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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 5, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. we can feel it on the ground. we are sitting at an airport diner. >> the airport diner was empty. where was everybody? >> if you're talking about the national momentum, it is best to have people behind you at the time. this is again the tone deaf storytelling of the entire gop. written in fast colors here with nikki haley. get some people in the backdrop. haley is scraping up the dollars. the koch brothers have dropped money on her and now democratic dono rs are contributing to her campaign according to the new york post. we will see where this goes. the momentum is less than convincing. >> she has an open invitation to debate. that's it for us ton >> carley: fbi director christopher wray heading to the hill to testify before a senate
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panel conducting oversight of the bureau's powers. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> griff: good morning, i'm griff jenkins in for todd piro. expecting the director to push congress to review surveillance program that allows the fbi to spy on americans. he will face questions that the bureau is biassed against republicans. the first look at wray's prepared testimony. >> brooke: surveillance program allows fbi to track communication between certain foreigners abroad to monitor national security threats. americans can get caught up in that and lawmakers say that is a problem and the system can be abused. there is this, house committee report finds the bureau targeting christians went
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further than we knew. they issued a priest and a churchgoer. the fbi had no legitimate basis for the memo. >> remember when joe biden stood in front of independence hall, this whole mindset, if you are pro-life, traditional catholic, you are radical extremist. this is part of the justice department that said if you are a mom and dad going to a school board meeting, you are an extremist, as well. >> brooke: one field office did not meet -- fbi and quickly removed and internal review found no malicious intent to target catholics or other religion faith and did not identify steps taken as a result. wray is expected to defend the fbi, as he usually does, when he
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takes the stand at 10:00 a.m. >> griff: we'll be watching. thanks. turns now to the war in israel. overnight, the idf raided hamas general headquarters and are surre surre surrendering surrounding areas of interest in gaza. >> carley: good morning, trey. >> trey: raided the northern gaza jabalia neighborhood. conducted by two separate israeli units and they said they located rockets before call nothing airstrike. they will complete operations in northern gaza in recent weeks. they ramped up their campaign against southern gaza in khan
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yunis. a source in rafah says cell service was cut in gaza as the operation ramped up. the civilian death toll in gaza is rising rapidly. spokesman matt miller discussed this yesterday. take a listen. >> we do expect to see civilian casualtieses, that is sadly true in all wars and especially true in crowded urban environment where the opponent hamas is using civilians as human shields and hiding their struct behind civilians. >> trey: from northern israels, israeli fighter jets struck a number of hezbollah positions in southern lebanon after multiple launches were detected earlier today toward the jewish state. back to you. >> carley: trey, thank you.
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250 days have come and gone and gershkovich remained leld in a russian prison. steve doocy spoke to evan's parents in an exclusive interview. >> we had president biden's promise to do whatever it takes to bring evan back. he told us he re -- to us as a parent and his words ring in my ear every single day. it has been 250 days and evan is not here and efforts have not been done. >> steve: what would you like to say to secretary of states, president of the united states about bringing your boy home? >> the promise that the president made gave us a lot of solace and hope and strength, but after 250 days, it is
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getting very hard to hold on to that. we want u.s. government to focus on bringing an american journalist back home. >> carley: watch that exclusive interview on "fox and friends" at 8:30 a.m. eastern time. now to this and you will want to stop what you are doing to watch this video. a home explodes while police are on the front lawn chasing down a suspect. watch. [sound of explosion] >> oh! >> carley: we have the details of this unbelievable story coming up. >> griff: unbelievable indeed. president biden heading to boston for a fundraising concert with james taylor, tickets cost up to $7000. fed-up residents want to know if biden will address the migrant
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surge. we are talking to one of them n next.
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somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment.
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. take a look at temperatures. we have a warming trend from the northwest across the great plains to the midwest. if you like warmer than normal temperatures, it is happening for a lot of the country. we are not talking a deep freeze, warm air will continue for much of the country heading eastward. the northwest, we have atmospheric river setting up, that means the jet stream is
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poised to bring low pressure after low pressure into the area and that will lead to tremendous amount of flooding, especially coastal areas. anywhere three to five, five to eight, even a foot or more rain going through wednesday. look at the temperatures. we could break records for seattle, portland, eugene, 57, 60s, high 40s. temperatures 20 to 30 degrees above average getting into thursday and friday and that pushes eastward. home omaha, 64 degrees. set records in wisconsin, record-setting warmth, setting scene for potential of severe storms for the weekend. saturday and sunday, could see
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potential for tornados and mainly rain in eastern part of the country. we will see snow, that is something we'll watch. talking about saturday, few days off, significant risk in terms of could see tornados for areas across the louisiana, texas and toward arkansas. new york city, we have just been into a snow drought, the yearly average is 29.8 inches and we haven't even got there. deficit of 600 days of no snow within an inch or more, that is pretty significant. forecast highs today, big warmup happening over next couple of days. the northwest, wet weather for you and severe threat getting into saturday and sunday., we'll keep you up to date. carley and griff, over to you.
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>> griff: thank you, janice, i've got my umbrella ready. president biden kicking off his week of fundraising with a trip to boston today. singer james taylor will perform at the event and tickets are selling from $50 -- over $7000 for a ticket to this thing. biden come as the city begs for help with migrants. some are being held in government office buildings and the airport. there is a temporary migrant fundraising package worth $250 million. boston college law school student joins me now. james taylor performed last year at the white house when the president was unveiling his reduction act. i will play that. ♪
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♪ only time i could not find a friend, but i always thought i'd see somehow one more time again. ♪ ♪ thought i'd see you one more time again. >> griff: you get the idea there, i'm not sure that is worth $7000. are you going to attend this? what do you make of your vip visitor today? >> i love james taylor as much as the next girl, could not be more ironic the fundraising is in boston while the homeless and migrant crisis is raging outside. it is emblem attic how out of touch this administration is with the country. >> griff: i was just reporting yesterday on the channel, 10,000
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migrant encounter day at the border yesterday, the numbers are astonishing. jay johnson told congress, if you have 1000 migrants at the border, it is a crisis, we had 10,000 yesterday. today's numbers are expected to be even higher. this administration doesn't realize thousands of miles from the southwest border in places like boston, they are feeling the strain. do you see it in the streets? >> yeah, certainly, we have over 25,000 people awaiting shelter or are in shelter and the governor made it clear, it is costing massachusetts taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars. we don't have the infrastructure to house this many temporarily and you can see it in the city. >> griff: do you feel your city government is doing enough about it? are they asking for help from this administration and will
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they meet with biden when he is there? >> governor healy has asked for assi assistance multiple times, instead we see the catholic church, neighboring cities and towns picking up the slack to handle the influx of people because it has been largely silence from the government, despite the fact they created the problem. >> griff: one part that is maddening, senator joni ernst pointing this out yesterday how the president's failed policy is harming military families after reservations for the army-navy game were cancelled so hotels could accommodate migrants. she writes this, the crisis allowed eight million illegal immigrants in, families will be
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unable to attend this year. what do you make of that? >> yeah, i mean, i think this is what happens when you have a federal government-size problem and only state and local resources and bureaucracy to handle it. we are ill equipped to handle a problem this big and that leads to unfortunate trade-offs like that one. >> griff: in boston, residents and military veterans should not feel the impact. thank you for getting up early on this tuesday. >> thank you. >> griff: all right. call them double diz approvers, voters in atlanta suburb are sick of biden and trump and they want different candidates on ballots in 2024. >> carley: what we are hearing and what this is all about, coming up.
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it will release your fat and it will release you. >> griff: and then there were four. the stage is shrinking ahead of tomorrow's republican debate in alabama. florida governor ron desantis, vivek ramaswamy, nikki haley and chris christie will battle it out in the fourth and final debate before next month's iowa caucuses. north carolina governor doug burgum suspending his run yesterday with choice words for the rnc. the rnc is nationalizing and taking away from the thoughtful citizens of iowa in new hampshire. meanwhile, donald trump candidacy looming over the remaining field.
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polling shows commanding lead in iowa for the 45th president. you won't see trump is on stage, he isopting for a town hall hosted by sean hannity, you can catch it here on fox news channel. >> carley: he had the desantis and newsom debate last week, trump stoen. good stuff. people in brookhaven, georgia, are refusing to choose between biden and trump in 2024. as a result, they have been dubbed double disapprovers for failing to support both candidate and they are not alone. a recent quinnipiac poll, 50% of voters would like to see other candidates on the ballot. president of young americans joins me now. allen, this idea of double disapprovers has a ring to it
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and it is legitimate group of people who don't want to vote for biden. i understand you are hearing from people, what are they telling you, who are folks going to go for if it comeings down to biden and trump? >> good morning, thank you for having me on this morning. i hear from people like this. look at the last couple election cycles, there were people like this in 2016 and in 2020. as we have moved forward in the primary process, we are seeing less and less of them. i spoke to a lot of people following the 2020 election that said if trump is the nominee in 2024, i will not vote for him. but things have gotten so bad under biden, it is so hard to pay bills and get gas these days. people are moving one way than the other and i'm seeing people move toward the republican party. >> carley: trump would beat
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bi biden -- according to sienna college poll. a lot are hoping that changes with the georgia election case as that plays out. how are people responding to the case in georgia, especially among the people who may not be convinced donald trump is right for them? >> it is interesting, i said since the fulton county mug shot came out, that set trump up to take the nomination in win in 2024. people who might not have been republicans, seeing a former president indictd and taken a mawing shot, that fired them up. whether they liked him before, people are mad about that and that might backfire on the democrats. >> carley: what about a third party candidate? there is jfk and there are
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rumblings of mark cuban or even somebody like ron desantis or nikki haley, what is support like for them? >> i think it is interesting, at least within the republican side, it is split, i think probably 50% of everybody is die-hard supporting trump and 50% looking elsewhere. it might even be 45% for trump. the two that come to mind are nikki haley and ron desantis. nikki haley surged, especially in georgia, last couple weeks. she's got a shot to bump up in the polls going into the primary in 2024. >> carley: they are saying she is cresting at the right time, see what happens there. >> carley: we talk about being a georgia voter, you are president of atlanta young republicans, this group of people, biden greatly benefited from in 2020,
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but that support is slipping away. why is that? >> number one and only thing, cost of housing, the american dream is being able to buy a home. the american dream is being able to succeed and primary source of wealth generation is owning a sxhoem that is completely slipped away under president biden. four years ago, if you save the right amount of money, you could buy a home and interest rates were low. now groceries and gas is so high and it is cheaper now to be in an apartment than to own a home, we are taking away the ability for young americans to move forward financially in their lives and it is a shame. that is really going to be a big deciding factor for young voters looking to who they vote for in november. >> carley: the georgia elections will be here before we know it, time is moving fast. thank you for joining us. also this, major newew developmt
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in senator bob menendez corruption case, gold bars found in the democrat's home are connected to a separate violent crime, a robbery, in fact. and a football snub may lead to a congressional investigation, can you believe it? cheryl casone breaking down both of those stories coming up next.
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>> carley: listen to this. shocking details coming out about gold bars found in new jersey senator bob menendez's home, new indictment revealing the gold could be traced back to a 2013 violent robbery. what? >> griff: you can't make this stuff up. cheryl casone here with the latest details about the gold bars. >> cheryl: good morning to both of you. you can't make this up because it is actually true. the craziest thing. we are learning more crazy details about this case against bob menendez brought by the feds. this is a 2013 robbery of the home of fred dabes. gold bars were stolen from his home, each bar has a serial number and they are stamped and
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you will never see two stamped the same way. the gold bars were confiscated by the federal government and now found in the home of bob menendez. dabes is tied to this case of accusations against bob menendez working for the egyptian government. dabes is a real state investor caught up as maybe the middle man. george santos gets expelled and here comes senator john fetterman. if you oust george santos, maybe look at senator menendez. watch. if you expel somebody like george santos, how can you allow senator menendez remain in the senate, too? one of the major differences between former representative
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santos and menendez, 300 million of -- and santos never accused of being a foreign agent. >> cheryl: john fetterman played a cameo of george santos thchl is washington, griff, you talk to me about this side of the story, i don't know. >> carley: the gold bars are stolen and you have john fetterman paying george santos for a cameo video to make fun of bob menendez, we have officially entered crazy town and i don't know what to do about it. >> griff: washington is missing george santos, which he did not fay for with campaign funds, the loafers are six years old. >> carley: if you like air conditioning and refrigerators, things are about to get warmer in the government.
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>> cheryl: the world will get warmer and air conditioning is next thing they are going after, i am serious on this. the united states joined 60 other countries to support global cooling pledge, just a pledge and commit to 68% reduction by 2050 of cooling -- whenou say cooling emissions, air conditioners and things like that and emissions are released by units. they want that clamp down by 2050. cooling is estimated to triple by 2050, there is a problem here in the numbers whachl does that mean for regulation? they have gone after gas stoves and now ac? what they could start to push for, energy efficiency when it comes to air conditioning unit. don't take away my air
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conditioning. >> carley: you can take away mine, i live so cold. in terms of personal comforts, not government or overreach. >> griff: i will redirect them to capitol hill, where the capitol power plant that heats and cools the capitol is coal fired, take that. we got to get that in. >> carley: nice nugget. >> griff: i was outraged yesterday, fsu, because of the snub they got from the playoff committee, boo corrigan says fsu, they are not in the top four, replaced by one-loss alabama. what is going on? >> cheryl: michigan will face alabama in rose bowl and texas will face washington in the sugar bowl. to your point, why is florida state not part of the college
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playoffs? this is a huge story, i mean, desantis is after this, rick scott is after this. corigan, there is a letter sent to him asking why a power five team, undefeated 13-0 not going to college playoffs. senator rick scott said on x, i'm demanding answers from the selection committee following exclusion of fsufootball from the playoffs and add comments from florida governor ron desantis. who is also not happy. watch. >> undefeated conference champion and to be left out in favor of two one-loss teams. those are good teams, they earned that spot. people said, is there anything you can do. they are looking to see if there is anything they can do, i don't know if there is recourse, i have set aside a million dollars
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in case there is litigation, not saying there is going to be. >> cheryl: this probably cost florida and florida state $2 million for being excluded from the playoffs. it's college football, a money game. when you look at this, something does not add up with the story. >> griff: no, and boo corrigan will get dragged on the carpet at the end of the day, you are undefeated in the acc, ron desantis is right, if they want to go back to an old system, great, but this playoff system, they are ignoring results of fsu. >> carley: other side says it is fsu quarterback is injured and you want the four best teams,
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i'm sure michigan would rather play fsu, than alabama. there is that. >> cheryl: not sure i will be able to say roll tide, i am glad texas is in there, i have a problem with that, it is at the expense of fsu. >> griff: tough day are for fsu. thank you, had to get that in there. have you seen this video yet? a house exploding, it is absolutely decimated while police are on the front lawn. watch this. [sound of an explosion] >> oh! >> griff: we'll tell you what happened and why police were there in the first place. >> carley: the holiday season is now robbery season in our nation's capitol, what the grinch, she stopped accepting cash and thieves broke in last week. her message to the mayor coming up next.
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>> oh. [sound of explosion] >> carley: that will wake you up, northern virginia
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neigh neighborhood. just before it burst into flames crumbling to the ground with the suspect still inside. right now the home is taped off and fire officials determine the cause of the explosion. officers were responding to reports of a man firing a flair gun into the neighborhood. three officers suffered minor injuries. if you can believe it, the suspect in the home unharmed. over to you. >> griff: take a look at this. d.c. pizza shop owner is demanding answers after her business was broken into last week. the person used a meat tenderizer to get in. her deli has been broken into .
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maria, this is unbelievable. how bad is the crime in d.c.? try to paint a picture so our viewers across the country understand. >> it is pretty bad, people are afraid to go out. we've seen reduction in business. we usually have a steady crowd coming from the suburbs and they are not doing that now because people are afraid of getting carjacked, pistol whipped, robbed. it is not good for business. >> griff: i looked this morning and carjacks 119 on the year and robbery up 70% and violent crime up 40%. stunning statistics. but mayor bowser was at a restaurant event and had this to say about decreasing crime.
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i've been at this for 15 years and i've seen spikes in crime and i see our team work together trying everything at prevention, at accountabilities, programs, we try it locally and with partnership with the feds and we will drive it down. >> griff: what do you say to the mayor and does that guy with the meat tenderizer need opportunities? >> well, what needs to be done, support our police and the mayor is working on doing that. the council has to pass her legislation. this was october 23rd, we are in december and they are still debating it. we need to support our police and want to thank the responding police officers that came to business in the middle of the night until we could come secure
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the door. we need to support our police and we need to act now and the mayor legislation need to act now. >> griff: you are very right, maria, police department in d.c. are fantastic, but they are down to the lowest level in 20 years because of the city council bill passed a year and a half ago. the mayor is fighting against it trying to get them back. do you feel the city council has failed reess in the district like you? >> we have been open since 2012 and had a good nine years and covid year everybody had a hard time, it keeps, hard times just
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don't end and we're looking forward to better times ahead temperature is within reach and there need to be les debate and more action to solve the crime crisis. >> griff: is there one thing that the d.c. government could do tomorrow that would help the problem? >> they need to pass mayor bowser legislation, it is good starting step. >> griff: yep, maria rusciano, we appreciate you joining us, we will stop by to get neopolitan pizza, thank you very much. and a shop targeted by a mob in philadelphia in what is being wild display of antisemitism. we have the details. >> carley: tomi lahren will preview today's hearing on antisemitism on college campuses. check in with lawrence jones, he's at eggs up grill in
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raleigh, north carolina. it's a packed house. good morning, lawrence. >> lawrence: good morning, i just got to the diner and i'm asking folks, why are you here so early. they said, lawrence, do you not see what is happening, inflation and gas prices and crime happening in the country, that is why they are showing up, to let their voices be heard and the antisemitism striking the country, we'll discuss on "fox and friends." why are seniors, people that are retired, going back to work? because the state of this economy. we'll discuss all of this, a jam-packed show coming up on "fox and friends." don't go anywhere.
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ing rallying right outside of an israeli restaurant.
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[chanting] >> griff: city officials say other nearby businesses were also vandalized and some politicians have had enough. pennsylvania governor j schapp calling out the mob. mob anti-semitism into the peaceful protest. democratic congressman jerry nadler saying this hateful targeting of jewish businesses is classic anti-semitic thuggery. the on or about is a known supporter of peace between the israelis and palestinians. the president of harvard, u penn and mitt are preparing to testify before the house committee on education today on a hearing on the rise of anti-semitism since october 7th hamas attacks. >> carley: virginia fox says college administrators have largely stood by allowing
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horrific rhetoric to fester and grow. outkick host tomi lahren joins us. there are hearings on capitol hill every single day. some of them really meet the moment. it's going to be interesting to see how these college presidents respond to allegations of anti-semitism on their campuses. what are you going to be watching for in this hearing? what i'm hoping is to see accountability and responsibility by these presidents and administrators to take responsibility for what is happening on their college campuses, carley. that's what i hope to hear. i hope to hear them condemn anti-semitic protest which have in some places turned into more like a scene of rioting. what i expect to hear is the presidents and administrators passing this off as free speech. you both know i'm the biggest champion of free speech. i'm a free speech absolutist. but there is a very fine line but distinct line between what is actually free speech and what is endangering and threatening
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the students on campus this has been going on for far too long. another thing that frustrates me as someone who speaks on college campuses pretty regularly. it's the selective notion of free speech. can you rally against the jewish students on your campus. you can have conservative speakers intimidated and throne out and that's under the guise of greech. on the same token when conservative speakers come to your campus you call that hate speech? so there's a lot that these college campuses have to atone for. this is meeting the moment. and it's a day of reckoning. i can't wait to hear what the presidents and administrators have to say for themselves. > >> griff: tomi, are some of these jewish students' civil rights being. with the event happened and jewish students trapped fearing for their life -- for their safety in the library, jerry nadler raised specter of whether or not these college presidents are actually aliving a lowlings of the student's civil rights by
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not protecting them i would agre with that sentiment. i would hope more come out and speak up. we know the democratic party is having a real issue in their party dealing with the anti-semitism and blatant displays of anti-semitism. what bothers me of lot of these politicians are worried about placating to pro-palestinian pro-hamas base a segment of their party they always have to say that anti-semitism is not allowed and some of these owners of these businesses, they are pro-palestinian peace as if they have to say that because they need to make the mob back down. that shouldn't be a part of the equation. you shouldn't be allowed to intimidate business owners. you shouldn't be allowed to intimidate is students, a teacher in queens, new york barricaded in a classroom for attending a pro-israel rally. this is unacceptable that this is happening in the united states of america. it needs to be condemned loudly by politicians on both sides of
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the aisle. and i hopepe that there is some atonement. some reckoning for everybody that has allowed this to continue. >> carley: there is also this in the world of pop culture meets politics. reboot of frazier airing on paramount plus. did an interview where he says he supports donald trump. interviewer says paramount plus dhawt interview short just after he said it. today show interview. he said kelsey grammar was perfectly happy did to go on talking about it. paramount plus people less happy that he talked about it at some length. so they decided we had had plenty of time for our interview. griff and carley, what i hear so often is we need to hear from athletes.
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we need to hear from public figures and celebrities. they need to stand up for social justice causes and politics. they need to get out the vote. we hear that time and time again. they need to use their platform unless their platform goes against the liberal leftist narrative then they need to shut up and be quiet. what are these paramount plus folks, executives shutting down this interview what are they so afraid of that kelsey grammar is going to like donald trump and people might change their hearts and their minds? what would rose say the great co-host of his that helped pushed the buttons. great insight as always. >> carley: griff, day two with you. always wonderful. thanks for joining us on "fox & friends first." "fox & friends" starts right now. >> griff: see y. a. >> have great day, everybody. >> tuesday, december 5th, 2023. we start this first hour of "f


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