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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  December 6, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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>> we are out of time. i am greg gutfeld. i love you, america. >> good evening. it is 11:00 p.m. on the
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east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is america's late news. fox news at night. it might be the last g.o.p. debate for a while. the candidates came out swinging and slinging. personal insults, a lot of them. they talked about the war in gaza, immigration, and the republican front runner who was not on stage. we have a rundown of what went down. >> heading into tonight, nikki haley had the momentum going into the debate as the alternative choice to the front runner, former president trump. onstage she was at the center of attacks from ron desantis on issues like china and transgender issues and most harshly, attacked personally as
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a corrupt neocon. >> you became a military contractor and now you are a multimillionaire. that math does not add up. it adds up to the fact that you are corrupt. the only person more fascist than the biden regime, it is nikki haley. >> would you like to respond? >> no. it is not worth my time. >> that was a lot of the debate, nikki haley not wanting to respond to these attacks. she could not, there were so many, but at some point, chris christie stepped up and defended her against some attacks, calling her an accomplished woman. >> this is the fourth debate you would be voted in the first 20 minutes as the most obnoxious blowhard in america. >> do everybody a favor, walk yourself off the stage and get
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out of this race. >> this devolved into personal insults and they could not ignore the issue of former president trump, who was not on stage tonight. they were asked about their stances on the former president and it led to this exchange where chris christie was calling out the other candidates for being afraid of going after him. >> you seem to be saying he is no longer mentally fit to be president. is that what you think? >> father time is undefeated. the idea that we are going to put someone up there who was almost 80. >> he is afraid to answer. >> you cannot defeat democratic chaos with republican chaos and that is what donald trump gives us. my approach is different. >> this was the last scheduled
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debate before the iowa caucus. trump has not been in any of those debates and his poll numbers have improved during that time. >> thank you. let's bring in our fox news chief political anchor, bret baier. we say this, the knives were out. they were going after each other. we knew nikki haley would be a primary target. here is ron desantis going after her. >> you have other candidates here like nikki haley. she caves any time the left or media comes after her. i did a bill in florida that stop gender mutilation of mi minors. she opposes that bill. which you thought that was important. tell us why. >> i am not sure how many people
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watched this debate. "new york times" had people in bars in iowa and iowa, they vote in six weeks. they said no one knew it was on. they were focused on the iowa-iowa state women's basketball game in which caitlin clark, a hawk i had the chance to suppress 3,000 career points. how many people did watch this? i don't know. it was clear that ron desantis and ramaswamy, their target was nikki haley. that was most of this debate. >> you talk about watching this. we had to because it was an assignment but i had to look for it. a producer said you have to pull it up here and you have to put it here and you can watch it here. ramaswamy was talking 2020 amid
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the insults and he said this. >> why am i the only person on the state you can say january 6th does look like it was an inside job, that the government lied to us about saudi arabia's involvement about 9/11. that the great replacement is a statement of the democratic platform, that the election was stolen by big tech. the 2016 election that trump one was also stolen from him by the national security establishment. there is a reason i am the only person who can say these things. that is what it is going to t take. >> we have heard him go down this path before. he thinks there is an audience and votes to be had with this.
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>> he is playing to the maggio base. i think he thinks being number two may be a good position to be a vp nominee. it is possible he thinks that, but tonight he did attack nikki haley a couple of times that i am not sure delivered. i am not sure, for a couple of these debates, he decided to hold off. a couple of times he said this is going to be aggressive. tonight was aggressive. >> you talk about the maca base. chris christie talking about the person not there. >> we are 17 minutes into this debate and except for your speech in the beginning, we have had these three acting as if the races between the four of us. the fifth guy, who doesn't have
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the guts to show up and stand here, he is the one who is way ahead in the polls, and yet, i have these three guys who are seeming to come compete with waldemar. they don't want to talk about it. >> it is true. he, folder marked -- voldemort is up 20, 30, 40 points depending on the poll you look at. they are playing for the number two. this is a moment where they are not attacking trump. they are not doing it with ads and we saw this in 2016 when marco rubio went after jeb bush and jeb bush went after marco rubio and donald trump hit the gap. right now, that is what is happening.
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chris christie protected nikki haley numerous times in this debate. right now, the advantage is with the former president. i am not sure anybody move the needle, although, ron desantis had singles and doubles and he had a pretty good debate. >> i thought he did too. great to have you on as always. thank you. the big news story of the day, the shooting at the university of nevada las vegas. at least four are dead, including the gunmen. we are learning more about what happened and what police are focusing on in a search for a motive. christina is live with the information on that. >> three people were killed, one victim is in stable condition and the suspected shooter is dead. this seemed chaotic after shots rang out around 1145 this morning at the university of
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nevada las vegas about a mile and a half east of the las vegas strip. many students barricaded themselves in their classrooms. >> it was a big panic. there were no books and water bottles all over the floor. everybody was running. >> everybody moved to one side of the room. after that, it was a lot of waiting. >> i was so scared. something about it, my heart was pounding. >> law enforcement stop this from getting worse. there was a shoot out, the suspect was shot and died. >> if it had not been for the heroic actions of one of those police officers who responded, there could have been countless additional lives taken. >> two officers were treated for
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minor injuries after searching the rooms and buildings for victims and four students were taken to hospitals after suffering panic attacks. >> no student should have to fear pursuing their dreams on a college campus. what happened today is an unforgivable crime. >> police have not released the suspect's identity. no word on a motive for this mass shooting in the university is closed for the rest of the week. >> let's bring in our guests. thank you. we know this guy was in his 60s, a professor, according to reports, looking for a job, did not get the job and came in there. what else are you looking for when you see these profiles? >> that is what we are looking for, there is one component that
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has changed more drastically than anything else and that is responsibility, taking responsibility. we are talking about whispers coming through the grapevine this individual may have been rejected from an employment application. it used to be you jump up and apply somewhere else. now you hurt innocent students who are in a college campus dining unarmed. this is an example of mental illness and a component of that may be not taking responsibility and having the ability to face reality. what we have learned is this is a diametric improvement from other shootings. some students heard a loud noise, did not sound like a fire alarm or fire truck. that was a ballistics detection facility they have on that campus and many others save countless lives. >> this is right down the road from the route 91 shooting
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several years back that killed 58. that was an older shooter. 67. it was hard to get a social media footprint because he was in his 60s. might be the same in this case to get a motive. >> the take away and the importance of what happened today is going to be the after action report. in october 2017, las vegas was the sight of the worst mass shooting in u.s. history at the mandalay bay hotel. since then, las vegas has been at the forefront with respect to coordinating with the local, state, federal partners to ensure there would be an immediate response tactically and today, you saw the fruits of all of this training over the last several years come together quickly and neutralize this threat.
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the after action report is going to highlight, did they miss anything, is there something out there that may have tipped someone off and was it overlooked or ignored? that is the important part of the process moving forward. >> i want to quickly go over this period last year, a suspect was charged with aggravated assault against his mom, dad, sister, let out by a progressive group in texas and killed 63 people, injured three, five different shooting scenes. 15 seconds on the idea of these people getting released and doing harm. >> forget about prosecutor, defense and judges. there is a value to taking an individual off the streets, allowing for a bit of decompression and stayaway orders, emergency protective orders before allowing their reentry.
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cashless bail flies in the face of that logic and we see that all the time. >> in oakland, california, public school teachers took part in a pro-palestinian teaching, teaching anti-semitic lesson plans. marianne lafferty is live with that story. >> those teachers were warned not to participate in this teaching in on what organizers called the palestinian struggle for liberation. supporters say student should have a counter narrative to lessons that focus solely on israel. >> this is education, labor power, solidarity and resistance meshed into one action. >> the lesson plan that was posted online points out that palestinians had to evacuate when israel began to bomb gaza but fails to mention hamas or the october 7 at the also
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included is an alphabet book for elementary students with the letter i representing the word for resistance, associated with palestinian activism which means shake off. >> trying to cartoon eyes a story book for kids and i do think this is indoctrination. the public should be mortified. >> the order from the superintendent is for teachers to keep their personal beliefs out of the classroom. we don't know how many of the teachers defied that order but those who did may face termination. >> we will get numbers on that tomorrow. thank you. the common sense department has a big issue with oakland teachers holding this teaching because they were not teaching in as much as they were leaving
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out. the goal is to be pro-palestinian but how can you ask elementary school kids as young as four years old to define the word massacre without explaining anything about the october 7th attacks by hamas. the teachers one of the kids to draw pictures of a zionist after they defined it as a bloodthirsty land grabber. instead of using the word holocaust or explaining the holocaust, the teachers declared during world war ii, many jewish people were killed and mistreated. the same teachers accused israel of being colonizing oppressors refused to explain israel was born from the holocaust. many parents in oakland were against this, wondering why educators couldn't focus on the reading, math, and science. maybe this is a good time to note just three in ten oakland
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public school students can read at grade level. only two and ten can do grade level math. maybe they should teach in and leave politics out. let's bring in julie hamel and bethany mandel. great to have you on. this is one of those bullet point lists we got from the teach in. materials downplaying the holocaust. because israel an apartheid state, suggests learning plans say they had to evacuate. pretty one-sided lesson. >> i am thinking about what it must be like in oakland, listening to these lessons. at home they are hearing the story, the fact that people came in and killed kids like them and
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took them into gaza to be held hostage and they must be thinking, this is the same ideology but on a different continent. >> i want to play the sound again. this is yesterday, the president of harvard being questioned. watch this because it shook the nation a bit. >> the answer is yes. calling for the of violates harvard code of conduct. >> it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context. the answer is yes and you should resign. >> she tried to clean it up but they came down on her in social media. there is no context here. she tried to clean it up and it did not work. >> during her testimony, she talked about how you need to know the context to know whether
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someone calling for the of is a violation of their code of conduct. this same university rescinded offers to people who had racist means. these are the same people. it is viewpoint discrimination and i don't know how they are going to recover. i think these ivy league presidents have to resign. >> it is going to be costly to them. the pepperdine president gave this statement talking about what the harvard president said yesterday. to answer the questions my colleagues could not answer, this is a violation of our code of conduct at pepperdine because it is built upon the idea that every student is made in god's image and worthy of infinite dignity and respect. >> i have a nice looking into colleges and she is brilliant and i am excited to see where she goes and she is starting to cross colleges offer a list like
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harvard, columbia, where so many of her -- our relatives have gone because she doesn't feel like she is going to be safe and it is because there is no context for these folks. calling for the of is always okay because that is what they say in the classroom. she is saying we need context but all context is acceptable on college campuses these days. >> the attorney general, the department of justice did not know about this yesterday. they were talking about the concept of this missouri versus biden. dan bishop, the congressman, they have zero awareness of the missouri versus biden case, set to be heard by scotus. i have ten seconds left for you,
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but wow that the doj did not know about this. >> miss clark is the head of the civil rights division that is supposed to uphold our constitutional and civil rights. if she has no idea about this gigantic censorship regime run by a federal government, we are in trouble. >> coming up, the latest on the war in gaza. israel takes the fight further south and gets pushed back. later, a woman who threw a burrito at a chipotle worker was sentenced to work in a fast food restaurant. what do you think about that punishment? let us know on social media. we will show you the best results and read the best responses in the nightcap. we are coming righ t back. i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family
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and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. ever since i retired, i've had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. you know, insomnia. which was making my days feel like an uphill battle. that is, until i discovered something different, quviviq—a once-nightly fda-approved medication for adults with insomnia. not getting enough sleep was leaving me tired. but quviviq helped me get more sleep. quviviq works differently than medication you may have taken in the past. it's thought to target one of the biological causes of insomnia: overactive wake signals. and when taken every night, studies showed sleep continued to improve over time. do not take quviviq if you have narcolepsy or if allergic to quviviq. don't drink alcohol while taking quviviq or drive or operate heavy machinery until you feel fully alert. quviviq may cause temporary inability to move
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some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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>> it is two months since the october 7th attacks by hamas and the israeli forces are battling the terrorists across gaza and some of the fiercest fighting yet. greg palkot is in israel ton tonight. >> ferocious fighting in the center of the second biggest city in gaza. house to house combat, militants around any corner. troops have circled the home of the gaza leader of hamas. >> he cannot escape but it is only a matter of time before we get him. >> they say they uncovered the biggest weapons -- so far.
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this is the idf continues to blast gaza with air strikes. leaving more devastation on the ground, 600,000 told to evacuate with little room to move. the u.s. says it is trying to get aid in. >> you will see another u.s. military aid lift going into egypt. >> also caught in the fighting, the hostages, a mosque saying no more will be released without a halt in the fighting. >> we have not lost sight of our critical mission to rescue hostages. >> among those freed, some good stories. a 17-year-old telling of hardship but how her dog, who she brought along, helped her through the ordeal. >> i am happy i managed to do
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this journey with her. >> the u.s. could be getting more involved. merrick garland saying the justice department is investigating and may seek charges against hamas members who killed 30 americans on october 7th and kidnapped more. we will hold those responsible, he said. >> thank you. let's bring in the former navy seal who trained with special forces. the security council coordinator john kirby said the following. >> we do not support a military occupation of gaza. we don't support shrinking or territorial boundaries, any permanent displacement of the people of gaza. >> every day it seems this list of what we don't support and demands gets longer and longer.
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>> one of the first rules of leadership, you don't go say what it is you're not going to do. it seems like the support we are giving is backhanded. it is giving more daylight to hamas and the terrorists and the forces of evil thinking we might get through this and israel might be forced to stop this war with us fairly intact. >> israel was saying, talking about the fiercest fighting in gaza. is this a sign that maybe netanyahu is saying we need to pick this up, pick the fighting up, maybe we don't have that much more time to continue this campaign. >> israel is facing a short time frame. your sentiments are correct. israel is trying to get as much information as they can and they are picking up the fight and
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keeping on the pressure. there is the advantage to gain more intelligence. sometimes they communicate desperately and they give up information that is essential to gain a strategic advantage in the fighting. we see the community continually asking israel to use restraint and reticence, which is a morally bankrupt argument, given the fighters they are combating against a show no restraint, only hostility towards innocent civilians. >> while we keep these demands up, the u.s. shot down another drone today in the red sea. iran is not backing off. we love giving everybody else advice on how they should do about the campaign and people are saying you need to do more to be able to tell iran to knock it off. >> the ships can monitor hundreds of miles around them,
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tens of thousands of cubic miles of airspace and they are shooting down these drones. what the rebels are doing as they are sparingly shooting these drones but keeping the ships fixed in place and doing so they have to expend weapons, time and energy to defend the space from these attacks, which should not be happening because we haven't put -- in iran and we haven't taken them down out in place before they have a chance to be launched. >> you talk about pressure, amnesty international accusing u.s. weapons of killing palestinians. the hope is the u.s. will look at this documentation and the evidence that exists and make the determination it can no longer transfer arms to israel in this current context. you have this pressure campaign coming from outside groups coming down on the president and it appears to be working. >> it is such an egregious
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double standard. we have another entity who puts an unrealistic expectation on an organization or a military effort that israel is engaged in as well as the united states. yes, we are going to find american weapons and american and western technology. we expect israel to thrive and defend their homelands and citizens. these calls talking about how we are implicated is not appropriate. >> thank you. coming up, the highest single day total of migrant encounters ever recorded and some people say, still not a crisis. a nerve-racking moment for a professional bull rider. a u.s. navy that comes home to find his world a little brighter. today's best viral videos are next, but first, a little christmas cheer in sarasota, florida, where five points park
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>> new numbers from the southern border. more than 12,000 illegal immigrants crossed into the u.s. from mexico yesterday, making it the highest single day total of encounters ever recorded. >> as of this morning, customs and border protection has over 2200 migrants in custody. the numbers are startling. 12,000 encounters. 10,200 apprehensions. as you mentioned, 22,000 and custody from a single day. while there is great concern,
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there is also, for now, no new strategy they are ready to announce that would help the border patrol stem the flow. >> he is all about border security. that is why he added money in the supplemental, to increase border security. more asylum officers, more resources to crack down on sentinel. he believes in border security. >> obviously something is not working. he went on to say the president is absolutely serious about the border crisis. even democrats admit, and considering the president's poll numbers, what is happening on the border is unsustainable. >> i know 1,000 overwhelms the
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system. we are truly in a crisis. >> for the record, we have seen a new record of 2.4 million migrant encounters and that is just so far. the president has said he is open to compromises on the border. no specificity on what that might look like. >> let's see if we can find out with our next guest. let's bring in nyra florez. i love the sound bite with john kirby saying the president is all about border security. what would it look like if he was not? 12,000 migrants in 24 hours. i want to play one more sound bite from jeh johnson. >> it was under 1,000 the day before. that was a relatively good number and if it was above
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1,000, it is a relatively bad number and i would be in a bad mood all day. >> can you imagine your mood when it is 12,000? >> it is bad when the administration is saying the quiet part out loud and admitting we have a border crisis. our border is on fire and the administration is asleep at the wheel. over 6 million people have crossed illegally into our country and this number will continue to rise because he refuses to enforce immigration laws. go back and put in place the trump administration policies. we had a secure border and a strong economy, but he refuses to do that. >> let's let the president speak for himself. >> i am willing to make
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compromises on the border. we need to fix the system. it is broken. thus far, i have gotten no response. >> he says the border system. not the border. he is talking about immigration reform. immigration reform is not going to slow the flow of migrants coming north. >> people in venezuela and latin america are hearing if they come to the united states and they claim asylum, they will be allowed to stay, so they will continue to come. he needs to enforce immigration laws. even during obama, he was called the dip order in chief. my husband has been an agent for 15 years and he said all the time, even under obama, we had a better border. this should not be about
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republican versus democrat. this is why i am running for office. we mask illegal immigration and build a safer economy. we saw the reality that it is not just a south texas problem. i got to speak with the migrants and they have been there for six months and said they are waiting for the government. i told them the government is not going to do anything for you. you have to figure it out yourself. they don't understand because they continue to be sheltered and nothing is going to change if we continue to give them and they feel entitled to our help. >> great to have you on as always. thank you. >> thank you. a hilarious coincident at the
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united kingdom's parliament christmas tree lighting and only half the lights work. the crowd burst into laughter. one man said it is a picture of what parliament looks like. able riders bull got confused and failed to clear the shoot. he squished him against the metal rails. the bull and the rider walked away unscathed. >> just put both hands together and acknowledge me for what i have done. >> a navy that found decorations and they gifted him and his family a year of free electricity. if you have a viral video, share it with us. the woman who threw a burrito at
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a chipotle worker will be doing some time working in a fast food restaurant. does the punishment fit the crime? should more judges issues similar punishments. what if you littered. do you pick up the trash? the nightcap crew is next. first, it is 846 on the west coast. here is a live look at albuquerque, new mexico, known for its balloon fiesta in the fall. next to the st. louis, missouri, skyline, home of the world's tallest arts. earth can gives us a view of the brooklyn bridge in new york city. more than 100,000 cars crossing each day. we love to give you the news lives. if you cannot stay up, we are happy to do it on tape. set your dvr. set your dvr. we are coming back with the
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nightcap crew. vapostick providn , non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors.
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[city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla.
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>> i think everybody should work in the service industry but if you throw a burning merino at my face, -- >> you are going to get jail time. you are going to be begging for
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jail time. we asked our followers if they thought this was a fair punishment. yes fair punishment, instagram, 55%. there is no worse punishment than working in fast food. no to this. if she is assaulting a chipotle worker, i don't want her preparing anything from me. she has issues. absolutely everyone should be required to work in retail so they learn how to and not to treat others. listen up judges, time to get tough sludge and put them in jail for the entire sentence. thank you for watching america's late news. see you back here. pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy.
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i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections
9:00 pm
or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and now as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. hopefully no death. here is "the five." >>


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