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tv   America Reports  FOX News  December 6, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST

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says it's all a lie. dishonesty, a lie, russian collusion, are we going to believe our lying eyes and the canceled checks and the laptop with the big guy or believe joe biden. i think the american people are smart to this man is a liar, he's gotten rich on the american dime, sold out the presidency, sold out the country to foreign countries so he could get rich off of selling our prosperity. >> harris: the move toward impeachment. >> next week, i think. >> harris: smart politically? >> it will highlight the corruption in the biden family and make it hard for joe biden to get elected. and gives donald trump a lot of ammo. >> sandra: fox news alert, any moment now the state department in moments from now will be expecting an update on the war
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in the middle east. >> john: it comes as we are getting brand-new information about the u.s.s. mason shooting down another drone in the red sea today, the drone fired from the same houthi-controlled area as the ones over the weekend. we will take you to the briefing as soon as it happens. >> sandra: israel moving into the third phase of ground operations, 138 hostages are still in captivity and hamas has vowed to not release anymore until there is a ceasefire. hello, john, welcome back. >> john: good to be with you. john roberts in washington, "america reports". israel continuing its campaign against hamas hitting the terror group's strongholds in southern
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gaza overnight. idf engaging in house to house gun battles after entering the second largest city in the strip. >> sandra: israel's military says it has killed about half of hamas mid level batallion commanders by now and prime minister benjamin netanyahu said moments ago idf forces are encircling the house of a senior hamas leader. >> john: trey yingst is on the ground, who is this senior official that israeli forces say they have surrounded? >> good afternoon. i want to start with the breaking news, tonight israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his forces have surrounded the house of sinwar, the leader of hamas in gaza, the man who is believed to be the mastermind behind the october 7th massacre. significant development and indication israeli forces are pushing deep into the heart of khan younis, and ramping up the
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strikes across the entirety of the gaza strip. idf telling fox news they hit 250 different targets over the past 24 hours. also comes as infantry troops continue to locate weapons, explosives and tunnel entrances. israelis also targeting the rocket launching sites for the barrage that hit tel aviv just yesterday. inside gaza, the death toll continues to rise, and israeli strike against a neighborhood in central gaza killed multiple palestinians yesterday, aftermath from khan younis and destruction, entire neighborhoods wiped off the map. israel is still gathering intelligence on the hostages inside gaza. we spoke with one man whose two sisters were held by hamas, along with three nieces. discussed the psychological terror they faced. >> they heard the bombings that was part of the -- of their concerns about the fact that
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they were forgotten, because hamas told them is that israel gave up on you, they are saying that they are going to flatten gaza, they don't care about anyone, they don't care about you, they'll probably kill you in one of their bombings. >> his brother-in-law is still being held by hamas inside gaza. his family will not be whole until that man comes home. john. >> john: so, two questions, trey, about this latest operation. do they believe that sinwar is in that facility and if they were to get or capture him, the leader of another brigade is at large. do they have any idea where he is? >> it's a great question. israelis do not believe he's inside the house. he's likely in the tunnel network beneath khan younis or rafah, gaza's second and third largest cities. this is significant, though, because it shows the israelis
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have been able to penetrate deep into the strip despite a fierce resistance by hamas' military wing. the two targets here for the israelis, we are talking about sinwar, leader of hamas inside gaza and daif, behind the planning of the hamas military leadership over the past decade. look at the situation on the ground, israelis are looking to target the leaders, and even if they capture the top hamas leadership they will go after the infantry hamas brigades, they want to kill every single commander and capture as many leaders as possible and understanding on the ground in israel, despite the western pressure, including from the biden administration, the israelis will continue this operation even if it takes months. john. >> john: they had sinwar in custody once, they let him out, and look what happened. so, i don't know if they try to capture him again or just eliminate him.
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trey, thank you. >> i'm going to give you one more opportunity for the world to see your answer. does calling for the genocide of jews violate penn's code of conduct when it comes to bullying and harassment, yes or no. >> it can be harassment. >> the answer is yes. and dr. gay, at harvard, does calling for the genocide of jews violate harvard's rules of bullying and harassment, yes or no. >> it can be, depending on the context. >> sandra: wow, lawmakers on capitol hill calling out the presidents of three elite universities during the heated congressional hearing, it happened yesterday. accused them of not doing enough to address the spike of antisemitism and threats to students on their campuses. florida democratic congressman, thank you for joining us. incredibly revealing. your reaction first to those
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university leaders not being able to easily label this for what it is and a very clear example of harassment that elise stefanik was presenting to them. what was your reaction to what you heard? >> yeah, so, my first reaction is congresswoman stefanik did a great job asking someone a softball question and confusing the hell out of them. i mean, this was the easiest question. is calling for the genocide of jews harassment, and someone actually answered back and said well, it depends what the context is. what do you mean, context, how we kill them, how we commit the genocide, that's the context? another question said i believe to the president of harvard, would you want a neo-nazi to attend harvard, and said well, it's not with our values but we have a wide range of thought. really? we want to include nazis in the
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wide range of thought? so, they all three of them, if there was a course taught at ivy league schools if you want to be a president of a university, all three of them would have failed that course. they are a terrible example for their students and the boards of these schools should watch that hearing and decide if they should stay in their jobs because the idea -- idea they came to congress and made it worse, they made it worse. i expected them to come and be like listen, we were a little slow reacting, we are working on it now, here are the steps, but they made it worse and made jews even more uncomfortable when they can't say advocating for the killing of jews is harassment. >> sandra: well, that's a problem. hearing you say it like that, that's very easy to see and hear there is a major problem on these college campuses and clearly on display in the hearing room yesterday, some are now demanding that there be
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consequences for these universities and their leaders' actions. this was more from elise stefanik, she came on this network earlier and she's actually calling for those university presidents to be fired. listen. >> what was probably the most tragic aspect of the hearing to me was there were a number of jewish students from those schools in the audience sitting behind them and to watch just the fear as they're listening to the presidents of these universities fail to answer a basic question of moral clarity, it was abysmal. they don't deserve the dignity of resigning. they need to be fired. >> sandra: congressman, do you agree with that, are you calling for the same? >> yeah, they either need to be fired or resign, either way. what's the difference of how they go, so long as they go. i mean, literally, that was presidential -- that was university presidential malpractice yesterday what you saw them do in that hearing. what did they do, no prep for
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the hearing? this was not a tough question. this was an easy question. i think congresswoman stefanik had a list of questions, she probably thought she would get easy yes and move on. they could not answer yes. context of the killing of jews matters, by the ovens or mass firing squad, is that the context that the university presidents were talking about? it was a despicable display of behavior and if i were a federal taxpayer watching that hearing i would want none of my taxpayer dollars going to these universities so long as those people are in charge. >> sandra: i want to make sure i get this in here, incredibly important how some of the students are feeling on the campuses right here in american. u-penn student on how scary his campus has become for jewish students. >> if you look at all of what has happened at penn during the past three months, including
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swastika, a jewish student accosted, a riot two days ago, and professors giving jewish students lower grades, it is very scary to think what the next step in terms of context she is referring to. >> sandra: as a member of congress, sir, what is the next step to making sure that students don't feel like this on campuses right here in the united states of america. >> well, look, congress needs to do what we can. i think the executive branch through the secretary of education needs to look at their remedies. i mean, they were specifically asked a question, you know, can you ensure -- if you are trying to recruit a jewish student to your school, can you ensure their safety and they could not give a yes answer. it was university speak and so no, jewish students don't feel safe in these areas at these universities at the moment. and so this is a major problem we are seeing with jews around the country. how have we gone from a foreign
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policy dispute of what's happening in the middle east immediately to the killing of jews again, right back to the conversation of the 1940s. that's the foreign policy that people are advocating for. the jewish community is unsettled. have not been this unsettled really since the aftermath of the holocaust. >> sandra: it's a tough place we are in in this country now. thank you for joining us. >> john: u.s.s. mason shooting down yet another drone in the red sea. officials say it was fired from an area controlled by houthi militants in yemen. jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon with details. jennifer, it happened again. >> oh, yes, john, a senior defense official told me the u.s.s. mason, a destroyer, shot down a drone fired from the same houthi-controlled area. it's not clear whether the mason was the target, according to the u.s. official, but it was close
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enough and viewed as a threat so they shot it down. "close enough they made that judgment call" according to the senior defense official. u.s.s. mason was in international waters. it was in the southern part of the red sea. on sunday there was a virtual firefight on the high seas in the same area. the southern red sea near the babal mendeb strait. three shipping vessels were struck by houthi missiles, and carney shot down three drones made by the houthis. called the attacks on sunday unprecedented, suggesting an international maritime task force is needed. >> this is a first for attacks on international shipping and that's a big deal. >> now, there already is a task force, a maritime task force in that area to deal with piracy, so now they are going to try and use it against the houthis. but it's important to note, john, that these u.s. navy
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warships are firing expensive sm2 missiles to take down the iran-made drones, much less expensive to make. every time the u.s. has to engage the drones in defense it costs the u.s. taxpayer millions of dollars. so far no decision to strike the houthis at the missile and drone launch sites inside yemen. john. >> john: better a couple million dollar missile instead of it hitting the ship. >> that would be terrible, of course, and alert through the a.p. sirens have been sounded at the american embassy in baghdad. so the american embassy in baghdad is sensing some sort of threat at this time. >> john: well, let us know what happens this. thank you, hear back from you. >> sandra: we will stay on that as well. president biden meanwhile facing questions, it happened a few moments ago at the white house about his connection to his son and his brother's foreign business dealings as house republicans are ready to close in on hunter.
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we have the reporter here on set who broke that story. she will join us next. >> john: plus president biden speaks candidly about his re-election bid for 2024, telling campaign donors if it wasn't for former president trump he might not even be in the race. if he's running just to keep trump out, what does that say to voters? we are breaking it down with fox news contributor katie pavlich coming up next. >> what's interesting about this biden admission is that he's saying something that i think a lot of people have concluded for a while, which is that if not for the former president running, he would feel like he had an avenue to step away. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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told us moments ago sirens are sounding at the u.s. embassy in baghdad. we don't know why, but something is clearly going on. >> americans, to americans this impeachment inquiry why you interated with so many of your son and brother's foreign business associates. >> i'm not going to comment, i did not, and it's just a bunch of lies. they are lies. >> you didn't interact with business associates? >> i did not, they are lies. >> sandra: ok, so that happened just a short time ago. president biden once again dismissing talk of his connections to his son and brother's foreign business dealings as house republicans threaten to take action against hunter biden if he does not show up for a closed door deposition this month. brooke singman. >> this just breaking, house oversight committee and judiciary chairman jim jordan
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have told abbe lowell they are threatening to hold hunter biden in contempt of congress if he does not appear for that, appeared for december 13th. his lawyer said the house oversight committee has consistently twisted and turned witness's testimony and hunter biden will only testify before this committee if it is at a public hearing. obviously comer and jordan have said they will release the transcript of hunter biden's deposition and will schedule a public hearing for the president's son but he is not getting any special treatment as part of their investigation just because he's the president's son. every other witness they have subpoenaed has appeared for their depositions, requested interviewed, people have come in and sat for those transcribed interviews. the committees have released those transcripts. so a back and forth, and breaking a few minutes ago, comer and jordan are threatening to hold the president's son in contempt of congress. >> sandra: and you were reporting the records were
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released, joe biden as vice president exchanged hundreds of emails with his son and business associate. what are we learning from the newly released records. >> jordan, comer and jason smith are all co-leading this impeachment investigation or inquiry against president biden. so yesterday the house ways and means committee had gary shapley and joseph ziegler appear for a closed door session with the committee. they brought records of meta data showing email traffic between joe biden as vice president and his son and his son's business associate. he was using the email alias, robinware 456, and eric did run the bookkeeping at the time, but he was also the president of
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hunter biden's rosemount seneca. what the whistleblowers were able to give to the committee were just meta data, but hundreds of emails were exchanged begs question did you talk with your son about the foreign business dealings. he said no. >> sandra: and adamant no from the president himself. you have had a huge week. israel now, you sat down on monday with sheryl sandberg at the united nations. what did she have to say? she is one of the strong females that is standing up and saying women need to be speaking up and out about these atrocities that are happening to women in israel. >> sheryl sandberg was at the united nations with an event she co-hosted with the israel ambassador to shine a light on the atrocities and sexual violence on october 7th. hamas raped these women and heard from idf soldiers and from
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israeli police officers explaining what they found when they recovered bodies of these israeli women that were tortured and killed in their last moments of life but whether i spoke with sheryl sandberg, she really was outraged about the fact that women's organizations have not been standing up to support these jewish women. i mean, she said rape needs to be called out no matter what and told me she thinks politics are blinding us in terms of this issue and said women need to be supported no matter who they are and she will stand up for the issue. >> sandra: very strong voice in all of this. a big microphone. brooke, appreciate it. >> would you be running for president if trump wasn't running? >> i expect so, but look, he is running, and i have to run. >> would you drop out -- >> no, not now. >> john: president biden saying he has to run in 2024 to keep
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former president trump out of office for a second time, and took things a step further at a fundraiser in boston. biden told supporters he's not sure he would even be seeking a second term if it was not for his predecessor in the race. katie pavlich, so biden is saying two things. i might not be in the race unless it was trump that was in there on the republican side. and leading by a large margin and secondly, saying i'm the only democrat who can beat trump despite this fox news poll, call for number one, shows biden losing to trump 50-46. oops. >> it's an interesting statement for him to be making at this moment in the campaign because two-thirds of democrats don't want president biden to be their nominee and look at the general election polling and joe biden continues to look like he could lose to donald trump, which is something that they did not expect, not to mention president
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trump weren't to be the nominee for republicans, nikki haley beats him, ron desantis beats him, the idea he's the only person to stop the republican side of the presidential race does not add up with what we are seeing in terms of the polling and how americans are feeling. also, he's at a point he needs to project confidence to do nors, to voters who are skeptical about his ability to lead the democratic party into a second term and to win next november and saying you would not be in the race if not for donald trump, does not mean it's your record or what you've done for the country over the past 3 or 4 years, it's not going to make people think they are confident in your ability to move forward. >> john: and dean phillips determined to be a bur in joe biden's saddle, says the candidate with lower approval figures losing to trump in every poll of consequence, it's downright delusional.
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>> also a bit of an arrogant statement to make, given he does have the challenges coming from the democratic party, people on the left, people who maybe would be more moderate are trying to challenge him and they are frustrated. he was out this week talking about the fact that florida has already given up all the delegates to joe biden is wrong, it's anti-democratic, does not go with the theory of democracy, but president biden's comments, it is true he has been running against maga republicans over the course of the last two elections and democrats has been successful in that language by putting trump at the pop of mind for democratic voters and saying we have to stop him. when it comes to biden himself saying he's the only guy who can do it or the reason he's in the race causes problems whether he should be replaced, a lot of ballot access issues have deadlines have passed already but of course there is a convention next summer and things can change between now and next august.
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>> john: trump was at a town hall with hannity last night, democrats warning and some republicans, liz cheney did, if trump gets in again he's going to be a dictator. watch this exchange. >> you are promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against everybody. >> except for day one. he's going crazy. except for day one. i want to close the border and i want to drill, drill, drill. >> that's not retribution. >> i'm going to be -- i'm going to be, you know, he keeps -- love this guy. he says you are not going to be a dictator, are you? i said no, no, no, other than day one. we are closing the border and we are drilling, drilling, drilling. after that, i'm not a dictator. >> john: left leaning media has taken that and run with it, oh my god, trump admits he's going to be a dictator. >> he's clearly joking in that instance and clear that a lot of these pieces written almost
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simultaneously, polling is showing donald trump could be a winner in 2024. so on the same page or scare people thinking he would be a dictator. but he was not going backwards there, he was looking to the forward of what he wants to do and the border is a massive, massive issue as we have seen with 12,000 people coming through i believe yesterday alone, which is 360,000 people a month, equates to 4 million people a year. things are completely out of control and people remember that. >> john: we'll be talking to congressman tony gonzalez, and bill gave us the news, 12,000 people across the border the beginning of december particularly a down month. >> they are doing great work down there. the stream continues, unfortunately. >> john: we call him border bill. >> sandra: some public school teachers in one big city planning to give unauthorized
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pro-palestinian lessons today. how is the school district reacting to that, plus this. >> i love you joe biden, thank you for everything, joe biden. i'm good person, i want to be good person here in united states. >> i came here because i want quality life, you know, america is a land of opportunity. >> john: some of the 12,000 people who came across the border illegally yesterday say they love joe biden as the southwest border sets that new record of encounters for a single day. how is the crisis influencing spending talks on capitol hill. house homeland security chairman mark green shares more on that coming up next. uring back to am. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is,
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12,000, that's the highest single day total ever recorded and the crisis is now coming to head with spending talks on capitol hill. let's bring in tennessee congressman mark green, chairman of the house committee on homeland security. take that in for a second. 12,000 southern border encounters in a single day just yesterday. congressman, first your reaction. >> yeah, this is incredible to see just how our southern border has collapsed, i mean, there is no southern border with the policies of this administration. the parole, instant parole, basically catch and release has created incentive for people to come from all over the world, 160 plus countries and they are pouring across with no way to stop it. we have to fix policy. that's the issue. >> sandra: ok. but still this is the president on where he stands with these border policies, he is still calling republicans extreme on the issue.
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this was just a short time ago when he was speaking at the white house. >> extreme republicans are playing chicken with our national security. holding ukraine's funding hostage, extreme partisan border policies. this has to be a negotiation. republicans think they can get everything they want without any bipartisan compromise. that's not the answer. that's not the answer. and now they are willing to literally kneecap ukraine on the battlefield and damage our national security in the process. >> sandra: mitt romney is calling out the president and the democrat strategy of tying the border funding to ukraine, says dems want $106 billion, the gop wants a closed border, that's the true. clueless dems want to negotiate the border bill, not going to happen. is an open border more important to dems than ukraine and israel. isn't that an interesting question? >> it's actually the question. they are more concerned about
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the border between ukraine and russia and they are our united states border and the safety of americans. their intent is to fundamentally change the electorate in this country. there's no denying it. no other reason why they would tolerate hundreds of thousands of dead americans to fentanyl, billions going to drug cartels and 24,000 chinese nationals, military age people coming into the united states. this is insane. it's absolutely insane. >> sandra: ok, well a lot falls in the lap of mayorkas, obviously, dhs secretary, he went on television this morning and he shared his thoughts on why he opposes the republican proposals on the border wall. listen. >> we have presented proposals that address the situation, that provide real practical solutions, and also do not do violence to our fundamental values. we are a country of refuge.
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some of the proposals are reasonable and worthy of discussion. others are frankly not. >> sandra: it almost like, it's like a disconnect from the reality of the situation. let me remind everyone the news we came in to you with. 12,000 just yesterday alone, 12,000 southern border encounters in a single day yesterday. the reality is certainly being felt and shared by yuma sector border patrol chief chris clem on biden's border strategy. >> at first we thought it was incompetence, but the fact we are into year three and something that was told by us or to us that this was unsustainable, they figured out a way to sustain it so it has to be deliberate. i'm glad lawmakers are getting together with issues impacting washington, d.c., when are they going to do something on the border, border states have to deal with this every day. >> sandra: they are coming over illegally. back to finish with the most
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basic question of all, is there absolutely no recourse for not following the rules and the laws on the books in this country, congressman? i mean, how bad does this have to get before we go back to the basics here? >> sandra, there is no end to how bad it can get before biden and mayorkas will do anything because they are executing a very intense plan to, like i said, fundamentally change the electorate in the country. that's their objective. so everything they are doing is for that. even the funding, you had the clip from mayorkas, he wants more money to process more people no the country. he doesn't care about the policies that will reverse the incentives. that's what we want. we want the law followed, and yes, we plan to hold mr. mayorkas accountable for this dereliction of duty, dishonesty, refusing to follow his oath to the constitution and more, it's coming. >> sandra: and a few minutes ago at the white house, calling republicans -- calling out
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republicans for what he labelled their extreme partisan border policies. and that is where things stand today. congressman, appreciate you joining us. thank you. john. >> john: sandra, awaiting an update from the state department after another incident between american force and the iran-backed houthi rebels. monitoring the briefing and will bring news out of this. plus this. >> so, the answer is yes, that calling for the genocide of jews violates harvard code of conduct. >> it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. >> sandra: presidents of elite ivy league universities struggling for calls over jewish genocide. find out what the president of pepperdine university has to say about fighting antisemitism on campus and the need to preserve traditional american values at our american universities. that will be live next. ng, 5-ti. smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop.
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>> john: the presidents of harvard, mitt and u-penn facing questions of raging antisemitism on campus and when they are doing to fight harassment, intimidation and attacks that make jewish students feel unsafe and unwelcome. and the president of pepperdine joins us from a beautiful location on the coast of california, thank you for being with us. i want to recap a little bit of the hearing yesterday. the three provided some pointed moments, one is here. listen to this. >> do you believe that type of hateful speech is contrary to harvard's code of conduct or is it allowed at harvard? >> it is at odds with the values of harvard.
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>> can you not say that it is against the code of conduct at harvard? >> we embrace a commitment to free expression, even of views that are objectionable, offensive, hateful. >> president gash, why is it so difficult for these leaders of these prestigious universities to just condemn hate speech? >> well, thanks, john, for that question. what i would say is it's hard for them to say what they want to say because the values that they espouse as an institution. at pepperdine, we are talking about faith and freedom and self-governance and free speech is an important part of enlightened self-governance but so is learning the american principles and holding true to these values. a difference between rights and what is right. what we are trying to teach our students here at pepperdine is what is right, and so that's not the case with all institutions around the country.
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>> john: you wrote an op-ed in the messenger, said in part, it seems every week produces another story of intolerance, hate or worse on college or university campuses across the nation and society expresses concern, it's pastime to take on responsibility to cultivate academic communities that embody america's founding virtues. what are they and how do you apply them at pepperdine? >> they include faith, and centrality, freedom, we are based and enlightened self-governance is the electorate can understand the issues part of the political discourse and vote with a good conscience and understand what the values are at issue. and those sorts of values are reflected on pepperdine's
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campus. to answer the question that my colleagues on the hearing could not answer, yes, of course. this is a violation of our code of conduct here at pepperdine because our code of conduct is built upon the idea that every student is made in god's image and worthy of infinite dignity and respect, and those pervasive and severe comments are completely inconsistent with our code of conduct here. >> john: that really was a center of focus at yesterday's hearing. play just a little bit more, watch what happens when elise stefanik questions liz magill from u-penn here. >> i am asking, specifically calling for the genocide of jews, does that constitute bullying or harassment. >> if it is directed and severe or pervasive, it is harassment. >> so the answer is yes. >> it is a context dependent decision, congresswoman. >> it's a context dependent decision, that's your testimony today, calling for the genocide
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of jews is depending on the context? >> john: elon musk saw that and posted on x, let me help them out here, calling for the genocide, death of anyone, obviously constitutes harassment. me too phrase is updated. it's me too unless you are a jew. people look at this, president gash, and they just say wait a second. you go out of your way, you bend over backwards to create safe spaces and to make sure that students of all colors and races are comfortable on your campuses unless they are jewish. >> yeah, it is -- it is disappointing to say the least. that's not happening at pepperdine. our jewish students, faculty, staff, and administrators tell me regularly how valued they feel, how loved they feel, how cherished and how much they belong and that is true. they do belong at pepperdine. we don't have that situation at pepperdine and it's sad and disappointing and heartbreaking that after an atrocious
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terrorist act against a nation of israel and against its people we can't call it for what it is, and that's sad and disappointing to me. >> john: we should point out that over at pepperdine in the wake of everything happening you hosted rabbi berman from new york to come and talk to the students. president jim gash. >> he's a good president. >> john: president jim gash from pepperdine, appreciate it. >> under no circumstances you are promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against everybody. >> except for day one. >> sandra: it may have been a joke, but liberal media outlets say it's no laughing matter and sounding the alarm of a trump dictatorship if the former president wins a second term in office. byron york has a brand-new article on this. he will be joining us to talk about the latest warning from the left and how republicans should be responding. >> john: and is president
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biden's e.v. push running out of gas? why some car dealerships are calling on the administration to pump the regenerative brakes on one of its biggest green goals. stay with us. erative colitis sys are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options.
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>> sandra: car dealers are begging the biden administration
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to reconsider the electric vehicle mandate. in a letter they explain that drivers just are not interested. peter doocy is live at the white house on this. peter, what exactly do these dealers say they find to be the hardest to achieve? >> sandra, they are saying even if there was a big demand right now for electric vehicles, there are not enough places for americans to charge them at the moment. part of that letter signed by dozens and dozens of car dealers to the president says mr. president, it is time to tap the brakes on the unrealistic government electric vehicle mandate. allow time for the battery technology to advance. allow time to make them more affordable, allow time to develop domestic sources for the minerals to make batteries, infrastructure built and prove reliable and most of all, allow time for the american consumer to get comfortable with the technology and make the choice to buy an electric vehicle. >> john kerry does not realize
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the -- it's coming from china. >> they say they are committed to an electric vehicle future. >> sandra: hearing more and more of this from the american car dealers out there. peter at the white house. thank you, peter. >> john: keeping our eyes on the state department briefing and expect to hear from the white house and nsc spokesman john kirby in our next hour after a u.s. warship shoots down another houthi drone. we'll monitor both of those and bring you any updates as "america reports" continues. is all about presents and shopping and cookies and trees. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater. it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me
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11:00 am
>> kwoung do you think. >> do you think in 11 months he will be their candidate? >> i don't think he makes it. the person they don't want to run against is us. it's not me, its


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