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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 5, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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relations with those women. i did not. >> keith from nashville, tennessee. i thought lying to congress was a crime? why doesn't that apply to the head of the fbi? sorry, that's under investigation. they can't comment. richard from new york. you made the bet, you gave your word. you have to where the jersey. don't be a was. i don't have to do anything. she said it was going to be a joe montana jersey. i could have wiggled out of that because i am a man of honor. bob from houston, texas. and home alone two trump gave kevin direction. that's what this country needs right now. not only direction, but a fox news sherpa blanket for christmas. i am watters, and this is my world.
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welcome to "hannity". tonight we are in beautiful davenport, iowa with a massive crowd. welcome all of you. thank you for being here. wow! in a little more than one month the very first republican caucus will be held right here in this state as it should be. by the way, and just a moment the candidate leading the republican field by far, donald j. trump will join us for the full hour tonight. let's be clear. in 2024 the stakes could not be any higher. after three years under joe biden, our country is imploding on every level. our economy is wrecked by inflation. our souther order and is an utter disaster. the american people are not safe. take a look. >> what i would say what is unique about the environment we are in right now in my career is there may have been times where individual threats could have been higher here or there than
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where they might be right now. i've never seen a time where all the threats were so many of the threats are all elevated all at exactly the same time. that's what makes this environment we are in now so fraught. >> are you concerned that international terrorism threats to the homeland are rising as the border continues to be broken? >> i am concerned that we are in an ellaville you didn't and heightened threat environment from foreign terrorist organizations. for a whole host of reasons. obviously, their ability to exploit any port of entry including our southwest border is a source of concern. >> that was the fbi director christopher wray today on capitol hill. make no mistake, our wide open joe biden border is now a massive national security nightmare. it is a clear and present danger and it is only getting worse
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every day under president biden. in the past two years over 6000 illegal immigrants from afghanistan have crossed our southern border along with 3000 egyptians, more than 600 the rain ins, iran, the number one state-sponsored terror. more than 500 syrians, 12,000 russians and a whopping 26,000 people from china. this is a dire national security crisis. but that is only one part of the problem. for years america's bloated bureaucracy has become politicized. that includes the fbi, doj, which have wasted precious time and resources with political motivated witchhunts. they are looking in traditional catholics or angry parents that go to school board meetings or pro-life advocates that are nonviolent. trump supporters. donald trump himself.
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instead of investigating real threats like terrorism, human trafficking, drug trafficking, gang violence, the fbi hyper- partisan washington field office has obsessively, compulsively been targeting one person, one man, one family and that is donald trump, the trump organization and the trump family. the 45th president is bowing to fight back and obliterate the deep state. let's take a look. >> if you put me back in the white house there rain is over. it will be over. and they know it. america will be a free nation wants again. we are not a free nation now. we don't have free pressure. we don't have free anything. in 2016 i declared i am your boys. today i add i am your warrior. i am your justice. and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, i am your retribution. and i am your retribution. i will not let this happen.
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>> that has become a controversy among the left. like you said earlier, we will play that and get a response tonight. that is an important promise. america's weaponize, politicized bureaucracy has got to be dismantled. the far left hacks and the media mob disagree. once again they are predicting doom and gloom if donald trump is elected. here's the washington post yesterday, quote, "the fear of a looming trump dictatorship. this is today's headline from americans are sleepwalking into a trump dictatorship. that is now their favorite word. over at fake news and cable news channels they are featuring the same brand of fear mongering. obviously it's clear they don't want to talk about joe biden and his failed record. take a look. >> dictatorship. is that what we would have if we reelected donald trump? >> i think it's a very, very real threat and concern. >> the phrase sleepwalking into
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dictatorship should wake people up. >> correct me if i'm wrong. is not the kind of dictatorship with concentration camps and martial law overnight. that's not what we are going to get. we will get trump borrowing from the all ban playbook in the lodi playbook in india. what does that look like? what would that look like in america? >> beers of a dictatorship. the alarming prediction for a second trump turn. >> liz cheney is right when she said we are sleepwalking into a donald trump dictatorship if people don't wake up and remember what donald trump was to the four years what he tried to do to our democracy. >> here is the thing. we already know what would happen under a trump presidency. why? because he has already been president. lower taxes, stronger growth, a secure border, peace in the middle east, new trade deals, energy independence and a push to reform a load of bureaucracy.
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there was no dictatorship. we did not lose our constitutional rights. we did not go to war. the people who hate donald trump simply have been and continue to lie to you. now it's joe biden has been using the justice system, his doj, to inflict retribution against his political rivals. it is joe biden who called donald trump supporters eight, quote, "threat to america. the very guy that says maga republican, making america great is somehow bad. joe biden is leading this country into the brink of yet another possible war. that is why donald trump is now beating joe biden in almost every every major poll. take a look at your screen. messenger harris survey has trump against joe biden up by six points. now the big question, can donald trump seal the deal and get the country back on track? joining us now for the full hour, the 45th president of the united states, davenport welcomes former president donald
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trump. >> thank you! [ yelling ] >> usa! usa! >> thank you. great to see you. have a seat. >> thank you. >> before we get into issues and we have a lot to get into, let's talk about these polls. >> i love you too. >> by the way, i have lost all control of this debate as well. here we go. let me ask you.
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when you look at this and look at the polls and see the enthusiasm. you have done rallies and crowds. how are you feeling about it? >> i feel great. it has to be. if it's not, we are going to be in big trouble. we will have no country anymore. we have no choice. we have enthusiasm. we did phenomenally in 2016. we did much better in 2020. i will tell you the enthusiasm, some bad things happen. but the enthusiasm that they have now is bigger than either of those two races. we are less than a year out. but close to a year i've never seen anything like it. we have crowds that are incredible in iowa. we were here last week. we had overflow crowds. other candidates have seven people standing on a farm and they are talking. it's a very nice thing to watch, especially for me. i enjoy watching that.
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we have tremendous enthusiasm because they want to see. i see biden talking about maga. maga means make america great again. that's what it means. that is what people want to. they want to see our country be great again. right now we are not a great country. we are a country in decline. we are a declining country. we are left out all over the world. people that respected us three years ago you wouldn't have ukraine and russia. you wouldn't have had the attack on israel. you wouldn't have had that withdrawal. you would have withdrawn but we would have withdrawn from afghanistan with tremendous strength and power. that's the way i had it set up. in afghanistan we didn't lose a soldier. many soldiers were being killed by snipers and others during the obama administration and biden was there. i guess he wasn't doing so much other than collecting cash probably. but many, many soldiers were killed. i spoke to the head of the
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taliban. i said don't do it. don't do it. for 18 months we didn't lose one soldier in afghanistan. nobody knows that. until that fatefulay where they killed our soldiers. they killed our soldiers. they left americans behind and you covered it better than anybody. they also left $85 billion of the best military equipment. i rebuilt the military. they left 85 billion, not million, billion dollars worth of military equipment behind in the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. the people of this country just don't want to take this anymore. so we gave them $85 billion. they killed our people and they have people there. they have americans that we didn't even get out. it was like a surrender. after that russia said, you know, these people are incompetent. they are overrated. they went in and attacked ukraine. that never would have happened. i use to speak to vladimir
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putin. i was the apple of his eye, ukraine. i said don't do it. don't do it. i won't tell you exactly, but it was tough. he said you wouldn't do that. i said, yes, i will. no, you won't do it. he didn't believe me but he believe me 10%. that's all he had to believe me and he didn't do anything. he never did anything. by the way, president xi. i had the exact same conversation. he would have absolutely. is looking at taiwan very strongly. it never would have happened. again for four years it didn't happen. it was never going to happen. and now it's very possibly going to happen, which would be a shame. it's one of those things. thank you, i would like to be back. >> let me ask you this. earlier today joe biden, i'm sure he mumbled the words as usual, he said this.
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if trump wasn't running, i'm not sure i'd be running. he said that at a campaign event today. how do you react to that? >> i think somebody gave him a talking point that would sound good. i just found out that democrats are funding nikki haley's campaign. i hear that democrats are contributing to a ron desantis or ron to sanctimonious campaign. and then you hear the talking points. the only thing they are good at is cheating at elections and great talking points. they say we want to run again strong. we did really well in 2016 and we did so much better in 2020. the person they don't want to run a guess is us. it's not me, it's us. it's a movement the likes of which this country has never seen before. we have never seen the likes of what we have all done together. this is not me. its everybody here and millions
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and millions. i think it's not 75 million people. i think it's 150 million people are more than that. who doesn't want to see strong borders and a strong military and low taxes and lower interest rates and go out and by a house? >> i see what the media is doing. i will put a montage together. they want to call you a dictator. you used the words, i am your retribution. before that you said if you had been wrong and you used other words as well. but i want to be very, very clear on this. to be clear, do you in any way have any plans whatsoever if reelected president to abuse power, to break the law, to use the government to go after people? >> you mean like they are using right now? in the history of our country what's happened to us, again, has never happened before.
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over nonsense, over nothing, made up charges. i often say al capone was one of the greatest of all time if you like crimimi he was a mob boss the likes of which, scarface they call him, he got indicted wants. i got indicted four times. i wonder what my father and mother would say looking down. >> we've had a lot of private conversations that lead up to your announcement and the day you came down that escalator. we had some passionate discussions back and forth. you were telling me that a rack should give us oil to pay for the war and american blood should not be shed overseas in these long wars. we talked a lot about that. you have been under fire from that day forward. russia, you talk about it all the time. now you face as many as four criminal trials during an election year. i have said this publicly and i will say it in iowa. i am not sure that donald trump can get a fair trial in new
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york, washington, d.c. i don't think you can get a fair trial in fulton county, georgia. where i think you would do better in terms of real justice would be on appeal. the trials will take place. >> let's do it in iowa! >> there you go. but that has got to weigh heavy on you. what is your reaction to that considering all the charges all stem from a couple years ago? >> they could have done this three years ago and it would have been long over. but they didn't want to bring them because they have no case. they saw how well we are doing in the polls. the two questions i get more than any other is number one, will they do it again, sir? will they do it again? will you stop them? we are going to stop them. number two, how do you take it? how do you get up in the morning
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and take it? that part is easy for me to say. i love what i do because we are going to make our country greater than ever before. it is so important. it is so important. we are going to do things. we will close the border, day one. the border gets close. day one and a half we drill. drill, baby, drill. drill, drill, drill. and probably on day two we will get rid of this ridiculous electric car mandate. you are going to by a car. it doesn't go far. there is a little problem. it's very expensive and doesn't go far. i guess they want to keep you away from going too long a distance from your home. the whole thing is crazy. they want to make electric army tanks and make electric trucks. what the electric trucks don't go very far. on a diesel fuel truck, the big
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ones, great ones, you go to thousand miles. on an electric truck have nothing left because the battery is so large. it takes up most of the space. that's another problem. it only goes 300 miles. and yet it doesn't matter to them. a child would understand, therefore you can't do it. you talk about a supply-chain problem, therefore you can't do it. the country is sick. you say this. do they know what they are doing? are they smart? do they know what they are doing? how can they do it? i see john kerry all over the place talking about we have to get rid of our coal plants. and yet china is building one coal plant a week. massive coal plants. and they are doing it just automatically. john kerry wants us to stop doing anything. we can't. we have a country. we have to fire up our factories. wind is not going to fire up our factories. it's the most expensive energy.
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even solar. i like solar from a concept standpoint, but it's massively expensive. we can't allow china to build a factory a week and we do nothing. they build a coal plant and they are obvious about it. and then biden goes to see them about global warming. the only global warming we should be thinking about and worrying about because it could happen tomorrow is nuclear global warming. not global warming. >> we almost have to go to a break. i want to go back to this one issue because the media has been focused on this and attacking you under no circumstances. you are promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody? >> except on day one. >> meaning? >> i want to close the border and i want to drill, drill, drill. >> that is not retribution. >> i'm going to be--i love this
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guy. you are not going to be a dictator, are you? i said no other than day one. we are closing the border and drilling, drilling, drilling. other than that i am not a dictator. steam x that sounds like you're going back to the policies when you are president. take a break. we are in beautiful davenport, iowa. donald trump with us for the hour as "hannity" continues. thank you for being with us. - i'm sherry - and i'm john. i'm a pharmacist. as we were starting to age, it's like, well how can we help our cognitive abilities? we saw prevagen. i did read the clinical study and went ahead and gave it a try. i feel that prevagen is helping me with overall clarity and as a pharmacist, i've recommended it to,
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- [speaker] at first, just leaving the house was hard. - [speaker] but wounded warrior project helps you realize it's possible to get out there - [speaker] to feel sense of camaraderie again.
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- [speaker] to find the tools to live life better. - [narrator] through generous community support, we've connected warriors and their families with no cost physical and mental health services, legislative advocacy, career assistance, and life skill training for 20 years, and we are just getting started. - wounded warrior project has been with me every step of my journey. - they've helped me realize it's possible to rise to the top again. - it's possible to get the help i need for me and my family. - it's possible to hate pushups again. - to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. (gentle music) - [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others.
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- [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood. - [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. (inspirational music) welcome back to "hannity". we are broadcasting from beautiful davenport, iowa. thank you all for coming. we continue now with former president donald trump as we head into the iowa caucus season. a two-part question on joe biden burke one is on his cognitive decline and the second is about the biden family syndicate as i call it. let's play an are and see joe biden.
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>> with the nature not when the political--look, some of the political players and some of the--let me ask a rhetorical question. no, i won't. anyway. >> i could play tape from almost every day. i think another horrible moment for him was that gag on air force one after he left israel. my question is, what do you think about his cognitive state? and number two, the issue of hunter biden, joe biden lying to the country as a candidate and president. i never had a discussion with hunter or my brother or anybody
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for that matter on foreign business deals. we know according to devon archer he was on phone calls. we know he was meeting with oligarchs like the former first lady of moscow at café milano. it doesn't seem to get the attention in the media that anything involving you gets. what is your reaction to both? >> they have been after all of my numbers and facts and figures and found out that it was incredible. someone said you must be the most honest guy in the world. after all these years they saw my tax returns, they saw everything. they went up to the ceiling and saw it. he is number one from your standpoint cognitively, he liked to use that word, cognitively he is not good. it's not for me to say. i will say this. i just saw a commercial by these lowlifes where they took me imitating him at the speech where we were all having a lot of fun. it's not really fun because we shouldn't be joking about it. i said you shouldn't joke about it. at serious. we are dealing with nuclear. >> that's a true story. you actually called me and said
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it's not funny. >> it's not funny at all. >> i thought about it and said you are right. i said how, you never listen to my advice? >> that's true. >> that is true, unfortunately. i imitated him not finding his way off the stage. it's not that hard. i walk into a wall. i do that a lot. at some of our rallies i will say a real president is barack hussein obama. he doesn't know who the president is. he thinks it's barack hussein. i am being sarcastic. so they imitated it what they are disgraceful. i tell you what. i got to know them all, the leaders of the world. i got to know them all. they are at the top of their game. some are bad people, some are decent people. they all have one thing in common. they want something good for their country where there is president xi or kim jong un.
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if hillary got in he would have been in nuclear war. that would have been a nuclear war. any one of them, including lecrone of france. you can go to any of them. putin. they are at the e top of their game. we have somebody that was never at the top of his game. 25 years ago he wasn't one of the lightbulbs are one of the bright ones. i tell the story. ted kennedy, believe it or not, was a friend of mine in palm beach. they lived at the kennedy compound. i did him a big favor one time and somehow he liked me and i liked him even though we were opposite in many ways politically certainly. they said who is the smartest guy in the senate. he gave me a name. i don't want to tell you because i don't like the guy at all. he's still around. i said who is the dumbest. he said probably joe. i said who is joe. joe biden. that's the first time. that was it. and now i see why he's not in prime time for himself.
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years later he failed on being president when he was like normal. something is going wrong and we can't afford it. we have a problem today. nuclear weapons is the single biggest problem the world has. we have people. it used to be 10 years ago, even five years ago, even three years ago nobody would have thought about nuclear. you couldn't mention the word. now it's mentioned at every meeting. every time you talk it's being mentioned. the level of power of the nuclear weapons is incredible. take hiroshima or nagasaki. that was many, many decades ago. multiply that times 500. that's what a big bomb would be today. whether it's israel are really major countries. nuclear weapons are the biggest problem we have. we have a man that cook can't put two sentences together. we have a man that doesn't even know he's alive. he's backed up by the media. the biggest problem we have is
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the media. the media is fake. i came up with that term along time ago and they won't talk about it. if i did some of the things that he did, they would reinstitute the death penalty. okay. they don't want to talk about it. when he gets paid $3.5 million from the mayor of moscow's wife. when i brought it up at a debate and chris wallace was moderating, how is he doing by the way? not too good. what happened to chris wallace? i said why is he getting $3.5 million? i want to ask him that question. chris wallace interceded because joe didn't know he was alive. chris wallace interceded and he said you shouldn't be asking that. now it's a big subject. i talked about it literally three years ago. why does all this money come in from china? we took in hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes and tariffs from china. we gave the farmers, by the way, $28 million. that's why i say i am going to
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win iowa. my people say please, sir, don't see you are going to win iowa. you sound really horrible and crass. somebody said crass. i said its true. we are going to win iowa. i gave the farmers $28 million and got it from china. who else could do that? who else would be able to do it and who would think about it? i think about it because the farmers were hurt badly by china for many years. i asked the secretary of agriculture how much damage has been done over the past seven or eight years? he came back and said $28 billion. i said i'm getting it from china and i got it. i told the farmers to go out and buy more land and by bigger tractors. remember that? i said i'm going to win iowa because nobody else is able to do that. >> let me ask you when prominent dominant democratic voices like david axelrod and van jones and others are so critical of joe biden and of course he is
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struggling cognitively. i can't think of in the last couple months any appearance he has had where he was in either mumbling, bumbling or stumbling or having no clue where to go, where to exit. my question is, do you think in 11 months he will be their candidate? >> i personally don't think he makes it. okay. i haven't said that. i'm saving it for the big town hall. i personally don't think so. i think he's in bad shape physically. remember when he said i'd like to take him behind the barn. if he took me behind the barn and i went like this, i believe he would fall over. i believe he would fall over. who knows? but it was okay. by the way, it was okay for him to say i'd like to take him behind. everyone thought it was cute. if i ever said it they would say he's a dictator. he's a horrible human bin. it's a hold of her standard we
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have. not only in the law but just about everything else as you know very well. i personally don't think he makes it physically. i watched him at the beach. he wasn't able to lift a beach chair which was meant for children. mentally i would say he's possibly equally as bad and maybe woe. but i don't know. i will say this. he's got vicious people surrounding him around that beautiful oval office. there are people in the oval office that are evil people, bad people, smart people, young, vicious. they are communist and they are bad. >> who do you think would replace him? >> i saw one person on who i actually had a very good relationship with. i'm sure it would end very quickly. i saw him on the debate the other night. he is slick, but has no facts. i thought he did well. >> talking about gavin newsom? >> considering he didn't have the facts, i thought he did well. we have the lowest taxes in the
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country. we have the cleanest streets in the country. i am saying is he talking about the same place? he certainly would be one. i guess they say that kamala harris would be the one with the odds to beat. because they say if they didn't give it to her the african-american vote, the black vote, would not go to them. we just had a pole where i am at 22% and 25% of the black vote. if we have that we can at the election over. >> take a break. a lot more to cover with former president trump eric we are in beautiful davenport, iowa. thank you for being with us. ♪i'm hearing different ways for me to screen for colon cancer.♪
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welcome back to "hannity" gop front front-runner president donald trump. let me throw out a list of some
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of the significant issues we are facing as a country. you touched on a number of them. you mention borders day one. you mentioned energy day one. look at where our economy is. last year $2 trillion in debt, $34 trillion overall. we this year, mr. president, will pay before we spend a dime, $1 trillion on debt service alone. before medicare, social security, national defense. that is unsustainable. >> before covid hit us, a gift from china, that was our gift. what happened to us with covid commonly known as the china virus. they don't like that. it was the china virus. we were doing energy, taking our liquid gold out of the ground at a rate that has never been seen before. it was going up. we were going to be using that liquid gold to sell to your. but instead of the pipeline from russia which i exposed and
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stopped. i stopped that line. they say i was nice to rusher. there was nobody who was nice. i was not nice to rusher. i stop to the pipeline. we would have been selling oil and gas to europe and asia all over the world. we would have been paying off debt. the debt would be way down. what people don't know is we have more liquid gold than any other country in the world by far. we started off in fourth place. we were number four with saudi arabia, russia and two countries fighting for number three and a set number for. by the time i left we were number one by 25%. we would have been number one by 100. we would have done twice what they were going to do combined. we would have been paying off debt. >> that's what i want to ask you. >> we gave you the biggest tax cut in the history of our country. bigger than the reagan tax cut. that is why, sean, that's why we had the most jobs of any president ever. we got rid of regulations. tremendous, no president got rid
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of more regulations. and we gave you the big tax cuts. everybody had incentive and everybody was happy. everybody was working. i remember groups came to see me that wouldn't normally like me. we've never seen anything like it. we were starting to get a long and then we got hit with the china virus. some people think purposely. i don't. i think it was incompetence. we were doing so much better than any other country ever and we got hit. i will tell you we would be paying that debt off now at levels never seen before. it's a beautiful thing. >> you brought us to energy independence for the first time and 75 years. before you ran we had many discussions about energy independence and dependence. you are saying that you in a second term, you will push america to be the most energy dominant country on earth and that you can pay down that $34 trillion in debt and we
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won't have a trillion dollar interest payment every year? >> we would get it way down. it's abide in inflation. that's what it is. what he did with energy is unbelievable. energy went up so much. gasoline $5 or $6 a gallon. that's what caused inflation. now it's all over the place. you have 29% total inflation. now when it holds up because the economy is starting to slow down very substantially. when it holds up he is saying we don't have too much inflation. he doesn't talk about all the inflation you had to suffer over the last three years. we will have numbers like you have never seen. we have a thing in alaska called and mara. ronald reagan tried to get it approved. everybody pushed may be a little. but we have a and war in alaska. the biggest anywhere in the world including probably saudi arabia. i got it approved.
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i was so proud of it. they ended it in the first week. they said we will get it back. we have more than anybody. we have more wealth than anybody but we don't use it. guys like desantis and guys like many of the democrats and guys like desantis and to a lesser extent nikki haley. they want to play around with social security. you don't have to touch social security. we have money laying in the ground far greater than anything we can do by hurting senior citizens with their social security. ron desantis wanted to bring up on social security. now he says i wouldn't. one thing i learned about politicians. i've known them and dealt with them on the other side for a long time. the first thought is always the thought they go to. he will raise the minimum age on social security 70. that's a big increase. he also wanted to raise it to 75. if that happened people would be devastated. we have such incredible wealth under our feet that that takes
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care of everything. if you go to saudi arabia and they bought many borrowings, many planes. i said do you use financing for that? they didn't know what the word meant. they have so much money. they have $21 trillion all for oil. we have more oil and gas than they do. our country can be rich again. john kerry has to be stopped. he is destroying our country this time. think of it. he goes all over the world in a private jet. he goes all over the world talking to these people about getting ready rid of coal plants. they laugh at him. treat him with respect. they say what an idiot and jerk. then they go ahead and build the coal plants. he goes to china about the atmosphere. he talks about global warming. they don't call it global warming so much. now they call that climate change. it wasn't working. global warming wasn't working
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when it was cooling. now they call it climate change. that takes care of everything. i am an environmentalist but we will destroy our country with this green new deal stuff. just to finish, we have so much wealth and power under our feet. no other country has it. china doesn't have it. why are we going to electric? they do have what you need to do the batteries but they don't have what you need to do the gasoline. it's what people want to drive. right now, there is a little story about it but you will see it a lot, i guarantee you. they have so many electric vehicles. nobody wants to buy them. they are expensive. you can get them cheap now. >> 3000 dealers around the country road biden in and said please stop making us sell something they don't want. ford lost $4.5 billion. >> you know the government is subsidizing that. every time you make a car we give you thousands and thousands
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and thousands of dollars. the people don't want them. i am not knocking electric cars. we should sell electric. but we should also sell combustion engine gasoline cars. we can sell hybrids. the hybrids are fine. we should be able to buy everything. some people might like an electric car. we should be able to buyn electric car. this is our strength because we have this stuff under the ground and we have people going around really destroying our country. they are destroying our country at the border. they will allow in my opinion because you don't hear the real numbers, 15 million people into our country by the time biden gets out, which hopefully will be very soon. if they get another term, this country is finished. by the time he gets out and the people are coming from prisons all over the world. they are coming from mental institutions all over the world. they are terrorists. this country will be suffering a very big price.
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it's amazing that it hasn't happened. interestingly, i had very strong borders. the strongest ever. we had the strongest borders in history. all they had to do was leave brandon judd and tom homan and all these guys. we had the strongest borders. >> let me put this on the screen. iran is the number one state-sponsored terror. foreign nationals found that our southern border because of joe biden aussie open borders from iran, 659. from syria 538. from afghanistan, 6386. egypt 3153. 12,605 from russia. when he 6113 from china. can you explain to me, what do you think the odds are that among that group of people from our top geopolitical foes in most cases, that terror cells have entered the country because
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of the 8 million people joe biden has allowed into this country unvented? what are the odds? >> the odds are 100%. think about it. it's 100%. by the way, we had nothing. i had the travel ban. i said i don't want people coming from countries that want to blow us up. we put a travel ban and some people thought i was discriminating. but think about it. i went four years with no problem. we didn't have any problem. we didn't have buildings being knocked down. we didn't have world trade center us. we didn't have any of that. we had a very strong travel ban. if you came from a country that was a country i can tell you right now. i can name every one of them. we just didn't want you. i'm sorry. we had it past by the supreme court. that was a big day. but we didn't have a problem. >> got to take a break. more from davenport, iowa with former president donald trump straight ahead as we continue.
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welcome back to "hannity" broadcasting from davenport, iowa. thank you for being here. we continue with president donald trump. let me give you the last word tonight. the people of iowa, the first caucus not that far away. your final message to the people? >> first of all, i love this state. we had two victories here. big, big victories. we won by a lot.
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from the enthusiasm in the polls we will win by a lot more than we won the last two times. we won by a lot. i kept you versed in the nation. nobody else. i kept you first. it was a big move to move iowa to the back of the pack because they don't know if it represents this country. i i i said iowa represent this country more than any place and it also represents tradition. when you think of iowa you think of farms and politics. we will keep it that way, okay? i just want to the people in this room. they really get it. i don't have to go through the liquid gold with them. they know all about it. they have their own liquid gold called corn. that corn is just as good. i love you very much you have been so incredible to me. i will be around for the next five weeks now. we will be coming here a little bit in the last couple of weeks we will be blitzing.
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we are up by 30 or 40 points. we are not taking any chances. we don't want to take any chances. you know the really nice thing, when you have a good time and you love people and they love you? this are went so fast. thank you also very much. thank you. >> president donald trump. unfortunately that's all the time we have this evening. thank you for being with us. live audience shows in new york city tomorrow. wednesday and thursday. go to tickets are free. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is next to put a smile on your face. thank you, davenport. god bless you.