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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 15, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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out. it was true or false that was trying to separate out gender from sex and the professor, or the teacher, who is very very far to the left decided to basically try to indoctrine nate these kids. the kid said, no, i understand men can't get pregnant. shocking, i know. he ends up failing this quiz. not just on that question, but a whole bunch of other questions as well. >> laura: jason, i mean, i'm just glad you're there and it's beautiful where you live, but i think i'd go crazy. we need you there to keep telling us about this insanity. thanks for being with us, jason. i want to show everyone a beautiful ornament that my friend lily kissinger made for me. i told her i'd show it on the air. love it. anyway, great to have you with us tonight. >> carley: national security advisor sullivan is in israel
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meeting with israeli president herzog this morning after talking with prime minister netanyahu yesterday and jake sullivan addressed reports that biden administration wants israel to end high-intensity phase of the war with hamas. >> we are in high intensity war in gaza. there will be a transition to another phase, focused on targeting leadership and intelligence-driven operations that continue to deal with the ongoing threat that hamas poses. >> carley: you are watching "fox and friends first" on friday morning, i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. sullivan leads talks on the ground and back at home vice president kamala harris is at
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odds with president biden over lack of support for the palestinian people. greg palkot with the latest. greg. >> greg: todd, carley, we are a mile from the gaza strip and hearing outgoing artillery hitting hamas over in that location and that is exactly what national security advisor jake sullivan has been talking about for two days here in israel. he met with more officials today. yesterday there were intense sessions between him, prime minister netanyahu and other officials. he was putting forth a line coming from president biden, a nudge by vice president harris that the war has to shift from a less intense brutal phase to a more targeted approach. here is more of what he had to say. we had a constructive conversation yesterday about the
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transition from high-intensity phase forward and expect that will occur in the future. when that happens and under what conditions, will be continuing discussion between the united states and israel. >> greg: a little vague there, but indeed talking about the talks that jake sullivan has been having as the war here on the ground up close continues to be intense. the idf hitting strongholds up and down the strip, there are still areas of resistance up north and they are aiming toward strongholds down south as the humanitarian situation in gaza gets worse and worse. relief trucks are being ransacked by desperately hungry people. very little food or medicine, it is described as living hell. on the hostage front, we've
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learn three hamas captives who we thought were alive have been confirmed dead. they include two 19-year-old soldiers, one sergeant and nick vicar. they were both kidnapped from the gaza strip. and a man seized from the musical festival that was targeted by the brute at hamas terrorists. sullivan and israeli officials brought up the hostages as they talked about the ongoing tough war to get rid of hamas. back to you. >> todd: thank you. here is nikki haley's response to the administration's latest response on the war. >> this is why our enemies do not fear us, biden did this with ukraine and now with israel.
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either you are a friend or not. why take the side of hamas? if you say you are with israel and support israel, do that. you don't start drawing conditions on what they can and can't do. this country fell to her knees with the worst attack since the holocaust and they are trying to eliminate hamas, which should be personal for america because 33 americans were butchered on that day. we have american hostages. let them finish the job. >> todd: haley has been consistent insisting hamas needs to be eliminated. >> carley: hamas not just a threat in israel, german and dutch police captured four hamas suspects, they were arrested in berlin and one in netherlands after being connected to a bunker where hamas stores
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weapons. the group of suspects are hamas and participated in hamas operation abroad, closely linked to the military branch leadership. the three suspects in germany will appear in court this morning. one to follow for sure. fox weather alert, christmas travel plans could be in jeopardy. system bringing heavy rain, strong winds this weekend, some areas could see coastal flooding, which is expected to cause major road disruptions as early as tomorrow. >> todd: adam klotz is here. adam. >> adam: sweeping the country. there is the cold line, 46 in kansas city, 28 in denver. on the day it turns off to be warm and pleasant, here is what you are looking at countrywide.
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temperatures in the 50s and 60s. heat will fuel weather that we'll be talking about. this is that line of rain and storms we're watching that will set up shop across florida and run up the east coast on sunday and monday. slight chance of flooding in houston, running up further north outside of dallas. this shifts to florida, that is your saturday forecast. that is something we'll pay attention to as this system sets up to make that move. rounds of showers there, this system is what we are paying attention to. low pressure system is going to run up the coast as we get into the end of the weekend and early next week. it clears out by tuesday. >> carley: thank you so much. something that will wake you up, 10 days before christmas. satanic temple is advertising
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after-school satan club inside an elementary school. officials have no way to stop it, they say. an outraged parent joins us live next. >> todd: did you see this? >> second down a13, unbelievabl. jack jones, they do it again. >> todd: ugly if you are a chargers fan, awesome if you are a raiders fan. raiders demolishing the chargers. highlights coming up next. justin herbert is not happy. ♪ ♪ and the trumpets they go whoop whoop, whoop. ♪ ♪
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- can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room.
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>> carley: listen to this controversy. a man being hit with mischief for destroying this altar inside iowa state capitol yesterday. he admits he tore down the display because it was extremely antichristian. the satanic temple of iowa argues the display is right to freedom of religion. oh, boy, over to you. >> todd: i'll see your story on sat an and raise you another one. parents furious after finding out there is satan club at tennessee elementary school. this is not high school or college, this is elementary school. they say they are nontheistic religion and rejecting tyranny and championing the human mind and spirit.
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school officials say they have no choice but to let it continue. >> let's not be fooled by what we have seen in the past 24 hours, an agenda that we cancel all faith-based organizations that partner with our school district because the law says that what we do for one organization, we must do for all. >> todd: reggie, a parent at chimney rock elementary, joins us now. what was your reaction when you heard the satanic temple is holding a club at an elementary school? >> good morning. i can't say that i was shocked, i wasn't shocked. we have taken god, or they rather have taken god out of school and prayer out of school and vited the devil in. i can't say i am shocked. we don't have covering over
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school system, we don't have god protecting us anymore. i wasn't shocked at all. >> todd: is the school doing enough? you heard the superintendent, are they doing enough or are they too worried about getting sued? >> they are not doing enough, the school has failed our community and failed our children. they rather dodge a lawsuit than protect our children. we know the satanic temple have the acl backing them. if anyone tell them no, they will threaten them with a lawsuit. i feel like scs leaders should have stood up and told them no. we can't stop anyone from exercising their first amendment right, but my thing, if you want to exercise that first amendment
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right do like any other 501c3, go purchase a building. when you demand yourself in school systems with our children, babies, five through nine years old, forcing yourself into school and dictating we're going to come in, that is what i have an issue with. >> todd: here is what the cofounder said last night defending their organization. if they don't like the mythological construct we appeal to, that makes no difference, it is far more evil to allow government to pick and choose one religious voice over the other. that is a downward spiral and that is not what liberal democracy stands for.
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>> todd: the context of what he's saying, this is attempt to get all religion out of school by weaponizing the law. your response to what you just heard from co-founder of the satanic temple. >> jesus christ is the way, the truth and the light, drive out darkness with light. that is his first amendment right, exercise how you like, same time, you're not bringing nothing positive to our school system, especially talking about babies. you are bringing a devil, bringing a -- an enemy against god forever. we will not compromise with evil at all. we are going to stand for righteousness and truth and protect our children any means
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necessary. >> todd: the sound bite was about the situation in iowa, we reached out to the satanic temple about this club in this school and they said the following, satanic temple established after-school satan club as alternative to prevent religious after-school clubs focused on indoctrination. those clubs still exist and now so does our ours. i'm not making a joke, but a five year old oftentimes thinks eating boogers is a good idea, how can they do a deep dive on something as serious and difficult to understand as satan? it makes no sense. keep up the fight, reggie, thank you. >> thank you. again, last thing before we leave, we have taken god out of everything and we have allowed
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satan to come in through the front door. we're going to stand together all clergy and anyone that loves jesus christ. >> todd: keep us posted. a criminal with 16 charges on his rap sheet thought he was going to get off easy after latest arrest. he found the sheriff arresting him this time is tough on offenders and doesn't play around. >> carley: grady judge is here next with this very crazy story.
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(announcer) are you frustrated with your weight and health? before considering drastic measures with side effects, why not try a healthy and sustainable solution with golo? (amber) i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery, and i saw the golo commercial, and it was the last thing i tried 'cause it worked. golo's changed my life in so many ways. before, i was over 300 pounds. (announcer) on golo, you take one release supplement with each balanced meal to take control of your hunger and sugar cravings and increase metabolic efficiency. after i got married, i really struggled to lose weight. nothing seemed to work. i've lost 75 pounds with golo, and i've kept it off. (announcer) with golo, you keep the weight off and eliminate starvation dieting. and best of all, there is no prescription required. (jason) i was 424 pounds. so when my doctor told me i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change. i don't ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i'm committed to golo for life. (announcer) go to that's
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hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. (jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. if you're age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance starting at just $9.95 a month. there are no health questions so you can't be turned down for any health reason. the $9.95 plan is colonial penn's
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number one most popular whole life plan. options start at just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate can never go up. it's locked in for life. call today for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. (soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn? >> todd: americans are fighting back. 73-year-old employee scaring off a group of thieves from a california jewelry store. >> hey! hey! [screaming] >> todd: they walked in and ran
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right out. the group armed with sledge hammers and wearing masks, but scattered quickly. he said his german shepherd was at the groomer that day. no arrest has been made. >> carley: a florida suspect with over 60 charges on his rap sheet arrested after he was spotted in a stolen car. tamari lucas thought he would get out of jail easily. but he learned he was taken into custody in polk county and grady judge is cracking down on crime. he said, you don't play around in polk county. the sheriff joins me now. quite the quote there. how do you feel about the
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suspect knowing who you are and knowing you are tough on crime. >> the message is clear, if you are tough on crime, criminals know it and they go somewhere else. they had committed that night, we suspect 30 burglaryings of vehicles in another county and 35 in the city of tampa. those are under investigation and more charges are coming. it is clear he told us the truth. if you are tough on crime, criminals don't commit crime, at least in your area and that is the way it needs to be across this nation. and the people like it, they like bad guys to go to jail, they don't want bad guys stealing their stuff. >> carley: this story is eye-opening and shows this guy, i'm sure indicative of other criminals, they are aware of their surroundings and know the
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areas that are soft and crime. shouldn't that be a lesson to all cities struggling with increased crime right now? >> we should. if you look at metro centers, blame your crime rate on your elected officials. look at your governor, house members, senate members, county and city commissioners. if you are not safe, it is the rule makers, our job is to enforce the rules. if the rule makers say let them go, they do that. i can't understand for the life of me why they think it is better to let criminals loose to victimize good people of the community. look around the nation, they do it everyday, not in polk county. our prosecutor puts bad guys in jail and we have a great governor.
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>> carley: it is not just law enforcement, it is prosecutors up to the governor, all these decisions matter. what is your crime rate like in polk county? >> our crime rate is at a 51-year low right now and over next three weeks, if we can keep it like it is now, we are 98 crimes less than last year at this time and january we predict we will be at a 52-year low, all about holding people accountable that commit crime. >> carley: holding people accountable, this guy, lucas, not a big fan of yours. he allegedly stole this car. this, your next answer could be psa for other criminals thinking about doing something in your county. 30 previous charges, 12 misdemeanors, 19 rearrests, if found guilty of stealing this are ca, what kind of time is he
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looking at? >> you have to look at his history and points? he's good for three to five years on just this car. pascal county is planning to draw up 30 more burglary charges on him and some burglaries, guns were stolen, he could end up with 10, 15 years or more. if you want to see tamari, he is in county jail lockup. he may be humming jingle bells, but he's not out walking the street today. >> carley: he was, considering that quote he told the police officer. if you are a criminal and you are afraid of the sheriff, in your area, you are doing something right, which you certainly are. quite the story and quite the
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quote. >> todd: he should use that guy's statement, perfect statement if he's running for anything, that is your campaign ad. >> carley: a reelection ad. president biden is anxious and frustrated about the criminal investigation of his son. >> todd: we go to that man, joe concha to analyze it all, there he is, he is next. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything.
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>> todd: president biden lashing out over the criminal investigation into his son. >> carley: brooke singman is here with what is going on in the west wing. >> brooke: the 81-year-old president is deeply sensitive about his son and has barked about their comments about him. those close to biden worry hunter's legal battles could cost him reelection bid. you can see in his eyes and see his shoulders slump, he is worried about hunter and we are worried it could consume him. hunter faces nine new tax charges in california coming out
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of david weiss's probe while his legal team is trying to dismiss gun charges in delaware. he could be held in contempt of congress for ignoring a subpoena for earlier this week. he held a press conference on capitol hill and called this a baseless sham and the deposition room stayed empty. hunter is causing in the white house. plan to largely not respond to attacks and media coverage, hunter's team was not satisfied. the biden administration denies the president had any involvement in foreign business deals. white house press secretary karine jean-pierre snapping at reporters yesterday, watch this. >> you can ask me about engagement in conversation, but there is no evidence. wait, there is no evidence, no evidence that the president has done wrongdoing, there is none,
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absolutely none. >> brooke: lawmakers say the president can't jump in to save his son this time. >> concerned about joe biden's action to help his son? >> on that basis, here is the rule of law -- no one is above the law. president biden is not above the law, president trump is not above the law, let it go through the process. i defend it and support it. >> brooke: it has become hard for the white house to defend hunter, he faces ongoing criminal investigation. we'll see what happens. >> carley: he does. thank you. bring in joe concha. good morning, you heard brooke mention it is hard for the white house to defend hunter biden. joe biden, as well. take a listen to this moment on cnn, a host read evidence linking joe biden to the biden
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family business. he did so while interviewing ian sams. watch this. >> he laid out accusations they are pursuing, from 2014 to 2019, $15 million from foreign entities, payments to president biden from hunter biden. do you dispute those? >> i dispute those and they have been debunked time and time again. this smear campaign has been going on for four years now. >> carley: do you dispute those out right is catching people's attention and you hear sams say all of this is a lie. i wonder where the white house is getting that from where evidence in writing or from congressional testimony is a lie? >> joe: if you looked up
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insecure and/or defensive in the dictionary, ian sams photo should be sitting next to both. you have cnn host pressing sams. joe said to peter doocy he never talked to his son about his business dealing and sams still insisting it never happened. the fact is and these are facts that joe biden talked to his son and his son's business associates on 22 occasions and at dinners. this is indisputable because hunter biden's business partner devon archer testified it happened. this is not opinion or lies being spread, this is what hunter's business partners have said happened. the questions remain the same.
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what service did hunter biden provide to china, ukraine, kazakhstan, russia, to be compensated to the tune of millions? why were shell companies created to funnel money back to multiple members of the biden family, what were they being paid for and why? if hunter biden's last night was not biden, would he have even been hired? this is what the inquiry is all about. >> todd: phil mattingly may lose going to cocktail parties. other people are holding the line for dems. "new york times" leaving out a key word, the times included this quote, my father was not involved in my business, except that is not what hunter said, it was updated, my father was not
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financially involved in my business. joe, that does not happen by mistake. joke that is a very, very, very keyword, financially, that was left out. not some intern did not transcribe it properly. "new york times" does this, called stealth edit. once they are caught and thank goodness there are places like x that pointed this out. they are called out on it and they go in and change it without an editor's note. film is forever, screenshots forever. they are caught, "new york times," same paper that has not endorsed a gop candidate in 50 years. >> todd: hunter is scared he'll have to flee the country if trump gets elected, playing into
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dictator trump will root out his enemies and put everybody in jail. it is part of this notion of trying to win through the media democrats play that game. joe concha is wise to it. >> carley: he is. wise to many things. >> joe: we started yesterday, the "fox and friends" party. carley, you were missed. >> carley: there will be one next year and i will attend. >> todd: you better. go to the desert, raiders pummelling the chargers. four touchdowns building 42-0 half-time lead and second half, las vegas getting in on the fun. watch. >> second down and 13. oh, baby, unbelievable. jack jones.
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they do it again. >> todd: oh, baby is right,al. four days after losing to minnesota 3-0, meaning they scored 0 points, raiders beat chargers, scoring 63 points, most in raiders franchise hift rear or chargers franchise history. we should go to you on sports. harvard president attending a menorah lighting this week. they are being told to put the menorah away every night. >> carley: elon musk sick of the woke mind virus affecting schools in america and he's making his own university. cheryl casone has both of those stories and more, coming up next. mebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth
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and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works.
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>> carley: new poll numbers to talk about that show former president trump leading president biden in seven key states and young voters are leaving biden over his handling of student loan forgiveness. >> todd: can't bribe them with that money.
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cheryl casone here is more. this is important. polls are early, this is not one or two states, seven states. >> cheryl: arizona, michigan, wisconsin and nevada. what is interesting, it is not just 42% of these gen-z individuals, i don't want to say kids, 18 to 26, they say he hasn't done enough on the economy. he has cancelled some student loan debt. they don't know that. bloomberg morning consult poll shows basically he is losing support among black voters, these are key demographics that he will need next year. they are not there for him. this is gen-z, 18 to 26, born 1997 and later, maybe they are
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not tuned in or maybe the white house needs to get across he has cancelled a lot of debt. >> carley: president biden can chalk up victory in a lot of states to young voters who turned out in 2022. campaign, houston, we have a problem. and elon musk has something any going on. >> cheryl: i need water. the foundation, trying to get this school up and running, $100 million. he is saying schools have gone too woke. he said we intend to expand to a university dedicated to education at the highest level. he says unless the woke mind virus which is antiscience and antihuman are stopped -- i will
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let you while i take a drink of water explain. >> carley: dive into the last word there. great idea if you are interested in stem. be interested in science and going to a school founded by elon musk. it will speak to a lot of people. >> todd: and maybe have a job at space x or tesla, you will have a heck of a career. >> cheryl: he's got 11 kids, five are in school right now, specific school. >> he has 11 kids? >> todd: one school can't figure out antisemitism continues to be harvard. >> cheryl: this rabbi is saying at harvard, they are forcing jewish student groups to hide the menorah at night for fear of
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vandalism and the school is not supporting them. this rabbi says we have to pack up our menorah when we are done and students feel they have to remove anything about their appearance in fear of being a target. congressman crane says to make colleges face real financial consequences if they are found to have fostered antisemitism, he is saying defund universities, take federal funding away from elite universities that have decided antisemitism is okay and calling for annihilation of israel and genocide of jews is okay. take the money away. this sounds like bill ackman, follow him on twitter. he's on fire. harvard alum, he is furious and he's done so much donation to
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harvard. >> todd: not anymore. >> cheryl: cut me off, i will go drink water. sorry about that. >> todd: it happens. >> carley: great job. interesting update about the dance group featured in joe biden's video. we will talk about it with jimmy failla coming up. >> todd: and lawrence jones is in florida, more with what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: we have a big show coming up, latest on the presidential race, who is the candidate republicans decide in this race? live in fort myers, ron desantis's state, are they for desantis ore trump or do they want an outsider like vivek ramaswamy or nikki haley. we will talk to folks today. and trouble for kamala harris, i'm sorry. back and forth between the white house and kamala harris on where
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they stand with israel and the war against hamas. we'll break it down on this tongue-tied "fox and friends" morning. see y'all in a bit.
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hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor?
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sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation. so you're calling about the $9.95 a month plan -from colonial penn? -i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that $9.95 plan, today. (jonathan) is it time for you to call about the $9.95 plan? i'm jonathan from colonial penn life insurance company. sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. if you're age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance starting at just $9.95 a month. there are no health questions so you can't be turned down for any health reason. the $9.95 plan is colonial penn's number one most popular whole life plan. options start at just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day.
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your rate can never go up. it's locked in for life. call today for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. (soft music) ♪ hello, colonial penn?
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> todd: what the -- first lady joe biden getting mocked online for this white house christmas video which social media users deemed cringe worthy. >> carley: there is more the new york city dance company she hired to perform promotes defunding the police, prison abolition and the 1619 project. host of fox across america on fox news radio on fox nation jimmy failla joins us now. jimmy so this dance troop has
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political opinions, huh? and all the ones leading to joe biden's low poll numbers. >> jimmy: we learned a lot from this video. mainly turns out it was jill biden's cocaine in the white house. who had any idea. >> carley: no, no. >> jimmy: how would you approve of this if you were sober because it's absurd. that video looks like the type of dream you would have if you dropped acid and went to bed. okay? it's bizarre there is a dancing guy in a pig mask. there is an odd wooden soldier ballet. i don't know what to make of it. what i always come back to is the ridiculousness. manufactured hysteria around christmas deck roar rations in the last four or five years. i'm not going to name names but rhymes with melania trump. oh my god she put up a red tree. christmas is dead, run for your life. now we have this i-oi don't know whether a this is willy wonka weed dream hopping around the white house. not a word. i don't know. >> carley: your taxpayer dollars at work. >> todd: that's the point. you are probably paying for this. if you are a dance troop though
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and you go on the dance troop's website. instead of talking about defunding the police and abolishing prisons, shouldn't your website focus on dance? maybe time was dance troop focused on dance. everybody is fighting the wrong battalions if we go to see dance troupe, we would like to see them dance. i don't know what it was. it's not them focusing on dance. everybody gives you an opinion now. you can't escape it. okay? let me give you this. this is how crazy like social justice has crept into every part of our life. my wife's parents used to yell at me for having too much ice cream. now my ice cream ben and jerry's yells at me for having white parents. we totally missed the point in society. this should be the wake-up call. >> carley: wake up call. fine dancers.
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the guy wearing the flower on his head. short straw. mouse. to todd's point the woman who started this dance company she wrote on the troupe's website i am a white tap dancer with black cultural ancestors. in a society that privileges white people and whiteness. why my syste my anti racism is . >> no one's to have a conversation is that emanuel guy in the rabbit mask is that homage to the rabbit that interrupts biden at special events. >> carley: that is the rat from the nutcracker. >> jimmy: the bunny had the reaction of a man who talking bunny. go watch it. she approved this? her coke. >> todd: doesn't this also get you a fundamental difference between far left liberals and
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conservatives? hear me out. far left liberals they love weird and nontraditional. this is christmas. it should be traditional. you don't need to do too much. christmas kind of does itself. whereas conservatives they love normal and traditional. a former president name rhymes with donald trump once like when he hires people he does it out of central casting because he wants that normal traditional. >> jimmy: on the nose. you want to throw strikes. christmas doesn't really need all of this other ridiculous because it's nothing christmassy about that. i think that's the bigger issue is when trump was getting criticized for doing christmas. criticized dancing pigs and weirdness. >> carley: what are you doing this weekend? >> jimmy: jimmy failla i will be in west palm beach. my last touring date of the year. i actually don't go back out on tour until march. >> todd: before we talk about your weekend i want you to stay right here and help carley with
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her weekend because she has got a thing to talk about it. >> jimmy: you do. >> carley: book signing at point pleasant beach, new jersey tomorrow at noon. dana perino is going to be there. she helped set this whole thing up. >> jimmy: she did. >> carley: fantastic. ' she will be doing a speech and i will be signing books. if you are in the area or not hop on a flight come on down. little point book shop. go to little point book to sign up or to show up. happy to meet you. >> todd: you know who is in that area the piros. >> carley: your mom and dad? >> todd: what can she expect when they greet her? >> carley: at the book events? >> jimmy: "fox & friends" fans most amazing fans in the world. some might bring you a 700 cupcakes. i love them so much. you are going to love it many. >> carley: you are the best. have great weekend. "fox & friends" starts right now.


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