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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  December 13, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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$79. oh, wow. that could be cheaper than a tank of gas. for a limited time, kardiamobile is available for just $74. hurry, these prices won't last. get kardiamobile for yourself or a loved one at or amazon. >> greg: looks like we're out of time. i have to say this was a magnifificent show. thanks to shannon bream, andrew gruel, tyrus, kat timpf and our wonderful studio audience. fox news at night with dreamy trace gallagher is next. i'm greg gutfeld, and i love you america. [cheers and applause]. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher. it's 11:00 p.m. on the east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles, and this is america's late news,
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fox news at night. breaking tonight, the impeachment inquiry for president biden is a go in the house, and it was unanimous among republicans. now the question is, does it make joe biden unelectable? meantime hunter biden defies a subpoena and refuses to sit for a house position. and instead chooses to make a public statement that may come back to haunt him. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with the legal fallout good evening. >> reporter: epaing trace, after weeks of back and forth and a threat to hold him in con at the present time of congress hunter biden briefly today appeared in the capitol complex making a public statement outside of the building instead of showing up for his scheduled deposition following a subpoena from house republicans who, as you know, are looking into whether the younger biden and his father, the now president, collaborated in any financial dealings, particularly those involving foreign interests.
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>> in the depths of my addiction, i was extremely irresponsible with my finances. but to suggest that is grounds for an impeachment inquiry is beyond the absurd. it's shameless. let me state as clearly as i can, my father was not financially involved in my business. >> reporter: he says his father was not financially involved in his business. he didn't say that he knew nothing of his business which, of course, is what the president has been saying. however tonight house republicans are probably incandescent taking great umbrage in what he described as a stunt hunter showing up there. critics called it a middle finalinger to congressional law who will now escalate the matter. james comer promising to hold hunter biden in contempt if he skipped the deposition today under oath which he did so we'll see how that begins to play out tomorrow just across the street
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from here. given prior doj contempt prosecutions of steve bannen on and of course peter navarro it would seem very difficult for u.s. attorney matt graves to by pass hunter biden who ignored a lawfully issued subpoena. trace, it's going to make for a wild few days in the nation's capitol. >> trace: yep and it seems there is precedent, kevin corke live in dc thank you. let's where i in cal berkeley law professor and former deputy assistant attorney general john yoo. john great to have you on hunter biden is daring to hold him in contempt. do you think they will? should they? >> i think they will and they should. hunter biden is basically showing disrespect for the people's house, the house of representatives. he's been issued a legitimate subpoena. he's allowed to show up in person and take the fifth but he has to show up in person. he almost dares them to hold him in contempt by showing up at the capitol but then not going inside to the hearing room to
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meet with the staff. i don't see how the house can't, cannot hold subpoena but can't hold him in contempt but as kevin just said it's still up to the justice department run by merrick garland appointed by joe biden to carry out and execute it. >> reporter: i know it's not a legal question john but overall your thoughts by hunter biden making this public statement. was it just a dumb move in your estimation? >> hunter biden is under investigation, he's indicted twice. there might be more. anything he says in public can be used against him. notice it also shows he's afraid of something because all that stuff he said on tv today in front of the to as not under oath. he didn't want to be under oath when he was making these statements. it makes me as a lawyer think why is he not willing to go before lawyers take an oath and tell the truth under threat of purgery. the other thing is it sounds like he talked to the president, joe biden, about it before he did it. that causes more trouble for joe
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biden. what if joe biden said go ahead don't testify we're not being to prosecute you, don't worry about it. >> trace: interesting you said all of what hunter biden said. here's a little more of what he said today. watch and we will pea gate your thought. >> i'm also here to today to talk about how the maga right have tried to use me as their political purposes they tried to dehumanize me all to embarrass my father. >> trace: sounds like he was being coached by the biden white house talking about the maga republicans, villainizing them. there's a pattern here, john. >> this is exactly the wrong way to go about trying to cooperate with a house investigation, trying to be helpful. why not show up and testify? why not bring all the records and put them before the american people in why fight? why fight subpoenas? why be held in contempt of congress? it makes people in the house want to vote for an impeachment inquiry to find out what was really going on and what hunter's hiding. >> trace: you would think there's a strategy but it
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doesn't make sense. here's a jamie raskin sound bite, this is 14, i'll give you 15 toens a. watch. >> they wanted to conduct the deposition in a closed-door interview so the public couldn't see it, and so they could continue to cherry pick little pieces of evidence and distort and misrepresent what had taken place. >> trace: james comer said he would release the transcripten then let hunter biden testify in public. >> first, this is normal procedure. i was a senate investigator. you also have a deposition first. second, i didn't hear congressman raskin complaining when this was done are the two trump impeachment trials. >> trace: he didn't. john yoo great to have you as always thank you they are not calling it damage control, at least not yet, but the bidden campaign is reportedly scrambling to deal with the double trouble of an impeachment inquiry and the first son dodging a subpoena. jeff paul is live with us on set with the latest on this jeff
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good epaing. >> reporter: good evening trace the white house tonight leaving a statement calling the inquiry a baseless republican impeachment stunt. the president says instead of doing their job on urgent work house republicans are wasting time and attacking him with lies. but the biden campaign is still feeling the pressure. there are reports the biden former secretary of state and presidential candidate, hillary clinton, could be using her name to help boost fund raising and keep democrats loyal to the president. and if the polls are any indication, the president could use a boost. some show him losing to both former president trump as well as nikki haley. but biden has long believed the polls aren't always right. however, even the latest wall street journal approval ratings show record lows for biden. only 37% of people polled approved of biden's performance. it's not known yet how the impeachment inquiry involving hunter biden will involve the polls but former obama senior advisor david axelrod said right
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now it's impacting him as a father not as a candidate. >> this is more than a political burden this is an emotional burden and we'll see but the family has always encouraged him and i don't imagine they're going to discourage him now. >> reporter: we're also learning tonight the biden harris campaign has enlisted the help of former hillary clinton top aid brian, he'll be the communications direct or for vice-president harris, who has in the past been critical of president biden and led calls to expand the supreme court something biden has rejected >> trace: haven't heard his name some time. thank you. let's bring in garrett ventry. great to have you on garrett, i saw a headline tonight, the question was, does this inquiry make joe biden unelectable. what you think? does it? does it hurt? >> well, thanks for having me trace, good to see you again and be with you on the program. i appreciate it.
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i mean the short answer is it definitely hurts here, a number of other factors who hurt, the economy an business mall approval rating on that, the border an all time low, and loses to president trump on a number of match-ups, whether the wall street journal cnn and a number of other polls. take a step pack why does this impeachment inquiry matter? number one the shifting message from the white house. went from number one he had no knowledge of his business dealings to he's not in business with hunter biden. we know he was put on speaker phone with a firsthand witness, attended continueers, events, those type of things while he was vice-president with hunter's foreign business. that's a red nag here. so this will obviously play out into 2024, republicans are make it about corruption. impeachment inquiry having all republicans on board is a big deal showing a hot of support to continue to get to the bottom of what we know. we know of bank statements
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appear first happened testimony and we're going to find out even more with the subpoena power. >> trace: even your old boss ken buck said he wasn't sure, take he was i'm in. earn quoting, the fact people are inclined to believe the president was involved in hunter biden's business deals suggest they could be and 60% plus told both cnn and ap pollsters they think president biden at least did something unethical. for the record the actual number was 69% saying it's either illegal or unethical. so, yeah, there's big time concern. >> i think there is big time concern. again it's been lie after lie here. it was i had no knowledge. find out he did have knowledge. he wasn't involved, we find out again he attended dinners and was put on speaker phone. the big question is did he shift policy which would be even more unethical and this is a lot of for this. they tried to impeach president
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trump for essentially saying you need to look into whether there was any corruption with ukraine and hunter biden sitting on those boards, did joe biden pressure the ukrainian prosecutor to be fired looking into burisma. found out that joe biden who was in charge of the lot of the foreign policy portfolio for president obama at the time did push for it while hunter was getting a million dollars to sit on the board when we're log at the corruption. this is obviously going to play out in 2024. voters tend to look he have that joe biden was involved in hunter biden's business dealings so that is again a big problem with the border and everything else. >> trace: a big hit. gar et ventry thank you for your time we appreciate it. front and center on capitol hill the house of representatives passed a resolution condemning anti-semitism on campus. the house also took a swipe of the testimony by the presidents of harvard, upen and mit. marianne rafferty is live with the new information on that. maryanne good evening. >> thanks for that trace on a
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day that highlighted how divided washington can be a rare moment of bipartisan agreement with the house overwhelmingly calling for immediate resignation of the presidents of harvard and mit and they stand by their leaders despite their statements on anti-semitism. . i hope this is a fork in the road for the university. i hope that it now decides to double down on its commitment to free and open discourse, to pluralism, viewpoint diversity. >> reporter: congress has launched a formal probe of harvard, mit and u-penn with the support of over 70 lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, and the house education and work force committee has also set up an e-mail address, gov which allows them to file reports of anti-semitism on campus. meanwhile near yale university in connecticut someone scaled a menorah and planted a
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palestinian flag on top. the mayor said his city won't tolerate anti-semitism. here in los angeles commuters slashed with protesters who brought morning rush hour traffic to a halt by blocking the 110 freeway which cuts right through downtown. and thousands of drivers were impacted by that protest. california highway patrol saying 75 were arrested. trace. >> and common sense has some interest in that story as well maryanne. thank you. ♪ >> trace: well, the fox news at night common sense department thinks there are better ways to get your point across than to shut down the 110 freeway in los angeles. one of the nation's most congested corridors during morning rush hours. for two hours, the anti-semitic protest was demanding a ceasefire in gaza and ending all u.s. support for israel. the apparent ultimatum was either you ceasefire or we sees traffic. so they did. the demonstration was supposed to be peaceful but common sense wonders how it's possible to
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prevent thousands of people from gettinging to work or school or court, and keep the peace. the answer is, it's not possible. it got violent quickly, you know, shoving, grabbing, choking and screaming including this phrase, quoting, you idiots are hurting working people. and they were. but the protesters said they had no choice. they had tried everything else including marching, singing and writing letters. let's face it, if you had marched appear sang and exhausted all your options, naturally it is time to target commuters. stopping traffic in la should do the trick. common says is being snarky because the protest is not helpful, right? there are villains in this story who committed ross is the on 10/7 and were intent on going to war. so maybe we lay off those intent on going to work? let's bring in the ceo of the lawfare project human rights attorney brook goldstein and the
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executive vice-president of concerned women for america, annabelle rutledge. thank you both for coming on. i want to go back and play this sound bite for you brooke. this is massachusetts rep jake auchincloss talking about harvard university. watch this. >> harvard university has spent the last five years with cancel culture as the dominate norm on its campus. and now that anti-semitism has flared up it has decided to 'em praise free speech principles. >> trace: he's right there. you go back and misgendering was called violence at harvard last year and now genocide is free expression. brook? >> yes, you know, jfk once said that leadership and learning rsh indispensable to one another, and the truthest right now, there is a total deficit in our leadership and also in our institutes of higher learning.
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they are completely morally bankrupt. and i want to thank you, trace, for highlighting this issue of the radicalization happening on college campuses, the anti-semitism that's happening, because just today, the lawfare project foiled a ground breaking lawsuit against carnegie mellon university which just so happens to be one of the largest recipients of foreign funding from qatar and we all know qatar is connected to hamas. so the question really is, what is the relationship between foreign funding and the radicalization on college campuses? >> reporter: yeah, great question. i want to talk a little bit more about that lawsuit brook in a second but i want to bring in annabelle if i can. because they wrote the following, house launches e-mail address to report college anti-semitism amid investigation. what do you think of the house launching this? is it a good idea? is it a bad idea?
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what's your take away? >> yeah, well, i echo brook in thanking you trace and highlighting this issue. any effort on behalf of congress to step in and curb this blatant anti-semitism that is becoming ram pant across our nation with over -- almost 400% increase in anti-semitic acts since october 7th alone. so ipplaud their efforts but at the same time i do think we need to zoom back a little bit appear continue to put the heat on these colleges and these institutions directly. i mean these are our elite so called institutions in america and this has been an ongoing problem for a long time. breeding anti american sentiment even at these american colleges but if you have a blatant support of terrorism and praising of hitler as a collegiate norm that is a problem. however i will say -- go ahead.
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>> trace: hold that thought because i want to bring ook in. we know i said in beginning ceo of lawfare project who just filed this suit against carnegie mellon university on behalf of a jewish student. my question to you is what is the goal. what are you hoping to remedy with this suit? >> we hope, first and foremost, to shed a light on what exact is the contractual relationship benefit the foreign government of qatar and carnegie mellon university. no doubt the millions and millions, half a billion dollar went into ininfluencing the fact that they weren't dealing with a radicalization and the anti-semitism on the college campuses. second and i think even equally if not more important, is to remedy and create the systemic change that we need to see to get rid of this radicalization, to make sure jewish students theory civil rights are
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protected, that they have equal protection under the law. is of utmost importance. >> trace: i have to go, i have about 15 second annabelle. i want to know about this story, the rash of menorahs being vandalized across the country. is there a take away from that for you very quickly. >> i think it just shows the moral barning rupp situate as was already pointed out. not always good news gets shared. i want to say concern for america has young women for america leaders across this nation who has been standing up on campuses, ten different campuses praying and showing their support for the jewish students and saying there is a remnant of people who are willing to have your back on this issue. >> trace: yeah. annabelle brook great to have you both on thank you. coming up bret baier sits down with family members of hostages being held in gaza. what they have to say we should tell you is heart wrenching. it is also imperative we listen
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to what they're saying. later in the nightcap would you trust artificial intelligence to pick a christmas gift you might be excited about. we would like you to give it a try. go to at trace gallagher on the social media pages x and instagram and check out the nightcap link. let us know what gift it recommended and if you like it. then stay on social media, let us know. we'll show you the results, read the best responses in the nightcap. it's 8:19 and 30 seconds here on the west coast. here is the fox news at night trip across america, first a life look, caldwell idaho's ribbon ice-skating rink. i can't skate but i did learn to fly in caldwell idaho. downtown milwaukee with a live view of the clarke building and finally a live look at myrtle beach south carolina where christmas spirits seem to be very bright. we are great live, not bad on tape so if you can't join us live set your dvr. we are coming right back with the families of the hostages, something you need to see. next.
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♪ >> trace: breaking tonight we are now being told that tuesday was among the deadliest days of the war for israeli defense forces in its war against hamas. the idf says palestinian militants ambushed troops on a mission in a gaza city neighborhood killing at least nine soldiers including some top officers. the latest fighting comes amid stiff hamas resistance in areas that is reel has isolated and then hit with air strikes for more than two months. updates on the war as we get them. meantime president biden met with the families of americans who were taken hostage by hamas terrorists on october 7th. special report anchor bret baier had the opportunity to talk with
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some of them. >> thank you all for being here. i want to talk about each one of your family members who's believed to be held hostage. jonathan, last seen where and tell me something about him. >> well, seqei is 35 years old, he's the father of three little girls. he was last seen on kibbutz on october 7th. we do know from within, from inside the tunnels, that he is alive. >> you're the father of idan. tell me about him. >> don choose to volunteer for idf. he was kidnapped october 7th from his post, from the idf post, and since then we have no additional information about
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this abduction. >> it's tough. it's tough. it's hanukkah now and i'm just feeling sad but full of hope that something is going to happen, something good. and he will return home. >> ronan tell me about him. >> he loves sports went to israel on a gap year, decided to volunteer to the idf and he was taken from his poof. >> ropey tell me about itai. >> also went to the idf, but i think values of the western society, he knows how to do card tricks, hopefully he has a deck of cards with him, like with the other people who are held in custody somewhere hopefully passing time. >> you have something passing time. >> the idea that for 67 days we don't have time. they don't have time. >> reporter: liz there is obviously a very bright story.
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you're the great aunt of abigail. 4-year-old who was released but there's a horrible part to that story. >> abigail is a miracle because she survived, both of her parents being murdered on october 7th. and she's a miracle because she crawled out from under her father's body and made her bay to a neighbor's home and they took her in. but she's also a miracle because then this mother and her three children and abigail were taken hostage by hamas terrorists. she came back to israel after 50 days. >> reporter: what is the message to president biden that you bring? >> great efforts have been made. we ask that even greater ones be invested now. these are critical moments. >> reporter: when you hear of negotiations about ceasefires,
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what do you think? >> i think the hostages have to be returned, and after that i think the ceasefire can happen. >> idon, strong, can withstand this stuff? >> i know my son and i know he's strong, he's a professional swimmer. >> reporter: do you get a lot of outpouring of support from your community. >> yeah, it's been enormous and we feel that the united states, as the leader of the free world, there are different players in this system that can be doing more and the u.s. can maybe pressure a bit more, specifically egypt, qatar, other players that have influence in order to get a deal done, get the hostages out. >> reporter: prayer at the first lighting of the menorah english translation includes blessed are you lord our god king of the
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universe who performed peerical for our forefathers at this time. i'm sure you all are hoping for a miracle. >> we say this every night at hanukkah. we bless the candles every night and we pray for our children to come home for all 137 of them held hostage. >> reporter: hanukkah's going to come to an end. as i read that prayer, what on you think about? >> nothing to say right now. it's too personal. >> reporter: we appreciate you sharing your pain, your hope, your message with us. thank you. >> thank you. >> trace: i think i would have very little to say as well. let's bring in democratic candidate for senate in california christina and from bellaire rabbi both recently returned from israel in fact we were in israel together. we all talked with the families
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of the hostages there. when you watch this christina, does it change? do you think things are changing? what do you think of the comments they're saying now. at least they're starting to speak up. >> yeah. your heart continues to break for them. you can't imagine day after day having that hope, hope dwindling must be such a roller coaster. i met with hostages last week in addition to the hostages in israel and i'm amazed by their spirit, the way they're so steadfast and are able to push forward and now travel the country and the world sharing their story telling the same story over and over no matter how painful in order to try and keep that hope live that ultimately their loved one will come home in the world keeps listening and continue to put the pressure to get tell released. >> trace: the bracelet. >> this is a bracelet one of the family members gave to me a brass let at the nova music festival where so many were killed. i'm wearing it until the hostages come home >> trace: rabbi makes your heart sick for the hostages still
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being held and the families, it's so hard for them as you see on tape there and you just kind of wonder if, you know, if their will and if their, you know, their perseverance changes at all. >> first and foremost you can see it in their eyes and their determination, they're not giving up. these are people that have gone to many other wars and to not understand the middle east very well. what they did do was they came to america and they said we're americans, come on guys, fight for us. do something for us. and you can see in their eyes, please up the ante to get our boys or girls home. >> trace: yeah. that's great. i want to put this poll up because i found it instructive and kind of interesting back in this country talk about americans wall street journal poll do you sympathize more with the israeli or palestinian. among democrats israel 17%, palestinians 24, both equally 48% and when you look at young people, christina, it is a even
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more skewed. there is a big divide in the democratic party and a lot of democrats have been very fervently enforced to pick sides in this debate. >> humanity loses in the end. no side should be picked. but i think part of what that poll's a reflex of is probably social media and how the ago chrisms have worked and there's been much more shared about the palestinian situation and just the horrible images. i think what must be done on the part of president biden is to show he's doing everything he can to put on the pressure to minimize the loss of innocent lives and also have a safe haven work with the arab countries to work as a safe haven for people to go. right now they have nowhere to go. i understand why there is an outcry but it is hard to see and understand how there's not a similar one for what wa done to the people in israel. >> people in gaza are not allowed, you have people coming forward, top commanders coming forward saying hamas is holding us here, taking this food and
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doing bad things to our people here. rabbi what do youity? >> about this poll. change the poll. what would be if if it didn't say israel or palestinians. israel or hamas. that's really what it's all about. it's hamas that's doing the damage. everyone loves palestinians, why not? they're normal human beings. but if you put the question in the democrat party and it says if you styed with israel or hamas and if we have those same numbers we have problems in the democrat party because something brewing that's not good. >> we also realize it's not pro palestinian this is also a lot of anti-semitism because the same people marching saying pro palestinian are also saying from the river to the sea. they can't name the river or the sea, they have no idea what they're talking about but because they think they're involved in something righteous and good they to it without nothing the basis for it. >> is roll has become -- i mean
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israel's the goliath and they're the david and so everybody's taking the short side. the reality is these people hate juice and they want us dead from the river to the sea. >> trace: yeah, rabbi christina thank you both >> coming up apec the summit of word leaders have come and gone in san francisco and apparently so has the cleanup crew. drugs and homelessness now rampant once again. but first a live look at the open bay in san francisco. the skyline. that's the bay bridge, pretty nice from the air, huh? we'll be right back. my customer was enjoying her new car, when her windshield cracked. [gasp] >> customer: my car! >> tech vo: she didn't take it to the dealer. she scheduled with safelite. we have the latest technology for the newest vehicles. and we do more replacements and recalibrations than anyone else. >> customer: thank you so much. >> tech: don't wait-- schedule now. ♪ pop music ♪
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(aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in my closet and keep the weight off. for the first time in forever, i feel in control. (announcer) change your life at that's >> trace: well, san francisco's cleanup for the recent asian pacific economic cooperation smument didn't last long. homeless people and drug dealers who got relocated are back. here's the senior correspondent claudia cowan. >> reporter: it was a chance for the city by the bay to shine and
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during last month's apec summit, san francisco put on its sunday best important the hundreds of dignitaries and media visiting from around the world. homeless encampments near the convention sites were swept away along with needers, trash and human waste. locals were hopeful the massiveest to clean things up for this one week would finally leave to permanent change. >> hopefully it stays better. we want a better san francisco. >> reporter: but when the summit ended the fences came down. the extra law enforcement left, and the homeless, many of whom had just shifted to other neighborhoods, moved back. video shows the dramatic difference during and after the convention in areas where tents and coalers have returned, along with people who i don't the sidewalk as theory personal bathroom. mayor london breed says moving forward, a recent court order will make it easier to clear sidewalk encampments. facing a tough reelection fight next year, breed says she's
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working hard to build on momentum of apec. >> trace: are we where we need to be? no. our goal is to tipping it as long as we have the resources to continue from the state and federal prosecutors, that those going to be a part of our continual effort. >> reporter: many wonder why the city, which ear marks more than $600 million a year to helping the homeless can't keep the streets safe and clean instead of just one with maybe saying its nice while it lasted. in san francisco, claudia cowan, fox news. >> trace: the commissioner of the food and drug administration has rejected the decline in u.s. life expect apes and this is much more than a covid story. the senior national correspondent kevin corke is back live in dc with more on that. kevin. >> reporter: this is an interesting story trace. i did a great deal of reading tonight i think you'll find the information i'm going to share fairly compellings. the fda commissioner a guy by
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the fame of robert kalev took to twitter or x to talk about the dough kline of u.s. life expect's. we are facing extraordinary head wins with public health with a major dekline in life expectancy. the major decline in the u sis not a trend i had a describe it as catastrophic. but his post, frankly, hit on i do et and overjuly healthcare, but he also ignored the obvious. this is the stat. people are dying and abnormally high numbers, even now, and long since, covid-19 waned yet public house agencies and medical medical societies for the most part have remained silent on the topic. with respect to life expectancy in the us it has dekind the last few years falling from 78.8 down to 76.1 in 2022.
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and the picture is especiallien for men trace whose life expectancy is now 52 years for 71 for women, the widest gap between the two genders since 1996 trace. >> trace: yeah, we did this, kevin, for a hundred years and now awful it's kind of doing that. thank you. let's bring in fox news contributor dr. marc siegel. great to have you on, the hill writes the following, this is bigger than covid why are so many dying early, life ensureers are consistently been sounding the alarms to excess debt which led to 158,000 more americans in the fir month of 2023. that exceeds america's combined losses from every year since vietnam. mortality up 26% doctor mac among 35-34 year olds. what in the world is goinging on?
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>> i want to add to that before i answer. by the way great report by kevin corke, both of us read our heads off tonight. we're doing much worse than europe. we lost during the heart of the pandemic about a million more excess deaths per year than europe did, and now after the pandemic, same thing. why are they cog better than us? wove a very high standard of living here. it's also cutting trace across also your it is a not just pooh people or socioeconomicically disadvantaged. it's every one..i mentioned obe came on and you said look that hasn't come up. part of it is the long term event and during the shutdown and lockdowns people didn't want to get medical care and anxious and got increased, more suicide. all of that is continuing, all the anxiety is continuing stress related diseases, alcohol still up. covid may have long term effects
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that could be it in terms of the heart lungs and kidney. but the vaccine no one's studying that. all of that has to be looked at. you can't just say well it's smoking or this or that we need a careful examination, terrible trend. >> this is a crew crime thor in san francisco. he'll go to play the sound bite then give you about 15 seconds to respond. watch. >> when apec came along the change was noticeably. i mean, noticeable. and i'll tell you. >> the neighbors, the owners of my building were all very, very, very happy. and it was -- you know, we walked around and it was sort of -- you know, we would say, wow, you know, we got our city whack. then when it was over, all the rus dealers and stand on the corner selling their fentanyl.
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>> trace: it really is. it's fentanyl there, i have to go back to the store, and the homeless are back. >> absolutely 71 hundred had you homeless and leads the country. you see it have day, mental health one half have mental illness or substance abuse issues. there's hiv, to you burke low. this is a huge problem. it's really unsafe for the neighborhoods and again mental health crisis not being dealt with, huge problem. they're claim they're going to put them in buildings and houses, it's not work jog doctor thank you very much we appreciate your time. up next them test it out on our nightcap crew members in moments but we want to hear from you. would you trust ai with your shopping list go to tried to pa i to x and instagram.
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see if it will accept something that will excite you. we're coming back in a few minutes and the nightcap crew will weigh in. both are believed to be caused by excess inflammation inside the body. get real with your dermatologist and ask about real clear skin, today. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ >> trace: okay, back with the nightcap crew, kevin corke, jeff paul, marianne rafferty,
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christina and rabbi. tonight's topic an ai platform called gift hunter says it can find gifts for people based on their instagram profile. here we go short on time. kevin corke, here's what it picked for you, nike men's polo shirt. national geographic's 100 hikes of a lifetime, and amazon echo dot. do you love it hate or or find something different? >> hated it. i found a great watch so give me a nice watch. >> trace: okay, jeff paul, hiking boots, national parks annual pass and a camping hammock. >> sure, i'll take it. i haven't been camping in years but i'll take it. >> trace: love it. marianne rafferty a cast iron skillet, collapsable outdoor utility wagon and luxury spa bathrobe. >> all great gifts, yes. >> we'll switch. >> trace: christina, echo friendly yoga matt, vintage frame travel poster one size
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aroma therapy essential oil diffuser. >> give may a re-do. don't like it. >> trace: not going to work. rabbi, customizable wall art, jewish cookbook, yesterdayish wisdom book by christina warner. >> i wanted outdoor hammock. >> reporter: we're giving you the park list. but you have to be like it's my seventh night of hanukkah. i have something for you. >> trace: money? money? trace gallagher, gar men roof top cargo carrier? i'll take it, except for the hopper and the other thing. thank you all for joining the nightcap and joining america's late news fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher, we'll see you right whack here tomorrow night. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older.
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arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game.
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who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. why do i do this work? it's just so inspiring to do research that impacts human lives. stand up to cancer has been a critical partner in advancing research for cancer. so please help us fight in this battle against cancer. my name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband and i own the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a day-to-day basis, here at the bakery. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that, ever.
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now, "the five." ♪ ♪


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