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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 5, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> emily: hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered," i'm emily compagno here with my co-host kayleigh mcenany and harris faulkner and former state department spokesperson and host of morgan ortagus show morgan ortagus and former biden campaign surrogate kevin walling. each day we are getting new horrifying reports of what hamas terrorists have done to israeli women during their final moments on october 7. gruesome assaults of rape from eyewitnesses with details too graphic for us to describe on air. hamas released some female hostages, israeli officials believe 18 others are being held by the terrorist group. u.s. state department says hamas may be refusing to release those
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women in order to keep them quiet. >> it seems one reason they don't want to turn women over they have been holding hostage, they don't want the women to talk about what happened to them during their time in custody. there is little i put beyond hamas when it comes to treatment of civilians and treatment of women. >> emily: atrocities continue, so does silence from several women's groups who refuse to condemn hamas's heinous acts. several took took to speak out against hamas. >> when i saw the list of woman's rights organizations who have said nothing, i nearly choked. where is solidarity for women in
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this country and world to stand up for our mothers sisters and daughters. >> rape as weapon of war is crime against humanity, no place in any conflict. >> no matter what flag you are flying, what religion you practice or if you practice none at all, one thing we can agree on, there are exactly no circumstances that justify. do we believe the spokes dlrt person who says rape is prohibited and couldn't happen on october 7 or do we believe the women whose bodies tell us how they spent the last minutes of their lives? who are we going to believe? >> emily: morgan, the thought that question had to be asked is
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unbearable. >> yeah, what is important to note here, we saw women testifying in new york here at the united nations. there is an organization called un women and you would think un women are for women. it took them two months, they issued a statement to condemn using rape as weapon of war the way hamas used it against israeli women. look on the internet or any social media site and see people calling into question whether women were raped or not. we as united states sit on the board of un women and we gave money to them. this is another organization at the united nations where we need system ammic reform and that is something the u.s. ambassador to
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united states should be working on behind the scenes. i will give these women credit for speaking out, they are democrats and center left and they will take heat from within their party and base. you see members of congress today, on their twitter, you know who i'm talking about, will not condemn hamas, spreading terrorist propaganda and know what happened on that day. videos are there and they refuse to condemn it. representative pramila jayapal on cnn barely uttered the word condemning rape. they are antisemitism and anti-israel. >> emily: morgan raised a good question, why the heat and do you feel it will be reflected in the ballot come november? to that point, it is so unacceptable, will people depart this party to those on the left
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with unacceptable views. >> to morgan's point, good to see sheryl and hilly clinton speaking out. i as democrat on this couch, there is no both sidism we have seen from pramila jayapal and other squad members, no equivocating. it is hamas and they are a terrorist organization and horrifying things we are learning about everyday. remember the woman being dragged into the jeep bleeding, we saw what happened, we cannot turn a blind eye, we have to condemn it. there is no but or attacking israel as they were attacked that day. they need to stand firm. >> emily: that is what we could show on air. the silence and deafening and it
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indicates a lot about so-called women groups and feminists that led the charge during the me too movement that they can get onboard with safely. here is who had no reply, association university, world health organization, planned parenthood, emily's list, i stand with her, i guess unless they are jewish, the national organization of women, this is patently preposterous and for some reason, they feel comfortable residing in silence that expresses complicity with hamas. >> harris: silence is there because the truth would crush us. we find out national organization for women was never for women. they were for politics of the moment, where is hashtag me,
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too, movement was that for women and help women? 55 days for the un women's group at the un to issue condemnation is silence we can live with, they want to be silent. we know by that list that emily read, they are not on our side. when i say on our side, i mean as women, as mothers, as daughters and grandmothers, any position we hold. do you think they rape those, are you only over 18? we will take that one. no, there were girls. you could see the blood on the woman's pants. talk about this like it happened. if too graphic to speak, can you imagine living or not surviving it? is it propaganda to repeat what
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hamas did? they had go pros on, they are nazis. they were celebrating that attack. >> harris: they were not technologically gifted, it is a thing with the killers. we can speak it and speak out when we see people not on the side of those who are suffering and are victims. you don't think they rape the palestinian women? how far will pramila jayapal's ignorance go or silence? >> emily: bring in how clearly we with condemn on the couch and the news and description of the vileative horror. why doesn't the white house address congressman pramila jayapal's comments. here is what karine jean-pierre had to say on the vile comments. >> we've been clear what hamas
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did is reprehensible and we'll be clear about that and think about rape and use of rape as being used as a weapon, that is always reprehensible, full stop and i'll leave it there. >> kayleigh: karine jean-pierre works for a president who is democrat, white house press secretary that represents a democrat and she condemned rape and said i can only speak for the president. when you are the president of the country and leader of your parties, leader of the democrat party. i was pressed by every tom, dick and harry who claimed to be a republican and those words were pinned to the republican president of the united states, it is unacceptable she could not clearly condemn pramila jayapal by name. if you don't condemn her, you stand with her. where is pressing from the press
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corps? our reporter pressed and followed up, next question about ukraine funding. give me a break, she should be pressed until the president of the united states calls out members of his party. i said yesterday, one side raped women, hamas, one side raped children, hamas, one side burned babies, hamas. when a member of your party cannot say that, give me a break, president biden, you are not standing with the jewish people until you call out the despicable members of your party. >> emily: we are praying for the 18 female hostages to learn and share more of that truth. coming up, the presidents upon tof u.s. colleges are testifying right now before house lawmakers about the surge in antisemitism on campuses across the country. stay with us.
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>> harris: the presidents leading top colleges in america are right now facing tough questions from house lawmakers in a hearing about antisemitism on campuses. it has gotten chippy in the room. we want to play this for you. new york congresswoman elise stefanik pressing harvard president claudine gay about the details calling for genocide against jews which took place on her campus. watch this. >> president of harvard, i assume you are familiar with the term intifada; correct? >> i've heard that term, yes. >> you understand the use is
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call for violent armed resistance and genocide of jews? are you aware of that? >> that type of personal speech is abhorrent to me. >> students chant there is one solution, intifadda resolution and globalize intifada, is that correct? >> i've heard that reckless and hateful language on our campus, yes. >> do you believe that type of hateful speech is contrary to harvard's code of conduct or allowed as harvard? >> we embrace commitment to free expression and give wide birth to views that are objectable and -- >> you and i both know that is not the case, harvard ranked dead last when it came to free speech, are you not aware of that report?
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>> i reject that characterization. >> the data shows it is true. >> harris: wow, this is the crowd, academic crowd that gave us that speech is violence, from the river to the sea, she knows what it means, but couldn't deannounce it. >> morgan: it is calling for extermination of the jewish people. they set out as stated in their charter, annihilation of the jewish people and we've talked a lot about what is going on on campuses, how chilling for jewish parents to know their children could be locked in rooms and shouted down in class and could be shouted down over wearing a yamika or jewish symbol.
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many of the universities get forms of american taxpayer money and public funding and many students going to the universities, myself included, needed u.s. government-backed loans to pay for college. congress has a vested interest in regulate thanksgiving and university professors and leadership, their feet need to be held to the fire, they are not doing enough to protect jewish students on campus. >> harris: tammy bruce and i were talking last hour, put in in context. national academics in the united states in 2022 found that the top foreign donor for all u.s. colleges is qatar. 4.7 billion to universities in the united states, october of 2023. what does that mean contextually with what we're seeing to you? >> i think what we've seen play
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out on college campuses since october 7 has been under the surface until now. we're seeing these crowds on campuses, calling for a two-state solution, two people living peacefully coexisting, the eradication of the entire jewish state and president's role at a university and protection of students on the campus and these university officials have failed in that regard. >> harris: emily, any thoughts on that money? in the context, 4 million coming to our universities here. >> emily: it speaks to continued influence infiltrating foreign powers. look at chinese money coming in, ccp money, i'm not saying that
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automatically has a negative effect. we must be clear-eyed about potential for and likely influence that is occurring. remember qatar's silence after oct october 7 and now they are our best friend. qatar holds power and they are holding leaders of hamas in their five-star hotel rooms. it permeates our education system and that president says she rejects. reject all you want, that doesn't change the truth you are the last bastion for free speech and we're supposed to adore that diploma and all it represents is racism and anti-asian and now anti-jewish sentiment temperature ask trackable with
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the money. >> harris: follow different money, talk about universities, what happens if american money starts to dry up, you think claudine gay will be sitting there long? >> kayleigh: i graduated from harvard law school and i have a ring on my finger, it is somethini worked hard to achieve, life-long dream of mine to go to harvard law school and something i'm proud of. when i watched daniel friedman, who is harvard law school, five years to seven years after i was there and he tells the audience and world that he hears from the river to the sea. that when he is in the library, people chase them down and they went to the dei office, their doors are locked. this is someone who deserves safety and deserves to be
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protected. radicals divided the wall and privileged speech on this side and if you had pro-police speech, you were on the other side. speech was divided, same radicals are more ectreme and it takes administrators saying, you have a right to free speech, you don't have a right to an education that will get you a six-figure job. >> harris: i love how we got to peel back the onion and see who is in charge. if your kid is going to one of the elite colleges and you are busting five jobs to make that happen, you may have a new decision coming up. fbi director revealing to congress the terror threat in the great united states is at an all-time high, a chilling warning next.
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terror threats against the united states reach an all-time high. warning now from the fbi director christopher wray just a short time ago in a senate judiciary committee hearing. >> i would say what is unique about the environment we're in right now, while there may have been times over the years where individual threats could have been higher, i've never seen a time where all the threats or so many threats are all elevated at exactly the same time, that makes this environment we're in now so fraught and why funding our men and women who are working shoulder to shoulder with state and local law enforcement everyday makes it even more importants, not less. >> blinking red lights and 9/11, lights blinking red, all of us
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missed it. would you say multiple blinking red lights out there? >> i see blinking lights everywhere i turn. >> can't say it better than that. >> harris: blinking lights everywhere he turns, heightened level we have never seen. you have worked inside the white house with former president trump, you know what should be happening next. when you get that message from inside the white house? >> very first thing i would do, creating a whole page in my bidener calling the fbi director and comms team. we should be hearing about this from the white house podium. lone wolf terrorist can cause a lot of destruction, we saw this just before trump took over, the attack at pulse nightclub, 49 killed and 50 wounded, terrorist
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attack watching jihadist film, deadliest terrorist attack since 9/11. -- former colleague who worked with wray hand in hand, he is not prone to dramatic talk. if he's underscoring something, it is a real threat. if he's saying this, he is seeing something. >> harris: kevin. >> kevin: in the wake of 9/11, it was a wake-up call to stay vigilant. american security relies on all of us. if you see something, say something, not just the fbi that can disrupt attacks. there are people that knew that terrorist in florida and what he was doing and how he was being radicalized and we need good samaritans to come forward and
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talk to law enforcement when it involves a family member or friend going down this road. after october 7, we are likely to see more copycat attacks, they inspire people. >> harris: head of the fbi tells us he sees red flashing lights all around when asked. we are still watching that live on capitol hill, you will see on the left side of the screen. our team is monitoring this and we will go to it live should the topic require that right now, that is what we did moments ago to update how dire the situation is. emily, only so much we can do because we don't get national advisory reports that the president does. >> kaylee: right, this underscores constellation of vulnerability is broader than when you look in silos what is happening on sexth avenue or
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this street or who might be plotting something in their garage. how closely that ties with our weaknesses and open doors are real. in the month after october, we had four iranians coming across the border, considered special interest aliens because united states considers iran state sponsor of terror. we have seen chinese immigrants more than 10 years prior and numbers have skyrocketed from countries where we have suspicions about motives coming here illegally. when you ducktail that in, i can't help but hope that congress, two months ago they said there are no laws being enforced at the southern border, someone will band together to
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acknowledge vulnerabilities that create and magnify this blinking light scenario. >> harris: is there something urgent the president could be doing now. we saw that number burst in a 24 to 30-hour period across the tusz tucson sector. they can't handle what they have. they have to process illegals. they have broken the law, doesn't that give the president something to work with. they are criminals. >> morgan: they need to change border policy. they are having debates in the senate over funding and you can't get democrats to move or change policy. god forbid, you wonder if it will take a terrorist attack to
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determine they are dangerous to american security. this is not the first time the fbi director has testified to threats. repurpose people going to pta meetings and repurpose agents to look at american national security. we've had 74 attacks against americans, the attacks against homeland are not something to be talked about in the future, they are happening now. >> harris: we just saw a nation that had a border attack, they came across the border and killed, raped, pillaged, it is medieval what they continue to do. investigation of president biden has heat behind it now. irs whistleblowers are testifying before -- behind
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closed doors right now at oversight committee revealing direct payment from hunter biden's company to his father.
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>> kayleigh: house republicans inching closer to formalizing impeachment inquiry into president biden. house speaker johnson says the vote should come next week shapley and ziegler are testifying before house ways and means committee. there were payments from hunter biden and his father, payments
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between 2018 and oversight committee chairman james comer says money hunter sent his dad came from a business account from china. here are comer and jim jordan on what they call mounting evidence against the first family. >> evidence shows the bidens received millions from chinese entities and landed in joe biden's bank account. investigation shows evidence revealing corruption and litany of lies. >> white house story has changed multiple times and justice department stories have changed, but story and testimony from mr. ziegler and mr. shapley has not changed or waivered. >> kayleigh: morgan, payments add up to $4000 and abbe lowell
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says this is a sham of investigation and these were loan repayments. it is important to take broad view of this and mike johnson laid out the facts. 15 million flowed from russia and china. 22 times, key point biden talked to business associates 16 times and lied to the american people and they reference the checks. >> morgan: i see this as national security issue, period of payments happened between when biden was vice president and running for president. normally people are incredibly careful during that period, they know their finances will be called into question. we could resolve this, have the president and his team fill out
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an f-86, that is something people fill out in the government, anybody getting political appointment has to fill out and disclose if you are taking payments from a foreign entity. have the president and his son and prother fill out the same form people have to fill out and have transparency. >> kayleigh: phil wingman had questions yesterday. watch. >> did the president accept payment and why would there be arrangement if they were never in business together or there was wall of separation. >> i have not seen that report, i would have to refer you to my colleagues at the white house office.
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>> kayleigh: close the bidener and head out. we learned -- white house staffers are irritated hunter is being more aggressive and not clearing tactics and strategy. this is anonymous reporting. >> kevin: there should be a wall between administration and hunter biden and should maintain that. important the president kept on special counsel to investigate his son. to morgan's point, we've seen decades of the president's tax returns, he released those into the public and the most amazing thing, we're talking about three checks totaling less than $5000 when we've known about this since 2022, those were to pay for a truck for hunter biden.
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>> kayleigh: also a 40,000 check from his sister-in-law. >> kevin: we have seen copies of the checks and james comer said $20,000 to his brother, a family member. at end of the day, 78-page report has nothing new toward the president. >> harris: this is why republicans have to get this right. for the whistleblower testimony to be put together, they have to have everything in a row and presidential election year. i don't know, i think it is significant when anybody takes out of the till of their company to pay for personal items. i don't work for the irs, they don't look at that as allowed. less about the amount and more about privilege of doing what i
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want. >> emily: the impunity with which the biden family continues to operate and your point supports notion, why isn't the white house doing anything? jonathan turley did good job of saying what point is evidence too much? what threshold do democrats require before they say we stand against corruption and support impeachment inquiry or totally bless influence pedalling, which is largest industry out of d.c., no one has seen likes of this? >> harris: what is the benchmark? ask senator bob menendez. >> he has to go, get out of the senate. >> kayleigh: vote on impeachment inquiry, next week. and students taking a huge jump in one state.
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>> coming up expecting live briefing from the state department and pentagon as idf moves south in the war in gaza. we'll update you here and prominent progressive spokeswoman says we can't
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believe the claims of rape in israel, there is no real testimony from the women. mark and kellyanne conway will react to that. plus we will be joined by riley gaines as she prepares to testify this afternoon to congress on transgender athletes in sports. we'll get her thoughts on the two cyclists grabbing headlines after dominating a race in illinois. join us at the top of the hour. >> kayleigh: oregon seeing huge spike in number of students who identify as nonbinary. 2700 students identified as naub binary in the 22-2023 school year, 57% jump in the year before. skeptics say society is to blame for the increase.
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in organization, there is culture of educating our children, what to think, not how to think. our state needs to focus on the 60% of students who can't read at grade level rather than discussing topics that should be left up to parents. this increase in new jersey and oregon with corporate push, blue state push on the issue. surgery is permanent. >> harris: you know that from personal experience. when you talk about where the money is coming from, it is politics. they don't care about the transgender communities, they are getting across the message at the moment. who do you control? the people that need you to feel whole. they can pay for things, get
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surgery, go to different states to get this done, they are not in charge of their own lives. >> kayleigh: most nonbinary oregon students in high school, dozens as young as kindergarten identity as nonbinary. >> kevin: we had a committee hearing that featured members of the transgender community, parents of trans children, every parent wants their child to be safe, vadignity. that state has 500,000 kids, 3000 is a jump, and more and more lgbtq people feel comfortable coming out. agai the question is young people, right? children. i want everyone to be nurtured, but you don't go through that
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surgery at 10 or 11. >> kayleigh: no one loves the children as much as their parents, there should not be secrecy policies like in the state of new jersey. >> emily: if people feel safe to come out, that is wonderful, testament to our time, questions need to be asked about that skyrocketing percentage and whether it is reflective of what those children will choose and identify with and have and all of that, meaning children are susceptible. when you ask my oldest who their favorite artist is, the two young ones agree, even though they have never heard of taylor swift. if influence is stronger outside the home than inside the home, that is biggest indicator and it is push coming from unions and administration and gentle
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reminder, we know portland schools take into -- >> morgan: i will send my daughter to harris, harris has done a great job, i don't know how we'll do it, harris, you can have mine. >> harris: they do it all on their own, awesome young women. >> kevin: open up a high school on the side. >> kayleigh: well, more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ? ♪ alka-seltzer plus powermax gels cold & flu relief with more concentrated power because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz winter warriors with alka-seltzer plus. directv orts central brings your games, stats and scores together... and now you can geget it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but gettin the cable guy might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit
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♪ the winter play was really coming together. ♪ until... disaster struck. ♪ tensions... were high. ♪ luckily, replacement costumes were shipped with fedex. which means mr. harvey... could picture the perfect night. ♪ we're delivering more happy for the holidays. ♪ ♪♪ >> emily: last but not least, it appears no one is buying what the democrats are selling, literally.
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souvenir stores say the market has slowed to a crawl and mugs and t-shirts and bobbleheads, the likes of president biden and dr. fauci are now collecting dust on the shelves. one business owner told the outlet that merch featuring kamala harris does not sell at all. maybe it's their marketing strategy that's the problem. >> hi, everyone, join me and joe for a cup of joe. >> emily: what was more awkward, kevin, that or the elizabeth warren like join me for a beer and her husband is no. awkward, awkward. it does not sell anymore. >> kevin: i'm not the right democrat to ask, i think i have all of those things, including the bobbleheads, christmas ornaments, i love the president and the vice president, i'm all about it. donald trump is the king of merch. >> kayleigh: anthony fauci prayer candle. >> i have an rbg prayer candle i
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light for ruth bader ginsburg, but not anthony fauci. >> this is my theory. i think the sensational surrounding the figures immediately plummeted when the economy started sucking and everyone is miserable, and don't want to represent the people who are agony to everyone. >> i live in a bubble. >> can't afford potato chips, can't afford this, their likeability is in the toilet, and approval rating, and fauci. >> good gag gift. >> or regift. >> i'm going to post the photos of the ornaments when i get home. >> and light your candle. >> here is "america reports"


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