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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 14, 2023 9:00am-10:01am PST

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honey, is everything ok? oh yeah. order at and don't forget weathertech gift cards.
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>> kayleigh: president biden is facing impeachment inquiry after the house approved last night. now the president is lashing out as republicans after he became the sixth president in united states history to face an impeachment inquiry. hello, everyone, i'm kayleigh mcenany here with my co-host emily compagno, shannon bream, host of the kennedy saves the world, kennedy and "fox and friends first" co-host and king of bump shots, he knows, todd piro. republicans say formal inquiry greatly expands their ability to conduct interviews and documents of the president arguing evidence they have uncovered cannot be ignored.
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president biden disagrees slamming the gop over proceedings. they are choosing to waste time on this baseless political stunt that even republicans say is not supported by facts. media is rushing to his defense. reuters claiming house republicans authorize impeachment inquiry despite lack of evidence. "new york times" describing the whole thing as a hunt for offense. and al jazeera. they are far from the only ones running for cover. >> can't find centila of evidence to justify this, the puppet master and chief, former united states of america has ordered them to launch this
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impeachment inquiry as a political hit job on president joe biden. >> house republicans have been investigating whether president biden committed crimes relatable to hunter's foreign business dealings. they have found no hard evidence lifrjing linking the two. >> impeachment inquiry even though some admit there is no evidence of wrongdoing. nearly a year of investigation have so far come up empty. >> month-long investigation has not found evidence of wrongdoing. >> they are basing impeachment inquiry on something the president's son did, i think this is an ordered hit from donald trump, who wants to portray equivalence, they went after me, we're going after him, he wants to muddy the water.
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>> kayleigh: republicans are taking orders. i do not think republicans in districts biden won are taking orders from the former president. no evidence point, house speaker mike johnson 15 million flowed to the biden family, 22 times president biden talked to his son's business associates, biden lied to the american people and we have the checks. even mike johnson says, i'm not saying impeachment we're there yet, an inquiry certainly. >> shannon: what the white house needs to do is make a case to the american people. fox news polling when people asked what they think about hunter's business dealings, they think did the president do something illegal, 40% think something illegal happened that
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joe knew about or unethical 69% think something is not right in the president's involvement. npr, impeachment inquiry, it is supported. the more people are hearing, more skeptical they are. >> kayleigh: media running cover, little doubt there. this is hunter biden, he used the word financial involvement. listen to the word financial here. >> let me state as clearly as i can, my father was not financially involved in my business. >> kayleigh: he stated that clearly, let me be clear, it was not clear enough for luke broadwater, "new york times," my father was not involved in my
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business, they omitted a word and updated it 12:11 p.m. eastern time. this is publication that won pulitzer's for reporting. >> emily: that is dishearteng, not surprising, i feel sad for everyone who relies on them for the truth. that narrative and white washing does impact people who think they are formidable truth sayers. i feel if hunter has nothing to hide and clearly stating my father has no financial interest in my father's business de dealings, why don't you say that in your testimony. if he has nothing to hide, what is the harm in sitting down? that is being generous because we know there is more facts, more pieces of evidence laid out that point to cause for pause, let alone culpability.
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during trump's first impeachment trial, democrats insisted closed door testimony was critical to the process. where are they now? simply a republican sham and circus. president trump's team started refusing to cooperate, recall schiff said that would be considered obstruction and considered additional evidence of wrongfulness of the president's underlying misconduct. is this additional evidence of misconduct? it is absurd to see the two ways americans are treated here, depending on your political party or your last name. >> kayleigh: this is "washington post" editorial board, prior to yesterday's stunt by hunter. the hunter biden indictment is sound, joe biden impeachment inquiry is not.
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trump's impeachment, perfect phone call with ukraine. trump's impeachment was proper and necessary. >> what i'm gathering from democrats this is at behest of former president donald trump, while offering no evidence of their own temperature is interesting here, they claim they don't like this impeachment process, they don't like the impeachment inquiry, they started this whole thing, you made impeachment so easy and garden variety and this is the climate that you have created. >> we'll take you to the united statesouse of representative, former house speaker kevin mccarthy is speaking ahead of his expected retirement. let's listen. >> i loved every single day, less than 13,000 people have served in this body. to those colleagues on the other side of the aisle, thank you for
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the work you have done, we may disagree at times. i disagreed with the vote on this one, too. one thing we must quite understand, and if there is advice i can give, do not be fearful if you believe your philosophy brings people more freedom. do not be fearful that you could lose your job over it. i knew the day we decided to make sure to choose to pay our troops, a war was breaking out instead of shutting down was the right decision. i also knew a few would make a motion, somehow they disagreed with that decision. do it anyways. i would do it all again.
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but there is so much we have been able to accomplish in a short amount of time. i watched on a clip the other day, they took a short clip of a quote of mine. i had the privilege of being leader for five years. i think about did i leave this place better than i received it. i remember coming, sitting where congressman calvert was, state of the union, democrats won majority, i was elected minority leader and nancy pelosi got elected speaker. i watch the democrats stand up and they were diverse, looked like america watched us stand up. we had lost the majority. we look like one of the most restricted country clubs in america. i thought i could be the leader of declining party or i can
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focus on what i know brought me to this party. conceived in liberty, dedicated proposition that we're all equal and i would take that message to places people didn't think they would vote for a republican. that california delegation that time was pretty small and yes, competitive having the speaker from california put out she was going to win more seats in california. i'm proud to say in those election cycles, we picked up five more seats in california, that is larger than our overall majority. five in new york, organization, in arizona. and that same timeframe, the party i love lost in the senate both cycles, lost the presidency, but we won. the secret? the quality of the candidate.
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i looked at young kim michelle steele, john duarte, david valadea, unbelievable seats. look at the party today, it doesn't look like it did five years ago. we are winning in places you have not seen before. when i look to the future, i think it is much brighter. why? because the ideas are different. look at the time i served as speaker, we didn't ignore the border. we actually secured our border with the smallest majority here to govern even when we had a large one, we could not do it. that came from the sub-committee of the chairman of tom mcclintock. when i watch the gas price skyrocket -- >> standing by. >> kayleigh: former house speaker kevin mccarthy, last
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time he will speak on the house floor as he sums up his legacy bringing diversity to congress and taking gop message to blue districts. todd, impeachment inquiry began under kevin mccarthy, he talked about importance of having a vote of this nature to give them more power. your thought? >> todd: importance is celebrated and saying one in the same thing. you have to go seek out the truth, the following three things, one, joe biden benefited financially, two, the dots are on the page and democrats are the ones in courts and congress preventing republicans from connecting the dots this impeachment inquiry creates opportunities for republicans to cut through that and connect the
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dots. democrats can't stand in the way of the evidence, that is why this inquiry is so important. >> kayleigh: a lot to watch in 2024. a simple question and been around so long it has been cliche, let's ask it anyway. if the president's son has nothing to hide, why is he refusing to sit down for a deposition? with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that.
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payment financing. target of the trump attack machine. i'm here today to correct how the maga right portrayed me for their political purposes. republicans do not want an open process where americans can see their tactics.
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expose their baseless inquiry or hear what i have to say. >> kayleigh: all maga and republicans, defiant hunter biden tells us. that was hunter biden making his case outside the capitol yesterday. why defy a subpoena and risk being held in contempt? hunter shrugged off the subpoena. >> if i called my dad and said, i am about to violate a congressional subpoena, he would probably say, son, you shouldn't do that, did the president try to talk hunter out of that today? >> the president was familiar with what hunter was going to say today. >> why doesn't president biden just pardon him? >> he's not going to h pardon
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him. >> kayleigh: the trump family, who are investigated for years to call out the double standard in doj. >> donald called in five times, probably the most subpoenaed person in this country, at 39 years old, i've probably been subpoenaed by absolute animals, yet never had a speeding ticket or broken the law. it is infuriating. if i went to capitol hill and did a press conference 20 feet away from the committee, i would be in shackles before i left washington, d.c. >> any advice for hunter? >> go testify, do what they made us do, go testify. >> kayleigh: emily, flash back to president biden who had definite thoughts about people who defied subpoena in the trump orbit. >> what is your message to
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people who defy subpoenas on the january 6 committee? >> i hope the committee goes after them. >> should they be prosecuted? >> yes. >> kayleigh: yet he was aware of hunter's decision. >> emily: you can hold someone in civil contempt, straight he goes to criminal prosecution, where is that thought for your son, it is exhausting to millions of americans who know what it is like to receive the subpoena or have the irs on your door step. they have no dad to absolve them or gaggle of reporters to listen to them. naming prior president and administration on consequences of his behavior and at the impact of americans and national security and has the gall to say it is a republican witchhunt,
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whoa is me. we might see accountability. contrast the way the doj is handling this, peter navarrowas arrested at the airport and the judge said why was he tied up and not given option to self-surrender. is there some type of inherent link he might become violent? should hunter biden be convicted of contempt in some way? he is biden, i'm sure he'll be enjoying more coke and hookers. >> kennedy: yeah. >> kayleigh: fbi denied it, that was the claim. politico, this is brazen, hunter biden pulled off surprise appearance with the help of eric swalwell, democratic lawmaker confirmed he reserved the spot
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he used, one person who knew said that the president himself knew about it. brazen is the word that comes to mind here. >> kennedy: it is incredible, considering the problematic issues raised with eric swalwell and close proximity to an alleged chinese spy. apparently eric swalwell and hunter biden were enjoying riches of chinese money, very rich that was his human shield. i don't have a lot of time for hunter biden and his excuses. answer these serious questions, particularly for people on the fence and people in democratic party who are skeptical of his behavior and his dad and shannon cited polling we have earlier in the show. 70% of people think something
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illegal or immoral happened here, hunter biden needs to answer specific questions. >> kayleigh: someone else who needs to answer questions is white house pres secretary, this is karine jean-pierre. >> president spent a lot of time in congress and washington does he believe subpoenas are something individuals can ignore? >> i will not speak to that, just not. >> he is a former senator, issued subpoenas before -- >> i will have you speak to the white house counsel on this and will not speak to this. >> kayleigh: she hasn't wanted to speak to it throughout the entirety of the year, watch. >> i will not get into the specifics of any oversig hearings, i refer you to him and the doj. not going to comment from here, i don't have anything else to share. refer you to white house counsel. the president was never in business with his son, i don't
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have anything else to add. i don't have anything to add. i will not get involved in this, that is question for hunter biden's representatives. republicans continue to double down on baseless smear campaign. i would refer you to my colleagues at the white house counsel office. >> why did the president interact with hunter's business associates? you can't have a response to that? >> kayleigh: ian sams, white house counsel, has been out, white house press secretary will need to answer questions during impeachment inquiry. >> they will and the question if we should show up for subpoena should be simple one for head of the executive branch.
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steve bannon and peter navarro. jail time for bannon. if there is contempt, he will decide if there is prosecution, said this about steve bannon, it was not an invitation, he had an obligation to appear before the house committee, that sounds like a pretty clear statement if hunter ends up with contempt charges will the u.s. attorney's office do anything about it in democratic. >> todd: i may be the fourth best lawyer on the couch right now. a subpoena is not an e-vite, yes, no maybe, do not let the theatrics distract from that. media will play up on this, we need to be laser focused on what a subpoena is and is not. >> kayleigh: got to show up, are there consequences to not show up? the boston mayor holding a party
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where white people were intentionally excluded. that is next. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies.
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>> emily: boston mayor michelle with you facing criticism for holding a dinner party that excluded white city council members. she invited them to attend an electeds of color. 15 minutes later, the mayor sent a follow-up e-mail rescinding the invitation and apologizing for the error. the mayor claims this is nothing new and happening for years. >> are you concern this lends its to further divisiveness?
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>> this is a group in place for many years, everyone's identity is embraced and there are spaces and communities we can help support. >> emily: everyone embraced, but those seven. >> todd: a group around for decades, there is another group that discriminated based on race, it is kkk, and nobody thinks that is acceptable. when they get in office they use their term to divide us, not all democrats, new left, young-ish mayor. that is concerning because i think people like our age, i'm not associating with anybody that believes segregation is a good thing yet these individuals are hanging out with people based on their race for a party.
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how can we come together when aspects like that are encouraged and almost acceptable racism and that makes no sense. >> emily: one of the white city council memberseses says it takes a lot to -- >> shannon: it is not that the party idea was mistake, it is that we sent the invitation to the wrong people was a mistake. it was held on city-owned property and city resources being used on it. the defense can't be we've been doing this for a long time. the apology is over sending the invite instead of having the party. >> emily: if it is utilizing tax
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dollars or city resources, that raises legal questions. >> kayleigh: absolutely, talk about public universities, segregated graduation, these questions come into play, it is federal taxpayer dollars. one line stuck out to me, my intention we can live our value and create space for all kinds of communities to come together. u are saying all seven, six people can't come together, but we strife to come together. this makes no sense. i'm not a fan of segregated classrooms and that happened. >> emily: irony, it was director of city council relations who sent the invite, no relationship happening, it is just division. end of the day, what box do you check? what if you are partly white?
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how much is too much for their categorization of human. >> kennedy: what if someone had a really privileged upbringing and one of the honkies had a difficult upbringing, i guess they'll have a cracker-free christmas this year in boston. what would happen if the other seven city council members got together, let's toast wonder bread and have a party just for us, they would get thrown out of life, not just the party. they are not color blind, that is how they were raised. you see people by content of their character, all they see is color, if this happened in reverse, i cannot imagine the duck boat that would waddel them out of town fast enough. >> todd: wonder bread.
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>> emily: climate craziness is out of control, new study is warning that breathing is bad for the planet. don't hold your breath.
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says breathing is bad, it contributes to global warming and democrats in washington state pushing new bill for using a gas-powered leaf blower and california considered toilet to tap converting toilet water into drinking water. there is a level of ecoterrorism happening and proposed legislation happening that is absurd. >> kayleigh: who on the couch wants to drink toilet tap water, todd piro maybe. >> todd: i'll pass. >> shannon: not volunteering. >> kayleigh: on the globe, a problem now, leaf blowers and american agriculture, they are targeting american agriculture. this is ridiculous when china is number one emitter of co2.
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the amount of -- hearing the proposal for legislation for jail time for leaf blowers, the amount of missing, murdered, indigenous women, so many things, crime, property theft. crime and quality of life eroded and this is what your tax dollars are being spent on? more laws and more codes and restrictions impossible for small businesses to adhere to and anyone who wants good quality of life are leaving places like california and businesses leaving portland in droves. it has become impossible and regulations are upside down, i don't know why they don't focus on desalienation and get better
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marketing than toilet to tap. come up with a fancy name for it, that makes me never want to drink water again, straight to the prosecco. >> shannon: breathing, i think we all remember you breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, that is what plants need, miraculous ecosystem. leaf blowers? there is an exception for those that contract with government. people use gas-powered things, why is the government only one that gets exception to that rule? >> emily: i'm sure kamala, too. >> todd: i can answer, it is all about power, they want the power. you brought in photo synthesis.
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don't you think everyone on the couch said what are they going to ban next, breathing? yes, they are. if this planet is not for humans, who is it for. i have an electric blower, i can blow out my garage and the battery dies. a man will not be able to run a business, in the name of controlling businesses, it's wrong. >> emily: rock bottom has been achieved, breathing. southwest airlines is implementing new policy to give extra seats to plus-sized travelers for free. more on that in a moment.
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>> white house press secretary about to brief for first time since the house launched an impeachment inquiry into joe biden. new polls show donald trump leading in battleground state of michigan. debbie dingell will join us coming up.
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it won't be white christmas at michelle with you's shindig. she is under fire for elected white council members to a electeds party and senator joni ernst will get serious about hamas using sexual violence as a weapon of war. i'm john roberts, see you on "america reports." see you then. >> emily: southwest airlines rolling out change to inclusion policy for plus-sized passengers to allow customers of size to have extra seat or two for free and anyone that purchases additional seats to request a
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refund after their flight. if you prefer not to purchase additional seat in advance, if determined a second or third seat is needed, you will be accommodated. where is fairness in that? >> kennedy: it is not fair and i know some people truly have medical conditions that make losing weight an impossibility, that is a small percentage, rest of the people being celebrated by this body positivity. every loves chub and a little cushion for the pushing, we are not fat shaming. >> todd: you are going to kill emily on this show. >> kennedy: morbidly obese are holding some hostage, for those
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who can't do anything about it, my heart goes out to you. >> emily: there is accommodation in place, reasonable ada accommodation, they don't need to do this, they don't need to be like, honey, your love handles are bigger today, no, i need my seat to fly home. >> todd: it is determined, who is determining and slippery slope argument, what is weight that kicks off the second seat or third seat? who determines the gerth. >> shannon: i feel bad for gate agents, if you want to talk about this at the gate, the agent will make a determination with you. why put this on the gate agents? if you get additional seat, we
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will make arrangements, potentially moving other customers around. i pick the seat i want, a lot of people don't want to move their seat. what about christmas eve? packed flight. >> todd: do we need to anger people more on planes. >> kayleigh: two questions, if you are a pregnant woman, it is hard, do you get another feet and what about an infant, your infant is flailing around, you can't control a six month old, you deserve an extra seat, maybe two. >> emily: great point. i can't imagine a flight where there has been one empty seat for this fantasy land. are they virtue signalling and it is never going to happen? >> todd: they ran into problems this summer trying to get the
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planes in the air, southwest specifically. they are trying to get good press, mission not accomplished, it is an unfairness. they have to go back to the drawing board. i am not saying they are going to be bud lighted. you have the giggles today. >> kayleigh: dylan mulvaney only needs half a chair. >> emily: stay with us. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪)
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♪♪ >> kayleigh: last but not least, you will not believe the stunning new video showing a
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bull, yeah, that is a long horn bull running loose on the train tracks between newark, new jersey and penn station. blaming the resulting delays on "police activity." it's still unclear exactly how a bull managed to get there, but local reports say it was captured safely. the question, todd, was it an emotional support bull run wild? >> that is the question. and i was supposed to make the joke this block, you just did. well done. i grew up about 20 to 25 minutes away from where that bull is. i did not grow up in midland, texas. i don't know a single person who had anything resembling a bull. so, where did this bull come from? this is not a joke. i read this on twitter, hear me out. the soccer team that plays in the area is the red bulls. i understand that's a drink, but could it be a mascot gone rogue? we'll look into it and get back to you. john roberts, get on that. come on, roberts. >> kayleigh: it appears we need
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a cowboy, right, kennedy? >> kennedy: we absolutely do. i think this is clever marketing for the college football playoff, so as you know, the university of texas longhorns, they are playing u.w., so, i think this is a little bit of -- maybe they are not so good with geography, thought it was seattle and the steer went clear and went in the wrong direction, but that's what i think it is. >> if the bull is any indication how the team will play, i will take it. this goes to show that like you can see anything in new york any day, any minute, it's insanity. speaking of cowboys, were the one we saw, ricky littlejohn, lassoing a cow on the freeway. i thought we saw the peak of loose bulls. i don't know. >> it's so america. >> to my point earlier, we don't grow them like that in northern new jersey. we grow them like me.
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i saw that i'm like -- >> kayleigh: a florida boy could do it. >> people forget how agricultural florida is, cattle farms. and on the college football playoffs, i'm boycotting because he what they did to my florida state. >> that was criminal. >> i interviewed ashley moody this morning, the florida attorney general. >> we have cowboys, and women, too. >> my husband is a graduate of florida state university, he's a duck hunter. todd, what would you have done? >> will, pete, they know how to use the lasso. the guy who went to dartmouth from northern, new jersey, not an lasso guy. >> we have a bull market. >> "fox & friends" this weekend. don't forget to dvr the show, next up, "america reports". >> the united states attorney leslie wolf cited the optics o


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