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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 5, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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relations with those women. >> i did not. >> i'm not going to do. keith from nashville, tennessee. tenni thought lying to congresss a crime. to thesn't that apply head of the fbi? sorry, that's under investigation. they can't comment. richard fromth can't c new yorke the bet. you gave your word. wo the jersey. r >> don't be a wuss. i don't have to do anything. >> she said that was going to be a joe montana jersey. so i could have wiggled out of that, but i didn't because i'm a man of honor. >> bob frof honor.m houston tex, jesse, in a home alone to trump, gave kevin direction. that'srump what this country nes right now, not only direction, but right a fox sherpa blanket r christmas. i'm waters and this is my
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world. >> and welcome to hannity.. and tonight, we are in beautiful davenport, iowa, with massive crowd. >> welcome, all of you. thank you for being here. thank yoand in a little more thn one month, the verywill b republican caucus will be held right here in this state right . it should be. and by the way, in just a moment, the candidate leadindf the republican field by far. donald j. trump, will join us foiey far, r the hour tonight. >> let's be clear. 024 th in 2024, the stakes could noe t be any higher. r jo >> three years under joe biden. our country is imploding on everyn, our c level.our our economy is wrecked by inflation. our southernecis wre by border r disaster. the american people are no.t safe. >> take a look. what i would say that is uniqutr about environment that we're in right now in my career is that while there may have th over the years wherey individual threats could have been higher here or there thango
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where they might be right now, i've never seen a timew. where all the threats or so many of the threats are elevated all at exactly the same time. >> that's what makes this environment that we're in now. so fraught. are you concerned internationala terrorism threats to the homeland are risinreinterng as e border continues to be broken? t i am concerned that we are an elevated threat environment, a heightened threat environment from foreign terrorist organizationt s for r a whole hl of reasons. and obviously their ability to exploit any port of entryrc including our southwest border, is a source of concern. >> the concern now that was the fbi director, christopher wrayt wa, today on capitol hill. make no mistake, our wide open biden border is now a massive national security. it is a clear and presentt danger and it is only gettindanr
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worse every day undery president biden. the pasin the past two years, l over, what, 6000 illegalmigrants immigrants from afghanistan have crossed our southern border, along with 3000al egyptians. more thaong with 300n hundred i. you know, iran, the number one state sponsor of terror, more than 500 syrians, 12,000ndw russians, and hoa whopping 26,00 people from the from china f. i this is a dire nationalsecuri security crisitys, but thatart f is only one part of the problem. >> for years, america' ts bloatd bureaucracy, it has now become politicized. that the fbi, the doj, whiche fb have wasted precious time and resources with political motivated witch hunts. what they're looking into traditional catholics or angry parents that go to school board meetings or pro-life advocates that are nonviolent, you know, trump supporters, donald trump himself, instead of investigating real threats
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like terrorism, human trafficking, drug trafficking, gang violence, the fbi, their hyperpartisan washington haeld office has obsessively, beenulsively been targeting one person, one man, one family, and that's donaldldu trump the trump organization and the trump family. mpumpso now the 45th president s vowing to fight back and obliterateo the deep state. >> let's take a look. if you put me back in the white house, their rate is over. >> their reign will be over and they know it.ic and america will be a freea will nation onc natioe again. we're not a free nation right now. we don't have free press. we don't have free anything. in 2016, i declared, i am your voice. today i had i am your warrior. >> i am your justice. and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, i am your retribution. >> i am your retribution. non. t going to let this happen? l >> that now that's become
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a controversy among the left. wrong as he said t but we'll play that for him and get a response tonight. now, that's an important promise. america's weaponized, politicized bureaucracy, it's got to be dismantled. the far left hacks and the media mob, of course, they disagree. and once again , they are predicting doom and gloom if donald trump is elected. here'sdof do the washington yesy ,quote, the fear of n poa loomit trump. >> and this is today's headline from salon.comatip.. americans are sleepwalking into a trump dictatorship. that'samericansleepwal now theiw over a fake news wall. cable news channelover as. you know, they're featuring the same brand of fear g. gerin obviously, it's clear they don't want to talk about joe biden and his failedoa record. >> take a look. dictatorship. is that what we have if we reelect donald trump? i think it's a ver y real threateat an and concern. >> i think the phrase sleepwalking into a dictatord ch
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ship should wake people up. >> correct me if i'm wrongipple >> it's not going to be not the kind of dictatorship with concentration camps ind oftorshipand martial overnit >> that's not what we're going w to get. we're going to get trump borrowing from the orban playbook in hungary from playbook in india.? and what does that look like, jason? what would that look likt lookee in america? >> fears of a dictatorship, the alarming prediction forseco a second trump term. >> liz cheney is right. what she said that wndn. en she are sleepwalking into a donald trump dictatorship. if people wake up and rememberta what donald trump walds to toie the for years, what he tried to do to our democracyto, democracy. >> here's the thing. >> hw what happenncy. under a trump presidency. why? because he's already bee n president. lower taxes, stronger growth, lower taa secure border, peace e middle east. >> new trade deals, energy independence and a push reform. our bloated bureaucracy. there was no dictatorship.
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we did not lose hts. our constitutional rights. we did not go to war. e the people who hate donald trump, they simply have beendo and continue to lie to you.e to now it's joe biden who has beenu using the justic he system, his doj, to inflict retribution against his political rivals. t his po who called donald trump's supporters a, quote, threat to america, the very guy that says maga republican. oh, makingt says m america, gret is somehow bad. and it's joe biden who is jo into the brinkmeh of yet another possible war. and that's why donald trump is now beating joe biden in almost bey poll. >> take a look at your screen. latestta messenger harris survey has trump against joe biden up by six points. so now the big question, cannow counld trump seal the deal and get the country back on track? joining us now for the ful lull hour, the 45th president of the united states, davenportdent welcome. for
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former president donalmer d tru. thank you. thank you you. i love my show. thank you. very lengthy. thanks. great to see you. have a seat now. oh, thank int >> let's look before we get into issues and we have a loave t to get into.o, let >> let's tal'sk about these pols for the love, these two.e way, by the way, i've lost all control of this debate as well. here we go.
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k you, whens you look at this, you look en the polls you see the enthusiasm. >> you've done rallies and crowdsth.e rallie. >> how are you feeling about the race? i feel great. >>l great. it's you know, it ha. to be if it's not, we're going g to be in big trouble. we're not going to have a country anymore. we have no choice. no counymore.and we have had e. look, we did in 2016. we did much better in 2020.. >> and i will tell you, the enthusiasm, some bad things happened, but the enthusiasm that they have now is bigger than eithehave nowr of those tw. and, you know, we're actually less than a year out. but close to a i've never seen anything like it. we have crowds we hav that are incredible in iowa. we were here last week. we hadiowa overflow crowds and other candidates have like seven people standing on a farm and they're talking. and it's a very nice, very nice thing to watch, especially for me. i enjoy watching that. but we have tremendous
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enthusiasm because they want to seeendous e, you know, i see biden talking about, oh, maga mega maga means america great again. >> that's what it means.. meaand that's what people want. they want to do that, our gentleman. they want to see our country be great again. right now, we're not a great country. we're a country in decline. we are a decliningwe country. f and we're left out all over the world. t all people that respected us e years ago. and they respect it as you wouldn't have ukrainee and russia, you wouldn't have had the attack on israel. you wouldn't have ha dithdra that withdrawal, you would have withdrawn, but we would have withdrawn from afghanistanwnth p tremendous strength and power. and that's. the way i had it set up. you know, in afghanistan, we didn't lose didne a soldier. many soldiers are being killed by snipers and others duringamad the obama administrationmi and biden was there. i guess he wasn't doing so much other than collecting some cas y probably. >> but many, many soldiers were killedwere. of the
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and i spoke to the head of the taliban. they said, don'ttaliba do it, d. do it. you know, for 18 months wefor 18 didn't m d lose one soldier in afghanistan. >> nobod afghanisty in until thl day where killed our soldiers. they killed our sick of it. they killed our soldiersd . cov they left americans behind. and you cover it better than anybodan y. and they also left $85 billion of the best military equipment because they rebuilt the they left 85 billion. that million billion dollarsof worth of military equipment behind in the most embarrassin r moment in the history of our country. and the people of this country u just don't want to take this anymore. so we gaveso we gave them 85 bi. they killed our people. and they have people there. they hav theye there that we dit even get out. it was like a surrender. and aftea surrr that, russia sa, well, you know, these people are incompetent, re overr they're overrated. and they went in, they attacked ukraine. attacthat would have never hapd a million years.
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i used to speak to putin about it. e it was the apple of his ukraine, the apple of his eye. apple and i said, don't do it.d. >> don't do it.te i won't tell you exactly. but it was toughll you. >> in fact, he said you wouldn't do that. i said, yes, i will. nos, i wil, you you won't do ith and you know, he didn't believe me, but he believe me, 10%, that's all he had to believe me. >> and he never did anything. i mean, he never did anything. d and by the way any, president xi with taiwan, i had the same conversation in different cities and different countries. i had the same exact conversationi . and he would have absolutely. i mean, he's looking at taiwan w strongly. >> it would have neverou happened. and again, for four yearav.s itv didn't happen and it was never t going to happeo n. >> and now it's very possibly going to happen, which would be a shame. soould be e. so it's one of thod >> thank you. i'd like to be back.e let me ask you this earlier. earlier today, joe biden,
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i'm sure he mumbled the words as usual. he said he said this if trump wasn't running, i'm not sure i'd be running. mpaign he said at a campaign event e today. how do you how do you react to that? well, i think somebody gave him a talking point. they thought that which i don't get. you know, i just found out that democrats are funding nikki haley's campaign.contri i hear that democratsbu are contributing to ron desanctis or run too sanctimonious to ron desantis, his campaign. and then you hear the talkin and g. that's the only thing they're good at cheating on elections and great talking points. at and they say we want to run against trump. they want to run. well, we did realln ng.y in 2016 and we did so much betterthe pe in 2020. the person they don't want to run against is usrson they . it's us. it's not me. it's us. because it's a movement. its of which this country, sean, has never seen before at the v.a. and we have never seen the likes of what we've all done togethewhll donrb
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it is not me. it's everybody here. and millions and millionodlionss i think it's not 75 million people. i think it's 150 million50 mil people. >> it might be more than on mean, who doesn't want to see strong borders and a strong bo and lownd low taxes interest rates and go out and buy a house? i played purpose because i see what the media is doing now. >> i would puta a montageey together. they want to call you a dictator. you use the words i amed your retribution. f yo and now before that you said if you've been wronged and you used other wordsu as well. but i want to be very, veryy clear on this to be clear. do you in any way have anyu in plans whatsoever, if reelectedrf president, to abuse power, to break the law, to useo the government to go after people. >> you mean like they're using right now? so in the histore usingy our co what's happened to us again has never happenedto over nonsense, over nothing made up charges.
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i often say al capone. he was one of the greatest of all time, if you like, criminals. a mob boss, the likes of which scarface, they call him. h, scarftheyand got indicted. once i got indicted four times. >> i wonder what my father and mother would say looking down. ad a l >> we had a lot of privateot conversations in the lead up to your announcement the day that you came downyo that escalator and that leadthac up. i mean, we had some passionate discussions back and forthator. you were telling me that iraq should give us oil to pa y forr and the war and american blood should not be shed overseasam ea in these long protracted wars. >> we talked a lot about that. a lot aband you have been under fire from that day forward. russia , you talk about itth all the time. now you face as many as four criminal trials during an election year. now, i've said this publicly and i'll say it herewi in iowa. i'm not sure that donald d
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yorkp can get a fair trialon in new york, washington, d.c. i don't think you can get al in fair trial in fulton county, georgia. non countyw where i think you wi better in terms of real justice would be on appeal. the trials will take place during let's othe tria do it ina and so anything but that has got to be that has got to weight heavy on you and what is your. reaction to that, considering all the chargeurs all stemmed from a couple of years ago? >> yeah. and they could have done thiso n three years ago and it would have been long over. but they didn't want to bring them because they had no cas noe and. then they saw how well we're doing in the polls. and th the pol.e two questions i get more than any other is, number one, will they do it againnumber will they do it again? will you stop them? numbwe're going to stop them. number two. number two is how do you take it? how do you get, how do in the ma
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and how do you take it? and that part is easy for mekea to say. >> i love what i do because we are going to have we are going to make our country greater than ever before. >>countrygreater and it's so i it's so importansot we are going to do things. >> we're going to close the border on dae thy >> the border gets closedy one and day one and a half, we drill. you know, we drillan w, baby, drill, drill, drill, drill. and probably on day one, day two, we'll get rid of this ridiculous electrilc mandate. >> we have to go buy it by buyc. a car. and it doesn't go far. you know, there'sd does a little problem. it's very expensive and it doesn't go far. son't . i gues i guess they want to keep you away from going too long a distance from your home. o distanbut the whole thing is , you know, they want to make now theyy tanks and they want to make electric trucks, but the electric trucks don' t go very far, you know, on a diesel fuel truck. yo
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the big ones, great ones. you go 2000 miles on an electric truck, you have nothing left because the batternothinft becauy is sot believe it or not, it takes up most of the space. so that's that's a little problem another but its only goes 300 miles and ye 3t it doesn't matter to them. a child would understand. t. refore you can't do id unders you talk about a supply chain problem, therefore you can't do itchai. the country is sick and you sayc k.this. are they do they know what they're doing? are they smart or do are they kd what they're doing? how could they do it? i see john kerry all over the plac?e talking about talkinu about we have to get rid of our coal plants.a is and yet china is building one coal plant a week massive coal plants, and they're doing it just automatically. and john kerry wantsst us to stp doing anything we can. we have a country.we h we have to fire upe our factories. windup our is not going to firep our factories. >> and it's the most expensive energy, even solar.
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i like solar from a conceptrom standpoint, but it's massivelysn expensive and wedp can't allowh china to build a factory a week and we do nothing. coa they build a coal plant and they're obvious about it. and then biden goes to see them about global warming. the only global warming we should be thinkingrming we aboug worrying about because it could happen tomorrow, is nuclea aausc global warming, not globalleal w warminarmig. a we almost have to go to a break. i want to go back to thi to go one issue, though, because the media has been focused on this and attackinmea g you. yeah, under no circumstances you are promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retributionne against anybody except for day one. >> yeah, except look, he's going crazy, except for day one. meaning? >>ngnt to close the border . and i want to drill. that's right. that's. that's not. that's not . i'm i'm going to be.
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i'm to you know, he keeps. i love this guy. he says you're not going to beu? a dictator. are you? i said, no, no, no. othe i saidr than day one, we'rewe a closing the border and we're drilling, drillingre after that. i'm not that. okay. that sounds to me like you're goingor. to the policies when you were president. take a break. just getting startede polici in beautiful davenport, iowa. donald trump with us for the hournport, as hannity thank you for being with us in your medicine cabinet call coming on. zach cam is the number one cold shortening brand highly recommended people love zach cam's unique zinc formula. it is your coats zach can shortf
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one choice of online sellers. go to ship station .com slash. >> try and get two months free . >> and welcome back to "hannity". ck t live tonight.cast >> beautiful davenport, iowa. thank you all for comingin. we continue now with former president donald trump as we now head into the iowa caucuses season. a two part question on joeaucu. one is about his cognitiveitiv decline and the second is about the biden family syndicate, as i call itdeclincond i. it. >> let's first play an rnc ad about joe biden. taked see a look. >> mother nature not when
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the political coverage it looks some of the political players of and some of them. let me ask a rhetorical question. >> no. >> anyway. >> now, there's a lot i could play tape from almost every day. i think another horrible moment for him was that gagglle momener force one after he left israel. so my question is, what doo yo you think about his cognitive state? uabout hiand number two, the ise of hunter biden, joe biden lying to the country as a candidate and president. try as ai never had a discussion with hunter or my brother or anybody for that matte
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r, on foreign business deals. we know, according to devin archerbusiness., he was on phonk we know he was meetingno w with oligarchs likase, the formr first lady of moscow, of cafe milano. t cafethat doesn't seem to getto the attention in the media that anything involving you getsn in. what >> i what is your reaction to both? well, you know, they've been aften tor all of my numbersumbes and facts and figures, and they found ou a factst that it wast e incredible. somebody said, you must be the most honest guy in the world, because afte honesr these years and they saw everything. my tax returns, i saw everything went up to the ceiling and they saw it. d he is number one.andpoi from your standpoint, cognitively, you liknte to use that word. cognitively, he's not good, but it's not for me to say, i will say this. i just saw a commercial by these lowlifes where they took me imitating him at a they tospeech where we all havs of fun. it's not really fun because we shouldn't be jokin not rg about. i actually told sean, john, you shouldn't joke about it. it's serious. we're dealin . g with nuclear war daily, by the way. that is a true story.
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you actually cal u actuall me and said it's not funny because i was nuts about it. that's not what i i said i thought about it and u said, you're right. and i said, how come you never listen to my advic youe? but it's true. it's actually true, ly unfortunately. but, you know, i saw i imitated him not findin.atedg way offsta it's not really that hard. you're looking around and i walk inthao a wallo a i say, le. and i do that a lot. you know, i just sort of add wil some of our rallies and then i'll say our real president isst barack hussein obama. they'll say he doesn't who the president is. he thinks it's barack hussein. thinks c. ed iarcasti they so they imitate it, but they're disgraceful. you w i'll tell you what. we are dealing and you are dealing. got to know them all the leaders of the world. i got to know them all. and they'r.e at the top of their game. some are bad people. some aregame decent people. they all have one thing in common. they want what's good for their countrone thy. it's president xi of china or kim jong un of north korea.
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saved you would have been ifry g hillary got it and you would have been a nucleaot ir war a that would have been a nuclear war. any one of them.of the they're all including macron of france. i meanm,, you can go to any of them. putin they're at the top ga their gam them.e. we have somebody that was neverr at the top of his game 25 years ago. he wasn't one of the light bulbs. he wasn't one of the bright ones. and i tell i tell the story. so ted kennedy, believe it or not, was a friend of mine because in palm beach, they lived in palmwaf mine beacn at what's called the kennedy compound. and i once i did himed big favor liked one time, and somehow he liked me. i liked him even though we wer e opposite in many ways politically, certainly. senatsaid to him, who's the smartest guy in the senate, and he gave me a name. i don'e.ave me ai don't want to, because i really don't like the guy at all. >> stick around. i said, who's the dumbest? he said, probabl y joe. i said, who's joe?he fir joe biden? this is the first time i saistde oh, and that was it. and now i see when he's not in prime time for himself, i mean, years latene timer faild
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on being president when he was like normal some something w is going wrong and we can't afford it. a prob we have a problem today.le nuclear weapons is the singlet b biggest problem the world has. and we have people you know, ite used to be. years ago, even five years ago, even three years ago, nobodfive yeayd have thought about nuclear. you couldn't mention the word. now it's being mentioned at every meeting. >> every time you talk, it's being mentioned. the leveevery l of power of the nuclear weapons is incredible. e it's like take hiroshima or take nagasaki. and you look and that was many, many decades ago and multiply that times 500. that's what ly that a big bomb d be today, whether it's israel or mason, really major countries, nuclear weaponswe are the biggest problem we have. and we have a man that can't put two sentences togethera ma we have a man that doesn't know pe's alive and he's backed u by the media.
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the biggest problem we have, the media. the media is fakave. i came up with a term a long time ago and they won't talk i d about it. and let me ask you this. if i did some of the thingof ths that did, they'd reinstitutetheu the death penalty. okay. they don't want to talk about it. paid $3 when he gets paid three and a half million dollars from the mayor of moscow, his wife. when i brought it up at a debate and chris wallace wasa moderating, how's he doing, by the way? not too good, chris. wallace, what have happened to chris wallace? and i said, why is he getting three and a half million dollars? i want to ask him that question. and chris wallacon? want te intercededwallac because joe didn't know he was alive. jodeso chris wallace intercedee and he said then he said, you shouldn't be asking that. and noou shoulw a big subject a. talked about it literallywh three years ago. but why does all this money come in fromy does aney come yok in hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes and tariffs from china. we gave the farmerd tariff s, by the way, $28 billion. that's why i say i'm going saya. iow
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i had my people, my people saywy please, sir, don't keep saying you're going to win iowa. you sound so realling to wy hor chris. somebody said, chris. i said, but it'scrass.body sai e going to win iowa. i gave the farmers $28 billion i and i got it from china. who else could dono that who elo would be able to do it? number one, who else would i thk about it it? i think about it because the farmers were hurt very badly by china forse many years. and i asked our secretary of agriculture, sonny perdueear i said something, how much damage has been done over the pasts seven years? eight years. he came back $28 billion.i said they said, i'm getting it from china. and i got it. and i told it frand i the farmd and buy more land and go out and buy bigger tractors. right? going you remember that. and i said, i'm going to win iowa because nobody else t els is going to be able to do that. let me ask you, when prominent democratic voices like maureen dowd and david axelrod and van jones and others are so critical of joe biden and,
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of course, he is struggling cognitively. i can't think of in the last couple of months any appearance that he has ha months d where hi either mumbling or bumbling or stumbling orth having no clueo, where to go, where to exit. now, my question is, do you think in 11 months he will be their candidate? i personally don't think he makes it okayy don'. i' haven't said that i'm saving it for this big town hall. i never reallyt i personally don't think that. i think he's in bad shape physically. do you remember when he said, i'd like, take him behind the barn if he took me behind the barn? and i went lik the bare, this, i believe he fell over. i believe beforebelieve the wh? who knows. but -- but it was okay. >> and by the way, it was okay for him to say that he's i'deryt like to take him there. and he could say that. and everyone thought it was sosu cutete.if i if i ever said it, d ity, he's a dictator he's a horrible human being.
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you know, it's a whole double standard we have and not's her only in the law, but just about everything else. as you know very wele asl, i personally don't think he makes it physically. i watched hi hem at the he wasn't able to lift a big chair, which is meant for children to lifto lift a beach t him like that. and mentally, i would sach.y. he's possibly equally as bad and maybe worse, but i don't know. i will say this. he's got vicious people surrounding ot vicio, him around that beautiful oval office. there are people in that oval that are evil people, bad people, smart people, young, vicious. they're communistsg, and. >> they are bad. who do you think would replace him that? p well, i saw one person on whero i actually had a very it wo relationship with, but i'm sure that it would end very quickly. i saw hiulm in a debate the othr night, and he's slick, but he's got no facts. you know, he's got no fact i bu i thought he did. well, considering you're talking about gavin newsom wel. yeah, considering that he didn't have the facts, i though newsom?t he did.e well, you know, he said we havle
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the lowest taxes in the country. i amave the cleanest streets in the country live. and i'm saying, where was he talking about the same place. ? so he'd certainly be one. >> i guess they say that kamala would the one the odds to be because they say if they didn'te give it to her, the african-american vote, the black vote would n-americ not go to them. and we just had a poll where a i'm at 22 and 25% with the b black vote. if we have that, we can calllact the electione.. we got to take a break. thank you. all right. we'll take a break. we'll come a back a lot more to cover with former president trump as we continue. we are a beautiful for iowa.fu >> thank you for being with us.
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so we are american made from beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. welcome back to hannity. >> we are in davenport, iowa, with a mass of crowd, a rowdy crowd, and with gop front runner president donald trump. i mean, let me just throw out
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a list fais some of the significant issues that we're facing as a country. and you've touchedcia co a numbr of them. you mentioned borders day one. you mentioneu med. day look at where our economy is. last year. trillion in debt. 38 trillion. 34 trillion. overall we this year, mr. president, will pay before we spend a dime $1 trillion on debt service alone. >> before medicare, social security, national defense. that is unsustainable, sociae. well, yeah. t us>> b, covid hi our gift from china.t. that was our gift. what happened to us with covid e ,commonly known as the china virus. >> they don't like that. but it was a giant virus. we were doing energy taking our liquid gold out of the ground at a rate that's never been groun seen up. and it was going up.we we were going to b were using that liquid gold to sell to europe instead of the pipeline from russiat d , which i exposed.
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and i stopped you know, i stopped that line. then exposed and thhey say i was nice, saw russia. there was nobody that was nice. i was noere was not nice to rus i stopped that pipeline. we would have been selling oilsa ,gas to europe, to asia, all over the world. we would have been paying offthe debt. that debt would be way down right now because we have more that what peopldebt wouldyu know. we have more liquid gold than any other country in the world byid far. in fo and we startedur off in fourth place. we were number four with saudi arabia was russia it was two c two countries fighting for number three and i t was us thatby the number four or five. by the time i left tre, we were number one by 25%. we would have been number one by 100 and we would havewee done twice what they were going to do combindonee. we would have been paying off debt that we would have been wanting taxe s. we gave you the biggest tax cut in the history of our country, bigger than the tax cut.e re we would have been reducingag. taxes further and that's why, sean, that's why we had the most jobs of anye mostiden president because we gave we got rid of regulations we g. dous
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no president got rid of more regulations are close. ane big taxg taxthlations. cuts. so everybody had incentive and everybody was happcuts.y and everybody was working. i remember groups came to see like mewouldn'twas wo and they said, we've never seen anything like it. we were actually startinr seen get along, but we got hit with the china virus. we were, some people think, purposel y i don't i think it was incompetence, but some people think purposely becauseh be we were doing so much better than any other country eveountrh and we got hit. but i will tell you, witi wie we be paying that debt off right now at levels like never seen before. we would seen be. a beautiful thing. you brought us to energyto independence for the first time in 75 years before you ran. i remembere we had many you r discussions about energy independence, energy independencemany. >> and you're saying that you were in a second term, you willu push america to be thesh most energy dominant country on earth and that you could pady
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that $34 trillion in debt and we won't havhave aee woul $1,000,000,000,000 interest payment every year. >> that's right. we would get it way down. and, you knod w what?n. so it's biden inflation. >> that's what it is. what did with energy is unbelievable because energy went up so mucbelievabh gasolin, $6 a gallon, that that's what caused inflation. now it's all over the place. but yoe place.u have 29% totalu2 inflation. now, when it holds9% tot up, bee the economy is starting to slow down very substantiall slow y. do when it holds up, he's saying, well, we don't have too much inflation, but he doesn'n'h inflat t talk about all of the inflation that you've had to suffer over the last three years. >> now we will have numbers like you've never seen. we have a thing in alaska called anwar. ronald reagan tried to get it approved. appr havy, jeb bush, maybe a little bit. you know, it didn't work as hard. but we have we have in alaska the biggest anywhere in arrobably, including saudi arabia. i got it approved. i was so proud
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of it. they ended it in the first week. they ended it. he firstthey term we'll get it . but we have more than anybody. we havanybody.e more than anybot but we don't use it. and then guys like desantis and guys like many of the democrats, but guys like desantis and te democro lesser t nikki haley, they want to play aroundtent nik with your socialt security. you don't have to touch social security. we havh e laying in the groundy laying far greater than anything can do by hurting senior citizens with their social security c. . ron desantis wanted to bring upe on social security. now, of course, he says, well, i wouldn't. no one thingi've i learned about politicians, i've known him. i've dealt with him on the other side for a long the the first thought is always the thought that they go to. he wanteeyd to raise the minimum age, the age on social securityc to 70. that's a big increase. but he also wanted to raisree it to 75. if that happened, people would be devastate.d. devast we have such incredible wealthbl under our feet that that takes
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care of everything it will take care of. if yo to sau you go to saudi and they bought many boeings, many planes and said to him, do you use financing for that? they didn't even know what thefo word meant. they have so much money. they have a fund y., $21 trillion.trilli it's all for oil. and we havone more oil and gaso. than they do. our country can be rich agaiunto >> john kerry has to be stopped. he's destroying our countrhno by this guy, i mean, think of it.a he goes all over the world in a private jet, by the way. he goe s over the world talking p to these people about getting rid of coal plantse . all laugh at him. they, you know, treat him with respect. he's gone. they sayt him.t him with, what j . and then they go ahead and theey build their coal plants. he goes to china about, let's say, the atmosphere. he talks about global warming. he talks about all you know, they don't call it global warmin call lobalg much now. they call it climate change because it wasn't working. global warming wasn'ge.
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t when itwhen i was cooling. so now they call it climate change. that takes carcooling.e of ever i am an environmentalist, but we're goin everythg destroyo our country with this green new deal stuff that doesn't workur t just to finish. >> we have so mucho wealth and power under our cou no other country has it.nt china doesn't have it. why are we going to electric? they do have what you need t yo to du o batteries, but they donw have what you need to do. the gasolineha we have and it'sw what it's what people want hat to drive right now. >> and there's a little story about itst, but you're going to see it a lot. i guarantee you. they have so many electric they. buy th nobody wants to buy them. they're expensive. well, they getem probably get them, by the way, now, nobody wants to buy them. 3000 dealers around the country wrote biden and said, please stopcountr making us sell sometd they don't want. ford lost four and a half billion dollars. let me ask you this. you know, the government >> yment i that a lot?ake the thing every time you make a car, we give you thousands and thousands and thousands
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of dollars and the people don't want them. and, you know, i'm not knocking electric cars. we should selli knock car elece should also sell combustion engine gasoline cars. >> we can sell hybridswe can to hybrids are fine. we should be able to buy everything. some people migh t like anul electric car. we should be able to buy an electric car. but to say that we're nod ble g to do and this is our strength because we have this stuff under the groundthse weunder the people going around really destroyingwe hav our country. they're destroying our country at the border. they'vr ye they will allow, in o opinion, because you don't hear the real numbers, 15 million people into our country by the timele into biden gets out, whih hopefully will be very soon if they get anotherbe term, this country is finished by the time he gets and the people are a coming from prisons all over the world. re comg from pnsthey're coming t institutions all over the world, and they're terroristsit all ove. and this country is going to be suffering a very big priceit's
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it's amazing that it hasn't happened. bod interestingl ay i had very strong borders, the strongest ever. the strong strongestrd in history. >> all they had to do is leave ,leave brandon judd and leave tom homan and leave all these guys. let me get this up on the screen. yeah, we had the strongest borders and they put thie pus on the screen. go ahead. we iran is the number one state sponsor of terro en.r. s foun right? okay. well, foreign nationals found so becausethern border of joe biden's open borders from irabi open 659 from syria,8 from afghans stand 6386.3153 egypt. 3153 12,605. from russia.. 26,113 from china. now, can you explain to me, do you what do you think the odds are that among that group of people from our top geopolitical foes, in most cases that terrorist cells have entered the country because
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of the 8 million people joe biden is allowed into this country unvettedwed into? what are the odds? the odds are 100% luck. why do we have 26,000 areasabou that think of it? so, noit, it's 100%. and by the way, we had nothinghg during my remember, i had the travel ban. i said, i don't want comile coming from countries w want to blow us up and we put a travel ban. and some people thought i waandg discriminating. but if you think about it, i went. for years with no problem. we didn't have any problem. we didn' didn't have buildings being knocked down. we didn't have world trade centers. we didn't have anyt have wcente we had ntho we had a very stronr travel ban. y veand if you came from a coun that was a country, i can tell weu righa cotellt now, i can nay one of them. we just didn't want you. i'm sorr jdidn't y. and we actually had it passed by the supreme court and that was a big day. >> but we didn't have a problem. got to take a break. we'll come probl back more witht from davenport, iowa, when former president donaldnt don trump ahead as we continueal.
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a mission. join me for my podcast searching for heroes, discovering the inspiring individuals in our communities, people who don't often get the recognition they need. >> searching for heroes with benjamin hall. >> listen on fox news podcast or wherever you get your favorite podcasts. >> when you can't watch. listen. get latest news, business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. welcome back to hannity, broadcasting from davenport. thank you so much for being here. rmp.ontinue with forme president trump. >> the iowa caucus is coming up soon. le give yoe you the last tonight. >> the people of iowa are thecas first caucus not that far away. your final message to the people? >> well, first of all, i lov te the state. we had two big victories here. big, big victories won by a by lot.
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>> we won by a lot. and from the enthusiasm in the polls, we're going to win by a lot more than we won even the last two times. wonbut we won by a lot. it's i kept you first in the nation. you know that. d i was the one nobody else els. i kept because there was a big move. >>i ke john to move iowa into the middle or to the back of the pack because they don't know if it represents this country. i said iowa, this countryuntr more than any place. and it also representsy mo tha tradition. when you think of iowa, you think of farms and you think of politic thinks, and we're, going to keep it that way. okay. but i just want to thankokjust t to thank the people in this room because they reallyis roomt . i don't have to go through the liquid gold with them. they kno gold wiw all about it. and they also know they have their own liquid gold. it's called corne thein liqu. and that corn is just as good. but i love you very much. you've been so incredible to me. i'm going to be around for. next five weeks now, and we'll be coming hereeeks now a little. and then the last couple of weeks will be blitzen, because we don'ts want to take0n
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we're up, i guess, by likets 30 or 40 points, but we're not taking chances. >> we don't want to take any w chances. ch. and, you know, the the the really nice thing, you know, when you have a good time and when you love people and they lovelove peo yot this hour when so fast. >> thank you all very muchis ar. thank you. donald trump, unfortunately, ti all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with us. this programming live audience shows in new york city tomorrow, wednesday and one. on thursday. just go to hannity, bcom. tickets are free . let not your heart be trouble. greg gutfeld is next to putrt a smile your face. thank you.e thank you, davenport. god bles