purchases over $500 receive 0% interest for 12 months on qualifying purchases. not a club member? join today and start earning free gear for your next adventure. >> it is not unprecedented but it has been a while. >> hello, i'm jesse watters with
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judge pirro dane and perino and greg gutfeld. as the squad reaches a disgusting low in defense of hamas. >> i've condemned what hamas has done. the rape, of course, but we have to remember that israel is a democracy. that is why they're a strong ally. >> i asked about hamas. >> i answeredier question. i think rape is horrific, sexual assault is horrific. i think it happens in war situations. terrorist organizations like hamas obviously are using these
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as tools and however i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> but you don't see israeli soldiers raping. >> i don't want this to be the hierarchy of oppression. >> yeah you do. jaya paul thinks we need to be balanced. october survivor said he witnessed as many as ten terrorists assaulting a israeli women. the victim who screamed to be killed was shot in the head and where are the women's groups? we reached out to top female organizations in the country that support liberal causes, so far crickets. dana in the white house can barely condemn the squad. watch. >> was that an appropriate
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comment? >> what hamas did was reprehensible and the use of rape as a weapon and that's full stop. i'll leave it there. that's speaking for the president of the united states. i think i've been clear on that. >> any comment? >> i jaws laid out what we believe is unacceptable. >> dana from a communication perspective when you say gang rapes you probably don't want to say but or however. >> it's just stop, full has as jean-pierre said. i found this very discouraging. i knew anti-semitism existed. i didn't know it extended to
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israeli women as if they don't exist. when jaya paul says i don't want to get into the heartbreakry of oppression. yes you do. that's what you have to do every day because that's what you bring up constantly. this isn't like it's october 8th and we are wondering if there were rapes and we know that news has been there and she has access to information. i guess she choose not to see it or maybe hasn't heard from the state department. the state department has confirmed something the idf said over the weekend that hamas may not release any more of the prisoners, especially the women. why? because they don't want it to be known what happened to them in captivity so can i only tsunami there's been more mass rain and violence against women. she says this isn't an easy question. this is the easiest question i've ever heard. other thing i would end with all those women's groups you put up there over and over again we see
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the same pattern. they marched in lock step in their condemnation of all sorts of people in the me too movement, believe all women. these are the groups you go back to 1990s they walked away from defending monica lewinsky. they turned a blind eye to something if they think it will help their political position or protect them from condemnation hike jaya paul. >> are you shocked at these women's groups didn't get back to our prurts judge? >> yes i am shocked because for the longest time i was part of that original movement which was fighting for rape victims making sure rape victims didn't have to take a lite test, making sure a defense attorney could not say to a jury she was dressed that way she deserved it. i was there in the beginning but then we have this me too
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movement so they discovered the abuse and suppression of women but this new so-called progressive group is regressive. they're taking back the decades of progress we have made fighting for women's rights fighting to wait sure women from not suppressed or oppressed by what clearly is a war crime but this is how it's looked out. greg describes it is as oppressor and oppressed. i see it as their ideology their politics pretty much dictates their belief system and that prior ties everything for them so it clouds the truth. i clouds right and wrong. we know there were rapes. we know their pelvises were broken. but what they're saying is that whether or not euro presented depends on whether or not what
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group you belong to and if we believe you're not part of our tribe our ideology or our group than you're no oppressed. aside from all women's group aside from u.n. and their silence the woman that stuns me is michelle obama hashtag bring our girls home. we know women who are prisoners and hostages you think they're having lunch and tea every day? i don't think so. finally these women are destroying other women and the hard left activism is destroying women's rights in this country. >> harold ford, jr. >> i think cheryl it's good to be back. cheryl sandberg said it well. talking about how the world is looking at this and responding to the fact that some of the groups you put up on the screen that dana and zwruj have talked about have not responded
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forcefully she says this goes beyond politics. if we can't agree rape is wrong what is happening to our humanity. i think it diminishes and makes it hard to take crediblely the garmento of proceed palestinian activists e ever who argue for two state solution, you can't argue that and expect people to list even if you first can't say release the hostages and two, the actions of hamas and israel on october 7th as greg consistently points it was horrendous was inhumane and at no time there's no moment where you should ever use the word rape and say however. let me say, this is just wrong and it's unfortunate that we can't get to a more reasonable and sensible and long-term conversation because knows who advocate on behalf of the
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palestinians at least some in our country are doing it some such a horrible counterproductive and i'll use the word that my friend cheryl sandberg used inhumane way. >> greg there was discussion about you don't want to conflate palestinians with hamas. okay but it would help if the palestinians and supporters like her would condemn hamas. >> yes, their silence is conflating themselves with hamas. it's amazeing when you consider the me too movement in that context. we went from believe all women to believe no women if they're jewish. right? it's not about where are the women's groups. it's like, who do the women's groups represent? who do they represent now? we know they don't represent any republican women or libertarian women or pro-life women. among feminists they don't represent women who want to
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compete against men or women who believe in spaces away from men. they don't represent jewish or white women unless they buy a dinner where they confess they're an oppressor to scholars and i'm trying to think who is left to represent. is it men who say they're women? once you no longer stand up for victims of mass rape what good are you as a woman's group. right? you're worthless. europa they i can. i think we need to reframe this because we have been too easy on these it yets. we have given them a free ride describing october 7 as act of terror. they say one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter and you talk about the historical context. there is none for sexual atrocity. that is the word, that's the phrase that needs to be employed from now on on october 7th.
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it was a sexual atrocity because then you don't leave any wiggle room to those women hating monsters out there and as opposed to a recent allegation decades ago no evidence and that was abomination. yet you have a mountain of dreadful evidence and they don't document so every moment you spend on behalf of the perpetrators makes you and pole jits for the world's only plan sexual atrocity in history when you face these protestors or have them on tv you ask them how can you accept sexual atrocity. if they deny it, they should be called sexual atrocity deniers and that should stick with them the rest of their lives. i think what happened was we allowed an out on.
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this we kind of moved away from this when we should have said wait a second like the u.n. waited a month, two months and it's because we didn't call it what it was. we just kept saying act of terror and i think if you put that label on it, they can't. we mysogyny. they don't care about. you know this is orchestrated but it's also deeply emotional. what hole is this filling for all these unhappy women. they're all in cities and there are so many young women willing to align themselves to a movement that denies sexual atrocity. what is that energy shift coming from. i don't think it's making them happier. is it because a society of leisure made it so they can
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migrate to extreme beliefs? how many moms are okay with this? i don't think there are any. >> there's definitely something missing in their lives. sexual atrocity is a powerful phrase. coming up americans loading up on guns as another homeowner has to use deadly force to protect his family. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok.
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>> americans are locked and loaded like never before and gue ownership is exploding across
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the country as crime rages in democrat led cities and more than half voters say they or someone in their house hold owns a gun. that's a record high and it shows. in los angeles a homeowner shot and killed ane suspect's burgla after men in hoodies and masks broke into his home. last month another los angeles homeowner engaged in a shootout. hundreds of bodega owners in new york city are arming with guns as violent thieves plague their businesses listen to this. >> anyone that's out there looking toe lo rob us, hurt us,l us u, beware. you may be walking into the wrong bodega because now we have the same firepower. >>me good for fernando mateo.
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harold, not only do a record of americans have guns but a recor numbernu of democrats are have guns and guna re permits. so liberal voters don't feel safe why do they keep the soft on are crime policies?he >> most of the people i know own guns are democrats. i don't think this is a democrat-republican thing. democrats argue more loudly for some reforms and some ud restrictions may be the wrong word but som be e background on conditions on who can own guns and i think that is right. more than 3 to 1 americans believe there should be stricte boundaryst checks for that. 2 asheck long as people are in compliance with the law i'm like you. we watched a bodeda owner in new
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york, i support that. i would hope someone who was able to own a gun and seeks to own a gun to protect his business or home they have every right to do that the we like to talk about the politics and demographics around crime. i don't say the highest murder states are red states so there's something wrong. that almost implies -- one second. that implies democrats don't carets about republicans being killed and wg e talk about blue led cities as if we are saying republicans don't care about democrats i know that' ares not case and my point is i think we got t to be serious about real answers and where there are short comings on on parts of politicians they should be blame. thosthose d.a.'s who are for cashless bail nosst enforcing t law i would hope people would h unelect them in their injures digs and to the hope they can recall them they should do.
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anyone in compliance with gun ownership schaeuble to protect his home who are business. >> it's about the legislation we have and the state legislators who of decided in every state that cashless bail is the answer. it's not about the away setting the bail or not setting it but is it true tha t it's the democrats and the democrat led cities where we have got these issues where crime is running rampant not just because the nig d.a.'s but because of the structure of the flaw in the jurisdiction? >> one thing we talked about labs week the shoplifting laws that says can you shoplift $950 a dated and under you don't get proceeds cute and the violence is increasin g because defunding the police a liberal policy worked well and there are police shortages across america. there are problems of response times and so people are saying well, then i have to be able toa protect myself. the largest increase of people
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being guns right now are h people because they are highly concerned. they're learning how to use weapons in order to protect themselves. someweap of these liberal citie don't realize that their policies increased gun ownership and they wonder why they can't t gun control passed. there's actually reason for that. it's a circular problem. >> you know jesse, the issue of gun control and americans feeling as dana is talking about 911 doesn't get there in time, there aren't enough police. in los angeles we have two people who t used deadly physic force against intruders one taken into the police station in los angeles in handcuffs today. i don't know. y another one had his pistol permit taken awasy apparently becaus ye he yelled at the or sheriff's department for showins up three days late. >> citizens should not be the first line of defense. he
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we will be the first line of defense if we have to but it shouldn't be like that the government should be protecting us and i wish the government, especially joe biden, would try to protect the way he did from covid, because a lot of people are buying guns for a the first time which is a good thing. when you buy a first gun it enhances your citizenship. it makes you more responsible. it makes youou m more self awar more mature, and i know a lot of democrats voted for joe biden they're buying their firstf de weapon. i know republicans buying their first weapon. this guy out here he's in california. they have a high magazine limit over there. you can only have ten rounds in the ly hclip, judge. ninth circuit court of appeals just upheld that ban there. 3-4 armed men in his house and he only has ten rounds and he'ss lucky and he was protectg
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his grandmother. he's now favorite grandson of all time but this is the worst feeling at 5 a.m. armed intrieders at your house with a today heard and your grandmother. >> and they took him. out in urh cuffs. all right. wrap it up, greg. right. if they have like a good neighbor of the year award, theo should start one for that guy. i want all my neighbors armed. you know because what he did wai justgh made his neighborhood sar becaushee that neighborhood had been plaguedhood by home invade and he introduced the idea of risk to crime because we've removed that through rules and d.a.'s and stuff. they thought h e could do it and he killed one of them that the was a clear men. a we predicted that law abiding e the law into k their own hands if they realize that police' hands were tied and that happens. i don't want to go to jail. i'm too del cat i wouldn't lasto but if i wasul faced with havin
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to shoot and kill somebody in high house i would definitely do it and because you know, that's just self-defense is inherent to being a human being so you just haven be to do that if you feelt no one especially if you feel your family is there and maybe will end up with prison's filled with good people r and the stree filled wit ih really bad people but it's weird. this topic has a lot in common withot the a block, denial of t we are rights tha seen as the guilty party. oppressor vs. oppressed lens. wee cannot have weapons. the criminal has more rights because you know the eternal stain of our lineage makes i impossible for us to defend ourselves. >> it is a natural right the ability to defend yourself and there are less lethal guns out there that don't kill.
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rock legend kiss is going virtual. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ay. ♪ ♪gure ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i wonder if you have it or that's why you didn't make the team. let me see. let me pull it up. don't have it. yup, i knew it. what else does it tell you? no, hold on, i'm going to find some athletic gene in here. endurance, no. speed, average. i would say below average. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry.
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>> your favorite musician could be fake at the next concert, legendary band kiss just had its final show, members of the group physically leaving the stay as their digital avatars performed one more song. technology allows them to perform forever and kiss is the first u.s. band to go virtual but in london abba has been taking advantage of the technology. fans attend concerts by digital
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likenesses. greg, i understand that abba has made $150 million in the past 8 months for this digital show. >> it's weird with fake performances, how would you tell with something like maroon five? let's be honest. certain bands are just getting old and can't go on but their avatars can so this is a great way to make money while on the golf course. if you're kiss it's not like can you again r get groupys anymore especially after me too, so you can't get groupies on a virtual performance especially lathered up in relief factor but this is a splintering of shared experience. we are retreating from shared event because ice a hassle to get tickets you have security and safety protocol, they treat you like cattle at large concerts lying going through tsa. i say go to small live shows and go to see up and coming bands
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that people may not know about all my memories in music, i saw u2, 200 people. psychedelic fur, the clash, but going to arena to see taylor johnson. >> taylor swift? >> myly swift. >> i saw the dave matthew band for $5 in amsterdam. >> you were probably high has a kite weren't you. >> no i was not. harold, you love music. you like people being around them together. do you love or hate this idea or think it's good marketing? >> i think it's probably a little bit of bootsz. i remember the first concerts i went to and they were formative things in my life. i remember going to the coliseum and seeing rick james and the jackson 5 and the barkays and
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prince. these things formed my childhood. i think from the standpoint of making money a longer period of time being on to golf course this helps. large group of young people go to concerts have no idea what it's going live anyway. that's one way to experience i. a lost kids tirkly those who enjoy hip-hop and other forms of music where they sample old music they have no idea who wrote this music and really how it came about. it has ponte vedra aspects but i can't see rick james as an avatar. >> you would be perfect for the virtual five. >> you think so? >> check it out. judge what do you think? >> well, you know i think it's interesting. to us it sounds crazy because i too i've been to big and small venues and i much prefer the smaller rensues but it sounds crazy to us to have this avatar
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playing the music but the truth is young people are raised in a digital age and to them it's not so crazy so you have taylor swift doing something in movie theaters around the country makes $93 million to have a concert and they're creating a situation where you get a headset you can be in new york friend in l.a. and watch the same concert so we are getting further from no human interaction and i don't think we are that far from music companies creating someone who isn't real that becomes very popular and you know starts to get a following and make a money. you don't have to pay them the money. >> like nill vanilly. >> i like that it opens up the opportunity for more people to see concerts, the snacks are not expensive, you can hit pause and go to the bathroom.
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>> the rich and powerful will get the best seats. this is for the rest of us. >> what do you think jesse? >> i think it's like porn. used rather have the real thing. >> oh. don't say that. >> it's a good point. when i was out there in front of large crowds i needed that relationship with the audience. perhaps was piano a companiment. i could lock eyes and maybe change things up on a dime and that kind of chemistry and harmony is sacrifice's with avatars so imagine if this show were you doing it from upstate you had were doing it from palm beach were you doing it from aspen probably. we could all beam our avatars into this place here and i think would it probably save the company money so maybe the fox executives should consider it. we would lose me smelling your perfume and listening to greg complain. >> i would never have to use
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hairspray. >> so we go virtual starting tomorrow. coming up, the latest policy in classrooms, public school wants to consider race when giving kids detention. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ub members receive up to an additional 15% off our best deals of the year, in-store, online, and even on sale items. every monday through christmas. plus, purchases over $500 receive 0% interest for 12 months on qualifying purchases. not a club member? join today and start earning free gear for your next adventure.
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joanna gaines: discoveries at saint jude helped this kid beat cancer at age two. marget: and now this kid has three kids. chip gaines: and that's what we do at saint jude. subject: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life and give a gift that could last a lifetime. hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing
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i've kept from before losing weight and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back. sometimes just ordering lunch can be a lot for young homeowners turning into their parents. look at that. it's like a science project. so what can i get you for a base? what is a base? i'm falling behind already. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> should the color of your skin matter if you behave badly in class? well, portland public schools must now consider race or gender identity when dishing out discipline to students to act up. according to a collective bargaining agreement i had kaetders must develop a plan for students that take into
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consideration related to the student's trauma race gender identity gender identification and restorative justice for the student. when i did not respond to my principal and teacher after recess coming in on time they didn't take into account any of this when i got paddled. did you take into account these factors as a judge? >> the teachers union is supporting this. what they're doing this is turning schools into blue cities where the teachers union are basically now the mayor's of the schools and they're saying if you're suffering from trauma. what is trauma? kids think if they got shortchanged 5 cents it's trauma. they're saying look, students of color are suspended more on than whites and we don't want to
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suspend them that much so we are going to define defensive yensi down where we have a barbaric society that keeps deinvolving until we reach the lowest of the load and everybody gets the same punishment. it makes no sense to me. all they're doing is using color as an excuse to get away with anything. if you're a sexual predator in a school in louden county but identify as female they'll send you to another school to commit a sexual crime based on sexual identity. >> in the green room you said certain kids should be beaten for things. >> i said all kids. vivek ramaswamy said the left says you're race and sexuality govern who you are and what you can achieve. if you question them they call you racist and he calls it
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psychological slavery but i was thinking think about how small your world gets based on identity so it shrinks your iverse and your so-called lived experience. i think that's why we see so many miserable people because it's a tribe of one. it's not being an individual. it's being a collection of self imposed markers why among the woke the self description gets more particlized non-binary, differently abled neurodiverse, woodland creature of color. they shrink themselves down further until it's a microscopic lived experience you cannot share with them and that's the point. the joy of life if i may say so dana is seeking to get outside your lived experience, which is what we call a connection. right? i don't want to be in a tribe of
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greg gutfelds. that would be horrible. i want a diverse world of thought. people who reject identity politics are generally most interesting. people who embrace it you will notice are the most boring into dull. >> as dish water or jesse watters. >> dana may have understanding these are people who didn't show discipline in school. this is a crazy idea. >> i think it is a crazy idea. it's also one that parents reject so parents defending education at a poll only 17 percent of parent think schools are doing a good job with discipline. 73 percent of parents using race when it comes to discipline so once again the progressive left is pushing an agenda item the vast majority of americans don't agree with plus the public union the teachers union in portland has basically made these kids stay home for a month. how do you think their discipline is going? if teachers have been striking
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these kids have not been in school. the parents had to figure out something else for them to do. i think it shows were public sector union should be legally prohibited from going off the job to be hopefully protect the children because next they're going to ask us to pay for their free community college and repay their student loans as they continuing to through this life of yule yeah. >> you talk about your time in school and skirmishes you had. >> i would have come out the closet to miss behave. i would have dean, sorry i'm gay. i would say i'm 1 percent subsaharan african. i would smash every women's swimming record. who cares? because my parents can't complain. they raise hell at a school board meeting the fbi arrests them. it's party time on the the jesse
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watters house. you look at the antifa people they're getting her charges dropped. blm is getting charges dropped. illegal alien crime in sanctuarity they don't deported you. a lot of these teachers are women and they are liberal men and they don't like to administer discipline because it makes them feel bad and they don't want to feel bad so they avoid discipline because they don't want to confront the feelings of implementing discipline. so they just avoid discipline and notice, it's all about how they feel. it's not good for the kids. it's about making them feel better. >> they should focus more on that than science. coming up young parents are fuming because grandma and grandpa are get this too busy having fun to baby sit the kids. ♪ ♪
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how abbvie could help you save.
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>> welcome back, millennials say they feel abandoned by their
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parent who aren't around to help babysit their grand kids. boomers are jetting off to exotic destinations and on the pickle ball courts. don't blame them because you waited too long to have children making boomers the oldest grandparents ever. you know what's interesting judge? this might be the first generation of grandparents covered in tattoo t and piercings. you notice a lot of old people are like you know what i mean. >> i know you what mean. i've often thought of that. i think of somebody on the autopsy slab and they have a tattoo but they're so old the tattoo doesn't look like anything like it was so the autopsy they can't say what it was but that's another issue. i babysat this past saturday, i don't wait around i'm not on stand by.
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you need a babey sitter but millennials are so used to doing what they want you should take care of their kids. i love my kids. they're wonderful. i end on that. >> it seems like the boomers are getting blamed for everything. you know what i mean? do they deserve it? >> no, thing the judge is right. the fact that boomers are living longer are more active there are things they can to with their grandkids that perhaps 30 years grandparents couldn't do. maybe 20, 30, or 15 years ago you would expect grandparents to sat at home or someplace with the kid. let them go and be more active. i think it is great and the fact that we now have medicine that allows people to do all kinds of things they couldn't do when they were older before. makes it more likely that boomers are going to do more active things with their grandchildren. >> it's a sellout out to balance
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of nature. anything is possible these days. i don't have kids but i want to have grandkids. just go straight to grandkids. that way can i hang out when i want to hang out, give them some gifts. >> you have an excuse off a candy jar. >> exactly. >> i think the other problem is i don't hear enough of the candidates talking about this child care is a real crisis in the country. there is a cost issue. there's a quality issue. there's access. there's distance. and it's a real, real big problem. there's too many regulations. you have to have regulations for quality. it's a problem i don't think the baby-boomers can solve on their own. this is something we need to do as a country. >> jesse you hate grandparents. you're going a war on grandparents because they won't sell their homes, right? they will not sell their homes and they want to stand the
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property, they want the best price, and all the kids are waiting for them so they can get the house. >> that's why we advocate reverse mortgages here. >> exactly. >> my parents have been retired for 20 years and i call them up say what are you doing, my mom is like dad is at a board meeting. it's a costa rica. what? daddy has tennis and we are out for dinner. we are visiting your sister in washington. meanwhile emma's parents both have jobs and they're watching the kids ale the time and i love you and i thought to myself, i don't trust my parents with my children. so that's probably a good thing. gigi is 7 months. my mom needs beauty rest. my dad is not taking care of a 2 and a half-year-old. >> you just dug a hole for yourself. >> what did i do? reverse psychology. see you this weekend. >> one more thing is up next.
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game is on fox prime time, the pac 12 and these combine as two of the nation's iconic programs square off. none better than this. a demo completes ucla in an early season statement game as they look to take down justin moore and continue with the countdown saturday at 7 p.m. on fox. >> the biggest games are all fox prime time hoops. >> your man is late, milk on tubi. the crime dramas where global drug cartels use highly conspicuous speedboatsts. just keep going. >> benjamin hall is on a mission. join me for my podcast,
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searching for heroes, discovering the inspiring individuals in our communities, people who don't often get the recognition they need. >> searching for heroes with benjamin hall. listen on fox news podcast or wherever you get your favorite podcasts. >> it's time now for one more>> thing. dana wanted to bring this to everyone's attentio dana:n g evan gershkovich has officially frie detained by russia for more than 250 days. his parents sat down with fox and friendcy s steve doocyel and this is a preview of whala i his mother said.den' >> we had president biden's. promise to do whatever it takes to bring evan back. he also told us that he released to us as a parent, he feels our pain and his words ringing in my ears every single day. more of that interviewe ai airsa tomorrow morning, 8:30 a.m. on fox and friends don't miss it. and wends." call upon russia to release him. also new perino on politics with josh kraushaae haarr just posted. >> all right, here's an awkward
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pivot feeding frenzy. hmm. u guys >> doo doo doo it do it. we're not doing come on, you guys. hav anyway, today's national cookie day subway. weon have footlong cookies. >> greg was saying in the commercial breakfoot, that's g a foot. >> yes, that's what it looksreg. th like, greg. they're going to sell these nationally in january. so here's a taste test. the judge has already eaten probably six inches there. delicious. they're deliciouiciouss. tonight, jesse watters, primetime. what are the woke white mexican gangster >>stabbed derek chauvin. 8:00. he's woke greg.a, kat all right. tonight, we have jimmy failla, emily austin, kat timp timf, an. >> that's tonight at 10 p.m. i watch. all michigan wolverines are going to the offs. hail to the victors. congratulation cks. >> i'm going to wait until tomorrow. oh, so you decided to show med the light, and that's it.ama ga >> that's it for have a great night. hey, just welcome to jesse waters. >> prime time tonight. welcome ttersif


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