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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  December 14, 2023 6:00am-7:00am PST

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and to be able to do it in very humble and loving ways because when i look at my life and where my life would be without that story and without that truth, you know, and he has been the father to the fatherless before i even knew i had one. that's my christmas story. >> lawrence: it's a beautiful message, kirk. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> steve: great interview. kirk franklin's album "father's day" is out right now. today is the 14th. 11 days to christmas. today on the gigantic advent calendar. >> all my kids have chocolate ones at home. >> a holiday week of squeaky tennis balls from >> bill: this might be great news but hang on. we're dealing with putin on
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this. evan gershkovitch and paul whalen are americans. a chance they could come home. putin hopes to find a solution to release them from jail. they have been in moscow for some time. what it all means is not clear. gershkovitch is the reporter for the "wall street journal" detained since last may. whalen has been behind bars for five years, december of 2018. so we're watching that story. we'll bring you updates if they become available. meanwhile we are off to the races, america. a federal prosecutor accused of running interference for joe biden will testify this morning all part of the official house impeachment investigation which became official as of 5:29 yesterday eastern time. good morning, everybody. it's thursday. you almost made it. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." the news broke during "the five" yesterday. we got all our opinions out there and more news today.
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they aren't wasting any time. today's witness is lesley wolf. a federal prosecutor who worked on the hunter biden investigation. whistleblowers say they actively discouraged investigators from pursuing evidence on the president and turned a blind eye to allegations of bribery. >> bill: those whistleblowers ziegler and shapley, we'll hear from them in our next hour. stay tuned. all this adding to the president's legal problems. he is now facing an official impeachment inquiry and republicans are moving to hold hunter biden in contempt for defying that congressional subpoena of yesterday. >> dana: jim jordan is here, former federal prosecutor, andrew is also standing by. let's go to aishah hosni on capitol hill. hi. >> good morning to you both. i'm told that lesley wolf is expected to testify really any moment now here in the next hour. this is going to be a closed deposition so we won't hear from her. we will see her and we will
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alert you as soon as we have eyes on her. but this is a huge get for the judiciary committee especially after what happened yesterday. we saw that live on this show. i.r.s. whistleblowers allege that wolf obstructed the f.b.i. from investigating president biden during a five-year long probe into hunter biden limiting questioning or leads about the older biden were waving investigators off a search of the younger biden's home after hunter biden defied a congressional subpoena yesterday refusing a deposition. offering public testimony while also defending his dad. here is a back and forth exchange in the white house yesterday about whether he should have done that. >> does the president believe that congressional subpoenas are something that individuals should ignore? >> i'm not going to speak to that. just not. >> he has been subpoenaed in his career. >> i will have you speak to the
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white house counsel on this. i'm not going to speak to that. >> house republicans say they are going to follow the process to hold hunter in contempt of congress. it is a lengthy process that has to go through committee first, dana and bill and then go to the house floor to be voted on. if it's approved by the house, it will be up to the d.o.j. to then prosecute. i did get to ask chairman comer after that inquiry vote late last night in the house if he is going to use his expanded authorities to try to bring hunter biden back in and depose him. he looked me in the eye and said we are going to depose him. dana and bill. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: jim jordan, house judiciary chairman with us now. good morning to you. lesley wolf, call for number one. assistant u.s. attorney for the d.o.j. out of wilmington, delaware. five-year investigation into hunter biden. served with david weiss and
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deviated from protocol and known to be a democratic donor. how could one person hold on this up? is it that simple? >> it was the whole investigation. took them five years, still ongoing now. now special counsel david weiss. lesley wolf according to shapley and ziegler who said we won't look into campaign finances concerns that others in the investigative team thought should be examined and you can't use the term big guy or political figure gnomeber one. we w want to ask her questions about all that and most importantly why the investigation decided to let the tax years 2014 and 2015 when the bulk of the burisma income was coming to hunter biden why they let the statute of limitations -- it is one thing to charge hunter biden on a gun charge in delaware.
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you get into burisma, you do. we want to ask her questions about that as well. >> dana: what will happen to that testimony? i think there was a little confusion yesterday what hunter biden said he was coming to do or not. in is a closed door deposition. will you be able to release a transcript of that or do you hold that? >> you hold the -- we'll are he lease them at some point. you don't want to release it until you've interviewed everyone else. if you release it there is a template for other witnesses. you do the depositions behind closed doors, a transcript developed and then at some point you release a transcript, you do a report. but in an impeachment inquiry there will be a report at some point if we decide to move to articles of impeachment. >> bill: you mentioned years 2014 and 2015. do you consider those to be the most serious charges? >> yeah, because i think the theory of this case is i think it's an old story. you have a politician who does certain things, those actions
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benefit his family financially and an effort to conceal it. the effort to cover it up and conceal it was now david weiss and lesley wolf handled the investigation. it is hunter biden's involvement with burisma. there are four fundamental facts here. fact one hunter biden gets put on the board and not qualified to be on the board burisma. fact three, the executives there asked hunter biden weigh in with your father and help us with the pressure from the prosecutor. key fact four, joe biden goes to ukraine three days after he gets that request and conditions the funding of ukraine that's already been approved on the firing of that very prosecutor who is applying the pressure to the company that hunter biden sits on the board of. those facts are i think clear as could be and that's sort of the pattern when it all started and then you have the actions with david weiss and the justice department and how they left those key tax years out of any charging even though ziegler,
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shapley and the team thought they should have been charged. >> dana: yesterday when hunter biden went to capitol hill and gave that statement he used a very specific word. >> let me state as clearly as i can, my father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of burisma, not in my partnership with a chinese triefsh at businessman. not in my investments at home nor abroad and certainly not as an artist. >> dana: your reaction to that particular word financially. >> you have hit on the key word and what he with saw yesterday right away as well. that qualifier is important. again, remember, the pattern. initially joe biden said i had no involvement whatsoever, none at all with my son's business. this summer when we deposed devon archer, the story changed, well there are dinners, meetings, phone calls, but we just talked about the weather. there was no business talk.
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now it's to he wasn't involved financially. so again, i think that just raises the concerns we've had all along and shows that -- if you come back to the fundamental question, what were they providing? what was the service and product and what were they offering? it seems obvious to me and anyone with common sense it was access to the brand that devon archer talked about and the brand was joe biden. access to the guy who had influence. that was what they were offering. >> bill: thank you for your time. feels like we're just at the beginning of this again. jim jordan, thank you as we mentioned a moment ago the whistleblowers are joseph ziegler and gary shapley and they'll be our guests later this morning. >> dana: want to bring in a former federal prosecutor. the headline right here, will joe biden pardon hunter? is that possible. biden is the one person in america to spare his son the consequenceens of his actions. the temptation to pull that
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trigger will be overwhelming. the consequences of doing so would be disastrous. we're probably a long way between now and a possible pardon. is that a situation where you think hunter could be in a lot of trouble? >> it does look like he is in a lot of trouble. we saw him blaming on what he called a right wing conspiracy putting out the idea it's all trump based. it is not. he has engaged in a long line of criminal behavior, that's what the allegations are now. and the evidence is quite strong against him. so it may be his father who is his only hope. maybe in the last couple months of his presidency to pardon him. between now and then he looks like he has a lot of trouble to face and he does look like that he is going to face contempt proceedings for his failure to show up yesterday. >> bill: you were sitting with jim jordan while he was talking. what did you learn? >> i think jim jordan has got his eyes on hunter biden and wants to get answers to the questions. he is not willinging to play
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games with letting hunter biden make the rules of the game and come before a public audience. it is something these depositions that they do is very standard. it is something that allows the opportunity to have full questioning as opposed to these open sessions where it is five minutes apiece and people are reclaiming their time. that's not really an opportunity to ask deep questions. >> dana: lesley wolf, the federal prosecutor will be deposed today. one of the things jim jordan talked about are the two years of 2014 and 2015. the bulk of the burisma money coming to hunter. they will ask her why were those exclude? is there a logical explanation for that? >> i'm curious to hear what the answers are. prosecutors have to regularly limit the scope of their investigations. they have to make those tough calls when there is evidence pointing one way or another. time and time again it looks like special favor was being given to the bidens.
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when we look at burisma, that's the most upsetting part of all of this. it is that opportunity to kind of put together the pieces of the puzzle to show that it wasn't just hunter biden who was getting these great business deals but that he was connecting it back to his father and there was the opportunity to burisma ultimately to get what they were looking for. >> bill: last question here. do you think ultimately gyms jordan and james comer get their way? they said they forced us to testify behind closed doors and hunter should get the same treatment. >> i think they absolutely will. they'll continue to push this now that the impeach. proceedings have begun, there is no question whether it will be considered a legitimate deposition. so i do think that they are going to get him behind closed doors. >> bill: with all the counts he is facing why not take the fifth? >> he will do that. that's part of the show of it. to get him to sit there and assert the fifth is the effort i think that jim jordan has at this point and i think he will
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be able to do that. >> dana: thank you for being here to explain it all to us. good to see you again. >> bill: 12 past the hour now. jake sullivan is going to israel. the prime minister netanyahu vowing to continue the fight against hamas until the end. that is a quote from benjamin netanyahu. >> dana: menorahs are being vandalized nationwide. >> bill: the surge in migrants no longer limited to the southern border. can you believe this? the emerging threat on the northern border coming up next. >> we're not only seeing the threats but the real issue as well we can't even secure the border. we don't know what's coming through. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death
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>> dana: national security advisor jake sullivan says
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israel's war with hamas won't be over any time soon and heading to israel today for serious conversations with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. trey yengst is live in southern israel as close combat kicks into higher gear. a preview of what jake sullivan will say when we heard what biden said behind closed doors at a fundraiser last week. it seemed to show a little distance between him and netanyahu. >> good morning. we're getting new information in right now from a spokesperson for israel's defense minister who just met with national security advisor jake sullivan. he told sullivan quote, i will last more than several months but we will win and we will destroy them. an indication this is going to be a long war for israel and their operations on the ground in gaza will go well into the new year. it comes as fierce battles rage on in the northern and southern part of gaza. another israeli soldier was killed overnight bringing the
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total to 116 since the ground operation began. on a call with reporters an israeli officials declined to provide details about a timeline about securing territory in northern gaza and described what efforts look like in southern gaza around the city of khan younis. operations are taking place in pockets, not with the aim of holding large piece of land. with the war expected to continue for months, u.s. officials continue to weigh in on the conflict. national security advisor jake sullivan arrived in israel today meeting with top officials including prime minister benjamin netanyahu right now. still 69 days into the war washington is not calling for a cease-fire. >> we all want the war to end as soon as possible to stop the human suffering and establish conditions for an enduring peace. something the president and the entire team continues to pursue. unilateral cease-fire with a terrorist group like hamas is not the answer. as the president has said hamas
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could release the hostages today. >> hamas continues to control vast parts of southern gaza though you can see here in this new video the amount of destruction in gaza's second largest city. reports indicate around 20% of structures in khan younis have been destroyed and that number is expected to rise as the war continues. not just the southern front that remains active. more fire into northern israel from the lesbbanese group hezbollah and israel striking back. >> bill: israeli was saying a week ago they could wrap it up. now it will go for months according to that. the hamas chief is a gentleman by the name of hanea. any arrangement in gaza and the palestinian cause without hamas or resistance factions is a delusion. so a quick google search tells
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you he lives in qatar. two of the other hamas leaders live in qatar. they've been taking in how much money for how many years? far from the action and the destruction and the war that's happening now in gaza. >> dana: they are protected by the qatar there. netanyahu said i will not let israel repeat the oslo mistake. so i think basically what they're saying is we cannot live and survive if hamas is part of this situation. hamas folks are saying is we aren't leaving. so maybe that's why the israeli are saying the war will take a little longer. >> bill: it could. depending on what happens in the west bank. whether it remains to have the flash points that we hear about all the time. whether it gets greater than that is something we'll take into the new year and hopefully it doesn't go that way. >> dana: the hostages are still being held on the ground. >> bill: on and on and on.
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back here in this country let's get to this. new video southern border shows a seemingly unending line of migrants waiting to get on this train and head toward the southern border. this video, by the way, goes forever. mike tobin has more on that now senior correspondent who is not on the southern border but rather the u.s./canadian border in buffalo, new york. what's happening there, mike? >> well, bill, i can tell you of all the people on the terror watch list picked up trying to enter the united states, 85% of them were nabbed at the northern border. the border patrol union says while the attention and resources head south people trying to find a weak point come to the nation's longest border. even as the niagara river rages and frigid temperatures migrants are taking the chance to make it into the united states from
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canada. in november over four days four people, three from mexico, attempted to cross in flimsy inflatable rafts. as others attempt on foot border patrol encounters with migrants at the northern border have increased seven fold since 2021. yet the number of agents remains the same. >> the biggest concern is the border control people that they cannot perform what they need to perform because of lack of manpower and lack of funding. >> buffalo, new york is getting it from two sides. unable to handle the crush of migrants in new york city, migrants were bused to the buffalo area where three hotels serve as shelters. local police have already dealt with cases of rape and sexual assault. >> no concern or no regard with our laws. >> he says migrants aren't being tracked and some are bringing in illegal drugs and weapons. >> we have knives, tasers, not allowed to be search.
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the room searches we were doing turning up a lot of weapons and narcotics are no longer being done. >> that source tells us the migrants were promised if they got on the bus in new york city there would be jobs waiting for them on the other side. that's not proving to be true. they are stuck now growing more desperate and angry all the time. >> bill: how about that? thanks buffalo, new york, keep an eye on it. know you will. nice to see you. what's up? >> dana: check out the photo showing the reaction of congress's big four leaders at a capitol menorah event. senate mcconnell stone faced while mike johnson looks cheerful. maybe because he is new. mcconnell's press secretary poking fun, the feeling when you are the new guy and your soul has yet to be crushed in this god-forsaken place. >> dana: i think mike johnson is
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the cheerful guy. i i'm happy to be here. >> bill: a prosecutor with the d.o.j. accused of using her influence for years to obstruct any sort of investigation into the bidens. she will be behind closed doors today and what will she say when the questions come flying? the nation's capitol overrun with crime forcing two major sports teams in one day to say goodbye to america's capital city. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx.
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ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. want to save money and get cash? for veteran homeowners, it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards
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but golo's so easy, the weight just falls off. >> dana: welcome back. the market has just opened and we're up 103 points already. there was a big day yesterday i'm told as bill hemmer has explained it to me. the index topped 37,000 for the first time ever. it was the first record close since january 4, 2022. almost two years.
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stocks soared after a fed cut interest rates and gave a signal for maybe some lowering last year. >> bill: retail sales numbers came in better than expected. it might be good news for the holidays. >> dana: it is at my house, i know that. >> bill: rack it up. to washington we go. we expect lesley wolf to be on the hill in moments. we expected that yesterday with hunter biden. she should be behind closed doors. jim jordan and others will lead the question. what she describes as the why so many inquiries over so many years and the investigation to hunter and joe biden went nowhere and two whistleblowers who brought the story forward and made it public. they'll join us in about 60 minutes and get their story then. >> we don't just need to carry under 30 or black votes.
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we have to have a robust turnout in both of these demographics. i don't see any evidence right now that that's happening. >> it sounds to me like you think if the election were held today biden would lose. >> well me and everybody else. >> dana: president biden facing criticism and concern from within his own party as a majority of americans say they support the house gop's impeachment inquiry. re-election campaign slammed the scandal before it can get off the ground. karl rove joins us now. david axelrod, obama advisor as you know him well, he also talked about his concern. listen here. >> the "wall street journal" poll was, you know, very, very dark in terms -- from a biden standpoint job approval down, ratings generally down, most of the comparatives with trump not good. what i worry about, you guys, from a biden standpoint, is
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these are the kind of things you get when people are starting to rationalize their votes. >> dana: what do you make of that? >> i think it's two senior statesmen of the democratic party raising warning flags and being ignored by the biden white house. they are in my opinion absolutely right. these numbers, it is numbers for months and months and months show that joe biden is ill-prepared to wage a winning campaign. three out of four americans think he is too old. seven out of every ten democrats and 2/three think he lacks the mental acuity and stamina to be effective in the oval office. this administration has done nothing to do turn it around. they have demonstrated a political tone deafness by defending bidenomics. it is a basic fundamental principle of marketing. if you don't have a good product don't put your name on it. they don't have a good product with biden economics and they put their name on it.
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>> bill: the "wall street journal" poll. trump 47, biden 43, a national poll. today there were new battleground swing states that showed trump with a lead over joe biden in every one of those states. i don't know what you read into the polls or whether or not they change. on the following topic, all right, this is what dana and i watched yesterday. hunter biden on the hill blaming maga republicans et al. >> for six years maga republicans, including members of the house committees who are in a closed door ssion right now, have impugned my character, invaded my privacy and tried to dehumanize me all to embarrass and damage my father, who has devoted his entire public life to service. >> bill: i was listening carefully to people who worked in previous administrations last night and all of them said like during the trump years when the impeachment stuff started
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rolling they admitted that it was a distraction to them in how they did their job. how do you forecast that over the next 12 months or ten months, i should say, during an election year for this white house? >> well, it is going to be a distraction. remember, this is not an impeachment, it is an impeachment inquiry and the distinction is important. they are trying to get to the facts and figure out was there a financial connection between hunter biden's activities and his father? we know there was a connection between his father and hunter biden's business activities. the president facilitated it and tolerated it. you know, i have to admit i was taken aback by hunter biden's comments yesterday. if he was so deeply and is so deeply concerned about his father's position in public life, then why the heck did he conduct himself in the way that he did for years and years and years failing to pay his taxes, trading on his father's name, getting involved in inappropriate business activities where he was drawing attention to the fact that he was the son of the vice
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president of the united states? and had no business being involved in those. involved with a chinese company controlled by the communist party. being on the board of an energy company in ukraine what he had no experience in energy or no experience in the country itself. and yet he is now lecturing us doing this to destroy my father. if your father is hurt by this there is one person to blame for it and it is hunter biden. >> dana: we'll see, karl. i think it would be different if biden had an approval rating of, you know, over 50%. if it was at 58%, then the impeachment inquiry might not look like something that will get a lot of attention. when you are at the numbers he is at people are already in the mindset there is a problem. >> look, 24% of democrats think that the impeachment inquiry is justified. 24, one out of every four democrats is saying you know what? this stinks enough we ought to look into it. you are right to raise a cash
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nair note. the republicans have got to be very, very careful of overreach. this is an inquiry to get the facts. it is not an impeachment per se and they don't need to get ahead of the facts. they need to let the facts roll out and act upon them if the president is tied into this financially that's one thing. but if it's merely his son out there trading on his name particularly when he was vice president in the previous administration, then they have to be very careful about overreaching and seeming to try and impeach him or something that happened when he was vice president under barack obama. >> bill: a report out of "politico" has a timeline. by late january we'll know whether or not they'll vote on it. >> dana: a busy month ahead. thanks, karl. merry christmas to you. have fun shopping. >> same to you, painful, painful. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: bill, the new england patriots are used to being a playoff staple. the last three years they've fallen short.
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fans are putting the blame on belichick roomors that craft will give him the boot. the coach said he is focused on kansas city who they face on sunday. i got a side eye on tyrus. we'll find out what he thinks. >> bill: do you know anything about belichick? >> dana: he is one of the ones that choose gum like crazy on the sideline. it drives me nuts. >> bill: he holds his cards closer than just about any coach in the nfl and has for 20 years. >> dana: okay. >> bill: so the fact that you got a three-word answer out of him is about all you are going to get. i appreciate your bengal orange today. thanks for the home team. san francisco has crime and drugs and homelessness. is that steering professional athletes away from taking a job
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in that city? wait until you hear what the former san francisco giant had to say about the state of his town. no invite if you're white. how a controversial party invitation landed the mayor in hot water coming up as we roll on. here is tyrus and jessica. ♪ there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together.
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>> bill: two people arrested after 7/four graders at an elementary school in virginia ate gumies laced with fentanyl. five children were taken to the hospital with nausea, it came from the inside of the bags one used to bring the candy to
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school. the caretakers are charged with dell inquincey of a minor in virginia. perino. >> dana: health officials preparing for a tripledemic this winter. hospitals across the country are seeing a surge of flu, rsv and covid cases. we have the latest from atlanta. hi, jonathan. >> the cdc reports elevated levels of rsv particularly in young people. doctors are also seeing increases in children and young people with pneumonia. medical experts say these cases do not have a direct link to similar cases in europe and china. >> we don't have any particular clusters or outbreaks or anything at this point. this is something that happens every year. >> rsv vaccine is available for adults 60 and older as well as women in their eighth month of pregnancy to protect their newborn babies. flu shots and covid vaccines are recommended for everyone older
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than six months. while activity is increasing for all three of these viruses, the cdc says covid is causing the most concern. the highest rate of hospitalizations with 22,513 new covid hospital admissions reported just last week. >> we're seeing more respiratory illnesses and pneumonias in the united states and around the world. right now we're not seeing anything new or unfamiliar in terms of virus or sickness. >> so we know how to deal with these viruses, although masking remains optional while traveling for the holidays, it is recommended for high-risk individuals and as hard as it is during the holidays, if you are sick, best thing to do is stay home, dana. >> dana: jonathan serrie, thank you. >> bill: no invite if you are a white person in boston. the mayor there is michelle wu
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facing backlash over her holiday party exclusively for quote electeds of color. her office sent an email invitation to all city council members instead of just those of color. then the mayor later had to defend that party invite last night. watch. >> given some of the strife that exists in this council are you concerned this lends itself to further divisiveness? >> no, i mean again this is a group that has been in place for many, many years. we want to be a city where everyone's identity is embraced and ththere are spaces and communities that we can help support. >> bill: we embrace tarlov and tyrus. someone sent out an email i want to apologize for my previous email regarding a holiday party for tomorrow. i sent it to everyone by accident. i apologize if my email oh
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phenolateed. >> dana: if you're white you are not invited. >> bill: if this happened at any company in america what would the hr department say then? >> you need to resign. this is the most disturbing thing. the apology is for getting caught. that should be the big red flag. when questioned on it we want to make sure there is a safe space for everybody except if you're white. your constituents aren't just people of color. they are white people who voted you in. when you do this, if i was a white nationalist right now i would say i told you, this is what happens. they are after us. all the negative stuff you see on the extreme sides of things. this is the same thing. the only difference is because it is white people and white people allow this b.s. to go down. if i was a white person as her staffer i would quit. i'm not working for someone like
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that. if me and jessica had a tall people only christmas party, you think little gutfeld who appreciate that? >> dana: would i be invited, though? thank you. >> your heart is so big you get to come. >> i don't know. >> not in the spirit of the morning, tyrus. >> anything short is a fantastic boo-boo. >> there are only 15 members on the council. it wasn't like we're about to be flooded by thousands of white people. there were seven extra people that were going to be invited to this party and you would think you would also want to build camaraderie amongst your city council members in a town like boston which has a lot of race problems, historic and ones that still remain. interesting also coming -- she is the first female of boston, first person of color to do this and i think a lot about how we've seen the evolution in gender discrimination.
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used to be clubs just for men and then there was a club founded called the way, a lady's club in the city sued for gender discrimination. in 2019 they had to change their policy. i understand that people want to spend time with people who are like them. that's something that we do all the time. >> dana: it happens anyway. >> for it to be the formal role. >> let's remember, it was supposed to be secret. >> bill: let's queue up this other story here. our nation's capital did something that i thief didn't happen before. two major sports teams left washington, d.c. on the same day going to northern virginia. here is glenn youngkin talking to laura about that last night. roll this. >> across america we have a huge divide. we have winners and losers. and we see it in states where the states that are led by republican governors are winning and the states led by democrat governors are losing. the data is so clear. >> bill: a number of examples.
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we were talking about this early year. washington, d.c., oakland, california where the raiders and the as left within about a year and a half time. and buster posey, a great catcher for the san francisco giants thought that ohtani would not sign with san francisco because of the problems in the city there. >> makes sense to me. going to a sporting event is supposed to be a good time and something you do with your family, take your kids and go to see your heroes. just getting there and getting in the parking lot. dealing with the homeless situation, the crime situation, how much it costs to go. right now oakland has had problems keeping teams. >> bill: the golden state warriors left oakland, too. >> the as stayed. >> they went to be more affluent side of the area. it used to be poor neighborhoods, you get an arena it would build up the economy. >> dana: that was certainly true in washington, d.c. in that particular area of downtown. when i moved in 1995 i never
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would have gone to that neighborhood. a lot of redevelopment and investment and opportunity. the metro goes there. easy to get there. the traffic in northern virginia won't get any better because of this move but the mayor there, she is really taking it on the chin. >> the press conference wasn't great. she didn't know the metro lines but ohtani is going to los angeles, not someplace that doesn't have a crime or homelessness problem. >> bill: live in malibu. >> dana: great to have you both. hope we see you next week. the white house waking up to escalated legal peril today. former prosecutor accused of obstructing the f.b.i. from investigating city biden is set to testify. president biden meeting with americans taken as hostage by hamas as fears mount that time is running out. >> i feel like we're reaching the boiling point.
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we bless the candles every night and pray for our children to come home.
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>> bill: despite warnings about i.a., artificial intelligence federal agencies are embracing the advanced technology to try and enhance its operations. how will that work? what will it look like? mark meredith has a preview in d.c. good morning . >> good morning to you. it is not just the big tech and entertainment companies jumping on the a.i. band wagon. how the federal government is using the tech which many people think will change the world. gao report finds nasa is using it the most already followed by the departments of commerce and energy. pentagon was not included in the review. how is the government actually using this tech? a few different ways. homeland security is using it at the border to review images captured by cameras and radars. noaa is using it to keep an eye on the bird and seal population and government is helping it to maintain jobs database.
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the report finds not even all of the agencies using a.i. know how and when it is being deployed. the gao has a recommendation that says given the rapid growth and widespread adoption of a.i. the federal government should have safeguards to manage the risk and societal consequences. congress already considering potential a.i. regulation legislation and industry experts believe the federal government needs to tread carefully not imposing too many restrictions that could put the country at a disadvantage. >> so everything is moving really fast here and other countries are moving fast as well. when you put all that together, it is very difficult challenging landscape. >> not every government agency is using a.i. not yet. the departments of housing and urban development, nuclear regulatory commission and small business administration say they have yet to deploy a.i. in their operations. >> bill: an interesting turn, right? fascinating ride. nice to see you in d.c. mark meredith, there he is. thank you. >> she


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