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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  December 6, 2023 6:00am-7:01am PST

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>> ainsley: the superintendent is to keep their personal beliefs out of the classroom. the union saying it is fine and you can do this. >> steve: we'll keep you posted. time to go to the advent calendar. >> i feel very vany white. it is the 6th day of december. we'll open box 6 and the gift inside is fantastic and i think a lot of people could be interested in this. the adam one, most powerful hearing aid this company has. more accessible and affordable hearing aid for overone. you don't need a medical exam or prescription. walk into wal-mart and it's under $1 hundred. if you are having a little bit of trouble this is a perfect gift. >> it has meant being physically
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assaulted in the library by a fellow student while i was wearing an american israeli flag and having my attacker roam freely throughout the campus. >> bill: remarkable testimony. jewish students accusing colleges of ignoring rampant anti-semitism. the presidents of three american universities trying to defend themselves on the hill. lawmakers not buying it. that's where we start today midweek. it's wednesday, bill hemmer. good morning to you. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." good to be with you again. a lot half en yesterday. the hearing was in response to a surge of pro-palestinian and anti-israel protests erupted on campuses in more than two dozen states and some turned violent. [shouting] >> bill: some protestors calling for the mass murder of jews.
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lawmakers grilling the president of harvard on that very issue asking whether or not she was okay with hate speech. >> doctor, a harvard student calling for the mass murder of african-americans is not free speech at harvard, correct? yes or no question. is that okay for students to call for the mass murder of african-americans at harvard? is that protected free speech? it's a yes or no question. let me ask you this. you are president of harvard. i assume you are familiar with the term intifada. >> yes. >> and you understand the use of the term intifada in the context of the conflict is a call for violent armed resistance against the state of israel including violence against civilians and the genocide of jews. are you aware of that? >> bill: stefanik said the
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harvard president should be fired. >> dana: she is an alum and thinking about what happened at her university. >> bill: the reason why the presidents are there is the amount of money the taxpayers give these universities for research, etc. we were watching this yesterday. here is the -- a student from the u penn. >> dana: it will be great to have him. students that spoke yesterday were so well spoken and they are also fearful for their lives. we have a lot more to do on that. >> virginia fox said remember when you are speaking you are not speaking to us but to the students on your campus who feel they have been threatened sometimes with their lives. that is coming up momentarily and this from jerusalem. watch now. >> i say to the women's rights organizations, to the human rights organizations, you've
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heard of the rape of israeli women, horrible atrocities, sexual mutilation, where the hell are you? i expect all civilized leaders, governments, nations to speak up against this atrocity. >> bill: netanyahu slamming those who stayed silent on the rape and torture of israeli women by hamas. the spokesperson for the prime minister is with us now. do you think yesterday moved the ball in the right direction or not? >> on monday i took part in one of the most powerful events i've ever witnessed at the united nations and trust me, dana and bill, i heard about these testimonies, i heard about these atrocities in my role but it was so powerful and moving and so sad to hear firsthand from first responders who came to the scene on october 7th and handled these bodies, what happened to some of
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these women. and i said there that these women were murdered two times. first when hamas terrorists raped and mutilated them and abused them sexual and the second time when they put a bullet in them and they happened at the same time in one case. it is sickness. we won't allow for a third time to take place for them to be murdered again from neglect and silence. >> dana: the women's groups silent we can put this up on the screen here. these are all women's groups that are sure to jump on anything if it doesn't have to do with an israeli woman getting attacked and raped. here is a female hostages account. you know this but for our audience. she said that they touch girls and everyone knows it. i won't recount details. we had a procedure that no one moves without someone guarding them. medications ran out and they gave us the wrong drugs. what more can you tell us about
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the horrors that they experienced? >> it was intentional. it wasn't -- it was a feature at the october 7th plan. we played excerpts from interrogations of activities israel arrested admitting to it which is sick. regarding these human rights groups, i think that there are a few tears of different hypocrisy at play. ones that deny the testimony. abundant testimony. and then there are the ones who simply say that yes, there is evidence but. as if they deserved it because they were jewish, israeli. you see the vile hashtag now me too unless you are a jew. you have the staunch advocates so-called for human rights and say it has to be investigated. estimate they are taking hamas numbers and reports and what not
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at face value. this has to be investigated. and i don't understand what they are thinking they're doing here. are they helping the palestinians when they don't acknowledge what happened to israeli women? do they think that it means they will send 100% with the israeli position on the israeli/palestinian conflict if they acknowledge what transpired? >> bill: part of the reason why this came to light this week is because you had prominent american women, largely democratic, who probably aligned themselves with a lot of the groups that dana just mentioned there and they were having none of this. check out the sound bite from new york at the u.n. >> when i saw the list of women's rights organizations who have said nothing, i nearly choked. >> this goes beyond politics. if we can't agree that rape is wrong, then we have accepted the unacceptable. >> it is outrageous that some who claim to stand for justice
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are closing their eyes and their hearts to the victims of hamas. >> bill: we play that because congresswoman jayapal on sunday really lit a fire about this because she couldn't answer the question directly. she put out a statement late last night saying let me be completely clear again that i unequivocally condemn hamas's use of rape and sexual violence in an act of war but went on to say and said this is horrific and across the world we must stand with our sisters, families, and survivors of sexual assault everywhere to condemn violence and hold perpetrators accountable. she is talking about the entire globe. >> i'm still waiting for her to retract the other statement in the interview. one war crime doesn't justify another. israel is abiding by international law. in fact, we go to very, very unprecedented extent to protect
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and safeguard the civilian population of gaza. >> dana: thank you for coming in today. i wish i had been at the u.n. that must have been something to witness. thank you for being here and explaining it to our viewers. good to have you. >> i love joe biden. i'm good person. i want to be good person here in the united states. >> i came here because i want quality life, you know. america is a land of opportunity. >> dana: masses of single men are flooding the southern border in arizona creating a free for all overwhelming border agents and raising security concerns across the country. bill melugin is live in lukeville, arizona with the latest. you stunned us with video yesterday. judging by the scene behind you it hasn't stopped. >> no, it is not stopping. the numbers are getting even worse. multiple cbp sources telling me in the last 24 hours border patrol alone has made more than 10,000 apprehensions of illegal
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immigrants. that doesn't even include cbp ports of entry. you can see the situation in lukeville. well over 800 people waiting in line after crossing illegally overnight waiting to be apprehended by border patrol. deja vu from yesterday. they are coming from all over the world. a lot of african men, mostly single adult men here. some setting campfires overnight in the cold camping out here waiting to get taken into custody by border patrol. sources telling me in the last 24 hours in the tucson, arizona sector there were almost 2,900 apprehensions and the border patrol facilities here are currently running 200% of their capacity. that's why there are so many people out here waiting to be taken into custody by border patrol. arizona has a democrat governor katie hobbs. she hasn't sent any arizona resources, no troopers or
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national guard unlike what we've seen in texas with governor greg abbott. governor hobbs is calling for more federal action when it comes to helping in arizona. take a listen. >> we need the federal government to act and provide more resources and we've been very clear about that. there is a lot more they could be doing both the biden administration and again i know this is beating the drum we've been beating for decades. comprehensive immigration reform to thoroughly address this issue. >> as people continue flowing into the country so are narcotics. cbp officers at the port of entry in arizona finding over 1 million fentanyl pills hidden in a smuggler's vehicle. they were able to seize that. we want to take you back to the video from yesterday. look at this. we showed you these images yesterday of illegal immigrants pushing through a breach in the border wall that had been cut through by smugglers. this happened right in front of border patrol. all these people were spilling
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through the wall taking advantage of the situation. a human smuggler gives us a shrug and salutes us. gop presidential candidate florida governor ron desantis reacted to that video posting a tweet that says in part, quote, the cartels are laughing at us now but they won't be when i'm commander-in-chief. any cartel operative caught cutting through the border wall will be left stone cold dead. back out here live goes to one of his campaign promises saying if they see any cartels members bringing in fentanyl or cutting through the border wall he will authorize the use of lethal force. back here you can see the situation that looks like border patrol is in for a busy day in lukeville. the epicenter of this border crisis. walk with me more and you can seekamp fires set overnight trying to stay warm. this isn't the only line of people here. look ahead they are keeping family units, women, children, families separate from these single adult men and brian, if we can pan left to finish off another group waits to be
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apprehended by a border patrol bus. we're in the middle of nowhere out here. takes long for border patrol processing. these folks could be waiting for days. >> dana: how many of the reporters are down there, bill? >> there is actually a decent amount. there is more starting to show up both local and national. with these kind of images it is hard to think they wouldn't be down here. >> dana: good. bill melugin, thank you. >> bill: a bit of a change. thank you, bill. well done. >> dana: usually solo. >> i see biden talking about maga. maga means make america great again. that's what it means. [cheers and applause] that's what people want. see that gentleman? they want to see our country be great again. >> bill: you had it on fox last evening. the former president town hall in dave en port, iowa weighed in on everything including whether or not he thinks president biden will be the democratic nominee.
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>> dana: that's a tease. plus rising anti-semitism coupled with what is being called an unprecedented terror threat. how should the united states respond? >> i am concerned that we are an elevated and heightened threat environment from foreign terrorist organizations for a whole host of reasons. out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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>> bill: on to 2024 now. polls showing form president trump showing a big lead for the nomination. he took part in a town hall last night the sean hannity on fox. says he is ready to take on president joe biden in a rematch of 2020. >> i personally don't think he will win. he is in bad shape physically. remember when he said i would like to take him behind the
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barn. if he took me behind the barn and i went like this i believe he would fall over. who knows? everyone thought it was so cute. if i ever said it they'd say he is a dictator, he is a horrible human being. a whole double standard we have. >> bill: they covered a lot of ground last night. in iowa. 99 counties in iowa. trump won 93 in 2020. >> dana: my grandmother used to call the sofa a dave en port. when you hear laughter at a political event it's going well. he was asked if he would abuse his power. >> do you in any way have any plans whatsoever, if reelected president, to abuse power, to break the law, to use the government to go after people? >> in the history of our country, what has happened to us again has never happened before.
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over nonsense, over nothing, made up charges. i often say al capone. he was a mob boss and got indicted once. i got indicted four times. >> dana: the goat greatest criminal of all time. capone. one of the things the media is doing is ratcheting up the concern americans should have if president trump returns to power because he would be a dictator and abuse power and one of the reasons sean asked him the question. >> bill: the clip off the top of that. would you abuse power >> you mean like they're doing right now and went on to answer the question the following way. look, it was a packed room. he is a clear favorite in iowa. we'll find out january 15th if all the polling is right right now. >> dana: we shall see. this on the terror watch list.
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>> i have never seen a time where all the threats or so many of the threats are all elevated all at exactly the same time. blinking red lights analogy about 9/11, all the lights were blinking red before 9/11, apparently all of us missed it. would you say that there is multiple blinking red lights out there? >> i see blinking lights everywhere. >> dana: urgent warning from the f.b.i. director. terror threat alerts reaching a high. agents working around the clock. open borders and limited resources are stretching the f.b.i. thin. just for example. call for number one here on the border in 2021, 2022 and 2023, look at the number of people that we have actually arrested that were picked up and they are on the terror watch list. that doesn't include how many we didn't find as they crossed the
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border. 736 so far in fiscal year 2023. chris, do you believe that f.b.i. director wray probably has a hard time sleeping at night, but must be hard to figure out how to make sure none of these threats come through? >> right. chris was right to point out the elevated terrorist threat. it is off the charts. and anyone with an ounce of counter terrorism experience knows that. not just because of the hamas/israel conflict. our southern border represents the greatest threat to this country we have had in my lifetime. that border is wide open. 1.7 million gotaways. so all these things. they were trying to renew section 702 which gives them some certain surveillance authorities. these are things that came in after 9/11. counter terrorism measures that the f.b.i. needed. there are many others as well. airport screening. you can't get through the airports anymore.
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all those counter terrorism efforts are for nothing, nullified and neutralized by this open border. when you have known terrorists being caught and then 1.7 million people who got away and about 6.7 million coming across the border during biden's administration or border encounters, we basically turned our border patrol into wal-mart greeters. they aren't doing the job that they were set up to do. >> dana: completely overwhelmed at the border. the f.b.i. director mentioned -- you mentioned 702, part of the fisa reauthorization bill. here is what he said. >> what if there were a terrorist attack that we had a shot to prevent but couldn't take it because the f.b.i. was deprived of its ability under 702 to actually look at key information already sitting in our holdings? allowing 702 to lapse or guts it effectiveness would be reckless
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at best and dangerous and irresponsible at worst. >> dana: chris, do you agree? >> i do agree. the f.b.i. is an important organization. they have a very important mission but i wish chris had been more strident again about the reasons why we need these types. the threat is elevated at this point. again it is because of the border. we have a fifth column in this country. there are many, many hamas supporters across the country showing their support for a terrorist organization. what if it was al qaeda or isis? they're out there demonstrating and in my view many violating the material support statute set up to prevent people from providing support to foreign terrorist organizations. so there is many factors here that go into the threat. i just wish chris had been a little more strident about the border. a great opportunity to do it. it makes their job harder. they can have all the 702 authorities they want. but we have 1500 miles of open
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land that people can cross. any terrorist who wants to come across can. >> dana: we need all the tools. the headline terrorism threats rising in europe. the united states we're not the only ones worried about terrorist threats and on top of it. chris swecker, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> bill: so we have a vaccine for the flu, we have it for covid. how about for a drug overdose? there is a potential game changer in the fight against fentanyl. we'll have it for you in a moment. a fiery house hearing on transgender males in women's sports. riley gaines let it fly on the hill yesterday. >> unsafe, unfair and discriminatory practices towards women must stop. inclusion cannot be prioritized over safety and fairness.
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biden $4.9 million over five years. that money came from the so-called sugar brother morris. it is a staggering amount that he paid in tax debts for hunter biden. there you go. more to come on that, huh? >> dana: i never asked you for anything, bill. -- president biden telling campaign donors in boston if trump wasn't running i don't know if i would be running. that's a reason for americans to get behind you. come on. >> bill: he was later asked about did you really want to say that and he lightened it a little bit. we'll play it for you. while we sat here yesterday, we heard from three remarkable americans on capitol hill. here is one of them.
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>> i refuse to go back to 1939 when jews had to hide their religious symbols and hide who they are because of intimidation and harassment. >> let me go back to being a student. i don't want to have to keep advocating for jewish student safety on campus. that's not my job, it is your job. >> i talk to my jewish friends on campus every day. they tell me how afraid they are to go to class. >> bill: jewish students under siege from the horrors of anti-semitism on campus coming while presidents of three of the more prestigious universities in the world testified before a house panel about how they've handled the wave of anti-jewish hatred that flooded their campuses for the past 60 days. we heard from a student from the university of pennsylvania in the opening sound bite. good morning to you. well done yesterday. showed a lot of guts, powerful voice. i want our audience to know you are 21, a senior, you will graduate this year and you are studying political science.
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how did you feel about the message you gave yesterday? >> first of all, thank you so much for having me on this morning. i was very happy to share the message and expose what is going on at college campuses specifically at u penn. such a language of dissemination of information and it seriously has become the responsibility of students, alumni and parents to share the stories of what is happening on campus. and something that i want to hone in on on president mcgill's testimony. she said referencing stopping anti-semitism and saying we cannot get this wrong. well, president mcgill got it wrong yet again in her testimony when she was asked directly does calling for the genocide of jews violate the code of conduct and she could not answer. she got it wrong three months ago when she openly invited speakers like roger waters to
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dress up as nazi ss soldiers in berlin and got it wrong once again yesterday during her hearing. >> bill: hang on a moment. we have the exchange. stefanik is the republican asking the questions and your president is liz mcgill. ever met her before? >> i have not had an in-person conversation. >> here is the back and forth. >> i'm asking specifically calling for the genocide of jews, does that constitute bullying and harassment? >> if it is directed severe and pervasive. it is a context-dependent decision, congresswoman. >> bill: there is that phrase a context-dependent decision. what do you think of that? >> i think that should scare beyond just jews. what that means is it's not just jews, any sort of minority group or human being that she is
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openly in congress said that does not directly violate the code of conduct of the university of pennsylvania. i don't know what context she is referring to. if you look at all of what has happened at penn during the past three months including the swastika and a jewish student being accosted and professors singling out jewish students and harassing and bullying them in class. what other context is she looking for? it is very scary to think what the next step in terms of context she is referring to. and it should be scary for all of us. >> bill: you will graduate. four years and you are done and out in may, right? that's my guess. take your mind back 60 days prior on october 6th. did you think that this existed on the campus in the school you attended? >> yes, 100%. on october 6th we were still trying to make the
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administration recognize that inviting speakers like roger waters who defended known terrorists. >> bill: the point there is that while the country has stopped and taken note of this you knew it all along. that's a story onto itself? >> yeah. i mean, look, penn was a petri dish of the bacteria of anti-semitism and hate. when you don't have an administration that wants to halt the growth of that bacteria, it multiplies exponentially. what is happening now is the hate has been allowed to fester and it is growing and it is really scary to see because it is no longer just words. it is actions being taken on our campus. and i really hope reflecting upon her testimony yesterday liz mcgill will send out a statement and retract what she said
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yesterday and say calling for the genocide of jews violates the student code of conduct. that is common sense that it would violate the code of conduct. in fact, yesterday the code of conduct website was down. why was it down yesterday exactly? why was it down? it serious it's lewd -- >> your parents, family and friends should be very proud of you. you have a strong voice. don't lose it. thanks for sharing today. >> thank you so much. >> bill: thanks. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, i got something to tell you. john rahm is the defending champion. he absence next month is that he
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may be leaving the pga tour for liv golf. he is looking into joining that venture. i thought it was all solved. >> bill: i don't know what form it will be in saudi. i heard about that but look, you are going to take the money, right? >> dana: i don't know. >> bill: the money is coming around eventually anyway. >> dana: did tiger? >> bill: he did not. he is a billionaire, all right? so russia rejecting a significant proposal from the u.s. to bring home two americans imprisoned by russia including this man here. the fate of gershkovitch from the "wall street journal." we'll get back to that in a moment. john kerry's latest green energy push could target your refrigerator and air conditioner, just about everything else in your house. he is mr. wonderful. kevin o'leary and tell you what you can keep over time next. ♪
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>> bill: state department finally saying this about moscow. russia rejected a quote significant prisoner swap. it would have brought home the former u.s. marine paul whelan and evan gershkovitch. moscow has imprisoned them both on espionage charges that they and the u.s. government strongly deny. >> we want to lay out a pathway to reduce cooling related
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emissions across all sectors and increase the access to sustainable cooling. >> dana: u.s. climb all envoy john kerry promised to slash emissions from refrigerators and air conditioners as the biden administration's war on household appliances raged on at the climate summit in dubai. let's bring in kevin o'leary and someone who was there firsthand. what was the reaction in the room? >> the first time -- i watch these narratives because i invest in energy and i often want to know about policy coming out of the big conferences. most of the corp people were there plus. the first time ever -- i'm not disrespecting john kerry's comments. the rest of the world is starting to deal with reality in terms of how long it is going to take to do the transition away from hydro carbons. people are looking for solutions. during the conference, the british said we'll have to start pumping again off the ocean
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because we just have to have energy security, sorry. but we're going to do it with carbon. the leadership were criticized with having the conference in an oil producing nation. that's wrong. they are the most advanced in developing methods to extract hydro carbons and eliminate methane gas and also redeploy the carbon back in the ground. they have the technology. they were showing the rest of the world this is how we do it. by the way, this is what we should do. same thing. we should be doing the same thing because we won't get rid of hydro carbons next year or your lifetime or mine. it will take that long. first time ever everybody said okay let's deal in reality. >> bill: here are the appliances that have been affected in america, right? you need an air conditioner where you are. >> if you look at the percentage of effect appliances have it's -- i'm not against making them more efficient but that's not the bulk of the problem.
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>> they say 7%. that's what's in front of us. air conditioner and refrigerators, dishwashers, ceiling fans, etc. my question for you. you are dealing with this stuff all day long. we're looking at quantum computers from ibm and artificial intelligence in the years after that. i think kerry's proposal has a target for the year 2050. that's 27 years from now. you think about it. the technology we're going to develop over the next 27 years, we can't even imagine it yet. and by the time you get to 2050, you will look at these wind turbines in the atlantic ocean and laugh at them. >> let technology and private sector solve the problems. the market is demanding it. i must tell you something humorous. cows are more to blame for gases than these appliances.
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as i was landing in geneva on the way to new york i saw cows in the field with balloons in their rear ends. i swear to you. >> dana: it's true. >> they are filling up the balloons and selling is gas. the swiss are saying let's make money out of the bottom of the cow and the whole cow itself. >> dana: every time the u.n. is encouraging people to stop eating meat. >> i'm sure the cow community is embarrassed about that. >> dana: there won't be any balloons on the cows in wyoming. >> we're underestimateing our own ability. >> i came away from that conference a huge optimist about the solution coming from technology. if you listen to the leadership there in these oil developing countries particularly uae they say here is how it will happen.
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they will deploy billions of dollars doing it because they know the market is demanding that. these guys are not dumb and so they want to stay in the hydro carbon business, abu dhabi is attracting so much money and while we were there another initiative that nobody knew was coming. we're debating in congress whether to slow down the development of a.i. in america where it was originally founded. chinese are number two. guess who is three? uae. in abu dhabi now they are commercializing a.i. they showed me how i could take my voice and speak arabic and i did it and it's very cool. can i do it in spanish and chinese and french? yes, i can. thank you, abu dhabi. >> dana: i bet they don't have pig latin. >> it is cool technology. >> bill: the leaders of three top universities defending their reaction and response to campus anti-semitism questioned why is
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it so hard to condemn the hate speech? we'll ask mark levin. t-swifty won again. guess what she did this time? ♪ (♪) my plaque psoriasis was so bad... i couldn't get my hair done. my psoriasis was all over. then my joints started hurting, found out it was psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. 5 years and counting. did you know people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk of developing psoriatic arthritis, which if left untreated can lead to permanent joint damage? cosentyx works on all of this and helps stop further joint damage. talk to your doctor. find something that works for you. serious allergic reactions. severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections,
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like floorliners... cargo liner... seat protector... boot tray... cupfone... sink mat... pet feeding system... anti-fatigue comfortmat...and more. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the perfect gift at >> bill: got to fox news alert. sad news, tv legend norman lear has left us. norman lear had sitcoms like all in the family and sandford and son. nate foye with a look back at his career. >> you paid $1.49 for no caffeine? i can pay the same amount to get caffeine. >> how would you like one across your lip? >> he broke new ground in the world of television. norman lear was born july 27,
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1922, in connecticut. growing up, his parents fought a lot. a situation he would later use as a source of humor in his work. lear earned a scholarship to emerson college in boston but left early to serve in world war ii. as an officer and radio man he flew 52 combat missions. after the army, lear went into public relations and later moved to los angeles to become a comedy writer. in 1951 he was offered a chance to write for the ford star review, variety and comedy show. before he knew it lear became a writer for dean martin and jerry lewis on tv's colgate hour. by the 50s he began mime writing and producer. in 1959 they created tandem a tracks company and made a series of light comedy movies. lear missed tv and wanted to produce a hit television series. that brought him to britain where his tv revolution was
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born. he bought the rights until death to us part that featured a bigot and has family. in january 1971, all in the family debuted on cbs. the show was a hit with the loudmouth archie bunker and his family becoming popular tv figures. ♪ those were the days ♪ >> a year later, lear did it again coming out with "sandford and son" a comedy about a black junk yard dealer. >> it is going for $0.38 a pound. >> just because he is white don't mean he is dumb. >> bill: then "maude." they dealt with topics like racism and abortion. he came out with good time in
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1974. 80s saw lear step away from tv and into politics. worked for a liberal group he helped launch to battle conservative groups like the moral majority. >> it has made the country and the media enormously aware that there is -- that this idea that people need to worship god or won't get to heaven unless they believe the way i believe is insidious. it isn't the american way. >> lear developed new tv projects in the 90s but was never able to recapture the spark that made his shows in the 70s so successful. in 2021, lear became the third person to receive the golden globe's annual lifetime achievement award for television. >> at close to 99, i can tell you that i've never lived alone.
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i have never laughed alone and that has as much to do with my being here today as anything else i know. >> norman lear, a tv comedy master who kept us glued to the tube whether we agreed with his politics or not. nate foye, fox news. >> bill: genius of a mind. such great creativity. >> dana: a fun trip down memory lane watching the clips from j.j. walker. >> bill: at the hemmer house every night we would watch "good times" until j.j. walker would say i'm kid dynamite. i'm not the character. the other thing that was mandatory viewing was "all in the family." >> dana: dynamite. you have to go a little dynamite. >> bill: he is had a rhyme in it. >> dana: rest in peace t


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