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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 8, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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arson and interference with government property. so far no word on why she allegedly wanted to set mlk's birth home on fire. will? >> thank you, christina. reports are that she's a crazy woman. no yet known motors. thank goodness tourist and off-duty officers and cameras were there. if they weren't, mlk house burned down and she walked away it could have turned into a huge national moment to revisit the core soul of america. hopefully when we do that it's off something real not like jussie smollett or if it turned out in a different way. thank you for watching "jesse watters primetime". i am will cain. a new episode of the will cain podcast is available. catch it wherever you listen. i will on "fox & friends" 6:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. eastern.
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welcome to "hannity". tonight a major u.s. embassy hit with rockets. a shooting at a synagogue in new york and calls for a global islamic on american streets. by the way, that southern border, wide open, leaving our country totally vulnerable to terrorist. the president's mind is elsewhere. his big hollywood fundraiser is going on today. is 53-year-old son is in major trouble. the biden brand has never looked worse than now. don't expect to hear much from joe biden in the days and weeks ahead. over and over again joe biden has been angry, demanding that americans pay their fair share. he accused american families and businesses of being greedy and selfish. at the very same time while his own blood son was not paying any taxes on what amounts to millions of dollars in income. according to a federal indictment. this by the way wasn't just your
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normal everyday kind of income. according to a federal indictment hunter was raking in tons of money from ukraine and romania and china all while daddy and pop's was vice president. and gearing up for a presidential run. joe biden lied to your face over and over and over again. take a look. vice president biden there has been questions about the work your son has done in china and for ukrainian energy company when you were vice president. in retrospect was anything about those relationships inappropriate or unethical. >> nothing was unethical. my son has not made money in terms of this thing about what are you talking about, china? the only guy that made money from china is this guy. he's the only one. nobody else has made money from china. >> that was a live. now that biden's own doj has established that the president is a liar, i think the american people you deserve to know exactly why well-connected
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people in china, ukraine, romania, because extend. why were they paying hunter biden an admitted addict at the time, millions of dollars with no experience? we the american people deserve answers from this weaponize doj. why was prosecutor weiss prepared to put all of this under the rug? he wanted no charges despite what is a mountain of evidence that he just now revealed. if not for two brave irs whistleblowers telling the truth and one delaware judge asking questions, if not for rudy giuliani, his attorney bob costello and the new york post telling the truth about hunter's very real laptop. guess what? none of these charges would have been filed. why is that? why were weiss and garland doing joe biden such a favor? were they trying to influence an election? do they usually give a pass to tax cheats? the crimes listed in this
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indictment are egregious. biden is accused of willfully refusing to pay taxes in 2016, '17, '18, '19. he didn't even bother filing a tax return in 2017 and 2018. weiss let the statute of limitations run out on the unpaid taxes. those were the burisma years. how convenient. he also is accused of committing fraud by deducting a sex club membership and porn subscriptions as business expenses. are you kidding me? during this time hunter lived a quite extravagant lifestyle according to the indictment spending nearly $700,000 on various women. another $400,000 on clothing and accessories. $188,000 on adult entertainment, whatever that means. another $215,000 on restaurants and food. and get this. he took out more than
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$1.6 million in atm withdrawals. in other words, hunter was spending millions on, quote, "drugs, escorts, girlfriends, luxury hotels, rental properties, exotic cards, clothing, other items all while dodging taxes and child-support payments. but in a newly released podcast, hunter tells the world that he and his father are victims of vast right-wing conspiracy now back. according to hunter republicans are trying to kill him. take a listen. >> they are trying to destroy a presidency. so it's not about me. in there most basic way what they are trying to do is there trying to kill me knowing that it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle. and so therefore destroying a presidency in that way. >> pour hunter. how dare the republicans
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demanded equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws. the president shouldn't have to pay taxes or follow the law? i guess not if you are a biden until now. the bidens have been able to do pretty much whatever they want. the country just spent four hysteria filled the years on trump russia collusion. the witchhunt that never happened that went nowhere. all lies, all conspiracy theories. but hunter takes millions from the first lady of moscow. that's right, millions of dollars and no one bats an eyelash. nobody? it takes millions from members of the chinese communist party and the media mob, no questions from them. as vice president we know joe biden interacts with hunter's business partners on a regular basis. we learned that this week through phone calls, through e-mails, through golf outings and dinners and nobody sees a problem? according to john solomon there
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were at least six suspicious activity reports detailing a whopping $12 million in wire payments to joe biden's delaware home. nobody on the left, nobody in the media has anything to say? by the way, where is adam schiff or eric swalwell or liz cheney or fake news cnn or msdn c or "the new york times" or washington post? they accuse russian of being a russian plan for four long years. then they elect the guy who is accused of peddling the biden brand to every sketchy oligarch in the world including russian oligarchs. now clearly there is a political rot in our government. our media, our justice system today has now been exposed for all to see. here with the reaction we have house oversight committee chairman james comer along with the chairman of the ever so important house wanes so important house ways and means committee jason smith. chairman comer, let me start with you. let me get your general reaction to all of this.
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>> well, i am not surprised. this is one of many crimes that hunter biden has committed. we believe that if you are going to tax evasion, not only did he evade taxes on the obvious income that weiss charged him with, but also the loans. that is something that jason smith and the ways and means committee are looking into as well. we believe that if you look at the loans that jim biden and hunter biden had, there is over $13 million in loans and no trace of principle payments much less interest payments. at one point does a loan become income? we believe there is significantly more tax liability than what he has. we know there is money laundering. we get that from all the suspicious activity reports. most of the 170 suspicious activity reports from the treasury implied that the bidens were money laundering. what we can look at with the
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bank statements now and the research we have done i can confirm it share looks like money laundering to me. you also have the obvious violation of the foreign agents registration act. who was he lobbying for? he was lobbying for china, russia and some of the worst countries in the world. but also he was lobbying his father. that makes joe biden liable in foreign agents registration act liability. we've got a lot of concerns. this is the tip of the iceberg. i'm not surprised it happened before this week. this case is far from being over. >> how much money are we talking about, congressman? >> we know they have gotten over $24 million from our enemies around the world. now we are finding all these loans. jason smith just released parts of the transcript from the whistleblowers. you heard john solomon break the story that there is an additional $3 million that he may oh kevin morris.
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what are the terms of that? is he ever going to pay it back. if you have a loan for years and years and you don't pay any payments on it or have any intention of paying it back, that is income. if you take $13 million in loans and we have identified with the president's family that's another $4 million in federal income taxes that they would owe in addition to evading taxes. there are many problems here. but at the heart of this is joe biden. all of this revenue came because of joe biden. joe biden knew what his son was doing and knew what his brother was doing. he met with all the people even though he said he never met with them. he continues to lie about it. he did it this week. we fear this president is compromised. we know he has been dishonest with the american people and that is why we are pressing forward with the impeachment inquiry next week. >> let me ask you congressman smith. we learned a lot more this week in your committee where gary shapley and joe zigler testified
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before your committee. what did you learn this week that we didn't know before? >> first off, sean, we would not be where we are today if it's not for those two brave whistleblowers that came before the ways and means committee back in may. that led to all of the items that have been pointed out. in fact they highlighted all of the tax crimes that were charged yesterday that should have been charged years ago. they also highlighted how the justice department obstructed their investigation and ways that they have never seen before. and they highlighted numerous leads led to president joe biden, but they were halted and stopped in their tracks. search warrants with public figure one being president biden were removed. there was numerous examples that led to president biden. for example kevin morris that was mentioned by mr. comer, the
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gentleman who originally paid off $2 million of hunter biden's loans. they testified this week that it is in fact $4.9 million of loans and payment that kevin morris has delivered to hunter biden. what is really important is they delivered an important e-mail that kevin morris sent the tax preparer for hunter biden saying we have to pay these tax returns or we will be personally and politically liable. that was three weeks before super tuesday which ultimately decided joe biden as the nominee. the democratic nominee for president. >> let me ask you this. we have all the lies told. i will ask both of you the same question. we have the suspicious activity reports. we have all these shell companies you have identified. the sheer amount of money, tens of millions of dollars. no services that we can identify rendered. we have 10 family members that
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have gotten paid including grandkids. can you explain to me how much money we are talking about and how sophisticated this was, james comer? >> it's over $30 million now. we have no idea what they did to receive the money. where they lobbying those countries? if so, that's simple. that's a registration act violation. that's a penalty of up to five years imprisonment and $250,000 fine. we've got a lot of questions for hunter biden about specific transactions. $100,000 wire here, $5 million wire there. he told one bank examiners that it appears the five million-dollar wire was alone. it appears he told another bank examiner that it was a fee for lobbying. either way he is in trouble because either way he wasn't telling the truth from what we believe the real answers are. that is why we are bringing him
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in for a deposition. we have hundreds of specific questions that we will ask hunter biden. >> it's also about joe biden, isn't it? >> it's all about joe biden. this is an investigation of joe biden. joe biden knew about this. if he had been honest with the american people from day one, he may have gotten away with this. the fact that he said he never met with any of these people and never talk to any of these people, that hunter biden had a wall between his personal life and the government. all of this has proven to be false. now the fact that we found these pseudonym e-mails, tens of thousands, 82,000 pseudonym e-mails that joe biden use. many of them were sent to people he swore he never even talked to. the fact that they are covering this up, sean, it's not only the crimes they have committed what is the cover out. the government should be held accountable. every single person involved in the government. that's the goal of what jason smith and i are trying to do
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along with jim jordan burke. >> we will give you the last word, jason smith. where do you see this going in terms of joe biden? >> this entire investigation is about joe biden. i agree with what chairman comer just said. we are looking at from the ways and means committee, i want to see the tax-free terms. the tax returns that president biden has publicly released, there is no indication that he ever received any interest income. however, we know he has received more than $240,000 worth of lone repayments from his brother. those lone repayments should have interest income. if the president wasn't reporting interest income, that's a crime. his son just got charged with nine tax crimes yesterday. apparently it might run in the family. >> by the way, he would have to pay interest for it to be a real
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loan? >> absolutely. in order for it to be a reel known you'd have to pay interest. if you did not it has to be recognized in your taxes as a gift, which you also have to pay taxes on. >> chairman comer and chairman smith, thank you both. here is wisconsin senator ron johnson. let's get your overall reaction to everything and the implication as it relates to joe biden and not hunter. >> look sean, how are you doing? merry christmas. >> by the way, i like the stockings. did you put up a stocking for me yet? >> that issuers behind me here. listen, i think chairman comer, chairman smith and the other chairman have done a great job. senator grassley and i developed this before the election. now you have hunter biden out there doing podcasts whining about being persecuted. i said repeatedly i took no joy in uncovering the biden crime
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family corruption. senator grassley and i were trying to warn the american public before the election, before joe biden became president, before he was compromised. we try to warn the american public that this man and his family received millions of dollars from countries they were adversaries of ours. if he were elected he would be compromised and our national security would be compromised. that's why we did this. this is not a vendetta against poor hunter biden. by the way, $872,000 on women and adult entertainment. those women, and we reported on this, these women were probably traffic through an international sex trafficking ring. we are supposed to feel sorry for a man in his late 40s to early 50s who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on women who were sex trafficked? i am sorry. i have no sympathy for the man whatsoever. plus as john solomon reported we went back and checked our treasury records. there were six treasury records
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that listed joe biden's residence on those suspicious reports. i'm sorry. if you are a late 40s or early 50s young man running businesses, generally those businesses would have their own address and not using daddy's address. i do not feel sorry for hunter biden at all. >> let me ask you about this. i think this is very, very important. that is that here you are on the senate permanent subcommittee on investigations and you talk about the sars reports and chronicle $12 million in transactions over several years. talk about that for a minute. what did you find out? >> again, those are detailing out activities that are suspicious. senator grassley and i ended up using those reports and we have bank records. we turn those over to david weiss more than year ago. it does track so many
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transactions in the indictment. we've known about these things for years. on those reports it talks about money laundering. at talks about human trafficking. these are serious suspicions. if a normal american just had one of these reports, that ought to be concerning to the american public if they vote for somebody related to that individual. hunter biden had hundreds of these reports. this tells you and shows you the depth of the corruption of this family and how much activity there was. this is a vast web of foreign entanglements which compromise the president and compromised our national security. >> when you look at the sheer amount of money as i was asking them and look at all the lies joe told. look at the sars report and the shell companies. look at the tens of millions we are talking about here. look at the fact that we see no services rendered here. how can anyone come to any other conclusion except that this was
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access to the then vice president of the united states from some of our biggest geopolitical foes? is this a national security issue as well? >> it absolutely is. why did joe biden cancel the china initiatives when being president? that by the way is the program within the department of justice that was trying to investigate and uncover chinese left of intellectual property. why would you do that? other than if you are compromised. this has dramatic national security implications. how can people ignore it? you have a bunch of radical leftists in the mainstream media who exhort ignore it. there will never be enough evidence for the mainstream media to report this. so many americans are not aware. you have to listen to sean hannity to have all the details of this. >> do you believe this is about joe biden and charges of bribery and money laundering? >> it absolutely is.
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that is what senator grassley and i were doing. all during 2020 and during the election we were seeing this vast web of foreign entanglements. it was all about if joe biden became president he would be compromised. he is. he has lied bald-faced to the american public repeatedly. he never should have been elected president. he was elected because the mainstream media covered up for him and they continue to do so. >> senator, thank you and merry christmas. next time i'd like to see my stocking next to yours on the mantle if you don't mind. just saying. >> merry christmas. we will get your name on one. >> the media mob is doing what they do best. shamelessly defending joe biden after hunter was indicted last night on nine more federal charges. we've got the tape. john solomon and the judge straight ahead. later,
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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking)
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reunification. i am kevin corke. now back to hannity. after hunter's bombshell indictment last night the media mob, fake news cnn wasted no time playing their favorite game which is defend joe biden while evidence of his corruption is so huge. anyway, take a look at their pathetic attempt to spin the indictment. take a look. >> as you were in trolling the topics i was thinking this is precisely what republicans are hoping, which is to conflate these two issues. as you absolutely correctly pointed out, this is about the son of a president, the son of the now president when this happened, president biden wasn't even an office at the time. hunter biden now facing nine new
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federal criminal charges as investigators say he avoided paying $1.4 million in taxes. instead spending the money on things like drugs, escorts, pornography and luxury hotels. >> hunter biden is not president joe biden and there is no allegation in the 56 page indictment that the president did anything wrong. he's not even mention. but that is not stopping house republicans from making hunter biden's business dealings a basis for their impeachment inquiry. >> the crime is the tax part of that. i don't see any link in the indictment or in comer's statement to joe biden. we will see. >> the last comment from their legal analyst is an outright live. comer statement said in part, quote, "in fact hunter biden corporate entities implicated by today's indictments fall to a foreign cash that landed in joe biden's bank account. here with reaction is the editor-in-chief and investigative reporter. let me praise you, john solomon very few have been right from
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day one. your reporting has been dead on accurate. congratulations. isn't it true, none of this happens except joe biden as devon archer told us is the brand. he was selling the brand. the brand ended up being access. is that nacho being involved? >> listen, let's go through where joe is involved. hunter biden doesn't make any of this money. joe biden name. hunter biden said that himself and interviews. millions of dollars flow into hunter biden while his parent as vice president and afterwards hunter biden decides not to pay taxes on that money. instead spending it on extravagant lifestyle a direct quote in the indictment. some of this tax evasion occurs while hunter biden is staking out and living in his father's own home in wilmington, delaware. it makes the home a crime scene in this tax case. prosecutors went out of their way in this indictment to create what is called a speaking indictment. they go beyond the necessary
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language to put the charges out there and they tell a story. what is that story? prosecutors said to the contrary. your son didn't pay taxes on the money he got in 2014 from burisma. joe biden said my son didn't get money from china. to the contrary, your son got millions of dollars from china and didn't pay taxes on it. the prosecutors went out of their way to tell a story and implicates joe biden in location, some of the crimes occur while hunter biden is living in his dad's house. as i mentioned last night six of the money laundering reports that came in from banks named joe biden's house, his address in wilmington, as the location of concern. they were flagging money laundering and human trafficking. the prosecutors did a good job saying this is a family business and joe biden is part of this. yes, hunter biden faces the tax liabilities, but joe biden is certainly part of this entire
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story. >> does he skip culpability here? joe? >> i don't think so. listen, hunter biden is not going. this is a very serious indictment that carries hard time, 17 years. does joe biden escape culpability? we will see. it depends on what the house does when they go to court. did they force subpoenas? do we find additional evidence? we know some of the money that hunter biden got flowed to joe biden. $40,000 from china comes in. james biden, same thing. $200,000. there is still a money trail being sorted through by these congressional investigators. i think we have to watch and see what they come up with. joe biden is not out of the thicket yet. >> great reporting, john solomon, as always. here with mo co-host of the five, our great friend, judge jeanine pirro. the one and only. put on your legal hat for a minute and let's look at joe biden himself in all of this.
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the amount of money, if it wasn't for joe biden, none of this money would be coming in. how does this get back to him? >> first of all, we have to understand that this is an indictment whereby the same guy who tried to pull the wool over everybody's eyes and literally take this case for a plea negotiation into a court where the judge said wait a minute, has the department of justice ever done this before? they had to reach back and say know we have not done it before. they were trying to hide tax charges in a plea agreement involving a gun for which hunter at this point wasn't even charge. is there anything on the straight and narrow are up and up, you are wrong. the only thing about this indictment, it's nothing more than what we have heard about. we already knew he was someone who was involved with and all
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kinds of human trafficking and all kinds of money spent on exotic cars, hotels and rental properties. this new indictment doesn't say much more than what we already knew. what is missing, and no surprise since they tried to get away with a plea deal of the century, says nothing about his being a foreign agent. it says nothing about human trafficking. nothing about money laundering. joe biden is involved in this. i will tell you how. hunter biden is profiting off of his father's name. we know from bob belinsky, devon archer, that there were meetings at the café in los angeles. we know there are 327 e-mails or joe biden is using a pseudonym directly in contact with eric sherwin because they are talking about business. and we've got e-mails that are occurring exactly at the time when the ukrainian deal is going down and joe biden goes over there and says if you don't get
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rid of the prosecutor on this company my son is on you are not getting a billion dollars in american money. that is corruption per se. to not judge, you are the best. appreciated as always. spent biden's failures on the world stage are impacting americans all over the world more than ever. we will explain. also later she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred.
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as israel's war with hamas continues we are seeing first firsthand how biden's foreign policy failures and his inability to serve as commander-in-chief is now endangering the american people worldwide. earlier this morning there was a rocket attack on the u.s. embassy in baghdad. this was one of at least 10
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attacks on u.s. troops in syria and iraq in the past 24 hours. thank god no casualties have been reported and the pentagon has reported more than 84 attacks on u.s. bases in iraq and syria since october 17th. this morning's attack intact could have been carried out by a ran aligned militias in iraq who have claimed responsibility for dozens of other attacks on u.s. bases over the past two months. here with the reaction is charlie hurt alongside former state department morgan back with us. let's start with you, morgan. let's look at the attacks. nearly 100 of them now. i look at joe biden and these nonsensical response that he has. bombing an empty warehouse. is that a response in your view? >> it's a response. is not a credible response and certainly not a response that is
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deterring iran and the allies from attacking u.s. forces and u.s. navy ships in the middle east, i might add. i am coming to from the middle east right now. i can tell you here tonight talking to leaders and talking to people in the region, they save what people respect in the region is strength. that's what we had under president donald trump and secretary mike pompeo when i worked with them. i would remind your audience that in 2019 the same thing happened which we saw happen over the last 24 hours. which is iran back to she of militia. we do believe that is who is responsible for the attack in the last 24 hours. back in 2019, almost 2020 in the days leading into 202020 iranian backed militias were attacking the u.s. embassy. we gave the irani ends very clear redlines and said your proxy interrupts the holding them accountable for attacks on our embassy and attacks on our
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service members, the american people, our diplomats. we did so by responding a few days later and taking out solo money, at the time the world's largest terrorist. that's the only type of thing the irani and regime understands. biden didn't think they were escalating. they think they are trying to keep a lid on a boiling pot in the region. they are only inviting more attacks and making our troops, our men and women both in hardened facilities and on ships, making our men and women sitting ducks for these attacks from hamas, and from the shieh militia and iraq. >> that scares me. i agree with morgan. when you don't respond, are you not sending the message i guess this is okay? >> yeah. it's just cascading disaster. we are now faced with yet another problem. that is if joe biden were to respond more forcefully, i don't
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have a whole lot of faith that he could handle a broader hostility with any of these countries or any of these forces exactly for the same reason that morgan has just laid out. when you appease these people, they will come back and hurt you. not only has he been soft on responding to these people and not only do these people think they can take advantage of them, but he has been outwardly rewarding our enemies at every turn. he has rewarded iran. he wants to hand the entire middle east over to iran. he wants to empower iran picking up very much where barack obama left off and joe biden left off as vice president. and creating for example a marketplace for hostages. who would be surprised a month later when we are looking at hundreds of hostages taken by hamas out of israel. this is what you get with this kind of weakness.
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we are in a catch 22. all we can do at this point is pray that we can get through the next year before we have a new commander-in-chief. >> both of you are giving a chilling analysis but it's dead on accurate. thank you for being with us. straight ahead tonight, guess what? biden now trying to distance himself from the group care after the leader of that group was praising the hamas terror attack. wait until you hear that tape. that i
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tonight sadly anti-semitism is on the rise. democrats seemed not quite as share of how to respond. on thursday the very first day
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of hanukkah a man shouting free palestine literally fired a shotgun outside of a temple. this has many on the left voicing public support for a global islamic more or what they call and to fado. and other left-wing demonstrators now openly condoning what the rape, the murder and torture of october seventh, praising hamas for confronting there, quote, "oppressors by any means necessary. earlier in the week we had the presidents of harvard and mit and upenn refusing to condemn calls for genocide without more context. get this. the executive director of the group care, the council on american islamic relations recently praising the october 7th massacre, proclaiming that they have no right to self-defense. really? take a look. >> the people of gaza only decided to break the siege, the
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walls of the concentration camp on october 7th. and yes, i was happy to see people raking the siege and throwing down the shackles of their own land and walk free into their land that they were not allowed to walk in. and yes, the people of gaza have the right to self-defense. >> get this. it gets way worse. the biden administration were coordinating with care in an official capacity to, quote, "combat anti-semitism. since those despicable and repulsive comments, the white house has been frantically trying to distance itself from care and scrubbing any mention of the group from the white house website. both the vice president in the second gentleman have also recently condemned anti-semitism frankly after weeks of silence.
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here with the reaction is fox news contributor jason chaffetz and best-selling author and former special envoy for combating antiterrorism know what is with us. your reaction to this? >> my reaction is that we are very pleased that care was removed from the white house website or anything that has to do with anti-semitism. the fact of the matter is this. they have had a history of questionable remarks when it comes to the jewish people and they should not have been part of the anti-semitism strategy of the white house. one of the san francisco chairs said a couple years ago that we have to be careful of the zionist organizations. what we are seeing is the trial truth coming out. the fact of the matter is all these organizations do not want israel to exist. they're trying to wipe israel off the map and trying to do this in a very convoluted and hidden away. we have been saying for a long time that anti-semitism and anti- zionism are one in the same. this is what we are seeing now. the truth is coming out.
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they don't want israel to exist and we want to fight this. i want to say one more thing. he was talking about gazan people owning and walking on their land. they are denying jewish nativity and ingenuity in the land of israel which is absolutely ridiculous. we are about to celebrate the birthday of a jewish man who lived in nazareth over 2000 years ago and they are trying to tell us jews have not been in israel since before 1948? this is absolutely ridiculous. i'm happy that organization was removed from anything that has to do with the white house strategy on anti-semitism. >> what do you make of the biden administration embracing the group ran nine. we know the history. why would they do that? >> there is no justification. they are not the only ones. the interns and other people and the staff in the white house have been problematic. adolf hitler killed millions of jews and he slaughtered millions of ethnic minorities. he did it with the justification
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that he needed this genocide to help cleanse the earth. and yet hamas takes the same position and these university professors, cair and others say that you just have to put it in context. they went out and slaughtered another 1300 people and then they say that proudly and think that the people of harvard and the students of harvard that is not a hate crime are not a threatening or intimidating to go out and say we really should carry on. what they are advocating for is exactly what was advocated for by adolf hitler. they claim the same types of things. i think they should be absolutely deporting the people that are here that are guests of the united states and they've got to get serious about cleaning this up. it's an embarrassment. >> can allow it to happen for sure. thank you. always good to have you. when we come back, president tr
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of
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. >> all right. now during the town hall in iowa on tuesday, i spoke to president trump about the scandals around hunter biden and joe biden before last night's indictment. here's what he had to say. you have the biden familiar "lincolly. making millions from burisma. >> and china, too. >> from conglomerates in both countries. you have hunter biden admitting on "good morning america" he has no experience in oil, gas, coal or ukraine, joe leveraged a billion of our money, in spite of being obama policy, to give them a billion in loan guarantees, then gets the prosecutor fired. hunter was admitted as an addict at the time, no experience, continues to get paid.
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the cefc, whatsapp, sitting next to my father, you haven't fulfilled your bargain, $5 million. ends up in what comber calls shell accounts. do you think joe biden is compromised by these countries based on the amount of money and business he did with china and with russia and with kazakhstan and romania and ukraine? >> first of all, jamie comer, they're putting it on the line. not only compromised, if you look at the kind of money they're getting where hunter from sitting on a board, a board, he's sitting on a board, he's getting 168,000 a month they say, he got $3 million payment, and he knows nothing about energy. it is an energy company. you take a look at the kind of thing going on, the kind of money, one of the most egregious, can you imagine if i
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did it. he never painted a painting in his life, a picture, a painting. never painted in his life. they're selling paintings for $500,000 a piece. and i got wise to it because the white house people called me, they want to do a painting of me. and they gave me to ten great artists. >> was hunter on the list? >> hunter wasn't on the list. that was the good news. he could have been on the list. but they want, these are real artists, make you look better than you look, even better. only artists they have to make you look better, if it is a painting, you have to look better. these are great artists, the money they get is a fraction of what this guy did for modern art, throw stuff, say next. and he is getting a half million. i hear, maybe it is wrong, i hear china bought a lot of those paintings, okay? when i heard the 500, i said you know, that's one that's never going to go. now people take it like it's okay.
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could you imagine me doing that or my sons doing that? >> no. >> the great ivanka trump doing that. i think we like her a lot. no, but can you imagine eric, don, the concept is incredible. he is getting a half million a painting and nobody can even check it. they haven't really checked it. i hear the numbers are staggering. >> unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. please set your dvr so you never, ever miss an episode of "hannity." next week, live audience shows wednesday and thursday. tickets are free. is where you get it. meantime, let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld a smile on your face this friday night. have a great weekend.