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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 6, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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the truths anymore. >> right. >> right, like you mentioned, i wasn't on the trip, i was at home with my other two children and our daughter called and told me what was going on. i called serena, and she confirmed the story and we started trying to figure out how to address the issue. we feel like it is a story that needs to be told. all kids deserve respect and privacy, it needs to be applied to all children, this is very one-sided. >> laura: alliance defending freedom, thank you for doing what you do. that is it for us tonight. i get hot-headed about this stuff, it is america now and forever. jesse is next. >> todd: a fox news alert, a male suspect in police custody after going on a deadly shooting
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spree in texas. it is believed the man is responsible for killing four people in austin over eight hours. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. the same suspect may be connected to vicious murder of two people at a home in san antonio. brooke singman has more. >> brooke: being it began yesterday just before 11:00 a.m. the unnamed suspect targeted an officer in an unprovoked attack. the officer was shot in the leg and expected to make a full recovery. austin 911 received multiple calls for help at a different location. the suspect went on to shoot a cyclist right before they engaged with police who were responding to a burglary in
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progress. one officer was shot at the scene before going on a high-speed chase. >> after pursuit with officers, the male suspect crashed the vehicle at the intersection of south highway 45 and fm 1826 and was taken into custody. the male suspect was in possession of a firearm. >> brooke: first responders found two people dead inside the austin home, the officer was injured and rushed to the hospital. he is in stable condition. the suspect may be connected to another murder scene just an hour away from san antonio. >> austin said that the suspect had links to this residence here on port royal. there are two deceased people believed to be in their 50s.
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we believe the incident in austin happened about 11:00 and this happened before that. >> brooke: police are urging people to avoid the area. the high school where the officer was shot has cancelled class today. >> carley: also this, former president trump sitting down with sean hannity in iowa last night, where the republican primary will kickoff in six short weeks. it was an hour-long town hall. this quick exchange caught everyone's attention. >> the media has been focused on this and attacking you under no circumstance you are promising america you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody. >> except for day one. >> meaning? >> i want to close the border and drill. >> you are not going to be a dictator, are you? no, other than day one, we are
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closing the border and drilling, drilling, drilling. >> carley: dubbed day one dictator. the former president says he is not sure biden will be the democratic nominee. >> i don't think he makes physically. mentally, he may be worse. kamala would be the -- they say if they didn't give it to her, the african american vote, black vote, would not go to them. we had a poll and i'm 22 and 25% with the black voters. >> todd: trump leading can candidates. his challengers are giving their best shot, chris christie, vivek ramaswamy, nikki haley and
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desantis will have a debate tonight. trump saying the word dictator. >> carley: he was joking. >> todd: i'm going to do executive action. main-stream media will say trump will put people in prison for no reason. he is saying he will take executive action and look up executive action by president, which is biggest executive action taker we've ever seen, joseph biden. >> carley: it was a joke and sean hannity said, you are not talking about being a dictator, you are talking about your policy. he said i will firmly close the border and start drilling. "new york times" has a headline, cnn, rolling stone slamming him for saying that. i thought that town hall started in an important way.
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sean played the sound of christopher wray testifying. he said usually one or two heightened threat, this is the first time he's seen threats heightened against america and former president responded saying, i will shut down the border on day one and day one and a half, i'm going to drill. this speaks to the economy and national security. big round of applause, if you are desantis or haley campaign, you hear the former president say that, we said the same thing, it just lands when the former president says it. real clear politics, donald trump 61%, desantis at 13 and haley at 10. >> todd: you mention this chilling warning from the fbi dictator, this was something to behold. we'll talk about this later in the show, we got to get to this chilling warning from the fbi director, take a listen.
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>> i've never seen a time where all the threats or so many are elevated at exactly the same time. threat level has gone to another level since october 7. >> carley: quite the comment there and he says open borders make things worse. look at this -- ushering into arizona, sheriff mark lamb will react to all this coming up next.
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(glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> todd: president biden calling for a global condemnation against hamas for sexual violence committed against israelis. >> carley: trey yingst has the latest for us this morning, hi, trey. >> trey: todd and carley, good morning. israeli forces are ramping up their forces. they hit 250 targets over the past 24 hours. they are continuing to locate weapon storage facility and entrances to tunnels and
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targeting launching sites responsible for rocket barrages that took place yesterday, targeting tel aviv. inside gaza, death toll continues to rise the strike in central gaza killed multiple palestinians yesterday. the destruction of khan yunis, continuing to go after hamas leadership. israel is gathering intelligence on the hostages held in gaza. 138 people are being held by hamas. he added this this morning. >> i can say with absolute certainty, every minute in hamas captivity endangers their lives. this is urgent call for action. the international community must take action. the red cross must have access to hostages in the hands of
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hamas. >> trey: we just finished interviewing a man who had two of his sisters held by hamas, his brother-in-law still inside gaza and you got a sense what it is like after 60 days. many still do not have answers about loved ones. >> carley: many describe this as one continuous long day, they are not eating or sleeping because they are worried about the 138 of them. thank you. to another fox news alert, fbi director christopher wray warning likelihood of a terror attack on u.s. soil is at an all-time high following the attack on israel. >> i've never seen a time where all the threats or so many threats are all elevated, all at exactly the same time. so blinking red lights analogy
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about 9/11, lights blinking red, apparently all of us missed it. would you say multiple blinking red lights out there? >> i see blinking lights everywhere. >> since october 7, gone up, fair to say? >> the threat level has gone to another level since october 7. >> carley: arizona sheriff mark lamb joins me now whachl is your assessment of christopher wra wrae's assessment of national security right now? >> sheriff lamb, can you hear me? i think his shot is frozen. dire warning that christopher wray, we'll work on his shot and talk about this in the meantime. it is something he's said before, he had previously testified that since the terror
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attack since the rise of yiesz. it is not just people coming across the southern border, 659 iranians, 538 syrians, 12,000 russians and 26,000 chinese have crossed our southern border in fiscal year 2022 and 2023. sheriff lamb, i think we have you back. what is your reaction to what christopher wray said yesterday? >> carley, we've been saying for a long time, it is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. these guys have been asleep at the wheel and allowed these people to come in from countries that don't love america. to the tune of over 1000 a day in arizona, these are majority of men from africa, senegal,
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chad, when we see chinese nationals coming in, it is not a surprise. we've been screaming from the rooftop this was going to be an issue and we are seeing it firsthand, i'm not surprised director wray is having to admit. >> carley: the tucson sector, 3000 encounters in a single day and 17,500 in a single week. we have video of a -- salute as he crosses illegally. how brazen is that? there is this audio and video of migrant speaking directly to the president, listen to what they had to say. >> i love you, joe biden. thank you for everything, joe biden. i'm good person, i want to be good person here in united states. i came here because i want
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quality life. america is land of opportunity. >> carley: what is your reaction to that? >> won't be land of opportunity for long if we keep this up. these are all military-age men and of course they are going to thank joe biden. joe biden's weakness led to this. inability to secure the southern abortion. these folks, seeing folks from africa, china, people coming across, they will go get processed and our government will give them a cell phone, give them a plane ticket to where they want to go and give them a visa card with $5000 on it. american families are struggling to pay bills to keep their lights on and put presents under the christmas tree, our government will give people a phone, plane ticket and $5000
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gift card. >> carley: we just had numbers of iranians and syrians who tried to cross illegally over past couple years. big question for law enforcement is what senator graham was talking about with wray yesterday, about that flashing light, how do you spot that and prevent an attack from takes place before it does? >> it is impossible to spot it, 17,500 coming in a 24-hour period and you had 10,000 come in and 10,000 unaccompanied minors in custody. the numbers are insurmountable and there is not border patrol staff to handle it. i got a call from border patrol saying they had 1000 people and another 800 and one border
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patrol agent for every 200 people, there is no way to process it and catch blinking lights coming in. it puts the rest of our community at risk. this is reality. >> carley: it is so concerning, thank you for joining us this morning, have a great day. switching gears, not even christmas is safe from criminals in california. check this out. a family's $250 christmas tree is stolen off their car after they bought it. >> todd: grinch was doing a dry run. we have the details straight ahead, don't want to miss it.
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. we have a big warm-up coming
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across the central u.s. still cold in kansas city and fargo, that will change. we have northwest atmospheric river continuing to bring pacific moisture to the coast and mountain snow and new system will be the weather maker for the weekend. in northern california and northwest, that will continue today through thursday and friday. couple of rounds here and going to get snow pack across portions of the southwest in mountains of california. rain and snow still to come for northern california and moving in toward the rockies and next storm system is the one we will watch for the weekend. heavyin ra, flooding is a concern, avalanche danger. quick clipper system across ohio river valley, bringings some snow, upward of six inches for
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appalachians of west virginia and north carolina. not a big deal, but will cause travel concern this morning. national forecast highs with blank spots here, that is not good, should be hawaii and alaska. we'll fix that. temperatures are warming up, high pressure will build and bring warm temperatures to central u.s. and feed the storms we get on saturday and sunday. texas, 78. south dakota, north dakota, kansas into the 60s, we will break records for nebraska, iowa and wisconsin. severe threat saturday and sunday. warm air feeding stronger storms across the arklatex.
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>> todd: you have not used power vested in you to eliminate hawaii and alaska. >> janice: not sure what happened. >> carley: 49 and 50 are still there. >> janice: make sure it is there for "fox and friends." we love you alaska. >> todd: riley gaines firing back at summer lee during yesterday's title 9 hearing, watch. >> we're likely going to be forced to listen to trans phobic bigotry. >> your opening monologue makes you misogynist. >> lisa mclain digging in. >> that is what this hearing was about, protecting women. i am a woman and let me tell you, hear me roar, because i will not stop protecting women. you want to know why? we have rights, too.
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women have rights, too. >> todd: that fiery testimony comes as the biden administration pushes to rewrite rules of title 9 and force biological males to compete in women's sports. >> carley: moms for liberty suing a california library for shutting down their event to discuss the harm of biological men participating in women's sports. they say this is unconstitutional and a growing trend among activists pushing ideology that erase women and harm children. moms for liberty plaintiff join us. sofia, what happened at this library that led to the lawsuit? >> i was invited to share my story about being a college athlete. when i turned 10 years old, all
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i wanted to do was play college soccer. current 10 year old girls can't achieve that goal because men are participating in women's sports. it got the library to shut down the event. >> carley: what happened next? >> the librarian told me i needed to leave the event and he kicked me out. i stepped aside, i wanted the event to carry on. he shut it down, violating my first amendment right. >> carley: there is footage all over the internet, it went viral and made big news and there is a lawsuit as a result. what do you hope to achieve by this lawsuit? what does victory look like to you? >> ultimate goal is a government official does not have the right to violate our first amendment.
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i want everyone to have the right to freedom of speech, no matter your opinion, even if we have different opinions, you should be able to share those. >> carley: logan, this is a clear free speech case, how has the library responded and what is your counter argument? >> not as well as we'd like. we started to deal with this issue without litigation, it is a clear violation of free speech, especially a public forum like a library, to shut down speech because they do not like the message. the library refused so we had to lesort to litigation and the ball is in their court. we hope they will change the policy, they may respond with a motion. >> carley: do you think this is political? do you think that is what is
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going on here, logan? >> politics plays a role in informing decision the government makings to shut down speech and it is upon haing across the country. there is political divide on this issue and it is leading people to try to use the government to shut down speech like this, as opposed to raising their own argument. we want everyone to be able to speak in a library. cases like sofia will protect everybody. >> carley: if people didn't like what safia had to say, they could allow her to speak and raise their own points. now there is a lawsuit that we will be following. thank you for joining us, we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> carley: you are welcome. >> todd: ivy league presidents say they are confronts surge of antisemitism on campus, here is something they would not say in yesterday's hearing. >> so the answer is yes, calling
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for the genocide of views violates harvard code of conduct? >> depends on context. >> todd: a harvard student will respond to the nonanswer from the president of his university.
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♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ >> todd: the presidents of harvard, mit and upenn testifying on capitol hill.
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>> calling for genocide of jews does not constitute bullying and harassment. >> i have not heard calling for genocide of jews on campus. >> but does this violate the rules? >> the answer is yes, calling for genocide of jews -- >> depends on the context. >> does not depend on the context, it is yes or no. >> todd: a second-year grad student from harvard joins me now. why is it tough for elite university presidents like yours there, claudine gay at harvard, are they scared or they believe this in their heart? >> that's a great question, i like to think it is because they are scared and not because they are antisemitic villains we are
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fearing they are. this is a softball question, do you condemn violence against jewish student? she is a disgrace to the university, she's let down students repeatedly and harvard is not safe anymore. i want to make iter cloo, if you are a jewish parent of a 12th grader, you are not to allow harvard admission representative near your child until claudine gay is gone or they defend jewish students on campus. >> todd: you voted for bernie sanders twice and volunteer for jamaal bowman and marched for blm, do you feel abandoned by the progressive left? >> that is an understatement, i
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will never vote for them again, they have betrayed the jewish people. my last name kestenbaum, we came from germany and survived and they know how the holocaust happened with words, that is how it started. that violent rhetoric and moral ab abductation. jewish people are sick and tired of being pushed aside, being thought of as less than and we're not going to take it anymore. we're angry and we're done. >> todd: here is another telling exchange between elise stefanik and claudine gay. >> what action has been taken
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against students who are harassing and calling for the genocide of jews on harvard's campus? >> i can assure you, we have robust -- >> what actions have been taken? i'm asking what actions have been taken against students. >> given student right to privacy and obligation ferpa, i will not say more other than to reiterate processes are ongoing. >> todd: would she be giving same response if students called for genocide of african americans? >> not only would she not be giving same response and harvard last year there was homophobic incident and the student was expelled. when it comes to jewish people, there is jewish exception, we don't have to take it seriously. the congresswoman asked claudine
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gay why is it harvard which was one point 25% jewish, now 5 to 8% jewish. her answer we don't take being statistics on that. there is moral rot and they don't take the lives of jewish students seriously. when she talks about discipline. the congresswoman mentioned how a group of students put part-time label and saying israelis murder palestinians on israeli products and she said swift action and being undertaken. that happened two years ago and nothing happened. all students calling for globalizing intifada, they are doing it as she was giving testimony. they are doing it today and they will do it tomorrow because they know there are no consequences and university will coddle them and give them burritos and
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twizzlers. >> todd: if you are a stellar student, you need to question if you need to go to an ivy league school and this is coming from someone who went to dartmouth. thank you, please keep it up. let's lighten it up. this weekend i attended golf for cops, organization raising over a million dollars. standing oaf a oaf t /* /* ovation. and here with the family of another officer. my buddy jim mcdavid started this charity. he decided to do something for families and this organization has taken off. carley, biggest shock when the palm beach county sheriff, on
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the left, i'm on the right, donated $100,000 out of money confiscated from criminals to the organization. taking money from bad guys and giving to the good guys. they can do that? i go, rick, you can do this? absolutely, it is earmarked for children's charity, this money goes to children of fallen officers and next year he will do even more. >> carley: make that go national. take money from drug dealers, criminals, and into charity. the tattoo on that woman's arm, is that her son who died? >> it is. ip met her at national police week in may, i was introduced to her and heard she was one of the dallas five mom and i said, you have to meet jim mcdavid.
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great lady. >> carley: losing your son or a loved one, going to an event like that keeps their loved one's memory alive. >> todd: it is beautiful. >> carley: today teachers in oakland, california are staging teaching for gaza and on the agenda, asking elementary students to draw a zionist? >> todd: is this really happening? cheryl casone is here with all the details. walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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>> carley: this is a first on fox, president biden sent thousands of secret e-mails to hunter and his business partners, even though he claimed he never talked business with his son. >> todd: cheryl casone here with details. >> cheryl: fox has learned vice president joe biden sent hundreds of e-mails corresponding with hunter and business associates over nine years. the vice president used the e-mails with 5000 messages, 25 electronic files sent. house speaker johnson says the
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house has to investigate. >> the house has no choice but to adopt impeach mment movement vote of the full house. >> cheryl: white house responding if gop votes it is marjorie taylor greene in charge, not johnson. they said marjorie taylor greene may be clamoring for the im impeachment, it will reveal she is calling the shots in this extreme house republican conference. 54 e-mails were between joe biden and eric schwerin, architect of the shell companies. vote expected next week. >> carley: hard not to talk about business with hunter when you are e-mails his business
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partners. like hillary said she was talking about the wedding. >> todd: and the weather. carol that is what devon archer said. >> cheryl: this is disturbing, several teachers in oakland are planning a pro-palestinian teach-in later today. court documents obtained, they plan to ask elementary students to draw what they think a zionist leader looks like and the definition of a massacre. these are elementary schoolchildren kids. one teacher says the teach-in will give students counter narratives. music teacher says this misrepresents history. they were told to keep personal beliefs out of classroom.
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>> todd: this is suable event, i sue, you are not allowed to do this in school. >> cheryl: elementary kids. anyway -- >> todd: you know what else you are not allowed to do? steal a christmas tree off somebody's car. >> cheryl: it did, thieves have gone to a new low. the grinch showed up early in california, police are searching for the christmas crook, stealing $250 christmas tree off the roof of a family's car. criminals have no shame, new york, california, even chicago. really the worst scene the bay area where this took place. no consequences. >> todd: my problem, people need to steal to eat, you can't eat a
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christmas tree and look what car the thief is driving, infinity suv. >> carley: how brazen is that, in broad daylight, snipping the tree off the car and shoving into his. this is what the grinch was doing, stealing christmas trees. >> cheryl: you get what you vote for, until people vote differently, this is the way your life is going to look. i'm sorry. i am speaking from experience. >> todd: get an update if cindy lou who is safe. >> carley: how dare they. thank you. media is melting down over this comment from donald trump town hall. >> you are not going to be a dictator are you? no, no, other than day one. we are closing the border and
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drilling, after that i'm not a dictator. >> carley: joe concha on deck to discuss. >> todd: steve doocy will talk about "fox and friends." >> steve: that stolen christmas tree looks like the one in the corner of your studio, just saying. >> todd: they are pivoting the camera. >> carley: our hands are clean, no pine needles on them. >> steve: good morning to you. on this jam-packed wednesday, in nine minutes and 25 seconds, a suspect in custody after a terrifying shooting spree in austin overnight that left four people dead and multiple officers hurt. we'll take you to a live report as police continue to investigate. plus israeli officials slamming women's rights organizations over deafening silence on hamas's atrocities against women and rape. talk to european parliament leader who says western
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feminists who have not spoken out should be ashamed and president trump laying out his vision in a town hall with sean last night and made a stunning prediction about inevitable rematch with joe biden. we'll have voter panel and listen to it and weigh in. all this, plus riley gaines, she had a big day on capitol hill, benjamin hall and mike sorelli. todd and carley back in a couple. .
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♪ >> todd: former president donald trump sitting down with sean hannity in iowa last night, where the republican caucus will kick off in just six short weeks. it was hour long town hall but quick exchange that caught everyone's attention. >> the media has been focused on this and attacking you. >> yeah.
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>> under no circumstances you are promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody? >> except for day one. >> meaning. >> i want to close the border and i want to drill. he says you are not going to be a dictator are you? i said no, no, no. other than day one. we are closing the border and we are drilling, drilling, drilling. after that i'm not a dictator. >> fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger joe concha. when you say that moment caught everybody tension caught the media tension. the "new york times" has trump deflects question on retribution and law-breaking at town hall. cnn trump side steps question when asked if he plans to abuse powers if reelected and rolling stones headline trump to hannity on whether he will abuse power as president and they included a shrug emoji. also the biden campaign posted on social media that trump said he would be a dictator on day one. is that your assessment of what
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he said? >> no. not at all, carley. he was saying and what i took away from it before you read those headlines that he would likely use executive orders to close the border and drill, drill, drill back here in america again. and, of courses the easiest bet you could make another network having a complete and total metdown over that comment when they know exactly what he meant. all while ignoring this fact. i can guarantee you won't see this in any stories and you will not hear this on any other networks. joe biden signed more executive orders and actions in his first 100 days, including multiple executive orders and actions on day one than trump or obama or george w. bush. so, so much for the whole dictator thing. overall, i think that trump showed each more energy than usual. he fed off the crowd in ways which was extremely passionate by the way, the crowd that was there as we saw. and we would never see that kind of crowd or reaction with the current president. overall, trump sounded like a
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guy with the wind at his back. and that wind is real as we are seeing in poll after poll. especially in swing states. perhaps that's why you see such a panic on the democratic side in terms of that dictator comment. >> carley: clearly. it was a joke. he was talking about policy and the media is making something out of nothing. >> todd: as carley gave me the look you took the words out of my mouth. president biden telling democratic donors at fundraising event, quote: if trump wasn't running, i'm not sure i would be running but we cannot let him win. joe, what do you make of that? >> well, it's one thing to say, todd, i want four more years because i want to fix and improve x, y, z. i'm the best man for the because i have the best ideas or i could unify the country -- ha ha -- or i have much business to accomplish. well, if i were running against ron desantis or nikki haley i would probably drop out. but since it looks like trump
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will be the nominee i guess i will stick around. that is not leadership. does not inspire confidence. you have to run for president if you think you are the best person for the job. not because you think the other guy is not. let's see joe biden do a town hall. hear what his plan is around the economy that most americans are still very dissatisfied with about crime that many americans don't feel safe because of. test scores came out yesterday they're horrific when compared to the likes of china and other advanced nations. you saw bill melugin report yesterday hundreds of people pouring into the country across the border. most of all joe biden has to want the job not vote for me because the other guy is bad. >> todd: worry about that phrase we cannot let him win to me that portends other actions democrats plan to take to keep donald trump out of the white house. >> carley: thanks, joe. "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day. ♪ >> former president trump took the stage in iowa with a town hall with sean hannity. his take n


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