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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 8, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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if it is a debate who can call a racist from the top of the mountains, democrats are good at that. if you noticed they are not very good at anything else looking around the city now. >> todd: to that point is, that theater we just saw on "the view" right now or are they actual morons that can't understand the issues that americans care about. >> clearly out of touch with the average american person. yes, at the same time, don't act like they're the only ones that had a hard time finding news nation. >> carley: what do you got in your hand. >> jimmy: stop it cancel culture dictionary a to z. hell of a christmas gift. >> carley: you have a book out. >> jimmy: inspirational book minute you open this up and two pages you feel like you could get a book deal, too. >> carley: you worked shard on it? >> did i ever. >> todd: tell us about it. >> jimmy: fox news let's go. >> carley: thank you so much. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> todd: safe travels.
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>> ainsley: the president's son indicted on nine tax related charges three of them felonies brought by special counsel david weiss. >> the defendant spent this money on drugs, escorts, girlfriend, luxury hotels and rental properties. exotic cars and clothing and other items of personal nature. everything but his taxes. >> brian: accused of paying $1.4 million in taxes over a four year period. latest indictment could mean big trouble for the biden campaign. >> it's got to be a nuclear bomb going off for the president biden family. it's got to be for a politician gearing up for re-election. >> brian: you would think. hunter fairs up to 17 years in prison on these charges. >> ainsley: bring in francey hakes a federal former prosecutor. thank you so much for waking up this early with us, francey. the president has vowed to crack down on this type of thing on
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people who cheat their taxes. look at his own child he is the poster child for this. what is your reaction? >> my first reaction, of course, in reading the indictment. it's very clear that hunter biden has utter contempt for the laws of this country. because of he completely disregarded what all the rest of us have to do, which is to pay our taxes. meanwhile, he was engaged in this prof will he gatt spending spending millions of dollars in a very short time period spending cash on? to knee shows he knows he is privileged he knows he is the vice president's son. and the law. >> lawrence: goes through detail of his accountant trying to tell him pay his taxes and then the ex-wife gets involved because he is supposed to make the payment for the alimony and the kids'
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tuition there then there is insufficient funds. goes down to this she is telling him you really need to pay your taxes. when i can pay my taxes, i will pay my taxes. i'm sick. i'm struggling to pay your alimony and all the girls' expenses. then there is a detail line item of all the stuff that he was spending while he said he couldn't even make the alimony payment of the prostitutes and all the porn and all that stuff. my question for you is this. does the court look at this differently when you have a defendant that was so open con with his contempt for the law? >> that might come in at sentencing it shows very clearly that he has contempt for the law. in fact, i don't think he ever would have paid any of his taxes but for the fact that there was a lawsuit against him, a paternity suit in arkansas where his financial records were required to be proven in court
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so that the court could decide what his payment to that child for child support would be. otherwise, i think he would continue to show contempt. because he knows that daddy is going to get him out of it. >> brian: so the thing is, this actually sounds low in a matter of the money that we heard exchanged over the last few years from other countries, kazakhstan, ukraine and china. i'm thinking this guy, there is much more here. what about the fact that this is the indictment, these are the charges, three of which are felonies could more be to come? could this be unfolding investigation? >> well, i have to hope so, brian. because what you can see from this indictment is very clearly the special counsel had much access to hunter biden's financial records and all those myriad of llcs and bank accounts that he set up. >> so they have seen those. my question is where are the charges reflecting foreign violations. >> brian: they are not there. >> no. bribery or public corruption? so are those to come? because it looks to me like the
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special counsel should have evidence of what looks like a public corruption and money laundering scheme. but those charges are nowhere to be found in the indictment. >> ainsley: jason smith, republican from missouri he said this is far from over. hunter attempted to evade justice by attempting to conceal his income and failing to pay taxes and selling the biden name. imagine if this were your dad and your mom is asking for him to make alimony or child support payments and then he says i don't have the money then found out almost $200,000. that's like 8 times what the imagine american makes. clothing and accessories 400,000. women 680,000. and cash and atm withdrawals about 1.7 million. what happens next, freans. does he plead 5th. >> he is contemptibility human
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being pay for his prostitutes and drugs and lavish live lifestyle and porch instead of his children i hope what is next is accountability. the department of justice has wiggle room. it's a tax case not a violent crime. interesting to see what kind of sentencing they recommend when you contrast it with the januarl thront book. next for hunter might be congressional testimony. i think he will take the 5th. i think that's great point now that these charges are pending. >> lawrence: francey, what's the defense here. abbe lowell is already saying this doesn't happen if it's not the president's son. many of us would make the arguments that he would have been prosecuted five years ago if i were not the president's son. >> i think he would have been prosecuted a long time ago if he weren't the president's son. we can see it in the drip, drip, drip and charges that aren't reflected because of the statute of limitations was allowed to
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run on some of the more serious charges from 2014 and 2015. >> brian: a couple of things. on for addicts going to say he is addicted the drugs that's the old me. this is the new me. a lot of the addicts you walk walk by on the trains stuck in the subways. doing drugs and no longer partying. in the beginning you start partying. after a while you become isolated you just do it because you are addicted to it. this is abhorrent behavior, but this is playboy behavior. this is guy choosing to party, when you are addicted to drugs and alcohol, that's an isolated -- oftentimes an isolated experience. they become more than important than anything else in your life. to me, alcohol and drugs were just one of the things that he was doing despicable. this guy is living the life there are no ramifications. eric holder said last night with this indictment i probably don't show up behind closed doors in
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front of congress. i don't even show up in public. this is now his excuse not to go and testify in the oversight committee. do you think it's his excuse? >> well, i think it's a great excuse. i think it's a convenient timing since he has been subpoenaed by the committee. but, also, this reminds me, brian, that he is sort of too big to fail. this indictment also shows us how many times he got bailed out by mystery donors. >> brian: still. >> who didn't pay their taxes because they have been paying hookers who gets bailed out by millionaires and billionaires. he should owe taxes on that as well. >> brian: # $.9 million in legal fees. most expensive attorney in washington and he is retaining him? how does he do that and cry poverty when it comes to his paternity situation? >> ainsley: how does this effect joe biden? that is really the question. look, a lot of questions have had wayward kids probably in the past. the connection to biden is what is important here. do you think there is any connection? do you think he was taking some of that cash out, giving it to his dad?
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you know, i don't want to accuse him of that because we don't have proof of. that is this connected to the president in any way, francey? >> well, from what i have read from what the committee has been releasing on the hill so far about email transactions. and financial transactions between hunter biden's companies and the president, it looks like he could be involved in some kind of money laundering or corruption scheme. i think they are going to continue to look at it. i don't think we are going to see hunter biden testify on the hill any time soon. and i think his main defense will be i'm a drug addict. feel sorry for me. it's so sad. my brother died. i had a tragic accident when i was a child. my mother died. feel sorry for me. i'm a poor, poor, pitiful person. instead what he really is a rich kid who grew up the son of a senator and the vice president and has shown over and over again that he believes he is above the law and so far it looks like he is right.
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>> brian: raskin, nadler, is he a bad guy done some bad things trying to isolate it. >> ainsley: most people in prison had really terrible child hoods you can say that in court but you still have to be held accountable for your crimes. >> brian: francey, thanks so much. >> i would hope so. >> ainsley: scary moment in california when a truck plows into a crowd christmas parade tell you how that happened. >> lawrence: trump compared biden wants record border drifsz. this i urge people to look back into the history of ellis island. we were processing much more people than we do now. such a long time ago with worse technology. >> lawrence: the data disagrees. the awful comparison next. >> yes. and a baseball legend is hoping to turn a california senate seat red in 2024. i'm talking about the first baseman, steve gearve. will he get out of the dugout and turn that blue state red? we'll see along with other guests. i would name them but i don't have the time and the music is going to get really loud
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>> carley: back with your headlines. israeli defense forces are ramping up attacks on hamas hot spots saying they have hit more than 450 targets in the past 24 hours. but u.s. officials are reportedly worried that some americans being held hostage in gaza will be stuck in the war zone as talks to release them reach a stalemate. over the last few weeks. dozens of hostages have been released there are still more than 130 still being held entering their third month of captivity. and new overnight. a man is in custody this morning after driving a pickup truck through a crowd of people who were waiting for a christmas parade to start last night in bakersfield, california. at least three people hurt one reportedly in critical condition still this morning. witnesses say they saw the driver and he smelled of alcohol. police eventually arresting the man on suspicion of a dui. and to thursday night football. the new england patriots using
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three touchdowns from cornerback zappy to take down the pittsburgh steelers 21-18. it is just the third win for the patriots all season. much to the display of patriots fan this one hurts new england's chance for the top draft spot next year as the bears who own carolina's pick now have a two game lead for the coveted prize. those your headlines, ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much, carley. this week, 12,000 people crossed the border illegally in a single day. the highest number ever. now one democrat is comparing the crisis at our southern border ellen island faced. >> this is happening right now. what should we do to stop this? >> we do need comprehensive immigration reform. we need make sure we get them more resources to be able to handle what we have been seeing. i always encourage people to look back into the history of ellis island. we were processing much more people than we do now.
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such a long time ago with worse technology and we're able to do. this we just got to get down to it. >> here with reaction is retired border patrol agent chris clem. can you believe that? back in the day ellis island was open in about 1900 people were coming over every single day. we saw 12,000 come across our border in one sector this week. in one day. nonsense and classic virtue signal. ellis island over 60 years, 12 million people were processed. we three quarters of there in the last three years under this president. i mean, coming off the heels second re industrial revolutionary we needed people. we needed family units. this is not what we are are seeing today. people a ride at ellis island they were stopped on the ship before they even got there to be quarantined for medical.
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so to compare that is just classic virtue signaling a lot of elected leaders. one particular party has gotten the handle on that really well. >> ainsley: they talk about that if you visit ellis island you see the names on the wall. you had to be vetted. you had to be quarantined and go through medical checks. we are not seeing that at our southern border. >> they are coming in illegally. that's exactly what they're doing. they are getting eventually taken into custody by border patrol and there will be medical screening biometrics. they just are going to do their job. we don't have any room at the inn that we talked about because defunded ice. they reduced the detention capacity basically caught and released and got a hearing a couple years down the road. we have incentivized illegal immigration this administration we need to secure the border. get that fixed and get it done right and got to table to address immigration.
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>> ainsley: what's your reaction when you see being interviewed by fox news reporters on the border and they say thank you joe biden. we love you joe biden. >> it is what it is. it is frustrating because we hear one thing from the administration that they are doing everything they can to secure the border. yet, this is just reinforcing that they are not doing that what they're telling the american people and what actually is happening on the ground are two different stories. and you are hearing it from the migrants themselves. >> ainsley: scary for what's ahead. the future of america. we saw what happened in israel. when you talk to experts like yourself and you say this is very scary could that happen here, are they coming here? and they say they already are here. >> yeah. i was down in lukeville where it's been pretty hot the last few days in regards to traffic and what i saw was 500, 600 people on the ground mostly military aged men 18 to 45-year-old men from all sorts of countries all over the world and, yeah, i mean, again, if we don't have room at the inn and there is not immediate
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opportunity to remove them, which there currently isn't, that is kind of scary, right? we are going to do the best we can to run checks to see who they're. but the vetting process is going to take a lot of the time. based on what i understand and what i'm seeing and even what i experienced. we are not going to have that time and they are going to be released let's continue to support our men and women on the frontline the border patrol that are doing the best they can under the circumstances they are faced with. >> ainsley: they are released here for a long time before they go to court. and most of them don't show up for court. chris, thanks so much for coming on. have great weekend. >> thank you, you too. >> ainsley: white house scrambling to distance itself leader praised hamas terrorists. live report from washington. first, mll legend giving g.o.p. star power in a california senate race. >> it's time to get off the bench. it's time to put the uniform on. it's time to get back in the game. >> steve garvey jumping from to the field. he's next to tell us about
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>> lawrence: so the white house is scrambling to distance themselves from the leader of an islamic group after the -- he claimed israel does not have the right to defend itself. alexandria hoff is live in washington with the story. hey, alexandria. >> hi, lawrence. yeah. this isn't some kind of fringe organization. the group we are talking about here is the council on islamic regions cair. headed up by awad for many years. outrage was sparked after he made those comments about october 7th. >> i was happy to see people breaking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land and walk free into their land that they were not allowed to walk. in the people of gaza have the right to self-defense.
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>> he went on to say that israel did not have that right. the white house now disavowing the group with president biden spokesperson telling fox news digital this, quote: we condemn the shocking anti-semitic statements in the strongest terms. the horrific, brutal terrorist attacks committed by hamas on october 7th were as president biden said, abhorrent and represent unadulterred evil. any had awad stated his comments were taken out of context and he too condemns hamas and the a attacks run aing as a republican to fill that seat held by late democratic senator dianne feinstein. steve garvey no longer with the dodgers or the padres but now wants to play full time for california again. steve, why at 74 is this the
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right typically for you to start your political career. >> no wrong time to stand up for what is right. you and i talked before. 50 years ago i came to california as a young, minor league player called up to the dodgers with a dream of being a major league player. i put that uniform and fell in love with california. around this country i built up a currency i think of respect. respect for the fans. i never took the field for i took it for all the fans and now running for all the people. because california isn't that heart beat of america that i remember. it's just a memory now since schwarz was successful in the recall and then his election. what did you learn from arnold's success and and what did you
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learn from that newsom desantis debate that might help you in this young gel primary coming up in march? first of all arnld went into the community. they people they they knew him he was a caricature. what i have done it traveled california the last three or four months and listened to people and listened to them pour their heart out about their day. the suppression of the economy. how elected officials, career politicians talk down to them that's what i are done. tell me about your life. when he they're done and flm tears. thank you. because you are asking us about our life politicians are not asking us about our life. that's the most important thing to do people believe they have a chance. turn the economy around. get crime off the streets. and education that teaches our children the core subjects so
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they go and be leaders of the future. like tommy lasorda used to tell us at dire times. you have got to believe. people are believing they are going to have a voice in washington and california. 1 months from now. >> brian: adam schiff and barbara lee. you have katy porter. these are. so bigger names on the democratic side. all go into one jungle primary and top two go in november. when newsom took on desantis he was what california brought to the table. and desantis talking about a red state brought to the table. so what could you bring to a blue state that might resonate? >> the great natural resources that aren't tapped because of suppression of economy and bills that keep people from realizing their dream. used to come here to grow a family, to have them go to good schools, to get a good job and
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build a great career. people are being suppressed not being able to live that dream. >> brian: crime, homelessness and the economy. >> crime. that's right. and also dealing with the border. these issues let me be your voice. you are the wind beneath my wings. we'll start systematic research across the aisle. journey to talk to the other 99 senators. most important thing i believe i'm for faith, family and freedom. >> brian: got charges that's going to be every day along with consensus-building and common sense and compassion for people i think this is going to be an authentic steve garvey campaign, people are standing up and great three month stretch to the primary and onto the general. >> brian: if it's about forearm
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size if i remember correctly you will win. you were like popeye. >> yeah. that's right. we're behind, i'm about $30 million behind. but that doesn't matter. i'm even with my opponents. have everybody go steve look at my policies. >> brian: got charges and be part of team garvey. >> brian: thanks getting up up at 3: 30 west coast time that shows dedication. thanks so much. >> absolutely. >> brian: fox news alert. 17 years how much prison time president biden could face on tax charges. this new indictment just brought against the first son. look at this. and wild spending free over the years got him there. watch. ♪ my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others,
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♪ >> ainsley: this is a fox news alert the hunter biden has been indicted on 9. brought by special counsel david weiss yesterday. >> lawrence: weiss writing quote the defendants spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, electric hotels rental properties. exotic cars clothing. everything but his taxes. >> brian: took them five years to realize. this hunter faces up to 17 years in prison on these charges. three felonies mixed in here. we kind of knew about all of this. we knew about this ahead of
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time. and when he got that special prosecutor status he went ahead and within a few months got this indictment. don't you think a special salute goes to the irs whistleblowers? because everything was out there. until the apolitical whistleblowers who have impeccable background they couldn't poke holes in and relentless with the facts, they have realized we can't stop this guy. >> ainsley: that happened in 2023. he was buying that handgun and saying on the application he wasn't doing drugs in 2018. but it took all of those years, 2023 for those whistleblowers to let us know and they claim that the biden administration is intentionally mishandling this case. you have the indictment in front of you. >> lawrence: i finally finished the indictment this morning. got to give kudos to the federal judge who threw out the sweetheart deal and she said is there any precedent? looked at the prosecution they say no. she looks at the defense your honor there is no precedent for this. really unveiled there was special treatment. >> brian: cameras there. you look at the withdrawals. he had $1.6 million withdrawal
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from atm. and then you got. >> brian: i can't get $500. >> lawrence: is he the president's son so he can get away with it. >> ainsley: various women. prostitutes? >> lawrence: prostitutes. people he hired. this is $683,000. everybody is wondering like why do we care about this? let me tell you why you care about this. he put these as business expenses. so when they're traveling, he was claiming as if they were his employees. but they weren't employee i don'ts. they were people doing business. >> brian: they were working. >> lawrence: xx related. >> ainsley: 400,000 on clothing and accessories. tuition for his kids. health and beauty. retail. adult entertainment $189,000 about. and then loans and mortgages, 200,000. he spent almost as much on his mortgage as he did on adult entertainment. keep in mind adult entertainment
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almost $200,000 women almost $700,000. those are two different things. >> he has got a couple things working against him. ex-wives who don't seem happy with him. devon archer turned on the family. and eric schwerin turned on the family. and they know all the facts. >> ainsley: and the whistleblowers. ains. >> brian: whistleblowers care about the numbers. they are the mvps here in terms of getting to the facts. here is excerpt from the indictment, which is hunter is talking to his ex-wife. says i have no money. i'm waiting on a few things. >> ainsley: this is the ex-wife right saying it about hunter? >> no hunter about the ex-wife. i'm waiting on a few things. when i can pay the taxes i will pay the taxes. in the meantime i am struggling to pay your alimony and all the girls' expenses. >> lawrence: this is in response, what happened the cpa reaching tout him saying look, you have got pay your taxes. >> brian: something. >> lawrence: just put something down to tell the irs to get them
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off my back here because i'm trying to help you out here. hunter biden is blowing off the cpa. the cpa contacts the wife. said, you know, you got tell hunter to pay these payments. she contacts him. and this was the response that he gave to her. meanwhile, i think it's important to note all this prostitute behavior and, you know, the porn and all the other stuff, he was buying all this stuff while telling the ex-wife that he is broke. >> ainsley: you know, he -- they are claiming that he broke the law. he didn't pay his taxes. so you can make a lot of the money. this is america. can you spend your money on whatever the heck you want to spend it on. >> . >> that's not illegal. you might not agree with it. this is not the kind of guy i would date. but, you know, some men do this kind of stuff. and it's his money. but you have to pay your taxes. you can't break the law. you can't be above the law. so many are accusing him of being above the law because of who his father was. influence peddling within the white house. that's why james comer is trying to look into the business deals. >> if you were dating he had trouble squeezing you in new
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jerseying by rundown. david axelrod said. this i have the strong sense that the president is full speed ahead and go through this with his campaign. but as i said before, this job is more than a political burden. now it's an emotional burden. and we'll have to see you wonder if he is worried that this is coming back to him 14 meetings, separate meetings with his business associates. is he going to say they only talked about the weather and golf no. one is going to buy that 60% of the country in recent survey believe joe was involved. that means joe lied to you to win a debate in 2020. he lied to myriad of reporters when he lied to peter doocy. lied two days ago saying they are all lies. at what point does american people say joe is not blue collar joe. what else are you lying about, screaming at you are lying never giving a press conference while most of his answers are while walking away. >> lawrence: question is talking about this all morning. say something about this next
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hour. what was the business? you just seen all of this record of a drug addict. a porn addict. a sex addict. when did he have time for work? and the president his continues to say not only he had no affairs with his son's business dealings buy his son was a legitimate businessman. how do you make that case when you see this indictment that goes into great detail and you read his book and he says i did not sleep because i was partying all day doing drugs. that's the big question. >> ainsley: was he on the board of burisma at this time, too? >> lawrence: that's cited in the indictment as well. what did you do for them? >> brian: whole thing is why is joe there all the time? why is he at the cafe milano? why is he in ukraine all these times. why is he using a pseudo name to talk to business associates of his brother and his son. the son going to try to say and already throwing him over the bus with nadler and jamie raskin is he bad guy. hunter did some bad things.
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they are already trying to push hunter here. the question is will democrats say this is an opportunity now joe, you got to go. you have not been strong anyway. other people can beat the republican whoever the nominee is step aside. >> republicans in congress saying this is far from over they are continuing to look into this. >> brian: have the indictment vote. >> ainsley: next week looking at it? this is not going to help. >> car you brought up burisma 2014. david weiss let the statue of limitations retire that money from burisma isn't part of this. >> ainsley: got away with it. >> brian: carley, thanks for listening. >> carley: you are very welcome. i was engaged. >> brian: chris, do you want to chime in, too? >> carley: u.s. embassy in iraq coming under rocket carried out by iranian maligned militia group no. casualties so the far.
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the first time the embassy has come under fire since mid october and adds to the more than 70 attacks on american based sites in the region since the war in israel began. big news in the sports world. spanish golf star jon rahm is leaving the pga tour for saudi backed liv golf. he exclusively made the announcement on "special report" with bret baier last night. >> you know, it's not an easy decision. because i have had a really successful career and i have been very happy. but, there's a lot of things that liv golf has to offer that were very, very enticing. i do not play golf for the money. i have a duty to my family to give them the best opportunities and the most amount of resources possible. >> carley: rahm has reportedly signed a 3 year deal with liv valued at around 300 million bucks. some estimates have it even higher than that the decision was a shock to some after rahm repeatedly criticized liv, those are your headlines, guys. brian, i'm sure you have some thoughts on that. >> brian: i did. i watched a
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great interview with bret. i thought the americaer took place already and we are talking about fines and how they are going to come together what's he doing? for $300 million, i worry that money is not going to bring him happiness. [ laughter ] >> carley: i mean, it could add. >> lawrence: what else does it need? >> ainsley: won't bring happiness and makes your life easier and freedom. also, generational wealth. $300 million? >> carley: i read 600 million as some of the estimates. he wouldn't confirm the money, obviously with bret. bret did ask which was a good question. >> ainsley: that's money you give to your children and grandchildren and help so many generations. >> brian: grow up soft without any application. what am i on this planet for. >> ainsley: that's a different issue. >> lawrence: i never liked that quote money doesn't buy happiness? >> as somebody who used to be broke. >> carley: lawrence, how many pairs of sneakers. >> ainsley: i was broke and happy. i had great 20 years. i was so in debt. >> lawrence: they were great. and they provided i was not
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happy. >> ainsley: we weren't broke though. we could pay our bills. we didn't have a lot of extra. that might have been because. >> lawrence: that's why you were happy? >> ainsley: i had great childhood. how about you, brian? >> brian: go to negotiate with fox is money doesn't bring you happiness good, keep me unhappy. does it go for you? all right. urns la laurence you are going to get us in trouble. >> brian: i think. so. >> lawrence: universities, not taxpayers, should pay for student loans. >> now, i don't support having a truck driver having to pay a student loan for someone that got a degree in gender studies. that is wrong. >> lawrence: my dad is a truck driver. we will speak to a truck driver and former construction workers who agrees with that next. >> ainsley: time to satisfy your sweet tooth with national brownie day. >> ainsley: a reason to eat brownies. ♪ ♪ don't know howel ♪l don't know
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>> biden canceling more student loan debt bringing the total to 132 billion in his term. and g.o.p. presidential candidate ron desantis says universities, not the tax parishes should pick up the tab. ♪ >> another thing burdening young people are student loans. now, i don't support having a truck driver having to pay a student loan for someone who got a degree in gender studies, that is wrong. we should not have taxpayers do
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that what i'm going to do is get to the root cause of the problem. these student loans are going to be backed by the universities. because they need to have an incentive to produce gainful employment for people. [applause] >> they should not be indulging in ideological studies. they should be focusing on things that work. >> lawrence: here to react ohio truck driver jean joe difabio and blue collar cash author blue. geno, my dad is a truck driver. i would agree truck drivers shouldn't be picking up the tab for these folks. they didn't go to college. why do they have to pay for this? >> well, you know what? of course i -- it's like -- it would be like going to a restaurant sand saying hey, give my guy to the guy's table next to me. i do agree with the governor on this. a lot of these degrees, these universities pushed on these kids. and like they are 18 years old. they don't have a lot of decisions. but to totally disregard their loans or say hey we are going to have somebody else pick them up. that's a bad lesson to give somebody just starting out on
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adulthood, do you know what i mean? you made this bill, you should have to pay for it. but i also believe that the universities are culpable for pushing them stay in school and go for these degrees that really they can't earn a living by. >> lawrence: ken, they used to call him middle class joe. but it looks like he has forgotten. >> do you know what you think about it, investing in a college degree that you can't use and borrowing money from that is a bad decision. same thing as let's say i opened up a surf board shop in ohio? okay? that's a bad decision. and if something goes sideways as a result of that decision, i can't run to the government and say hey, can you pay off all my loans because i decided to do something that wasn't going to work? will geno, it looks like all of these plans, giving money to these kids is to b buy votes.
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what would you say to the president on. this certainly his modus operandi everything he does is to reach out to different voter groups and stuff and to -- but to totally wipe out the debt for the young people, try to lock up their vote, absolutely, i think that's what they're doing. that's what -- that's what government does good lesson to learn. forced on them 18 years old, 0 years old. why would you incentivize them to wake wait for the government to pick up the slack or take care of you. that's what this administration does. laurence lawrence so true? >> we will take carol of you. don't worry about it. especially early on in life you should own up to your responsibilities. you made the debt. this is how you pay it. that would be a life lesson. instead life lesson don't worry at some point the government is going to bail you out. this is the next generation we are talking about.
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>> lawrence: ken, do you think voters are going to reject this type of ideology in the next election or do you think it's going to be more of the same? influence around the world people aren't going back for all this support to people to actually conservative values. seeing presidents getting elected in other countries for the very same thing. i did a little research for this segment last night. and do you know the top 20 universities have more than $310 billion in their endowment funds. now, when you ask them what's that money for. when you try to research it, oh, it's for student services or it's for community health. what does that even mean, right? so i agree. they need to have some skin in the game. if you are going to sell a product somebody can't use and you know they are borrowing money for that product. you should be saddled with at least the task of getting them into some gainful employment so they can pay you back. my neighbor bawshted money for a pickup truck. his son borrowed money for a pickup truck and power washer.
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if that power washing business goes bad, do you think some educated white collar college educated person is going to say let me pick up the tab and pay those debts out for you. i think they are going to reject that wholesale. >> lawrence: it's so true. common sense, honestly. you would think the president would get that geno, ken, thanks so much for joining the program. >> thanks for having us. >> thanks. >> lawrence: ainsley and carley, will you all save me a brownie? >> carley: come on over here and join us. these are really good. today is national brownie day and we have the sweet trees and these fine ladies are here to tell us. >> brownie points partner alissa becker. brownie points you have a lot of brownies tell us about it? >> we do. actually we make the most brownie flavors on earth. we are brownie obsessed. everything we do is about
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brownies. and we like to take desert that we feel america has loved forever and reinvented for today's taste. if you take a look around it, all the trays, we have red velvet. we have our famous original kitchen sink which you will make with us. we have vanilla breen brownie. christmas confetti brownie. christmas and cream. avocado brownie. >> nuts on it. >> that's our original kitchen sink. you are going to help us make it. >> come on over. >> you need to do it. >> you are going to top this brownie and use all the chunks, you are going to use the to havey, when you are done pour the caramel on and it show you whether a it looks like when it comes out. >> go for it. everybody help them out. >> ainsley: just jump. in. >> the more the better. the white chocolate. >> favorite. brownie points cute name. >> variety. >> you get a huge variety.
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>> oh, this one is just so fun because it has everything but the kitchen sink,. >> lawrence, get the milk chocolate. >> pour it. >> all right. lisa has a great story. alissa is one of the investors and lisa started this with her sister-in-law who is also lisa. from columbus, ohio. you were a school teacher. >> yes. i was. it was the best. i loved it. >> pour it on there, lawrence. >> oh, it's hot, too. >> what is your favorite flavor. >> i would say original kitchen sink has special place in my heart. everything in it. leglegal. >> rick: started this in your kitchen. get great stalking stuffers. such a great christmas gift. >> support her because she is a kindergarten teacher, first grade teacher, 3rd grade teacher and jen -- make extra money and then it took off. what is your involvement? you are an investigator. how did you get involved. >> i'm a partner i worked on all the flavors. we try to invent as much we can we


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