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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 7, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST

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find out iref you're sitting ona goldmine. call coventry today at 800 798 6200. or visit coventry direct comm and check. oh, we are out of topic to tell >> laura: hello, everyone, i'm laura ingraham, this is "the
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ingraham angle" from washington. thank you for being with us. putting evil in context, that's the focus of tonight's angle. more fallout from the hill testimony from college presidents who have equivocating on the antisemitism atmosphere on their campuses. some of the most revealing and disturbing exchanges are just now being seen by americans. specifically calling for genocide of jews, does that constitute bullying and harassment? >> if directed, it is harassment. >> so yes? >> it is condepend not decision. >> calling for genocide of jews is depending on the context? >> if the speech becomes conduct, it can be harassment, yes. >> laura: surely the esteemed harvard university president had
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a much clearer response. >> at harvard does calling for genocide much jews violate bullying or harassment, yes or no? >> it can be depending on the context? >> what is the context? >> targeted as an individual, crossing into conduct that is bullying, harassment, intimidation, that is actionable conduct and we do take action. so the answer is yes, calling for the genocide of jews violates harvard code of conduct, correct? >> again, it depends on the context. >> it does not depend on the context, the answer is yes and this is why you should resign. >> laura: imagine if an lgbtq coalition felt harassed or targeted by a right-wing mob on the campus and they were forced
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to flee to classrooms to hide, would president gay call into question the school's code of conduct? we know the answer. she's since written in part calls for genocide against the jewish community or any ethnic group are vile and those who do will be held to account. the grown-ups at harveyard had to tell her she screwed up. premiere university. and mit's sally cornbluff was maybe the best of the bunch, that is not saying much. >> yes or no, calling for genocide of jews does not constitute bullying or harassment? >> but you have heard chants. >> i've heard chants which can
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be antisemitism. >>-- code of conduct or rules? >> that would be investigated as harassment if pervasive and severe. >> laura: pervasive and severe? if they are saying destroy the jewish people, long live the intifada, how is that not severe? if only conservative students and speakers on campus receive the same benefit of a doubt she is giving pro-hamas protesters, again, we know the answer and never forget what happened when former trump officials are invited to speak to students. [chanting] >> you cancelled an even with tom holman because he worked for
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president donald trump. why was ahmad amallah let off the hook? >> our approach to speech as i identify followed and guided by united states constitution, which allows for robust perspective. i disagree with the characterization that we treat speech differently. >> laura: a critic, bill ackman summed up by wondering why these presidents still have their jobs. moral and ethical failure pervade certain institutions due in large part to failed leadership. they must all resign in disgrace. if ceo of a company gave similar answer, he or she would be toast
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within the hour. of course, that is absolutely correct. were any of these women really the most qualified individuals in america to run their respective institutions? doubtful, but we all know they checked enough boxes to leapfrog everyone else in the running for these positions thachl is how you play the game at universities. don't rock the boat and give left wing students and faculty members benefit the l of the doubt. utter disdain demonstrated yesterday mirror how they treat their alumni, as well, many do not approve how things are going on campus. when trying to grow the endowment, they put on show of respectability and excellence on campus. monthly mailings and alumni
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magazines, most experience campus life after they graduate, it looks slick and nostalgia kicks in and they take out their checkbooks. is there any sense after all this that universities are waking up? i'm not sure unless you think upenn's new initiative is way to combat antisemitism on campus temperature is called conversations for community and dinners across differences. someone was paid to come up with this idea. offer meals free of charge for penn community members allowing them to discuss issues of interest to bring them together. free food, that will keep quiet the long live intifada chants, i'm sure. the white house, walking on eggshells afraid of pro-hamas
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supporters. they are loud and tech savvy and biden needs their energy in 2024, for sure. today we learn the anti-israel revolt is not just happening in the ivy league, it is happening in the white house itself. dozens and dozens of white house staffers, interns, signed a lead demanding a permanent ceasefire. bottom, they are accusing the biden team for whom they work of aiding and abetting genocide by not demanding immediate end to israeli military operations. think of the tuition bills the parents of these interns paid to
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produce this warped thinking. that's a lot of money. time for conservatives, liberals, independents to ban together and take back institutions from the incomp at any time administrator and woke fringe holding them hostage. that's the angle. joining me now is vaughn grabegan who resigned back in october. why did you resign? well, laura, i served since 2009 and over that period of time, i found at every turn the board was just a rubber stamp to the chairman of the board. they never disagreed, every vote was unanimous and when it came to this controversy, i was
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apauled by lack of response of the president of the university and sought to have my fellow board members speak up and say something that would put her in a position to have to change her views and do something. i was told by my board members to stay on the board and wait for an emergency meeting that was called, which i did and i found it was the same old, same old, so i quit on the basis that if i stayed, i would be under fiduciary responsibility not to speak out, as an outside person now i can speak out about the horrible things going on and call for resignation of the board president and chair.
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>> laura: do you agree with bill ackman that these presidents who testified on the hill yesterday, couldn't answer simple questions, should they resign? >> i can tell you this, laura, there is no context in which the genocide of the jewish people can be condoned, it is nothing more than harassment and hateful and malicious talk and it cannot be condoned, unlike the position of the university presidents and certainly not conducive to learning for poor students who attend colleges and universities that were displayed in congress yesterday. >> laura: kids are waiting to hear -- yeah. we have a delay here. let me just -- kids are waiting to hear right now who applied
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early from a lot of these schools, whether they have been admitted or not early and there is angst among kids, am i going to get into school. what do you say to them given the process going on right now, where should they focus, on the places they go or what they do once they are there? >> to be honest, to bolster that point, antidefamation league did a study and in the study of jewish students on american colleges, they concluded more than half don't feel safe on their college or university campus and 75% of those kids feel they have been involved in or witnessed an act of antisemitism. if you are the parent of a jewish student in ninth, tenth
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or 11th grade, wouldn't want to send your kid to one of those universities. >> laura: what do you say to board members at mit, upenn, harvard, what do you say to them today? >> it's time to step up and be counted and not just serve on the boards to have a prestigious thing to put on your resume or so you can tell your friends i'm on the board of harvard or penn or whatever. it is time to be a working trustee and speak up when things are not right and not rubberstamp what goes on. just because chairman of the board or president says it is the thing to do, in your heart, if you know it is wrong, you need to step up and say it the
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wrong thing. >> laura: you are an entrepreneur and entrepreneurs have more courage than ceos. thank you, hope to talk to you soon. josh hawley described qualified briefing on ukraine most heated he's ever been part of. he's here next with all the details. stay there. ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your
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♪ today it became really obvious that the white house is simply flying to manage the political fallout from what is obviously a complete failure of biden's pentagon and state department in ukraine. now, to support the war that we could have helped avoid in the first place, we. other than funding of the pensions of ukrainian civil servants. now, remember, biden's war hawks insisted that the summer offensive would help ukraine turn the corner on russia, but, instead, it has been more like a u-turn with still only 200 square miles of territory recaptured. that's nothing but it's not a victory, it's called a stalemate. yet, the white house is still beating the war drums. >> we want ukraine to be whole and free. we want their internationally recognized borders to be respected by everyone,
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including, especially, russia. >> remember, ukrainian borders should be respected. they matter. now, the white house knows that this is a nightmare for them politically going into 2024. so they resort to the usual fear fear-mongering. >> do you think the cost of supporting ukraine is high now? just imagine how much higher it's going to be not just in national treasure, but in american blood. if he starts going after one of our nato allies. the american boots would very much have to be involved if putin is left to have strategic victory in ukraine and then perhaps goes after one of our nato allies. >> laura: how dare he speculate about our nation's blood that must be spilled. jing knee now missouri senator josh hawley. senator, the administration announced another aid package today. $175 million in arms and equipment. and they want billions more, of course. and they are trying to beg congress for it. if europe is so threatened, why is europe not ponying up the
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money here? >> yeah. exactly right. i mean, this is in europe's backyard. this is a european issue first and foremost. and we need to be honest with them, laura, it's time for the europeans to take the lead on defense of their own continent. not least we need to look to china who is our biggest overseats threat. we need to secure our own southern border that brings me to my biggest beef here which is that we don't seem to have any money to do anything for americans. i mean, we can't secure our border. we can't any of our national security imperatives. yet, we have unlimited money according to joe biden for ukraine. it's crazy exactly backwards. >> i guess late today, early tonight, in congress they blocked aid to israel and ukraine because that's tied together over this border dispute trying to tie it all together in one package. tell us about that. >> well, i mean, here's the thing. we should have passed aid to israel a long time ago. our ally israel is fighting for their existence. we should have done that
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immediately. the biden administration doesn't really care about israel aid. that's the bottom line. just like they don't really care about the border. they put those things together with ukraine, which is their top priority, apparently over everything else. laura, the border is wide open. we had a record number of terrorists on the terrorist watch list come across the border last year. and that's just the ones that we know about. yet, what's the administration want? more money for ukraine. it's ukraine, ukraine, ukraine. i have got to tell you i for one am not going to vote for a dime more for ukraine until the united states security, our border security is actually made whole and made right. >> laura: ukraine thing is over. they know it's over. they are treating it as a political liability and they are trying to manage it. to me, it's obvious. senator, your colleague, senator chuck schumer decided to drop a conservative president's name it would be insult to our ukrainian friends fighting their lives against russian autocracy and
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could go down as a major responsibilities. rolling in his grave. own party vladimir putin roll through europe. >> laura: senator, i worked for president reagan. using reagan as a convincing argument. i must have missed the part when ukraine was a member of nato. >> yeah, and this from the party that as i distinctly remember was pro-gorbachev, pro-soviet for decades. they criticized reagan constantly. this is just a joke. it's all a joke. listen, you have democrat senators saying that our southern border is just a domestic political consideration. think about that. a domestic political consideration as if the drugs coming across the border, laura, aren't killing people many in this country by the tens of thousands. as if the human trafficking and sex trafficking isn't totally out of control. it's outrageous. our security is threatened right
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now on our border. they would much rather spend money on ukraine's border than our own. i say again it's exactly backwards. it's insane. >> laura: have you ever heard senator schumer as exercised about america's security in our southern border? as he is about ukraine or frankly mitch mcconnell your colleague? i have never heard them in any way as passionate as they are about ukraine about the united states. >> no to both. absolutely not. and, listen, one of the reasons we are in the predicament we are in now republican leadership has been happy to go along with the president and shovel money to ukraine with no strings attached, no accountability, no oversight whatsoever. we are now, our border is wide open. we have got no understanding of how our money has been spent in ukraine and they are begging for more. so you bet. i mean, the congressional leadership of both parties is to blame here along with the president. and that's why it's time to say no. it's time to make american priorities the true priority here. >> laura: senator, great to see
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plus times hunter put joe on speaker phone with hunter's business associates? hunter, devon archer, burisma board member and someone's first name who rhymes with slow. yeah. mike, this reminds me of what gavin newsom did at the debate against ron desantis, deny you shut california down. no, i never did that. how do you deny it at this point? >> joe biden must think the photos are lying between joe biden and business associates and lying with testimony under oath from tony bobulinski and devon archer and schwerin and
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bank statements where it shows money coming from china to hunter and going into joe biden's bank account, all lies according to joe biden. seems the person who is lying is probably joe biden. >> laura: this does not pass the straight face test at this point. he obviously is in constant contact with his son's business associates and the media had to finally say well, cnn, there are photos out there. >> mollie: amazing to watch how the lies changed over time. i never had anything to do with the business. okay, i was involved, never too involved. a little involved, i never took money. there was money, there wasn't that much money. now back to i was never involved. there is a glifrn in the system
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and he's going back to 2016. there are receipts, video, testimony from multiple different people and a house interested in looking into the biden family business. >> laura: mike, what do you think of the hunter biden testimony, some say it will be a big backfire on republicans and will be behind closed doors and don't want to risk what might not pan out for what the gop has been arguing about his father's relationship with his work and overseas interests? >> there is no higher duty for the house of representatives than to figure out whether the president of the united states is compromised by tens of millions of dollars in bribes and other corruption, seems like to every biden family member, except for the granddaughter. the house has a duty to move
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forward and get to the bottom of this. >> laura: federalist is filing against biden administration for censorship. tell me about that. >> mollie: we filed a lawsuit against state department for violation of free speech rights, first amendment rights with daily wire, new civil liberties alliance temperature shows state department was involved in setting up, marketing, promoting and continuing to work with private companies that are engaged in censorship of speech. they privilege left-wing media like "new york times" and help advertisers meet those people and go after -- >> laura: sought to deprive you of your civil rights? >> mollie: yes, and whether the russia collusion scam or covid hysteria, they are trying to
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shut them down temperature is you have in, they should not participate using our tax dollars and power of the federal government. >> laura: this came out late today, biden hits a new low in polls. cnn numbers were shocking, even to me. latest poll by cnn, his approval rating dropped to 37%, two-thirds of americans disapprove of biden. just 35% in the latest results approved of the way he's helping middle class. percentage of americans who say their financial situation may cause them to move out of their community rising to a disturbing level thchl is the best they have, mike. biden is the best they have. >> mike: biden is a disaster to american families, democrats are making up claims that trump will be facist, even though democrats
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have been fascist with the justice department. >> laura: biden was asked if anyone else could beat trump? play that sound bite, asked if anyone else could beat trump, he said -- about 50 other people could beat trump. let's listen. do you think any democrat could defeat trump other than you? >> probably 50 of them. >> you do believe -- >> i'm not the only one that will defeat him, but i will defeat him. >> mollie: painful to watch him in this type of situation, it tells us he is not dropping out. he is saying it is not going to be that way, it's him. >> mollie: those numbers, if you are head of the dnc, oops. two top spots in cycling were just taken by two trans
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♪ ♪ >> laura: we can call this next segment a recycling story
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because once again meter obamacare male athletes are entering female competitions and winning. check out tessa johnson. where's the close up and evelyn williamson. these cyclists took first and second place at last weekend's women's cycling championships. well, my next guest has raced against tease is a as recently as october when she lost. joining me now multi time national champion cyclist evey edwards. how can we ever expect female athletes to win against trans athletes in the strength reliance sports ever again? >> i think just any sport we can expect for men to dominate females and i don't understand why we are having this conversation still. every rational person knows that there's a difference between biological males and that male bodies don't belong in female sport.
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>> laura: well, you competed against tessa going back to 2017. tell me about that and how that went. >> i mean, it was a race opener, we went to wisconsin. i was there with my family. i had raced in the masters women race and won and decided to then finish out our time there in the elite women's race. and i really wasn't -- it wasn't on my radar that tessa would be there. i looked up off the starting line looked up the frontline and i saw a trans supporter with a huge balloon shaped hat that was in the form of a trans flag. and then tessa and i did battle through the first couple of corners on that first lap. it's a multi lap race. there is barriers. there is flyovers that you have to ride your bike over. you are on and off. quite honestly once i realized that it felt like the competition was meaningless to me. it kills your desire to do your best when you know that it's
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unfair. >> laura: evey, how long did you train to become a champion? >> i was an ncaa runner so i have been an athlete my entire life. i very distinctly remember when i was the fastest kid in elementary school as many female athletes do recall. it's not that long that you then become the fastest girl. so there is always a difference. there is a biological difference. and so being a lifelong athlete is important to me. i raced in -- i was a runner in college and then became a cyclist. i have been racing competitively for 17 years. i have also birthed two children and they are both athletes. so it's extremely important to me to understand and to impart in my children and to the women around me that competition should be fair. and it's not fair when we are told that a very select few men are allowed special rules and considerations and that their feelings are more important than fairness in women's sport. this is on any category. any level.
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right now we have the elite women who are protected. >> laura: what i'm trying to understand, evie, is there a time in which women to decide you know something? we are boycotting this fraud. it's a fraud what is happening. this is fraudulent. this is unfair. and we're not participating in this. >> yeah, it's really hard. women train and they are very focused on trying to do their best. and it's just -- it's hard knowing that there's this variable that a male could show up. and you just don't know. you are not expecting it. and we're getting to a point where almost every female that takes the line in a competition is going to need to expect that there is a male body there taking an opportunity away from her. >> laura: if tessa was competing in the same category among the elite male cyclists how we do? >> oh, tessa, no. tessa already was a male cyclist and was mediocre.
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>> laura: yeah, that's what i figured as someone who was an athlete in my day. evie, great to see you. thanks so much for. when it comes to so-called transphobic they cannot take it? >> although the title of this hearing implies a much needed discussion. we are likely going to be forced to listen to transphobic bigotry. >> if my testimony makes me transphobic then i believe your opening monologue makes you a misogynist. >> excuse me, i move to have the gentlewoman's words taken down. >> the committee will suspend. >> can i just ask how it's fair to be called transphobic. >> there is. >> i would say men disguising themselves as women are engaging in personality disorder. >> hang on, hang on. >> order, order. let's get a ruling. >> that was great. joining me now riley gaines director at the leadership institute independent women's forum ambassador.
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reilly, there are a lot of moments, stunning moments in that hearing. the panic that you could hear set in among the democrats when you gave them a little taste of their own medicine. i was hysterically laughing. did you expect to rattle them that much? >> no, of course i was not prepared to add that last sentence it wasn't in my initial testimony. after listening to lee's opening monologue it really hit me. of course, my stance on this issue of allowing men into women's sports, my stance is pro-woman. it's not anti-anything. it's being pro-woman is being anti-trans what is inherently being pro-trans be antiwoman which is what a misogynist is they are antiwoman. that's the behavior of that representative lee and all the democrats in that hearing that's the behavior they displayed. of course it was ad-lib. i said. this and it certainly sent them into a tail spin. they basically had to factor around reset go into a time-out.
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but they -- i think it's telling. they hate when their own interactional language is used against them. lawrence. >> laura: it's about time we did that. you did so brilliantly i might add. well, alexandria ocasio-cortez was painting this dire picture of what would happen, riley if, indeed, there was some kind of check in place to prevent biological men from competing in women's sports. watch this. >> we are talking about opening up all women and girls to gentle examination when they are under age, potentially just because someone can point to someone and say i don't think you're a girl. we're supposed to believe that this is going to make us better? >> laura: my goodness is she ignorant? that's a polite way of saying it. it's really beyond stupid. is this what you are advocating
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genital exams for young athletes? >> no. her response was entirely -- i mean that was fear-mongering. maybe what she is referring to is a routine physical that every athlete male, female, every athlete has to go through, maybe that's what she means? but the idea of genital inspection, that's not happening anywhere. and i think both sides of the aisle can agree that's not an appropriate or satisfactory way to determine sex. that's silly. states -- she was referring to state lengths lay temperature and what the states are doing. 2 # states passed a fairness in women's sports bill. and what these states are doing referring to birth certificates or some form of government issued identification so that's definitely silly. >> laura: i guess the birth certificate idea was lost on aoc. riley, excellent, excellent job. we need more people on the hill who think like you do. thank you so much. all right. up next, we are going to expose the governor who stole christmas and a president who is
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laser-focused on little girl's ears who could that be. "seen an
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israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children.
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time for "seen and unseen" where we revealed the stories behind the headlines. raymond arroyo, as we mentioned, his pole numbers are in total freefall without exaggeration. but biden is justifying another presidential campaign this way. >> would you be running for president if trump wasn't running? >> i expect so. but he is running and i have to run. >> reporter: if he drops out, will you drop out? >> no, not now. >> this may be the first time in american politics where some guy runs because he really doesn't like the other guy. but if the other guy wasn't running he might not be running either. this is the beginning of the bogeyman campaign.
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we saw this in the la fundraisers biden did with steven spielberg and barbra streisand where he made the case that trump is hitler and he's going to take all your abortions away. i guess that is the last card in the deck when the black for bass, american arabic base are abandoning him he's got to find an angle where you can. >> when he said he is looking into the darkness toward the light he said not now. i thought he meant where is my milk and cookies. not now. i never know what the man is talking about. >> today, the president held a native american summit at the white house. a code talker was probably needed to make sense of this address. 3 historic protections were my predecessor guided gutted by my predecessor at three national monuments. by the way, how that happened, i was on the plane and a little girl came up to me and said
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mr. president, can you take care of business? i thought you said can i take care of her ears. >> what is it, laura, with this president and little girls ears? remember this from a few weeks ago. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. i love your ears. they are really cool. what is your name? how old are you? 17? >> 6. >> oh my lord. run cindy lou who. it's going to be your ears. >> raymond when he said bears ears, i don't know. >> i thought he said brassieres for a minute. >> that was a clinton press conference. >> the real grinch is california governor gavin newsom who has announced that the annual tree lighting ceremony in sacramento is now canceled due to pro-
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hamas protesters. newsom turned the tree lighting ceremony into a virtual event and this poor woman thought she was attending the tree lighting in person. >> virtually? >> correct. >> disappointed. the whole thing is sad. >> will you watch virtually? >> probably not. >> laura, this is unbelievable. he heard there were going to be pro- hamas protesters at the tree lighting ceremony. so gavin newsom cancels a 92 year tradition and makes it a virtual event. he did this a few weeks ago when pro- hamas protesters invaded the democratic state convention in california and they shut that down too. collapsing to this mob, giving up religious and national traditions, 92 year tradition that the majority hold dear. this is a huge mistake politically, culturally and many
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other ways. >> the gavin who stole christmas. ramen, this isn't a point we have mentioned before. the pro- hamas crowd, the islam is, the political islamists are not just anti-semitic. they are anti-christian, anti- judeo-christian tradition. there is a desire to dominate the culture with islam. that is kind of the ultimate goal of the political islamists. >> a pluralistic society is not acceptable. this is totalitarianism. this is what it looks like. stamp out everything that i don't believe. that's not the american way and is not the american system. >> did they take the roast beast too? raymond, also in california this time in san mateo thieves are getting pretty brazen. this guy actually stole the christmas tree off a family's car roof.
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that's how desperate it is getting. >> and you believe it? i believe i can top your yuletide outrage. the porch pirates in antioch, california stole a santa decoration from a family's front porch. the idea that you are taking joy from children, stealing christmas trees. these people should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and made an example of. you know who i hope comes and visits them? cramp us. i hope he is real. >> santa claus, why are you stuffing our tree up the chimney? remember that from the grinch? i am just getting the tree lights repaired. that's the greatest of all time. that and charlie brown christmas. wonderful to see you. thank you. that's it for us tonight. set your dvr and sta


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