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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  December 14, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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possible and we will have to push him at every turn to get change. real change comes in 24 when we elect a new president. well, we better get that border secure. if we can. and i'll tell you one day, if we're attacked by illegal immigrants, he's allowed in. >> he will have blood on his hands. you agree with that. sean, i've never been more worried about a terrorist attack. >> how easy would it be for a group of terrorists to get in the middle of this crowd that. >> 10,000 yesterday. the last six days with average, almost 10,000 a day and 1.7 million got aways. if trying to avoid detection, you're probably up to no good. lindsey graham, thank you. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank for being with us. please say dvr and never miss an episode. in the meantime, let not your heart. be troubled. why? greg gutfeld is standing by and put a on your face our greatest sight. thank you for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. >> have a great.
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yes, i agree. i a very happy wednesday, everybody so every now and then you see something that captures why things everywhere seem to be falling apart these days . >> you know, not just that i'm talking about a theory called chesterton's fence. the rule of chesterton's fans never destroy a fence, change a rule, or do away with a tradition until you understand why it was there in the first place. i would also removing your implants. >> wow. dead crowd. snyder drew a lot of implants. yeah, but that's good advice on par with don't where you eat. which is why joe biden no longer has lunch in the oval office. you don't deserve that joke.
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>> but g.k. chesterton rule goes to the heart of all this chaos. many social constructs that have held things together really come down to fences, metaphorical and literal fences and rules backed by western values that help preserve order and make for a good life. it wasn't perfect, but was a hell of a lot better than the alternatives offered by dictators in europe asia or the third world. >> but as the u.s. continues to fumble on the world stage, our campuses ring with the chants of hey, hey, ! western civ has got to go. the fences are coming down faster than hunter biden's pants at a cheerleading camp. >> and filling that space is a mindless tribal progressivism. that's anything but progress. the barbarians are at the gates because we got rid of the gates. in israel, for instance, the construction of literal fence ended years of terror attacks launched from the west bank in gaza. the first thing breached
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by hamas was a 25 mile long fence separating the israelis and palestinians, but was also breached was a fence. that was also an idea. the idea that western style democracy is preferable to a society ruled by a corrupt military cabal who make saddam hussein look like sandy duncan. it was two tribes separated fences, but also by centuries. it'd be like if george built a mansion next to the flintstones. >> and so, of course, america hating western woke elite side against whatever has been working, which makes israel the oppressors and hamas, the resistance. but have they thought this through? do they actually want export hamas's system elsewhere to hamas savages lgbt stands for let's go bomb and terrorize . >> it's the same here at home as most of us try to conserve rules and, traditions that have made the american system the most successful ever regressive, progressive isms. regressive progress.
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kids are looking to tear down the fences of capitalism and order in favor of fundamental change. and it's changing. all right. what you're seeing in the streets is what the fence kept at bay. simplistic, amoral protests based on lineage and tribal warfare. following the death of george floyd, our entire criminal justice system was pegged as institutionally racist. so cash bail went away, shoplifting became reparations ,40 acres and a mule became ten men in speed sticks and tubes of pepsodent defunded, decarceration became . delightful. is it working? i'll put it this way. anybody out there want to buy a bachelor pad in manhattan? i promise i'll have it. >> so what happens when you tear down the known as criminal justice? >> well, you get new york, philly, baltimore, washington, san fran, l.a., portland, seattle, memphis, houston. i could keep going, but if i do, i'm going to sound like stephen hawking. the time i'm done. is this really what the dems want? >> coast to coast?
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one big giant pile of. >> and there's our southern border. the bit of fence with holes could drive the cast of the view through. president biden is more terrified of his party's left-wing that he is of stares. so any notion defining the idea of the united states is, you guessed it institutionally . >> if that's true, then every nation on earth is institution racist. >> now, it's right about here where a liberal would say, greg, you're just an entitled privileged. what about all the impoverished black and brown people in the world? do you think they feel that way ? to which i would brilliantly reply. why don't you ask them as they pore over our southern border by the millions to live in the country you hate so much? >> we're even dismantling the border between. personally, i'm okay with a fence between the sexes although there's always some genders, no fence can contain. >> but there's no border that divides the sexes. >> you get a generation of disillusioned, unproductive
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people living in isolation and denial. so if you think about it, much of civilization up to the modern age has been a war against tribalism. we creative republics have laws and freedoms were imperfect, but they were there for a reason. and now we have a generation deciding that the fences must come down. never mind their initial necessity now to have a good life. you do need a structure, but sadly you get no reward when that works. because how do you show the bad things that just if they never really occurred? >> so the young and naive have a choice between an imperfect unprovable good and the evil holds at bay and they choose evil without fail. perhaps it's the result of a country so successful and decadent it leaves bored minds to embrace suicidal ideas. and so they tear down structures without their existence in the first place. >> that's chesterton's. which reminds me of gutfeld law, which is some people are just remarkably irredeemably and hopelessly stupid.
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>> and to those i say, stay on your side of the fence every . let's welcome tonight's guest. she's known as the bad girl in her bible study group. fox news sunday, shannon bream . he loves cooking his medium rare chef and restaurateur andrew. it's her eighth straight year being at the top of the naughty list, "new york times" bestselling author and fox news contributor kat timpf. and he prefers to do his net cracking year round. "new york times" bestselling author comedian and former nba world champion tyrus. >> i mean, any number of things. yes, i meant that in wholesome way out of nutcracker.
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>> and i'm sure you're a fan of chesterton. what is the whole purpose for offense? >> why is there offense at all? well, don't you feel like it's healthy? ask those questions. everybody at some point is going to push back against things they don't understand or especially as a kid. i think about when i was like seven and one of my mom's pillars of western civilization was you could not eat ice cream for breakfast every day. and i'm like, well, why not? because she was also teacher at my school. i'm not sitting in like a second grade tasmanian devil to embarrass me in front all these people. also, you don't want to end up on £600 knife. yes, i always. >> one of the best shows. yes, i love that show. i like how your condition that you don't want to get any angry. oh, i love that show. that little bit obsessed with it. yeah, but you know what, i'm asking why, why, why, why? at least if people i worry about you are so dead set on an on an end result that you can't even ask why something exists the first place. >> mm-hmm. so you're arguing against fences? no. i'm asking that you should at least ask why the fence is there. no, good question for you. >> get rid of it. good point. way over my head, shannon, as usual. andrew. so you work as a chef. are there, quote, metaphorical
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fences and walls that you have in place to protect from absurd trends? >> like what if somebody says, you know, foods don't necessarily have to taste good to be cooked and served? i mean, they're doing that with insects. >> yeah, that's a great question. food is racism, but the pizza. right. let's make pizza. so pizza, a classic italian pizza. you just got cheese, maybe throw on pepperoni, one topping. now got like a pickled elephant. nepal pizza coming out of, you know, this really woke pizzeria down in the lower east side. and also, i should say off topic to that question that 5 seconds ago i realized what a horrible father i am because my kids had ice cream for breakfast today. so that was your kids? you know, well, they're probably out there ripping the fence apart right now, just exactly out of the sugar high. but you know, i've said that so many times after reading about chesterton's theory, and i also want to smoke in chesterton. but, you know, i also that this theory kind of, when you look at it from the reverse, applies to the federal government. and i know the burden of proof
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lies on those who want to destroy the fence. but like the government has put these fences up and we got to remove some of those fences. so i when it comes to the out there on the street who are protesting for whatever reason that they even know or understand, they just need to get out of the way when it comes to the government. got to remove some of those fences that are there because they're insignificant. mm-hmm. >> cat, that's an interesting point. on the one hand, it is hard prove whether your your fence works because you never know the bad thing that you cause because it didn't happen. but at the same respect with some fences. >> you don't know if they're actually working at all. yeah, i think that there's two. nobody's doing anything but owning. yeah, i think people just yell at each other. this fence all your fault. >> yeah, i don't. there's. there's not examination going on, but it would be helpful if there was. >> i think by like, shannon, your question is great. you should know why it's there. you should be thoughtful considering it. but rather than thoughtfully considering anything, people try to think of why, it's not their fault. so then they don't have to do anything. this is not your fault if you don't consider it, then
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you won't end up realizing that you might be doing something wrong and that you might need to change that about yourself. >> mm-hmm. if you look at every avenue of turmoil, tyrus social discourse, history, biology, the the decline begins. >> when previous foundations are destroyed without asking why. well, here's the thing. and obviously he's a brilliant man, but his theories are flawed. mm-hmm. and yeah, that's right. >> i'm saying it. you're going to. i'm going going after charleston, because here's why . and there's this one i'm just looking at from a street perspective, right. >> here's another several, but one that always stood out to me is about a streetlamp. mm-hmm. street lamps in the middle of the city is light. it's bright. some people think it's too bright. needs to go. other people, it's only light they have. they want to go to again. both his stories, whether it's the fence, the street line, are all based on looking to wisdom. mm-hmm. before you react. so there is a wise, great man in charge of the fence. mm-hmm. and when they go to the fence,
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they ask, i want to tear down the wall. do you know why the fence was built? no. go away and come back with the street lamp. it was a mock who was that telling them? but here's the thing. this new genre does not seek wisdom. they don't look to leadership. and they're being they're coming with the understanding that i can attack. there's no consequences there's no accountability. so i don't give a damn what the fence was for all know what's in my way and i don't like it. and we as a group, the group think tank, the mob, does it stop? they run wise old man over and lynch him and call him a racist and drag the wrapped the fence around his neck because no one seeks wisdom with these groups. when when you bring this up with octo. they knew the fence in gaza they crossed it with and they defense was protect them from israel israel vice versa. you rip the fence down, you create a massacre. now the fence is down for them, too. yes. you never once thought, oh, hey, guess what's coming back.
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but see, they didn't stop to ask the wise men before we do this. what happen? they would say israel's going to release hell on earth on you . mm-hmm. they didn't care because the new way of the world is there's no consequences. they went from monsters to heroes in a new cycle because no one seeks the wisdom anymore. that's the problem with is just put it out. >> there you are. yeah. tavis is fox is g.k. chesterton . >> all right. up next, the senator hopes college deans shake in their by taxing their wealth pursuits. >> rsv is out there for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with a recipe rsv is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv does not protect and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache
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i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. beginning to shop now at show allegiance .com com. thank you. i love you. i love you too we'll taxing the well-endowed please the anti-woke crowd. a senator makes an offer to drain higher ed's
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senator tom cotton cotton wants to tax universities multibillion dollar endowments to fund israel, ukraine and border security. >> but like joe biden returning from a trip, it looks dead on arrival. the time 6% tax is part of the woke endowment security tax act. it would raise more than $15 billion, which, if you do the math, is almost enough to cover hunter's bill. but respectfully, senator cotton, this seems like more of a political stunt, really jerry nadler has a greater chance of being named sexiest man alive. >> would it be easier to just secure the border with the military in laws we already have among the colleges? cotton's targeting the axis of evil, mit, upn, and of course, harvard. >> full disclosure, they all recruited me to play basketball . >> but you remember a harvard, they're slightly the left of antifa. >> according to the "new york post", they covered up a plagiarism investigation
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into their president, claudine day, and even threatened to take the post to court over its own probe. yet they tried to camouflage it like the black paint on jesse's bald spot. quote, horror quote, harvard spent weeks failing to come clean about being under investigation and only disclose it when governing body said it unanimously stood by her in the wake of the anti-semitism hearing mass. ,we could use some stonewalling like that at the border. >> and when the post started digging around for evidence, they got a 15 page letter from a high powered attorney who identified himself as defamation counsel for and harvard. but upon closer review, the letter turned out to be 15 random pages from harry potter and the goblet of fire. andrew, i want to ask about the whole thing. but first, is there such thing as plagiarism in cooking world like you do? >> i'm curious because there has to be your profession. do you actually find chefs that rip off other chefs?
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oh my gosh, it happens all the time. i invented the chowder fries, which are hand-cut, smothered in clam chowder, and every other seafood restaurant took it from there, including red lobster ribbon. i don't have a team of lawyers protect me. and if i did, i would actually tell them to sue themselves. actually, i might sue myself. yes, but, yeah, that's we do all the time. >> i mean, recipes are nothing more than, you know, jazz standards upon. you improvise. i want to get too deep here. let's make this funny. yes. compromise and clam chowder. you know, but the thing about this story is, is i have no problem punishing these jell-o factories. but you don't do it by right? like we tax you tax. they tax, we tax. that's how we get into this. >> we give 600 million dollars a year to harvard university alone. just remove all that and make them use their own endowment money for it. punish. >> this is what makes no sense, kate. i'm not for this tax because i know it's just a. well, let me ask what you think of the tax and it's actually got a point. why getting our tax money? >> i think it's a horrible idea . >> i jen why i always felt that way about taxes.
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yes. yeah. call it the woke tax. he's admitting that he's doing this because he doesn't like things that those universities have expressed which i don't think the government should be i don't think they're even allowed to legally be punishing people their speech. >> and that's a really bad road to go down. so i'm very, very against it. >> but it obviously would never go through anyway, which i think is good thing. yeah. what about you, tyrus? i just can't let you invent a chowder from like, are you being serious? >> dead serious. cold here. cold winter night from now. >> i'm going to stand up whenever you enter the room. >> i love chowder fries. i can't lie. i don't like never. i know. >> you don't? it's on my list. yes. you know, i don't. you can't tax them because that's just basically saying what you're doing is okay. so you encourage them to do more. if you were really serious about it, you their federal funding and then kids wouldn't get scholarships anymore to, go to harvard. no. maybe it's time to go somewhere else. yeah, things change. you. harvard has become a buggy whip because they're just they're, you know, they're showed
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their faces, and i wouldn't want my child going to a school like that, jewish or not, just in general, because it depends. they can quickly switch to whomever they decide to go after. the bigger story in this is that see this is the thing with equity hires you got to go all in with the equity hire. they knew about her plagiarism. they probably helped her. she was probably handpicked. um they we see this with equity hires are usually extremely flawed. they're only clean and their only grace is they look the part. so they and everyone and everyone else fills in the gaps for them because that's a virtue signaling. so as long they do the bidding of the people behind the scenes ,they'll stand by them. once she decides to step out and say something, the cuff, then all of a sudden all the stuff will come out. that's the thing about acqui hires, because they're not stupid. when they get they get in these positions. they know they're given these positions and they're given a task to do and they'll follow it to letter because you're an equity hire. that's why you don't to my kids, you don't ever want to be an equity hire. you'll never want to be the one to say, listen, we need a big
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yellow guy on a tuesday through friday to come in here and make some jokes. tyra's come on it. you don't take job. yeah, if you're not there. because if they can't describe you physically, but they can talk about your wit and how good you are, what you do, you take that job. >> so that's the. that's the thing is like she's just she's face of the problem. right. but she's not the brains of the outfit clearly to be told what to say. >> i love that she said i stand the integrity of my scholarship. i'm like i'm going to use that all the time. >> like, why are your clothes in the bathroom? but why stand by the integrity of my scholarship? >> but, you know, it's impossible to get a competent person if a you narrow the the the pool of applica ance to only one type of person, and then you embolden them to think they will never be fired. so you have to work very hard. she knew no one was going to read her. her scholarship. >> she ticked the right boxes, so they didn't even read her. stop. shannon what say you on this? >> well, first of all, i feel like it's often unfair to the
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person that you pick if you say ahead of time, this is my criteria. the president's done this a number of times and i'm going to pick an african-american woman to be on the supreme court, because then even if they are truly the most qualified person in the world, you're going to have people always going to saying, was it a diversity? it's not fair to that person, especially if they're actually qualified. but -- but what i love is in the middle of all this trouble with this president, they're trying to hide investigation. they threaten the new york post. it feels like with this law firm that comes back to them. and then they say in the report she forgot to add quotation marks and we'll go back and add them. now, i say every kid who's getting kicked out of harvard should say that i forgot my quotation marks. >> can i put them back in? and we forget the plagiarism. she used quotation marks. >> they're just beyond the beginning where she says, hello, my name is. yes. okay. page. yeah, that's jesse. watters. you say chance and chance? yes. a cover up is always worse than the crime. this reminds me of what they did to the post with hunter biden. remember the 51 intel experts
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and the letter in this case? they use it. they're trying to suppress the story. and if this were if this were in a different direction, if it were righties doing this, this would be all the place. >> well, and i find it really interesting that one of the women has come forward to say this was. my work that she stole is another african-american female scholar saying. she happens to be a conservative and says, listen, she stole my work. it's not about race. >> yeah, well, she's a conservative, so she's not black and not qualified to run a school. >> there you go. exactly. all right. i'm being sarcastic, by the way, when i said, yes, he's right. >> right. up next, clinton fatigue hits the ivy. all right. a must in medicine cabinet call coming on scams. the number one cold shortening brand. highly recommended people love scams need to think formula. it shortens coats zakim shorten that cold friday the american concert series continues.
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will come out in my shoe. well, oh, you love you's criticize accuse come out of my shoes. >> well, that was a doozy on tv the 90 seconds, where the zany neighbor from across the hall always gets the biggest laughs. just keep going. thank you. first she wasn't elected. now hillary's class gets rejected through. even students on the left give professor clinton and f students in hillary clinton's new class says. it even more than an intern
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who you know where this is going. but it's a smartest realization on campus and someone realized you can put vodka up your, but thanks, shannon. earlier this year, bill's worse. her app accepted, a professorship at columbia teaching public affairs. meanwhile, bill did offer to tutor some of the female students, but has no cigar policy. passing her wisdom on toary for the next generation on everything from fraudulent land deals to unflattering pantsuits. meanwhile, students were promised empowering lessons by one of america's biggest losers. after all, who else can teach them how to delete emails and destroy evidence while also learning how to destroy libya? but turns out the is just a bunch of ego worshiping drivel in front of an audience . unlike our show on apple tv, which was ego worshiping drivel without an audience, one disappointed student described their first day as a
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swarm of several hundred a sea of cameras, secret service personnel. >> it sounds like every time joe makes it boom, boom, they're very happy when it happens. the student likened the experience to attending a late night talk show as opposed to an intimate college lecture, which isn't fair. hillary's funnier than kimmel, but, you know, the class is bad when even left-wing students vocally trash it. >> then all mysterious flea wound up dead. i guess hammers aren't just for smashing hard drives, but it's okay. >> she'll tell their families that it was suicide. boy wake up, people. all cats. yeah. you almost went to columbia. yep. that's good enough for me. i, i couldn't afford it. yeah, that's why i didn't go. what do you make of the fact that they were just these stupid kids or actually and shocked? no, no, no.
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this i read this whole article this student wrote and she is being brought tequilas. she's saying she didn't do any office hours and she didn't grade our papers. and regardless of your title is you just like, do you really think hillary clinton was going to read your papers? i bet you like she people have a hard time getting her to read the books that they write for her and put her name on them. yeah, like it's hillary clinton. you're being absolute. this student thought she was good like hillary clinton. and they were like gal pal around town in the class. that's right. but i did it like when i actually when was just an average variety garden variety food service employee and because i'm supposed to be a colombian i couldn't afford it. i watched redeye and i was like, if i could just meet that little man, he would love me and then i could work for him. >> but i was right. it very rarely happens what you were talking about, eric. shawn no, i'm talking about you. but i'm talking about you. >> i was like, i'd be so good on this show. just. just give me the room with this
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guy. >> and you hired a weird food service fan that is. >> that is true. you know, tyrus, she have been teaching something useful that she knew, like a class on stain. okay, that's. that's not fair. we know that. had she how to do stain removal, they wouldn't have been in the first place. and that would have made bill clinton the stupidest president in the world. bring home another woman stain dress. yeah, that's true. and i asked his wife to clean. >> i'm glad you dissect it. that's all. i just feel at some point someone has to say, yeah, okay ,he did the right thing. yeah, i know what you're talking about. if you have any sense at all, listen that that poor girl, apparently she missed the trailer. that is the hillary clinton show. if you thought all of a sudden she was going to be this warm, bubbly, charisma or as the kid say, prisma yeah, but she has
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never been in the classroom like, hey, kids, i'm so glad to be here. >> i'm still bitter about my marriage, the fact that i lost donald trump. but hey, everything else is going swimmingly for me. hmm. i all my shows are being canceled on netflix. i had a charity foundation. it's not around anymore. bills still golfing on the weekends without clubs. >> but hey, other than that, let's get learning done. yeah. no, she really comes there and says, hello, class. >> which one of you is messaging my brother. i check his dms too. i know what you will. wait. class dismissed. yo, shannon she discouraged students from asking questions cause that's some teacher you see. >> they want student so
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socratic method. i think everyone is being too hard on her because at least she showed up. >> remember, president biden has told us numerous times that he taught at penn for four years. he did get $1,000,000. but the philadelphia inquirer does, his thing, like he never actually taught classes there. he gave some lectures and, some ticketed items and that kind of stuff. >> so, i mean, the issue and maybe not for all of the classes, maybe not office hours, i can't imagine anybody thought she was going to grading papers that like, how dare teaching grade our papers? i wanted to share my ideas with her. she thought they were ing to go to brunch, which that's on you? >> yeah, that happened. of course she showed the class. >> she has nowhere else to go. how many times. can she go to the view and one week? yeah. yeah. i wonder what your grading papers are. she did just write. what difference does it make? benghazi callback, right. >> you'll shoot your eye out. what do you think? they took the class just so they could put it on their resume. >> it's like something
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that they did open a door for them. i took hillary clinton's class . >> yeah, but i think on their resume too. it's like i worked for hillary clinton. like that's the way resumes are written nowadays. >> but the reason people are mad is because it was a public affairs class. they all got into the class thinking that they were going to pick and choose which was a public affair. that bill had her a private affair, but in actuality here and her the class should have been the two things she's good at, right. disappearing people and losing. yeah, right. so how do you be good, loser? >> how do you cover a crime? mm-hmm. yeah, that should be the class. >> cause none of the people at columbia are going to be leaders. they're all losers, i think. you know, so when he said that he had all these cameras there, this was content for another hillary show. >> and so the students were actually working for her. they were tricked into being an audience much like these people here. >> we told you this was a hannity show. >> no football for you. yeah. >> all right. coming libs become unglued when adam carolla gets interviewed the time is now okay, here we
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say something. and that's right. yeah, he says. >> things aren't so great in the 30 first states. and although he once dropped out of college, he's here to drop serious knowledge. please welcome back the great actor, comedian and podcaster adam carolla. so, adam, we got a lot to cover, so let me get right to it. starting next year, california schools wille required to teach kids media literacy to help them develop skills in identifying misinformation online that is fake. when you some scientists in the law. he even realized that he himself is guilty of retweeting
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fake news himself. >> you know, and it's rich having calif here who got everything wrong about covid, all misinformation, all this information about covid now wants to tell us how to ingest facts in media. it's like hiring brian stelter as personal trainer. >> bad idea. >> i you know, i saw a picture of him. i think he's lost a little. well, the camera i know the camera weight. >> so. yeah, but he hasn't been on camera. that explains it. he lost his job. >> so he's lost, like £20. yeah. there you go. so california has, like the lowest literacy rate in the country, and they're going to try to put this integrate this into english science in math and history classes. don't you think this they don't even teach that stuff anymore.
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so why are they focusing why are they focusing on media literacy instead of the basic requirements for human life? >> because that's what california and especially l.a. does. they have a homeless problem. they have a drug problem, they have housing problems, they have a school problem, and then they want to pass a bill to outlaw the rodeo from coming to town. >> they pick little miniature problem arms that make you think you're living in a decent society and ignore all the major problems. >> that's what california does . that's what newsom does. that's what he does with every piece of he takes little problems that make you feel like you're out of big problems and cus on that. >> yeah, he's got it easy because is like a supermodel, just naturally beautiful so he doesn't have to work that hard and all he has to do is kind of like do his nails because everybody's going to stay there for the oceans, the weather.
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it's not fair. all right. next topic. this weekend, biden wrapped up a fundraising tour in hollywood where top tickets, one event went for close to a million bucks. did you get an invite from the president to this one? >> no, i missed it. i heard biden got confused and, thought tom cruise with ted cruz and had him shot. >> these guys that come into town, they the can. l.a. got a bad enough traffic problem already and they shut down the whole city with their motorcade while they drive barbra streisand's house or won't be goldberg's condo or wherever they're going. jane fonda's house. here's my plan not to shut down the city, have the at the airport park air force one in a hangar. invite all your celebrities, show up. give them a tour of air force
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one, and then you don't have to shut down the city that's already in gridlock. that's a great idea. they should do that for everything. every like have the u.n. in new york meet at the airport. they just never have to lead. you just hustle them into one room. they get and their free food and then they go back. >> sorry, shannon that's a word from the bible. and by the way, it's horror mongers and warmongers. >> yes. do you know anyone? go ahead. yeah, go ahead. >> i was going to say, like every celebrity's been to every other celebrities house, that's no big deal. but you could go on to air force one and get fiesta, max, from the president. yes, exactly. it's going to take more than money to g him reelected, though. >> is this just a waste of money for these people? i assume it's a waste of money for these people because i don't think he's going to get
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reelected and i don't think he's ever going to be able to hammer those checks. >> so, yeah, but hollywood loves wasting money. that is true. last topic. california preschools are reportedly struggling with a law that bans expulsions because kids so many kids are misbehaving. but someone who co-sponsored bill says it's a law that will help us mitigate the preschool to prison pipeline. >> is that an issue? is that an issue? the preschool to prison pipeline. i heard i never heard that before. it's the only pipeline. >> biden hasn't been able to shut down. how's everything else in california, adam? things are cooking. having a good time? oh, it's. it's great. i. seriously, on the pre school to prison pipeline?
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>> mm-hmm. you could go upside a teacher's head, a folding chair like hacksaw, jim duggan. >> but if you a kid, you would be expelled for hate crime. that is true. that is true. all right, we got roll. >> adam, thank you so much. see you soon. where can people see you perform next? >> you've got an acrylics arm for all the live shows. >> and to hear the daily podcast as well, it'll all be there. and adam carolla, .com and podcast, as always, is amazing. one of the first podcasts ever. and it's all you always have great guests. i love it. >> so thanks, adam. all right. up next, has hollywood lost its loyalty? ungrateful royalty? >> i just ran the numbers. south dakota has one of the fastest growing economies in america. we have close to 20,000 open jobs, including accountants. so i'm filling in.
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five miles of steps per hour. the step counter the smart mat and remote call. >> now a story in five words hollywood's biggest losers, royal. >> all right, shannyn, that's your real name. the hollywood reporter put harry and, meghan, we don't even use your last names now because we don't know them. what's prince harry's last name? nobody. windsor royal. >> yeah. royal. harry. >> meghan. they put the hollywood reporter. put them on its biggest losers
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list, citing their, quote, whiny netflix documentary whiny biography and inert podcast. now you're always so nice, man. and that's what everybody believes anyway. can you trash these grifters for being trashy grifters? >> here's my thing. they're a $20 million deal with spotify to do a podcast and then spotify. they parted ways amicably because they couldn't think of a podcast. >> and like, for $20 million, i could think of something. i mean, i've got eight right now. exactly. like i'm going to call my mom and talk her pickleball league or something. i mean, $20 million. that's the problem is that they do not want to talk about what people want to hear about. >> like if you've been a royal, people want the inside scoop on what that's like. and they if they talk about the royals to trash them and say it was awful and they didn't want to do it. i've watched enough hallmark movies to know like the prince is the one that you want to get. there's no movie like christmas with the who used to be a prince. right. it's current threads. we want the details. >> the royals stuff that they don't want to talk about now. that is so true. you know, i told your part of a
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sarcastically named text message group called the meghan markle fan club. >> why is it called that way? >> it's a little bit because she's the word is the word. >> i think that she paid to put them on this list because it gives them what they want more anything, which is something new to complain about. yeah. like they mean. >> they're not going to look at this and be like, maybe we should make some changes or like, we're being bullied again. yeah. so there they are. >> that they're the eternal victims. serious question. tyra's why did meghan chop off his ? because she could. mm-hmm. >> i don't know, greg. i don't want to get into interviews of what happens down below with two of the most boring people on the planet. like they're the royalty team. okay. >> even if there was a mass murder of the royal families, he'd still be three generations out. he's got no way into the top spot. he's in no man's land.
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and he married someone who only married him because he told her he could be. when she said, can you be king? he said, maybe yeah. he just left out. which guys do we kind of fluff our resumé a little bit, trying to impress the woman that he's trying to. you know, he clearly, you know, the she only like to find the things alive and she's like, so you're a prince. >> like, you could be king one day. prince and he was like, oh, yeah, yeah. >> and then the first day when he went to go sit at the big boys in the number two chair, they're like, no, no, you know, you're down there. windsor. earl of metuchen, he go down there and she was like, what the is this? >> you told me you were going to be king. i was. like, no, the bald one could be king. so you, know, it's just the optics are. >> yeah, just. oh, you know, he just her and she's. >> and she stands in front of him and he just sits there. she wrote that book about his life. >> never asked him a question. so, i mean, it's just it's nobody cares. and you come to america and you bomb on netflix.
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>> that's hard to do. yes. they throw money at anything. literally have show called water. yeah. was just ocean coming in. god, i already so tired of that phenomenal. i would just all night. you know, and they left a cushy job on earth. >> royalty. they came here expecting, like, a cushier job, like where they didn't have to work. isn't that what it is? that's all it is. and i'm first of all, the fireplace channel actually does get higher ratings, her show. >> so i've got i got to be totally open, transparent here. i actually was on food network and judged an episode of chopped junior with meghan. oh, really? and she was the nicest person in the. >> a week later, she was communicating with my wife they were texting each other. >> a week later, she starts dating this grilled cheese sandwich and she she lost my my wife's contact. >> she s suddenly turned into this monster. so i take responsibility for what's of this relationship
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and why are we still talking about this show? because all they had to do was take their 50 to $100 million, give out free meals in los angeles. they'd be the royal mr. beast. yeah. and your life would be just so rewarding that they just wanted fake virtue signaling they had charities, but they just didn't do anything with it. >> oh, great. he promised that he'd be okay. all right. maybe he was just jesting. oh, stop it. no charity. don't go away. we'll be right back. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping in 99% of people over 50. it's like dormant bleeding and could reactivate shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you are not at risk for shingles. it's time to wake up because shingles could wake up in you
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