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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 15, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> ainsley: you are bringing it back to life for all of us and teaching us a great lesson in history. >> and i'm loving it. >> ainsley: thank you. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> ainsley: merry christmas. >> steve: that's the biggest fireplace i have ever seen. >> ainsley: there were three of them. just to have one of those massive. it reminds me the show with kevin costner we all know the cowboy show. >> yellowstone. >> they had three of them in a row in that dining room. she said that when the family would come down and they would entertain so many different dignitaries. when he this would come down to the dining room for dinner they were dressed to the nines. and they would change constantly throughout the day. could you imagine wearing your like jewels and tier was and fifth outfit of the day. >> brian: how do you get anything else con? >> ainsley: i don't know. they just socialized and mr. vanderbilt made all the money for the family.
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>> steve: who would have known decades ago one day vanderbilt would have and that's where you go to look at all the information. it is a big attraction there. throughout the year but especially at christmas. >> ainsley: so pretty and north carolina is just a dream. and the people are so nice. everyone who works there was just lovely to us. i thanked them all. but you should go see it. interesting like we said in the story there are 10 different designers and they are assigned rooms. >> steve: that's cool. >> ainsley: you get that room for two years. he wanted the dining room but it's very intimidating to get that room. you have to have that massive huge tree. >> brian: i'm thinking of the vanderbilts i'm thinking the second hour of "fox & friends" starts now. >> ainsley: all right. let's do it. ♪ ♪ ♪ i love my country ♪ laura bush lawrence what's up,
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guys? [applause] >> lawrence: what's happening? [cheers and applause] ♪ >> lawrence: what's up, guys? [applause] >> lawrence: what's happening "fox & friends." good morning, family. we are in fort myers beach, florida. >> right. >> lawrence: it's the beach. you got to get the beach in here. [applause] we're in sun flower's cafe. if you are in the area you should come by and say hello. we are having a great time. i was just talking with a couple ladies. i thought they knew each other but they sat down with each other and they go i feel like we have known each other for years i go because you are a are a part of "fox & friends" family. do you know one another. >> steve: very nice. >> ainsley: what's the weather like down there? >> lawrence: so, initially, we
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brought jackets here because they said it was going to be a little cold. it is the right temperature right now. it is the right temperature. >> steve: fantastic. you are going to be talking to the folks down there. have you eyeballed a menu yet? do you know what you are going to have aside from sausage and busbiscuits. >> lawrence: i'm trying to be like ainsley and more fit. just bacon and eggs. >> brian: lawrence, can you do at love things you definitely can't do the weather. we asked you the temperature you said it's right. can you imagine if we tossed to adam klotz and he said it's fine. [laughter] >> lawrence: let me tell you, this brian, i try to stay in my lane. if i don't know something. >> brian: you are in your lane. >> lawrence: i just stay. >> steve: bacon and eggs lane right there. >> brian: it's okay. how is winter in new york? it's okay. >> ainsley: lawrence trying to teach me how to dance on stage for jelly roll and they said just stay in your lane, ainsley. don't try to get crazy. >> lawrence: just stay in your lane.
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>> brian: will smith teaching kevin james how to dance. [laughter] >> steve: it's great to have you down there. going to be talking to the folks. as i said if you are in the area of sun flower's restaurant there in fort myers beach, florida stop by and lawrence will share bacon and eggs with you. >> brian: the weather is just right. >> ainsley: fort myers beach is on the beach. the rest is called fort myers or do they always refer to it as fort myers beach? >> lawrence: i got corrected by these folks. i was just saying fort myers. they say, listen, it's fort myers beach. they were hit by. >> steve: they sure were. a hurricane. >> lawrence: the storm very hard. so a lot of personal stories there today as well. >> brian: lawrence, don't move. meanwhile, president biden is reportedly worried over the criminal investigation into his son. really? and is lashing out at his staff. >> ainsley: this as the white house continues to deny the president had anything to do with his son's business dealings. >> steve: yeah, we have heard
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that jacqui heinrich is live out on the north lawn of the white house on this friday. where it's not okay. it's a little chilly there. isn't it? >> brian: just right. >> it's okay if you like the cold, i guess. good morning to you guys. you know, hunter biden said on a podcast that was released earlier this week that republicans who were cheer on these investigations into him are trying to kill him. knowing that it would be a pain greater than his father can handle. and politico's report quoted one of the president's confidantes as saying that the president has been visibly pained by his son's troubles, quote: you can see it in his eyes and you can see his shoulders slump so worried about hunter and we are worried it could consume him. according to unnamed source president biden is concerned his only surviving son could back slide into addiction. especially with the pressure of the 2024 campaign and has barked at aides mused at hunters being electoral liability. the charges against hunter could bring a maximum sentence of 17 years behind bars.
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that is in addition to the 25 year maximum the gun charges carry. in recent days, hunter has shifted his public strategy to attacking the g.o.p. impeachment inquiry. reportedly because hunter believes it could help his dad, quote: hunter's new strategy has caused tension between his team and the white house. top aides to president biden originally crafted a plan to largely not respond to attacks and conservative media coverage. but hunter's team ultimately wasn't satisfied. after house republicans unanimously voted to move this inquiry forward, some by saying that the white house forced their decision, refusing to fulfill investigative requests without the formal vote, biden issued a rare statement calling the probe baseless. the white house saying that years' long efforts to link biden to his son's business dealings have turned up nothing. >> you can ask me about engagement and what the president has done with his family in conversation. but there's no evidence. -- wait, wait, but there's no evidence. there is no evidence that the president has done wrongdoing.
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there's none. absolutely none. >> broadly democrats have echoed that senator joe manchin who is rumored to be mull ago 2024 bid himself defended the process. >> no one is above the law. the president biden is not above the law. entrepreneurship is not above the law. his children, biden or anybody else. let it go through the process. i believe in the judicial system we have. i defend it and i support it. >> earlier this week hunter refused to sit for a closed deposition. instead offering to give public testimony, but, when republicans who were pushing that forward refused that offer, hunter, instead, came to the hill and gave a press conference but defied that congressional subpoena, guys. >> steve: we saw that live. >> brian: jacqui do you think it's problematic as though he did tell his dad what he was going to do defy the subpoena and have the press conference it has come out that the president signed off on this?
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is that a problem? legally? >> well, i wouldn't be the right person to say whether it's a legal problem. you know, you would want to get someone else to talk about that. >> steve: a lawyer. >> i will say that the white house has refused to answer that question. and they faced that question from several different reporters. and they don't seem to have a ready made response on that. >> steve: right. >> it certainly indicates that it's something that they are trying to sort of noodle and figure out what their strategy is going to be in answering that. maybe it is. >> brian: jonathan turley says it's problematic. so maybe they don't know how to answer it now. >> steve: jacqui, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> steve: jacqui was talking about how they voted for the impeachment inquiry in the house and going forward. interestingly enough, yesterday, they interviewed assistant u.s. attorney leslie wolf. she was the top investigator in the hunter biden probe that was being headed up by now special counsel david weiss. she was interviewed yesterday,
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now, keep in mind, she is the person accused of obstructing the probe by the whistleblower, david shapley. and wolf tried to limit the questions that could connect the probe to the president, he said. the whistleblower said. wolf said she did not want to ask about, during the inquiry originally, didn't want to ask about the big guy and stated she did not want to ask questions about dad, the president of the united states. interestingly enough, she was interviewed yesterday, and then it was announced she has left the department of justice. curious timing. and that is one of the biggest problems. >> ainsley: there wasn't a big announcement when she left. >> steve: no, there wasn't. this is one of the problems facing the administration is why hunter biden was not charged with felonies earlier and, lawrence and ainsley, this is one of the reasons why people say there are two tiers of justice because it looks like he got special treatment. was there somebody at the department of justice trying to
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keep him safe? >> but, lawrence, the whistleblower keeps saying -- said there is ample evidence that joe biden was involved in his son's business dealings. >> lawrence: it's become pretty clear now. there was no business in hunter biden. we have the court documents showing that he was doing drugs most of the time. just doing -- sleeping with prostitutes most of the time. he wasn't doing any business. all of his business expenses are under scrutiny. that's why i don't buy the whole narrative that the president is overwhelmed by all of this. that he is troubled by all of this. because. >> steve: i think he is troubled. >> lawrence: if he wanted to put the interest of his family ahead, then he would just resign and do what's best for the health of his son. because, more of this stuff is going to come out every single day. it seems like he prefers the political route and he wants to remain president. but they can't do the whole basement strategy and not talk about this stuff. we're in a much different period of time now. >> brian: i just saw the
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whistleblower came out yesterday and said to bill hemmer he says you don't have to be financially connected to a business in order to be part of that business. >> what president biden was basically doing, through hunter you, was allowing hunter to get the deals. there was no discernible actual product being produced. it's just flat out influence peddling. >> lawrence: nothing. >> brian: that's what an irs guy came up with. >> ainsley: then the white house, karine jean-pierre snapped at the reporters yesterday saying there is no evidence. there is no evidence here. and then she also lashed out at the house republicans for the impeachment inquiry. >> steve: meanwhile across the street yesterday, the current governor, the great state of california was here in rockefeller center. he went on the seth meyers program. keep in mind gavin newsom was for about half a decade. >> ainsley: 2004 to 11. >> steve: about half a decade, the san francisco mayor, and so seth meyers asked him about the deplorable state of san
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francisco, and it's curious who gavin newsom is blaming for its decay. >> i mean, first you own the issues and then you start to address the issues. look, they have been on a doom loop san francisco ever since nancy pelosi became speaker. i mean, just remember, california is nancy pelosi is the speaker of san francisco. you got kamala harris who was the former senator from california. california has outperformed the american economy. it's the 10th in the american economy. 27% of all-american jobs came from the state last month. fifth largest economy in the world. its values are a stark contrast. difference as daylight and darkness between the republican party. >> brian: yes, absolutely. no argument there i would add this to it. he did not answer the question as usual. he will have to eventually answer that we have watched the desen dense of san francisco, los angeles before our very eyes no one can deny it. if you weren't embarrassed by it you wouldn't have cleaned it up so the chinese president wouldn't see and it embarrass
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the country further. those stats were there before he got the job. barely holding on. california was big before. it was always a profitable g.d.p. it was always biggest most countries. that's nothing to do with his cooking. his policies starting in san francisco now throughout the state put evidence major? i trouble and turmoil and he refuses to address the issues. >> lawrence: brian, you hit it on the head. this what i mean by the slick gavin newsom. the question was about because ever the homelessness there has been crime. the economy of san francisco, he talked about the economy of california. no one is denying that california and san francisco is a tech hub and a lot of businesses are there also you can return that by saying you are not in tech. he hasn't provided any type of solution. why even mention republican. they have no authority there at
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all. >> steve: right. seth meyers himself called him on. >> brian: blaming us. >> steve: seth meyers said the problem was a lack of housing and the locals don't want new housing in their neighborhood and then gavin newsom said well, you are absolutely right. and that's why gavin newsom is suing apparently build more affordable housing. if burglary and big box we did a story about consignment shop almost smash and grab. that's in california. so much homelessness there, you talk about these beautiful areas and now they are shopping districts and beautiful places. many of the companies are moving out a quarter of a million people have fled the bay area since 2020. >> including the athletics and the raiders. >> steve: just blame
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republicans. >> brian: this is mental illness. talk to dr. drew on this. drug addiction and mental illness. these people didn't miss a rent payment. this is something -- these people need to be institutionalized and treated. this is not because it's unaffordable. >> ainsley: if you really love someone, you don't allow them to do this. but what is happening in that state is they are allowing you to shoot up in safe areas. they are giving you needles because they are cleaner, they think. they are allowing them to sleep on the street. blocking businesses, blocks houses, blocking driveways. you are not getting in trouble if you steal under $1,000. if you really love and you care about someone, you have to get them help. you have to get them off the drugs. >> steve: root causes. >> ainsley: you cannot allow it. >> brian: the doom loop. the doom loop video. >> lawrence: let me tell you why you are so right, ainsley. whenever you have a problem. you go talk to the people that
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were do you know what they tell me? we get three meals a day here. they give us narcan. they give us needles. if we go into the shelters, would he have got to follow rules and we can't bring our bags with us. we can't do any of the drugs in there. there is no incentive, ainsley, to go into the shelters right now. >> steve: they got a better deal out on the streets. and ultimately, when asked a question yesterday, gavin newsom couldn't say you're right, i'm terrible at this. >> brian: republicans doom loop. that means going there and taping it and showing it. >> ainsley: lawrence, you use the word slick. if you don't know the problems. >> lawrence: is he so slick. >> ainsley: you believe him. you believe he is doing a great job. >> >> brian: line of the day ainsley you always use it. ainsley, you are so right. >> ainsley: you notice what
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happened when you were saying that brian was talking over you. wait, what did you say, lawrence? >> lawrence: is that what it was? >> brian: meanwhile, let me tell you what is straight ahead, it was a fox news alert. hamas arrested in europe terror plot aimed at jewish institutions. general jack keane on that terror threat. >> steve: fallout over green agenda. general motors announcing big layoffs as they delay production for their electric trucks like ford earlier. >> ainsley: hard to believe 2023 is coming to an end. take a look at "fox & friends" that's this hour. ♪ walk away ♪ you know how ♪ don't start ♪ help me now ♪ theo's nose was cause for alarm, so dad brought puffs plus lotion to save it from harm. puffs has 50% more lotion and brings soothing relief. don't get burned by winter nose. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue.
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♪ >> we are back with a few quick headlines. a manhunt underway after a predator dubbed the tucson taker tried to abduct three university of arizona students in just one week. police say that the would be kidnapper tried to drag the students into a purple car at three different locations near campus. thankfully, the students were all able to escape. wow. general motors planning to lay off more than 1,000 workers at
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two factories in michigan. this is happening because g.m. is delaying production of all its electric pickup trucks until 2025. affected workers will be offered other positions. the looming lay off come as g.m. faces an investigation over the safety of its cruz robotaxi unit. santa is giving its reindeer some time off ahead of christmas he eve which is now nine days away. old saint nick instead catching a ride in a navy helicopter in california at the naval air station lamore visiting 33 schools to spread christmas cheer. hundreds of children received a visit from santa before he heads back to the north pole to finish prepping for the big day. and those are your headlines. would you like me to keep reading? >> brian: no, i got it. >> ainsley: i'm eating into your time. >> brian: by the power vested in you will you toss to me? >> ainsley: yes, brian over to you. >> brian: thank you so much. to a fox news alert, ainsley as israel fights hamas in gaza the terror threat appears to be
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going global. listen to this german and dutch police say they captured four hamas members suspected of plotting attacks on jewish institutions across europe. joining us is retired four star general jack keane. we heard about the terror threat. we are worried about it here. they obviously have a reason to worry about there. >> well, certainly. we have every reason to worry about it. our fbi director has told us very much the same thing that the threat has increased significantly. we got an open border for sure. that certainly is a way to accelerate that threat. you know, hamas is not as much of a foreign threat as hezbollah is. but, nonetheless, it's obvious they do have that capability. we're seeing it now in europe. but, the focus certainly is taking place on the gaza strip with the idf. and that is where it should be and we're in a real tough fight there. >> we are. >> general, what about the fact houthi rebels shut down.
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rocketing us. and the only thing that our secretary of defense has given our navy perms to do is knock down the rockets. when are we going to get on the offensive and start taking out the houthis. >> i am absolutely stunned that we're still sitting there in a defensive mode. i mean, obviously, we have the capability to defend ourselves. there is no disputing that. but to shut these people down. you have to take away their capability to do it. >> you go after their rockets. did you go after their missiles. you go after their storage sites. did you go after the entire command and control system. i mean, we have very good intelligence on the houthis to be sure. i also believe you go after the iranians on this. because they are really calling the shots here. make no mistake about it. why we're still in this defensive role makes no sense to me whatsoever. i know there is a multi task
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force coming that will escort the ships. but even that in a sense is a defensive role. i mean, obviously, it's the right thing to do. i'm not disputing that. but take away the capability that they have. punish them for what they're doing. otherwise, they are going to keep doing it. vaughn going to keep telling them shoot and shoot and shoot. that's just going to continue. >> brian: so the idf has been told, i guess, through political lanes, guys, wrap it up. you got a couple more weeks. wrap it up. the intensity ratchet down. that's the message from this administration delivered by jake sullivan yesterday. whether a do you think the israelis will do with this urging? >> well, i really think that those kind of declarations, you know, are really more political considerations than anything else. i don't think it relates to what is actually happening on the ground. it must be the pressure that the administration feels dealing with this issue.
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and certainly everybody understands the suffering that's taking place with the gaza citizens. and what the israelis doing with grid system and telegraphing where they are going to go to the civilians can move out of there. that's unprecedented in warfare as far as i'm concerned and certainly puts their own soldiers at risk. likely one of the reasons there the israeli casualties are going up. brian, this is a military campaign. it has military objectives, certainly, to eventually achieve a political objective. the removal of hamas as a political entity. but the campaign itself, designed by the leaders in the idf, they should be permitted to execute this campaign. and finish the job. they know full well that more than half of hamas fighters are still alive. they cannot bring this campaign to an end on a timeline set by somebody else. it has to be based on conditions on the ground.
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and destroying the effectiveness of hamas' military organization, which obviously also has terrorist capabilities. that is going to take time and the time factor should be conditioned by the success that they're achieving on the ground. not by any artificial timetable and certainly not by political pressure coming from the united states. >> brian: unfortunately this president has a history not listening to military experts we see that played out on daily basis. someone has got to stand up and speak out. general, thanks so much for doing it. you tell the story better than anybody else. you got the facts. appreciate it. have a great weekend. >> yeah, you guys, too. have a wonderful weekend. thank you. >> brian: speaking of the weekend. coming up on one nation, one of our best shows, had a chance to get kevin mccarthy's last interview before he left congress, speaker as you know. his reflections and more coming your way. governor chris sununu will be live in studio. that will be great. talk about his big endorsement.
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dr. drew pins ski. is it bad for our kids to be getting therapy. he says to the degree they are getting it, yes. and john crist on the comedy of our christmas cards that we get from our so-called friends. also, tonight, right outside pittsburgh. munhall, pennsylvania, have a chance to do a fox nation show. america great from the start. focusing on teddy and booker t. we are doing everything live. motivational, inspirational and more. then the next day over in holiday, michigan. so hopefully tickets brian get to see new person and i will wear a different shirt. coming up straight ahead. how a classifies ninth grade students put down phones and picked up pens to author a life about brand new experiences they will join us with their teacher next. first, lawrence jones is talking to voters in fort myers beach. l.j.? >> lawrence: good morning. so, listen, family, i want to get a poll. who are you supporting -- i'm going to start with vivek ramaswamy. who is all for vivek? nikki haley? , ron desantis supporters?
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okay. we got folks right there. and then donald trump? [cheers and applause] we will be talking to these folks coming up on "fox & friends." don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪
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or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. >> steve: a teacher's class assignment has now back published book. brandy peal challenged her ninth grade students to leave their phones at the door and actually sit down and write an essay about an experience in their life. after 31 students wrote about topics like religion and family and friendships and more, they decided to plush their stories in a new book called "sincerely,
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a freshman. what life has taught us so far." brandy joins us right now with ninth graders. it's 6:35 in chicago and they join us live. good morning. >> good morning. >> steve: let's start with you, brandy, as the teacher, the assignment, you know, it was unique because it's like okay, put down your phones. and i want you to actually turn on your wrans for a second. explain the assignment. >> well, i feel like as a teacher it's easy just to give assignments and expect them to have grades for those assignments. i wanted to raise the bar and have them write not just for a grade but write for an audience, which is what writing is meant to be. and i wanted to challenge them to make it count. >> steve: you certainly did. the book is on amazon. it's got a bunch of five star reviews. and it's number one in its category which is really fantastic. jonah, in your teacher's class there, you have to leave your
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cell phones at the door. does that just drive you crazy? because you have got stuff to look at. there are cat videos that you haven't looked at yet. >> yeah. i mean, we got used to it. but like at the beginning of the year, we were like why do we have to do this complaining about it. but, honestly, it was a good thing. >> steve: yeah, it was indeed. jonah, tell us about the story, the essay you wrote. >> i wrote about the time where my friend left -- switched schools and then we drifted apart. and had a big impact on my life because i only had one friend -- or one best friend over the course of my life. and him leaving was very big event. >> steve: absolutely. especially for a ninth grader. your friends are your whole world. audrey, what did you write about? what's your essay about in the book? >> well, my mom has always been one of the biggest influences in
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my life and almost losing her, it really showed me how much i really truly love and appreciate her. >> steve: yeah. brandy, and there is your mom right there. these are stories that are big to kids, and that's the audience, right? >> i say to a degree that's the audience. but i also wanted other people to know that these kids do go beyond snapchat and tiktok. there is a depth there. these stories cut to the heart of what they are dealing with. >> steve: absolutely. i should point out not only are you a great teacher, but you are a good plug machine because brandi sent all of us here at "fox & friends" telling us over the last couple of weeks about this book. and when we read the letter, and we investigated, we thought we have got to talk to them about this. congratulations. sincerely a freshman is out now. you can get it on amazon. all right.
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brandi and jonah and audrey, thank you very much and merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> thank you. >> steve: the book would make a great stocking stuff. all right. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up check in with lawrence who is down in fort myers beach having breakfast with friends. is he trying to do the pancake thing again. that's three, let's see the fourth one. very nicely done. our all-american concert series continues with platinum recording artist john pardi at the end of this "fox & friends" party ♪ she's tonight i'm leaving beer out for santa ♪ cookies for the koozie full of cheers ♪ when he slides down the chimney with the presents ♪ there'll will be a cold one i' waiting on him this year.
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caught our personal best. and this tree is where it all began. this christmas start traditions under your tree... share the tradition of visiting santa's wonderland at bass pro shops and cabela's. and get your free photo with santa. bass pro shops and cabela's. my name is dana bellefeuille, and my husband and i own the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a day-to-day basis, here at the bakery. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that, ever.
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♪ we fancy like applebee's. >> lawrence: look at that we are in fort myers beach with some real americans this morning. [cheers] >> lawrence: so, y'all have been fired up all morning. i want to talk to you all have as i have been doing all morning about issues facing the country.
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so, i would ask you all, you are with moms for liberty. have been doing a lot of impact for work in the country. i guess y'all would say parental rights is the most important issue. why? >> because we're the parents. you know, the government isn't in control of our kids. we are. and we want to know what is being taught in our schools. >> lawrence: were you all surprised. [cheers] >> lawrence: about all the revelations that you all learned during the pandemic what they were teaching the kids. >> i wasn't surprised. i'm a retired teacher and i have seen it coming since about 1999. what was infiltrating in the classrooms; however, i was thrilled to death that everybody else found out during the pandemic. >> lawrence: yes, ma'am. >> that's where we came into the picture. >> we thank you for what you did to our kids and teaching them the truth. thank you so much. >> thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: sir, so you told me that the number one issue for you and, look, we are having some technical issues so we just go with it. you said the number one issue was the border and immigration. tell us why it's impacting us.
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>> well, i think one of the billing reasons is because there are all the illegals come in. it's just ruining our nation as a whole. we just need more people legally immigrated to our country. >> lawrence: um-huh. , being involved illegals coming across the board we can't control all the drugs and everything else coming across the borders and we see it right here in the beach area. >> lawrence: you talked about those drugs and i want to bring in a young lady that knows this story all too well. everyone that has been impacted by fentanyl, doesn't mean they are a druggy or someone that has traditionally done drugs and you know it all too well. this hit a family friend of yours. >> yes, very much. it's extremely sad. i think the biggest thing is the impact with all this migration is that it's not actually being talked about in our local news media at all, the fentanyl that's coming here. and it's anybody. it's people of all ages and
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races and ethnic background and income background. it's not necessarily druggies. it's very sad. i think it would be great to see the local news talk about that a little bit more. >> lawrence: such a good point. we were talking about young people and there are some young people that are on the right track. this young man has declared who he is going to support. and you are supporting vivek ramaswamy. why? >> i think his idea of hard work, his idea of merit and everyone working together i think he brings a good state of unity for the country. and i also like his young presence for the country. is he a very smart person as well. i think he could be a good person leading the future. i think it will become him or trump at the end of the day. >> lawrence: who agrees with that it's either going to be vivek or trump? [applause] >> lawrence: you got some support. thank you for coming on.
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a lot of changes on the couch in the world in the country. coming up after the break, we are going to show you what this year was all about that's coming up on "fox & friends." don't go anywhere. [applause] ♪ all right ♪ around the camp fire ♪ sipping apple pie and moon shine ♪ here we are picking on the guitars just right ♪ your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically designed for heart failure.
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entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, you can keep on doing what you love. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust you heart to entresto.
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>> ainsley: 2023 is soon coming to a close. >> brian: which means it's the time of year to look back at some of our favorite moments of the last 365 days. >> steve: because, as we always say, if you miss a little of "fox & friends," you miss a lot. take a look at what you may have missed. ♪ >> stand by, guys. in 3, 2,. >> steve: live from "studio m" in midtown, manhattan welcome to the number one morning cable news show for over 20 years thanks to you. >> ainsley: so happy to be with you this morning. >> brian: level remind you to get dressed. >> steve: janice dean the weather machine. >> hi. >> ainsley: lawrence jones joining the curvey couch part of the "fox & friends" family. >> steve: welcome aboard. time for "fox & friends" fun on fox square. ♪
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[cheers] >> steve: 3, 2, 1 ♪ >> ainsley: and the race begins right here on the fox square where they are going to teach me. cricket is a superior sport. >> not true. >> i think we're done here. >> steve: donny osmond attacked me during the show. you are pummeling me and brian comes to my rescue as he does each and every day. donnie are you going after him? because i am going to peel you off. >> hi, kids, how are you all
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steve the great dennis quaid. >> when i gave you my number at the white house correspondents dinner you gave it back with the tux you rented. >> ainsley: on behalf of everyone at fox news so sorry, brian. >> steve: no one who likes a "fox & friends" style wake-up more than our next guest. >> i think the world for all of you, even brian. >> jimmy: good night, everybody. ba da dumb. >> janice: bring the rain, why? >> ainsley: so i don't have to dance. >> brian: that's how fun it is to work with us, people just dance. ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: that's moves, carley. what happened to brian though. >> ainsley: you never dance. >> brian: because i never met a dance floor that did me any good. >> steve: i have the video of you doing the ymca. >> brian: you have great tape library. >> >> ainsley: i think we are alone now ♪ doesn't seem to be anyone
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around. >> ainsley: country music is what i love. >> country music is my soul, man. ♪ "fox & friends" ♪ i only talk to god when i need a favor >> lawrence: it's that time of the year. the all-american summer concert series ♪ one big country song ♪ i love you just the way god made you ♪ tell me, tell me, tell me ♪ i'm not crazy ♪ >> new york city, y'all want to get down? ♪ s florida. >> sometimes you got say hey ♪ and you know where i live ♪ and you know what we >> thank you "fox & friends," we love you! >> ainsley: we are at the grand ole opry house in nashville.
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>> steve: that's right. ♪ >> lawrence: good morning, family, my favorite thing is to go to diners. you get the pulse of the community. >> ainsley: you meet people who support us every morning. >> brian: make that place a diner. >> steve: today we brought the diner to us. >> janice: wave to everybody at home, we love you "fox and friends." >> ainsley: families being born to the "fox and friends" team, we are excited.
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>> brian: "fox and friends" team got bigger, carley shimkus is a new mom. >> steve: i have an announcement, i am a grandpa. peter doocy family welcomed baby arthur and baby bridgette. >> lawrence: that is next in the household. >> steve: brings back times we had. >> brian: make her special, this sunday is mother's day. >> ainsley: he was talking and we just went off. people like to know what is happening behind the scene. >> lawrence: you forgot to do your thing. >> ainsley: i'm glad you were born. >> brian: he's not a good listener. >> ainsley: you were not listening. am i allowed to drink it? in 90 seconds. >> janice: the things we do on
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"fox and friends." >> how do you like my hat? >> lawrence: great for carley, first time she came to texas, she had it on wrong. >> brian: i did pioneer the vest. >> ainsley: he made -- famous. >> and taiylor swift. >> carley: we're talking over you. >> steve: what are you going to do tomorrow. >> ainsley: this is the end of the show? where did time go. bye-bye. >> brian: stay within yourself. >> steve: such a daunting task. we do the show monday through friday, saturday and sunday we have shows. all that stuff, the producer writes it down and megan mcdonald put it all together and did a fantastic job. hard to summarize a whole year.
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>> ainsley: lawrence, when you watch, we have a new addition, with you on the curvy couch with us. uh-oh. >> lawrence: great honor and learning from you, as well. >> brian: you're learning from me? >> lawrence: i do. >> brian: you're generalizing. >> lawrence: you always think i'm joking, you are truly the face of the show. >> brian: glad you are here. >> ainsley: ainsley is america's sweetheart. and steve is the dad of the show. >> steve: the grandpaafter that. >> brian: within five seconds, what do you need to say? >> lawrence: we should say, the third hour of "fox and friends" starts right now. >> ainsley: good job. >> brian: perfect.


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