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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 8, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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spiders. i would like to keep them in new york and new jersey and not have them come to washington, d.c. or virginia. >> about that. they are coming your way. people need to know that there is no stopping their spread. i've had people e-mail me asking me if i can do something about this. i tell them no. there are at least a million of them in the southeast. every single one of these can lay 500 eggs a piece. just do the math and it's overwhelming at this point. >> andy, great to see you. but that spider back in whatever it is, the crate. >> things for the opportunity. >> follow me on social media, instagram, x and facebook. thank you for watching all week long. remember is america now and forever. will cain is in for jesse and he is next.
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welcome to a special edition of "jesse watters primetime". i am will cain. drugs, strippers and exotic cars. can you guess what those three things have in common? those three things are what hunter biden spent his money on while skipping out on taxes. hunter biden is now facing up to 17 years in prison for being a serial tax cheat. after special counsel david weiss last night hit hunter wood nine tax charges including three felony attempts. these are on top of the three criminal gun charges he is facing in delaware where he is looking down the barrel of up to 25 years. this was hunter just moments ago. >> mr. biden, will your father pardon you? >> do you have any comment? >> will you go to jail, mr. biden. >> that might be the only thing that saves under. the president's sun skipped out on paying taxes not three times,
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but four. from 2016 to 2019, hunter racked up $1.4 million in debt to the irs. it's not like hunter didn't have the money. ukraine and china were filling his pockets. so where did all the money go? the indictment reads in part quote between 2016 and october 15th of 2019 the defendant spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing and other items of a personal nature. in short, everything but his taxes. in four years, hunter withdrew $1.6 million from an atm. in four years, hunter spent $900,000 on his sex life. seriously. almost $700,000 on, quote, "various women. another $200,000 on adult entertainment. just quick math, $900,000 over four years comes out to about
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$4000 a week. four grand in prostitutes. how many prostitutes is that a week? i wouldn't know. i guess it depends. but let's be honest, hunter is not exactly a top-of-the-line quality kind of guy. the indictment in fact says hunter paid one stripper $1500. he says it was for artwork. the prosecutors say she didn't sell art. hunter was losing track of how many girlfriends he was paying and he was deducting strippers, sex club memberships, is $28,000 porn site bills as business expenses. hunter even expensed a, quote, " bok and all. he can't deny any of this. in his memoir he adds color. , quote, "and ant trail of dealers and sidekicks rolled in and out day and night. they pulled up in late series mercedes-benz, decked out in oversize raiders or lakers jerseys and flashing fake rolexes. the stripper girlfriends invited
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their girlfriends who invited their boyfriends. they drink up the entire minibar, call for room service for filet mignon and a dawdle of don perignon. one of the women even ordered an additional fully for her purse -sized a dog. don't worry. hunter was also spending the money on essentials like $636,000 on clothing and retail purchases, $215,000 on food, $25,000 on entertainment. hunter had the money. he just didn't have money for alimony or taxes. and he knew he had to pay them. his ex-wife says hunter kept two-year-old tax returns sitting in the trunk of his car. biden leaving important documents in their car? where have i heard that before? but hey, joe is now saying a tax code is what is unfair. >> the american people are tired of being played for suckers. by the way, does anyone here think that the tax code is fair? if you do, raise your hand.
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you've got it, baby. >> i don't think it's fair either. but it's not been fair for a long time. not just when it targets under. hunter's attorney is calling this thing a political witchhunt. >> my client has well stated many times that at the depths of his addiction, something that american families have somebody either in their family or they know, is not behavior he is proud of. it doesn't make him into a tax felon and a 56 page indictment. and lastly, how many cases do you know in which somebody when he got sober and got his act together, paid his taxes back with interest and penalties two years ago only to face this kind of a document yesterday? people should ask, what changed between june 20th and yesterday? the answer is politics. >> so the tax code is unfair and now it's been weaponize did against biden?
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got it. any more excuses? hunter went today on a podcast, conveniently, where he pulled out the old russian disinformation card. >> this whole idea that this may not in every aspect be a russian disinformation campaign. but it has every earmark of what the russians did. what's it called? it's called elimination rhetoric. that is something the nazis came up with as a tool to undermine their political rivals. putin has fine-tuned it. he didn't argue with them on the merits. he labeled them pedophiles. he planted child pornography on their laptops and computers. maybe only 10% of the people in the public would believe this [ bleep ] , but then when he would turn around after he got 10%, 15% or 20% believing the worst you could believe about a human bin.
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he turned around and said he's on money laundering and against the russian people. it's a lot easier for them to believe that. >> hunter then went on to say republicans want to kill him. >> none of this isn't necessarily about me. they are trying to--in the most illegitimate way, but rational way--they are trying to destroy a presidency. and so it's not about me. what they are trying to do is there trying to kill me knowing that it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle. these people are just sad, very, very sick people, that have most likely faced traumas in their lives. they decided that they are going to turn into an evil and decide that they are going to inflicted on the rest of the world.
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>> he's the crack smoking, poker visiting martyr against these evil, moral do-gooders. here now is a new york post columnist and author of the laptop from. miranda, you have been investigating hunter for many years. you now see an indictment with many of the details you wrote about in your book laptop from help. what is your conclusion about this indictment? >> it is too little. some of the most serious charges, of course, were allowed to lapse. the statute of limitations was allowed to expire by david weiss the u.s. attorney in delaware, who he and his prosecutors as we were told by the brave irs whistleblowers, just blocked and stymied and delayed all the normal investigative avenues that should have been taken by joe zigler and gary shapley when
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they were investigating hunter biden. all of that was to protect joe biden and ultimately it ended with that sweetheart plea deal which they tried to rush to get the whole thing off their plates. but by that stage it was too late, i think. gary shapley and joseph zigler have really scared everybody that managed to scare off leslie wolf who was the prosecutor who had been doing most of the cover-up according to them. there was a new pit bull prosecutor on the case, leo weiss. david weiss, the u.s. attorney, had to step aside and let the case take its course. now that is what has happened without some of the more serious charges. and i think people ought to realize back at home now that you are getting all this sympathy play and hunter's lawyer is going on the airwaves and core hunter was a drug
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addict when all this happened. he was clean and sober in 2020 when he filed these allegedly fraudulent tax returns in which he was claiming 600,000 some odd dollars for prostitutes and a couple hundred thousand dollars for close et cetera. the average american pays their taxes and they go to jail if they are fraudulent. that is all that joe zigler and gary shapley wanted. they wanted hunter biden to be treated like any other american taxpayer. otherwise, our faith in the system collapses. >> miranda, while the details of this indictment are scandalous, they are not truly the scandal that matters. the scandal that matters is not how the money has been spent, but how the money comes in. hunter is saying the idea of the biden crime family being paid by ukraine or china, the bank records, e-mails and photos. he is saying it was all made up
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by donald trump. watch this. >> the biden crime family, okay? >> as a crime family you are really sad as a crime family. >> think about this. my dad has been a senator since i was two years old. he has released decades worth of his tax returns. he has lived in the public late. we have lived in the public late. we have gone through 4 presidential campaigns. my entire life has been before the public. it took until lo and behold donald trump figured out that somehow this is a criminal enterprise. we sit here and we talk about it. i turn on abc face the nation this morning and they are talking about hunter biden's plea deal and this that and the other thing. who knows what happens with james comer. are you kidding me? okay, we will talk about ukraine again? >> i would hope so. to the point, this is the true scandal. how the money was earned, not how it was spent.
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>> that's right. that's why next week when the republicans bring their vote to the floor for formalizing this impeachment inquiry, every single republican should be voting yes to that. if they don't, you have to think there is something suspicious going on and they are being bribed or they are being blackmailed because there is no republican who should not want to get to the bottom of this influence peddling racket, this corruption that goes right to the top of this country. and joe biden has been practicing for decades. he brought his son hunter. i feel sorry for hunter in some ways as the bad man. and now he is being rumbled. i think in january there are going to be some witnesses that come forward to that impeachment inquiry that are going to cause joe biden a lot of headache. it's hilarious that hunter biden mentions ukraine and says we are not going to talk about that.
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yes, we are. that's the most serious quid pro quo we are aware of at the moment. it's been covered up quite expertly to the point they have managed to impeach donald trump over joe biden's scenes. i think that will be remedied. obviously, hunter biden is going to get pardoned and that is why he is so cocky. that's why he's going on this podcast and talking about russian disinformation. there is never any consequences for him. he doesn't care. that is really irrelevant. he maybe pardoned and never see a day in jail and remained remain rich and get famous. but joe biden will be exposed as corrupt and hopefully the influence peddling that goes on in washington will be stopped. >> hopefully. thank you, miranda. hunter is facing up to 17 years on tax charges. how is the media reacting to this story? >> hunter biden is not president
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joe biden and there is no allegation in the 56 page indictment that the president did anything wrong. he's not even mentioned. say that there will be conflation by republicans. hunter biden committed crimes. joe biden and the biden crime family. et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. the link has not been drawn yet. >> there is no evidence that president biden had anything to do with the criminal charges his son faces. >> they have been trying for two years to link the president to his son's activities. that hasn't really panned out. there has been no financial gain shown before biden. in that sense, this is about his son. it's not about him. >> here with reaction is to also gabbert from presidential. he's been playing the mainstream media as almost absolving joe biden. >> what's interesting about that is with every clip that you just played none of them has admitted the fact and one of the key
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problems is special counsel weiss investigation. none of these issues with regard to hunter biden's foreign influence peddling business model has been even looked at. and the information that republicans in congress have sought to get to follow this trail of what appears to be increasing evidence that president biden has been implicated or benefited in some way from hunter biden's business. they've had a really hard time getting it. this is the problem. this whole thing began with trying to get hunter biden off with this sweetheart deal. they weren't able to get away with it. okay, we will levy sum other charges against him and hope that people will be distracted by it without really addressing the most important issue that impacts the integrity of the presidency and the upcoming election. i will just mention real quick the reason the timing of this is so important and why pressure needs to continue from the american people to demand the
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truth and from leaders in congress is we already saw leading up to the 2020 campaign the extent to which the biden campaign went to try to hide hunter biden's laptop information from the american people because they were afraid of would influence the way they voted. we are heading into another extremely consequential election. my fear is that the harris biden administration, the biden campaign and department of justice will go to greater extent to wants again pull the wool over the american people's eyes to protect them from knowing the real truth. >> they had a willing partner in the media and social media in censoring that story at the time because they saw joe biden as integral to stopping donald trump. the question would be as we head into 2024, does the media still considered joe biden useful in stopping donald trump? if his pole numbers continue to tank, i would watch and put our fingal on the pulse of the media. to they continue to vigorously
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defend joe biden? the moment they stop is the moment we realize they are moving on from joe biden. >> you are exactly right, will. that's the truth the american people need to pay attention to. we talk about permanent washington where not just talking about the democratic leaders and certain politicians. we are talking about the people who care more for maintaining and growing their own power and big tech and social media, in the propaganda media, and both elected and appointed political leaders. they will do whatever it takes to keep their power, even if it means continuing to undermine the rule of law and destroy the foundation of freedom and democracy that we celebrate in america. >> gavin newsom is waiting in the wings for that moment. kelsey gabbert, thank you. arizona is looking like the united nations and not everybody is getting along. i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift.
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will illegal immigrants from all over the world descending on our border now. guess what? most of them are male, single and ready to mingle. one of the border towns facing the worst of it is lukeville, arizona. national correspondent has the latest. >> reporter: here in lukeville, border patrol morale has collapsed while frustrations are sky high. take a look at what happened at the border wall this morning. border patrol agents making illegal immigrants pick up trash after themselves. we are in a national park called the organ pipe cactus national monument. over recent weeks it has been completely trashed by illegal immigration. border patrol made them get bags and clean it up before they transported them with one agent telling them if you want to come to america you can learn to clean up after yourself. look at this video yesterday
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before sunset. another wall breach. a massive illegal into arizona. people pouring through a gap in the border wall by the hundreds. you will see a lot of them were adult men from africa as well as families from ecuador and mexico. they walked along the border wall looking for border patrol. once they got past the border wall area look what happened. they got onto the local highway out here in lukeville. this is the only road in or out of lukeville. the illegal immigrant started wandering in the middle-of-the-road aimlessly, not knowing where they were going and simply walking north further into the united states. eventually border patrol found them and corralled them and got them into a processing area. lastly, take a look at san diego sector border patrol releasing thermal images showing another wall breach their sanna sedro. about 75 illegal immigrant scaled the wall with the help of a human smuggler. they got into the united states and gathered up and ran further
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into the country. no word from border patrol and if all of them ended up being caught. back out here it is worth pointing out vice president kamala harris assigned as the borders are has not been down to the southern border since june 2021, two and a half years ago. back to you. my next guest is independent journalist who has been down to our border for months. he says he has seen an influx of adult males coming in. also child traffickers using kids as their meal ticket to get into the country. anthony aguero joins me now. anthony, thanks for being with us. tell me, with what you've seen at the border over the last several months, who are we talking about? who is this flood of single male illegal immigrants? >> pretty much these last couple of months i have been able to document at least 30 countries of what make up the organization islamic cooperation.
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this is an organization that is made up out of 57 countries, predominantly muslim countries, in which they are in accordance to progress the islamic agenda. it's worth noting that it's 56 out of 57 countries of this organization that is a part of the united nations. all of these single military age males all pledge of allegiance to the muslim faith, all wearing the insignia which is a ring to pretty much pledging allegiance to whatever it is there doing. it is pretty alarming because in the mix of all of that you are also having what is looking like drug children which are passed out with single adult males. when we press these individuals on information on the child, simply how old is the kid, they give you a random number and then you blow up with what is
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the birthday? they look like a deer in headlights. not only just that, we have pretty strong flashlights out here on the field. when we put them up to our face, you are going to react. me as a father, if my child was asleep in the room and i flicked the lights on and he or she will move around a little bit. the same thing with these kids. there is no vital signs from the kids eyelids when presented with bright light in such a dark space. >> they are using these kids, drugged up, using them as passports, essentially illegal passports to get in the united states. let me clarify something really quickly. everyone listening right now is worried about the potential for a threat to the homeland. a threat to the united states of america. the idea we could have out there are essentially terrorist threats being illegally smuggled into the united states. what you are telling me is that from 57 countries you have devout muslims which in and it themselves don't represent a
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threat, but you have illegal immigrants coming from 57 different countries across the world, countries like what? give me an example of what you are talking about. >> these countries that i am talking about are part of the organization of islamic cooperation, like i said. they are going to be pushing forward on the islamic agenda and pushing their agenda throughout the world. they are here to establish and pretty much try to radically change america in that aspect. that is what these countries are in accordance for. the individuals we are seeing down here at the south order i could not tell if they are in accordance with that. they are coming from those countries that have pledged under this organization. >> our own government has talked about illegal immigrants coming from countries who have had a population within that country that have supported terroristic activities toward the united states in the past.
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which represents obviously an enhanced threat to the united states. i appreciate you giving us a first-hand account of that of what you've seen in your coverage over months at the border. thank you for your time. >> out here tonight katie hobbs will be out here tomorrow morning. they have completely stopped all operations. there is absolutely not one single migrant on the floor tonight. >> big chauffeur katie hobbs. for the arrival, it sounds like. thank you so much. what did voters think about this week's gop debate? we have got answers, next.
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his one-liners lit up the internet. but did he manage to sway voters watching at home? here with the top takeaways, lee carter. good evening. i think you have some grades for us about how voters felt about several moments in that debate. let's start with vivek ramaswamy's moment when he called out nikki haley for corruption. >> only a woman can get this job done. that's what she said. after the third debate when i criticize mcdaniel after five failed years of leadership and criticize nikki for her corrupt foreign dealings as a military contractor she said i have a woman problem. i don't have a woman problem. you have a corruption problem. i think that is what people need to know. nikki is corrupt. this is a woman who will send your kids to die so she can by a bigger house. this is the problem using identity politics. more effectively than kamala harris. it's a form of intellectual fraud.
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it has to end. they are our masters wielding the puppet appear tonight. >> i saw the blue and yellow lines going down pretty consistently. the red line dropped about the time that trend sick held up the sign nikki is corrupt. >> the red line republicans are blue for democrats. republicans overall gave this a "c". but what happened in this moment and this wasn't the only moment of the night where it happen. people said i might agree with him in principle but he has gone too low. there were comments and one voter said it is so over-the-top. one republican voter said its childish when he held up a sign and totally lost me. even if it's true, he is rude and most people said things like he discussed me and i'm tired of his smarter than everyone stick. overall he really lost a lot of support this night. among the people that we spoke to, he performed the worst. >> i don't know that it's a bad thing that the democrats didn't
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like it but he was laying out. we have to pay attention to that line when it comes to republicans. let's do the same thing with chris christie. he did the opposite. he defended nikki haley. >> we are now 25 minutes into this debate and he has insulted nikki haley's asic intelligence, not her physicians. her basic intelligence. she wouldn't be able to find something on a map that his three-year-old could find. look, if you want to disagree on issues that is fine. nikki and i disagree on some issues. but i tell you this, i have known her for 12 years which is longer than he even started to vote in the republican primary, and while we disagree about some issues and we disagree about who should be president of the united states, what we don't disagree on is this is a smart accomplished woman and he should stop insulting her. >> i'm watching the blue democrat line go up every time chris christie talks. i'm not sure this is what you
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want in a republican primary debate. >> it's not. democrats gave him an "a" while republicans more along the lines of a "c" plus. what is most important to get across here is the independence and republicans said i might not agree with chris christie on a lot, but on this he is right. he is fierce. way to go. a lot of people still don't like him and might not support him. this was some kind of leaning. maybe chris christie and nikki haley will team up? some people they have an appetite for him to see her as vice president. chris christie had a decent night. it will not move the needle. the overall windler winner was nikki haley and some people david did give it to ron desantis as well. >> in the power of style over substance. no matter what people think of vivek he's leaving his mark on the republican party. quite frankly they haven't been getting enough coverage. not only that, he is advancing the conversation.
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>> through operation warp speed, the trump administration and private industry developed a covid vaccine in record time. the program protected the drug companies from virtually all lawsuits over vaccine injuries. the government has a program to compensate for such arm but critics say it's a black whole of bureaucracy. mr. trump says he is very proud of warp speed. should he be? >> this question specifically on liability goes back to actually reagan. one of the areas was the special form of lobbying to say that one kind of manufacturer, a vaccine manufacturer, cannot be sued for product liability. i have pledged this part of my legislative agenda. we will repeal that just like we will repeal every other form of crony capitalism. >> gop presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy joins me now. vivek, great to see you tonight. trademark jacket in place as always. great to have you on foxnews. tell me, vivek. i want to talk about substance and then we will get to style.
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here is an issue that you are championing that i think everyone needs to revisit and is unwilling to revisit which is why does one industry in this country have total immunity from product liability? >> crony capitalism. that's the simple answer to a lot of the questions in our failed system. we say in the name of capitalism what we really have are private actors and industries and in this case the pharmaceutical industry that has captured government actors to do their bidding. this is what happened with respect to the special shield for vaccine manufacturers. on that debate stage i also talked about special antitrust exemptions built in for insurance companies including health insurance companies. that's the cycle of the cost in our healthcare system. we don't have enough health insurance competition. whatever the problem traces often in our market it traces back to crony capitalism. the merger of state power and corporate power together do what neither can do alone to capture politicians.
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that's why i have been on a cursory against both parties. democrats foles foremost but the republicans as well against politicians who are responsive to special interest. every politician dancing to the tune of the puppet masters in the establishment of both parties. it will take somebody who is independent of that to drive real legislative change. healthcare sector included. >> and more are included as well. i can tell you that i appreciate you pointing out crony capitalism when it comes to one of the most important things in human existence, that is the tool of war. i personally found it very convincing when you said name three provinces in ukraine. u.s. that of nikki haley. you asked out of chris christie. i have to separate myself from what i think, feel or see and what may be is resonating with the masses. you probably heard some of the feedback from lee carter in the dial testing of those moments where you challenge nikki haley. i did have concerns because i watched it and wondered how will this resonate with the casual
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viewer? not the person that has already bought into vivek's big ideas. some don't like the style, vivek. >> i think there is a time and place for everything. i've been to four events in iowa and that's a very different personalized experience with 100 or 200 people in a room. on the debate stage part of what we are doing is drawing hard contrast. i will say something you are not supposed to say, but i think it's the truth. i think there is absolutely a double standard based on identity politics. in each of the last two debates nikki haley called me dumb and scum. i don't engage in name-calling. chris christie use fowler language that i don't want to use here on the debate stage. i don't resort to that. i will be unsparing to say if you send our sons and daughters to fight in somebody else's war or $200 billion of our taxpayer money to advance ukraine's work you better darn well know which provinces in ukraine you are fighting for. the fact of the matter is the
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people that have wielded foreign policy experience as a card for much of this race, i think i revealed them as a fraud. they don't know the first thing about what they are fighting for. i want to say one thing. i want to speak the truth and lose an an election than to win by playing political snakes and ladders. my long-run bet is not in the short run. that's the approach that actually pays off. if you want someone who will speak truth to power he want somebody who will speak the truth to you. that's what i'm doing. >> truth is often unpopular, vivek. we will continue to talk to you while we agree and disagree. best of luck. thanks. >> thank you. appreciated. ivy league presidents on the hot seat. that is next. get more from your benefits at visionworks. how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone! ...hey! use your vision benefits before they expire. visionworks. see the difference. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer!
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i believe presidents are trying to pull a 180 and tell you to not believe what they said in front of congress on tuesday where they repeatedly said that calling for the genocide of jews on campus wouldn't violate their university's code of conduct. >> specifically calling for the genocide of jews, does that constitute bullying or harassment?
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>> if it is directed in placement it is rasmus. so the answer is yes. calling for the genocide of jews violates code of conduct correct? >> again, it depends on the context. 2 with their jobs on the line they are trying to sing a different tune. after disgracing herself on capitol hill university of pennsylvania president liz mcgill has been asked to step down by the board of the wharton business school. she is facing a bigger threat to be removed as the university's board is reportedly set to hold an emergency meeting on sunday. this comes after one major donor said he would resend is $100 million donation if mcgill is not removed. mcgill has since tried to walk back her commence, both with no luck. harvard president claudine gates is also doing damage control. she told the school's paper, i am sorry. words matter. when words amplify distress and pain, i don't know how you can
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feel anything but regret. but we know why the presidents could not condemn the genocide of jews. it's because they see the world through the lens of a pressure and oppressed. they care more about who is calling for genocide rather than who is being threatened with eradication. there is a total pole of victimhood and they believe that intersectionality determines who gets to spew hate speech. i bet every university head would have jumped out of their seat racing to be the first one to condemn calls to kill all black students or all hispanic students. and now the house education committee has announced their plans to investigate the discipline policies at these schools and see who is getting preferential treatment. contributing editor at the spectator, steven l miller joins me now. great to see you. i've thought a lot about this and talk to a lot of friends who are blown away by what they heard. i said i don't think you should be blown away. this has been a long time in the making. why was the president of upenn
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smirking and assembling on the floor? is it because she's a raging anti-semite or because she is doing this intersectionality dance? is it because they are receiving money from the middle east? how could they end up in this position? >> i think it's a few years of letting the inmates on campus run the asylum. i think you can get rid of all three of these people and it's not going to solve the problem. the problem lies with the donors and people who left this environment metastasize on campus for so many years. we are in this hierarchy of dei that somehow excludes jewish students. i think it's probably a mix of all. they are simply afraid of their own student bases because they just let them run things. now it's out of control. we are seeing the effects of that. >> i think it's complicated and weird but at the same time its simple. my analogy is always a totem pole. they are constantly asking themselves who is higher or
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lower on the victimhood hierarchy? if somebody had called for a genocide of white kids, you've got the same exact answer as you heard on the floor. but if you found a group that is lower on the totem pole, then they would be like oh my god this is totally untenable. this can exist at harvard. my point is the whole institution is rotten from this ideology. >> yeah, i would argue not even the institution but the whole is system based on what we have seen over the last few weeks. you are right. they are trying to make this a 180 issue. this is a code of conduct issue. again, because of that, if you are on scholarship or if you are an at do you are expected to act a certain way. when you walk around campus looking like a ku klux klan member that will have a perverse effect. sunlight here is the biggest thing. that is what they are getting. they are getting a huge dose of sunlight now. >> let's hope every parent has just robbed them of their
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prestige and then the tuition dollars. you don't need this institutions steven l miller, thanks for being with us tonight. why did this lady right here try to burn down the birthplace of martin luther king jr.? my mental health was much better. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects,
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vitamin and supplement brand. a woman is facing a slew of charges including arson after she was caught red-handed trying to set martin luther king jr's home on fire. it was all caught on video. fox news correspondent christina coleman joins us with more. christina? >> very disturbing. a good samaritan stopped a 26-year-old woman's dressed in all black from torching mlk jr.'s birth home. look at this footage. a witness record the woman going to town dousing the historic landmark in atlanta with gasoline with the big red canister as people clearly watched just before 6:00
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yesterday evening. scenic she had a big 5-gallon gas can in her hand and was going like this over the bushes. i figured she was related to maintenance for the building where she was trying to water the bushes. but it wasn't coming out and she seemed a little irritated and on edge. >> two off-duty nypd officers happen to be visiting the historic house when the woman allegedly pulled out a lighter and tried to torch the place. they say they detained her until atlanta police showed up. >> if the witnesses hadn't been here and interrupted what she was doing, it could have been a matter of seconds before the house was engulfed in flames. it was really about the timing and the witnesses being in the right place at the right time. >> that historic house was built in 1895. the kings sent the release in a statement saying fortunately that's attempt was unsuccessful thanks to the intervention of good samaritans. our prayers are with the individual who allegedly committed this criminal act. the suspect was arrested and
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charged with criminal intent of arson and interference with government property. so far no word on why she allegedly wanted to set mlk's birth home on fire. will? >> thank you, christina. reports are that she's a crazy woman. no yet known motors. thank goodness tourist and off-duty officers and cameras were there. if they weren't, mlk house burned down and she walked away it could have turned into a huge national moment to revisit the core soul of america. hopefully when we do that it's off something real not like jussie smollett or if it turned out in a different way. thank you for watching "jesse watters primetime". i am will cain. a new episode of the will cain podcast is available. catch it wherever you listen. i will see you tomorrow morning on "fox & friends" 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. eastern


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