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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  December 9, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪ rachel: good morning, he can be. we're in the second hour of "fox & friends" here in new york city. it's christmas time and beautiful outside and i love being down here much we can look out right at the tree. it's beautiful, we're all in the christmas spirit. will: have you been out at night? last night i was on jesse watters prime time and it's beautiful out there. this time of year at night, dudes with the cell phone and everybody spins around and it become as destination. pete: you're in new york, no doubt when you're here. check us out, check it out. pretty cool. rachel: when the propalestinian protesters wanted to protest at the rockafeller, they got confused and came to our tree. i do think our tree is so beautiful.
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will: yeah. pete: i agree. nicely done. will: check this out, there's brand new polls this morning from "the wall street journal" showing hypothetical presidential election matchups. first the obvious potential head-to-head of donald trump and joe biden with trump, with a four point lead in a head-to-head over joe biden and that's reflective of things we've seen mostly and most show trump is winning the head-to-head. pete: no doubt, that's outside the margin of error that you can see at the bottom and 2.5% and they're brand new and we go with trends overall trend line of trump taking squarely taking the lead by the way. it's a reflection of support from president trump. reached all time low of 37%. jessica mitchell biden's approval rating and the numbers
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are flax waiting if the 40s there and that's a massive drop. >> that's going to cause a lot of constraint inside the obama biden police cal circles and it's not baked in the indictments that have just come out and not re-athleticked in the polls right now. will: you're feeling even better with what's most new in the wall street journal poll polls and je mansion, who it is rumors could be the candidate for a no labels party run for president. it shows trump with even wider mar jane including third and fourth party can dates and
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rachel: 14% un-died in that poll and we wondered what would happen with a third candidate and fourth and who would it pull from? more from donald trump and biden and these polls saying it'll hurt biden more. best of my recollections the cob fast is strag -- pete: the contrast is staggering when you look at issues. trump up 17 on the economy, up 21 on inflation, up 17 on crime. doubles biden on the border up 30 points and up 10 on foreign policy as it pertains to both ukraine and israel and going back 52 versus 35 and 51 versus
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30 and interesting when you see donald trump on shawn hannity's show for that town hall. he was such a businessman and he seemed really genuinely upset. that we were losing to china right now like there's a competitiveness about him and feel it like he can't stand what's happening and wants as a businessman to win. i was really impressed with how he kept focusing on the economy and the issues and the energy and everything that was impacting inflation. will: those numbers tell you the story of the next year we'll be talking about because of the democrat party in the mainstream media forcing us to talk about abortion for an entire year and one issue on the list where they'll see vulnerability.
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pete: no doubt. that lends of businessman too and seeing donald trump in the courtroom here in a civil case in new york defending the legacy of his businesses. this is who he is. this is how he looks at issues and why he attacked the job the first time and when you consider all that's been done against him and for biden for the numbers to look that way, it gives you faith in the american people that they see through the ruse and want their lives to improve. on the quality of live issues, it's quite clear. rachel: i went to dinner with some women and some of them were supporting trump, others weren't. they kept -- a couple of them were saying, you know, he's just so mean. like they were concerned that donald trump's demeanor was just not where they were at. and i see these indictments come out with hunter biden and to know this man on junior screen was impeached over the sins of
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hunter biden and i would be so much meaner and must be frustrating to know everything happening and talking about the court case and jet heartening to see the american people. pete: now to a fox news alert and being the only nation to veto a security council for a ceasefire in israel saying israel has a right to defend itself. rachel: u.s. base haves been attacked ten more times in the last two days bringing total number of attacks on americans in syria and iraq 85 in less than two months. will: greg palkot is on the ground in southern israel. >> we went to all that in a moment and give you an update as
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to our position here. we are in southern israel and we're just about a mile away from gaza and the strip behind us and we can con term firm the war on parties is not taking the weekend off and customs and khan younis i face to duals and casualties on both sides and we've been seeing and hearing and might see hear the gunfire behind me and intense fighting up here around northern gaza and idea of confirming that and revealing that they took out a terror cell and covered a big stash of hamas weapons near a school up here. this as the humanitarian
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catastrophe in gaza grows and millions without food, water, shelter and more. it was reduced at un security council late yesterday calling for immediate ceasefire and it lost 13-1 and uk abstaining and veto and it's a tough line and more in israel. >> result of the rushed process was an imbalanced resolution that was divorced from yale and would not move the needle forward on the ground in any concrete way. .i throughout the region, u.s. military bases and un bases being taggerred mostly by iranian-backed accomplish supra aural headphones and up to 85 io days and mortars landing inside the campus of the big u.s. embassy in baghdad in iraq.
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no one hurt and it's becoming a region-wide crisis. rachel: thank you, greg. pete: appreciate it. moving to capitol hill and there's so many hearings going on in capitol hill there's often no result or continue a story. this particular story is quite different, on tuesday you'll recall, there was a hearing on capitol hill where the president of harvard, mit and upenn there asked about an tim semitism on they -- anti-semitism on their campus. watch. >> will admissions offers be rescinded or any disciplinary action be taken against students or applicants who say from the river to the sea or antifada advocating for the murder of jew s? >> as i said, that type of hateful, reckless offensive speech is personally abhorrent
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to me. >> and today will action will be taken? what action will be taken? >> when speech crosses into conduct that violates our polipolicies including policies against bullying, harassment or intimidation, we take action. >> what action has been taken against students that are harassing and calling for the genocide of jews on harvard's campus? >> i can assure you we have robust -- >> what actions have been taken? i'm asking what action haves been taken against those students? >> given student's rights to privacy and our obligations under fer ba, i will not say more about any specific cases other than to reiterate that processes are ongoing. rachel: so that harvard president gave an apology now after this. she's been get ago lot of heat. now she says, backtracking, she says i'm sorry, words matter. whey should have had the presence of mind to do in that
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moment was return to my guiding truth, which is that calls for violence against our jewish community, threats to our jewish students have no place at harvard and will never go unchallenged. subsentively i failed to convey that in my truth. my truth, she's a really big on my truth. will: congresswoman elise stefanik said no, dr. gay, you had a chance to speak your truth and did not once, twice, five or ten times. i asked you 17 times in the hearing whether calling for the genocide of jews violated harvard's conduct. you spoke your truth under oath 17 times and the world heard it. pete: they're calling for her resignation. i'd say the resignation of for the president of upenn might be elmore nathanial hackette and donors are -- imminent are pulling money and they hid
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behind free speech. talk to a conservative or christian or catholic or groups of white students categorized or targeted in a particular way under policies for the universities and this is a long time coming and of course their inability to defend jewish students from genocide, it's been there for a long time. will: i thought a lot about this. how can you explain an abhorrent mindset. i don't think firing any of these three people will do a single thing to improve the universities. pete: agreed. will: i come back to this, pete, do i think claudine gay or any others walking around with hateful thoughts towards jews? i doubt that's their mindset on the campuses and it's even more condemnable in my mind is they bought into this idea there's no principles, no principle of free speech or morality to apply overshining l person as a individual and a totem pole of
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hierarchy and dictate if you're an oppressor or context of who you're pitted against and in this case they say jew middle eastern palestinian student and one is the oppressor and one is the oppressed and the oppressed person in that case, the middle eastern case can never be guilty. they can say whatever they want. if you had said, hey, harvard u can i call for the genocide of white students? they would have said the exact same thing. if you said, hey, there's students calling for the genocide of black students, it would have been a totally different answer. she's being right saying it's depending on the context. but who are the characters in the drama?
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rachel: i want to leave this point before we leave this segment, i'm happy to see the republicans taking such a strong stand. they have a letter out, 74 of them condemning over $100 million taken away from some of these universities, and that's why some of these presidents are now apologizing as you said. they're not really sorry. but i just wish that our own congressmen and the republican congressmen would have had this kind of fire and passion in defending conservatives on campus who have been the bell weather and have experienced this long before we saw this exposed by jewish state of the unions.
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>> will: this is deeply baked in and not changing fire and aflied to the next instance and next time maybe not about jews but it'll be somebody else and this ideology rotted those institutions to their core and they're inherently, this ideology is inherently anti-american. pete: will, that's why when i sent back any harvard diploma i wrote critical theory university. rachel: some of the presidents don't believe t but they know they have to kowtow to it because that's what they have to dis o. only change their mind or apologize because there were financial consequences to what they said in their testimonies. pete: that's your truth i and have my truth. rachel: the other thing she said that was to funny. i forget. pete: the texas supreme court is temporarily blocking a woman from getting an emergency abortion at 20 weeks.
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a lower court granted kate cox to get the procedure done after finding out her baby hads a deadly condition, but that order was put on pause when the state's attorney general petitioned the decision here today and threatening to charge any doctor that performs the abortion for cox. the coast guard intercepting more than 18,000 pounds of cocaine worth nearly $240 million near san diego in one month. the largest shipment came off a narco submarine and authorities found 5,500 pounds of cocaine. so far the coast guard has seized more than 40 tons of the drug this year. and the royal family is getting in the christmas spirit and prince william and princess kate attended middleton's third annual christmas carol concert last night with their three children and of course prince louie stealing the spotlight
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once again and blowing out his older sister princess c charlotte's candle at the end of the service or just being a punk kid. those are your headlines. rachel. rachel: national pastry day and highlighting a family-owned and operated bakery by the up of michigan. pete: the bakery known for pasties has been a staple since 1972. pete: here are christmas favorites is the owner of the bakery and robert's daughter that works at the bakery and emily martinson, assistant baker. welcome to you all. will: good morning, robert. rachel: we're excited to have you guys here. i was telling will he loves how regional america is and i love #-d up north in wisconsin and we'd travel 30 minutes across the border to the up to go get our pasties and baker and baked
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goods you had andest the pasties that are great for the christmas season. will: what are they? >> they're from c corn wall, england, originally and discovering the iron and copper deposits in the up, northern wisconsin and minnesota and recruited the corner mines to work in the mines and brought the pasties with them and became popular with other immigrant groups like the italians and swedish people and polish people and they've been part of the line lasting and getting eggs, bacon and sausage and cheddar cheese. rachel: imagine if you're going to work this. >> perfect when you're in the mind. it's a hand pie. rachel: meal. >> bring it down in the might be
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and warm it up and eat it. it.>> so it's breakfast sandwich but it's a pie crust. rachel: we order this every single weekend in new york city. >> our cannolis immediate with ricotta, mascarpone and chocolate chips and we believe that's the best recipe. pete: as you should. rachel: you're ital leeanne, obviously -- italian, obviously rigoni and pasties for christmas because you can buy them, freeze them. >> take them out and bake them as you want and need to. will: ship them around the nation? >> yes. will: you do? >> ship them everywhere. >> not hawaii or puerto rico,
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continental u.s.. it's and we're on facebook too. rachel: what a great christmas gift. will: i want to try this cinnamon looking thing here. >> this is an elephant ear. will: what are the different flavors of the pastramities? >> a veggie and traditional which is ground beef, potatoes, onions. then we have what we call cornish. some call michigan pasty and route bay gather, potatoes, carrots, ground beef. will: those are option when is you order. thank you. pete:, you won't regret it. rachel: more "fox & friends". we're passing on a cultural heritage, the culture of the west when the federal government started giving money to colleges, we didn't take it. that independence has allowed us to stay with our mission
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that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money, we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college we care about freedom and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america.
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dear moms and dads,
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what you have achieved here today is going to help us and our futures. it is why we're coming up on stage to collect your diplomas. mom, love you always. vo: when you graduate, they graduate. visit to find free and supportive adult education centers near you. pete: any military funding for ukraine should include a publicly available accounting of how the u.s. contribution has thus far been used in ukraine and not cloaked in so-called emergency accounting gimmicks or
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combined with other funding provisions. kevin roberts is the president of heritage action and penned the letter and is joining me now. he wants border money and adamant on trying to secure the boarder and there's ukraine money and how does he thread that? >> he's a great man and friend and i think that's navigating this gauntlet well. to the heart of your question, the first and most pressing issue for all americans is the lawlessness on the border and standing with a comment he made and border security is a hill he'll die on and we'll be here on that hill giving him intellectual ammunition on that fight and we're winning collectively and the american people realize it's an issue and what needs to happen to cut to the chase, pete, we need to pass
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hr2 again, the border security bill, and need the senate to become up and pass the israeli aid package and need democrats to join the republicans on that and to ukraine, heritage of course has been skeptical about spending $200 billion on aid to ukraine not focused purely on the military and no transparency and no strategic end game and not offset by other financial programs. if we can meet the criteria, we think the stand alone bill could be good and speaker johnson is casually optimistic going to thread that. pete: you want them all to be stand alone? >> we do. the american people deserve a stand alone and up or down and put them all together in $106 billion package and both sides to have a real discussion to offer the best aid.
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pete: a border bill would pass if that will provided and it's missing under water against president trump on the border and people failed and ukraine money let's give every member of congress on a chance to each and if they don't hit the criteria and mention transparency and if in fact the speak eric has a really good sense of views and boarder and economy skin fellation and saw and covered in the poll earlier in the show and if we do that, it's not only good politics but real opposition. pete: the speaker said this is a hill i'm going to die on. he'll need allies on that hill and sounds like heritage action will be there. kevin roberts, thanks for breaking it down. >> thank you. same to you. pete: coming up,s battle of the
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nation's beth, 124th navy army game is today and brian brenberg is at gillette stadium. reporter: hey, i have a great one coming up. these two guys are jumping out of a plane before this game and i want to know all about what that entails and we're talking about it coming on the break for more "fox & friends" coming up next. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business.
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i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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and lieutenant colonel an disassociated moffet and the big money show host brian brenberg. hey, brian. reporter: hey, i will not be jumping out of a plane but they know what they're doing. they know exactly what's it like to do this. brandon, take us into the preparation. what is it like to get ready for a jump like you're going to make today? >> there's a lot of preparation. we've conducted hundreds of jumps before even coming here. we start the year out doing eight weeks of intensive training in florida so we're constantly training throughout the year and then yesterday we got a practice jump so we're ready to do this. reporter: how did the practice jump go yesterday? flawlessly? anything kind of make you nervous? >> i think it went perfect, the weather was great, everybody landed where they should have so couldn't have been better in my
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eyes. reporter: that's kind of the key. landing where you should land especially when in a stadium and you're jumping today as well. and in front of a special audience. these are the best of the best. the guys with the b vested interest. what's it like to jump in front of this game? >> they're all excited to see us land and honor to be landing in front of army crowd and all these cadets that are here from west point and future officers in front of us. reporter: there's a navy crowd here too and you want to look good in front of the navy crowd and you're jumping second; right? >> they're jumping first and you're jumping second and try to one up them all the time? >> oh, yeah. we're a very close team and we're always joking on the plane and coming to doing our job, we're the best of the best and
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more. reporter: andy, you were a west point grad and you haven't been to one of these games now in 20 years as i understand it. you're back this year. talk about what it means to be at this game any time you're there, but particularly when your guys are jumping before the game starts. >> that's right. my wife sarah and i graduated in 2004 and have not been to an army navy game in about 20 years. it's surreal to be on this side of the stadium and representing the army parachute team and the army. we're looking forward to it. it'll be a great day watching army have a victory over navy today. reporter: they say army will win and a-and-a-half think guy thought differently earlier. i can't wait to watch them jump. back to you. will: thanks, brian. i'm in here sitting straight up as i can. a lot of good posture on the sell vision right now. get mine together.
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we need a lot of work. pete: that staff sergeant was like ramrod. will: get it together, will. coming up, how one group is looking to crack down on crime in 2024 by kicking soros-backed district attorneys out of office. pete: jason mayores is leading the charge and he's next. hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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rachel: protecting americans action fund, a group dedicating to challenging soros-funded prosecute res is broadening ambitions for the 2024 elections after promising wins for the past two years. this year they won two big races in loudoun county, virginia, and allegheny county, pennsylvania. the group is eyeing dozens of other races in 2024 with a largest slate of elections. joining us now to discuss is virginia attorney general and honorary chairman of protecting american's action fund. jason, when did this fund start? >> shortly after elected attorney general and glen youngkin and we have this problem and issue of left wing social justice warrior
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prosecutors getting elected all across the country that the union themselves said are social workers instead of prosecutors. they come in and decline to prosecute entire categories of the criminal code and quality of life and they ask if we'd get in a fight and i say absolutely and i know how critically important it is and there's no other organization like this and asked to join and take this right there and left wing groups come in and d dump a bunch of money d spend half a million and the conservatives didn't have anyone backing them up. this accounting standards board was created for that reason and great wins and more to come in the future. rachel: i'm married to a prosecutor and when my husband started to see what george soros
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working with eric holder and this very clever and devious plan and it doesn't take as much money as a senate race or congressional race and took just a bit of money and suddenly they can change the entire lifestyle of entire community and wokeify it and bring in criminallalty and let the criminals go and the victims are the oppressors and here are some of the successes you've had. in loudoun county, the district attorney results are you had bouda and bob anderson beat him by a hair. matt dougan versus steve sapala
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and winning by not huge margins but if you put in the money, you can compete with these guys. >> right. both of the races were not massively outspend and put in $2 million and did a five figure targeted buy in loudoun county and 700,000 left wing groups and we spent a five figure amount and once voters understand that these prosecutors have a criminal first victim last mindset on what's their record as exposed they're pro -- anti-law enforcement and voters recoil and we're proud of the fact we've been selective of the money and we're affected and to your note, yes, left swing special interests understood we don't need to win the governor's mags and control of the state
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houses and the local prosecute their won't enforce the law and i cannot tell you the level of discouragement from victims and law enforcement seeing this revolving door of justice and reality is roughly 3-5% of felons are committing over 50% of violent crime and go over that 3-5% of repeat offenders and they're adopting the same pollty seizure disorders of the past and don't believe in bombs and dropping entire cat fours of charges. if the individuals get back into the communities and victimize more victims. the anguish a victim has saying they're victimized bay criminal that should have been behind bars and they're on the street because of soft on crime approach. rachel: fund is called protectioning american's action
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fund and eight back innocence the das, thank you u joy san. rachel: city around, pete and i go off the wall to break down -- pete and i don't. this isn't my read, this is will's read. pete and will will go off the wall to break down the situation and stakes for america. there's 16 days till christmas. we've got your made in america gift guide with presence for the whole family you can enjoy. stay with us. ♪
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reporter: welcome back to "fox & friends" and we're on long island and it's an organization that has an event called shop with a cop this. is all about getting our police officers around new york to go shopping with kids who want to do a little bit of christmas shop. john, tell me about this event and why you want to be involved? >> it's a great event and me and andy fox do every year.
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kids of fallen officers that come down and special needs kids and they get to hang out with the cops, we take them shopping, they buy $100 worth of foys for themselves, $50 worth of toys for somebody in the hospital, and he and megan dribble the toys throughout the year. it's an amazing event. reporter: austin, you're nypd. i don't assume you dress like this every day? >> no, i don't. reporter: tell us about the importance of understanding your community and build ago relationship with kids. and kids understanding you're there to protect and help and not aned a versus frequency serial relationship. >> yeah, community police asking here throughout the tri-state area. we've had a lot of rough years, it's events like these that allow law enforcement officers come together with the community and show we're the good guys and today i'm the chief of nice patrol for the new york city police department. reporter: we're grateful 365
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days for what you do and wear to keep the streets of new york safe. >> how can people find out the url? pete: that's what i'm saying. guys, back to you. >> they can have something to hang onto no matter where the military takes them and we
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assemble everything here in the united states. rachel: i'm the daughter of a military veteran. my mom was one of those moms moving from post to post, and that's a great thing for people to be, as you said, hang onto it. tell us about the bags because they're really gorgeous. this . green is gorgeous. >> and so soft. rachel: soft and butt reigns leading. >> it's parent to be high quality and our promise is to make functional and high quality bags and all the things. rachel: trick out the site. will. will: introducing you to the owners of barrel art and some of the personalized with "fox & friends" elmore blazenned all
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over the wood and tell me about the inspiration of this business. >> we lost all of our hustle and goods in a fire and military move, i took up wood working to replace some of the items and everybody asked me to make them one and it kept spreading and we decided to make it a business moving back to the states ten years ago. will: this is barrel-art and these are the treats available for everybody watching and originates more. >> we have a lot of great smoked toasted drinks. will: the smoker kit and has everything include. >> yeah, everything you see there. will: we can go and you can
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check it out, visit >> yep. pete, over to you. pete: will, you called dibs on the biggest one. i'm out here with bam cappu, s. tell us about your experience to start this company? >> i was going through the boot camp i developed athlete's foot and it affected by maps. whole time in the mail tear i was goaling with a serious case of athlete's foot and little to me creating my first bam butler joined product and provides everything you need. pete: it messed you up and said we're going to fix this? >> yeah, five years and got out and still was battling the issue and i had to fix it.
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picker i loft of different products, t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, hats and working folks get products? >> check it out at i cpete: i could have used thatt fort bragg. the mill stair gave him athletes foot and he's giving back. you're welcome, upping l save. pretty sure quite all these american-made businesses. pete: i might be leaving with one of the bags and it's a triple threat. >> huge endorsement and kevin mccarthy is going to serve president trump and said he'd be willing to serve in his cabinet. more on that coming up.
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