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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 9, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone, i'm judge jeanine pirro along with harold
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ford jr., jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in the new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ "the five." an explosive g.o.p. debate before voters in iowa make their voices heard and the republican primary race, there time four of the top candidates taking the stage antryid trying to seize t momentum. contenders brawling from the opening bell andhe clashing on e key issues that voters care about. the biggest target of the night, former south carolina governor i nikki haley. >> you have candidates like nikki haley who caves any time the media comes after her. these wall street liberal donors make money in china. they're not going to let her be tough on china. the only person more fascist the bind regime now is nikki haley t
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who thinks the government should identify everyone of those individuals with an i.d. nikki is corrupt. this is a woman who will send your kids to die. >> in terms of these donors supporting me they're jealous and they love all the attention fellows anthd thank you for tha >> butth that wasn't the only bi blood on stage. chris christie and vivek ramaswamy. >> you would be voted the most obnoxious blow hard in america. >> your version of foreign policy experience whatey closina bridge froo m new jersey to newf york. av do everybody a favor and walk off the stage enjoy a nice meal and get the hell out of this race. >>ne ther, frontrunner former president donald trump was absent from the debate stage and certainly was still on the minde of the candidates.
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>> father time is undefeated. the idea that we are going to put someone up there that's almost 80 and there's going to be no effects, we know that's true. >> i'm in this race because the truth needs to be spoken, she unfit. >> harold, i'll start you. i will ask who won the race but nikki haley was taking fits on klein where distant comes out and says i precluded china from doing business got rid of the confucius institute in colleges and accused her of collaborating with china. >> so good to be back around the table. couple things, i thought nikki haley the people on the stage h was the best. she absorbed i thought effectively a lot of blows. i thought she was coy and smart looking at the attention guys
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arm e giving me enjoying suppor from people who may do businessi overseas and in china all those people were supporting him and nongw supporting her. vivek ramaswamy i think was k unlikable last night. i think some of the things we b saw and i watched it last night didn't seem as serious. i thought the back and forth reminded me of the back and forth a lack of etiquette that came to be hallmark of political campaigns and it's been declinin's bg over the years an hopend i we can get back to tha a norm. most interesting when chris christie asked candidates how many would sformt donald trump if he were nominee at that point donald trump had one in the debate and when haley said she didn't raise her hand signal to
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me idef donald trump is thse nominee and decides haley might be a viable running mate she is open to being on that ticket. >> dana what was your take? >> it lot to the moderators dia good job. i don't know if the format co works. it's difficult when you have accomplished feel who agree on a lot of things. it'sgree on the margin and pe personality disagreement. i'm not sure that is the ideological debate the voters ph need to decide. d i think president trump'tos strategy of not participating in the debate worked for him so if you'rerked wondering about a wi maybe it's that. desantis supporters if you watched lastla nightst as i rea think desantis supporters would feel like he had the best of the four debates he has been in. then of course chris christie havives fans, haley has fans, n
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you ges t to a point you wonder about the format. there'ors no more official deba before the iowa voting and i woul on d love working on that debasement and realize we have deep difficult problems to solve and it would be interesting to see if there's a way to get any of the candidates to go deeper how. a lot of things they argued about we have heard four times in a row. the cultural issues are super important to america. i don't know how we would feel i about all the differences in their opinions butag they're al sort of like on the margin. onrovee thing this has proven i republicans are getting to have this kind of conversation and chance to watch these candidates but democrats are getting none of that amongst themselves and absolutely have a lot of differences. t
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i read a piece by a limb rat pate roll the democratic coalition is falling apart by a democrat whollin wants the demos to do well. you read it and think they have problems. what wnee need is a debate amon the democrats. >> greg who do you think did th best andon number 2 it a peerps biden is not interested if debatingal at l.all. that's theat's signal we are ge from the democrats. >> i can't answer the first question because i didn't watch the debate. downin find it. actually i worked last night. i taped my show and i got home and i tried to find it and it was like i don't feel that good. i think i have the flu. i'm going to bed. got up watched the highlights. and i don't know if that said somethingog good or bad because the highlights focus on , conflicts because i guess that's what highlights are meant to be.
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so, desantis wasn't among the highlights and that said g something about what we value ie debates bai guess. i believe he's the most accomplished governor in america. he still somehow is able to leave anpres impression. i don't want anybody who is pro-desantis to climb on x and spam me because that does nothing yog for the cause. i'm echoing your frustrations when you have a governor that is so far ahead of the game on so many issues you know, look at disney, look at the parents vi issue.d. he was way ahead. you can't hate the player. yo.u got to hate the game. it's like maybe it's just the format d thaont doesn't suit cae people because they don't have thnoe personality for it.
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i think he's a very effective even when he's grating because a don't think anybody around thatl can explain a problem so directly without all the political fat ale rul the run u the point, you know. he doesn't have the clichés, lipstick on a pig and like that, he's like the smartest in the room comes off as an arrogant ig prodigy and people don't like young smart people like me but anyway, that's my opinion. as someone who did not watch the debate but has an opinion anyway. >> thank t you for sharing that >> jesse did you have a favorite and number 2 does any of that matter if donald trump is 48 points ahead? >> it doesn't. it's the under card but we still like to watc.h and talk about i ant d i have to confess i didn'
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see it either.ou and 'ri do know what you're talking about with desantis. there's a difference between governins gog and campaigning. he's good at one, not at another. vivek i agrevivee with greg is concise and i eat that up. you're right, th these highligh he's the only one creating real friction and i respond to friction. i look at my phone after the s debate is over and i'm like yeah vivek give it to him. e i talk to some people who lov vivek because he's so articulate and smart and he taps into something inside me and i talk to the people who hate the guy and who really hate the guy. so am i wrong? i can't be wrong. it must be something vivek is doing. >> do you think it's because he's such a good guest on shows? >> have you seen his minutes?
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i'm just kidding. the fascist t line, i get that electability factok r there. k desantis off that excellent gavin newsom debate ca would be able to capture that momentum and rise above and he was more combative., but again, he's steady and that's all you're geling this. nikki obviously everybody went after her because she's rising. the money is leaving desantis some of it going to her and she's been effective when she's counterpunched but she didn't do it that of this time and i'm wondering if she thinks she doesn'ndt want to punch down because i don't know if she wn should be thinking that way becausy the she's not up by tha any way.d i saw she tangled with desantis on bathrooms and desantis said o banned the bathroom thing. she looked good. physically she looked calm,
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composed, and i did not -- desantis did not look physically as goods as i would have liked but i agree the deeper issues we were not talking about maybe head set him down on exclamation if four people and what are you going to do about my taxes? has anybody mentioned the spirit actual disease that we are experience something we are no r getting to the root core. spkr4: >> but you said which is od everybody largely agrees on these things, you're left with a very tiny amount of real estate to argue over so you end up in becoming personal calling people names because you kind of already agree. >> but then the question is qu having to implement your suggestion i, how do you change it. d coming up the squad hatchingha
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vea ridiculous new plan to let e people in jail vote. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season.
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>> forget abou >> forget about vote by mail. how about vote by jail? squad congresswoman presley with a bill that would let criminals locked up vote. she wants to lower the age at the ballot box letting 16-year-old's vote. >> historic brand new first of its kind bill that will end the
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stain of felony disenfranchisement. our bill is a reflection of bold progressive democratic values. republicans and the supreme court stopping at nothing to undermine voting rights and to exclude black and brown folks from participating in our democracy. >> you're justice system has not been equally fair to our citizens denying people the right to vote. they're paying their price. if they're in jail. >> you know, criminals are bad but let's be honest 16-year-old is worse and their brains aren't even formed. >> i agree. >> you have to be 18 to enlist, buy a pet, get a lottery ticket
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or 21 to adopt a child buy tobacco or alcohol or gamble. 16 is too early. >> you can change gender at 6. >> all my prison pen pals that have been writing me and i write to back and send photos, they say they can't wait to get out of prison to vote for trump, and you don't believe me, so i think it should be left to the states and if you do serve your time if you come out i believe you should have the right to vote and that's all i have to say about that. >> to quote the judge i'm been trying to expand their base beyond dead people. >> it tells me that they're losing their faces without telling you that. couple thoughts. first of all you want to lower the voting age to 16 which means you would have enough of a
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cognitive formation you can decide who should be president, who should be this or that, they keep raising the age of people to be charged with a crime but now they want to lower it to vote which makes no sense but i think the most important thing is this issue of felons being able to vote. there are some states where a felon cannot vote depending on the severity of the conviction. you have like wyoming alabama tennessee virginia arizona but then there are other states like vermont which says even if you're convicted of a felony can you vote so the states are different. in new york they ask for certificate of relief from disabilities where the court gives you the ability to vote again but honestly i believe even though i was a prosecutor once they serve their time they
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should be entitled to vote. democrats of to be careful what they wish for. they're assuming if you're in jail you're going to vote for the bells but that's not working out because a lot of people in jail are going to vote for donald trump and i believe a lot of that is the fact that they feel they've been unjust le handled by the justice system and so has donald trump. >> nons for trump. >> yes, so you've got the democrats thinking this is going to be great for them. it may be just the opposite. >> harold in the green room, you said the people who should vote only should be on death row. you said you only want death row voters because they have nothing to lose. you have a problem with teenage voters don't you? >> i think 16 is too young. i agree with the judgment you gave metrics of people charged
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with crime. the argument other side is kids go to school, politicians every two or four years about how they're going to improve the education system and the jury decided they have not done that. >> they don't pay taxes. >> look. some people say a lot of people don't pay taxes. the prison thing when you get out you should be able to vote. if they serve their time and pay their penalty that should be restored. that's something i think four of us can agree. >> i'll take care of that harold. dana, isn't the big picture here, it's like everything we are doing these days is about criminals. it's like we don't hear about the victims anymore. it's just like i introduced the law where victims get three votes. >> you did?
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>> yes. >> i think a couple things. i like it that the states get to decide because i think that makes our system best. i also think that states should be allowed what to do about repeat offenders. someone who has committed multiple felonies and given up their opportunity to be a part of society i don't know if a state should say to give them their rights back but the state should be allowed to decide. i also believe that at the age of, sometimes states will say yes you can definitely get your rights back and they put barriers, you have to pay fines and do things and that happened in florida. there was a referendum in the state. the state decided to allow felons to get voting rights back and they had layers on fees that's been pretty much taken care of. on voting age i'm for 18 for
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everything so military voting drinking smoking pot whatever. but here's the thing the democrats want to reduce the age of voting to 16 but you can be a child until 26 and be on your parents health care insurance. >> makes no sense. glad you brought that up. up next, charlmagne thinks joe biden can save the democ hi! need new glasses? get more from your benefits at visionworks. how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone! ...hey! use your vision benefits before they expire. visionworks. see the difference. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game. who's winning?
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don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> democrats getting another serious warning on how joe biden could blow it in 2024. charlmagne the god saying give the democrats a fight chance
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into the point is kwae don't knee biden to beat donald trump. the fact are biden is not getting any younger any more popular or getting a new running mate. please give america the ultimate christmas gift, step aside. >> and comedian bill burr. >> liberals are so [bleep] stupid the way they handle trump. you should shut up. you indicted him. he's coming back. with any luck they'll both die of at all causes before the election and maybe can you get somebody who has something to live for. >> greg what would you like to say? >> there was a word in there bill burr the word martyr. that's what you have to think about because he's right, they
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are making trump a martyr but how do you become a martyr? get somebody to kill you. the his test, over trump are getting more and more wherever you look and screaming but how he's going end democracy and cause world war iii elevating him to existential risk. i'm going to leave it there. >> i understand he's going to be in court in a bunch of cities for a long time. dana. >> but the media and the liberals have gone from he's indicted on 91 counts and that the not working so now they're doing magazines dedicated to trump being a dictator and saying that he will cause world war 3. where do you go from there? it's only december 2023.
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>> you're waveing the green flag to make everything permissible. >> i think charlmagne is going to be the person if nothing changes biden stays in and i think if i had to bet my mommes retirement account. >> you should do that. >> i'm not doing that but if i had to. >> why not yours? you chose your mom's. >> i care about hers more than mine. >> okay. >> i think charlmagne will be the one saying i told you so. >> you heard the audience members clapping when he said step down. >> so the way you win a political contest against someone who is an incumbent you have to run directly against him or run in another party to be the nominee there. thus far no one is running against biden. i'm always interested in hearing opinions from people who are
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public figures and it's interesting sometimes they're funny how they say it but there's still a basic thing in politics, you have to run a against a person to beat him and nobody is run against joe biden. democrats express concern, but to this point no one has stepped into the race against him which means he will probably be the nominee. president trump are running against him but republicans running against him and want to see him a nominee. we are a few months out and we are likely to have the two oldest candidates running against one another for presidency of the united states. >> harold why don't you run? >> as strongly as i feel about it i love my kids more. >> the fbi will raid harrell's house if he challenges biden. >> they'll find these tables he's happy to be around. >> that was good. >> my turn? >> please.
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>> okay, first of all sharyl man the god i give him credit for saying he's got going to get joe biden as a running mate. they cleared that. so what are they going to do? let's assume biden is the candidate of course they're going to vote for biden. bad news for them. a study found collectively voters in the democratic base of blacks hispanics asians, lgbtq college women get higher approval rating within the democrat base. all right? so, you know, they all start recognizing that they can make donald trump into the boogie man but their base is going toward trump. the african-american voter is 22 percent and i would bet my house he's going to get that. >> your house? your mother's retirement? >> we feel strongly.
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>> you bet your house too. >> you realize last two election cycles the demps outperformed in '22 and won two weeks ago. >> we have never had a president like joe biden who is bad. every american is embarrassed when he stands up. >> didn't harold already win your house one time? >> i gave it back. >> good idea. >> coming up, i turned out fine but the sign says that liberal parents are ruining their children. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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whenever you're hungry, there's a deal on the subway app. buy one footlong, get one 50% off in the subway app today. now that's a deal worth celebrating. man, what are you doing?! get it before it's gone on the subway app. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> well, jesse, we often wonder, is it nature >> well, jesse often wonder is
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it nature nurture or new age political parents? a stud e-i fine parents ideology can impact children's well being. it paces off to have conservative parent. only 55 percent of adolescents of liberal parents confirm mental health. conservative parents are more likely to adopt authoritative style with warmth and discipline. i have to go to the expert here. jesse. >> i want to clarify about my parents. i wasn't raised by the squad. my parent raised me to be kind respectful and realize i wasn't special and they reminded me. so both discipline in the house. i wasn't allowed to walk on them. there were boundaries in the house. wasn't like i could stay up late and disrespect people. they didn't teach my columbus
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was evil or that i had white guilt or everybody gets a medal. it wasn't like that. my mom just loves democrats and hates donald trump. >> okay. greg do you remember when katie porter congresswoman from california reported that her daughter couldn't sleep at night because of climate change? why don't you just say you don't have anything to worry about, go to bed. >> she couldn't sleep because her mom was katie port earth. i think it's gen-km parents and i have no facts to back that up but i think we replaced individualism with eye dent toy gone from what i do to what i am and you saw near 60 percent jump in non-binary status in a year oregon students so that's a score in math or physical fitness scores but in superficial labels because it
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intensifies and rewards such moves with attention parents do it. teachers do it. activists do it makes you feel special, yale daily news reports if you major in gender studies 90 percent chance you get an "a". ironically self labels mean you joined a different group. you didn't lead. you followed. that's what you need to teach kids. you need to say this is confirmist behavior disguised as individualism. but individualism without productive accomplishment makes you a nobody. isolates you. you shrink your world into a tribe of one. >> charlie hurt who we know and love wrote a piece about how has dad was proud of him because he taught him to be non-conformist. so look that column up everybody. we will get some reading going. judge.
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>> when you have democrats who will constantly say everything is bad leak greta thunberg and she quietly backtracks and they never say anything about that. >> because it's part of their ideology. it's part of their frieb. liberal parents have been pushing that the world isenning that climate is killing that whites are oppressors, grades are irrelevant and kids wake up scared. no wonder they need psychological help. i have an article incoming democrat recalls child waking up with nightmares over climate change. who talks about that to their kids? remember when kamala harris claimed that climate anxiety has young feel doubting whether or not to buy a home or have children? they create this nonsense so kids are all messed up. 80 percent of conservative
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parents if a cliel doesn't get their way in an argument and 53 percent of liberal parents say the climbed doesn't get their way which means 47 percent of the time if child gets their way so i think i have two kids i was conservative and their father was conservative and they're successful and pretty balanced. >> this is just one poll. it says with you have 55 percent of adolescents of liberal parents reporting good or excellent mental health and 77 percent of those conservative parents with mtsz it's a big difference. do you agree? >> i do but it's one poll and i trust that they got what i have two kids, my wife and i try to raise or kids with rums and boundaries and we hope we teach
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a lot. you said something about what your parents wanted to have and your mom sid resiliencey. bad and good things happen in life. we want them to be curious and critical thinkers but the same some time we want them to be resuspect fuchl and kind to people and i don't know i'm a democrat and when i met her she was republican i'm still a democrat and i think my wife is more democrat than before. >> do you have a bedtime? >> we do. 8:00 they're in bed. >> i love a bedtime. >> maybe you could push it to 9:00. >> just saying. >> all right, up next video shows a extreme and petty neighborhood battle over leaves.
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there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. hey, grab more delectables. you know, that lickable cat treat? de-lick-able delectables? yes, just hurry. hmm. it must be delicious. delectables lickable treat.
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>> minnesota fighting over a pile of leefsz a day known as larry dumped the leaves into his neighbors kicked the pile and scooped up huge handfuls larry with a small leaf blower was unable to stop the downpour. do you think they have liberal or conservative parents?
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>> i'm not going to answer that. >> how do you explain? these are adult men. >> i can't explain it. they probably are unhappy. >> you think so? >> i don't know. all i know is they're serious about this. i don't know what happened, fist fight or what. what state is this? >> minnesota. >> wait until i snows. then you have a real problem. >> dana did you see stuff like this when you were growing up? >> not really. our neighbors were far away and actually as a little kid i spent time in summertime on the ranch in wyoming all the neighbors help each other. everybody needs help like this. i kind of like a dispute like this because it's harmless and gets out the aggression. i imagine their wives are inside rolling their eyes unless they got into it. >> you think this might be
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motivated by something? >> i'm jealous. i live in downtown nyc. i wish i were dealing with piles of leaves. i never understood this. somewhere someone made it okay to blow instead of rake. who makes that moral decision? leave police officers really are not a solution. you're just dispersing a problem and imagine if you applied that in other parts of your life, there's garbage i'll just blow it over there or in san francisco get a pipe blower. what is wrong with america? >> so jesse in fairness to the second guy, the first guy the throw the leaves over the fence so was he justified and reaction proportionate? >> in defense of leaf blowing
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greg doesn't know what he's talking about. you have to bag the leaves. >> i just watch people blow them into the street. >> some jurisdictions you blow them in the street and they're check. doesn't look like the case here. somebody has to pack bags full of leaves cinch them up and haul them to the curb. >> this is the greatest segment ever. >> i bet i would blow you over with a leaf blower. >> you don't use it. >> yes. >> you don't use a leaf blower. you have a maintenance crew. >> some days i want the get things clean. >> so compelling. one more thing is up next. my late father-in-law lit up a room, but his vision dimmed with age.
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he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like, "what is your glucose?" and "can you have more carbs?" before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence.
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to the creation of our government. brant baer details the first
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president's fight for freedom sunday ♪ ♪ it is time now for one more thing. >> i will go eve n if they just told a joke i do not get for it once given the commercial break. america's newsroom had its holiday party today i want to say thank you to this wonderful crew bill and i hosted a party,h or executivexecutive producer tk everyone for coming. willie and carolyn made the cookies weyone had cocktails alo free cocktails are parting gift i know you guys would of love that. there's alcohol at the party. m one of the most fun things wene had oa musician who came he is very, very convincing i will say. anyway merry christmas everyone and a merry christmas. wel >> well done well done congrats on thes year. >> called a part of the magiciai interesting. thanks for invitining me by thes way. >> ticker update fitin list. >> tonight j joe devito kt mcfarland, tyrus, kt. 10:00 p.m. it.
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>> animals are great ♪ ♪ animals are great ♪ ♪ animals are great ♪e gr ♪. >> i do not know anything about poultry, chickens, i do not know what they are but are they animals? i guess they are. check out with these due for do. some reason they just frozen. watch this video.ah >> they are froze it it's no.t working. you see these chickens maybei they are roosters i don't really know what they are.y, but anyway, all of the sudden a they just froze. they just froze is this someoze. kind of weird and supernatural? a supernatural event?lo lookok at this they just all stopped. >> is a cold?. >> do you think i do research oh this, dana? there you go. we need to look at this for another two minutes and keep it going, keep it going. a there's brett sitting on his desk what are my going to sendgo the hand off? [laughter] quickset is amazing.
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it's not it really happened ited really happened. >> were you speaking?ng >> tha wt is someone else's pre-process that is a lady. >> alright, jesse? >> have a major announcement.>> we are talking major w here.h fi the five is back on x. that is right.we we are back up better than ever behind-the-scenes contents.s sneak peeks before the audiencc. participation and so much more. if you are on x and you know. >> we never left me. >> we've been gone for a while i think everyone is come back except us but now we are back. jesse watters prime time, johnny went christmas shopping let's look at a little sneak peak. >> would want for christmas? ips five by p's for broke? progressions of ps five i do no know what that means. but she will get it. >> are going to get it for her?u >> if i knew it was a get it for her.t >> i would basketball superstara caitlyn clark showed a uniqulde group she scored 3000 points inh her career she eclipsed theed
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liother night on wednesday becoi the 15th player in division i women's basketball but she became the first d1 player to have 3000 points alongside seven 50 rebounds and seven or 50 assists. such a great night even little wayne congratulations one heckch of a basketball player if you i like watching the game she if sa fundamentally sound she can't dump but she could do everything .ame a congratulations >> you geno girl. jessica? >> a dog named>> a spike had a h day after getting his head stuck in a dryer he was sniffing out mischief when he trapped himself and his owner dryer vent. luckily the day ended positively after authoritieits pulled him t for. >> he was all right? he was all right thank goodness for. >> he is okay. i guess that is it for us. have a great night everybody. ♪ breaking news the ivy league loses a controversial leader as the un


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