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tv   America Reports  FOX News  December 13, 2023 10:00am-11:01am PST

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there was not a vote and i do say i trust chad more than i do the speaker when it comes to -- comes to votes. >> there is an impeachment inquiry on her boss today. >> say something after the vote, don't know if they have all the votes and i'm going to agree with marc, and i'm agreeing and we agree with each other. i agree with them. it's not like ok, let's get the evidence, get the evidence and then do this. >> kayleigh never ran from the podium. >> kayleigh: thank you, thank you. i did not. >> but you wanted to. >> every person wants to. >> kayleigh: one thing is clear, we will hear from karine jean-pierre today from the white house podium in the wake of a vote on whether her boss, president of the united states, will endure an impeachment inquiry. gop thinks they have the votes, we'll watch, stick with fox news throughout the day. here is "america reports".
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>> for six years i've been the target of the unrelenting trump attack machine shouting where's hunter. well, here's my answer. i am here. there is no fairness or decency in what these republicans are doing. they have lied over and over about every aspect of my personal and professional life. >> john: christmas break is almost upon us but it is a busy afternoon here in washington as any moment we are expecting to hear from the white house as kayleigh was pointing out, after hunter biden's shocking public statement and refusal to appear before the house oversight committee and republican lawmakers are expected to formally authorize an impeachment inquiry into president biden. so begins wednesday, hello, i'm john roberts in washington. buckle up, sandra, here we go. >> sandra: and just 12 days from christmas, can you believe that,
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john. this is "america reports". gop leadership has indicated they do have the votes to approve the impeachment probe with debate for the measure happening right now. proposed inquiry after months of investigation from three gop-led committees into his family's business dealings. >> john: political panel with implications for both sides of the aisle, but first team of reporters on capitol hill, david spunt latest on hunter biden defying the congressional subpoena and chad pergram starts us off on the impeachment inquiry vote. what are you hearing about the timing of this? >> the house is debating the plan to formalize the impeachment inquiry. republicans believe they will only lose 1 or 2 votes later today. house speaker mike johnson is confident. >> mr. speaker, do you think you will have all republicans to vote for this today? >> i think it's going to pass.
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>> republicans hope to vote to authorize an impeachment probe months ago, but lacked the votes, had the house previously blessed an impeachment inquiry it would have been on firmer ground to compel the testimony of hunter biden for a closed door deposition this morning. >> i think the house of representatives is going to pass the impeachment inquiry. and that is an important step, the impeachment power resides solely with the house of representatives. if the majority of the house says we are in official impeachment inquiry as part of our constitutional duty for oversight, it carries weight, help to get the witnesses in. >> democrats argue republicans already investigated president biden and his family and found no evidence of wrongdoing. democrats believe the gop wants to make impeachment the centerpiece of the 2024 t campaign. >> they're going to run out of this place and leave for three weeks, even though it's so important and it's so
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overwhelming. it's because there's no evidence on joe biden. the only thing they have uncovered is that joe biden is the father of hunter biden. that's it. >> fox is told that house investigators will not conduct depositions over the holidays. johnson did not directly answer a question about what conservatives may think if the house fails to impeach the president. back to you. >> john: chad pergram on capitol hill. thank you. sandra. >> sandra: john, and to add to the list, we are right now waiting the white house any moment now the briefing is set to begin, all of this after hunter biden skips his closed door deposition with the house oversight committee. following his fiery statement to the press outside of capitol hill slamming maga republicans and defending his father claiming president biden was not financially involved in his overseas business dealings. david spunt reporting live from capitol hill, more on that as we
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await the white house press briefing. david. >> david: hi, sandra. had hunter biden shown up today on capitol hill, he would have been in this room behind me right now for a closed door transcribed deposition, it would have been under oath. hunter biden did not show up today, the subpoena called for him to be here at 9:30 answering questions from republicans and democrats, instead he showed up outside of the capitol. we do have some video of an empty hearing room showing his name tag, showing the empty chair, some exhibits that were up by members of congress. but here is hunter biden outside of the capitol on the senate side this morning. >> i've chosen -- i am here to testify at a public hearing today to answer any of the committee's legitimate questions. republicans do not want an open process where americans can see their tactics. expose their baseless inquiry.
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or hear what i have to say. what are they afraid of? i'm here. i'm ready. >> david: james comer who issued the subpoena pointed out several times the subpoena was for a closed door deposition and he's fine with a public hearing for hunter biden to come in, publicly, sit in front of cameras, we can cover it live on tv some day but wants this closed door testimony first. >> chairman jordan and i have been very clear when we issued a lawful subpoena to the president's son that we expect him to come in and be deposed. this is a normal process in an investigation. this has been a serious credible transparent investigation from day one. published four bank memorandums, countless press conferences. this is an investigation about public corruption at the highest level.
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>> david: republicans say now they are going to move forward with contempt proceedings, to come out of committee to go before the full house. it could take several days or several weeks. then this issue would go if it passes the house to the u.s. attorney in washington, d.c., who was appointed by joe biden, hunter's father, also to note that both peter navarro and steve bannon, former aides to then president trump also held in contempt of congress and their cases came before the u.s. attorney as well and they were prosecuted over this matter. back to you, sdra. >> sandra: ok. david spunt live for us. thank you. john. >> john: fox news senior political analyst juan williams and executive editor of the common sense society, christopher bedford. what hunter biden said in the extraordinary public statement outside of our window literally about the impeachment inquiry. listen here. >> i was extremely irresponsible with my finances. but to suggest that is grounds
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for impeachment inquiry is beyond the absurd. it's shameless. >> john: but chris, the impeachment inquiry is not based on hunter biden spending tens of thousands of dollars on hookers and other things, it's whether money was funneled to joe biden in exchange for political influence. >> and republicans feel like they have been making enough progress to push forward with this and have the votes it seems to do that. originally the defense the president had, i never spoke to my son about business and then the goal post got moved to i was not involved in my son's business. this morning hunter said my father was not financially involved in the business. he says no smoking gun there. republicans say they want the impeachment inquiry to go further, force subpoenas on the banks and see if the goal post will get moved yet again. and another defense, he was a spender in the depth of his addiction, and that is true. the problem he's in trouble for in california, he lied to the irs, and that was done when he was sober.
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that was after at least according to his record, after he was sober and according to the, what he told the irs, he was spending hundreds of thousands on business expenses. turns out he was actually spending those at the shadow marmont on prostitutes or drugs, it was not business. p.r. strategy and legal defense are at odds with each other. >> john: the definition of business expense. what do you make of the idea, juan, as you sit there and listened to chris, of this idea that he was not financially involved. is that just people parsing words or is that a significant specificity of language? >> we'll finds out, but you know, to my ears it really does not make a difference. the point is that he is standing by the idea his father was not involved in his business operations. his father did not profit from his business operations and maybe most importantly, he's not
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joe biden. he's not his father. so what you have here is an effort, i think, a very political effort as we go into this christmas season, and there are not going to be further depositions, a very political effort to say oh, we are impeaching joe biden going into 2024 election year and gosh, wouldn't you know it, his opponent was impeached twice and now we are impeaching biden, so it's tit for tat and we want the voters to think there is equivalent hearings based on a president trying to get support, or impeach the president based on the ideas he's involved in leading an insurrection against the american government with, oh, gee, we think there's some smoke somewhere, we have no proof, but you know, rather than dealing with ukraine or israel or any other issue we are going to spend our time playing
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politics. >> john: what about the notion there was no smoke. at this point maybe there's a little bit of smoke but certainly no fire that would implicate joe biden in any financial wrongdoing. there are a lot of things that potentially point in that direction, but there's no hard evidence yet. do you think an impeachment inquiry could find that evidence? >> the zelenskyy phone call is kind of the perfect example. trump was impeached for initially, tried to, turns out he was asking about potential business crimes involving the biden family that turned out to be legitimate and he was asking serious questions, and basically publicly accepted. right now there's no smoking gun actually with money transfer that we know from one of these accounts to joe biden's account. we know, however, there is the 10% for the big guy, we know he was, originally said he never talked to his son, we know he talked to his son. then said he was never involved in the business but we have him at the table with different oligarchs, and hunter talking
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about his father backing him up will get things done. now they need to find the bank record and they have been unable to get through it with the subpoena power. >> john: juan, quick answer if you could, breaking news, if the inquiry goes ahead and does not find the smoking gun, what are the implications? >> biggest implications, it will be in the headlines, and chris and i will be here arguing about it, and oh, people who don't like it say there is something there even though you say where is the evidence, oh, you just don't want to see the evidence. that's the political bottom line here in terms of republicans pursuing that in the course of 2024. >> john: and you gentlemen don't argue, you just have -- >> no, christmas greetings to mr. chris. >> john: thanks, guys. >> sandra: breaking news you mentioned, a live look at los angeles, anti-israel protestors have halted traffic, complete standstill on the 110 freeway
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there. you have to think it's middle of the morning on a workday, california highway patrol officers have arrived at the scene there, they have begun removing some of the protestors on our screen just a second ago. we are watching multiple arrests made, drivers are encouraged to exit the freeway where they can as this traffic is building up and it is stretching along that freeway for miles. we are going to bring you developments from there. this began around 9:00 a.m. local time. it is still ongoing. as you can see live on the screen, one by one, they are asking the protestors to stand up, they are cuffing them, arresting them, removing them from the highway and hopefully, john, we'll get traffic moving again shortly. >> john: the police are affecting arrests there and that is completely different than what happened, remember, when protestors blocked the road at the burning man festival and that tribal police officer came along with his truck, literally
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cleared the protestors out. we have seen other countries around the world, when drivers are frustrated at protestors blocking the road, they get out of their cars and they haul the protestors off the street. that doesn't happen here. but look at that traffic. ooh. >> sandra: look at the busses, kids trying to get to school. the group is called if not now los angeles, they had announced plans for the downtown protest, although the organization did not publish that they were planning on shutting down the freeway. the group called the protest to demand that all of our elected officials call for a lasting ceasefire and an end to u.s. support for israel's war on gaza. that was their mission as they set out. as it turns out, they did shut down that freeway, john. >> john: looks like traffic could get moving soon, almost all the protestors are gone and police are moving the traffic cones. we are awaiting an update from the white house after hunter biden refuses to comply with the house oversight subpoena. we are also monitoring the scene
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on the house floor as lawmakers begin debate on a motion to improve an impeachment inquiry into president biden. we will bring you all of the breaking developments as they unfold. >> sandra: president biden and israel not seeing eye-to-eye on the war in gaza as multiple reports indicate, israel a flooding hamas tunnels with sea water, even hostages are still believed to be held in them. retired u.s. colonel joe bacino is up next on the impact it could have on the ongoing war. >> we are going to again urge the israelis to be as careful and deliberate as possible in their target. they are trying to make an effort to be more precise but the results don't always come out that way. , car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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the past 24 hours all as israel has reportedly begun flooding hamas' tunnel system in a move to force hamas to flee their hiding areas. also comes as president biden met with family members of the remaining american hostages at the white house this morning. complete coverage now, retired colonel joe bacino standing by whether the flooding of the tunnels might do more harm than good. is concern growing in israel over the rising number of casualties, including the ambush yesterday? >> trey: yes, john, good afternoon. a difficult 24 hours for israeli forces on the battlefield. yesterday alone, nine israeli soldiers were killed in a single incident. we are learning more about what took place in northern gaza. troops from the golani brigade were ambushed by hamas fighters. back-up forces arrived, they were engaged in a firefight.
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concern some of the initial troops were kidnapped after they lost communication with the team but the bodies were later recovered. the fights in northern gaza come as israel shows no sign of slowing down the hunt for hamas leadership and the search for hostages. palestinian civilians among the conflict are facing increasingly difficult circumstances. like the family that tells fox news they are scared about what comes next. >> she was survived from the last airstrike yesterday. she wasn't about when shrapnel has been piercing the window. >> the 12-year-old palestinian girlaves to the camera as her father, doctor mosa, walks through the home. they have no electricity. the water is partially contaminated but it's all they have after fleeing gaza city. >> i didn't pick up anything with me.
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you can't pick up everything with you. just what i'm wearing, my documents, proper documents and for sure my family, the most important. >> the family of six shelters with dozens of others in the southern city of rafah, they are among more than 2 million palestinians that face a humanitarian disaster. with airstrikes nearby, he fears his family could be the next victims in the ongoing war. >> strike very close to us, it was in that street. 15 has been killed in that airstrike. >> trey: as israeli airstrikes against gaza continue, so do the rockets coming into southern and central israel. we were at a grocery store hit by shrapnel. >> john: still dangerous in israel even hamas has been decimated to the degree it has. >> sandra: thank you very much, colonel, for joining us. first your reaction to the
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humanitarian crisis, it is obviously getting worse there in gaza. what are your thoughts on that? >> it's getting worse, sandra, and the flooding of the tunnels is going to exacerbate this. so, gaza gets most of its water from the coastal aquifers. so now you are flooding underneath with water from the mediterranean sea, that's going to contaminate a lot of the -- that water. so potentially a lot of the remaining drinking water, which is already limited, that on top of a collapsed healthcare system, on top of the fact that many people are now homeless in gaza, homes destroyed, that on top of foot shortages. things are compounding on themselves as this thing carries out and i fear there is still months ahead of fighting. >> sandra: this while we still have hostages that need to be released. these are some of the families, they went on special report last night.
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listen to their words. >> i think the hostages have to be returned. this is the real humanitarian crisis. >> after 67 days we don't have time. they don't have time. >> what we are asking for now is for leadership to stand up and to do even more. >> there is a moral imperative to get them out. >> sandra: what is going to happen with the hostages, colonel? >> well, the military offensive pressures hamas towards another ceasefire, or towards some sort of arrangement, some sort of agreement with release with regard to release of the hostages. the idf has had two objectives throughout. destroy hamas, eliminate every remnant of hamas and get out the hostages. i never thought they could do the first, destroy and eliminate every aspect of hamas but they are committed to doing the second. they have got to do the second.
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and the military offensive is going to continue to pressure hamas until there is some sort of agreement on another release. >> sandra: colonel, the u.s.s. mason shot down the houthi uav out of yemen, it happened this morning and this was after iran's foreign minister put out a very big warning that the war in gaza could lead to what he details as a big explosion of conflicts in the middle east. this is the statement, at least every week we receive, this is iran's foreign minister, a message from the u.s. telling us that u.s. bases in syria and iraq are targeted by some groups. at any moment there is a possibility of a big explosion in the region, one not controllable by any party. how do you interpret that? >> well, sandra, we are effectively in a low grade war with iran in the region right now. it's the kind of war iran wants.
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it's the kinds of war that affords them every advantage. because they have effectively subcontracted all the fighting to people they don't care about, in places they don't care about, using resources they don't care about. so the houthis, hezbollah, different groups are attacking americans in bases in iraq and syria and now they are attacking in the red sea, and these are things that when we strike back, when we retaliate, these limited strikes on these bunkers, these complexes, these are things that iran does not care about. and so you know, iran is going to continue to expand. they are going to continue to push the limits, push the limits of american response here and i fear that that is eventually going to potentially lead to some sort of catastrophic strike that's going to lead into a regional catastrophe, a broader regional war that they are warning against.
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>> sandra: that is a big warning as there has now been at least 92 attacks on u.s. bases in iraq and syria. that number continues to grow almost daily. colonel, thank you. appreciate your r time today, s. thank you. >> sandra: john. >> john: a live look at the floor of the house of representatives as they debate pending impeachment inquiry resolution on the floor there. republicans say they have got the votes to pass it. it's likely that only one person will vote against it. that would be colorado congressman ken buck, according to republicans. to a person, they think they have the votes to get this through. then i guess we would begin the new year, sandra, with an impeachment inquiry. a lot of people think it could lead to articles of impeachment but you got to have a pretty good smoking gun in order to make that leap. >> sandra: indeed. so, this is ongoing on the house floor. chad pergram is telling us not
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to expect a vote, possibly in the 3:00 eastern time hour. i was able to speak with rep smith yesterday, john, he told me in the 11:00 eastern yesterday he believes the gop has the votes, has had the votes to pursue the impeachment inquiry, he said without a doubt. he said he does believe republicans can move the formal impeachment inquiry against president biden. it's going to play out this afternoon, john. >> john: we will keep watching if for you and we will bring you the results of the vote when they happen here on fox news. stay with us. >> sandra: all right. can republicans win over the youth vote? katie pavlich ahead on gop efforts to attract young voters and the biden impeachment inquiry.
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25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪) >> sandra: ok, so this happened just a few moments ago. president biden was giving a
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speech, it was a meeting for the national infrastructure advisory council. he stuck to message in the speech the most part before the press was removed, a lot of questions were shouted to the president regarding his son. take a listen, this just happened. >> thank you all for being here. i'm going to ask the presto step out so we can begin our briefing. thank you, thank you, thank you. >> mr. president, should your son have defied the subpoena? >> did you watch hunter this morning? >> mr. president -- >> sandra: that just happened. we want to make sure we showed our viewers at the end of the speech there, a second time i've watched it, appears he winked at the press corps as they were shouting the questions. >> john: not going to entertain any questions on that topic. but you know, as we pointed out before we went to the break, the house is actively debating a
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resolution on impeachment inquiry could change things for the president in the new year, by the way is an election year. >> sandra: he did answer some shouted questions just yesterday, he said it's all a lie, never happened, as the president's son continues to back up as well and we should note the video cuts off there, it went to bars, that was the pool camera video, and it was cut off there. so, that just happened. >> john: the president is not the only one who says it's all a lie, so does hunter biden and bring in katie pavlich, editor of town hall and fox news contributor. listen to what hunter biden said across the street from us earlier today. >> there is no fairness or decency in what these republicans are doing. they have lied over and over about every aspect of my personal and professional life. so much so that their lies have become the false facts believed
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by too many people. >> john: they have lied over and over again, yet he faces federal charges for tax evasion and gun possession. clearly if the doj is to be believed, that's not a lie. plus, james comer and jim jordan and jason smith have plenty of receipts which suggest a lot of money was flowing from china and other places to biden and to other biden family members. so, what in everything that the republicans have said is a lie? >> well, first it was, you mentioned being across the street from where hunter biden was. he showed up on the senate side of capitol hill to avoid the house side as he was defying this subpoena. in terms of what is said, this is projection. they have gone to great lengths, the white house, see if the press secretary does that today. republicans have asked basic questions about where this money is coming from. president joe biden has moved from i never spoke to my son
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about his business dealings to then photos of him with business partners, conversations and text messages and emails, pseudonyms for emails back and forth, talking about the dealings. am not just while he was out being vice president but hunter was essentially working in the office of the vice president and classified information aspect of all of this, joe biden had classified information in his garage while hunter biden was living there and as he said in the depths of making very bad financial decisions. one key thing in terms of how we move forward to the politics, joe biden said during the 2020 election his son never received money from china. today in his statement to reporters where he was very defiant, he said openly, i did receive money with my chinese business partner, and so this is about joe biden being the one who has changed his story, he has done that repeatedly, and we'll see if they decide to acknowledge this today. i doubt they will. >> john: and the evolution of the language is i never talked to my son about business, to i
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was never involved in business with my son, to now hunter biden saying he was never financially involved. now, what does that mean, does that mean he never received money, or never put money in? was never an official financial partner? it seems that's pretty specific language. >> it could mean all kinds of things, you are seeing the impeachment process moving forward, especially now that hunter has defied the subpoena for a deposition behind closed doors, which by the way, hunter biden is out today and his attorneys are trying to say we wanted an open public hearing, a closed door hearing is part of the regular typical process, democrats have done it for a number of witnesses when they were in charge the majority, but now with republicans having questions about this, they are trying to act like this is out of the ordinary. it is within the bounds of the way they do things on capitol hill and republicans offered hunter, yeah, we'll do an open hearing after you do your closed door deposition. >> john: some of the president's closest advisers are not happy
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with the way hunter biden and abbe lowell are playing this. remember donald trump, jr., ivanka, they were behind closed doors, but this is classic abbe lowell. big middle finger to the house committees by saying we are here, we'll do this out in public, and we are going to do it out in public but as for your behind closed doors testimony, you can pound sand with that. but people in the white house think the way they are playing this, it's bringing too much attention to the issue. >> that might be true but abbe lowell understands the way the system works in washington, d.c.. house of representative does not have enforcement power when it comes to the subpoena, they can be upset about it and contempt of congress, but contempt goes to the u.s. attorney in washington, d.c., part of the department of justice and seen before these things tend to go nowhere. so, abbe lowell is banking on
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the congressional side of this going away. now, when it comes to hunter's court filings and the federal felonies in terms of tax evasion and other things down the pike, that is something you can't necessarily get out of in terms of a p.r. stunt like you saw today. >> john: the contempt issue, there is precedent, peter navarro and steve bannon -- >> that would require not to be a double standard. a test for the department of justice but given the past couple of years i'm not confident they will have the same standard for hunter biden as they have for associates of the president. >> john: katie, you think there are double standards in washington? >> i think there may be, based on the evidence we have seen. >> john: you burst all of our bubbles. great to see you. >> sandra: john, thousands of illegal migrants surging into the u.s. day after day and with them potential domestic terror threats from extremists and the chaos in the middle east. paul mauro is here on set. he is up next what needs to be
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done to protect americans. >> john: plus the house set to vote on a resolution calling for the presidents of harvard and mit to resign after controversial testimony of antisemitism on their campuses. former education secretary bill bennett is a harvard alum. we'll get his take what's happening on college campuses coming up. >> it's all part of a dramatic rise on antisemitism, and the universities have not done a good job with addressing it. only because they were embarrassed in congress are they now saying ok, ok, we are going to, we are going to address it. veteran homeowners. one reason monthly bills are getting harder to pay is the runaway interest rates on credit cards and car loans. credit cards can be 22% near 30% if you're late. car and truck loans- 10 to 15%. call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loans with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. you can save $500 a month $6,000 a year.
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>> we also cannot and do not discount the possibility that hamas or another foreign terrorist organization may
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exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here. our most immediate concern is violent extremists, individuals or small groups, will draw inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks against americans. >> sandra: that was fbi director christopher wray testifying the end of october warning of increased public safety threats right here in the u.s. from those inspired by the ongoing conflict in the middle east. the president's border crisis a major component of how the extremists can easily cross into the country to conduct these potential acts. retired nypd inspector paul mauro. you look at what is happening overseas, the southern border, how much easier is it right now than it was just a few years ago for these terrorists to come into this country and inflict harm on the american people? >> when i did this work and did it off and on in various
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capacities for 15 years, and concerned about counter terrorism on the home front. you had a fairly proscribed land scrape, you knew the groups you had to worry about and focus and where you were going to have your assets. today you have an entirely morphis landscape due to the border. when i was doing the work with my team we picked up the idea, no friction coming into the country, didn't go through customs, didn't have a visa, that was a five alarm fire and did happen a couple times and resource intensive. now not only coming in by the tens of thousands inviting them in, and bussing them to our number one terror targets, the inner cities. so, wray's carefully worded language says things we have to worry about domestic threats. he won't put a hat on who that is because they are still
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committed to the idea that drove counter terrorism previously leading up to the gaza conflict, which is that there is some white supremist thing. they are standing up new units trying to revilify sources 5, 6 years ago, and what to do now. >> sandra: we were showing eagle pass, texas a second ago, we have been showing lukeville, arizona, the center of the current surge and look at the shocking numbers. it's one thing to see it happening on the screen. 5,000 a day, a record for a single day last week. total this year if the trend continues is over 1.8 million. paul, you and i were sitting here watching live video of the migrants coming over the border. it would be happening all day long. but you wouldn't be seeing this otherwise. we have cameras down there, we are showing this, if we turn those off, no one would see this
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happening. this is happening every hour every single day and the numbers continue to get bigger and bigger. you look at the threat that that poses the american people today. do you believe there will continue to be bipartisan outrage, you saw katie hobbs out of arizona saying something has to happen. you've got these mayors in blue cities saying we are out of resources to deal with the problem. at what point does this become a bipartisan, fully a bipartisan issue? >> after november 2024. ok. he's not going to do anything, he being the president. i don't believe he's going to take any substantive steps to compromise him with his progressive left, he sees the polls like you and i do, he's concerned about his re-election, he just wants to get past that. he's not going to change course now, he's worried about that wing of his party more and more is the most vocal and powerful voice in his party. so no, i don't believe he's going to change anything. i think this is the new normal. and you do have to ask yourself
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where does this end because welcome mat has been put out. people said build the wall, build the wall, but then the phrase, donald trump was the wall. just the fact people had the perception he was not going to go along with this stuff put a damper on a lot of it. now the exact opposite. biden administration, mayorkas, completely incompetent. >> sandra: we have been showing video of migrants coming over and saying thank you joe biden, and border is severely broken, where republicans stand on the issue. great to have you here. hope to see you again soon. we have some breaking news. >> john: back to the house floor where the debate continues on a resolution that would produce if there is a vote in the affirmative an official impeachment inquiry into president biden. republicans insist they have the votes, it's likely that only one member, according to the republicans we have talked to will defect. that being ken buck of colorado
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does not see the necessity for this. but you have a lot of very powerful democrats, including that one right there, who are saying there is a need for the house to examine this because the white house has been stone walling the investigation and the only way to get to the bottom of what really happened here is to launch an official impeachment inquiry. as we watch this, took a visit from multiple world leaders for san francisco to clean up streets from drug dealers and homeless am caps. now residents wonder where they are back to square one and the changes did not stick. >> sandra: plus, tense relations between the u.s. and israel as president biden warns prime minister netanyahu that israel is losing international support over its bombing strategies in the war against hamas. idf international spokesperson lieutenant colonel jonathan co
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conricus will be here.
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>> john: city leaders in san francisco cleaned up the streets and cracked down on drug dealer for the apex summit but the changes not surprisingly did not last long. now that the international leaders and news crews are gone,
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the problems have come flooding back. claudia cowen is on the ground in san francisco. i'm sure locals are probably not happy about the return to the status quo. >> yeah, a lot of frustration that the positive changes did not stick, you are right, john, during last month's summit, san francisco put on the equivalent of sunday best to impress the hundreds of dignitaries and media visiting from around the world. sure enough, homeless encampments were swept away, along with needles, trash and even human waste. locals were hopeful the massive effort to clean things up for this one week would finally lead to permanent change. >> hopefully this space is better. we want a better san francisco. >> but when the summit ended, the fences were removed, extra law enforcement left town and within days, the homeless, most of whom had just relocated to
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other neighborhoods, were back, along with the drug dealers and those who use the sidewalks for their personal bathroom. images show the difference in some areas during and after the conviction and a talking point between ron desantis and gavin newsom. >> human feces is now a fact of life except when a communist dictator comes to town. then they cleaned up the streets. >> but city leaders deny it was a once-off in a statement to fox, mayor london breed said moving forward, home less people offered shelter cannot stay on the streets and the drug use, we have increased enforcement and accountability over the last several months against street level drug dealing and against open air drug use and those efforts continue today and will continue into the future. but many residents and workers wonder why having proved it could be done the city can't
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keep the streets safe and clean every week instead of just one, john, many saying it was nice while it lasted. back to you. >> john: a lot of people could be forgiven for thinking the city of san francisco and the state of california cares more about leaders from other countries than it does about people who live there and actually pay the taxes. >> that's right. a lot of people would think that. >> john: ok, they would not be wrong for that, either. sandra. >> sandra: the house set to vote on launching an impeachment investigation into president biden. democrats claiming there's no real evidence of a crime. well, republicans are asking isn't that the point of an inquiry to investigate? kerri kupec urbahn will react coming up. >> john: the white house set to brief any minute now. what will they have to say about
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