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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 13, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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judge on a reality show called "lone shark tank." not just regular shark tank. this guy is a gem and i would love his pregame speech to the team. it's not whether you you win or lose but if you cover the point spread. i love this guy. he's my guy. >> laura: don't you want to show the sopranos again? david chase-style talent. i mean there are some good shows, i guess. >> the giants couldn't get a super bowl ring so they settled for a pinky ring. i get what they are doing. >> laura: you're naughty. it's great to see you as always. that's it for us. stay connected. make sure to follow me on social media. you know all the usuals and thank you for watching. remember, it is america now and forever. i still can't believe the >> todd: it is a big day for the biden family on capitol hill.
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the house will vote to formally launch impeachment inquiry into the president as lawmakers gear up for a closed-door deposition with hunter. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. carley shimkus is off today. hunter and his legal team have not confirmed if he'll be there at 9:30 this morning. republicans say there will be consequences if he's a no-show. brooke singman will break down this busy day in d.c. >> brooke: set to be a family affair on capitol hill today starting with impeachment inquiry vote, which is vital to get to the bottom of the biden family business dealings. >> the constitution requires this of us, they are not turning over documents or key witnesses, we need impeachment inquiry vote
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from the full house. i believe it will pass. >> brooke: formalize the inquiry today and could see articles of impeachment drafted against the president in first half of next year. one republican is snapping back at democrats, the same democrats voted to impeach president trump in 2019. >> we have a situation where standard impeachment has been lowered to such a degree, it is merely at this point a political exercise. not that this is political exercise, the bar has been lowered. democrats have reduced this to the point it is absurd, you have. now we're playing by the same rules you set for us. >> brooke: biden administration has been accused of stonewalling hunter's overseas transactions.
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todd. >> todd: speaking of hunter, will he or won't he? >> brooke: he is supposed to show up at 9:30 this morning for a join deposition. his attorney last week signalled he would not show and he doesn't believe james comer will release his transcript of his deposition, comer has released transcripts of ery other person interviewed. it is a few hours away. >> todd: 5:02, we are expecting this at 9:30. if hunter does not holdup, they are ready to hold him in contempt. >> brooke: hunter's legal team has been trying to get the federal gun charges dismissed and hunter has pled not guilty. last week tax charges were filed out of david weiss's special investigation. those are totally separate from the house impeachment inquiry,
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but this is all related thchl is a perfect storm for hunter biden. we'll see if he shows today. >> todd: it will be a wild day on fox. let's get into this. bring in jeff van drew >> congressman, great to see you. democrats main talking points seem to be if republicans have the goods, we would not need to take the step of having an inquiry. walk us through why that is false and this step is crucial? >> it is false, let's be clear. we are going to cross every t and dot every i and do this the right way because standards for us will not be standards they were for them. they did not care if they had a
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proper inquiry, theying just went forward. we want to do it the right way. why are we doing this? overview, up to $20 million went to the biden family and associates from countries like kazakhstan, russia, china, romania. how many people are listening and watching and have money flowing to their coffers from those countries? there is a reason and we can track the money down. how many people listening and uch waing right now get to be put on the board of an energy company if they know nothing about energy, receive millions in payments and when that energy company complaining they are being investigated for corruption because they were corrupt and they go through the process and talk to the vice president joe biden, who was listening on the conversation and up to his ears in the
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conversations, at least 20 of them. he goes to ukraine and says, you are not getting any money until you get rid of this prosecutor. when do we go and tell other countries to get rid of a prosecutor? when do you hear an issue when the department of justice didn't do its job and because of vice president and now president biden's influence that they slow walk charges until the statute was over and they have sweetheart of a plea deal and the judge was aghast and said i can't go for it. let them go free on gun charges, on tax evasion and all issues surrounding that and that fell apart in court and now they are going forward. when i say there is smoke, there's fire, so much smoke, you got to clear it out to see the truth. i'll leave you with this.
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what they are doing is justice for thee, not for me. we'll do justice and go beyond justice on people who are regular hard-working americans breaking their back everyday, but we will not do anything to my family or my son, even though we are up to our neck. we will dot i's and cross t's. >> todd: how do you expect today's floor vote to go? >> it will always be close simply because there is single majority of a few people. i believe it will pass. however you feel about impeachment, we must understand this, this is impeachment inquiry, we are not doing impeachment and if we do, we'll have our ducks in a row. we want to get to the truth, i believe anybody, regardless how they feel about ultimate
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impeachment should vote for the truth. >> todd: there is hunter's deposition reportedly, allegedly 9:30. do you think it goes through and will he plead the fifth the entire time? >> he will try to evade this, he will probably try to plead the fifth. if he does go, his attorney said he wouldn't go. if this was me, or anybody else, you would go, you would know if you didn't, you would be held in contempt of congress, which carries a prison sentence. if you have nothing to hide, if you have nothing to worry about, if you have done nothing wrong, you will be -- be pleased to go, you will just tell the truth and have no worries. i don't think this is the case here. >> todd: congressional subpoena is not e-vite for a holiday party, something you click, yes,
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no or maybe, it is legally enforcible and he has to show up or there are consequences. busy day, looking forward to see what happens. nikki haley getting a big endorsement, will it be enough to put a dent in donald trump's lead? we're breaking down the race, stay with us. ♪ ♪
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we know that creating memories with loved ones brings so much joy to your life. a family trip to the team usa training facility. i don't know how to thank you. i'm here to thank you. >> janice: take a look at the forecast. temperatures pretty cold, but will warm up over next couple days, way above average for much of the country the week before krmsz. area of low pressure moving out of southwest into texas. we have potential for heavy rain and mountain snow, otherwise fairly quiet forecast. snow forecast for new mexico to colorado, upward of two feet of snow, great news for skiers.
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heavy rain in the forecast for texas and louisiana. we will monitor that for the east coast. temperature departure, wednesday, thursday and friday above average for a lot of the country heading into the week before christmas. are you traveling next week? we will watch this area of low pressure that comes out of the gulf coast and moves to mid-atlantic and the northeast, this is sunday, monday and tuesday. check the local forecast. monday, gfs, american mod and he will this is the euro, more offshore, mainly rain event, interior section snow. happening at a very busy time as people are traveling. will a white christmas happen? a lot of snow for mountains
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across west. there is historical chance of a white christmas. in new york city, if you look at the legend dream on for coastal northeast. interior sections, count on it. >> todd: that system monday, tuesday and wednesday, if it were colder -- >> janice: we would have snow and people would be excited if they are not traveling, especially the children. >> todd: those people are called children. >> janice: i have to deliver a good snow storm this season. >> todd: cent rat park hasn't had -- she is going to deliver snow. >> janice: i'll try, maybe after christmas. >> todd: the santa of meteorology. idf announce a complex rescue operation, same day president biden is set to meet with
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families of americans being held captive by the terror group. trey yingst has the latest, trey. >> trey: hi, todd, good morning. president biden will meet with the family of americans taken hostage on october 7. we don't know which families or how many, but it will be first of its kind for an in-person meeting with biden since the massacre took place. two americans were freed, 10 are believed to be held inside gaza. yesterday president biden vowed not to stop until all hostages are home. during a fundraiser yesterday he told donors israel is starting to lose that support by indiscriminate bombing that takes place. we have to make sure bibi, referring to the prime minister, makes some moves. united states are facing
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criticism. we have been speaking to one family desperate to leave gaza amid the war. >> he was survived from the -- she was in the sclap nal /* in the window. >> trey: the family must cook with coal, they have no electricity and the water is partially contaminated, but it is all they have after fleeing gaza city. >> just what i'm wearing and for my family the most important. >> trey: family of six shelters with dozens in the southern city of rafah, among two million
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palestinians that face humanitarian disaster. with airstrikes nearby, he fears his family could be the next victims in the war. >> terror strike was close to us. 15 has been killed in that airstrike. >> trey: the family is desperate to leave gaza as the war continues, israeli officials say this is not a operation that will take weeks, but rather months. yesterday nine israeli soldiers were killed in gaza. todd. >> todd: trey yingst live for us, thank you. ukrainian president zelenskyy and president biden meeting in d.c. yesterday presenting a united push for more aid to ukraine. >> president biden: this is one of those moments, congress needs to pass supplemental funding before they break for holiday recess and give putin the greatest christmas gift they
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could give him. it is not about financing, it is about morality. the most problem, biggest problem when you don't support ukraine to kick our moral. it was in beginning of the war, happy and thankful to american people that then you supported us, but we've been alone. >> todd: yesterday biden announced additional $200 million while congress is discussing spending. here is the republican side of the funding debate. >> there is nothing new here, same old, same old whachl is striking, you have the president from ukraine talking about importance of protecting sovereignty of his border and we have a president that refuses to address the sovereignty of our
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own southern border. total disconnect and struck me, conversation in washington are so different than in real america. americans are suffering and want to focus on that, not a blank check for an endless war. >> todd: democrats are ready to make big concessions, cheryl casone here to break it all down, plus, did you see this? >> over and he'll be called to the foul and take a look at this. jason gobel will go to the monitor. >> todd: draymond green thrown out of this game for that. what is next for him? probably involves lightening of his wallet. ere plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪
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after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. (jennifer) the reason why golo customers have such long term success is because we focus on real foods in the right balance so you get the results you want. when i tell people how easy it was
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supervisor says he's identified the cause of the city's homeless crisis and it is capitalism. supporting defending the police said, what you are seeing in the tenderloin is result of capitalism and what happens to people at the bottom. tom wolf, founder of pacific alliance for prevention and recovery join me now. tom, were you a homeless addict because of capitalism? >> no, because i got addicted to heroin and ended up on the street. supervisor preston is blaming what made him wealthy for problems he is facing in his own district in san francisco. >> todd: what is the real reason for the crisis? >> look, in san francisco, the primary cause of homelessness,
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if you go out on the street, it is drug addiction, untreated mental illness, fentanyl crisis. we are on pace to lose 800 people to drug overdose deaths. it is clearly a drug issue and he's clearly deflecting away from the problem. >> todd: elon musk who knows about the bay area, having so many businesses there, or were there, blames dean preston, saying his votes have led to a lot of the destruction we see in the city. is there truth in that? >> dean preston is a self-avowed democratic socialist. he is left of the left. he is a huge proponent of harm
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reduction measures. he doesn't think drug addicts should be -- he believes they are victims. i am not railing on him, these are policies he's putting forward as district supervisor there and he's up for election next year and i hope and there is a strong movement in san francisco to make a change and boot him out. >> todd: he wants to cut the police budget by $100 million, you know the city well, how much worse would that make the city? >> we had apec here last month, we had extra police officers in san francisco with cops working overtime to secure the city. for that one week, san francisco felt like 2005, no homeless people downtown, streets were clean, it was safe to walk around and he wants to take that
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away. not only that, he wants to reduce police force further from that because now since all the police have left and gone back to 700 below where we should be, he wants to take more from the police, doesn't make sense. >> todd: difficult for people in the bay area. you can clean up for a dictator, you do have resources to do this, you are making a choice to not solve it. i cannot imagine living in a city that ignores residents like that. wait, i work in one, it is called new york. tom wolf, thank you for clearing up that homelessness and addiction are not caused by capitalism. things getting chippy in the game between golden state and phoenix suns.
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warriors forward draymond green getting ejected, tying his high for cheap shot. >> such a great passer. >> third foul and now green runs over to nurkic and called for the foul and they'll look at this, jason gobel will go to the monitor there. >> todd: that is not running over, green faces five-game suspension for punching jusuf nurkic in the face. second time he has been suspended after the first time he choked out rudy gobert. just play basketball instead of wwe. lebron james in middle of controversy for walking into his son's basketball game at usc and sitting down during the national
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anthem. joe concha has more on politics. and another day for biden family, vote set to open impeachment inquiry on joe and our legal expert here to answer all of our questions, don't go anywhere
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$199.99. call or visit now to order yours. just fill and chill! >> he's going to try to evade this every way he can. i think he will probably try to plead the fifth, if he does go, his attorney said he wouldn't go. if this were me or anybody else,
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you would go, if you didn't go, you would be held in contempt of congress. if you have done nothing wrong, you will be pleased as hell to go, you will tell the truth and have no worries. >> todd: house republicans threatening to hold hunter biden in contempt if he does not show. constitutional law attorney and former federal prosecutor joins me now. great to have you there. i will say the same to you, this is not a paperless post invite, you don't get a choice whether to accept. is this a pr game or is he really not going to go? >> hunter is in a difficult position, he's facing his only
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criminal charges and pending trial. in terms of exposure here, that is significant. he does need to appear and plead the fifth if he doesn't want to answer questions. any suggestion of him playing by different rules and insist on publicly testifying when that is not an option seem to be more of a pr game than actual cooperative nature here. >> todd: i think that is the most likely scenario, as well. if hunter does not show and held in contempt, what consequences flow from that? >> that is the big question, hunter is facing pending criminal charges. if congress decide to do attempt of congress to doj, doj can decide if to pursue additional charges against hunter and
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formal impeachment inquiry. idea he may be charged is more than hypothetical. certainly he's taking a risk here. he does have pending criminal matters that are not resolved or in plea negotiations at this point. he has a big calculation to weigh in his decision here. >> todd: you raise public versus private testimony earlier in your answer. here is what raskin thinks of hunter's deposition. >> i have no indication, i don't know what is going to happen there. it is an absurd situation when hunter biden says he is happy to come and answer any and all questions for as long as they want to ask questions, he wants to do it in front of the world with tv cameras running and chairman comer says no it has to be in secret. >> todd: james comer wants
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uninterrupted questioning and democrats want back and forth you see in congressional hearings. how vital for republicans to hold the line on this and get uninterrupted questions as opposed to a public hearing, which is theater acts. >> absolutely. i think it is just theater and a pr ploy. he is willing to testify publicly, he is not willing to testify privately, if it is truthful, it shouldn't matter. he has the option to plea the fifth. in terms of insisting on publicly testifying when that is not an option and republicans have obligation and really big incentive to follow specific processes in order to thoroughly investigate this potential impeachment. it is ridiculous to suggest he is entitled to some other
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circumstances that are not on the table. >> todd: we're about to get an education in civil procedure, it is basically 75% of what we do as lawyers, other stuff is real law. we appreciate your time, thank you. presidential candidate nikki haley winning key endorsement from chris sununu. lucas tomlinson has the latest. >> lucas: the endorsement is a boost for nikki haley. sunugnu appeared with haley yesterday and the new hampshire governor says she understands with the live free, or --. >> she has come to a lot of events, i saw her coming in.
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she said are you going to endorse nikki haley for president? you bet your -- i am, let's get this thing done. we're all in on nikki haley. >> lucas: speaking in iowa at a town hall, ron desantis took shots at nikki haley and former president donald trump. >> the first three years of the trump administration, the economy was better than it had done. the last year was a mistake, shutting down the country was a mistake, printing dollars was mistake. there is a problem with her po policies. we do not need to go back. >> lucas: a steep hill for haley to climb. donald trump holds a commanding lead nationwide with 60% in
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polls and desantis and haley with 12%, vivek ramaswamy 5% and chris christie 3%. haley leads president biden by six points and in michigan, haley leaded by 12. new hampshire hosts the contest on january 23rd. todd. >> todd: we'll all be watching, except joe biden, he doesn't care about new hampshire when the democrats have their turn. nikki haley and governor sununu will join "fox and friends" in the 8:00 hour. stick around for that. vice president kamala harris shouted down by a fellow democrat at a holiday event. watch this. [screaming] why did you -- >> i am speaking. >> todd: happy holidays to kamala.
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cheryl casone explains the wild situation next. (dogs barking) - hey, we're here to get you. (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am.
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. >> todd: the white house scrambling to keep border security talks open to convince republicans to give ukraine
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more. cheryl casone is here. >> cheryl: basically the white house is in hustle mode, they want to get something to the table. they are dealing with bipartisan groups on the senate side. there is press conference between ukrainian president zelenskyy and president biden. president biden took a moment to get political and bash the gop. watch. >> president biden: i'm ready and offered compromise already, holding ukraine funding hostage in attempt to force through extreme agenda on the border is not how it works. we need real solutions. >> cheryl: what is happening here is that basically before recess begins, the biden administration wants the entire package, funding for border, taiwan, ukraine, israel, they want a huge package. republicans are saying, break this apart, kids.
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senator langford says a deal is not looking promising, saying we are not at this point and you can't get that kind of language ready to get it done. my point being, this will be next year. the white house seems to be coming to the table on the border. among the, according to politico, title 42-like expulsion expedited removal of migrants, mandatory detention policy and changing fear challenge, seeking asylum type of thing the migrants use, maybe clamping down on that a bit. there is progress. kyrsten sinema is in on this. more money from the feds. we'll have to see. the white house is like, let's talk. >> todd: because next year is election year, 2024, all damage has been done, he will say, i
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tried something at the border, don't know if it will work. i will go like this, awkward moment, kamala holiday party. >> cheryl: i know. i will play the video, just watch what happens. >> madam vice president, did you -- [screaming] -- >> did you know that in bethlehem -- why did you -- >> i'm speaking. [cheering] >> cheryl: that was a state democratic lawmaker from delaware yelling at our vice president saying ceasefire, ceasefire, she got upset. in the middle of a holiday party. >> todd: this problem is not going away, it is a huge issue they need to navigate, half their party does not agree with the other half and it's a big deal.
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big move in the sports world. >> cheryl: this is interesting. if you are owner of washington capitals and wizards want a new stadium? do you fix the one in d.c. or move to virginia? looks like it is going to be virginia. at 9:00 a.m., youngkin and o owner, looks like they will be moving out of the city. proposed venue would house both teams, have 3000 seats. open by 2028 and be a mixed use facility. mayor bowser is not happy about this. she says next step is partnering to bring vibrancy into the
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neighborhood and keep them in d.c. she wanted to extend the lease, a facility being offered $800 million renovation and that would start in 2024 and take three years. that press conference is today with glenn youngkin and leonis. it is basically a done deal. if you are a fan, go across the river. >> todd: the owners want that mixed use, it is 365, and the fans, they don't want to get shot. now overto brian kilmeade for a look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> brian: let me know if you like this rundown, hunter biden summoned to the hill and house republicans threaten to hold him in contempt if he doesn't show. formal vote on impeachment inquiry into president biden. and jim jordan joins us next, he
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will not wear a jacket. nikki haley just picked up a major endorsement from new hampshire governor chris sununu. they will both be on the show saying nice things about each other. and harsh words from president biden. former national security advisor kt mcfarland with reaction to both. dressed. thros puw in the animation, make music louder. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks. a pain so intense, you could miss out on family time. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles.
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after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything.
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>> the harvard board has than newly agreed to keep claudine gay as president after how she handled anti-semitism on campus. the board says, quote, president gay is the right leader to help our community heal and to address the very serious societal issues we are facing. but the president is still facing calls to step down. >> this is a moral failure of
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harvard's leadership and higher education leadership at the highest levels the only change they have made to their code of conduct where they fail to condemn calls for genocide of the jewish people, the only update to the code of conduct is to allow a plagiarist as the president of harvard. >> fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger joe concha join joins me now. this decision to keep her on as president speaks volumes on so many levels. >> todd, this is clearly one test that harvard has failed crap tasticly. >> we should be referring to claudine gay as harvard's ex-president this morning. to say make the comments that she did, that calls for genocide of jews, is a-oak on campus as long as it's in the proper context is stunning. but it's not surprising because this is harvard we are talking about. one has to wonder what context ms. gay would apply to calls on her campus for the genocide of blacks or those among the lgbtq+
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community. and the ironic thing here is that she presents herself as a champion for free speech but if you look at the 2024 college free speech rankings harvard places dead last. zero on a 100-point scale. this is the same harvard that rejected 10 high school students a couple years ago when claudine gay was president because they shared offensive memes during a private group chat online. needless to say, i think that a lot of parents out there who thought that harvard was the ultimate goal in terms of where they want their kids to attend college, they see this university as toxic because they should. >> todd: what does this mean for this future of harvard because, obviously, you know, growing up, harvard is the best school in the country. everybody wants to get into harvard. does that change now? >> should be noted that i couldn't get into hartford let alone harvard. that's the way it's always looked at, look at the ivy league and harvard was
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synonymous with observation lens. your kid goes there he or she is going to have a good life. now, particularly, if you are a jewish parent or student, why would you go there? something like 70% of jewish students at harvard now say they have either experienced anti-semitism or witnessed it and afraid to go to class. this is insane when you are supposed to be talking about the greatest years of your life and nownow you don't even want to le your dorm room at this point because of the environment created there under this leadership at this point, todd. >> todd: staying in college, kind of. lebron james is facing scrutiny for walking into son brawny's usc and taking a seat during the national anthem. lebron always does this. enters during the anthem and sits down in order to avoid being a distraction. but that said, what's your view on this, joe? >> this is once again your reminder, todd that, lebron james will never be confused with michael jordan. is he an activist, constantly
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making everything about himself. he shows no respect here again for the country that has allowed him to become the first active player to become a billionaire while is he still playing. he shows no respect for our military by sitting in this situation. >> this is the same lebron, of course, who said he would understand if brittney griner never wanted to come back to america. and, believe me, if lebron james was playing in china and their anthem came on, he would stand for that that we know, todd. >> i think that context is important. i understand what something reported about the reason why he allegedly did. this the alleged reason why he did this. because he doesn't want to be a distraction. okay. of all the way though, joe, that you could enter this arena and not be a distraction, why oh why does it have to be during the national anthem? there are multiple times, multiple opportunities for you to make that entrance, get from, sit down and not get all the attention on you, albeit that's a little bit difficult because you are lebron james. why?
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why the national anthem? will. >> i'm not sure he is too crazy about this country. we have seen this before not just with lebron james but other nba players. colin kaepernick, obviously. you kneel during the national anthem or you sit during the national anthem. you know all eyes are going to be on you when you walk into an arena like that. in this case at usc. and when you do that, you are making a statement. you are trying to say something, todd. i think it's loud and clear now this is the top trending topic right now for a reason. lebron james got his message out whatever that may be. is he upset about something going on in this country and not going to stop any time soon particularly with an election coming up. >> todd: i thought we were pass this the sitting and kneeling. that's upsetting. it's one thing that could have brought us together but instead divides us. joe. thank you. "fox & friends" now. ♪ >> steve: good wednesday morning, everybody. it i


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