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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  December 8, 2023 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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combustion is coming to a town near you in hartford, connecticut, stamford. i was in san francisco and scott, you came to see my show. >> it was great. it was fantastic. >> and he is playing in -- what town? i will be on january. >> i thought you were talking about overseas. >> i will be in israel, right? >> of course. the uae is the best. i worked there all the time. no, it is great. look around because you know what is going on. >> well, thank you, tom shillue, katie pavlik, and the studio audience. trace gallagher and shannon bream is next and be behalf of greg gutfeld, i am kat temp filmic. >> it's 11:00 p.m. on the east coast and 8:00 los angeles
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and this is america's late news. "fox news @ night." in breaking this friday night, fighting double trouble. both the president and his son facing new jeopardy today. first, much closer look at hunter biden's newest indictment. the details exactly where he spent millions of dollars on. meantime the head of the oversight committee said the walls are closing in on the president himself. as house republicans are moving toward a formal impeachment and query. the senior national correspondent kevin corke's live in d.c. with more on this, kevin, good evening. >> trays, things are heating up on capitol hill with respect of possible impeachment of president biden. as you know, the house g.o.p. released a resolution to formalize its impeachment inquiry into the president with a full house vote plan for next week. but if there is more, the resolution also a trio of committee leaders receiving the probes to randall mora witnesses
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and documents. it is the let 'er rip house g.o.p. leaders made to believe that ultimately lead to the president himself, talking documents. that is, of course by way of his son hunter biden who has been indicted on federal charges on alleged tax and financial crimes. but the younger biden tonight remains defiant. in fact, he's accusing republicans of using him to get to his dad. >> they are trying to destroy a presidency. so it's not about me. and the most base way, what they are trying to do is they are trying to kill me, knowing that it would be a pain that my father would be able to handle. and they are destroying the presidency that way. >> hunter biden talking there about high time for the bidens to face the music. >> the evidence is overwhelming
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and the american people see through this. it is time for the bidens to tell the prepare they cannot lie to the american people anymore. the walls are closing around the president of the united states. >> that is good to six pages long and quite something to read it. by the way, the market for the resolution is scheduled for tuesday and we will be here with that and more appearance me we will come indeed, kevin, thank you. alex washington times legal reporter and brian claypool attorney. jonathan turley brought up a good point tonight. i want to play it and get your response, watch. >> but the real question for many of us remains a department of justice handed out charges for unregistered foreign agents in similar cases. yet, years have gone by and there is no indication that they seriously investigated, let alone seriously considered charging hunter biden. >> so, you have no charges initially at all in california.
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they turn him down, alex where no fair charges, it is a fair point, do you agree? >> but is definitely a fair point, although we are still looking at the special counsel still investigating. who knows what might come. we were wondering what will go down with the plea agreement earlier this year. that fell apart and now these charges have come forward. who would have thought? you mention some of the indictment, the 56 pages and the juicy things in there. it was quite something. i thought he spent more than $40,000 more on adult on adult entertainment than he did and on accounting fees, legal fees. had that been reversed, he might not be in the situation he is an. >> trace: since you brought it up, alex, these are hunter biden's alleged expenses. look at this 1.6 million and atm withdrawals, 683,000 for payments to various women, $397,000 for clothing and accessories, 188,000 a adult
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and pharmacy products. it is really unbelievable. he paid for everything except for his taxes. >> trays, great to see you again. this is why he has six more misdemeanor charges and three more fell and it counts. he threw off the middle finger at the irs and said, hey, look, i can pay any of these taxes, but i will go out and spend all this money allegedly on women, on pornography and drugs and if he's not prosecuted, what kind of message does that send to people across the country? you can file full's returns, pay your taxes, go out and party and get away with it? >> trace: of the president was asked about this yesterday and he's not saying much about hunter biden but he did say this about the inquiry question, watch. >> can you explain to the americans, to the americans impeachment inquiry, why you interacted with so many sons, brothers or business associates? >> i will not comment why and
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it's a bunch of lies. >> did you interact with his associates? >> i did not, they are lies. >> i don't know, alex the more you dig deeper, lot of evidence is piling up that points that direction. what do you think? >> absolutely it does not look good. you mention the potential impinimpeachment inquiry. once the house votes for that, it does give subpoena power, i think a little bit more support. they can go to court, for example, to get their hands on these documents. we saw that in prior investigations into former president trump when house democrats were leaving their efforts. it is not going to look good for president biden heading into an election year. on top of that, it kind of sets up a position for a judge, facing potential down the road in impeachment trial during the election year while former president trump is now in federal court rooms across the
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country. so, it is an interesting situation. voters find themselves in to. >> trace: a lot of trials going on, "the hill," the republicans hope formally authorizing the inquiry will put more legal weight behind the probe and ability to compel evidence particularly in any of those battles if any of those battles and up in court. does the inquiry give the investigation overall a boost, brian, final thoughts on this? >> trays, it does because the key weather and impeachment in my opinion financial records. some of the money that was paid to hunter biden by ukraine, romania, china went to offshore account and then went to hunter biden. so if president biden's name is on any of these accounts that are receiving the money, then that will really move the needle to impeachment. >> trace: i think you are right, brian claypool, inc. you both. president biden is a mile and a half, maybe a little more down
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the road beginning los angeles visit with hobnobbing with hollywood waits to post his campaign. at the same time, los angeles county sheriff and border patrol are investigating this conical vote on the shores of malibu. by the way, near the homes of the celebs the president is meeting with an congo boats if you don't know are used by human and drug smugglers. christina coleman's life with this hollywood type split screen event, christine. >> definitely a split screen and president joe joe biden with star-studded we cannot fund-raising. santa monica airport not far from malibu where a vote full of two dozen migrant suspected of being here illegally showed up. a "new york post" said the vote washed up near barbra streisand's $100 million oceanfront mansion. so who were these migrants?
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where did they come from? where are they now? who knows. like many so many cutaways, the federal authorities are trying to track them down. the coast guard in san diego said apprehensions at sea have increased to a whopping 800% since 2017. it is unclear if biden will address the migrant crisis is impacting the border stay in california. fund-raising with celebrities. in the meantime, morale is low for border agents on the front lines every day doing firsthand with a humanitarian crisis. >> this is overwhelming and they are not prepared for this. the resources will matter, but this administration has been the boom of all the cartels in mexico. >> and no slow down in sight for this crisis. the sources say border agents have already had more than 540,000 migrant encounters since october, tree spirits been crazy, christina coleman live
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for us and let's bring in editor of "restore america" at the washington examiner and public , malibu celebs, the illegal immigrants, pulling up on the beach and the pongo boats and jeffrey katzenberg or said the following about meeting president biden "the excitement and enthusiasm are -- they are mobilized and waiting months to show their support for him." really? waiting months? so much excitement, 37% and now illegal migrants popping up on the malibu beaches. >> are right, it seems a little bit unlikely. trace my know the one place we know for sure the malibu migrants are not and that is barbra streisand mansion. as we know, they talk a big game and they don't ever want to actually back their policies. you think back to the reaction
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when ron desantis sent a bunch of migrants to martha's vineyard, for example. suddenly, everyone cared a lot about the border crisis. so, maybe this is the best way to get democrats to start caring about the open border policies. sending them to the celebrities backyard. >> trace: they showed up at the vineyard, 24 hours and back on the mainland. we don't have the services and resources for you to stay out here. you need to go b back to get go. it is interesting, pete, malibu, the shores of your university. these boats coming up and celebrities don't like trespassers. we have learned in the illegal battles over the years, they don't want people on their beaches but they welcome the president to town. >> let's not forget who else is in malibu but hunter biden himself. he has his house in malibu and i guarantee that is another place where you and will not see it illegal migrants coming in. it is really a situation where you have the celebrities saying one thing but acting in a very different way. >> trace: yeah, it really is.
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it is interesting because i'm glad the celebs are excited because nobody else appears to be. i want to put this poll on the screen. this is president biden's approval and we talked about it earlier. this is the approval, everyone 41% ages 18-39, the approval rating is at 34% among young voters. that is an awfully bad number, kaylee mcghee. >> he has a new long among democrats with key voters as you mention. i find it interesting according hollywood as an effort to make up ground. that reveals something about the democratic party, which is they are not interested in representing multiethnic working-class anymore appear they are the party of the rich, educated, white, and famous. that is clearly what biden communicated by according the hollywood celebrities. >> trace: i want to know what you make a maybe i will get both of your take on this if we have time, the president said if not
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for donald trump running come i might not run. it was a big statement, kind of surprising and a lot of democrats were like what? >> you want your presidents to run for what they will do for the country. they are in no matter who they are upon is. to hear this confession to say it really does depend on the fact a certain opponent i might face him in this case, former president trump, we need to show is not all there and is not all in. >> trace: it really does, kaylee and maybe have a different take but you kind of think of when it doesn't seem like he's 100%. it seems like he is looking for an excuse to maybe step aside. >> yeah, well, he's not all there, we all know that. but i do it think if one thing biden made clear he wants, it is to be president of the united states. there is a reason why he's tried to run at least three times throughout his career. he has convinced himself he is only one to take down donald trump. now whether the rest of the democratic party is buying that at this point, it that remains
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to be seen. but i believe he would have run regardless because he has an ego problem. he has made that pretty clear over the past couple of years. >> trace: thank you both. and out to the growing anti-semitism on college campuses. a group claiming to represent jewish and flying over harvard university a banner that says "harvard hates jews." jackie ibanez. >> good evening, last night we told you many of the ivy league presidents were working hard to clarify and clean up the controversial congressional testimony, but stop short of apologizing for even saying the words, "i'm sorry" but the harvard student newspaper published friday morning, the president issued an apology saying, "i'm sorry" and words matter and when amplify distress and pain come i don't know how you can feel anything but
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regret." but the apologies, trays, might be too little, too late for students at harvard, that plane to fly over ivy league with a banner word, harvard hates jews." trucks with billboards calling for the ouster of president liz magill, driving around the campus. she is facing the most intense pressure to resign with the board of trustees with upenn important school of business calling for her to step down. one megadonor pulled $100 million donation from the university. new this morning 72 lawmakers from both sides of the aisle have written to the boards upenn harvard and mit demanding they fire the school's president. the fiery letter said, "it should not take public backlash or 24 hours of reflection to realize calling for is unacceptable." to have both sides saying that,
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trays. >> trace: a lot of reflection jackiejackie live in new york. senior polis -- -- erica donald, faculty member for the leadership institute school board leaders program. welcome to you both and to you first, upenn student newspaper writes the following quoting between six and eight trustees told liz magill at the emergency trustees gathering thursday that while the board of trustees were not calling for her resignation, she should think long and hard about whether she can function and her role effectively. one source who was at the gathering told the daily pennsylvanian, in other words, the pressure is being ratcheted up like maybe this is not the right job for you. what do you think? >> i think it is long overdue. we have known about this for a long time. they were are really two points i want to make about this. one, it has been a slider for long time that the major source of anti-semitism in america is
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white working-class republican voters has not been true and isn't true. it is a slander against the hardworking americans in the country. the primary source of anti-semitism in america is absolutely the liberal institutions. at the top of that list is universities. the second thing is it is long past time for this and many other reasons why the republican party and anyone who is moderate or conservative or finds themselves horrified by what is going on on the campuses needs to treat the universities as a hostile anti-american, anti-jewish institutions that they are, which means treating them like the hedge funds they are starting to think about taxing those massive endowments that the ivy league has. because we have all handed to them through 60 years, frankly, of policies that have been designed to make universities rich and wealthy. they have not deserved that many pure they have not because of that trust from the american people. >> trace: and talks about the
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whole college campus thing but maybe di on the college campuses because the "washington examiner" writes, "until di office is, don't expect better college presidents" one reason they are duplicitous about the boundaries between protected speech and unprotected conduct is the regime's insist what matters is not the actual words or actions as an issue but the group identity of the speaker or actor. that really is it, erica, because if you approve of the speaker, you approve of the message. >> oh, we absolutely have seen the hypocrisy of these presidents and similar leaders across the country at universities who condemn speech that actually should be free and is not condoning violence, but instead, go all the way to capitol hill, to d.c., months after the pro-terrorism was exposed on their campuses to defend it. when someone shows you who they are, you need to believe them. we do believe them, and it is
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great to see both people on the sides of the i will not just in congress but on these boards and owners alike calling for the resignation of these presidents. nothing will change until they are held accountable. the only way to hold them accountable is to demand their resignation, however, it cannot stop there. because she is correct, deeply rooted in programming, activist classrooms and syllabi, events and student organizations, all of that must be rooted out when these presidents are gone. >> trace: into wonder if it kind of weeds in there when they talk about believing who they are. do you not believe that college students because "wall street journal" opinion which river to which sea? college students don't know but they agree with the slow computer that is true. half of those from the river to the seats have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to the river or the sea. i will get you both to, on this and i have 30 seconds each. >> i think it would be a mistake to mistake ignorance for lack of
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a worldview. if you look at polling, use equal very clearly there has been resold of less indoctrination for a generation, half of generations of american them. yes, they were ignorant but it doesn't mean they don't mean what they say. it would be foolish to think that they don't. >> trace: when you look and boil these poles down, erica, what the college kids are saying, i'm not very well-versed on the jordan river or the red sea. what i'm first on is that all of my group is pointing in this direction. your last thoughts on this. >> that is right. someone very involved in education, we know they are not actually teaching history and geography at her higher ed institutions but liberal activism. what we have to get back to his academic excellence and actually teaching what river and what see we are talking about, the true history of our country and of the nation. and her children were not just know what they are talking about in terms of geography, but they will reject anti-semitism in all
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of its forms. >> trace: some of the student said the nile river, euphrates river, the dead sea, man, it would be a great lesson. thank you both. why young girls self-confidence is plummeting and how you can help your children. that is next. and later in the nightcap, okay, here we go, friday nights, what tv show would you choose if you had to be trapped and one for a month? which character would you be? let us know on x and instagram and trace gallagher will weigh in, read the results and the best results in the nightcap. here is a "fox news @ night" across america, fremont street in las vegas. the experience where you can write the iconic zip line. now to the windy city downtown chicago. man, is it great and cold in chicago right now. finally, a live look at the steel city, pittsburgh,
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pennsylvania! where dr. gallagher is watching the show. if you can, join us live and don't forget to set your dvr and watch as any time.r a we are coming right back. it's where we caught our personal best. and this tree is where it all began. this christmas start traditions under your tree... share the tradition of visiting santa's wonderland at bass pro shops and cabela's. and get your free photo with santa. bass pro shops and cabela's.
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i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok.
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- after military service, you bring a lot back to civilian life. leadership skills. technical ability. and a drive to serve in new ways. syracuse university's d'aniello institute
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for veterans and military families has empowered more than 200,000 veterans to serve their communities and their careers. from professional certifications, to job training, to help navigating programs and services, we give veterans access to support from anywhere in the world. ♪ ♪ >> trace: we will soon know if the supreme court will take up another major legal fight over abortion deciding federal approval of the drug most commonly used to end the pregnancy. the blockbuster case will take place in the middle of an election. how will this impact the race, kevin couric. >> spot on, for democrats versus the politico godsend. that is because the main story line of 2024 election is abortion and not the economy,
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the border, crime, foreign entanglements, things like that. democrats have a much stronger chance to pull off a repeat of say 2022 midterms. perhaps 2022 general election. now, the supreme court is mulling as you pointed out whether to take up a high-stakes legal fight that could result in a definitive decision on federal approval of the most commonly used medically used, medically induced abortion drug. the nonjustices are considering appeals involving the approval of methyl pro stone and the judge's doses if they decide to do so, this will happen perhaps as soon as next week. this ongoing litigation, by the way, something that has come about, because it's been argued by critics the biden administration is trying to make the drug available by mail, thereby effectively pulling and end run on restrictions of abortion law in some states. so began we can find out as soon
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as next week whether they will move forward and take this up. all eyes on the court, trace gallagher. >> trace: all eyes on the court, and new survey shows decline in girls mental health and self-confidence so let's bring in psychiatrists and founder and ceo of "the wayward lee project." thank you for coming on. we will talk about young girls health in a moment but i wanted to play a couple of sound bites and get your take on it because what is happening in the middle east and israel. this is a high school student from israel. she is 15 years old talking about celebrating hanukkah. listen to her. >> hanukkah is about the miracle that we are jews and we didn't get killed. it feels not very good because anti-semitism. and people want to kill us. we need to fight back. >> trace: she is right, molly, it is not good when people say
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they want to kill them and for young people in israel, they are struggling at this moment. >> the reality is, this is an awful situation. and she -- it's coming from a 15-year-old who is in the front lines, obviously, experiencing pain she has never experienced before. but on a cut is a positive festival, right? it is lightly pitting darkness. i think we should take that approach as we enter this hanukkah season particularly given the nature of everything going on. >> trace: yeah, i think that is a fair assessment. i want to played this sound bite for you, doctor, this is bring a hostage. listen to what she says. >> i was checked into the hospital. i arrived and i'm completely fine. mentally commit well, it was quite the journey and it was a hard experience and a hard experience to take quite a while
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to sink in. >> trace: gal, that is the thing. she says, i'm fine mentally, different question but she says "sink in." it will take a while to sink in. >> when you are in fight or flight response, you have adrenaline pumping through your system, you don't really understand the extent of your physical and mental injuries until the stress has passed on until the danger has passed. some people don't make people develop ps td months after it passes. and i hope she gets the help she needs early. >> trace: so the survey comes from ruining our experiences girls who describe themselves as competent 2023. look at the difference on the numbers, 2017, 86% of fifth graders, 70% of sixth graders, 76% of seventh graders and the numbers have dropped really, really low across the board, molly, what are your thoughts? >> so i think covid plays a huge roll into this.
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we have seen kids become more and more isolated since covid. and in turn, instead of becoming more social, they just, in turn, revert to their tablets, they were technologies. and i think social media has played a huge role in the decline in self-confidence and young girls. they are getting no breaks because they get it on every angle at school. they come home and they are going back onto their tablets. there was a study that shows average growth spends six hours a day. it is an outrageous amount. too much of information they are processing. >> trace: it really is and we talked about this before, doctor, you get a lot of social media, very influential. and apparently come i don't know this and you know more about it than i do. not helping. >> of course not i'm a 35-year-old woman and at this age if i want to feel bad at myself i scroll through
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social media. think about the mentally vulnerable mind being exposed to world vanity in comparison. i think this is obvious why it is happening. >> trace: doctor, thank you so much, molly wills reed, thank you. coming up, look at this new video tonight of migrants just running, just running in at the southern border. we will have much more on that. still ahead of them a race against time on thin ice to save two fishermen. a surprise from the skies when a large aircraft deflated on a today's best viral videos are next. ♪ ♪ introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade.
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(fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when our clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. ♪ ♪ >> trace: new video tonight and lukeville, arizona, of migrants running across the southern border, but it's not just a high-end number of migrants coming into the u.s. causing concern. it is extremely low number of migrants going out. christina coleman is back with more on that story, christina. >> a big issue, tucson sector is
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a hot spot for the migrant crisis. the agency reporting authorities made 18,900 apprehension's of illegal immigrants just this week. vilma lucian at the border right now reports that the staggering number of apprehensions is the l ever recorded for that sector, breaking the prior record of about 17,500, which was set the prior week. >> what we are seeing on the border simply because we have allowed this to happen. from day one, president biden wouldn't have stepped in and gotten rid of every single one of president trump's border security policies, we wouldn't be in the situation we are in. >> take a look at this video out of arizona from yesterday evening. migrants are seeing reaching the border wall of the town of lukeville. it is not just migrants from south america illegally entering the u.s. we are told migrants arriving
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nearly 80 countries, some countries asia, africa making it tough to deport them. >> it will be almost impossible to remove these people. and other countries simply don't have a travel system in place where they can't verify the person's identity because they don't have systems like we do here. >> and as for the migrants seeking asylum, many are released into this country without set court dates. many of them are not returning to authorities to go through the immigration process properly. that, again, is a big problem because they run loose in the country and nobody knows where they are at. >> trace: no way to get them back, christina, thank you. israeli defense forces struck 450 targets and gaza over the past 24 hours. the united nations operating in tatters because of the fighting but the u.s. is now rejected a security council demand for a truce and correspondent nate foy in northern israel tonight. >> as the israel/hamas work
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enters its third month... the united states vetoed a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire while urging israel to protect. this will only plant seeds for the next war because hamas has no desire to see a durable peace. >> you in secretary general with article 99 of the charter, something that hasn't happened in half a century. it gives the power to raise any perceived concern to the international peace and stability. the conditions for the effective delivery of humanitarian aid no longer exists. >> israel argues a resolution would help thomas. >> calling for a cease-fire sends a clear message to him that hamas is forgiven for deliberate atrocities. an hamas no prussia, oppression of gaza is given a green light from the international community. >> is really forces push deeper
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into gaza while hamas launches more rockets into israel and holds 130 israeli hostages dead and alive. of the dead is the son-in-law of israeli american, the father of -- an american citizen and mother released by hamas last week after 54 days in captivity. >> now, my daughter has to work about putting her life together. >> u.n. is calling for the release of all hostages while issuing this warning to his home country. >> the american political leadership needs to wake up. >> overnight two idf soldiers severely injured trying to rescue hostages from gaza. they were unsuccessful in doing that. israel's work cabinet maintains only way to bring the hostages home is to apply more military pressure on hamas and gaza i'm a trace. >> trace: nick foy on the ground in israel.
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thank you, the words israel and ukraine putting temper on the holidays. but the next just to remind us about the blessings of freedom we have right here in the u.s. lee greenwood who wrote the popular song "god bless the usa." 40 years ago, it is great to have you on and thank you for coming to the show. to be appreciated. your bro "god bless the usa" in 1983 and then we will ask a question on the backside. speak okay. ♪ ♪ >> trace: it is interesting because you still hear the song especially around the holidays, lee. i want to put up this gallup poll, how proud are you to be an american? if you go back to 2001, 87%. now the number 67%, lee. it has dropped dramatically.
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what is your take on that? >> well, it bothers me greatly. we just passed anniversary of pearl harbor day. my dad joined the navy after the bombing of pearl harbor and i honor him for his service in the navy and two years in the marine. proud to be an american? as, those were the people who gave their lives and many wars across the centuries. and i'm appalled when people say they are not proud of america. if not proud to be an american i suggest you go somewhere else, how about that? >> trace: that is a very good suggestion. in the meantime, we should read "god bless the usa bible." why do we read the bible and what is important about this as we go to the christmas season? >> well, one of your other guests -- i love the phrase -- we have to remember how america got started, absolutely! we didn't come to get away from religion but we can with a bible in her hands. i have one right near a leather bound bible that we put together
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with four famous documents that actually belong to every american. the constitution, the pledge of allegiance, the bill of rights, the declaration of independence. they are in this bible in hand written lyrics of god bless usa" and a little extra something. a beautiful handwritten lyrics and leather bound bible. everyone should have one. >> trace: for the outcome if you were unset with me, i would take that one with me. i just want to put this up. >> i will send you one. >> trace: i appreciate that one. this is about religion in america, 196575% were religious. 2023 and the number drops not by half but a long way down, lee. >> you know but this war in israel and of course, the russian/ukrainian war, we need to turn to faith more than anything else. faith is the one thing that gives me strength. i know that i had an interesting beginning. i was born on a farm in california. and it took me a while to find
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my faith, my internal faith. it was a rocky road in the middle somewhere, but i don't know why people haven't got more faith at this particular juncture in history. because america is the one country that can protect your faith and give you faith. >> trace: yeah, that is exactly right. lee greenwood, great to see you as always, thank you. and the book, i can't wait to see you. i can't wait to see a copy on my desk monday morning. first up into nights viral videos, some quick thinking, yeah, and a lot of bravery by minnesota deputies to save two fishermen trapped in the middle of a frozen lake after they fell through the thin ice. one deputy carefully slid out on his stomach with a rope as his call he kind of how the other end. here they work together and able to drag the fisherman to both to safety. otis the service dog was in need to live a little help on his first airplane ride. the pup was afraid of the noise and pressure changes until we met a friend from another dog on
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the plane who cuddled with him until the flight was over. nothing like a friend. >> oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh! oh, my gosh! what do i do? >> trace: what to do come indeed. arizona woman caught the moment hot air balloon fell across her yard and house. moments before the low flying battling shifting winds got caught on a straight limb and ripped a hole forcing it to land and fall across as you saw the house. if you have a viral video to share, share it with us at "fox news @ night" on social media. the nightcap crew is here and lee greenwood is going to join, here is the deal trapped television show for a month and can't get out and can't be "fox news @ night," although we are a lot of fun. what show would it be and what character would you be? time to weigh in on x and
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instagram, trace gallagher, the nightcap crew. who would they be? ♪ ♪ i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained.
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time goes faster when you're having fun.
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♪ ♪ >> trace: okay, we are back with the friday night nightcap crew, jackie ibanez, christina
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coleman, the doctor coming leave greenwood. gracing the nightcap, lights, camera, action if trapped in a tv show, a tv show for one month, what show would it be, and which character would you become, christina coleman? >> are right, "fresh prince of bel air" because i like his character so much and he was cute when i was younger. now i know to much about his adult personal life. >> trace: i would have gone. you know, i would try to save him and take him before he reached data in real life. >> trace: that was like me saying when i was a kid, the partridge family was on because i like laurie partridge. now not so much. your show? >> i would be lucille ball. i will get into all sorts of trouble and have my husband yell at me. >> trace: are you funny? >> i will be. [laughter] >> trace: kevin corr, what is your show? >> "mad men."
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don draper. >> trace: you are don draper, are you kidding me? look the way you dress. put a cork and kevin core and he is "mad men." that is a great title. blinker you would come to your tv show. >> my wife, kim and i have been bench watching "ted lasso" and i like the character roy canned. has great answers like -- that is what i love. it is nothing he doesn't say but just his face. >> trace: he really is, roy is the best in that show in the show is the best, in fact. the star of ted lasso, tell me his name again who was doing the dance? roy kent but who is the star of "ted lasso"? anyway, jackie ibanez. >> that went well,
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"sex and the city," because she has the best social life, best job, best wardrobe. >> trace: terry bradshaw. jason said they because as the lead character in that. he did the basketball game the other night which is great. here it is, what is some of our instagram followers had to say, cindy said "i would be the guy on diners, drive-ins, and dives." miss me would be totally "full house" and i would love to be d.j. tanner. i used to have dreams that i was in the full house house and part of their family. michael anderson said, tv show would be "starsky and hutch" and i would be hutch, of course. rhonda said ""dukes of hazzard"'s." thank you for joining the nightcap. thank you, lee for joining us and thank you for watching "fox news @ night." i am trace gallagher. i have great week.
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>> home everybody, i'm


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