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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 14, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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there was a quiz that was given out. it was true or false that was trying to separate out gender from sex and the professor, or the teacher, who is very very far to the left decided to basically try to indoctrine nate these kids. the kid said, no, i understand men can't get pregnant. shocking, i know. he ends up failing this quiz. not just on that question, but a whole bunch of other questions as well. >> laura: jason, i mean, i'm just glad you're there and it's beautiful where you live, but i think i'd go crazy. we need you there to keep telling us about this insanity. thanks for being with us, jason. i want to show everyone a beautiful ornament that my friend lily kissinger made for me. i told her i'd show it on the air. love it. anyway, great to have you with us tonightht. jesse waters takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse waters primetime.
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tonight -- ♪ now we know where the white house cocaine went. >> who was on that plane? chairman durbin has continued to block this. >> jesse: dick durbin still blocking the epstein flight logs. >> trying to kill me? >> jesse: now breathing causes climate change. plus -- if you could banything for just one day, what would you be? >> a french poodle. >> jesse: there's nothing quite like christmas at the white house. from winston churchill spending his christmas with the roosevelts in the midst of war, to jackie kennedy being the first first lady to decorate the halls with nutcracker ornaments
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and tweufrpb twinkling lights. but who can forget barny camp. >> everybody is looking for you and you're supposed to be working. here you are playing. i know you've been out here a long time because you've got snow everywhere. >> jesse: nancy reagan brought mr. t to the white house for christmas in a crimson santa suit with his signature gold chain. melania trump decked the halls with glam and dancing ballerinas. ♪ and the media called that melania's white christmas. but this year jill biden did what bidens do.
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she plagiarized. recreating the nutcracker scene but with a twist. ♪ ♪ now she said she's scared but as a patron of the ballet, i found it quite enchanting. but some everybody agrees. some say it looks like the white house switched from cocaine to acid. others say it looks like the hunger games or clock work orange. but it's a perfect symbol for the biden presidency.
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people spin and tap dance while joe doesn't appear on camera. they called melania's christmas an all white christmas. that would make jill's an anti-white christmas because the dancing group supports critical race theory, black lives matter, the black panther, malcolm x and the 1619 project. oh, and they also want to abolish prisons and defund the police. oh, here is the president there. she's a white liberal woman. michelle dorance says, quote, it is from this place of white privilege that i invite you to join me in life long anti-racism work understanding how deeply embedded racism and colonialism is in our culture is paramount to understanding our role as white people in perpetuating it and embracing our job to dismantle it. do you think the white house vetted this anti-racist dancer and prancer? we'll ask tomorrow, don't worry.
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there's another pheurb shoel who wants an anti-white christmas. michelle wiu, the boston mayor. she's asian, but if you're white, you're not invited to her christmas party. earlier this week a staffer with pronouns in her name. so glad i needed to know. sent an invitation to city council members in boston. quote, on behalf of the mayor i invite you to the electives of color holiday party meaning only elected officials of color were allowed. but michelle made a mistake. she didn't mean to invite everybody. the e-mail went out to everybody whites included. 15 minutes later the staffer said, oops, sorry, whites, you can't come. this is a nonwhite party. you're not welcome to the eggnog. seven white boston city council members were uninvited. we call them the uninvited whites. except there was a white invited. michelle wu's husband's white. what was the elective of colors
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christmas party plus one policy? we're not sure. primetime is investigating. we'll have more tomorrow. sure, it's racist. the mayor has an excuse. >> i think we've had conversation individuals with everyone so everyone understand it was truly just an honest mistake that went out in typing the e-mail field and i look forward to celebrating with everything at the holiday parties that we will have. it is my intention to we can, again, be a city that lives our values and creates space for all kinds of communities to come together. >> jesse: wait a second. the black city council members get two christmas parties and white city council members only get to go to one? so wu is pro segregation, but there was a typo so no one was supposed to know. the honest mistake was the typo not the racially segregated party, see. did jesus have three white wise
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men in the cold while three brown ones huddled in the manger. >> are you concerned this leads to further divisivness. >> no. we celebrate all kinds of connection and identity and culture and heritage in the city. we want to be a city where everyone's identity is embraced and that there are spaces and communities that we can help support. >> jesse: wu sounds like a confederate. the system's been in place for many many years. did she say banning whites from christmas party is something she celebrates? what time should the uninvited white show up to the whites only christmas party? 7ish? no one's ever mistaken me for a constitutional scholar, but we banned separate but equal in the '50s. wu broke the law. who? wu. massachusetts state law
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prohibits making any distinction, discrimination or restriction in admission to or treatment in a place of public accommodation based on race. now wu says the anti-white christmas party wasn't taxpayer funded. but the city had the party at a city building and used city funs. that's what taxpayer funded mean, wu. look what we have here. that's the district attorney. arriving at the illegal anti-white christmas party. the da is going to have to prosecute. i'd like to call myself as a witness. there were no whites at the party. everybody was dancing to the beat. and who's the woman? she doesn't look very proud showing up at an anti-white christmas pearce. maybe she's kevin's plus one and she's married. we don't know. the uninvited whites missed a huge opportunity though. they should have showed up to the anti-white party, drank the punch and if the electeds of color tried to kick them out,
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stage a sit in. it would have gone down as one of the greatest civil rights protests in modern american history. because i was always taught that segregation was bad. now democrats say segregation is inclusive. they told us people of color are marginalized. now it turnsut people of color prefer to be marginal aoeued. they told us society should be color blind. now we're told society should be color coded. we were told discrimination was bad. now apparently discrimination against whites is good. we were told diversity is a strength except right around the holidays. what's next, wu? separate water fountains? because this country lost 600,000 men in the civil war. did those men die so that wu can have anti-white christmas? it's not trump who wants to turn this country back to the '50s, it's the democrats. here now are the host of drinking bros podcast ross
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patterson and dan halliwell. anti-white christmas party. i didn't think i'd see that. >> me neither. i'm shocked that you allowed two whites on the program tonight so we want to thank you for that, jesse. especially us. look, if we rolled up there a couple honkies like us who look like extras in a life time movie about january 6th, we'd be out of there. there's something in you, a hint of latint. you might have passed. us two we're out in the streets listening to creed in my ford raptor. >> jesse: i didn't know it was latinx. i thought it was latin x. how do you think the electeds of colors party was? it was probably pretty good. >> oh, yeah. i'm sure it was great. my favorite part in this fun exercise is imagining elizabeth warren outside with her 23 and me pulled up. like, hey, guy, i'm 1/32,000 invited to this party. >> jesse: you're in!
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open up the rope line. show up with your 23 and me and even i can get in because i'm .1 subsahara african. are we going to have separate but equal? you keep seeing this all over the country. in schools, in apparently the boston city council. it's everywhere now. >> if you're that rich, is it segregated brita filters? how are they doing it there behind the scenes? as far as her white husband, did they ship him off to the guest room? his wife does it if i have too much chili, but at a party like this, where did he go that night? i don't feel like he should be there. >> jesse: whites only jesse waters primetime show. i mean, what happens when the plus one comes in and they're white and they're the only white guy at the anti-white party? that's kind of awkward. >> he's got to be an ally,
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right? it's okay that you were born different, okay. >> jesse: he's the anti-racist guest. >> exactly. >> jesse: he just has to serve the punch. all right, well, gentlemen i hope you have a very diverse christmas party at your office and everybody is included, as we like to be here. thank you guys so much. >> absolutely. it's hard for us whites these days. merry christmas. >> jesse: always being oppressed. hunter biden's planning on fleeing the country. sources say behind the scenes hunter is confiding to close family friends saying if trump gets re-elected, he's on the first plane out. hunter, who's facing up to 20 years in prison for tax fraud, said he expects to face intense scrutiny and not the good kind, from the trump campaign from now until election day. if biden loses, it's only going
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to get worse. so where would hunter go? i mean, some countries i'm sure would invite him in. i hear mr. dong has a comfy ham mock in beijing. ukraine is a little dangerous these days. hunter has been saying republicans are trying to kill him. >> this whole idea that this may not in every aspect be a russian disinformation campaign, but it has literally every ear mark of what the russians did. >> what they're trying to do is they're trying to kill me, knowing that it will be a pain greater than my father could be able to handle. >> jesse: if anyone's trying to kill anyone, it's democrats. a new poll says 18% of democrats want trump executed. exiled or jailed for life, which means death. is trump fleeing? no. he's shaking hands, kissing babies. hunter's just upset he's looking down the barrel of serious jail
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time. he's gotten away with she nan begans forever. this time should be no different. if hunter flees primetime, we'll leave him with some advice. wherever you go, don't lose your laptop. the fbi was just confronted over jeffrey epstein's flight logs. right back. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy.
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rsv? make it arexvy.
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>> jesse: congress leaves for a three week vacation in less than 24 hours, and senator dick duwbin is still refusing to subpoena jeffrey epstein's flight log. we're running out of patience. it's been 4 1/2 years since authorities raided the dead pedophile's homes and we haven't heard a peep. powerful people want to keep you from knowing about epstein's world. the fbi seized his electronic, surveillance video and flight
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logs. they know who visited the island, who was involved with the trafficked women. but without a subpoena, the fbi is keeping those people safe. >> why would you not release these flight logs? why would there be a protection of not going after releasing this information? why would you not make public that information? why would you not make public all of the video that has been captured from jeffrey epstein's palm beach townhouse which the fbi has? >> i'm aware of the interaction with director wray from last week or the week before. our team would be happy to work on any formal responses. i'm not aware of any subpoenas that have come to the fbi. >> jesse: normally this stuff leaks within weeks. it's been years and we haven't heard a peep. powerful people want to keep the public from knowing this information. we don't know if dick is dirty, but right now it's starting to
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look like he is. who protects a dead pedophile when children are rapeded? we reached out to durbin's office. dick has given us the cold shoulder. maybe he doesn't think it's a real concern. if you think it's important to hold pedophiles and their enablers accountable, send dick a tweet. @ senator durbin. and let him know. primetime's been saying the racism industrial complexes grip exhibit 467. meet facebook's global head of diversity and inclusion bar ra smiles. >> i knew intimately what it felt like to be left out and not have a voice, and i said, do you know what? my life now on is to make people feel included, to make people feel like they have a voice. i literally am hired to make sure people have a sense of
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belonging here. >> jesse: smiles doesn't belong there any more. face book fired her for scamming them out of $4 million. she has just plead guilty to defrauding the company out of millions by scheming to create fake by deals in exchange for kick backs. smiles had her hair dresser, intern, baby-sitter, best friends front fake businesses and then funneled the kick backs through them. she even tricked face book into wiring 18g to her kids preschool to cover tuition. did smiles also trick facebook into funding her face shield company? my diversity company starts up a bedazzled company in the beginning of a pandemic that's a red flag. they made sure sharpton got his own face shield. msnbc couldn't afford to have al come down with covid during the mostly peaceful riots. smiles has now been named to the
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race hustler all star team along with blm co-founder patrice colors who disappeared with millions in charitable donations and imaginically bought luxury homes in white neighborhoods. or the anti-racist extraordinary cit icon ibram candy whose anti-racism imploded with missing funds and massive layoffs. now corporate america's doing the walk of shame. fortune 500 companies are firing these dei officers left and right at universities right behind them. the university of oklahoma said it's getting rid of its entire equity team after oklahoma's governor banned these equity programs. sonny johnson's the host of sonny's corner on sirius xm. was this whole dei thing just a trend? >> no. i think that it was a way for them to get more blue haired white women into a lot of positions because they were
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likely to be hired more than black people were. i guess this is going to be the dei segment. i get the dei voice in this when it comes to black people on the right. you can look at what the left did. i'm talking about black lives matter. i can talk about this lady that worked at face book. all of those are relevant, you know, go ahead and have your fun poke at them because if they were what they say they were, they wouldn't need dei. they wouldn't need affirmative action. they would just do it because it's the right thing to do. they would get qualified black people and put them in positions of power, especially in the tech field. when they do this and they abuse their power, all they do is mess up opportunities for other black people who are actually qualified to be in these positions. so what we have to start looking at and realizing is that, like getting black people into tech is not going to be done through government programs. it's going to be done through
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other black people who are introducing black people to tech. one of my favorite people in this area is simone beef, who is one of those driving catalyst forces to tell people, these are your entry point, this is how you get in. let's get you a network and has given them real tpbg tangible ways to get into tech. just not symbolism of dei. >> jesse: did you say the blue haired white ladys? are they the ones running these gigs? >> yes. less than 4% of all dei hires are black. the vast majority of them are white women. so again just like -- >> jesse: again with the white women. it's always the white liberal women. >> just like affirmative action. these things are not put into place to help black people. they use black people to get them into place and then once these things are put into place, they go to white haired women with -- white women with blue hair. and they become the face of these programs. so it is not black people that
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are being uplifted. and every time something goes wrong, the blame always falls on black people, who were just looking for opportunity, and not some kind of, you know, whatever they call this altruism. >> jesse: if you were invited to an anti-white christmas party like wu threw up in boston, would you go? >> i would say this. if conservatives want more black people to come to their party, then they should maybe season their food better and then you'll have more black people there. >> jesse: we're doing the best we can with what we have to work with, sonnie. >> i'll add to this. there's on one republican state party that has a dei director and that's in indiana. in the city of marion, indiana, they elected a black mayor for the first time and they ousted the entire democrat board.
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so don't throw the baby out with the bath water, republicans and realize there is work to be done and sometimes it takes a black face to do it. >> jesse: all right. what we're going to do, now the white people, instead of hiring dei people, we're hiring you for the party planning committee. then we're just gonna throw bangers. >> you know it will be more fun. >> jesse: i guarantee it. thank you very much, sonnie. harvard's plagiarizing president went full charlottesville with a tiki torch last night. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended
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>> jesse: harvard's anti-semitic plagiarizing president is on a role. claudine gal plagiarized half of her papers and allows students to screen kill all the jews. now the harvard board doesn't have the back bone to terminate her, she's taking a victory lap. gay thinks she's untouchable so
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she took a tiki torch to a menorah lighting. they told us tiki torches were racist. you remember the guys marching with tiki torches in charlottesville chanting jews will not replace us? how dare she? we were told anybody who carries a tiki torch is anti-semitic. wasn't this the reason biden got in the race? >> the reason i got in the race is most people, lose your eyes, remember what those people look like coming out of the fielding carrying torch, veins bulging. >> jesse: gay was hear chanting jews will not replace me, jews will not replace me as she hit -- our producers are saying we have not actually confirmed those reports, but we will keep you posted. we know harvard doesn't have a problem pushing their presidents out. harvard president larry summers was forced to resign after he said men and women were different. if a harvard president plagiarize, they get to stay, but if a harvard president tells
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the truth, bye-bye. we should have a say in what goes on at harvard because harvard's taxpayer funded. we gave harvard $700 million in taxpayer money this year. why are we funning harvard when the school has a $50 billion endowment? which is larger than the economy of countries like jordan, tunisia, latvia, all hunter biden business clients. harvard's filthy rich because their politicians gave them tax breaks. that's right. they don't pay any capital gains tax. and what do we get in return? wu, boston mayor michelle wu went to harvard. she didn't even know throwing anti-white christmas parties was illegal. matt damon proved harvard grads aren't even that smart. >> you like apples?
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>> yeah. >> i got a number. how do you like them apples? >> jesse: tiki torch. i wouldn't have. it's just not right. >> yeah. i mean, listen, maybe she is a white supremacist. kanye was like the jackie robinson of nazis. he broke the color barrier. now got nick fuentes. they're more diverse than rich white neighborhoods that are democratic. you never know. >> jesse: i remember larry elder was the black face of white supremacy. you can identify anything these days. a lot of people at harvard are identifying other people's stuff as their stuff. we know lot of the snl writers went to harvard. it looks like they're still plagiarizing. take a look at this clip.
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>> perfect for carrying -- >> one air bud. >> one altoid and a third. >> half smoked cigarette and a third. >> you have a seat here? >> westchester. >> you from westchester? that's sick. that's what i'm looking for. >> that's it. i was a high school basketball player. >> jesse: they ripped you off. that's it. >> it's close. it seems pretty close. yeah. i mean the character is 12 years old. it's beloved. especially in miami and new york. yeah. that expression as existed forever. that's it, with an new york accent. the character definitely made it a punch line. that sketch was used as a punch line over and over. >> jesse: i'm asking every guest on the show tonight. would you have attended an
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anti-white christmas party if wu had invited you? >> of course. of course i'd like to see what they're doing. >> jesse: they're probably talking about me. >> i mean, i'd get a lot of material. the conversations, they wouldn't be great. they'd be tedious. as i always say, you can't judge a book by its cover, but you can definitely judge a conversation by its hair cut. if you see blue hair, it's gonna be tedious. >> jesse: if you see blue hair, run the other way. what happened to harvard, by the way? this place i used to try to get into. i tried to get my son into. everybody wanted to go. now it's like, i don't know. >> yeah. i tell you what, if you're asian, it's a tough place to get into right now. >> jesse: that's right. hardest place to get in. wu apparently got in, but not -- i don't know. the admissions policy, i can't make any sense of it.
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>> she's got to do a sad asians i got rejected from harvard but i was qualified christmas party. that's what she needs to do. [ laughter ] >> jesse: her white husband can go wherever he wants apparently. thank you very much, yian in is. snl better apologize. you better get loren to apologize. >> put your hearing aid in, i'm here. >> jesse: all right. thank you so much. now they want us to hold our breath and race. i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm feeling this moment. along with clearer skin skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to.
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>> jesse: animals and humans aren't the same. we're smarter. we walk upright. we have opposable thumbs. we have wi-fi. animals, they're just animals. don't get me wrong. primetime loves animals. i went to a bat cave this morning, a legit bat karch that bats sleep in. we need to grow the bat population because they eat insects and keep the food chain and ecosystem in harmony. i just don't think bats deserve
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the same rights as humans. liberals are trying to pass laws that give nature the same rights as us. in seattle the government is granting salmon the right to pass through its fans. open border. in north carolina officials are considering giving rice to the haw river system. what kind of rice, they won't say. we can assume it's the right to vote. in panama they killed a $10 million copper mine and we could be staring down the barrel of a penny shortage. but that's not all. india decided the gange river where people bathe and use the rest room, one and two, deserve the same kind of rights as humans. so what happens when we give human rights to nonhumans? you might go to jail for doing yard work. liberals think gas powered leaf blowers murder the environment. so washington state's proposing a bill that would send you to jail for a year if you use a gas
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powered leaf blower. while you're sitting in prison for believing leafs, democratic lawmakers will still be using gas guzzling cars. i can't figure it out. oh. and while you're at it, stop breathing. seriously. a new report came out and apparently breathing is bad for the environment. the study says the gases we exhale which include carbon dioxide make up .1% green house emission. please, no more breathing. ban sport, laughter, sex, anything that causes heavy breathing. just ban it. if you truly love nature as your fellow man, you will hold your breath while you race. charlie arnault joins us now. how long can you hold your breath? >> i saw you try to attempt on "the five." >> jesse: try? what do you mean try? that was a record. >> it was good. do you feel like you made a difference? do you feel like the climate is doing much better as a result of
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your good work? >> jesse: i have saved the world. not just by writing that book, but by holding my breath for over a minute. do the producers know how long i held my breath for on live tv? >> that might be a record holding your breath on live tv. >> jesse: i think i have set many records, one of which is breath holding. 1:21. i did it with ease. i could have gone longer. my lung capacity is extraordinary. it's one of my many talents, charlie. tell me about leaf blowers. >> i'm not much of a yard work person. did i strike you as one? >> jesse: i can't see you leaf blowing. >> not at all. what's funny to me is that you look at seattle as a stand alone city. they had 71 homicides last month. that equals the number they had in 1994 which is the deadliest year in history, yet they are worried abt people using leaf blowers. imagine you are sharing a jail cell. what are you in for?
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murder. you? leaf blower. >> jesse: leaf blower. if one animal, charlie, deserves human rights, which animal would that be? >> my dog. >> jesse: why? >> she already basically is like a human. but i feel like if we're going to look at this the way democrats do, i will have to be careful. she loves especially her blue toy. she's a girl dog playing with a blue toy. am i to think maybe she wants to identify differently? do i have to give her generaled r affirming care? what do i do in this situation? >> jesse: your vet bill would be extraordinarily high. >> it would be. >> jesse: is she of age? you can't operate on gender if she's a minor. >> in dog years she's about to be -- what is it 7 times 4? 28. >> jesse: do the surgery. did you see the white house nut crackers? were you taken aback by them? many people are saying this is ghastly. >> i would say that's an
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understatement. these are blm activists they used to perform in this nut cracker rendition. very different from what i'm used to seeing at the lincoln center. no, this is not where i think white house dollars should be going. this is a joke. but doesn't surprise me in the least. this is the least christmas spirit thing i have seen in my life. >> jesse: you preferred melania's white christmas. i don't mean that racially. that was just the theme. >> melania is the perfect example of what should be in the white house as far as women are concerned. dr. jill biden does not make the cut. >> jesse: i'm glad you refer to her as a doctor. doctor. she's a ph.d.. >> i refer to donald trump as doctor as well. >> jesse: would you ever go to an anti-white christmas party? >> you know what? i would crash. yeah, why not? >> jesse: you would crash? >> if i got the invite, i would go and say why not? >> jesse: you would be the rosa parks of christmas parties. the white rosa parks.
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>> why not? someone has to stand up. >> jesse: are you white? you're very tan. >> i am sicilian. >> jesse: where do we stand? >> i don't know. these days, i don't know. i could probably argue that i do belong at the christmas party. >> jesse: just show up with your 23 and me and you can get in. >> you, too. .1%. >> jesse: .1%. i'm allowed. i'm there for the music and food. >> do you want to crash with me? >> jesse: let's do it. i'll see you in boston. up next johnny talks to a bunch of dictators. if you could become a dictator for the day, what would you do? >> college free. college free. loans cancelled. everything done. >> tech: cracked windshield on your new car? bring it to safelite. my customer was enjoying her new car, when her windshield cracked. [gasp] >> customer: my car! >> tech vo: she didn't take it to the dealer. she scheduled with safelite. we have the latest technology for the newest vehicles. and we do more replacements and recalibrations than anyone else.
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find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger.
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(christmas music) ( ♪ )
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weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list. offering a variety of american made products... weathertech! nice! like floorliners... cargo liner... seat protector... boot tray... cupfone... sink mat... pet feeding system... anti-fatigue comfortmat...and more. order the weathertech gift card instantly for the perfect gift at ♪ >> jesse: the left's been trying to scare americans into thinking trump, if he wins, is going to be a you dictator. well, he was asked about it. >> you're promising america tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against
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anybody. >> except for day one. >> sean: except what? >> he a goes crazy. except for day one. he says you're not going to be a dictator are you? i said no, no, no, other than day one. we're closing the border and we're drilling drilling drilling. after that i'm not a dictator. >> sean: what do you think about this one-day dictatorship thing? johnny found out. >> what is a dictator? >> [bleep]. they can lie. >> narcissist, arrogance. >> someone who tells others what to do. >> get up. get up. >> the media says if trump gets elected, he's going to be a dictator. >> he frightens me. >> we had him for four years, i don't think he was a dictator then so. >> i don't want to live here anymore. >> where do you want to go. >> out of this country it's crazy. >> we'll sent you to north korea. >> no, i'm thinking portugal. >> bye. go home to mommy. >> he probably would try. >> donald trump says if he becomes president he's just going to be a dictator for one
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day. >> donald trump is a fool. >> i knew i shouldn't have picked her. i knew i shouldn't have picked her. >> for one day like for his birthday. >> he needs a week i guess. >> people know by now you shouldn't take him serious. >> that's a hell of a laugh. that's a guy that's voting for trump i will a tell you. >> he said in his dictatorship he's going to close the border and drill drill drill. >> he's bugging, he's wiling. >> you like open boarders. >> i'm just living. i don't know about all that politics. >> he'll find dirt i guess and the border. >> doesn't sound leak a dictator to me. >> donald trump is an idiot. >> if you can do it in a day, god bless you. >> god bless, salute. >> if you were a dictator for a day, what would you do. >> world peace baby. >> college free. college free. the lons, cancelled, everything done. >> and, and, stop done, over. >> i would try to help the homeless. >> your dictatorship doesn't sound so bad. >> mine would be american.
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>> trump wants to close the boarders and drill that's not one either. you have something in common. >> no we don't. i'm not an idiot he's an idiot. >> all those worried about the babies i would let them take all the unwanted babies. >> do you want to go back to them or do you want to stay with donald trump? >> trump. >> why won't joe biden close the border and drill drill drill. >> that's sleepy joe. we've got to respect sleepy joe. >> i don't think he belongs in the white house. >> where do you think he belongs. >> at home. >> maybe he wants to but he just forgets. >> let me ask a rhetorical question. no, i won't. >> do you think america needs a dictator. >> america just needs to like stop being stupid. >> pretty close to that right now anyways. >> joe biden sure loves his mandates. >> americans are good at making choices for the most part. >> hunter biden sure makes good decisions. >> uh, yeah. >> i probably smoked more
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parmsean cheese than anyone. >> if you could be anyone for a day month would you be. >> i think i would be invisible. >> a french poodle. >> the bag man for joe biden. >> you want to hold his football? >> sure. >> i would probably be beyonce. >> give me your best beyonce. >> ♪ >> not trump. >> what about nikki haley. >> i don't know who nikki haley is. >> shhhh. ♪ >> what do you want to tell jesse watters on fox news. >> merry holidays. >> jesse likes merry christmas, he fought the war on christmas. >> oh, okay. happy holidays jesse. >> merry christmas. >> no i'm doing it to be spiteful. >> this is my world. >> merry christmas jesse. trump is an idiot. ♪ . >> jesse: barista jesse has some culinary recommendations. if you do coffee in the morning
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with milk, scratch it. coffee with eggnog is the way to go. only in december. afterwards, you're crazy. let's do some texts. haley from washington, if biden gets impeached, does hunter get to file for unemployment? very good. tommy from california, hunter sounds like he has no faith in his father. welcome to the club. charlie you from ohio, maybe hunter can move to kailasa. >> guy from springfield missouri, epstein flight logs are like white house cocaine, here today, destroyed tomorrow. >> except they're not really destroyed, someone has them somewhere. terry from cleveland. you're like my bulldog, once you get your teeth onto something, >> morgan from georgia, i watch your attempt to hold your breath on the five. i have not seen cheating hike that since your egg race with piers morgan. how dare you. how dare you.
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i was a swimmer. john from caramel, was santa invited to the boston christmas party? yep, he was, black santa in the wheelchair, rolled right over from target. denniss from boston, i heard the theme of the boston mayor's party was the not cracker. yes. john from virginia, to quote joe biden if woo's husband went to that party then he ate white. james from north carolina, please don't say vaca. real men just say vacation. you know what? noted. i'll ban it. pete from new york, can i ask a question to hannity through you? we're not going to allow that, no. definitely not. ♪ hey sean. always remember, i'm watters and this is my world. ♪ >> sean: welcome to hannit


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