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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 7, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> nikki will cave to those big donors. nikki is corrupt. >> i love all the attention, fellas, thank you for that. >> there is no bigger issue than donald trump. >> i have a record of standing up and doing what is right. >> you have a record of lying. those wall street donors used to support them and now they support me. >> don't interrupt me. i didn't interrupt you. >> walk yourself off stage and have a nice meal. >> you have these three acting as if the race is between the four of us. >> we need someone in the white house who going to be at fighter. i beat the left time and time again and that's what i will do for you. >> mass shooting at the university of las vegas. >> everyone is hysterical. >> four people dead including the gunman. >> a bunch of lies. >> we have sworn testimony of contacts that he had with hunter biden's business clients. >> they're lies. >> a man is behind bars after sucker punching a grandfather who was pushing a stroller with his infant grandson inside. the attack was completely unprovoked.
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♪ good morning, good morning. let's do it. >> what is happening? [cheers and applause] >> lawrence: good morning, family. good to be in alabama. there was a big debate last night. who thought ron desantis won? raise your hand. [cheers] >> who thought vivek ramaswamy won? [cheers] >> lawrence: who thought nikki haley won?
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cheers] >> lawrence: chris christie? [one cheer] >> lawrence: one person in the back. who thought donald trump won even though he wasn't there? all right. that's the people, guys, ainsley, steve, brian, a crazy debate last night. >> steve: it was. today you are at brick and spoon in tuscaloosa. not too far from where they had the debate. we just saw you hauling breakfast out to a bunch of people. lawrence, what is brick and spoon famous for breakfast-wise? >> lawrence: so. shrimp and grits which i cannot. >> steve: for breakfast? >> lawrence: i cannot wait to try. >> ainsley: any time. >> lawrence: welcome to the south. in the south you get shrimp and grits. catfish and grits. we like full meets even for breakfast. >> ainsley: grits are that ticialgly a breakfast dish. but if you add the shrimp in usual will you you will see that on lunch or dinner menu if they are good. >> steve: i have had them for breakfast at the sanctuary in
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tijuana. >> brian: vivek coming up. governor ron desantis will be there and governor nikki haley. ambassador nikki haley is going to be there all coming up over the next two hours. meanwhile talking about the debate that stands out. one thing is pretty clear. they know this is the last debate until iowa. and iowa is going to make or break a few candidacies. if ron desantis doesn't win it or come very, very close, i can't see him going on to new hampshire. if nikki haley is in contention. i think she regardless of how she does. she is going to live right through south carolina. vivek ramaswamy says his support has been hidden surge late with a lot of appearances and has about. >> ainsley: candidates are always worried about who is going to get the female vote. especially those independent women. nikki haley is the only woman running women do like her stance on abortion. she is not for abortion but she says i am not going to vilify people who are. last night they were just
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attacking her because i think she is a threat to them she said the moderator said do you want to respond to that she said it's not even worth my time. i'm not responding to him. and another point you saw that in the montage, i love all the attention, fellas, thank you for that news nation did something where they allowed the candidates 90 seconds to answer the first question gave them a little more time. i actually liked that although some of the questions, the question about which president do you look for for inspiration and guidance and chris christie said ronald reagan. sounds like he is writing a book about that. nikki haley said george washington and abraham lincoln. vivek ramaswamy said thomas jefferson because of the declaration of independence. and he invented the swivel chair. but curiously enough. it was ron desantis who said his
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role model was calvin coolidge think about history. stern, cold guy. important. but kind of an odd choice. >> brian: balanced the budget. i think that's what he wants to prove that he is fiscally responsible. on foreign policy man it really matters. think about what is going on in congress. going to decide if they're going to vote on israel raid, taiwan aid and ukraine aid. and republicans came back and said not unless you put former m border in there. where do these candidates stand? here's a look. >> how far would you go as president to secure the release of those eight american hostages and would it include sending american forces into combat? >> we should work together with them so that they can bring hamas to heel. look, i served in iraq back in the day. i'm the only one running for president that served in the military. >> ron gets asked a question and he doesn't answer it. your question was very specific. you said would you send american troops as commander-in-chief and
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he went on to this 1:30 hosanna about his knowledge of the military. >> would you send the american troops in to rescue hostages. >> absolutely. you are damn right i would send the american army in there to get our people home and get them home now. i will answer that question directly. >> so foreign policy experience is not the same as foreign policy wisdom. it's one thing that joe biden and nikki haley have in common is that neither of them could even state for you three provinces in eastern ukraine that they want to send our troops to actually fight for. >> there is a reason the ukrainians want to help israelis. they know if iran wins, russia wins. these are all connected. but what wins all of that is a strong america. not a weak america. and that's what joe biden has given us. >> i do think we need to be specific about our deterrence strategy or else xi jinping is encroaching by the day. why do we depend on them for a modern way of life because nikki haley's latest friends like larry fink co-mingled economies with blackrock telling exxon and
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chevron they can't drill here while being petro with china. >> they need until they stop murdering americans with fentanyl. they need our economy. they will immediately stop that. >> this is rich. because when she was governor of south carolina. she was the number one ranked governor of wringing the ccp into her state. she wrote a love letter to the chinese ambassador saying how great a friend china is. we put it on our website ron >> steve: there you have got ron desantis attacking former governor nikki haley nikki haley referring to her as former governor. talk about foreign affairs, it's hard to hide the fact that she was the u.s. united nations ambassador. on that stage that was her purview she has more experience. we kind of have taken informal poll of a lot of people -- she has the momentum right now of those four.
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she has the endorsement that's why the fell also a were attacking her with the exception of chris christie. >> lawrence: it was clear who was surging based on the people who were attacking her on the stage i get to the tell you talking to people in the diner, i asked them because there was a lot of rhetoric going back and forth, more so than any other debate. i asked them were they able to separate who was telling the truth? there was no one in here that was able to have that says this person actually won the debate from a standpoint of when they were going back and forth either they liked the person and policy distances or they don't. none of the back and forth changed the position of it when
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think weren't on air and talking back and forth. won support of how he was what she says presidential on the stage. and that he thinks she thinks he should use his wife more on the campaign trail. so, ron desantis is going to be here. i wonder if casey desantis is going to be here as well talking with the crowd because with women, apparently that's appealing for them right now. >> ainsley: lawrence, she is so bright. when i went to tallahassee to the governor's mansion to interview them both, i was very impressed with her. obviously, you know, she looks the part. when you talk to her. i was blown away with how intelligent she was. how she knew the issues. i do think it bee hooves him to use her in most of his interviews because they make a good team. i like the fact that the husband is going over to the wife to get her opinion. that shows they are unified. >> brian: usually like in tennis you cannot talk to your coach during the match. i'm surprised they let wives come out or consultants come out and talk to them.
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i will say this, they did get blow back early on i think unjustly because she was such a presence. she seems to have taken a step back after his early entry into the race. might be a mistake. we will see what happens. we know she is great in front of the camera. great morning show host. >> ainsley: blow back might have been in the liberal media know she is asset. they will put negative press out there to neutralize her. >> steve: great job down there. stand by. >> ainsley: house republicans threaten to hold hunter biden in contempt after the battle of the first son's closed door testimony wages on as president biden weighed in yesterday. >> just a bunch of lies. they are lies. >> steve: but, first, florida governor ron desantis last night vowed to shift of burden of student loans from the federal government to the actual universities. >> now, i don't support having a truck driver having to pay a student loan for someone that got a degree in gender studies. these student loans are going to be backed by the universities. because they need to have an
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incentive to produce gainful employment. >> brian: he was not a gender studies major. kevin o'leary, mr. wonderful himself joins us now with a great economics background. good to see you, kevin. ♪ ♪ if you struggle with cpap... [man struggles] should check out inspire. no mask. no hose. just sleep. learn more and view important safety information at liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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>> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. classes are canceled today at the university of las vegas campus. gunman killed three people and wounded others. police say he went on 440-minute shooting rampage before they gunned him down. the suspect was reportedly a professor who was denied a job at the university. the campus will not hold any classes or activities through sunday. happening today former president trump is expected back in a new york courtroom for the $250 million civil fraud case against him he is set to watch while legal team calls an accounting professor to testify. the former president himself is scheduled to take the stand for the second time next monday. and a woman who threw food in the face of a worker while ordering at chipotle must work at the fast food restaurant to
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avoid an extended jail sentence. that woman, her name is rosemary lahaina threw a hot bowl of food in a worker's face when she was unsatisfied with her meal. that attack was caught on video. she was found guilty and she has to work 20 hours a week for the next two months. >> absolutely love that judge. >> i do, too. let's get him on but put ena court r. republican presidential candidate ron desantis prom mittsing to put colleges on the hook for student loans during last night's debate. here's a flashback. >> another thing that is burdening young people are these student loans. now, i don't support having a truck driver having to pay a student loan for someone that got a degree in gender studies. that is wrong. we should not have taxpayers do that. what i'm going to do though is i'm going to get to the root cause of the problem. the student loans are going to be backed by the universities
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they need incentive to produce employment for people. they should not be indulging ideological studies they should be focusing on things that work. >> this came on the same day that president biden announced he has canceled nearly $5 billion more in student loan debt for more than 80,000 borrowers who will be voting next november. here to discuss is investor and o'leary venture chairman kevin o. leary. good morning to you. >> great to be here. thank you. >> steve: i love the idea of the governor of florida why should the federal government back these loans to college students. the colleges have plenty of dough, let them do it. >> it's a creative solution to an issue that's even larger because it really comes down to this. why would one cohort of graduates in this particular time be forgiven their loan when everybody else that came before them or after them potentially has to pay back their debt? this is so unfair it touches on
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being unamerican because your responsibility as an individual, when you take on debt, to get a college degree as you are investing in yourself and you know with certainty you have to pay it back. it makes you be a more responsible person when you think that way. forgiving debt is such horrific idea it's so unfair. what about if you were in the military and you served your country and then you went and borrowed money, 60, $80,000 and you have to pay it back and these people don't? that's just wrong. >> steve: kevin, why are they doing it? it looks to a lot of people like they are simply it's a naked attempt to buy votes. >> you know, this was turned down by the courts on a broader basis. >> steve: sure was. >> when you are president you get to do things by executive order if you want. i find this just something that many people are going to find offer. because it is so unfair. i mean, the whole idea is why can't everybody get the same thing? what makes these cohorts?
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why are they so special? why do they get off the hook? i don't like it. many voters won't like it. it will become an issue. we're less than a year away from choosing a new president. >> steve: we are. >> i love it when we are teaching our young to be fiscally responsible. that's what we need to do. >> steve: did you watch the debate last night? >> i watched some of the highlights. i feel that it's very hard to engage the population when the spread is so wide. >> steve: right. >> i assume if you are nikki haley, which right now she has the momentum, that you need something horrific to happen to trump legally to even think you are getting near that ticket. and that just -- i'm an investor, i look at numbers. >> steve: right. >> we're january 150th this thing is over. >> steve: i think you are probably right. iowa is around the corner and new hampshire as well. we saw a headline from business insider and thought about you. the headline said baby boomers seem to have traded in the child raising village for traveling.
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now millennial parents say they have no one to support them. kevin, these kids, they need grandma and grandpa to come help them but grandma and grandpa are out having fun. you wrote a book, you talked a little bit about this. >> yeah. you know what is interesting though, people are living longer and they are healthier longer. so your grandparents now are saying i'm not sticking around taking care of these kiddies. i'm going to italy. that's exactly what is happening. and i also think after the pandemic, this is probably, you know, fundamental change in america. people have moved all over the place. and so it used to be the nucleus parents all lived within 10 miles of the kids, et cetera. those days are over. you have got to think more about the cost of raising children for 25 years in a new way. because granny and grad dad, they are hanging out somewhere else. >> steve: don't call grandma and grandpa during happy hour because they are busy or playing pickleball. kevin, thank you very much. >> thank you. take care. >> steve: still ahead on this thursday. an arrest was made in a shocking, unprovoked attack on a
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california man pushing his infant grandson in a stroller. a live report on that grandpa coming up. first, our next guest made sure there were no dull moments at last night's debate. ♪ >> nikki, you were interrupt when you left the u.n. after you left the u.n., you became a military contractor and now you are a multi millionaire. that math does not add up. >> that's what people need to know, nikki is corrupt. >> steve: and he got but you har that look at that, is he still drawing on legal pad. "fox & friends" hosts vivek ramaswamy live from alabama coming up next, lawrence. ♪ ♪
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>> fourth debate you would be noted in the first 20 minutes as the blow hard in america. shut up. >> do yourself a favor and walk yourself off stage and enjoy a nice meal and get the hell out of this race. >> she said i have a woman problem. nikki i don't have a woman problem. you have a corruption problem and i think that that's what people need to know. nikki is corrupt. this is a woman who will send your kids to die so she can buy a bigger house. >> governor haley, would you like to respond? >> no. it's not worth my time to respond to him. he had the most speaking time at the debate. he scathing attacks against nikki haley. >> ainsley: vivek ramaswamy is live with lawrence at n. tuscaloosa, alabama. >> lawrence: good morning. vivek ramaswamy is here with us. any supporters of vivek in here? [cheers] >> lawrence: okay. big debate last night.
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i think i would call it vintage debate. you went after everyone on the stage. what was the goal of last night's performance? was to win people over or were you trying to expose each individual candidate? >> i would say neither of the above for individual debate. the goal of the debate is to speak the truth in unvarnished way. my strategy is to speak the hard truths, especially those that the media is unwilling to confront. and so i'm the only candidate on that stage is really able to speak without that special interest corporate filter. that's what i continued to do last night. standards apply to different candidates. i think the people at home deserve to see every candidate for who they are. this is an important process. and do you know what? i'm not going to be playing with kid gloves with xi jinping when i'm dealing with him. not going to do the same thing in election either. that's what the debates are about. going to iowa later today where
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we will have more grassroots. different kind of context. so there is a time and place for everything. but the debate is for drawing contrast and that's what i did. >> lawrence: what is going on between you and ambassador haley? it seems a little personal? >> i would say there is a deep ideological divide in the g.o.p. older generation believes in funding foreign wars. doublely worse when people are making money off foreign wars. i was skeptic and critic of the iraq war back when. supporter of it through this agenda. takes a dark turn when feel are making money off of our foreign policy. i have been as vocal as anybody. criticizing joe biden for the fact that his son gained $5 million in a bribe for what i believe is influencing their decisions to send our taxpayer money to ukraine. but i can't criticize biden credibly for that when republicans are equally guilty of the same thing or worse in her case after stepping down from the u.n. becoming a military contractor. joining the board of boeing.
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whose bakhshi scratched for years as governor of south carolina. and then now, after hillary clinton gave speeches we criticized her for that now speeches to foreign actors making millions. i apply the same standard is what i say. >> i follow you. you have been attacking her for a while on that. she is surging in the polls. polls that you cited before of vivek is coming out swinging. you were positioned on the stage. it doesn't look like that line of attack is working with the supporters that you are trying to gain do you believe you may have come off too strong even though there may be policy differences, some that donald trump agrees with you on who is the front runner. do you think you are gaining ground besides young voters which is a critical electorate right now? >> i will say three things, lawrence i exposed the double standards. last four letter words one was dumb and then scum. last night's debate i revealed she doesn't know the first thing
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about foreign policy that she touts and the thing they criticize me for. they are daring to criticize her intelligence. >> lawrence: i'm not. >> different standards in the media. you know about my strategy. >> lawrence: how are you going to get the support of the people? that's what matters. >> i think these polls are way off. i will tell you why. many of the people coming to our events on the ground in iowa. if you come to iowa where i'm heading now, see our crowd sizes vs. the mainstream media narrative it's a trump in 2016. it's off. many of the people coming are not traditionally polled caucus going candidates. if those people come out, we are going to deliver a major surprise on january 15th in iowa. i have full confidence in that but the other thing is what i told you at the beginning, lawrence, i'm not in this to play some political calculus. i will speak my convictions. i will speak them honestly. sometimes that's difficult to hear. but if you want a candidate who going to get in there and take down the deep state. somebody who is going to speak truth to power. then vote for somebody who is going to speak the truth to you.
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and sometimes the truth is uncomfortable. sometimes that's a journey. and i don't think that that's going to be an immediate political calculus. if i was listening to my political consultants, i would be doing things differently. but i'm not. i think people in this country are hungry for somebody who speaks the unvarnished truth. that's who i think will be rewarded in the long run. and i would rather speak the truth and even lose an election than to win by playing some political snakes and lad everies. but my long run bet that is what is going to be most successful. >> lawrence: vivek ramaswamy, thanks so much for being here. >> thank you, thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: i'm going to send it back to you guys in new york. steve, ainsley and brian. >> brian: unfortunately we didn't have ibf to question him. the problem i would just like to know, policy, it's just ridiculous on russia and ukraine. he says tell russia basically they can have ukraine if they promise not to have alliance with china vivek, are you comfortable with russia taking
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as much of ukraine as they want? are you comfortable pulling all our aid out and do you really believe that vladimir putin will agree not to have an appliance with china? >> i think we have to be play hard ball there and make a hard deal that requires any reneging on that deal to have major consequences. >> brian: like what? like sanctions like we have right now? >> well, look, i think we have to be able to have real consequences, maximum pressure campaign. we have sanctions. we don't have a maximum pressure campaign i can go into the details of that and i have nixon library and elsewhere. this war doesn't advance u.s. interest. >> brian: yes it does if you give up eastern europe. >> if i may ask your question. you asked a question i want to make sure i answer it. >> brian: it is in our interest. >> details of a deal. i think it is not in our interest to strengthen the russia-china alliance. >> brian: it going to be done anyway. >> further into china's arms i disagree with you brian, i respectfully disagree with you on that. >> brian russia is.
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>> i think the answer is we are driving russia into china's hands. they are kinks in the armor of that relationship. look at russia sending weapons to india and to vietnam after other meetings they have had. this is our opportunity. nixon did this in 1972. and, brian, respectfully people like you said the same thing that nixon couldn't did it. outside who stepped it up. establishment that's going to be here. >> brian: i was 7 years old. just. >> [talking over each other] >> brian: are you comfortable giving up eastern europe they arare already taking moldova and moves on the baltic already and taking more and more pieces of georgia. >> i will tell you what i'm not comfortable with. >> sit there and send blankets and mres and we got an invasion. what going to be next. >> because we have no idea how ukraine has spent $200 billion of our money, we are forking over more taxpayer money. >> brian: these guys are the best fighters -- >> -- not going to stand for that. [cheers and applause] >> brian: ukraine has the best
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fighters in the world. >> ukraine is not -- >> they were invaded. they were invaded. >> supported. ukraine is actually a assassinated a former presidential candidate. >> brian: it makes you sound so naive. so naive. >> i respectfully the other way. >> brian: joe biden the other way. >> i respectfully. we can respectfully -- brian, i think that if i call nikki haley naive you guys would have be having a conniption. let's be honest about that. you call me naive i actually understand what i'm talking about here. nixon did this in '72. politic up the russia-china alliance and advance american interest and protect our homeland. >> brian: your better example. >> i think it's offensive. world war ii. >> diplomatic approach. [talking over each other] >> ainsley: all right. >> if you could split up japan and germany you have a good example of world war ii. >> brian: you are going to convince hitler not to go with a fascist nation? >> i'm not talking about convincing anybody, brian. the fact of the matter i think it is offensive that peter would
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sooner use $200 billion of our resources to protect some other nation's foreign border that is not a democracy. when, in fact,. >> brian: you can do both. it's not either/or. >> we are doing neither. we are doing neither. [applause] >> that's the fact of the matter. neocon wisdom. >> brian: forget neocon wisdom no one buys into that. just give up eastern europe. why not? >> afghanistan look at those results. the same people took us in iraq and afghanistan are trying to do this in ukraine. it's already been a disaster. time for the neocons to actually move on and protect this country. >> brian: not one american soldier is there. >> threatened earlier this week that we are going to send our troops unless we pass that aid package actually. you mark my words. lloyd austin advancing the same policies as nikki haley and karl rove. >> brian: nato nation. not to ukraine. pay attention. >> he said -- he expressly said that what is going to require sending troops if we don't actually pass.
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>> brian: we have to go. >> i think bone headed foreign policy and i think that hard answer is that we need to protect americans. >> lawrence: vivek, thank you so much for joining the program. [applause] >> steve: thank you, lawrence. >> thank you. >> ainsley: coming up, what did biden have to say about his family business deals? >> just a bunch of lies. >> interacts with. >> business associates? >> ainsley: peter doocy has a live report from the white house, next. >> brian: colorado supreme court taking up to be on the ballot. jonathan turley on that case, next. ♪ some of the best traditions start under a tree. it's where we gather as a family. it's where we experience the excitement of opening day.
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♪ >> ainsley: president biden shutting down a reporter who asked about his son's shady business deals as top republicans threaten to hold hunter in contempt of congress for rejecting their subpoena for a closed door deposition. peter doocy is live at the white house with the latest. peter? >> peter: ainsley, we know hunter biden tried to call james comer's bluff saying he will testify next wednesday but only in public. now comer's official response in a letter to hunter's lawyer reads like this. if mr. biden does not appear for his deposition on december 13th, 2023, the committees will initiate contempt of congress proceedings. so much of the focus in congress
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for months has been on hunter biden and whether or not agencies ran political interference for him. next, congress is expected to initiate an impeachment inquiry to see if any of hunter's problems can be linked to then vice president joe biden. >> can you explain to the americans -- to americans impeachment inquiry why you interacted with so many of your son and brother's foreign business associates? >> i'm not going to comment. i did not. it's just a bunch of lies. >> interreact with his business associates. >> did i not. they're lies. >> peter: i asked president biden about this several times including the summer after associate devon archer testified that hunter regularly had his dad on speaker phone to talk to his business partners just to make smalltalk that completely undermines president biden's point from yesterday because he said no intactions and smalltalk would count as interaction.
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rather, jim jordan is coming up next hour and maybe he can help untangle some of this. brian? >> brian: all right, peter. meanwhile, of the colorado supreme court hearing arguments yesterday on whether former president donald trump will be kept off the state's ballots in 2024. according to axios, the justices, who were all appointed by democrats appear skeptic of the legal push to keep the former president off the ballot. is there anything there? let's bring in jonathan turley. george washington university law professor. i know you were skeptic in this to begin with. from when you hear about these deliberations and other failed attempts, does this make you feel confident that donald trump will beat this? >> well, i have never, as you have noted, had faith in this theory. i think that it's unfounded. both constitutionally and historically. it's also, perhaps, the most dangerous legal theory to come up in years. what you are suggesting is that the 14th amendment, in section 3 within that amendment, can block a candidate like trump from the
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presidential ballot. just on the vote of these judges. they are treating january 6th as an insurrection. something that trump has never been charged with he has never even charged with incitement. and, yet, this effort is going forward. and many of the advocates are going to blue states and colorado is really the hail mary throw. you had a lower court judge, judge wallace who was very critical of trump. but made fast work of this theory. and tossed it out. they are now going to, as favorable a state supreme court as you could possibly find. so, if they fail in front of the colorado supreme court. it's a massive loss for this effort. >> brian: what about the fact that chris christie brought up last night that if donald trump is convicted as he -- and -- of a felony, and he has to go up for election and he gets the nomination, up for election. >> he wouldn't be able to vote for himself? >> yeah, first of all, i want to
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note that vivek did give me a sign about you but i'm not going to show it. >> brian: i will be nikki haley, i will ignore it? >> ha ha. that was quite an exchange. in that debate. this argument that he can't vote for himself is a reference to felons not voting, i oassume. >> even with a conviction, the question is when such conviction would occur and appeals and when those might be decided. it was basically an effort to ratchet up the rhetoric. the important thing here is that trump doesn't have to vote for himself. that's, i think, his view. he had 70-plus million people vote for him last time. he is, according to some polls leading in the polls. so, the key is hot voters are going to vote for. people can have good faith arguments against trump he has
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about donald trump and what he has done. that's going to be the focus of this debate. going to be the focus of the general election. whether trump votes for himself or not hardly relevant. the people christie has to worry about 74 million people that voted for him last time see what happens this time. subplot to election season jonathan which means we're going to keep you on speed dial. thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. ing after that. a big storm system. so you can see those temperatures starting to sooner across the central u.s. high pressure is helping to set up all these warm temperatures we could potentially break dozens of them. dozens of locations have a chance to break records today and then that warmth is going to
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spread eastward. now, the west is still very active, especially the northwest and northern california with coastal rain and mountain snow. and part of that energy is what is going to give us the threat for severe storms over the mississippi river valley and then potential coastal event as we get into the vehicle. here are some of the snowfall total models, unfortunately nothing along the coast is going to be too warm. interior sections will definitely see a white christmas, i think. because the snow should remain on the ground but don't hold that against me. >> brian: i won't. some people look forward to that thank you so much, janice. >> janice: sounds good. >> brian: still ahead, arrest made in shocking unprovoked attack in california man pushing infant grandson in a stroller. we have a live report. but, first, hit them where it hurts. g.o.p. contender nikki haley threatening to invoke tax exempt status at the universities who will not crack down on anti-semitism. >> we need to go to these universities and say you are not going to protect these students if you are not going to acknowledge anti-semitism. we'll take your tax exempt
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status away. >> brian: pete hegseth joins us on that and our debate recount continues. presidential hopefuls ron desantis and nikki haley join us next hour. don't move. ♪ rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients.
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>> carley: todd piro has the story. >> todd: sucker punching a grandfather while pushing his grandchild. he strikes the man so hard he falls over. police say the attack unprovoked. he walks to his car and leaves the scene. a resident who lives close says seeing him fall to the ground, he could have died and the baby, it is all upsetting. california police say that individual wanted in connection with a separate attack on a 14-year-old boy. that boy's boxing coach describing the ins didn't. >> one of my students comes in,
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scuffed up, he was walking down the street and the guy jumped out, slammed him and started punching his face and body. >> todd: police found the suspect after tracking down his vehicle. this is kardashian community, this is violence happening everywhere. >> carley: minor injuries for the grandfather and baby. did the guy explain why he's doing this. >> todd: there are unconfirmed reports this could be racially motivated against asians, nothing confirmed at this point. >> carley: nikki haley putting college presidents on notice, watch. >> it was disgusting to see what happened. if this was the k.k.k., every
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college president would have been up in arms. when students are scared, we need to say, if you are not going to recognize antisemitism, we'll take your tax exempt status away. >> carley: college presidents are facing backlash because they did not address antisemitism. pete pete hegseth went to some of these ivy league schools. what is your reaction? >> it is good for nikki haley to say these things, she was a governor. i guess you can be forgiven for not doing anything when she was overseeing her state. ron desantis is a great example taking on higher ed, he's done it. latest manifestation is jew hatred and antisemitism and a symptom of a deeper problem.
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what about critical race theory and marxism, why is this the last gaffe, when we've been poisoning the mind of americans into anti-american thinking for a long time. it is good to see. one thing to say it. i don't know if nikki haley takes on the tough fights and wins them. it's a messy fight to take on inside your state. anybody who does it has to be ready for a fight, one thing to say, another thing to do it. >> ainsley: she says to get foreign money out of universities. universities are taking money from arab countries. pearl harbor day, today is december 7th, marks national pearl harbor remembrance day. what is your message?
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>> pete: it is important to never forget, in 1941, hitlers army had taken over, the american public were against u.s. visitment in that war, almost 80%. it took an attack on our homeland by the japanese. that attack and what happened there propelled a generation of americans into saving the world. let's hope it doesn't take a pearl harbor-style attack again like 9/11 to awaken us to threats around the globe. with an open border, with young men crossing into our country we don't know who they are, people want us destroyed, something like this could happen again. hope we have a generation of americans capable of responding.


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