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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 7, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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getting. >> and you believe it? i believe i can top your yuletide outrage. the porch pirates in antioch, california stole a santa decoration from a family's front porch. the idea that you are taking joy from children, stealing christmas trees. these people should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and made an example of. you know who i hope comes and visits them? cramp us. i hope he is real. >> santa claus, why are you stuffing our tree up the chimney? remember that from the grinch? i am just getting the tree lights repaired. that's the greatest of all time. that and charlie brown christmas. wonderful to see you. thank you. that's it for us tonight. set your dvr and sta
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>> this is the fourth debate, the fourth debate you would be voted in the first 20 minutes as most obnoxious blow-hard. >> chris, closing a bridge from new jersey to new york, do everybody a favor and walk yourself off that stage, enjoy a nice meal and get the hell out of this race. >> trump didn't do anybody about it. >> this is rich, when she was governor of south carolina she was number one ranked governor of bringing the ccp to his state. he is mad because wall street donors used to support him and now they support me. he has a chinese company. >> you have a corruption problem, that is what people need to know, nikki haley is corrupt, she will send your kids so she can buy a bigger house. >> carley: final republican
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presidential debate ahead of the iowa caucuses next month. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro, that slugfest continued, donald trump up by 40 points in new poll and ron desantis distant second. brooke singman has more from the big moments from last night. >> brooke: it was an all-out brawl. nikki haley facing multiple attacks from her opponents. >> nikki haley, you were bankrupt when you left the un, you became a military contractor and now you are a millionaire. the math does not add up. >> we were not bankrupt when i left the un, we are people of service. >> you have other candidates like nikki haley, she caves any time the left comes after her, when the media comes after her.
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i did a bill in florida to stop gender mutilation of minors, she opposes that bill. >> he continues to lie about my record. it doesn't go far enough because it only talked about gender until third grade. >> nikki haley thinks the girlfriend should identify every individual with an iv, that is fascism. >> i love all the attention, thank you for that. i never said government should require. >> carley: haley was not only one who was offended. governor desantis seemed stunned when asked if he planned to drop out of the race. >> the voters make this decision, i'm sick of hearing about the polls, they were not predicting that i would win the way i did. i won in the state of florida, i'm looking forward to iowa and new hampshire, voters will speak
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and we will earn this nom nagsz. >> brooke: candidates were taking shots at their biggest opponent and he wasn't on the debate stage. this angry, bitter man wants to be president to exact retribution on anyone that disagreed with him. his conduct is unacceptable, he's unfit and be careful what you get. if you get another donald trump term, he's letting you know, i am your retribution. it is donald trump first. >> brooke: iowa voters say they prefer donald trump as the 2024 republican nominee in new des moines register poll. trump is expected to ston in the hawkeye state on wednesday and iowa caucuses are on january 15th. >> carley: the big day. thank you so much. there are tough questions off the top from meghan kelly who questioned each candidate about their weaknesses and vivek ramaswamy came in number one as
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speaking most, ron desantis, nikki haley and chris christie. i think we know where everyone stands on policy. this was characterized by personal attacks, it was ugly. >> todd: these guys agree on 95% of things, they fight over the 5%, does any of it matter? bret baier says no, no one can stop trump in the race. >> president trump, as chris christie says is up 20, 30, 40, 50 points, depending on the poll you look at, so they are playing for number two. this is a moment where the other candidates are not attacking former president trump, they are not doing it. they are not doing it with ads, we saw this in 2016, marco rubio went after jeb bush and donald trump hit the gap. right now that is what is happening. advantage lobs obviously is with
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the former president. >> todd: find out what the voters think, iowa caucus january 15th. >> carley: in the house, house is expected to vote on whether to censor senator jamaal bowman for pulling the fire alarm at the capitol. yesterday it failed by 15 votes. >> the censor resolution against me today continue to demonstrate inability to govern. i was rushing to the capitol to vote and prevent a republican shutdown. when i tried to exit a door i usually go through, it didn't open and due to confusion and rush to go vote, i pulled the fire alarm. no way did i obstruct official proceedings. >> what is next, jaywalking? get us for jaywalking? for not crossing the street correctly, is that what you will raise for censor next.
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this is truly ridiculous. >> carley: jamaal bowman pled guilty and was forced to pay a fine. if final vote passes, he would be 26th lawmaker to be censored. >> todd: trying to stop a political proceeding is not jaywalking. >> carley: a big difference. fans of "home alone" is pointing to one scene. this was 1990. ♪ >> hold on, i got a coupon for that. it was in the paper this morning. >> todd: next guest puts us to the test, last year she couldn't believe how much more she paid for the same yment. wait until you see the same price tag today, that is next. >> i'm in good shape.
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i'm an actor in an ad, who was given 12 seconds to remind you that if you're high, just don't drive. 'cause if you feel different, you drive different. it's illegal to drive high everywhere anyway.
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>> janice: good morning, take a look at the weather, shall we? couple things going on. warm temperatures for central u.s. and storm will develop over next couple days that will impact the country. area of high pressure will move in toward central u.s. today and break possible records in texas and kansas, nebraska and south
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dakota. look at temperatures. 64 in kansas city. 56 in fargo, that is crazy. 51 in chicago. we're not really getting in on the love in new york, it is 40. we have the storm system, several of them moving to the northwest and northern california thchl is an atmospheric river, meaning we're seeing areas of low pressure target the same regions over and over again and heading through the weekend, more of the same. flooding will be a big concern along the coast and snow with this for parts of the interior left. rain still to come. three to five inches in areas that are saturated. flash flooding, look at the snow that will fly across the west toward the rockies and into colorado. the storm system that moves out of the west will impact the east with severe storms, including tornados and could see heavy rainfall and snow depending
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where you live and how cold it is. here is the rain forecast and snow forecast getting into saturday through monday, could see quite a bit of snow across interior sections of the northeast. there is gfs model. interior sections, upstate new york, white and green mountains getting in on the snow for a white christmas. severe threat tomorrow for the plain states and a bigger threat on saturday with risk for tornados. it does happen and we have warm air, keep that in mind. >> todd: very busy. >> janice: >> todd: thanks. ♪ ♪ >> hold on, i got a coupon for that. it was in the paper this morning. >> $19.83.
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>> okay. >> carley: oh, how times have changed. pricis went from $19.83 last year. next guest purchased the same item and the total came to $44.40. today the same experiment ran over $72 at one chicago grocery store. west virginia mom of two and owner of drifter donuts, rochelle joins me. what do you think about the price increases from kevin to now grocery store prices increased 130%. are you seeing the same increases? >> yes, i know different parts of the country see different rates of inflation and some rates of inflation are normal across decades, but inflation we have felt is the same as every other american and it is tough to pay for groceries week to week.
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>> carley: it certainly is. you are the perfect person to talk about this. you have two young children, who i'm sure eat a lot of groceries and you own a business that you run on the weekend. mini-donut food truck. what creases are you seeing there? >> we have seen some increases, particularly with our cake mix. it has gone up 28% since we started in 2021. >> carley: have you thought about how much money you would be saving if prices stayed at the 2021 rates and what you would be doing with that money? >> oh, sure, we wish that the prices would have stayed the same, unfortunately, due to more demand, there are more businesses entering the market after covid and more supply chain issues we're dealing with. we've had disruption in product and we've had to wonder if we
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will be able to operate and make it to this weekend with the product we have. >> carley: you are thinking because prices are so high, you might go out of business as a result of that? >> no, we've been fortunate, we have a supportive communities, as well as state of west virginia is small business friendly. we do not fear that. it is not our sole source of income, but i know that is a fear for many small businesses. >> carley: we were showing pictures of your mini-doughnuts. where can people go to fine your food truck? >> we sell gift cards, as well, find us on facebook and instagram under drifter doughnuts. the doughnuts look delicious. >> todd: last week the cookie
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lady and today the doughnut lady, best food visuals. >> carley: get the food next time. a california grandfather is sucker punched while pushing his grandchild in a stroller and this is not the suspect's first attack. always the case. we have details. >> todd: and getting the budget slashed thanks to the migrant crisis, a firefighter is here to sound the alarm next.
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or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. >> carley: listen to this awful story. a man is behind bars after sucker punching a grandfather who was pushing a stroller with his infant grandson inside. here he is approaching the pair and strikes the man so hard he falls over, taking the stroller down with him. the attack was unprovoked.
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he walks to the car and drives away. they are expected to make a full recovery. the man was already wanted for a separate attack on a child. >> todd: that is kardashian country. new york city has decided to slash the fire department budget, forcing the department to cut 20% of staff. many are removing the fifth man. >> fifth firefighters are crucial because they help take the strain and stress off fellow engine crews and thereby reducing the likelihood of injury. in a fire department that is already understaffed by 900 firefighters this guarantees there will be rise in injury and corresponding lack of manpower
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because of it. >>-- andrew joins me now. we got context from the sound bite. what is the fifth man and why is it so important? >> there are 193 engine companies in new york city. 20 in the busiest area are firefighter engine, engine that takes the hose into the fire and puts the fire out. studies show having that additional firefighter on the line can reduce the time it takes to get a fire out. you have better chance of civilian survivability and less smoke and the fire won't spread. for firefighters, getting that fire out faster protickets us. having that additional firefighter on the line is less stress on us.
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heart attack is number one killer of firefighters. >> todd: with that as the backdrop, can you wrap your head around the insanity of jeopardizing the lives of the citizens and firefighters to give people who are here in our city illegally all expenses paid trip. >> as a taxpayer, i would be disgusted to find out it would be affected by the migrant crisis. there is eshg normous new york city budget. this is 1/10th of 1% of that budget. there will be a company that does not have that additional firefighters. >> todd: and you are heading into winter, the busiest time for firefighters. has mayor eric adams set you up to fail? >> absolutely. when eric adams came into
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office, his budget people told them to remove this because of the medical leave was so high. this was in 2022. within a few weeks, fire in the bronx and we lost 17 people. we had a conversation and the fifth firefighter came back. medical leave has been hard, we are understaffed. they brought the additional staffing back and now taking it away again as we go into winter. he's been informed. >> todd: he said he is not doing anything to jeopardize public safety. your response to that? >> same thing as taking police off the street. we put out fires, you put less of us on the street, it will take longer inform fires, seconds save lives. if you are adding minutes, there is only one outcome. >> todd: hope he reverses this
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strategy before another tragedy. over to you. >> carley: today marks 82 years since 2400 service members and civilians were killed in the attack on pearl harbor. hundreds of japanese fighter planes damaged or destroy 20 american vessels and airplanes. today's site serves as memory of the lives lost and the sacrifice they made for our country. now to this. gavin, the grinch newsom scraps the christmas tree lighting at the white house and goes viral. he is getting backlash. that is coming up next. ♪ i really can't stay. >> baby, it's cold outside. i've got to go away.
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>> baby, it's cold out. ♪ ♪ st but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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>> todd: smoke rising over gaza this morning, two months since the deadly her rift attack on israel. >> carley: trey yingst live in southern israel this morning. hi, trey. >> trey: good morning, it's been two months since the october 7 massacre and war rages on. israelis continue airstrikes in
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the gaza strip. israeli troops are pushing in deeper on the ground, targeting different areas, including the neighborhood in the north and khan yunis, gaza second largest city in the south. much of the street to street fighting is causing heavy casualties, also among israeli forces. 87 israelis have been killed. they are looking for the hostages being held inside the strip. we are learning about the experience of the hostages. this week, prime minister netanyahu along with his cabinet meeting with the hostages released as part of the ceasefire deal. one woman speaking out, she says, my daughters are asking, where is daddy. i have to tell them the bad people don't want to release him yet. you are only thinking of rule.
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we did speak with that woman's brother yesterday and he had this to say about their experience. there are people that are dying piece by piece there as we speak. and we know both of my sisters told us when they were there, they said, we were sure that israel gave up on us. >> trey: there is frustration among the family members of those who still have loved ones inside gaza. that man's brother-in-law still being held by hamas today. >> carley: hanukkah will start at sundown tonight, it will be solemn in israel, i'm sure. trey yingst live for us. thank you.
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back at home, christmas tradition cancelled in california. >> are the kids ready? ready to kickoff the countdown. five, four, three, two, one. happy holidays, california! ♪ joy to the world the lord is come let earth receive her -- >> carley: governor newsom moved the public christmas tree event online over planned pro-palestinian protests. it was prerecorded live stream and entire capital bu capitol building lawn has been blocked off. what do you think about the governor cancelling this event and moving it online? >> the governor kept kids on zoom school longer than any
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other state. we shouldn't be surprised he moved this to a virtual ceremony. this tradition dates back to the 1930s. it is not the first time gavin newsom stood up to pro-hamas protesters. pro-hamas protesters have shut events down and we're yet to hear anything from this governor on standing with our partner, israel. we just heard heartwrenching stories and gavin newsom has been silent about his party pushing this agenda. >> carley: i am sure small business owners are upset, they could have had foot traffic and raised money with this event. have you heard from any of them? >> absolutely. when we have community events and it is getting tougher and tougher in places like
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sacramento because of rise in crime and pro-criminal policies that democrats have championed and governor newsom signed many policies into action. small businesses are hurting. this is detrimental to businesses. >> carley: governor newsom said he cancelled to make sure everybody stays safe. does he have a point there if this tree lighting were to take place and a protest happened, how would you make sure it didn't get out of hand? >> that is why we have to stand with law enforcement, he is coming down on the side of criminals. we deserve a governor that will stand up to the radical left and governor newsom has proved he is not willing to do that. he should not get the promotion to the white house. >> carley: i'm sure protesters would consider this a win, they
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can say, look what we did, threatened a protest and this big event was shut down. could this lead to more protests and more events being shut down? >> what we are seeing in california across college campuses and different communities, big public events that have been long-standing traditions is showing what is happening because of this democrat socialist agenda. the far and regressive side and you are seeing views of what happened at the convention, this shut down the convention event and we can't get our governor to stand up and say this is wrong? we need to stand with our ally in israel. that is a sad state of affairs. >> carley: the tree is lit, if you want to see it, you can watch on facebook. feels like 2020 all over again. thank you for joining us.
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also this, antiwoke beer company celebrating real women of america with a brand new calendar and there are some familiar faces on it. >> todd: want to know who is in it and college board revised ap african american studies course which means high school students will learn about colin kaepernick. forget that math and science stuff. joe concha may have been in a calendar, he will educate us all on that story next. ♪ ♪ icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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(jennifer) the reason why golo customers have such long term success is because we focus on real foods in the right balance so you get the results you want. when i tell people how easy it was for me to lose weight on golo, they don't believe me. they don't believe i can eat real food and lose this much weight. the release supplement makes losing weight easy. release sets you up for successful weight loss because it supports your blood sugar levels between meals
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so you aren't hungry or fatigued. after i started taking release, the weight just started falling off. since starting golo and taking release, i've gone from a size 12 to a 4. before golo, i was hungry all the time and constantly thinking about food. after taking release, that stopped. with release, i didn't feel that hunger that comes with dieting. which made the golo plan really easy to stick to. since starting golo and release, i have dropped seven pant sizes and i've kept it off. golo is real, our customers are real, and our success stories are real. why not give it a try?
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>> carley: president biden sidestepping supreme court cancelling 4.8 billion in student loan debt bringing grand total to whopping $132 billion, plan the high court shot down in june. >> todd: if the president doesn't have to follow the law, who does? cheryl casone is here. >> cheryl: just in time for christmas, president biden is forgiving 4.8 billion in student
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debt, going around the supreme court, wiping debt of 80's,000 borrowers. i won't back down from using every tool at our disposal. gop candidate and florida governor ron desantis saying it is unfair to those who didn't go get a degree. watch. >> another thing burdening young people are these student loans, i don't support a truck driver having to pay a degree. >> cheryl: the president's job approval rating is below 40%. one thing that helped in 2020 was young voters. democrats need those to turn out. mike johnson slamming this move by biden saying it is unfair and
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plain wrong. >> carley: let's talk about a beer company and their new calendar. >> cheryl: the antiwoke beer company, y'all have interviewed them, conservative dads ultra-right beer, have a new partnership with famed ncaa swimmer riley gaines, just in time for christmas, buy this calendar. this is seth weathers announcing this. that is not seth, by the way, i want to point that out. he makes the announcement about that calendar. beer companies used to be about great beer, patriotism, fast cars and women. the beer is a hot seller as sales of bud light drag down as the dylan mulvaney partnership that went wrong. revenue down 13.5% in q3.
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when you lost kid rock, you have lost america. >> carley: you have a point there, i have a feeling there will be calendars sold this holiday season. >> cheryl: one thought. seth, if you are watching, you should do a calendar with shirtless dads. >> todd: stop it. >> carley: not a bad idea. holding kittens or puppies. >> todd: joe concha and me? >> carley: we didn't say which guys. gop candidates took the stage last night for the final debate before t -- >> only person more fascist is nikki haley who think the government should identify every individual with an iv, that is fascism. >> i love the attention, thank you for that. what i said social media companies need to show us their
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algorithms and there are millions of bots on social media, foreign, chinese, iranian. do i think social media would be more civil if we had people's names next to that, yes -- >> she said one thing i will do, social media, i want your name. >> todd: joe concha joins us now. you are a messaging expert, what is your messaging in terms of who won? >> joe: there are four candidates on the stage and all will not be in the oval office at this point. vivek ramaswamy went out of his way to criticize donald trump, perhaps because he wants to be in his administration one day. >> carley: to criticize him? >> joe: he didn't criticize trump at all. vivek ramaswamy telling chris christie to go have a nice meal and get off the stage, things
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that play well on social media, not sure it helps either candidate any way. nbc did a straw poll of voters in georgia, key swing state and here are results in terms of people that won the debate or they thought. nikki haley, one person thought. chris christie one person tho thought. two people thought vivek ramaswamy won it. 18 people thought donald trump won it and he wasn't there. like the nit tournament, teams that don't make the ncaa tournament. hard to catch a guy who is leading by 40 when he's not there. >> todd: another basketball point, this was meant to hit the people in iowa. a lot of people didn't know the debate were going on and a lot of them were watching clark's iowa basketball game. a lot may not have been
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watching. >> joe: university of iowa basketball. >> todd: great point bret baier made. >> joe: this comes down to iowa and new hampshire, donald trump will get the nomination, simple. >> carley: felt tailor made. vivek ramaswamy held up a sign. you know that will go viral on twitter. how does it elevate him in the polls? only time will tell. >> joe: most likely not, if he had a poop map -- >> carley: that happened in the debate with gavin newsom and ron desantis. talk about joe biden, his campaign manager was asked if president biden will participate in any of the 2024 presidential debate and he was noncommittal, watch this. >> we are focused on building a
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campaign, we'll have those conversations, our focus is on the campaign for 2024. >> that is no, you have not? >> i said the campaign will take a look at the schedule and we'll have the conversation, our focus is on building on campaign and infrastructure. >> carley: they will look at the schedule. >> joe: that is code for joe biden will not debate. donald trump is beneath me, i should not be on the same stage as this insurrectionist deck dictator. it is unworthy of the prez presidency. they will keep joe biden away from the public stage as were as possible, especially in a debate and this is preview of that. >> todd: quick answer, college board revising ap african
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american course to include lesson on colin kaepernick kneeling, thoughts? >> joe: i'd rather see more teaching and less of colin kaepernick and more of martin luther king, judge by character. more martin luther king, less colin kaepernick, what has he done to improve lives of african americans by saying we should defend police. >> todd: ignores accomplishments by so many. >> carley: thank you. >> todd: boat full of migrants just landed on a beach near a ritzy neighborhood. andy biggs will talk about the record number of illegal immigrants flooding into our country. >> carley: good morning, lawrence. >> lawrence: primary debate or
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ufc fighting match, candidates going at it. all candidates on the stage will join us live in the diner to get reaction to what happened on the debate stage and talk to the american people that are here and fired up. they want a candidate that will change the direction of the country. we will talk about it, live from tuscaloosa, alabama. (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room.
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♪ a wild story happening again. the lapd and border patrol a second migrant smuggling boat washed up on the beach in malibu, california yesterday. this comes after a boat full of migrants washed up in the same ritzy neighborhood last week home to a listers like barbra streisand leonardo decaprio and cher. 25 migrants hop out and run to shore. 12,000 migrant encounters happen at our southern border on tuesday. that is the highest number in
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history for a single day. but here's what the president had to say about it. >> extreme republicans are playing chicken with our national security, holding ukraine's funding hostage extreme border policies. i made it clear we need congress to make changes to fix what is a broken immigration system. because we know, we all it's broken. i'm willing to do significantly more. >> carley: arizona congressman andy biggs joins us now. just to put that number into context 12,000 migrant encounters in a single day. take a listen to something former dhs secretary jeh johnson said in 201. listen to this i know 1,000 overblems the system. i cannot begin to imagine what 4,000 looks like. we are truly in a crisis. >> carley: now we are at three times what jeh johnson said he couldn't even imagine would be like. we're at 12,000 instead of 4
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you, though. the president yesterday blamed republicans. what's your response to that. >> well, it's not the republicans that have opened the border. and we can now see what 12,000 or 10,000 a day looks like because that's the average is over 10,000 a day right now. and so when you start looking at how this is unfolding, look. there was not, in that group of 1,000 in lukeville, arizona, two days ago. there was not a single female. there was not a single child. every one of that 1,000 plus persons was 18 to 35-year-old men we call that military age. they have made this country very dangerous. and we don't know what we don't know because we know there was probably another 5,000 people who came in that got away, that didn't turn themselves in. >> todd: drilling down on that, each day that the biden administration allows new records to be broken at our southern and northern border. can't forget about the northern border, how much does the threat of a terror attack on the
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homeland increase, congressman? >> increases almost exponentially. >> in the briefings i have had recently. they a have acknowledged that venezuela has t ties with hezbollah and hamas. we have people coming up from venezuela daily that are actually submitting themselves. but we don't know how many people are getting away everyday. we do know in the biden administration there is over 2 million unknowns that have come into the country. that means we don't know their country of origin. we don't know where they are going into this country. and we don't know what their intentions are in this country. you can be assured since they are coming through dressed in camo and wearing carpet shoes and wearing backpacks they are bringing drugs and with the cartels and some of them are actually related to terrorist activity. hoping to create a terrorist event in this country. >> carley: so scary. congressman, one of the big news items yesterday that the senate shout down the ukraine, israel funding panel over the fact that
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it didn't have border security in it. that's something that democrats aren't going to go for. what do you think is going to happen there? >> >> well, i think that they need to break it up into separate bills. we have already funded out of the house israel. but, beyond that, there needs to be measurable metrics on reduction of the influx, this invasion that is happening. you have to bring that under control before you start giving it out to other nations like u.k. we just don't have the money. we are borrowing the money they wanted to give to u.k. we made our country more dangerous under this administration. and it's time we take care of our country and our southern border, first. >> todd: meantime president biden dismissing questions about his family business dealings. take a listen. >> can you explain to the americans, to americans impeachment inquiry why you reacted to s so many of your son and brother's business. >> i'm not going to comment, did i not.
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they are a bunch of lies. >> business associates? >> did i not. they are lies. >> todd: 20 seconds left to you, congressman. people often have outbursts like that when they are caught in a lie. isn't that right? >> that's exactly right. look, we have testimony -- sworn testimony of more than 20 contacts that he had with hunter biden's business clients. and there was always money transferred into the biden family operations after those contacts by joe biden. so, i'm not sure who is lying -- well, actually i am sure who is lying. it isn't the people who swore under oath. right? >> todd: abbe lowell hunter's attorney wish list to santa not a legally enforced document. he is trying to get this thing public not going to happen. congressman biggs, thank you very much. >> carley: have a great day appreciate it. "fox & friends" starts now. have a good one, everybody. ♪ >> on stage tonight four candidates. all vying to become their party's nominee. >> n


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